#tenpou gensui
New Art for The Saiyuki Kagekiden-Gaiden Blu-Ray.
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cutiegrumpycerym · 6 months
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『Under the Sakura trees』
Celebrating a holiday from the Lower World in past lives. 🌸
Art by me
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navy-s-forest · 9 months
After making eye contact with the person whose face I knew in my dream, he showed me their baby monkey - felt strangely angry
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sweetvixen1996 · 8 months
The funny thing about my idea for a Sayuki fanfic were the Sanzo Party meets their previous lives is that, while I think Hakkai and Gojyo would get along pretty well with Tenpou and Kenren, it would take roughly 5 minutes for Konzen and Sanzo to try to kill each other.
Most of their arguments are about who gets custody of Goku, even if neither would admit it.
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cosmicgardencreative · 8 months
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DTIYS of an illustration by Kazuya Minekura. Needed a subject that I wanted to experiment with workflow and brushes. Plus, meditating over old fandom is so therapeutic.
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TL;DR: Life is short. Just go ahead and write your story and draw your art. If you want to do something with your art, know that it won't be easy but it's possible as long as you keep learning, make good connections, and don't stop.
(Reflection of current art journey under read more)
This is of one of my favorite illustrations by Kazuya Minekura. If there's one big, major influence in my art journey, it's the creator of Gensomaden Saiyuki. I was maybe in 5th grade when I discovered the manga, which coincided with me seeing the anime on cable. A retelling of a Chinese folktale with a Japanese perspective: this was so appealing to me from harmonizing different cultures into one story, to beautiful men getting mixed with supernatural horror. This may as well have been my queer awakening then.
There was so much to be introspective about while drawing this… like how 6th grade me couldn't comprehend why people treated gay/queer as different from straight, my love for Asian folklore and mythology, and this burning desire to draw anything and everything. It only seemed appropriate that I'd gravitate towards Minekura as an art idol. And despite people's criticism for it, this is a foundation that I have no regrets in.
I remembered how much I wanted to emulate Minekura when I was younger. It's such a striking style! Unfortunately, my art journey has seen a lot of stop-and-go to the point I couldn't comprehend the progress made. There have been times where I just resented my art because I felt directionless with my creativity. Thanks to Ismaire and some art friends, though, I'm actually happy lately to see how much my "art style" evolved to where it is today.
While I was finishing up the rendering, I couldn't help wondering how Ms. Minekura had been doing since I last read Saiyuki Reload Vol. 4. Was she even still around? What about her other works, like Wild Adapter? I knew that she had a blog, but whenever I took a look at it in the past, the updates were sporadic then that it may as well have been a dead blog.
Then, after one more bout of curiosity, I came across her twitter/X profile.
It was both relieving and energizing to see so many works that I didn't know she had drawn then! I was so happy to see she seems to be thriving with her works, but I was surprised to see that she was still contending with many health problems. I had to pause in my scrolling through her profile at one point. How she could sound so positive and cheerful while she's dealing with Cushing's syndrome now? Last I heard anything major, she was about to undergo surgery for a tumor on her jaw -- and I only found out about that update through an online fan news years back o-o;;
I can't assume too much about Minekura's personal life, but with what she was willing to share with her fans online, I have a more nuanced respect for her as an adult creator.
It's so reassuring to see a creator like Minekura continue growing her creativity. I only hope to aspire to her level of good attitude despite IRL hurdles, while having the means to share such a prolific world for everyone else to enjoy.
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theauthorityvol1 · 5 months
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stevie-cartoony · 5 months
🌸Saiyuki Gaiden - past lives🌸
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Month of Saiyuki (day 9)
Who is your favourite character in Saiyuki Gaiden?
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I love how he evolved from being a pissy brat, brutally honest to a father-like figure, gentle and kind to Goku ready to sacrifice his own life for him. Plus the fact he doesn’t think highly of himself makes him very relatable to me.
I admit my second favourite character is Tenpou Gensui, he's such a cool badass with the passion for books (just like me XD). I love how on the battlefield he remains calm, cool-headed and insightful with high strategic attitudes.
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nekokiyohime · 1 year
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💚💜 with Sakura 🌸🌸 Crayon ver.
Fanart by Sweet_FXXKER
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coolmika745 · 1 year
All four Journey to the West Protagonists
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Yesterday I finally got up the courage and watched Saiyuki Kagekidan (Saiyuki Musical) Gaiden because I'm a grown woman and anime/manga can't hurt me
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saiyuki-chainsmokers · 3 months
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shouga-nai · 6 months
@geraniumplant || Closed starter
The night breeze was cool, carrying with it the subtle yet distinct scent of cherry blossoms that filled the courtyard. Normally Tenpou would be drowning in books at this hour, turning page after page until the sun comes up.
This time, however, the Marshal found himself taking a 'casual' stroll outside. And it didn't take him long to come across another, the long golden hair unmistakable.
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Was that a weapon in Konzen's hands? How... intriguing.
Tenpou took a drag on his cigarette before stepping closer, making his presence known as he spoke-
"My, I must be out of touch with the times... Are routine late-night training sessions the new fad? I doubt even my troops are this dedicated."
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navy-s-forest · 6 months
[Chakra loss] and [Vision correction] mutual aid Society
“It's okay. People care about it at first, and then they get used to it”
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geraniumplant · 6 months
@shouga-nai 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐱 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 ~
‧˚❀‧˚. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ The fox pounced through the snow, freshly fallen & thinning beneath the early spring sun. He's a flash of golden-red, a bundle of energy & determination. No other creature was faster than Vash. That is why he knows he is the only one capable of the task.
Shimada Castle was an empire of its own. It stood tall & proud in the Hanamura mountains. Vash easily scaled its stone walls, slipping past its army of archers. He liked to think he knew the place well enough after studying it for many moons, for it was many moons ago that the Shimada family came into the possession of three powerful weapons -- weapons that were crafted in the heavens. There was the sword of Tenpou Gensui, the gun of Konzen Douji, & the bladed staff of General Kenren.
He would go for the sword first.
Climbing through an open window the fox slipped into the armory & dashed behind a tapestry. What came out on the other side wasn't the golden-furred fox, but a human foot. Toes pointed daintily to the floor, followed by the heel. The rest of the body emgured, revealing a man clocked in red.
This was it.
Vash strode across the room, his bare feet as quiet as when he was in fox form. Before him was the sword of Tenpou Gensui displayed on the wall. Careful hands reach to delicately remove the weapon from it's stand.
Was it supposed to be this easy?
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jade-lop · 2 years
Horobi = Genjo Sanzo/Konzen Douji.
Naki = Cho Hakkai/Tenpou Gensui
Jin = Son Goku.
Ikazuchi = Sha Gojyo/Kenren
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