#field marshall tenpou
cosmicgardencreative · 8 months
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DTIYS of an illustration by Kazuya Minekura. Needed a subject that I wanted to experiment with workflow and brushes. Plus, meditating over old fandom is so therapeutic.
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TL;DR: Life is short. Just go ahead and write your story and draw your art. If you want to do something with your art, know that it won't be easy but it's possible as long as you keep learning, make good connections, and don't stop.
(Reflection of current art journey under read more)
This is of one of my favorite illustrations by Kazuya Minekura. If there's one big, major influence in my art journey, it's the creator of Gensomaden Saiyuki. I was maybe in 5th grade when I discovered the manga, which coincided with me seeing the anime on cable. A retelling of a Chinese folktale with a Japanese perspective: this was so appealing to me from harmonizing different cultures into one story, to beautiful men getting mixed with supernatural horror. This may as well have been my queer awakening then.
There was so much to be introspective about while drawing this… like how 6th grade me couldn't comprehend why people treated gay/queer as different from straight, my love for Asian folklore and mythology, and this burning desire to draw anything and everything. It only seemed appropriate that I'd gravitate towards Minekura as an art idol. And despite people's criticism for it, this is a foundation that I have no regrets in.
I remembered how much I wanted to emulate Minekura when I was younger. It's such a striking style! Unfortunately, my art journey has seen a lot of stop-and-go to the point I couldn't comprehend the progress made. There have been times where I just resented my art because I felt directionless with my creativity. Thanks to Ismaire and some art friends, though, I'm actually happy lately to see how much my "art style" evolved to where it is today.
While I was finishing up the rendering, I couldn't help wondering how Ms. Minekura had been doing since I last read Saiyuki Reload Vol. 4. Was she even still around? What about her other works, like Wild Adapter? I knew that she had a blog, but whenever I took a look at it in the past, the updates were sporadic then that it may as well have been a dead blog.
Then, after one more bout of curiosity, I came across her twitter/X profile.
It was both relieving and energizing to see so many works that I didn't know she had drawn then! I was so happy to see she seems to be thriving with her works, but I was surprised to see that she was still contending with many health problems. I had to pause in my scrolling through her profile at one point. How she could sound so positive and cheerful while she's dealing with Cushing's syndrome now? Last I heard anything major, she was about to undergo surgery for a tumor on her jaw -- and I only found out about that update through an online fan news years back o-o;;
I can't assume too much about Minekura's personal life, but with what she was willing to share with her fans online, I have a more nuanced respect for her as an adult creator.
It's so reassuring to see a creator like Minekura continue growing her creativity. I only hope to aspire to her level of good attitude despite IRL hurdles, while having the means to share such a prolific world for everyone else to enjoy.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Continuing on with this fandom meme, this time for my long-time fandom that's been surprisingly more popular than I thought it would be, Saiyuki!
Send me a letter and I’ll tell you which character…
A: Is most attractive (to me): Honestly, this one tends to fluctuate a lot. It’s changed every time I’ve read or reread the manga as to which person I find most attractive, though let’s be real…they’re all attractive. This latest time around though, I was very, very much into Gojyo!
B: Gets bored the fastest: It’s a toss up between Goku and Gojyo. Gojyo is more of a quiet, lazy bored though as compared to Goku’s much more antsy, louder, and whinier bored.
C: Is the most open to cuddling: Gojyo craves physical touch. The reasons why are numerous and probably something he should discuss with a therapist, if only their world had those, but that physical contact? That act of just feeling someone against you, alive and real and wanting to be there with you? It’s something he would honestly go a little insane without. Cuddling and physical contact is a necessity for him, to the point he seeks it in random women he can pick up just to have it.
D: Fears death the most: Despite having so much power and control over it, or maybe because of that, Hazel has a proper fear of death, more so than any other character I could think of.
E: Is the most emotive: A ‘stupid monkey’, Goku rarely thinks about hiding what he’s thinking or feeling. Most of the time, he’s upfront and his emotions and reactions are somewhat easy to see or guess, especially so for those who know him well.
F: Is my favourite: All of the main four, to be honest, and Dokugakuji. They all kind of tie for the same place as there’s so much about each character that entertains and intrigues me and gets me to thinking and wondering. Purely to write about, I feel Gojyo edges everyone out though as he’s always come the most naturally to me to write for.
G: Has the greenest thumb: I feel like Yaone not only has a green thumb but genuinely enjoys plants and gardening. She’d definitely be a plant mama if she could and would have names for her plants and would hum or talk to them.
H: Trusts their horoscope the most: Lirin is quite superstitious that way, something the others make fun of her for.
I: Tends to idolize people they shouldn’t: While her reasoning is sound, and it’s not idolization but approval she craves, Lirin does have some issues in that area.
J: Tells the most dad jokes: Hakkai likes puns. Does that make him a dad? If so, he’d be okay with that. It’s better than everyone considering him the team mom! His puns are delivered so stealthily too, with the same serene expression he often wears, and he never explains the pun.
K: Is the most skilled in the kitchen: I hate giving the same answer over and over, but it really is Hakkai. He is a good cook and does honestly enjoy cooking for others.
L: Lies the most: Nii. It’s more half-truth or things that could vaguely be interpreted as true most of the time, just to give himself some leeway if anyone should accuse him but honestly, he’s perfectly content to lie and manipulate and actually enjoys doing so.
M: Is the biggest memer: If memes existed in the world of Saiyuki, I feel that all of Kougaiji’s group except for Kougaiji would be all into memes. And they’d constantly bombard Kougaiji with them because the poor man just does not understand them.
N: Needs way more attention from me: Honestly, thinking about it, the answer kind of surprised me but it’s definitely Kougaiji. I can count on one hand the number of times I think I’ve actually written anything for him, despite thinking that he’d be one of the most popular. Normally, it’s just the main four I write for, or their previous incarnations.
O: Has the most OCs of their own: I feel like Goku wins this one. He made up friends, people, stories to occupy his mind in those long years he spent alone because it was the only way to protect his mind.
P: Is the purest, most perfect cinnamon roll: Jeep. It’s Jeep because it sure as hell isn’t anyone else!
Q: Is the quickest to judge others: Sanzo is a judgmental asshole. I love him to death, but he’d probably judge me for even that.
R: Feels the most detached from reality: Reality? Nii could really stand to learn what that even is. I really don’t think he’s fully aware, living in his mind as much as he does, spinning and spiraling plans and plots…that and the man is insane. That’s about as far from reality as a mind can go.
S: Has the strongest spirit: There is not one single character among the main cast of characters who do not have strong spirits. They simply could not live if they didn’t.
T: Is the most terrifying: This is just for me personally, but Nii scares the ever-living shit out of me as a character. He’s crazy but such a smart crazy and it makes him dangerous beyond belief.
U: Is the most unapologetic for the way they live their life: All of the characters do. They’ve all made hard choices and been through a lot. They stick by their decisions; they live the lives they’ve chosen and give it all they have.
V: Is the best at video games: If video games existed, I really feel like both Hakkai and Sanzo would be insanely good gamers. With his pretty face and filthy mouth, I could actually see Sanzo becoming a popular Twitch streamer, only at the insistence of the others.
W: Watches the most anime: Again, assuming anime was a thing in their world…I feel it would have been Tenpou. He seems like he’d be all into many types of anime, but especially Shonen or gag anime, and would get really into a lot of fandoms.
X: Is the most xenial towards complete strangers: Hazel but only if those complete strangers are yokai or half yokai. Basically, anything along those lines and he thinks you’re trash to be wiped out.
Y: Yells the most: Sanzo, but to be fair, they normally give him a reason to yell at them.
Z: Gets the most overzealous over something others wouldn’t expect: Dokugakuji actually really likes poetry, especially haiku. While he sucks at writing, having horribly illegible handwriting, he enjoys spoken poetry and is pretty good at making them up himself when he’s in the right mood.
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shouga-nai · 6 months
@geraniumplant || Closed starter
The night breeze was cool, carrying with it the subtle yet distinct scent of cherry blossoms that filled the courtyard. Normally Tenpou would be drowning in books at this hour, turning page after page until the sun comes up.
This time, however, the Marshal found himself taking a 'casual' stroll outside. And it didn't take him long to come across another, the long golden hair unmistakable.
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Was that a weapon in Konzen's hands? How... intriguing.
Tenpou took a drag on his cigarette before stepping closer, making his presence known as he spoke-
"My, I must be out of touch with the times... Are routine late-night training sessions the new fad? I doubt even my troops are this dedicated."
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tofueggnoodles · 2 years
Special Edition Drama (Volume 2 of the Reload Blast Anime BR/DVD) – Playing House
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Summary:  Tenpou teaches the other three how to play house. Tenpou’s “performance” during the last 3 minutes is pure gem. I couldn’t stop chuckling even as I translated his lines. Special appearance by Kanzeon Bosatsu and Jiroushin.
Tenpou: Hmm, which one should I try today? (flips through the pages) Mix yogurt with fermented squid paste to produce the taste of caviar – ah, let’s go with this one.
Kenren: Coming up with a weird combination of foodstuffs again.... Didn’t you attempt to produce the taste of sausage by pouring soy sauce on pudding the other day?
Tenpou: That was difficult, wasn’t it? No matter how many time I adjusted the proportions of the soy sauce and the pudding, I was not able to distill the soy sauce I’d poured onto the pudding.
Kenren: Make what you like, as long as you don’t upset your stomach. How slovenly it would seem for a Field Marshal to be locked up all day long in the toilet!
Tenpou: No worries! I’ve prepared some stomach medicine.
Kenren: You’d go that far for your cooking experiments? Why not just buy some caviar like normal people? You’re a Field Marshal after all. Your salary should be quite all right, shouldn’t it?
Tenpou: Unfortunately, I’m flat broke because I spend my salary on books. Besides, since I went to great pains to procure this peculiar collection of recipes titled “The Next Adventurer Is You”, there’s a variety of food combinations I’d like to try.
Kenren: Hah, so that’s how it is.
Tenpou: Yes, that’s how it is. All right, here goes. I’m adding lots of fermented squid paste to the yogurt....
Kenren: Hmm, it does not look very appetizing.
Tenpou: Well, you won’t know whether it’s delicious or not unless you try eating it. (eats up the unholy mix)
Kenren: How is it?
Tenpou: It’s... not great. Or rather, if I speak further, it’ll come out–
Kenren: I told you so. Here, wash it down with some water.
Tenpou: Thank you. Ah, I probably used too much yogurt. I’ll try again with less yogurt.
Kenren: Are you still at it?! Quit it already. I mean, why don’t we just have some drinks as usual?
Tenpou: What are you saying? Our drinking party has already begun.
Kenren: It already has? Where are the drinking snacks?
Tenpou: This here is the snack – the fermented squid paste.
Kenren: That’s the paste you’ve just mixed with the yogurt!
Tenpou: Don’t hold back.
Kenren: I’m not holding back!
(Someone knocks on the door.)
Tenpou: Yes?
Konzen: It’s me. I’m coming in.
Tenpou: It’s rare for you to visit at this time of the day, Konzen. What’s the matter?
Konzen: I’m here to return a book I borrowed. Are you two having an evening drink?
Tenpou: Yes, we are. Isn’t it obvious just by looking?
Kenren: It’s because he couldn’t tell just by looking that he had to ask.... Anyway, you’ve come at the right time. Why not have a drink together once in a while, Konzen? Have a seat!
Tenpou: How about some fermented squid paste as well?
Konzen: Is this even edible?
Kenren: Give it a pass. You’ll just upset your stomach otherwise.
Konzen: I know just by looking at it. I don’t need you to tell me that. (sits down)
Tenpou (pours Konzen a drink): There you go – a full glass to begin with.
Konzen (gulps his drink): Actually, aside from returning the book, I came here for some advice.
Kenren: About what? That’s quite rare coming from you.
Konzen: I didn’t think you’d be here too.
Kenren: Two heads are better than one, you know.
Konzen: It’s about Goku.
Tenpou: What about him?
Konzen: Aside from Nataku, there are no kids his age in Heaven. That’s why he’s always playing by himself – how should I put it –
Kenren: Ah, so Daddy is worried that Goku’s feeling lonely.
Konzen: Who’re you calling Daddy?
Tenpou: If that’s the case, why don’t you play with him yourself, Konzen?
Konzen: I tried keeping him company once. The next day, my muscles hurt so much that I could not move.
Kenren: Ah. Well, it’s certainly tough for Konzen to keep up with such an energetic, care-free companion.
Tenpou: Still, a kid’s education is outside of our area of expertise. At times like this, we’ll have to rely on books. Ah, it should be around here–
Kenren: Oi, don’t pull out the books with that much force! They’ll fall down on you again!
Tenpou: I’ll be fine. I’ll just move these out of the way– ah!
(Sound of books falling down.)
Tenpou: Just pretend you didn’t see that.
Konzen: Is it always like that with him?
Kenren: Yeah. It got so extreme that at one point, as soon as I opened the door, books just slid out like an avalanche.
Tenpou: Let me see... I’ve got it. This is the book I was looking for.
Konzen: Hmm? ‘Club Memory’?
Kenren: What sort of book is that?
Tenpou: It’s a popular magazine in the mortal realm filled with useful information about child rearing.
Kenren: Why do you have such a thing in your possession?
Tenpou: Chance favors the prepared mind. [Lit.: Those who are prepared avoid grief.] (flips through the pages and reads out the contents) Children’s games can be categorized into two types: outdoor games and indoor ones. Goku usually prefers outside activities such as climbing trees or playing tag. So how about letting him play indoor games for a change?
Konzen: Indoor games?
Tenpou: Paper folding, cat’s cradle, puzzles– ah, what about something like this? It’s called ‘playing house.’
Kenren: ‘Playing house’? What’s that?
Tenpou: It’s a game that is good for cultivating sensibility in children. It instills vocabulary and teaches them how to use daily items.
Kenren: Eh, it sounds perfect for Goku.
Tenpou: Besides, Goku has hardly played with anyone indoors. I think he will enjoy this.
Kenren: Well, it certainly doesn’t sound like a game for which one would need to use physical strength. How about giving it a try for once?
Konzen: But I don’t know how to play this game.
Tenpou: Don’t worry about that. Since I happen to be off duty tomorrow, I’ll be there to teach you.
Kenren: I don’t have anything planned in particular tomorrow either, so I’ll come along.
Konzen: Fine with me.
Kenren: By the way, what else is in that magazine? It looks very bulky....
Tenpou: Hmm. ‘A Complete Walkthrough for Struggling Mothers,’ ‘How to Compose a Perfect Email Response,’ ‘Methods for Taking Pictures that Will Net a Large Amount of Likes on Your Blog,’ ‘A Compilation of Games in the Park’ – and so forth.
Konzen: You’ve lost me entirely.
Tenpou: No matter in which era, child-rearing is a tough job for mothers, isn’t it?
Kenren: From whose standpoint are you speaking?
Goku: Hey Konzen, why can’t I go outside to play today?
Konzen: Never mind that. Just shut up and sit down.
Goku: That’s boring! I want to play!
Konzen: You’re noisy! I told you to be quiet and wait, didn’t I?
Goku: Eh?!
(The door opens.)
Kenren: Oh, you’re as lively as ever today. I’m coming in.
Tenpou: Pardon the intrusion.
Goku: Ken nii-chan! Ten-chan!
Konzen: You guys are late!
Kenren: Sorry. It took Tenpou a while to wake up.
Tenpou: My bad for staying up all night yesterday....
Kenren: Didn’t we end our drinking party earlier than usual last night? Ah, could it be that you stayed up reading again?
(Tenpou laughs sheepishly.)
Goku: What’s the matter, you two?
Kenren: We just thought we’d come play with you, Goku.
Goku: Really! What should we play? Baseball? Hide-and-seek?
Tenpou: Baseball and hide-and-seek are fun too, but shall we try a different game today?
Kenren: Together with Konzen too, okay?
Goku: Eh? Konzen too? Really?
Konzen: Yes.
Goku: Yay! So, what are we gonna play?
Tenpou: Let’s play house.
Goku: ‘Play house’? What’s that?
Konzen: All right! Seems like he’s never played it before.
Kenren: Seems so.
Goku: Hey, what’s ‘play house’?
Tenpou: It’s a pretend play, Goku. The players take on the roles of the father, the mother or the children.
Goku: Hmm... I see.
Kenren: Oh, you already understand how it’s played, Goku?
Goku: Not really, but it sounds interesting.
Kenren (chuckles): So you don’t really understand. Well, let’s try it for once, shall we?
Tenpou: Indeed. First, let’s decide on our roles. It’s based on my arbitrary judgment and bias, but Goku should–
Goku: I want to be the Meat Bun Man!
Tenpou: –play the role of the mother.
Goku: I’m the mother?
Tenpou: As for the role of the father, I’ll let Konzen do the honors.
Konzen: Hah? Why me?
Tenpou: Don’t you want to make Goku happy?
(Konzen mumbles unintelligibly.)
Kenren: What about me?
Tenpou: You’ll play the son.
Goku: Ken nii-chan is my son? Then, that means I’m more important than him? Yay!
Kenren (in a low voice): Seriously?
Tenpou: I’ll be the narrator and monitor the progress, okay?
Kenren: Monitor the progress? Aren’t we just going to play as we like based on our assigned roles?
Tenpou: The three of you are beginners at playing house. If you play as you like, you’re unlikely to reach the proper conclusion. ** For this reason, I’ve prepared this.
Konzen: What’s that?
Tenpou: It’s the script. It contains the character descriptions and the storyline I’ve created for today’s game.
Kenren: That’s the reason you stayed up all night....
Tenpou: This time, let’s play by following along this script!
Goku: All right!
Tenpou: Ah, as for you, you don’t have to follow along the script, Goku.
Goku: Eh? Is that okay?
Tenpou: Yes. Since the purpose of playing house is for children to learn various things via practice, please play as you like.
Goku: I don’t really get it, but okay!
Kenren: I guess it’s more fun that way.
Konzen: Indeed.
Tenpou: Once, there was a pretty ordinary family of consisting of a father, a mother and a son. The son’s name was Kenren. However, their happiness did not last long. The father and the mother got divorced. The father got the custody of Kenren. Afterward, the father remarried. The new wife was more than twenty years younger than him. Kenren and his stepmother were not related by blood–
Kenren and Konzen: Hold on for a second!
Tenpou: Yes?
Konzen: Which part of such a scenario is conducive for cultivating sensibility?
Kenren: Doesn’t it sound like some trendy daytime soap? Wouldn’t it be better to just stick to a simpler scenario?
Tenpou: What are you two saying? The fun of playing house depends on how well-crafted the scenario is. By the way, the father works at a brokerage firm. This year is his twentieth year of continuous employment there. A straight-laced veteran.
Kenren: ‘Straight-laced’ does describe Konzen in real life.
Konzen: Oi!
Goku: Hey, what’s the matter? Hurry up and continue!
Tenpou: All right, all right. You two, Goku is getting bored, so I’ll carry on.
(Kenren and Konzen gasp in frustration.)
Tenpou (clears his throat): The stepmother is young but hardworking. She performs the housework all by herself. At the moment, she is doing the laundry.
Goku: Er, laundry? All I have to do is soak the clothes in water and hang them out to dry, right? Eh... there are no clothes here, so would it be fine if I soak these documents instead?
Konzen: How could that be fine, stupid monkey! (hits Goku)
Goku: That hurts! This is DVD!
Tenpou: Close, but not quite right. The correct term is DV – domestic violence, Goku.
Kenren: Where did he pick up such a word?
Goku: Ten-chan taught me a lot of words the other day.
Konzen: You teach him nothing but nonsense.
Tenpou: Uh, according to the script, while Goku is doing the laundry, the son comes home. This is supposed to result in an uneasy tension between the son and the stepmother who are not related by blood.
Kenren: Uneasy tension? What do you intend to make us do here?
Tenpou: I want to show the typical behavior of a child in his rebellious phase. Whatever Goku says to Kenren falls on deaf ears.
Kenren: Why such an unpleasant atmosphere? Why not just have the son and the stepmother get along with each other?
Tenpou: If the stepson and the second wife were to get along, the flow of the story I came up with would end up ruined. (sighs) It can’t be helped. Well then, let’s skip the afternoon scene and go straight to the basic element of playing house: the scene in which the family sit down together for dinner.
Konzen: You should’ve done that from the start!
Tenpou: It appears to be a usual family dinner until the father, Konzen, announces his decision to quit his job.
Kenren and Konzen: Oi!
Goku: Eh? Konzen is quitting his job?
Konzen: Don’t narrate the story as if I’m actually quitting my job! Tenpou!
Tenpou: Since this is our first time playing house, I think it would be better if an incident is to occur.
Kenren: Is playing house really like this?
Goku: So, if Konzen quits, what is going to happen?
Tenpou: There, Konzen. At any rate, please continue playing. Your lines are written in the script.
Konzen: Really! (flips through the pages) “Today, I submitted my letter of resignation at my workplace.”
Kenren: “Hah?”
Goku: Letter of resignation?
Konzen: “I have something else I wish to do. That is why I quit my job. No matter what your objection is at this point in time, my decision will remain unchanged.”
Kenren: “Well, I’ve yet to voice out any complaint, but what is this thing that you wish to do?”
Konzen: “Ra–”
Goku: Ra–?
Konzen: “Ramen restaurant. I’ll open a ramen restaurant.”
(The door opens.)
Kanzeon: That’s the first time I hear of you wanting to open a ramen restaurant.
Konzen: Eeek!
Goku: Ah!
Tenpou: Kanzeon Bosatsu!
Kenren: Another unbelievable turn of the situation....
Kanzeon: What are you four doing gathering around here in silence?
Tenpou: We’re playing house for the sake of cultivating Goku’s sensibility. Konzen is the father, Goku is the mother, Kenren is the son and I’m the narrator. By the way, in the scenario we’re playing, the mother and the son is not related by blood.  
Kenren: We’re not making much progress, though, thanks to the script being full of absurdities.
Kanzeon: Sounds interesting. I’ll join.
Konzen: Hah? What are you saying, shitty hag?
Goku: You’ll play with us? Yay!
Kenren: But... is there any role left?
Tenpou: We could have hir play the former wife.
Kanzeon: Hmm, Konzen’s ex? All right, I’ll take it.
Konzen: I have a bad feeling about this.
Tenpou: Well then, let’s pick up where we left off.
Kenren (clears his throat): “What were you thinking, quitting your job all of a sudden?”
Goku: If we run a ramen restaurant, I can eat as much ramen as I want! I agree with Konzen’s decision!
Kenren: “I object! We’re talking about a guy who doesn’t even cook. No way he would be able to successfully run a ramen restaurant!”
Goku: Oh, it’s true that the ramen Konzen makes is not very delicious....
Konzen: “We can just serve cup instant ramen.”
Goku: Aha, that’s right!
Kenren: “What sort of ramen restaurant would that be?”
Kanzeon: “You guys haven’t changed at all.”
Kenren: “Mo– mother!” (to himself) I had a hard time with this line.... **
Konzen: “You, how dare you show up here!”
Goku: “Welcome!”
Kanzeon: “Once again, you’ve picked a type that is totally different from me.”
Konzen: “After all this time, what is your reason for coming here?”
Kanzeon: “I’ve come here to take Kenren with me.”
Kenren: “Hah?”
Goku: “Never! Ken nii-chan is a precious member of this family. Don’t just take him away as you please!”
Kanzeon: “It’s better for a child to be with his biological mother. Isn’t it, Kenren?”
Kenren: “Actually, I’m fine with the way things are now.”
Goku: “No, no! Ken nii-chan is my child!”
Konzen (sighs and mutters to himself): What’s this farce?
Tenpou: “Wait a minute!”
Kenren: Hah? T–tenpou?
Kanzeon: Who the hell are you?
Tenpou: “How heartless of you, section manager Konzen! You told me I was the only one, but you’re actually married. And not for the first time either!”
Goku: Eh? Eh? What’s going on here? Is Ten-chan also Konzen’s wife?
Kenren: The ex-wife, the current wife and the mistress.... You’ve really come up with a hackneyed scenario straight out of a daytime soap.
Konzen: Er, Tenpou, don’t you think we’ve had enough–
Tenpou: “You deceived me! You’re the worst! I mean, what’s so great about this middle-aged woman here? What a bad taste she has in fashion, too!”
(The door opens.)
Jiroushin: Pardon my intrusion. Is Kanzeon Bosatsu here–
Kanzeon: “What are you going to say next? Don’t think of bragging of your conquest, husband-stealer!”
Tenpou: “You’re the one to talk! Don’t you feel embarrassed wearing such a revealing dress at your age?”
Kanzeon: “Heh. Aren’t you just jealous of my figure?”
Tenpou: “What did you just say? I’m not jealous! My complexion is smoother than yours!”
Kenren: What impressive ad-libs.... (to Konzen) Hey, what are you gonna do, “husband”?
Konzen: Who are you calling “husband”? How would I know?
Jiroushin: Er–
Kanzeon: Ah, Jiroushin. What’s the matter?
Jiroushin: What are you doing?
Kanzeon: Playing house.
Jiroushin: Playing house? What is that? Well, never mind. Kanzeon Bosatsu, you need to return to your office.
Kanzeon: Come on, why not let me stay here for just a bit more–
Jiroushin: I can’t do that! Documents that have passed the deadlines are piling up. If you neglect them any further, we’ll receive complaints from the various departments–
Kanzeon: Tch. It can’t be helped, then. Well, I’ve had my fun killing time, so I’ll go back now. See you guys later.
Goku: Bye-bye!
(The door creaks as Kanzeon and Jiroushin leave.)
Kenren: Uh–
(Konzen sighs.)
Tenpou: That was exciting, wasn’t it?
Kenren: Well, it was exciting indeed, but it wasn’t educational at all, was it?
Konzen: Not at all.
Kenren: Sorry that things turned out like this, Goku. Let’s go play baseball outside, shall we?
Goku: I don’t really understand what has happened, but it’s been a long time since I last got to play with Konzen. Also, I got to play with the two of you too, so it was a lot of fun for me!
Tenpou: Goku....
Kenren: That’s what he said, “Daddy”.
Konzen: Tch.
Goku: Moreover, playing house was fun too.
Tenpou: Was it? Then, let’s redo the scenario for next time.  We’ll go with “The Field Marshall Saw It All: The Hidden Secret Behind the General’s Grand Life”–
Kenren and Konzen: Forget it!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects.  [Square brackets]: translator’s notes. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure with. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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melpcmene-a · 1 year
new ask game, send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the hell i want
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Tenpou ) If you look in his room, it is an absolute mess. Lucienne would honestly hate him if he seen the state of his small library. Books everywhere. But don't understatement Tenpou. He's a god. Field Marshal of the Heaven's Western Army. His skill is notorious throughout Heaven. He can slice you down, and he has. ( You should see the anime/manga ( Saiyuki Gaiden and try not to cry ) especially at the end of his ending. )
Hakkai ) And going with how Tenpou ends aka dies. I still find it like-- Wow. The scar on his stomach, like how Tenpou dies. ( He gets-- you know, yeah. ) Hakkai would allow himself to die there, bleeding, until Gojyo found him and helped him. The scene is always in my mind.
Death ) I sometimes consider the possibility of their wing span and how if there's a massacre, they can use their wings to wrap around all the souls to collect. Warmth envelops around all those souls.
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Saiyuki Inktober 2017, Day 4 - “Mascot”
Fandom: Saiyuki Pairing: None Rating: T Word Count: Approx. 750 Author’s Note: I’m just... not gonna do Inktober on a schedule this year, I think. I’m okay with that, actually, if you guys are. Real Life (™) is pretty busy for me at the moment. Also, I’m pretty sure Inktober is more about being creative and having fun than sticking super, super tightly to a schedule. On that note, I had loads of fun with this one. I didn’t even include everything I initially planned to - if I had, the piece would have gotten too expansive, and the main point would have gotten lost, probably - so it’s pretty likely that I’ll revisit it at some point in the future so that I can explore the components that I decided to leave out this time around. Contains spoilers for Gaiden. As in, the whole thing is basically one big, massive spoiler for, like, at least 50% of Gaiden. Probably more. Basically, if you want to avoid Gaiden spoilers, don’t read this fic. P.S. Jeep kinda counts as the Sanzo Ikkou’s mascot, right...? :)
“All that possesses form eventually breaks.”
That was what the Field Marshal had said.
His cracked lips twitch, in what could almost have been a smile.
The wise Field Marshal’s words were, as ever, proving to be true.
With each passing day, his body has grown more cumbersome. His legs will not move. His heavy tongue will not obey his mind when he is seized by the desire to speak. His flesh burns, seething and slow, and sharp fire pricks in his lungs each time he draws breath - traits which would, he acknowledges grimly, usually become the one who bears the title of Dragon King. He can only lie, lolling and listless and useless, and await the end of his life.
Useless, he reflects. He supposes it is fitting, that he should waste away like this. I am as useless in my death as I was in my life. Pain lances anew up his spine, and he cringes. I could not help you, Field Marshal. Nor you, General, he adds, begrudgingly - and, to his vague surprise, he feels his heart jerk with pride as he remembers the General’s last, lopsided smile, flashing like some strange, bloody beacon through the bowels of the palace.
It won’t be long now, he knows, before I join you, General. And you, Field Marshal. His eyelids feel thick, hanging weightier above his narrow eyes than sodden rainclouds above the earth on a dismal spring day. He lets them drop closed, too weak, and not willful enough, to resist. I am not long for this world...
Strangely, at that, his heart jerks once more.
This world…
The thought gives him pause.
If any man has a right to reincarnation, surely, surely, that man is not him. He did little enough with the vast amount of time he was given; he would be a fool to pretend otherwise. He did his duty, and nothing more. He did his duty so well that he had been willing to overlook the wiles of a madman and the maltreatment of a child, and had allowed the two most brilliant officers under his command to rush, headlong and unhindered, to their deaths.
Still… if I could go back…
Fresh pain, unprecedented and fierce, rips through his chest. Liquid heat floods his throat and the taste of bitter copper fills his mouth. He coughs, and he splutters, and he twists like a sharp blade stuck in the gut of an unlucky adversary, making a mess of his bedsheets by tangling them up with his ankles and staining them bright red with his blood.
No, he realizes, as his vision begins to go dark, I do not wish to go back. Not to that life. Dimly, he hears the thick sliding of wood on wood - his attendants, no doubt, throwing open his chamber door and rushing like the obedient little drones they are to his bedside. No, he concludes. He can’t explain it, but he is suddenly more certain of this than he has ever been of anything. I do not wish to go back.
I wish to go forward.
He would not dream of asking Field Marshal Tenpou or General Kenren to forgive him. He is perfectly aware that he is unworthy of such generosity as that. The wrongs of this world have been done, and they cannot be undone, and that is a fact even stronger and imbued with even more integrity than walls of sturdy stone.
If he is to make amends, he must do so not in this life, but in his next.
He has seen firsthand what little good the gods of this universe can wreak, but old habits are hard to break; despite himself, he offers one final, hopeful prayer.
Please, he prays, grant me the opportunity to start again. I have made my mistakes, and I know this well. I only ask for this chance so that I may right them. This time, he resolves, I will help you. I will help you, Marshal Tenpou... and yes, you too, General Kenren. I will traverse miles and miles for you, if that is what it takes... I will carry you upon my back, if that is what I must do...
With that, he feels oddly satisfied. He feels cool cloths upon his brow, and he hears soft voices in his ear, but he ignores them; he has no need for such mundane things, now that he has found this peace.
It is a curious thing, but it is sometimes said in Heaven that Goujun, Dragon King of the Western Sea, died smiling.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Genre : Action, fighting, supernatural
Episodes: 12
Studio: Platinum Vision
  Something has awakened. Something that’s been slumbering for a long time is beginning to stir and the shockwaves are being felt all over heaven and earth. Demons are getting restless and the attacks on innocent villages have become routine. Thankfully, the Sanzo party is here to protect the good people from the fiends that would do them harm. Never mind that they happen to be just as fiendish themselves. As long as you can pay for the services, you can trust them. Probably. After all, you have to be able to trust a venerable Sanzo monk now don’t you? He’s the one smoking and getting into a fist fight with his demon buddy while screaming obscenities. Yeah, this should work out just fine!
The journey for this little title to make it on my to watch list went something like this: this looks like an otome adaptation, it’s probably really stupid, I’m gonna watch it. a week later – yeah there’s plenty of stupid out there, maybe I don’t need this one, I’m going to flush it. Wait the summary says Yokai, I like Yokai, I’m going to keep it. OK, I guess I should really watch this at some point…
yeah…this is a smart way to start this post…
If you didn’t pick it up from my little skit there, I did not know what I was getting into but I sure thought I did. The production value for this show is decent. animation can get a bit visibly cheap with reused scenes and stills with offscreen battles but for the most part, everything is well done. Voice acting is quite good, colours stick to a signature palette, design and art is pretty.
Unfortunately, I think this pretty design and art is in fact doing Saiyuki Reload Blast a disservice. I took one look at those chiseled young men and their intricate costumes (all different and this is important) and I immediately thought, this is clearly an otome. At best it’s a poor man’s Touken Ranbu which remains one of the best cute boy shows I’ve ever seen and also only. The lack of a clear female lead was pushing me towards option number two but I was expecting some basic slice of life nonsense with historical flourishes thrown in for flavour. Some manservice and if they wanted to push it maybe a drop of hoyay suggestion.
look at all that…mancandy?
I judged it entirely on it’s cover I have to admit. I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one at that. That’s the problem you see. Those that are generally uninterested in those types of shows probably dismissed it offhand. I don’t blame them, the aesthetic is pretty glaring, and it’s not entirely wrong, the show is classified as Josei. But aside for a few scenes in the OP, there’s no fanservice at all (unless you count the lady monk with the super tight outfit) and none of the expected staples of the genre. Someone specifically looking for the show insinuated by those visuals, would be disappointed or at least, confused.
The narrative and execution of Saiyuri Reload Blast is closest to a rather traditional fighting shonen. If you had switched one of the main characters’ design to a sexy lady without changing anything else at all, you could have marketed it as such easily. The season is roughly separated into three arcs. The opening establishing arc plays out as a series of monster of the week episodes, with our main party going from one village to the next and saving them from demon attacks. It’s fine, a little dry but I’ve seen worse.
I said it was ok….
The second arc is a flashback to 500 years prior where the story starts to really from and the foundations are laid for the greater lore. It quickly became apparent the this show was basing itself on a Journey to the West, which is pretty awesome. It’s a very loose retelling but there were enough similarities for me to recognize it pretty easily, that made my appreciation for the series rise quite a bit.
This flashback arc was rich in references to classic Chinese folklore and filled with a tense atmosphere unmatched by the other episodes. I also found the flashback characters considerably more interesting. Despite how bloody and ultimately sad this arc was, it was by far my favorite part of the anime and I would have loved a season that explored just that story. The last arc brings us back to the present where past and future collide in an all out multiple episode battle.
After watching the show I found out that Saiyuri is an expansive franchise. Reload blast is only the latest in several anime incarnations, a whole series of OVAs, multiple rounds of manga, at least one movie and a stage play. This may in fact explain some of my gripes. You see, Saiyuri really plays up a lot of shonen tropes. The never ending battles, mid-fight monologues (this is so prevalent in fact that I think in the middle of battle is the only way we get an exposition), the best friend fisty cuffs, the super dramatic realization screams and the cathartic last minute saves.
Nantaku really needed more development mind you
They’re all there and all well done, except this is a 12 episode series. When you’re characters are going through this massive emotional struggle over what is a pretty silly situation in fact at episode 60, it works because you’ve grown to really know the characters and you accept their eccentricities. Also the stakes have been slowly rising so you got accustomed to it at your own pace before everything spilled over into ridiculous. Now you’re just kind of in for the ride. When the same thing happens at episode 4 you’re like, yo relax dude and this is kinda silly.
The low episode count and the need to fit in a fully realized three arc narrative with a centuries spanning background really condensed everything. To Saiyuri’s credit, the narrative was still pretty easy to follow and although the characters were pretty shallow, they weren’t completely 2 dimensional either. But the dramatic pacing is what really suffers here and ultimately will stop most people from engaging with what is at it’s core a decent, even interesting story.
mullets again…
If you happen to be interested in the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, I say give this anime a shot. It has some good moments and the parallels with Journey to the West are really fun to notice. If you like the character designs and are in the mood for a fighting anime that won’t make you commit to a high episode count, this could also be for you. Otherwise, it’s uneven and clumsy. There was enough there for me to be intrigued about the other anime seasons and-or manga but not enough for me to actively seek it out.
Also, in the very last episode we find out the jeep they have been driving in al along has a mind of its own and is in fact Hakuryuu which is Hakkai’s pet dragon. We find this out in the last 5 minutes of the last episode. Like wha??? OK, I’m done now. Oh no wait one last thing. There’s no Yokai. I mean the demons are technically yokai but they call them demons and they look like demons… this show has some failings is what I’m saying.
Favorite character: Field Marshal Tenpou (If there’s a season dedicated to the heaven’s arc – I will watch it!)
What this anime reminded me: This is the only way a monocle makes sense:
The problem with some people is that when they aren’t drunk they’re sober
Suggested drink: Berry Burbon Blast
Every time Sanzo is sleepy(ing)– take a sip
Every time Gojyo gets called a water sprite – take a sip of water
Every time Sanzo tells someone to shut up – take a sip
Every time we hear a stomach growl – get a snack
Every time Hakkai spouts random facts – humour him
Every time Gojyo’s chain scythe thingy appears out of nowhere – take a sip
Every time Nantaku gets hurt – take a sip
Every time Goku throws a fit – roll your eyes
Every time anyone smokes – take a breath
Every time there’s mid battle monologue – laugh, it’s all you can do at this point
Saiyuki Reload Blast – Journey to the Middle Genre : Action, fighting, supernatural Episodes: 12 Studio: Platinum Vision Something has awakened. Something that's been slumbering for a long time is beginning to stir and the shockwaves are being felt all over heaven and earth.
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soto-translates · 7 years
Zero-Sum Sept 2017 article: post anime info
I snagged the scans from @seiten-taisei, thank you! In lieu of a chapter, we got info about the Blu-ray and DVDs, comments from the cast, and news about more goods.
My translations are below the images, with my notes in [square brackets].  Anything in (parenthesis) or 【fancy brackets】is part of the text.
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TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast” Blu-ray & DVD on sale in high demand!
Although the in-demand TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast” has ended, many developments await; including sale of the Blu-ray and goods, and the opening of events!  Check the official site for the latest information!!
Saiyuki Series 20 year anniversary Saiyuki Reload Blast
Volume 3 on sale 10/25 (Wed)!!
◆ DATA: Volume 3 Sale Date: 10/25/2017 (Wed) / Included Episodes: ep.7 - ep.9 / Price: Blu-ray ¥11,000+tax, DVD ¥10,000+tax Pre-order Extras: ① 2-sided sleeve illustration by Minekura Sensei ② Jacket with anime illustration ③ Acrylic key ring featuring illustration by Minekura Sensei ④ Set of 2 original can badges (with images from the sleeve case) ⑤ Drama CD ⑥ Priority application ticket for event (premier afternoon performance 2/4/2018 (Sun) ) Sales agency: Frontier Works corporation / Distributor: Kadokawa corporation
◎ Special acrylic key rings featuring illustration by Minekura Sensei!! ◎ Volume 3 comes with these!!
©Minekura Kazuya ・Ichijinsha / Saiyuki Reload Blast Project
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◆ DATA: Regular Extras ① Special booklet (40p total) ② Original post card ③ Video extra (only vol.2 & vol.3) ※ Video extra contents: vol.2 = clean opening, vol.3 = clean ending
◆ DATA: Volume 1 Sale Date: Already on sale in high demand!! Included Episodes: ep.1 - ep.3 Price: Blu-ray ¥11,000+tax, DVD ¥10,000+tax Sales Agency: Frontier Works corporation Distributor: Kadokawa corporation
◆ DATA: Volume 2 Sale Date: Already on sale in high demand!! Included Episodes: ep.4 - ep.6 Price: Blu-ray ¥11,000+tax, DVD ¥10,000+tax Sales Agency: Frontier Works corporation Distributor: Kadokawa corporation
◆ DATA: Volume 4 Sale Date: 11/29/2017 (Wed) Included Episodes: ep.10 - ep.12 Price: Blu-ray ¥11,000+tax, DVD ¥10,000+tax Sales Agency: Frontier Works corporation Distributor: Kadokawa corporation
◇ Participating shops for extras ※ Please see official website for contents of extras 【MinekuraKazuya.net】【Animate】【Amazon.co.jp】【Bunkyoudou, Animega (※ excludes some shops)】【Tsutaya (online / Sumiya Fuji Chuuou / Sumiya Mishima / Sumiya Kannami / Umeda Douyama / Tsutaya Ebisubashi / Shibuya Tsutaya / Aeon Mall Hinode】【Neo・Wing】【Getchu.com (Getchu Shop)】【Seven Net Shopping】【Ami Ami】【Kyara-ani.com】【Ichijinsha Online Shop】
◇ Animate early reservation campaign Campaign Period: Vol.4 ... Open - 10/9 (begins Mon) Eligible Shops: All Animate stores (includes online shop) Reservation Extras: Reproduction image of pre-airing countdown by Minekura Kazuya Sensei     Vol.1 = Genjo Sanzo, vol.2 = Son Goku, vol.3 = Sha Gojyo, vol.4 = Cho Hakkai ※ During campaign period, customers who place reservations (totaling over ¥1,000) will receive a special receipt. ※ Campaigns for vol.1, vol.2, and vol.3 are closed. ※ Extras will be given at time of purchase. ※ Supplies are limited. ※ Please see participating shops for more details.
◆ Holding a TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast” special event!! ◆
◆ DATA: 【Shot 1】 Date: 12/17/2017 (Sun) Performance Times: Afternoon performance - doors open 1:45pm / performance begins 2:30pm     Night performance - doors open 5:45pm / performance begins 6:30pm Performers: Seki Toshihiko, Hoshi Souichirou, Hirata Hiroaki, Ishida Akira (planned) Place: Bellesalle Shinjuku Grand Ticket Price: ¥6,800 (includes tax) all seats reserved ◎ Blu-ray & DVD vol.1 comes with priority application ticket for “Afternoon Performance”, vol.2 for “Evening Performance”.
◆ DATA: 【Shot 2】 Date: 2/4/2018 (Sun) Performers: Seki Toshihiko, Hoshi Souichirou, Hirata Hiroaki, Ishida Akira, Katsuki Masako, Konishi Katsuyuki (planned) Place: Kantou Kinkou (planned) Ticket Price: ¥7,800 (includes tax) ◎ Blu-ray & DVD vol.3 comes with priority application ticket for “Afternoon Performance”, vol.4 for “Evening Performance”.
※ Details of the event will be posted at the official anime web site. ※ Performers may change without notice.
©Minekura Kazuya ・Ichijinsha / Saiyuki Reload Blast Project
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Presenting screen caps from episodes 9 - 12!!
◆ Cast Comment ◆
Now that the final episode has been recorded, we receive comments from Genjo Sanzo’s voice Seki Toshihiko-san, Son Goku’s voice Hoshi Souichirou-san, Sha Gojyo’s voice Hirata Hiroaki-san, and Cho Hakkai’s voice Ishida Akira-san.
< Questions > ① Please tell us your impressions having finished recording the final episode. ② Looking back through all the episodes, is there a scene or a line that made a lasting impression on you? ③ Please give us a highlight from the final episode, and leave a message for the fans who support the TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast”.
◎ Seki Toshihiko-san, voice of Genjo Sanzo ① They were in a big pinch heading into the final episode!  The Sanzo Ikkou never retreat, even face to face with Nataku’s overwhelming abilities.  As expected, I feel like everyone’s zeal for acting has gone up.  The final episode definitely has a unique feel to it. ② Episode 8 “Kekkai” [Barrier].  Sanzo and Kougaiji’s head-on confrontation.  It would be easy with all four of the Ikkou, but could Sanzo stop Kougaiji on his own!?  That was exciting.  The line that made a lasting impression on me was “You plan on killing me while Goku and the others aren’t here, and getting your hands on two scriptures.  It’s a huge chance to kill two birds with one stone.  You sure are lucky, aren’t you Prince.” ③ I think you’ll see some scenes in the second half that weren’t in the original manga, put there in order to give an end to the story for the TV anime.  And we’re the same as you!  We’re wondering about the remaining mysteries as well.  I really hope you’ll watch over their journey until the very end.  Please support them!
◎ Hoshi Souichirou-san, voice of Son Goku ① I was seriously like “It’s already over!?”  It was the first TV anime adaptation in a while, so it was super sad when it ended.  But it was a very fulfilling and satisfying recording session.  I look forward to the day we get to do the continuation of this. ② Saiyuki is definitely a treasure trove of famous scenes and lines.  There’s everything from casual lines to cool one-liners so I can’t choose, but, for example, Goku’s answer to Tenjin in episode 3... or the scene where Kanzeon Bosatsu scolds Goku at the end of the Gaiden arc...  There’s lots of parts I like. ③ What’s going to happen to the “Saiyuki” journey...?  What path will the Sanzo Ikkou choose...?  Please look forward to the last of this TV series.  And look out for Saiyuki from now on too!
◎ Hirata Hiroaki-san, voice of Sha Gojyo ① It was over in a flash.  Even though there were 12 episodes in all, it felt far shorter than that.  It felt like we ran through it in an instant, so I’d have liked to do more. ② Sharak Sanzo entered in the second half, so it was really heart-pounding and fun.  As expected, out of all the series, the story of the Gaiden arc left a huge impression. ③ As for a highlight, I’d like it if the people who watch could feel it for themselves.  Since the second half of recording coincided with the start of the TV anime’s airing, we were able to record while taking into consideration the fans’ response; it felt like we were making it with all the fans.  Please watch to the very end.
◎ Ishida Akira-san, voice of Cho Hakkai ① It felt like the Sharak Sanzo arc finished in an instant.  Amid all of that we got to see important movements by the Kougaiji side and Heaven side, so I think there was important content. ② That would be the shocking remark caused by Taruchie’s foresight.  Overturning fate with brute force may be the Sanzo Ikkou’s way, but it’s uncertain how things will develop in the future. ③ I suppose the confrontation with Nataku is the highlight.  The Sanzo Ikkou will continue West no matter what happens, so I pray for another opportunity for us to see them in an anime.
TV anime official web site ▶︎ http://www.saiyuki-rb.jp/ TV anime official Twitter ▶︎ @saiyuki_rb
STAFF Original work: Minekura Kazuya, serialized in “Gekkan Comic Zero-Sum” (Ichijinsha) Director: Nakano Hideaki / Series Composition: Konuta Kenji / Character Design: Satou Youko / Sub Character Design: Kobayashi Toshimitsu / General Animation Directors: Kobayashi Toshimitsu, Satou Youko / Prop Design: Sugimura Tomokazu / Action Animation Director: Saiki Yasuhiro / Art Director: Mayuzumi Masaki / Color Setting: Yamagami Aiko / Director of Photography: Asakawa Shigeki / Editing: Kimura Kashiko / Music: Katou Tatsuya / Music Producer: Kawashima Mai / Music Production: Lantis / Sound Production: Jinnan Studio / Sound Director: Takakuwa Hajime / Animation Production: Platinum Vision
CAST Genjo Sanzo & Konzen Douji: Seki Toshihiko / Son Goku & Goku: Hoshi Souichirou / Sha Gojyo & General Kenren: Hirata Hiroaki / Cho Hakkai & Field Marshal Tenpou: Ishida Akira / Prince Nataku: Kouda Kaho / Kougaiji: Kusao Takeshi / Dokugakuji: Yamanoi Jin / Kanzeon Bosatsu: Igarashi Rei / Taruchie: Saito Chiwa / Saitaisai: Suwabe Junichi
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◆ Original sound track on sale now!! ◆
◆ DATA: TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast” original sound track Sale Date: Already on sale in high demand / Price: ¥3,300+tax / Music: Katou Tatsuya Sales Agency: Lantis corporation / Distributor: Bandai Visual corporation Details: 2 CD set (background + TV size OP/ED themes) Jacket: Original anime illustration
◆ Anime version drama CD on sale now!! ◆
◆DATA: TV anime “Saiyuki Reload Blast” drama CD Sale Date: Vol.1 = already on sale in high demand / vol.2 = 11/29/2017 (Wed) Price: ¥2,000+tax / Stock Number: MFCZ-1084 through MFCZ-1086 Sales Agency: Frontier Works corporation / Distributor: Kadokawa corporation
◆ “Saiyui Series” booth display at AGF 2017!! ◆
“Saiyuki Series” booth will be on display at the “Animate Girls Festival 2017 (AGF 2017)” happening 11/3 (Fri) and 11/4 (Sat) in Ikebukuro, Tokyo!
◎ “Saiyuki Reload Blast” can badge collection shot 2 Price: 1 for ¥500 (event price)     1 box (8 pieces) for ¥4,000 (event price) Lineup: Genjo Sanzo, Son Goku, Sha Gojyo, Cho Hakkai     (2 types per character, total 8 types) Size: Approximately 57 mm x 57 mm Details: Blind choice / 1 box of 8     (※ Box may not contain all variations)
◎ “Saiyuki Reload Blast” Sanzo Ikkou bromide collection (also includes some shots from the warehouse!) In addition to the above, numerous goods using illustrations from the manga and anime are set to be released!  Check the official “Saiyuki Reload Blast” TV anime website for goods details!!
◆ DATA: AGF 2017 “Saiyuki Series” booth Period of Operation: 11/3/2017 (Fri) - 11/4 (Sat) Main Site: Ikebukuro Sunshine City    ※ Please see special website for details about entrance tickets, etc. Booth Number: Y-31 (【Yellow Area】Cultural building 2nd floor, hall D) Animate Girls Festival 2017 (AGF 2017) special website: https://www.animate.co.jp/ex/agf/
The latest information on the 20 year project is on the official “Saiyuki Series 20 year project” website!! http://www.ichijinsha.co/jp/special/saiyuki20th/
© Minekura Kazuya・Ichijinsha / Saiyuki Reload Blast Project
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Information on the Saiyuki Reload Blast 2018 calendar
Now Printing Front cover features original illustration by Minekura Sensei!!
“Saiyuki Reload Blast” 2018 calendar ◆ Approximately 61 cm x 42 cm (A2 size) ◆7 sheets Price: ¥1,600+tax Set to go on sale in November!! The special extra with mail order from Movic is an original illustration sheet by Minekura Sensei! See the image after it arrives ♪
How to order via mail order: Access the website via the following URL or barcode, then enter the required information.
[QR code] ◀︎ Access here from your smart phone   ※ Customer is responsible for telephone charges etc.   ※ Those who cannot read the barcode, please access via the following URL.   ※ Not compatible with feature phones. Access from your PC ▶︎ http://www.movic.jp/shop/g/g00299-00200-00031/
○ Personal information obtained from customers will not be used without permission of the customer. Details on the above are here! . . . Movic HP ▶︎ http://www.movic.jp/
● Please see the website for payment methods. ● Price is item price (tax) + packing fee (¥300 per shipment) + various service charges (COD ¥250 / NP pay later ¥220) = total cost ● Unopened items may be returned within one week of delivery.  In this case, the customer is responsible for postage. ● There are a vast number of deliveries at the end and beginning of the year, so delivery around those times may be delayed. ● Supplies are limited.  We apologize if we sell out. ● Please only order via Internet (PC or smartphone).  (No post cards, phone calls, cash registered mail, stamps, or money order, etc.)
Mail order contact information Movic “Saiyuki Calancer” mail order TEL ... 03-5995-7204 Business hours ... 10:00am - 5:00pm (excluding Sat, Sun, holidays, 12/30-1/8) Email ... [email protected]
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ao3feed-saiyuki · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30qGD9H
by 7veilsphaedra
A moment of conversation between the dragon-king and his field marshal after Tenpou’s incarceration and release.
Words: 651, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Saiyuki Gaiden, Saiyuki, Saiyuki (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Goujun (Saiyuki), Tenpou Gensui
Relationships: Goujun/Tenpou Gensui
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30qGD9H
0 notes
shouga-nai · 1 year
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@featherchan said:
𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 | [TIME TRAVEL] / Tenpou meets Kanako!Mi Yue (Saiyuki Verse)
Indulgent tropes prompts || Accepting!
[TIME TRAVEL] a starter where my muse time travels to another time and meets your muse
The Field Marshal found himself at the lower world once again, which usually wouldn't be anything to be concerned about. Upon arrival, however, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Not exactly sure what it was, just a gut feeling, but certain things down here seemed to have... changed?
In any case, it got him intrigued, observing the humans as they went about their day. He noted apparent changes in infrastructure and lifestyles. Development. How interesting. Even got himself a pack of cigarettes. At the very least, they still live up to standards.
It wasn't long until he came across a quaint little inn, but what caught his eye was the woman that was just exiting the building, and he did a double take.
Mi Yue—?
For a moment, he thought he saw...
No. It was someone else.
There was an odd pang in his chest, a mixture of emotions, having to mentally chide and remind himself - that Mi Yue was gone... Dwelling on that now would do no good, especially when he was standing there before her, probably off-putting in the way he was staring.
"Ah- my apologies, miss." Tenpou finally spoke, brushing it off with a casual wave. "Thought I saw a familiar face is all."
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shouga-nai · 1 year
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@featherchan said:
/ ♢ / Mi Yue n Tenpou?
Send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse — || Accepting!
♢ = reading them a story .
It wasn't all too common for him to have company in his little library like this. Not that he minded. In fact, Mi Yue's presence always was refreshing and insightful. A breath of fresh air, so to speak. Their mutual interests in books and fascination towards the lower world likely contributed to that. Luckily the place wasn't too untidy, thanks to General Kenren's intervention.
So there she was, settled down with a book in hand, reading out the tale of adventures and valiant battles. It wasn't his usual genre, but it's a nice change of pace. Despite it being mere fiction, hearing about the characters' endeavors and challenges could very well get one completely immersed and pulled into the plot.
— Only the Field Marshal had laid back, eyes closed, appearing to have dozed off... or hadn't he?
Noting a pause in her narration, he spoke-
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"Don't worry, I'm still listening." Lips curved to a smile in assurance while eyes remained closed. He truly was interested to know how the protagonist was going to handle that predicament.
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shouga-nai · 6 days
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@featherchan said:
[ TIDY ]: the sender reaches forward and lightly sweeps something from the receiver's shoulder.
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He blinked, looking at Mi Yue, then at his shoulder. "Hm? Was there a bug on me?" Was the first thing he said, looking fairly bemused. Funny that he so happened to recently flip through a book about various insects of the lower world. Some were quite fascinating, wishing he could observe them up here.
On another note, his white coat might just be a tad wrinkled. Who knows when was the last time he had it properly pressed - or washed for that matter.
Leave it to Mi Yue to keep things orderly around here. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, with the particular glint in his eyes and soft smile playing on his lips, one might think the Marshal had purposely left his space in such a disorderly state in hopes that she would turn up, as she always would. But that couldn't be, his office had always been this way.
Though to have someone around constantly, something to look forward to each day, was something he's afraid he'd grown too used to.
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shouga-nai · 5 months
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@featherchan said:
[ Reunited ] / Mi Yue n Tenpou 😭
Nearly a kiss || Accepting!
[  REUNITED  ] :  sender and receiver are reunited at after some time apart. jumping into the other’s arms in a warm embrace, the idea of a kiss is there but does it come to fruition ?
It was a spur-of-the-moment response, seeing Mi Yue out in the gardens upon returning from a long mission down on Earth. Something in the way she lit up when their eyes met, the way she smiled as she closed the distance between them, and the way their arms held one another so naturally.
He savored her warmth. And this moment, just the two of them beneath the cherry blossom trees.
There was something else there, while they're still locked in the embrace - perhaps a little too comfortably. Faces barely an inch apart, his breath against her skin, the marshal seemed to linger right there for a moment... only to gently pull away.
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"I'm back." Tenpou greeted. "It's good to see you too." While he had a pleasant smile on, there was an inexplicable faraway look in his eyes, whatever it may be left unspoken as he pulled something out from his coat pocket. It's a charming hair pin with a floral motif at the end, placing it in her hand.
"The creativity humans possess knows no bounds. I gather it works remarkably as a bookmark as well..~"
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shouga-nai · 6 months
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"Oh no, my favorite ashtray is missing..." The Marshal sat amidst mountains of books, scrolls and who knows what else in his office. "It means everything to me. How can I possibly go on without it?"
If only someone would be kind enough to help him clean his space, maybe then he'll be reunited with his beloved novelty frog ashtray.
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shouga-nai · 8 months
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@featherchan said:
[ wounded ] / Mi Yue n Tenpou
Non-verbal angst prompts
[ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds
In hindsight, perhaps he was a little overzealous - what was it they say again... 'old habits die hard'? Anyhow, Tenpou seemed rather nonchalant about the wounds he'd sustained from his last mission with his unit. Getting reproached by the General was one thing, but to be nursed back to health by Mi Yue?
Honestly, all this fuss...
He put out his cigarette on the quaint little frog ashtray he had proudly displayed on his desk, sitting still while watching her dress his wounds as she insisted so. There was something that wasn't quite conveyed in words, the way his typically cool, calculating gaze softened ever so slightly.
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"Looks like I'm indebted to you again— Though I fear we might be making a habit of this." He jested. Then again... Was it really far from the truth?
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shouga-nai · 9 months
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Field Marshal of Heaven’s Western Army || Tenpou Gensui
A past incarnation of Cho Hakkai, Marshal Tenpou is known to be Tenkai’s finest military tactician, despite his odd habits and unkempt appearance. He works alongside General Kenren, and officially declared himself an enemy of Heaven by protecting Konzen and his Heretic charge, Son Goku.
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