#kenzie rowe x bruce banner
raith-way · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel / MCU
Fic: Traversing The Multiverse
Pairing: Kenzie Rowe/Bruce Banner
Kiss Prompt 42: …out of pride
Requested By: @asirensrage
Tagging: @jinxsflame @hughstheforcelou @uno-reverse-reversed @hiddenqveendom @ocfairygodmother @jewelswrites-ish
It’s All About Patience
Kenzie was sitting in Bruce’s lab, because it was quieter and usually had less explosions, and was watching the news because she apparently felt like being a masochist today. The news anchor, whoever she was, kept bringing up the destruction from the team’s last mission. From the last mission that the Avengers completed, without a single civilian casualty. Most of the team had even stuck around afterwards to help with the property damage, and she knew for a fact that Tony was doing some stuff with Stark Industries to pay for the things that couldn’t just be picked up and moved around by the stronger members of the team. Right now, she was watching footage of Hulk climb up the side of a towering building. The news anchor was talking about the irreparable damage, but Kenzie noticed that there wasn’t a single frame of footage that showed Hulk cleaning the streets or even shielding civilians from the attacks.
“That is unfair bullshit, Sharon, and you know it!” Kenzie yelled up at the screen. She kept her tone sweet and cheerful, despite resisting the urge to hunt this Sharon woman down and give her a piece of her mind. She was so focused on yelling at the screen and imagining avenge scenarios that she didn’t even hear someone else walk into the room, which was why she jumped so high when a voice spoke over her shoulder.
“Hulk did his best not to do any unnecessary damage.” Bruce’s voice came from right next to her, which was fortunate because Kenzie jumped so spastically that she nearly fell right off the table that she’d been sitting on. Would have fallen completely off if Bruce didn’t have quick enough reflexes to catch her and hold her steady against the table. Not that she cared about the near-miss. All she could do was sling her arms around Bruce’s shoulders for support and gaze up at him in surprised awe.
“He really did, didn’t he?” she asked quietly. Bruce was still looking at the screen, sounded like Sharon was talking smack about Captain America of all superheroes now, but Kenzie couldn’t look away from Bruce’s fixated stare.
“He did. Only damaged what he had to, and he helped the others clean up afterwards.” Bruce’s tone was strong, words precise, and he must have felt Kenzie’s stare because he finally turned to look at her. He also blinked in confusion after realizing that she was still holding onto his neck, with her ass nearly falling off the edge of the table, but none of that mattered right now. “Why are you, why are you smiling at me like that?”
“You just defended Hulk. You took up for him,” she pointed out. Bruce’s relationship with his other half was still a bit strained, and this was the first time that she had ever heard him stand up for the big green guy.
“Yeah, I guess I did,” he said with a quiet laugh. It was a small step, but it was a small step towards Bruce accepting all parts of himself.
“I am so proud of you!” The words seemed to just explode out of her, and she caught sight of Bruce’s surprised smile. Right before her arms locked around his neck and her legs wound around his back, so that she could yank him into her and smack a loud kiss against his lips. Then a few more, because she was smiling and laughing and just so damn happy for him. After one last kiss to the curling corner of his mouth, she dropped her head onto his shoulder and squeezed his entire body against hers. Then she tucked her head under his chin and whispered, “I am so proud of you.”
“Don’t think I would have made it this far without you,” Bruce said in the same quiet tone. She nuzzled her nose against his neck, felt his warmth seep through her clothes, and hummed a little as she thought that over.
“Maybe, but your progress is still yours. Be proud of yourself, Bruce.” She felt him shifting, until his cheek rested on top of her head, and it was such a comfortable hold that she didn’t even care that she was one tiny shift away from falling to the ground. She trusted Bruce to hold her up.
“I think I am,” he said a very long moment later. That was okay though. She didn’t mind waiting.
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raith-way · 3 years
You're getting one for all of them. Don't feel obligated though. 36 for Ryan Lopez/Bruce Wayne 10 for Rev Revnic/Rick Flag 47 for Grace Blackburn/Eliot Greenwood 24 for Kat Ellis/Jakob Toretto 22 for Mac Rowe/Steve lol 42 for Kenzie Rowe/Bruce
I know I already answered these, but I put them on AO3 too so that I can keep track of them easier. So, here they are!
Ryan Lopez & Bruce Wayne [otp: mutually assured destruction]
36: ...to give up control Show Me Your Truth Summary: Bruce has a plan. Ryan has a plan to ruin that plan.
Revina Revnic & Rick Flag [otp: need you closer]
10: ...desperately The Mission Comes First Summary: The mission was meant to be simple, but since when does Task Force X ever have a simple mission?
Grace Blackburn & Eliot Greenwood [otp: crawling through fire]
47: ...out of spite Dancing In The Moonlight Summary: Eliot needs to train, but Grace might not be the best teacher.
Kat Ellis & Jakob Toretto [otp: what took you so long?]
24: ...in danger One Step At A Time Summary: Everything around them is being destroyed, and all they have is a moment. Just this one moment.
Mac Rowe & Steve Rogers [otp: it's always me and you]
22: ...in a rush of adrenaline Mission Complete Summary: Hydra - 0 / Mac - 3
Kenzie Rowe & Bruce Banner [brotp: until you love yourself]
42: ...out of pride It's All About Patience Summary: Kenzie watches the news, which starts off horribly but has a happy ending.
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