#kept the cross in as a visual reminder that all this happened in a convent which makes it so much better
trihkru · 2 years
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A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN — 1.04 “Switch Hitter”
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booksfornamjoon · 6 years
Day 60
Apartment #11 - A Short Story
Your mouth has the trembling certainty of a needle. You can thread it with the lips and when you think you are controlling the stitches of your kisses, the flesh bleeds. It bleeds a lot and as the coffee, it falls, bitter in its pleasure. I look at your mouth and silence happens, a suicide without farewell, the only smoking rumour of the revolver as proof of a flight: the elevator has reached its final stop. Erect it rises on the fourth floor, your destiny and mine. You could say "our", but we still do not have those trusts, you know it well. I try to look at you, to smile at you with that indifferent grimace of routine, but your eyes are looking for me to say goodbye and I rebel against the second that takes you to twist your chin and open the door to get out of our meeting point. I hear your voice wish me a good day while the tinkling of the keys reminds me that you are going to enter your house until tomorrow when I fight again to look at you.
When I scrutinize you from a distance you're sneaking around, as if you really thought you could guess what I was hiding and you did not want to know. To tell the truth, I have few secrets, but I keep you in the darkest and deepest drawer of myself. If your playful pupils entered mine you would only be able to find your own reflection, you would get to greet yourself in the elevator where you would be two: you and me being you. You being watched, I, watching you. Through me, you could get to love yourself like you never have.
The first time I saw you, you were smiling -- you always do -- and I still do not understand why. Maybe it was funny to finally meet the neighbour across the street, the one who has lived in the same building for more than twenty years, but with whom you have never crossed before. I started with an advantage: Rosana informed me that a marriage break in number 11 had caused the apartment to be at your entire disposal. Another divorced woman would flood the stairs and vomit her sorrows on the landing. However, it struck me that it was you. You do not know, but we have crossed to each other before, many times. I helped that rugby player of yours who cheated on you with the girl from his office to move the dresser and the fridge when you moved here. I knew he was a Narcissus from three to four by the time I saw him, but I thought you would be too innocent if you agreed to marry him. The reason for that thought was your smile. You wanted to help us and Edmund stopped you. Well, being honest, he pushed you slightly with his elbow as if you were bothering us.
I had seen that gesture often. My father seemed to have a kind of metal arm that kept my mother away from miles. It would have taken your breath away: he pushed her away with a feigned delicacy from his chair, even though she was still in the doorway. He almost looked at her apologetically, understanding his wife's lack of audacity, not realizing he did not want to be disturbed. She used to tell me when I asked her why she sometimes cried, that love was lived in silence.
Edmund marked the distance, you stay in silence and smiled at me. A contradictory feeling came over me: why the hell did you do that? I was ashamed, harassed by the huge arm that had thrown you back, and you smiled at me. I felt sorry for you and for your unfortunate marriage, but you had a beautiful sofa.
From that moment we coincided a few times, but there was not a day when you would not give me a smile if you came across me on the stairs or next to the door. With your deformed lips, the lower one more protruding than the upper one, you took off your cheeks and stretched your teeth in a perfect row. Your little jaw enclosed the most avid greeting of good morning. You did not discriminate against anyone, not even the woman from the third floor, who, if you did not know, also enjoyed the kisses of your husband. I guess that's why you began to forget about me and confined yourself to the task of your day to day until, when we met that afternoon, agreeing to leave at the same time without knowing it, you observed me as you observe a stranger. I wanted to tell you that we already knew each other when you introduced yourself and told me that you lived in number 11, but I did not utter a single word. I liked thinking that we could act like strangers and you did not have any opinion formed about the erratic neighbour of number 13.
I do not know when I'll put up the courage to confess that I'm not that neighbour who has just moved. If I do, I'll have to train myself before you, building on conventions about who I really am. Even I do not have the answer to that. However, I would like to tell you that I've been living here since before you managed to be old enough to become independent. A couple of years ago, the previous family that occupied the apartment that is currently your property, completely reformed it. They did not like that the bathroom was near the exit and they threw everything down, shocking the quiet neighbours who would never redesign the structures of their home. They opened a large window, the one that faces the street, and it became unrecognizable. If I came to pay you a visit, I could not place myself, it would be like being in a tiny and alien world, created out of reality. Like you, so external to everything that touches you and lives around you. Like that rose that is born without permission in the arid fields, defying the conventional norms of coexistence. You do not understand cubicles. This is mine, this is yours. But you're here, itching, consuming the wood with your tiny rodent teeth.
If I went through my walls to get to yours..., I would be so confused. Accustomed to the straight lines of my foundations, where everything remains quiet, in silence, waiting for my intervention. I would lose control, it would be like being somewhere else knowing that I am still in the same place. It would not be a good idea. Anyway, I could not enter either. It is not that I want either. Going for good to ask for a little salt would be absurd..., also, by doing that I could only see the shadow of the door frame, the traces of the bathroom that was there one day and was modified. Surely you will feel better living in a house that is different from all the rest of the building, you will not believe you are like us, you will have built a fantasy in which the painting does not change no matter how much you turn from beige to yellow. It is painting overpainted, raining over what is already wet by many others. Even if I lost myself in the labyrinth of the floor you step on, you would be unable to calculate the number of people who lived before you in that house. And everything remains the same, even though we broke it with a hammer.
I wonder what you are doing. Maybe you're drinking tea like me; in a white cup, leaving the mark of carmine, savouring the last remains of sugar resting in the corner of your uneven lips. How many clods will you throw? I bet you like it sweet, like me. You will be the ones who also add milk, classic in your habits. I could ask you for sugar. Open the door and touch yours, looking at you with polite eyes and the right hand up, as if holding an invisible ball, so that you let my request rest on it. And you leave the sweetness suspended on my skin while I feel the pads of your fingers brushing me, waiting to hear what my voice will be like. I babble a whiny thanks and it starts to rain. I do not have an umbrella and you offer yours. The sugar begins to dissolve, but not because of the water that penetrates our bones, but because of your gaze that burns me. Again you touch me, this time at the height of the wrists, asking me to get closer to you: you do not want me to get wet even if the umbrella looks like a shared parasol. You should not ask me that; I'd do it with pleasure if you left me, but without your approval, only with a visual assent delivered from the end of a dark room.
If I do not pick up the shopkeeper's clothes, they will not be dry by tomorrow.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
❤ Under the cut there’s a drop of headcanons for Morgan across different settings. Some I had already addressed - here’s an updated list where some have been scratched out as I developed her further and some ideas are written down, yet to be thought about. Consider this post a cheatsheet for myself - I will have to insert these in proper information pages - and for you too - you might want to use something as an excuse for interaction.
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It is not surprising at all but Morgan loves flowers and gardens. Her favourite flower is the camellia & the Carnahan house features a luxuriant conservatory where Morgan likes to read and have tea, and where her monkey Calico and Blue Bill, Silver’s blue macaw, like to play.
The night sky always reminds Morgan of home because of the way the minerals imbedded in the rock crown around the town of Shipwreck resemble diamonds. This glistening happens under a full moon and it’s for this reason the night sky feature Morgan admires the most.
Marriage to Morgan means being entitled to the rule of Shipwreck too, even if partially, for power is not automatically transferred to the man. However, were she to meet a tragic fate and leave no heir(ess) at least of age, her husband would be the sole ruler of Shipwreck. This is something Morgan’s first boyfriend, Melville James, was well-aware of, so much to the point it was his main reason to woo her in the first place.
Were she given the chance, Morgan would not eat a devil fruit.
Morgan is used to receiving love letters for Valentine’s Day, mostly from noblemen in the hopes of catching her attention and Shipwreck children who are motivated to write to “milady Morgan”. These last ones she always answers with handwritten notes and chocolates.
Morgan detests bugs. She finds them gross and is scared of them, mostly because her boy friends growing up once had the habit of dropping bugs on her. She likes ladybugs, though, only she prefers to call them ladybirds.
Morgan absolutely dislikes being called “princess”.
Favourites and associations.
In the default modern verse, the Carnahans are a wealthy family - I have yet to think of whether Morgan’s mother, Elizabeth, is alive in this verse (or her date of death) and develop their careers, assets and dynamics.
Morgan is either Spanish, born to a Spanish mother and a Scottish father. For this reason, Morgan’s full name is Morgan Elizabeth Carnahan de León as per Spanish naming conventions, de León being Elizabeth’s surname. 
As a little girl, Morgan went to an all-girls school (possibly Catholic, as a link with the Carnahan’s faith, but this point is up to be revised for what that would mean/how that would impact on Morgan).
She then took ballet lessons which she kept on having until hitting puberty. Naturally, she was a part of the “age’s” staples of Tchaikovsky, the highlight of this short-lived career being her participation in the Danse des petits cygnes. 
She grew fond of the role of Odette and would have loved to play her had she not interrupted ballet. Because of this love, the swan is Morgan’s favourite animal.
(In unpublished writings I considered Morgan to do cheerleading as a teen but I want to decide between this activity and general dancing in a studio.)
A fashionista and fond of social networking, Morgan keeps a blog and Youtube channel where she shares her “OOTD”, shopping hauls, makeup tests and so on. (Will deffo find her a name/branding!)
After graduating, Morgan pursues a career as a museum tour guide (formerly flight assistant as per older headcanons), eventually getting a job at the local natural history museum.
If you marry Morgan, you can expect a bit of housewife magic and, opposing the OP verse, a good cook. However, you can also expect being scolded in Spanish and be told to sleep on the sofa if you do a big oopsie. You might also feel emasculated if working on the house is not your thing, as Morgan enjoys gardening and a little DIY and has got the handyman’s number on speed dial. Expect to catch her multitasking in the kitchen while holding a phone call with a Spanish friend or relative and/or listening to pop music. Britney Spears is the idol from her teenage years. If her new dish is delicious and you find a conspicuous bag of dog chow in the kitchen in spite of you guys not owning a dog, don’t fret - she bought it to feed the strays and hedgehogs should your house be in a hedgehog crossing area.
In this AU with a modern setting, the Carnahans are a middle-class family and Elizabeth is alive. For reasons of coherence, Elizabeth retains her original OP illness, here named lupus, of which the treatment takes a toll in the family’s finances, along with Morgan’s want to pursue a higher education and go to university.
The capuchin monkey replaces the swan as Morgan’s favourite animal in this AU and it’s this love for primates that dictates her wish to study primatology.
Morgan retains her love for fashion, though, naturally, not in the same moulds as her finances are different. The ensembles she blogs about are cheaper alternatives to looks from big fashion magazines and brands for everyone to copy, her makeup is drugstore bought and she loves thrifting. The one luxury item she owns is her signature red lipstick.
To be added.
Naturally, the island (and town!) owes its name to its origins - the first settlers having been shipwrecked on it. They started working in the town, making use of the resources available, as they saw the potential in the island’s geography acting like a natural fortress and eventually established sailing as a means to compensate the island’s flaws/lacking resources. The original shipwrecked galleon can still be visited and it has become a prominent landmark in Shipwreck. (In due time, a comprehensive history of the island/town will be written.)
Though hidden from unwanted eyes, Shipwreck is a relatively close neighbour to Baterilla, with which it makes commerce.
There is an old legend explaining why there are shiny minerals in the rocks encircling the town - presumably, there are the shards of a big diamond once offered from one deity to another. (This and other Shipwreckian folklore are yet to be developed.)
The Lord’s (or Lady’s) big duty is to make sure the townies abide by the law - the original codex written by the settlers of the island and which has been revised every time a change was needed, in order to accommodate the new realities and work for them. For this reason, Shipwreck counts on a jury, a body of enforcement that acts mostly on small bursts of violence or criminal activity, the Lord presiding over the court. Should the Lord/Lady be asked council directly by the townies over lesser things, it’s their duty to be of assistance. Each Lord/Lady enjoys the freedom to do as they see fit, provided they act in Shipwreck’s best interests - acting upon selfish intentions will sooner mean a destitution than tyranny. Lord Silver, being more of an active man, a seafarer, takes his crew on pirating ventures that generate revenue/bring treasure to Shipwreck, a part of which is invested in public works/put to public service. (The politics of Shipwreck will be developed in due time.)
Shipwreck architecture is mostly inspired by that of Spain. Here’s a visual reference.
What flower are you?
What is your muse’s pokémon team? (Will use if a Pokémon verse is ever established.)
What is your muse’s personality type?
Writer aesthetics.
Elements statements.
Muse body language.
Your love type.
What kind of heart do you have?
Muse’s three archetypes.
Morgan’s most important possessions.
Morgan’s idols.
Morgan’s laughter 1, 2.
Morgan as a parent.
The story of Morgan’s crew’s demise as told in the first person.
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bobjlower · 4 years
4 secrets for effective Technical Analysis
Video Transcript
(the transcript has been created automatically via an algorithm – please excuse typos and potential errors in the text)
The first concept is called the extendedness of price action. And this has many different implications of how you can use this concept. There are many ways how you can use that. First of all, the most obvious one is that whenever you see that the price action is very far from your central moving average, it means the price is very overextended. Some people may even say that it is oversold or overbought in this case. And the most obvious use cases that you are trading the price action back to the moving average. And this is especially helpful in Forex trading because Forex trading is a mean-reverting market in contrast to stocks, which is generally considered a trending market in Forex. It is much, much more common to see the price fluctuate around a mean, and I use the 50-period moving average. And as an example you can use any moving average, you can use a shorter-term moving average, like the 20, you can use the 100-period moving average for a longer-term approach, but if you are going for somewhere in the middle of the 50, moving average is a good choice.
And what I do in my trading is that I look for scenarios that show me that the price is very overextended. So it’s very far away from the moving average. And then I go to a lower timeframe and then I try to find price patterns and entries, as we will see later that allows you to trade the price action back to the moving average or very close to the moving average. And you avoid scenarios where the market is just fluctuating around the moving average, because obviously then the profit potential when the price is very close to the moving average is not as high as in situations like that. There are obviously other use cases. I know traders who use the moving average as a, as a trend origin. You look for moves away from the moving average in my trading.
I specialize in trading the price action back to the moving average. What I do is I look for situations like in here where the price action is very overextended. It’s very far away from the moving average. It also, hasn’t been back to the moving average in a long time that can help as a, as a, as an additional filter. What you want is that you don’t only want to see the price away from the moving average, but you also want to see a lot of time between the last touchpoints between the moving average and the price action. And then you just look for ways to trade it back on the lower timeframes. And it works exceptionally well. Here are ways how a trader may use a moving average as a pullback approach. When the market is in a trending phase, you look for moves away from the moving average like in here or here or even here or the other traders.
If you use the concept of extendedness, you wait for the price extra to get very far away from the moving average. You wait for signals that could be a divergence as we will see later, or other concepts that we will explore as well in this video. And then you’re just traded back to the moving average.
Indicators are very, very helpful when it comes to objective trend analysis, many hedge funds, many big algo firms use them because it’s an objective way to analyze price action. And when it comes to the stochastic, what you want is an oversold market and contrary to popular belief. When the stochastic is oversold, it doesn’t mean that the price will automatically go higher. It means that the market is likely to continue because it is very, very, very weak. The market is in a very strong downtrend as shown here by the stochastic and a stochastic can remain – and it often will remain – in overbought and oversold for a long, long time during strong trending markets. What you want is that you want to have a cross of the price action below the moving average. And then you want to see that the stochastic is entering the oversold area.
And this is then the signal that you are in a strong trend. And as long as the market is really staying in the oversold area and a stochastic is an oversold area. You are looking at a very, very strong trend. The market crossed above the moving average and the stochastic entered the overbought area. And this is where then the trend accelerated and really kept going. And I recommend that you get away from this conventional trading wisdom. Do not use the stochastic to find reversal trades. You look for trend continuation trades. When the stochastic is oversold, you don’t look for buying opportunities. You look for selling opportunities with the trend that is where it’s helpful.
When is this downtrend likely to end? When is this uptrend likely to end? And we can use another method for that. This is the exact same chart. I just took off the moving average, and this is still the same area I market with oversold from the previous picture. And now I add an RSI and we want to see an RSI divergence. So when is the price action not agreeing anymore with the indicator? And we have that here, the price action makes lower lows. The indicator is making higher lows. This is a divergence. And it means that the price action is not as strong to the downside anymore. The downtrend is losing momentum. And then shortly after you can see the stochastic also left the oversold area and started the uptrend shortly after the stochastic entered the overbought area and uptrend really accelerated.
And then we have the same here at the other side, the price action is showing you higher highs. Whereas the RSI is showing lower highs. Another divergence. It means that the uptrend is losing strength is not as strong anymore. And then shortly after the market collapses. So how you can use that as maybe use the stochastic to analyze trends, trends, to find very, very strong trends. And then you can add the concept of a divergence within our I, for example, to help you understand and help you find situations when the trend is losing momentum. So those really, really nicely compliment each other. And here we have another example. So here I use the RSI again, and I have drawn here, a center, a level in the 50 period in a 50 level. And what it does is differentiates it separates the RSI in a bullish and in a bearish area.
So whenever the RSI is above 50, you are technically in a bull market. When RSI is below 50, you are in a bear market. I also added a moving average channel to your charts that just help you to visualize the trend a little bit better. And what you want is that you want to get in as close to the market, breaking above the moving average and also above the RSI as possible to find new trend following traits. And if we remember, and if we remind ourselves of the first concept where we talked about extended newness, when the market is very close to the moving average, that’s often when new trends emerge. So this is where we are coming back to this concept here again. So this is more of a trend following approach. Whereas if you look for X over overextended markets and traded back to the moving average, that would be considered more of a reversal approach.
And so what we want is that we want to get in as close to the moving average breakout as possible. We need RSI as confirmation. We want to have the RSI above 50, and then you can use it to stay in your traits as long as the trend is still valid. And you can see that there are many ways how you can do that. You can go to the, like in the previous example with the RSI divergence, or you can try to find a Virgin says to get out of your trend, following traits, you can wait for the market to dip back into the moving average you can use at RSI. In general, you look for a cross in the RSI below 50 to get out of bullish traits. And then the same thing happens to the downside. You want to get in as close to a bearish or to a moving average breakout as possible.
Then for new bearish trade, you look for a confirmation. Here is the market still in, over or not below 50. So you have to wait a little bit longer as a confirmation tour. And then you’re in a downtrend as long as the market. And as long as the RSI is below 50 and also below the moving average channel. So there are many, many ways how you can measure trends, strengths, and understand trends, trends. So I really would urge you to find what works well for you. Here’s another approach. I marked this area here in green. This is the four hour timeframe, and we will go to a lower timeframe and observed X, this exact period, the green Mark period on the one hour lower timeframe to get an under other idea of how you can approach that and pull it back. Trading is generally considered a very, very good and exact trading approach.
So what you want is that as long as the market on the higher timeframe is still in the bullish mode, you’re looking for bullish entries and those happen when the market dips back into, into the moving average channel and also then move away from what cross back about 50. And it’s happened multiple times. The market moves into the channel, moves away from it, moves into the channel and moves away from it into the channel, moves away into the channel trends, higher into the channel trades, higher into the channel. It breaks below it, but on the higher timeframe, remember, we are still in the bullish mode. As long as we see this area here, the market is still on the higher timeframe in the uptrend. And then when the market came back above the moving average channel to uptrend accelerated and is this a very basic, but a very effective to put a bag approach in a trend following market.
So you go to the higher timeframe like here you look for the bullish period, RSI above 50 price action above the channel. And then you go down to the lower timeframe and look for pullback entries, for example, and this is something that will help you look at Trent trends, strength in a different way. Number three, deceleration. One of my favorite concepts that I have learned actually from Moritz in our masterclass and this is really, really helpful. It has completely changed the way I look at charts and I would encourage all traders to really get the idea of it. And what we are doing for that is we are looking for an established trending market. And then we are looking for candlesticks that show us deceleration. Those are small candles, inside bar candles, small dojis and pinbars.
But what we want is we want to have small candles that exist after a strong trending market. And then we look for reverses. There are many, or they are often smart. There can be often small candles within the trend like here or here, and they don’t lead to a reversal. Why we’re going to learn in 0.4 of this video. But in this point, it is first just important to understand, and that you start looking for those areas. You have a strong bearish candle, then the market completely dies down and then you have a strong bullish candle. It shows the reverse or the slow gradual change to the downside. We have a strong, strong bearish market. This is the largest bearish market in this whole uptrend. And right after this bearish candle, we have two doji candles with long wicks. What do they show? They show a temporary pause in a neutral market.
And most importantly, they show that the market has lost conviction in the, in the selling pressure in the short side. So it’s time to get out of your shorts if you’re short and it’s time to go to the lower timeframes and look for potential long entries. And whenever you see after a strong move that the market immediately dies down, that is your clue to start looking for trades into the opposite direction, and you can see the market and accelerated away from it. We have a to here on the S and P we saw that just last week, actually the market traded back in this previous support area. It acted as a resistance. You can see the market came in very, very strong, and then you have two, three very, very small candles. They show deceleration and the bullish momentum dies down, and then you can see this huge bearish drop.
And this is how it looks on the lower timeframes. This is the big level that came in on a daily timeframe on the lower timeframe. Now, the one hour, we have a divergence here on the indicator. It shows us here is the momentum losing strength here, just completely rolling over. And then you even have a nice pet on here. You have a break and retest pattern on the lower timeframes. So this is how you would use or how you could use the deceleration concept with the mighty timeframe approach. We have the Ozzy yen, which I traded with some of my students in the master class. The market Rose rallying very, very strongly into the previous resistance zone. There were two levels on top of each other. The market found resistance at the first one. You can see when we zoom in, there is a strong bet, a bullish candle dead then got reversed into a small doji candle, a very small bearish candor, and then the acceleration to the downside.
This is how it looks. When we zoom in strong bullish candles now fade and become smaller. This is our deceleration candle. You would go to a lower timeframe, look for an entry opportunity, but whenever you see that the market is giving you this deceleration also very far away from the moving average. So we are in an extended market that is your clue that something is changing in the market dynamics and that maybe a new training opportunity is going to present itself. This is how it looks now on a lower timeframe. So this is the area on a daily timeframe to deceleration it, is it how, how it looks on the lower timeframe. We can draw a very nice trendline in here. We see already that the market is rolling over. After the triple top here, we have lower highs. It breaks. The trendline comes back into the trendline, gives you a retest, builds.
This flag breaks out of the flag and another trend continuation to the downside. Every time it is confirmed by the trend rider, histogram, every breakout is also signaled and confirmed by a red trend rider. And this is how you can put the pieces together in your puzzle with the price action.
Let’s get to the last key point and the last point, which brings everything together, really, and it is called, or I called it key level. And instead of taking trades at random places all over your charts, you let the price action come to you. And you only take signals and traits at key levels. As we’ve seen in the last point where we talked about deceleration very, very often, you’ll see in a trend that a trend temporary temporarily pauses, and you have small deceleration candlesticks that don’t lead to anything.
And this is very normal. This is normal market behavior, normal market structure. So you have to further outdoors areas and the best way to filter out trades that don’t go anywhere or just situations that don’t trigger them is to only trade signals at important key levels. So here we are on a daily chart and I was watching this downtrend here for a long, long time. There were many situations where the trend actually slowed down, but it didn’t happen anywhere where it made sense. Only here did the reverse entered the deceleration, make actual sense because it happened at a previous support or resistance area that turns into support. And also this is a demand area which started this huge uptrend. So it does make a lot of sense to have a deceleration here. It makes much, much more sense to then to have a deceleration here, which happens in the middle of nowhere.
So this is the best approach that you can use to further out trading opportunities that are not as a high probability, and you will let the price a price come to you here. And that example, you have a nicely defined range with a bottom and a top, and you wait for deceleration at key levels. Here is a very good support leather. The market came back into the support lever, a strong bearish candle leads to a deceleration candle, which shows you the end of the trend here. You would then go after the story, you’ll get go lower to the, maybe to the one hour to four hour timeframe. And you look to time your traits, which is what we do in the master class. Here you have. Then the market is coming back into the previous resistance level. It is railing very, very strongly strong bullish Canada, and then it leads to a deceleration candle and as new, huge new downtrend.
And this is very, very important. It’s such a simple photo. It seems very simple, but it can completely change the way you look at the charts. He, again, you draw your levels at previous resistance levels, turning points. You wait for the price to get there. And then you wait for the market to show you a deceleration candor. So whenever you see a complete market shift, strong bullish candle turns immediately into a deceleration neutral candle that should show you that something is really changing in the market dynamics. The buyers are not strong anymore, and maybe the sellers are ready to take over. And then after the story, you just go to the lower timeframe and you look for patterns or other ways to time your traits here. We have another example you could use moving to look for deceleration as well. So when the market shoots back into the moving average, that is where you look for the rejection candles, or you just let the market come back to the previous resistance.
And this is really how you can use those four secrets. They integrate very nicely together. You can see how key levels and deceleration work together. You can see how overextended us work together. So whenever you see a deceleration at a level that is very far or happening very far from the moving average, you’re just traded back to the moving average or you band, you bet on a move away from the moving average. So you wait for the market to get back to the moving average and then traded away from a moving average. And those are all key points that will help you improve your technical analysis skills, your price action, and your understanding for charts. Let me know if you liked those types of videos, if that is interesting for you, make sure to check the link in a description for the master class and all the courses that we offer. And I look forward to hearing from you. I read every single comment, even if I can reply to everyone. I am reading every single comment and I use it as inspiration for next, for my next videos and also for my podcast. Thank you for watching. And until the next time.
  The post 4 secrets for effective Technical Analysis appeared first on Tradeciety Online Trading.
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tripstations · 5 years
eight locations to go to within the south of Brazil for distinctive experiences
Whereas many affiliate Brazil with the carnival in Rio or the African rhythms of Bahia, the south of Brazil presents a totally totally different scene. The tradition is strongly influenced by European immigration, mirrored in every thing from the structure to the music, gastronomy, and habits of the locals.
From family-run wineries to beautiful seashores, cooler temperatures, mountaineering trails, unbelievably gorgeous vistas, craft beer, bucket record occasions, and unimaginable delicacies. There’s a lot to discover, and that’s what makes it so interesting. Listed here are eight exceptional locations to go to within the south of Brazil for distinctive experiences to encourage your subsequent journey.
Vale dos Vinhedos – get pleasure from the very best glowing wine of Latin America
Sipping on the very best glowing wine of Latin America is motive alone to go to Vale dos Vinhedos. Whereas tourism is growing to the primary locations Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi, and Caxias do Sul, Brazil’s wine producing area nonetheless seems like one in every of their best-kept secrets and techniques. The area has earned greater than 1,000 medals in worldwide competitions for its refreshing espumante, and likewise gives an amazing number of pink and white wine. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Tannat, Syrah, and Muscat are a few of the important grapes cultivated in Brazil.
Casa Valduga (don’t miss their fantastic lunch), Miolo (their fancy winery events entice an attractive crowd), and Aurora (probably the most awarded Brazilian vineyard), are a couple of nice wineries the place solely the best is sweet sufficient. A drive alongside Caminho De Pedra, a 12km historic route stuffed with traditions, tradition, and naturally, wine, is one other must-do. Other than wonderful wine, Bento Gonçalves spoils you with beautiful views and unimaginable gastronomy, making you want for nothing else however extra.
Praia Rosa – see whales out of your bed room window
Along with beautiful nature, browsing spots, rustic lodges, and seashores described as Brazil’s most interesting that enchant its guests, Praia Rosa is the very best place within the south of Brazil for whale watching. See whales out of your bed room window, as southern proper whales (Baleia Franca) come right here to present beginning and feed their infants between July to November. Boat excursions, rigorously regulated to guard the whales, are additionally obtainable.
A lot of the inhabitants got here right here to surf again within the days and ended up falling in love with the pure magnificence. There’s a probability that you��ll, too. In summer season, Praia Rosa presents a occurring scene with occasions and well-known DJs spinning information, whereas it in off-season transforms right into a tranquil paradise good for disconnecting.
Blumenau – have fun the world’s greatest Oktoberfest exterior of Germany
Greater than 3.5 million folks converse German in Brazil, and the influences of German tradition are particularly robust within the south. Bask in genuine German meals and wonderful beer in Blumenau, Brazil’s little Germany. The annual Oktoberfest in Blumenau is the largest exterior of Germany, with 500 000 guests passionate in regards to the traditions, music, and nice chops.
Between 1824 and 1972, about 260,000 Germans settled in Brazil. The overall has elevated considerably ever since, maybe because of the German-Brazilian ladies having a median variety of births of 10,6, the best within the nation.
A number of beer festivals happen in Blumenau all year long, such because the Competition Brasilero Da Cerveja in March. That is the locals’ favourite, with 100+ microbreweries presenting their finest number of craft beers.
Balneario Camboriu – dance the evening away at among the best golf equipment on this planet
Ranked one of many prime golf equipment by DJ Magazine, a barometer of the very best golf equipment on this planet, the nightclub Inexperienced Valley in Balneario Camboriu is a vacation spot of its personal. With the most recent expertise, particular results, visuals, lighting, famend DJs, a big open-air space, open minds, and beautiful environment, you might be assured among the best out of doors clubbing experiences you’ll ever have.
Lovely seashores, luxurious inns, buying, trendy infrastructure, and scenic roads such because the Interpraias freeway, thought-about probably the most gorgeous roads in Santa Catarina, will maintain you busy in between the dance units.
Curitiba – dine at one of many world’s greatest eating places and find out about dwelling brewing
House to iconic venues reminiscent of Madalosso, the largest restaurant within the Americas, and one of many greatest on this planet, Curitiba will develop into your blissful place for those who wish to eat. Madalosso is a favourite amongst vacationers and locals alike, recognized for its acquainted type, Italian meals, and, as you may need figured, capability, of 4600 friends.
The gastronomy in Curitiba displays the combined inhabitants, with fantastic fusions of Brazilian, Árabe, Ukrainian, Japanese, and Italian delicacies. That is additionally the place you will discover the most important variety of homebrewers in Brazil, supported by public initiatives all about instructing folks tips on how to make scrumptious beer at dwelling. Different bars, pretty parks, botanical gardens, festivals, and historic neighborhoods are different components contributing to many Brazilians describing Curitiba as their favourite metropolis.
Florianopolis – problem your self in one of many world’s quickest Iron Man
You probably have ever dreamt about doing an Ironman, Florianopolis hosts one of many quickest on this planet. In Might 2017 Tim Don broke the World Document with the surreal 7:40:23 ending time. Many different individuals did additionally break their private information in the identical race.
Whether or not you might be right here for a problem like that, or simply to unwind, you received’t run out of issues to do in Florianopolis. 40 seashores, beautiful lakeside views, pretty gastronomy, and hikes surrounded by pure pure magnificence, are different the reason why you’ll really feel like staying in Floripa, or on the magic island, because the locals name it. As soon as you might be right here, you’ll perceive why.
Foz de Iguaçu – get amazed by one in every of nature’s 7 wonders
The Iguacu falls, situated on the border of Argentina and Brazil, make up the most important waterfall system on this planet. The Brazilian aspect is the nation’s second most visited attraction and deserves all the eye. 150 to 300 falls of as much as 82 meters movement into the Paraná River, with a velocity of 1.5 million liters of water per second. Throughout flood intervals, the quantity of water can improve as much as 6.5 million liters per second.
Take a boardwalk into the spotlight, the Satan’s Throat, an 90 m huge and 80 m deep canyon, to get reminded of how highly effective nature is. It’s also possible to take a helicopter trip, and cross the border to Argentina to admire the falls from a unique perspective. Highly effective, distinctive, and amazingly lovely. You might be up for a deal with you received’t overlook.
Gramado – get into Christmas spirit with fondue, chocolate, and fairly views
Whereas it may be mentioned whether or not the native nickname “the largest Christmas occasion on this planet’ is true, Gramado undoubtedly hosts one of many world’s largest Christmas happenings. With gentle exhibits, points of interest, performances, chocolate, conventional meals, and an in depth quantity of decorations, Natal Luz attracts roughly 1.5 million folks yearly.
If you want to get into that Christmas spirit earlier, Snowland, a winter-themed park with an alpine-style village and ski slopes, is open all year long. Brazil’s Christmas capital can also be recognized for scrumptious gastronomy (reminiscent of unimaginable fondue), charming structure, tradition, and fairly views, making it an amazing vacation spot for having fun with the finer issues in life.
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