#kenza’s lord
vilf-lover · 11 months
laying on my bathroom floor because life was hard today
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Dearest lars,
It has been five long and tortuous months since you’ve been deployed to the Great War (you’re in a different class rn :/). Our empty home only reminds me of you (Kenza keeps asking about you). I fear you will not receive this humble letter (idk if you’ll get the notification for the post). In these trying times (my head hurts as well as my hip) the lord speaks to me through his own ways (hozier is playing). Some of the other housewives in the neighborhood are starting to suspect that i am not what i say i am, with the shortage of razors and shaving cream of course. Especially Betty Barbara Marianne, our next door neighbor (thank you Diego and Tiffany for the names) is a bit suspicious as i helped her carry her milk bottles in from the truck without breaking a sweat (my armpit still hurts from losing down by the banks to finch)! I fear she will tell her husband Tom Archibald Frank (again thank you Diego and Tiffany) that i am in fact a man. I am trying to come up with an alibi but alas, i have none. I have gotten no help from my three weed smorking girlfriends. The church choir performances i have attended only make the yearning i have for you to be home stronger (Jdyn is singing some random ass song) I hope the war isn’t as terrible as the papers describe it to be, and i hope for you to be home with me soon (i want the period to end already omg).
-Your lonely and stunning wife,
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peony-pearl · 2 years
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Lord Wei and his bride, young Kenza, a girl from a Fire Nation village that was reclaimed by the Earth Kingdom. In exchange for her freedom and safety, she was forced to marry the land baron, and was promised a life of luxury - but within the year she died giving birth to his first child, a son he named Jee.
After Wei remarried and had more children, Jee realized his Firebending abilities, and Wei wanted nothing more to do with him. He took Jee to a Fire Nation colony and left him there around the age of 7. Jee mostly knew his name and birthday and vague information about his parents - but the one person he knew more about than himself was the older maid who took care of him more than his own father and stepmother did.
At the age of 18, as he aged out of the orphanage system, Jee decided to join the Fire Nation military. There wasn’t much other choice for his future. However, he decided to return to his childhood home to confront his family one last time. He came across his younger brother that he accidentally burned, Yamato, who is only 12. Yamato has many younger brothers and sisters, and Jee comes across his stepmother, who immediately recognizes him and is frightened.
Jee simply asks a favor: All he wants is a shred of information about his mother and the older maid who cared for him.
His stepmother, Satsuki, allows him inside; she takes him into Wei’s study and tells him Wei will be home shortly. Until he returns, she gives Jee the wedding portrait of his parents.
Jee is stunned to see the painting. He looks upon his mother; she looks no older than he is now. Her face is empty - he’s surprised the painter got away with recreating such a hollow expression. He also learns about the maid, Ume. In Jee’s hidden birth records, Ume signed as a witness as Kenza had died and was unable to give any signature; Ume had been there when Jee had arrived into the world - and she had watched Kenza pass. Jee pores through books, finding the date on the painting and he matches it with journal dates written by his father.
He learns his mother’s name. He reads everything about her home being torn asunder, about her being forced to marry Wei and bear his child and die in the process.
Only for that child to be thrust back into the care of the Fire Nation when Wei no longer wanted him.
Infuriated, Jee no longer wants to speak to his father. He takes the portrait, pilfers some money he’s able to find, and runs. At his camp that night, looking upon his mother’s portrait, he cuts off his topknot. His internal shame and the mourning of his mother’s plight make him feel like he has to build himself from the ground up.
In weeks he has joined the Fire Nation military.
In years he is a Lieutenant. His hair is still short.
And years later, while escorting Prince Zuko on his mission to capture the Avatar, he finally has his reunion with his father, for better or for worse.
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worldburnrp · 3 years
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“It was a maddening image —
Little by little, the rooftop space filled up with guests. It’s impossible for a rum-sponsored party not to turn lively; and certainly, it has. While some are happy with their drinks and stay in the venue, drinking and dancing their spirits away — others choose to venture out, either returning to their rooms or getting lost in the maze that are the corridors of The Mark hotel.
In either case, the night is light and young, and there’s not a worry in their minds.
Little do they know however, that in the shadows, the Syndicate awaits.
— and the only way to whip it was to hang on until dusk —
Although the night had been planned to exhaustion, it’d been all but a coincidence that the operation had fallen on the same date as the party launch. It’s a blessing, at the same time that it’s a curse; more people circulating the area isn’t ideal — but a sea of potential issues isn’t so much so, if they’re impaired to begin with.
130 million dollars, gone up in flames. But they ought to make their money back, somehow.
So here the Syndicate hides, and at around 10:30, they strike. Swift and professional as ever, they go completely unnoticed — and they will take all that they can.
A highly effective heist, right under their noses. Those 130 million earned back in just a night.
No wild cards, no action that isn’t necessary, were the instructions given. Money, jewelry, art, anything of true value — that’s what they’re after. Designed as a victimless crime as far as bloodshed goes, the Syndicate still accounts for all. No issue, lest you get in their way.
— and banish the ghosts with rum.”
Unfortunately however, some unlucky few have. As instructed, should anyone be a concern, be it that they’re found in their rooms or other areas in the midst of the operation — they should be neutralized, by whatever means necessary. All with still keeping their anonymity, and succeeding at their tasks.
The pairs that have crossed paths are:
Ludovica Malatesta and Rus Ralston
Nora Vidal and Lee Malkovich
Zafar and Mathias Cain
Vir Zafar and Ibrahim Ziani
Abel Rousseau and Nik Erykssen
Oliver Wright and Jin Yoo
Tima El-Masri and Audra Smythe-Priestley
Avi Grover and Samar Burman
Max Szczesny and Enzo Principe
Karolina Erykssen and Samar Burman
OOC Info:
Part Two out of Three.
Part two will run for a few days, to allow for everyone to comfortably write their interactions in time; an update will be made both on the blog and discord for subsequent parts.  
There is no requirement that people drop previous event threads set during Part 1 — but we encourage everyone to prioritize Part 2. This can be either through new fresh threads, or shifting your Part 1 thread into Part 2.
For characters not involved in the conflict, there are no restrictions to replying to starters (or continuing things) from Part 1, unless they were posted by someone, or are written with someone involved in the conflict. In that case, those starters may no longer be replied to. You’re also free to start any new things with other non-conflict characters as you wish.
If you wish to have any injuries (be them major or minor) or heavy impacting plots happen involving your character, please contact the admins so we can include it into the narrative.
Those in the conflict are encouraged to come up with scenarios where, mid-robbery, one would have the other held hostage. Be it at a hotel room, in some hidden office, or anywhere that is far from view and where there would be plenty to steal. They’re on a mission, after all. As always, if you have trouble coming up with ideas, the admins are always willing to help.
At the end of this post, we offer challenges to the guests. However, those are simply suggested interactions — and even if you choose to write it, your character is not limited to just writing those.
For Syndicate members especially, Part 2 should be prioritized so that plots can flow easily.
If you have Part 1 threads, we won’t ask that you drop them, but that you work your way into finishing them — with your characters, above all, keeping in mind that they have a job to do. It might be a night of fun for everyone else, but not them.
From now on, you can only interact with other Syndicate members, or the character you were paired with.
You can write as many mid-robbery threads with your fellow Syndicate members as your heart desires. Interactions amongst them are allowed, and absolutely encouraged!
As far as the rest of the party goes, you may only interact with the character yours was paired with, as one is the other’s hostage.
Your character should be focused in the robbery itself and collecting valuable goods. Anyone they’ve encountered is damage control.
Important: this is meant to be an incredibly secretive and smooth operation. Get in, get out, without causing disturbance. The main party should not have any inkling or knowledge that this is happening.
Syndicate members and conflict volunteers will each earn 20 points for writing their paired threads. (It doesn’t matter if one character ‘wrote’ the starter; both members will be awarded points.)
All remaining characters will earn 20 points for completing the challenges prompted below. They are not mandatory, but we will reward you if you choose to go forth with them.
The points above will be awarded at the end of the event, to account for any starters going unanswered or quickly dropped, as we wish to be as fair as possible.
Surprise! We’re also rewarding conflict volunteers with 30 points for being wonderful team players and allowing us to use their characters for this plot. We adore you and appreciate you, so here’s a small gesture to reflect that!
Jennifer Callaghan recognizes Izaak Walker from his internet presence, and attempts to strike an interview, or even a comment. Izaak knows it’s unadvisable to go forth with it, given all the rum ingested tonight.
Andrea Galán has been avoiding Aaron Keaton, until they cross paths. There’s an inkling or knowledge of her involvement with crime, and tensions rise.
Gideon Hayes is spotted by an off duty Joaquim Borges whilst trying to deal — be it to a random guest, or worst yet, the very detective himself.
Danvir Persaud thinks he recognizes Laith Hassan, from briefly crossing paths in the law-and-lawful world. There’s no reason for a sketch artist and a lawyer to engage however, until now — that they’re both trying to get a vending machine to work.
Renata Cervantes-Müller and Úrsula Villa are both powerful women in their own right — except that they share far different ideals, and defend different people. It’s been easy to avoid one another thus far, until the elevator doors fail, locking them in.
A dentist and the state’s most prominent politician walk into a... bathroom. It’s a classic, slightly awkward, run-in. Except this time, it involves Nicholas Bergeron — and Julian Berkeley.
Jakob Cervantes-Müller is a busy man, and the things keeping him busy aren’t the kindest. For prevention (and future endeavors), he needs a lawyer — and he’s heard Adam Starke is one of the best. What a coincidence, that their drinks just got mixed up at the bar.
Constance Romero, the Cartel’s informant manager, is always on the lookout for future contacts. Like some other select people, she’d heard of Lev Movska’s defection from The Brotherhood — and hell if she isn’t going to try and get all of that knowledge into archive for them. The enemy of my enemy, as they say.
With too much rum in their system, Lola Villarin and Diego Romero end up wandering — testing every other room for unlocked doors. Eventually, they make it into a suite; it’s all fun and games, until the lock won’t allow them back out.
Hazel Arthur and Ryan Fitzgerald barely look at each other, when touching up their make-up in the lobby’s bathroom. But they have to acknowledge each other’s presence when they realize they’re locked in — and Hazel hasn’t heard back from her partner in far too long.
They’d both had the same idea — the hotel’s fire escape as the perfect spot for a smoke break. Hans Starke and Zuleika Sandoval are now forced to share the space (that both claim to have found first).
Bob Bekker and Aera Paek, different positions at different publications. One man with success in his horizon, and a woman who can grant anyone it. It’s a throw-away conversation until the words fact checker come to rise. The best paper, after all, is the most accurate one — would this man do her the favor of failing, in exchange for a brighter future?
Araceli Aguilar suddenly stops Heather Hyeon Seo in the middle of the lobby, with an unwarranted prediction of her future. Even if Heather doesn’t believe in it, it’s intriguing enough that she must hear more.
Rahi Kumar is well known for his love of the sky, preferring to gaze upwards towards the heavens; it is this exact preference, that sends him careening into Andel Kenza, who scurries away from a main party room, clutching what appears to be an empty bottle of rum, a strange substance congealed on its base. The pair stare at another another - a stalemate. 
Erin Katz was never a woman to wait for opportunity to simply knock on her door - she prefers to kick it in herself, a stiletto crashing through wooden panels. JJ Baptiste is a man who can make or break you in this city, and with the intriguing wallet she’s just found on the floor, she thinks she’s got enough leverage to earn his ear as he lords over a table in the back of the bar.
Moon Subin is currently scouting the media world, looking for new voices to either support his agenda in the press — or to simply gain insight. It’s unclear which Maureen Keaton could be, yet... but it’s worth a try.
1 — If by any chance your pairing partner, or your challenge partner doesn’t get back to you — please contact the main page and we will rearrange things so that you may still write it! No one will be left without some event fun, we promise.
2 — If you’ve missed the window to volunteer your character for conflict, or you have joined recently and didn’t know about it, you can shoot the main page a message and we will do our very best to include you into the action. Only main page messages, please — as Discord will be hard to keep track of.
3 — As always, the admins are only a message away should you have any questions.
Part 2 interactions are now open. Have fun!
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ofviclentdelights · 4 years
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( kenza nixon | task 01. ) — a playlist  tracklist below the cut !
i. Big God — Florence + the Machine ii. Neon Bible — Arcade Fire iii. Cathedral — Jade Bird iv. Make a Shadow — Meg Myers v. Ocean of Noise — Arcade Fire vi. Safe and Holy — Christine and the Queens vii. bodyache — Purity Ring viii. Devil Like Me — Rainbow Kitten Surprise ix. Sweet Hallelujah — Tom Grennan x. Broken Crown — Mumford & Sons xi. Way Down We Go — KALEO xii. Which Witch — Florence + the Machine xiii. Muddy Waters — LP xiv. Repeat After Me — KONGOS xv. Lose Your Soul — Dead Man’s Bones xvi. Dream State (Dark Days) — Son Lux feat. WILLS xvii. Black Out Days — Phantogram xviii. Me and the Devil — Soap&Skin xix. Flesh and Bone — Black Math xx. Pyre — Son Lux xxi. What a Wonderful World — Soap&Skin xxii. Panic Room — Au/Ra xxiii. In the Woods Somewhere — Hozier xxiv. Nightshade — The Lumineers xxv. We Must be Killers — Mikky Ekko xxvi. I Gave You All — Mumford & Sons xxvii. Bad Kingdom — May feat. Robot Koch xxviii. Dear God — Lawless feat. Sydney Wayser xxix. The Yawning Grave — Lord Huron xxx. Goodbye — Apparat feat. Soap&Skin xxxi. Enter One — Sol Seppy xxxii. White Fire — Angel Olsen xxxiii. lovely — Billie Eilish feat. Khalid xxxiv. Elastic Heart (Piano Version) —  Sia xxxv. Easier — Mansionair xxxvi. Heat Waves - Stripped Back — Glass Animals xxxvii. You’re Somebody Else — flora cash xxxviii. Half Light — BANNERS
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wonder-pelicula · 4 years
~REPELIS# HD!! Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) pelicula Completa "4k - ONLINE (sub) espanol latino
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Título original
Lanzamiento: 2020-12-16 Duración: 151 minutos Género: Fantasía, Acción, Aventura Estrellas: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen Director: Lucinda Syson, Hans Zimmer, Charles Roven, Patty Jenkins, Patty Jenkins
En 1984, en plena guerra fría, Diana Prince, conocida como Wonder Woman se enfrenta al empresario Maxwell Lord y a su antigua amiga Barbara Minerva / Cheetah, una villana que posee fuerza y agilidad sobrehumanas.
Después de la emisión del episodio final de la adaptación de anime de Wonder Woman 1984 , la cuenta oficial de Twitter anunció que se lanzará una adaptación de largometraje en 2020, retomando directamente donde se detuvo la serie de televisión. La historia se centra en Ritsuka, un guitarrista que ha perdido el interés por tocar. Un día, conoce a Mafuyu, que tiene una guitarra rota, y Ritsuka de mala gana comienza a enseñarle a Mafuyu a tocar la guitarra, pero cuando escucha la voz de Mafuyu, las cosas comienzan a cambiar de repente para Ritsuka.
Género: Drama
Estrellas: Fathia Youssouf Abdillahi, Maïmouna Gueye, Medina El Aidi, Esther Gohourou, Ilanah Cami-Goursolas, Myriam Hamma
Personal: Stéphane Mazalaigue (Editor), Mathilde Van de Moortel (Editor), Maïmouna Doucouré (Director), Maïmouna Doucouré (Writer), Yann Maritaud (Director of Photography), Kenza Barrah (Additional Casting)
Akkie (Hanna Obbeek, ‘Bobby en de Geestenjagers’) es una chica que asiste a la escuela primaria a la que le apasiona el fútbol, tanto es así, que puede llegar a ser una auténtica bestia. El amor es lo único a lo que teme. Cuando los médicos diagnostican que Akkie padece leucemia, la joven deberá luchar por su vida. Apenas quedan unos meses para que empiece en el instituto y Akkie deberá sopesar si quiere permitir que el amor entre a formar parte de su vida y, por lo tanto, tener el valor de aceptar los inevitables caprichos del corazón.
Adorada por su carisma y su forma de expresarse libre, deslenguada y divertida, La Veneno alcanzó la popularidad gracias a sus apariciones televisivas en los 90. Sin embargo, su vida y sobre todo su muerte siguen siendo un enigma. 'Veneno’ es una serie que narra, a través de una heroína implacable, la historia de la realidad LGTBI en España desde los años 60 hasta la actualidad. Es la historia de una mujer luchadora, y un relato muy local, cuya asombrosa vida y sus valores universales, con los que se pueden identificar personas de todo el mundo, la convierten en una serie de interés global.
Ha pasado el tiempo, y Hardin todavía no se sabe si es realmente el chico profundo y reflexivo del que Tessa se enamoró, o ha sido un extraño todo este tiempo. Ella quiere alejarse, pero no es tan fácil. Tessa se ha centrado en sus estudios y comienza a trabajar como becaria en Vance Publishing. Allí conoce a Trevor, un nuevo y atractivo compañero de trabajo que es exactamente el tipo de persona con la que debería estar. Pero Hardin sabe que cometió un error, posiblemente el más grande de su vida y quiere corregir sus errores y vencer a sus demonios… Secuela de la película ‘Las hijas del Reich’.
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Sinopsis de la película Wonder Woman 1984, ¡esto no es un spoiler!
La película Wonder Woman 1984 finalmente se estrenó en los cines de Indonesia el 16 de diciembre.
Mientras tanto, en Estados Unidos, la película Wonder Woman se estrenará el 25 de diciembre.
Anteriormente, la película Wonder Woman 1984 estaba planeada para emitirse en junio de 2020, pero se pospuso varias veces debido a la pandemia de Covid-19.
Esta secuela de Wonder Woman cuenta la historia de la hija guerrera de la nación amazónica, Diana Prince, interpretada por la belleza Gal Gadot en la lucha contra el crimen en 1984.
Fue ambientada en 1984 porque el director consideró necesario destacar la década de 1980, porque esa época se consideraba sinónimo del héroe.
“¿Por qué 1984? Queríamos llevar a Diana Prince al mundo moderno, y la década de 1980 fue un período sinónimo de eso”, dijo Patty Jenkins, directora de la película “ Wonder Woman 1984 ”, citada por el Sumsel Journal de Antara.
Pero, lamentablemente, esta película recibió críticas menos atractivas de algunos de los críticos de cine del mundo.
Uno de ellos es la crítica de cine , Angelica Jade Bastien, de Vulture. Ella reveló que el encanto de Diana Prince radica en su feminidad e instintos maternales.
Sin embargo, el personaje de Diana en Wonder Woman 1984 se consideró sin desarrollar debido a una trama desordenada.
Película de sinopsis
La siguiente es una sinopsis de la película Wonder Woman 1984 , según lo informado por el Sumsel Journal de varias fuentes:
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Diana Prince estuvo involucrada en un conflicto con la Unión Soviética durante la era de la Guerra Fría de los años 80.
Entonces Diana comenzó un nuevo capítulo de su vida trabajando como arqueóloga en Washington DC.
Pero Diana todavía tiene enemigos y debe enfrentarse a un grupo de villanos como Wonder Woman.
Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal), un rico empresario de Estados Unidos, dijo que tiene una piedra mágica que puede conceder el deseo de cualquiera.
Esto fue finalmente descubierto por Diana, quería volverse contra Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), su amante que había muerto con el poder de la piedra mágica.
Eventualmente, Steve Trevor puede volver a la vida, a pesar de tener un cuerpo diferente, sin embargo, Diana todavía puede comunicarse con Steve.
Pero aparte de Diana, Barbara es ahora fuerte y valiente como Diana gracias a esta piedra mágica.
Después de ganar poder, se convierte en un humano malvado y usa su poder para luchar contra la Mujer Maravilla.
¿Intrigado por la continuación de la historia? Mire inmediatamente la secuela de la película “ Wonder Woman 1984 ”. ***
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until Wonder Woman 1984 the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run.[citation needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors. Thanks u for visiting, I hope u enjoy with this Movie Have a Nice Day and Happy Watching :)
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kurawastaken · 5 years
Kenza who's Robbie?
Hes also been called Bobby, his full name is Robert Hinckley-Long he's Donna's son that she has had with Terry Long (he's icky). You dont really hear much of him since he died with his dad back in the 90's
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Fun fact he appeared as a villain as Lord Chaos before he was even born
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And appeared a lil blonder in the earth-22 continuity as Darkstar
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dpdanielpinheiro · 4 years
Lords, na rubrica #gettoknow de hoje, trago-vos mais uma Criadora de Conteúdos! A Catarina Pinto tem 24 anos, é designer e natural de Lisboa. Como criadora, tem crescido e o conteúdo está cada vez melhor! Vamos conhecê-la? 
Lords, in today’s #gettoknow section, I bring you one more Content Creator! Catarina Pinto is 24 years old, a designer, and a native of Lisbon. As a creator, she has grown and the content is getting better and better! Shall we meet her?
1. Como tudo isto começou, e de onde surgiu a ideia de te tornares uma criadora de conteúdo? | How all of this all started, and from where you got the idea of becoming a Content creator? 
Catarina – Tudo começou em 2014 quando criei o meu blog, na altura chamava-se Rossetto. Queria ter o meu cantinho na internet e falar de temas como: moda, beleza e lifestyle.
Catarina – It all started in 2014 when I created my blog, at the time it was called Rossetto. I wanted to have my corner on the internet and talk about topics such as fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.
2. Quais foram / são as tuas influências nacionais e internacionais para a inspiração? Seja em estilo como em criação de conteúdo. | Which were / are your national and international influencies? 
Catarina – Em 2014 não existiam tantos criadores de conteúdo como hoje em dia. Mas sem dúvida que as minhas 3 inspirações de altura foram: Angelica Blick, Janni Delér e Kenza Zouiten. Hoje em dia continuam a fazer parte da minha lista de inspiração. Acrescento Camila Coelho, Mariana Machado e Joana Vaz.
Catarina – In 2014 there weren’t as many content creators as there are today. But without a doubt, my 3 tall inspirations were: Angelica Blick, Janni Delér, and Kenza Zouiten. Nowadays they remain on my inspiration list. I add Camila Coelho, Mariana Machado, and Joana Vaz.
3. Em termos de estilo, onde consideras que se encaixa melhor o teu? Ou achas ser um pouco mais pessoal? | In terms of style, where you think that yours fit in? Or you look at it more into a Personal style?
Catarina – Em termos de estilo não me gosto de definir. Quer esteja na moda ou não, adoro arrojar com peças diferentes e únicas. Sempre mantendo a elegância claro.
Catarina – In terms of style, I don’t like to define. Whether it’s trendy or not, I love throwing it with different and unique pieces. Always keeping the elegance of course.
4. Qual é para ti a maior dificuldade em criar conteúdo? E já agora, qual a maior facilidade? | Which is your biggest difficultty on creating content? And the easyest one? 
Catarina – Com o passar dos anos a maior dificuldade tornou-se na maior facilidade. Inicialmente a grande dificuldade era ter como fotografar, depender de terceiros. Agora já não vivo sem a app da Canon! Adoro fotografar sozinha, é mais prático e desafia a minha criatividade. Confesso que neste momento a maior dificuldade é a criação de cenários, gosto que o look combine com o local e com a vibe da fotografia.
Catarina – Over the years the greatest difficulty has become the greatest easiness. Initially, the great difficulty was being able to photograph, depending on others. Now I can’t live without the Canon app! I love to photograph alone, it is more practical and challenges my creativity. I confess that at this moment the biggest difficulty is creating scenarios, I like that the look matches the location and the vibe of the photograph.
  …às vezes é preciso fazer muita tentativa/erro
5. Quais os aspectos que consideras fundamentais para desenvolveres este trabalho de criação de conteúdos? | What are the fundamentals for you to create content? 
Catarina – Neste trabalho é preciso ser autodidata. Pesquisar muito para estar constantemente a evoluir. Ter muita força e dedicação, nem sempre tudo corre bem e às vezes é necessário fazer muita tentativa/erro.
Catarina – In this work, it is necessary to be self-taught. Search a lot to be constantly evolving. Having a lot of strength and dedication, everything does not always go well, and sometimes it is necessary to make a lot of trial/error.
6. Já reparei que és Designer e fundadora de uma marca! Era um sonho teu, ou surgiu do nada essa idea? | I’ve noticed that you are a Designer and founder of a brand! Was that a dream of yours, or it came out of nowhere that idea? 
Catarina – Desde de pequena que adoro criar e quando terminei a faculdade um dia experimentei começar a brincar com a máquina de costura. Desde então nunca mais nos largamos. Apaixonei-me rápidamente por todo o processo, desde do esboço em papel até ao resultado final. A Side – Exclusive Pieces nasceu em 2017 e durante estes anos tem amadurecido no mercado português.
Catarina – Since I was little I love to create and when I finished college one day I tried to start playing with the sewing machine. Since then we have never left. I quickly fell in love with the whole process, from the paper sketch to the final result. Side – Exclusive Pieces was born in 2017 and during these years it has matured in the Portuguese market.
7. O teu conteúdo é muito variado, desde moda a fotografia de produto, comida etc! Qual o género de fotos que mais gozo te dá fazer? Porque? | Your content is well diversified, from fashion to product photography, food etc.! Which is the genre that you like the most to do? Why? 
Catarina – Sem dúvida que as fotografias que me dão mais gozo são as de moda. Adoro criar um conceito e dar um toque especial a cada look.
Catarina – Without a doubt, the photographs that give me the most enjoyment are fashion. I love creating a concept and giving a special touch to each look.
8. Consideras o Marketing extremamente importante para a criação de conteúdo, ou achas que as vezes isso pode também retirar a originalidade do próprio content creator? | Do you look at Marketing as something very important to content creation, or do you feel that, sometimes, it can take originality from the content creator? 
Catarina – Considero que o marketing é importante, mas ainda assim na medida certa. O conteúdo deve ser adaptado e genuíno.
Catarina – I believe that marketing is important, but still in the right measure. The content must be adapted and genuine.
9. Qual a tua função como criador de conteúdo? Influenciar? Inspirar? Dar aos seguidores o que eles querem ver? Porque? | What is your Goal as a content creator? Influenciate? Inspire? Giving your followrs whatever they want to see? 
Catarina – Inspirar a cima de tudo! Partilhar os meus conhecimentos e o resto sai naturalmente.
Catarina – Inspire above all! Share my knowledge and the rest comes out naturally.
  …até porque assim perdemos identidade
10. Quando se trata de patrocínios, quais são os teus critérios para aceitar uma parceria? Existe algum conteúdo que não farias? | When it comes to sponsors, what are your criteria to accept them? 
Catarina – Sou muito selectiva nas campanhas que aceito, tenho que acreditar e gostar do produto. Faz parte dizer não várias vezes e não podemos aceitar tudo o que nos aparece, até porque assim perdemos identidade.
Catarina – I am very selective in the campaigns I accept, I have to believe and like the product. It is part of saying no several times and we cannot accept everything that appears to us, especially because this way we lose identity.
11. Descreve-me a Beatriz em 3 palavras! | Describe me yourself in 3 Words!
Catarina – Criativa, sonhadora e trabalhadora.
Catarina – Creative, dreamer, and Hard Worker.
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#gettoknow | O que mais gosta de criar a Catarina? Lords, na rubrica #gettoknow de hoje, trago-vos mais uma Criadora de Conteúdos! A Catarina Pinto tem 24 anos, é designer e natural de Lisboa.
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corkcrab7-blog · 5 years
The Best New Shows and Movies on Netflix This Week -- The Society, Wine Country
Looking for something new to watch on Netflix? Here is a list of all the best new shows and movies released on Netflix the week of May 10-May 16.
This is a very well-rounded week on Netflix. We've got a star-studded comedy movie (Wine Country), a suspenseful teen thriller series (The Society), the final season of a well-liked anthology series (Easy), some anime, some kid stuff, some foreign cinema, and some documentaries, and not too much of any one thing. Sometimes it's like "why do we need three murder documentaries this week," you know? Nothing this week is going to be a big hit, except mayyybe The Society, but nothing is especially bad, which isn't always the case. Steady as she goes, Netflix!
If you're looking for even more hand-picked recommendations, click over to our Watch This Now! page.
(All titles are out Friday, May 10, unless otherwise specified.)
The Biggest Releases
The Society, Season 1 Netflix's latest TV-MA YA offering is its best one yet, an inspired Lord of the Flies riff about the teenagers of a wealthy New England town that gets mysteriously cut off from the world. "No parents, no school, no rules" sounds like fun, right? Think again! Things Chinua Achebe real fast — and that's the kind of reference these kids would make, because they're all hilariously well-read. This is a show where ominous graffiti in Romanized Hebrew appears on a wall and a jock is like, "Oh, that's from the Book of Daniel. It means you've been judged and found wanting." It's a lot of fun.
Wine Country Amy Poehler is making her directorial debut with this feel-good comedy about a group of longtime friends taking a trip to Napa to celebrate a 50th birthday. The cast includes Poehler's own longtime friends and fellow Saturday Night Live alumni Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch, Ana Gasteyer, Paula Pell, Emily Spivey, and Tina Fey. In addition to directing, Poehler also stars, executive-produces, and wrote the story with Spivey and Liz Cackowski (who used to write for, you guessed it, Saturday Night Live). (Trailer)
Everything Else
Easy, Season 3 Writer-director Joe Swanberg's low-key anthology series is back for a third and final season of charming little tales of the love, sex, and app lives of a gaggle of Chicagoans. Returning faves include Jake Johnson, Aya Cash, Dave Franco, Zazie Beetz, Marc Maron, and Elizabeth Reaser, along with new faces like Sophia Bush and John Gallagher Jr. Is this the final sigh of mumblecore? Maybe!
Dry Martina I feel like this came out already? Or maybe Netflix puts out so many similar movies that I can't keep track of them all. Anyway, this is a sexy Chilean dramedy about a former teen pop star rediscovering her libido and finding out about who she is in the process. Lots of talk about "concha" in the trailer. (Trailer)
Gente que viene y bah (In Family I Trust) This is a Spanish movie about an architect whose boyfriend cheats on her with a news anchor and everyone finds out so she returns to the small town where she's from and gets her groove back with the help of her family and the local hot dude. You've seen this one before. (Trailer)
Harvey Girls Forever!, Season 2 The animated series formerly known as Harvey Street Kids is back for another season of after-school adventures on the street where every day feels like Saturday. Fun fact: The voices of the boy band the girls adore belong to Joey McIntyre (New Kids on the Block), Nick Lachey (98 Degrees), Joey Fatone (*NSYNC), and Shawn Stockman (Boyz II Men). That's star power! (Trailer)
Jailbirds People sure do love jail documentaries. Here's another one, profiling the women incarcerated in the Sacramento County Jail. It's as close to a real-life Orange Is the New Black as Netflix has gotten. (Trailer)
ReMastered: The Lion's Share The eighth and final installment of this season of monthly music documentary series ReMastered follows South African journalist Rian Malan's quest to redistribute the wealth of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," which has earned millions of dollars for American artists but nothing for the impoverished family of songwriter Solomon Linda, an injustice which Malan sets out to rectify as an act of personal contrition for his own family's role in apartheid. (Trailer)
Shéhérazade This gritty French indie is set in the slums of Marseille, where teenage petty crook Zach falls in love with streetwalker Shéhérazade, which leads to serious consequences. It won three César Awards (the French Oscars), for Best First Film for director Jean-Bernard Marlin and Best New Actor and Actress for its young stars Dylan Richard and Kenza Fortas. (Trailer)
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, Volume 3 Hasan Minhaj is back for another batch of informative John Oliver-style political comedy. Topics in this volume include censorship in China (which comes after Minhaj was banned in Saudi Arabia), politics in India, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development and its loony leader Ben Carson. (Trailer / Sunday, May 12)
Malibu Rescue The premise of this kids' movie is Baby Baywatch. Some kids including Breanna Yde and Ricardo Hurtado from Nick's School of Rock learn how to be junior lifeguards. If this were a theatrically released movie, it would be rated PG for "mild rude humor." (Trailer / Monday, May 13)
revisions, Season 1 This anime series has a pretty similar premise to The Society in some ways. It follows some teenagers from Shibuya who get time-warped into a future version of their city. But then there's big robots and stuff they have to fight, so it's actually pretty different than The Society. You should just watch The Society. (Trailer / Tuesday, May 14)
Still Laugh-In: The Stars Celebrate This special is a tribute to the classic Nixon-era sketch comedy show Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. Dan Rowan and Dick Martin are both dead, so they won't be there to accept the praises. There doesn't seem to be much of a point to this besides the fact that it launched the career of Lily Tomlin, and Netflix loves Lily Tomlin. It also launched the career of Goldie Hawn, but she's not in this. But it does have Tiffany Haddish crip-walking, which is something we all know and love from the original Laugh-In! (Trailer)
Stop searching, start watching! TV Guide's Watch This Now! page has even more TV recommendations.
The 52 Netflix Originals You Should Be Watching
Tim Robinson, I Think You Should Leave with Tim RobinsonPhoto: Netflix
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Source: https://www.tvguide.com/news/the-best-new-shows-and-movies-on-netflix-this-week-the-society-wine-country/?rss=breakingnews
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Tagged by : @audre-w
Rules: Answer the 20 questions, and tag 20 amazing followers that you’d like to get to know better.
Name : Well my papers are messed up so it’s probably Mélissa-Rosa, but evryone always call me Mélissa.
Nicknames : SO MANY. I’m going to skip the racist ones, even if meant as jokes. Mom, Sweet Summer Child, Mel, Mel-Chan, Melly/Méli, Mélissou, Mélissounette, Lilly/Lili, Croutard, Mimi Cracra (=Dirty Mimi), Mimi, Fatass, Smartass, Walking Encyclopedia, Autistic Freak, Feignasse (= lazy ass), Mélichtouille, Kenza, Lilou, Lilounette, Soussounette, Soussoune, Hommasse (=manly woman), reuss. 
Zodiac sign : Aries
Height : 162cm
Orientation : I’m pan, but I go as bi when asked because I’m too lazy to explain the meaning of pansexual/panromantic to straight people.
Ethnicity : Fucked up. Kabyle, Normand, Ch’ti, Briton, Basque. But ‘cause I’m lazy in irl conversation, I often say Algerian, French, Spanish (which isn’t true)
Favourite Fruit : I’m allergic to fruits.
Favourite Season : None, I’m allergic to the biosphere. But spring and autumn are fun to look at from my windows.
Favourite Book Series : The Lord of The Rings.
Favourite Flower : ...I’m allergic to flowers. Roses, I guess ?
Favorite Scent : The spice cubbard scent.
Favorite Color : Blue 
Favorite Animal : Every animal. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa : All three of them, but the only I can drink
Average Sleep Hours: Dunno. It’s very irregular.
Favorite Fictional Characters : GN. Too many ! Huh... Every character from VDF, Raven Reyes and John Murphy from The 100, Clara Oswald from DW, Tom and Eugène Vico from LCDB, Mulan, Eowyn (lotr), Nihal (from Emerged World saga), the Doctor (from DW), Alec Hardy (from Broadchurch), Arya Stark from the show Game Of Thrones, Sansa for the books, probably more but laziness is striking my brain again.
Number of Blankets You Sleep With : 1 at my mom’s place, 4 on winter, 3 at my dad’s
Dream Trip : Maghreb, Iran, Japan, Ireland, Wales, USA, New-Zealand, the entire fucking world...
Blog Created : March 2016
Number of Followers: around 90 ( and no porn blogs)
Tagging : @spooky-scary-endoskeleton, @circeanaiscia, @bowtiesandneckerchiefs, @liyanagep, @actualrainbowunicorn, @somethinglikekittens, @martinfreetheman, @alaynas, @profmalva, @onestenrepublique, @one-thousand-splendid-stars and I don’t know who else I could tag whom hasn’t been tagged already, so... do it if you want ?
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vilf-lover · 9 months
is it normal to mourn who i could’ve been if i didn’t have my learning disabilities and mental health issues
my anxiety, depression, adhd, and dyscalculia have been in my way for my entire life and i have just felt stupid. no matter how much i do. i just feel stupid. i wish i was normal sometimes and that feels wrong
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vilf-lover · 10 months
just got done with my friendsgiving!! it went great
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vilf-lover · 1 year
have tendinitis from walking 25 miles in 24 hours for walk for cancer
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vilf-lover · 1 year
i’m back from the fairrrr
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