#kerem tunnel
eretzyisrael · 2 years
Biking in Jerusalem was recommended by TIME magazine as one of 50 extraordinary travel ideas for 2023 on its third annual list of the World’s Greatest Places.
“While Jesus may have traveled to Jerusalem by donkey, Solomon by mule, and the Prophet Muhammad by a winged Buraq, thousands of years later the holy city has plenty of other methods of transportation to get around, from bus to light rail to train. And today, there’s a way to see this ancient city from a new, unexpected perspective,” TIME correspondent Jessica Shaw writes.
“Anyone comfortable on two wheels can now rent a bike and cycle along the newly opened Kerem Tunnel, part of the Jerusalem Ring bike path, a 42-km route that allows visitors to circle the holy city at their own pace, starting, for example, at the Biblical Zoo in the western part of the city and finishing at the Jaffa Gate in the east.”
The tunnel, she notes, “connects two parts of the Jerusalem Ring: on one end lies Ein Lavan, a spring dating back to the Iron Age, and on the other, Ein Karem, the birthplace of John the Baptist, which has become a foodie and art-gallery hot spot. Those in the mood for a more rigorous afternoon of touristing can work their way to the windy streets of the Old City for 360-degree views found at the recently renovated Tower of David Jerusalem Museum.”
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salixj · 4 months
As part of the IDF’s efforts to secure of the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing, IDF soldiers came across incriminating evidence that at least part of the staff at the crossing also served in Hamas’s militia, the Al-Qassam brigades.
A worker’s pass from the Rafah crossing maintenance department was retrieved, belonging to a worker named Nasser Kamal Ghizan Abu Mousa, alongside another card of his depicting him as a member of Hamas’s Ezedeen Al-Qassam brigades. The Al-Qassam card also read “please facilitate the tasks of this card’s holder.”
A source at the IDF told the Jerusalem Post: “The IDF’s mission in the Rafah crossing revolves around cleansing the area from Hamas’s terror activity and to make sure that the goods brought into the Gaza Strip will make it to Gazan citizens, rather than Hamas terrorists.
“There are other terrorists linked to the crossing, which we will expose in the future,” added the source. “This is but one of a series of findings providing evidence to the fact that Hamas has been clandestinely running affairs de facto, exploiting the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing for its own survival.”
The source highlighted the fact that in the past weeks, IDF forces uncovered tunnel shafts in the area of the Rafah crossing, used by Hamas for attacking purposes. “This also demonstrates how Hamas exercised control over the vicinity of the crossing.”
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DISPLACED PALESTINIANS, who fled Rafah as the IDF began evacuating civilians ahead of a threatened assault, travel on a vehicle in Khan Yunis, earlier this month. Israel has taken unprecedented measures to protect civilians, the writer asserts. (credit: Ramadan Abed/Reuters)
Hamas attacks entry points for humanitarian aid
In the same context, Hamas has been repeatedly firing rockets aimed at the Kerem Shalom crossing and the surrounding area from the Rafah crossing area, exploiting these areas to threaten aid convoys aimed at the citizens of Gaza.
Despite ruling the Gaza Strip de facto since the last round of elections and bloody coup over two decades ago, over the years Hamas officials have denied responsibility for their constituency in Gaza. In October, Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk implied that Hamas’s tunnel network was meant to protect only Hamas members, while the rest of the citizens fall under jurisdiction of UNRWA or Israel.
Likewise, several Hamas leaders escaped the Gaza Strip to safety at their patrons’ in Doha or elsewhere few days prior to the October 7th massacre, to avoid facing Israeli retaliation.
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matan4il · 8 months
Daily update post:
There was an independent terrorist attack in the Gush Etzion region today, 2 Palestinian terrorists fired at Israeli soldiers, didn't manage to injure anyone, and one of them was eliminated.
Barak Ayalon, a man in his 40's and his mother Mira, in her 70's, were murdered today, while the father, also in his 70's, was moderately injured due to Hezbollah shooting anti-tank missiles from Lebanon at a home in Kfar Yuval, a community in northern Israel.
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This follows another incident that took place during the night, in the area of Har Dov (where I was stationed when I was doing my mandatory IDF service), 4 Hezbollah terrorists used the heavy rains, infiltrated Israel, fired at soldiers, injured 5 of them, and ended up being eliminated.
I think this is so important to understand that the IDF truly does its best not to harm civilians. Here's a compilation of moments when air strikes were aborted, when civilians were identified in the vicinity of the intended targets:
Today, the entire country of Israel is observing 100 days since Oct 7.
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100 days since the start of this war that is costing so many lives every single day, and more than anything, 100 days since innocent civilians in Israel were attacked, abused, tortured and kidnapped to Gaza, where 136 continue to suffer in captivity. There is a 24 hour protest, many companies and organizations are striking today for 100 minutes, and in a Tel Aviv square that was re-named after the hostages, there is a model of a Hamas terror tunnel, that people can walk into, and stay in there for 100 seconds, to get an idea of how suffocating it is. When the model was opened, the families of the hostages visited it, and shared some of their thoughts on the walls.
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On Oct 23, a Hamas rocket hit a kibbutz called Yad Mordechai, named after Mordechai Anilevich, the commander of Eyal, one of the two Jewish underground movements, which fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The kibbutz is home to a Holocaust museum, one of the first in the world, and Hamas' rocket hit the gallery that recreates the command bunker of Mordechai Anilevich (you might be able to recognize the red bricks used in most of the Warsaw Ghetto):
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As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, IDK if I can explain how this image is chilling to the bones.
This is Nassrin Yossef.
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She and her husband Yiad are Druze, and originally from northern Israel. They fell in love with the people of a community called Yated in the south, and move there. On Oct 7, despite a broken leg, Yiad joins the community's emergency squad (which stopped some of the terrorists). Nassrin stays with their kids, and faces the terrorists who get to their house, which happens to be the closest to the border fence. She speaks to the terrorists in Arabic, and starts "interrogating" them, getting information about how many have infiltrated Yated, and where they are. She finds out some are hiding in the greenhouse found very close to her home. She passes the info on to the security forces, who take out 20 terrorists. The phone of one of these men rang, and Nassrin replied, said she's helping to hide the terrorists, so it's okay to share any info with her. She found out from the man on the line that there's a breach in the fence they're gonna enter through, and she translated everything for the Israeli officer. She said the way the man on the phone ended the call was, "Allah willing, we'll occupy Israel by tonight." The next day, Nassrin found out that while her actions and her husband's saved many in their community, the terrorists murdered two of her friends at the community of Kerem Shalom, and a Jewish neighbor and friend named Ido. "He was like a brother to me, his family like my family." Nassrin says she broke at that point. Yiad drove them out, and she recounts that the road was full of burned and shot cars with bodies still inside. She also says that, as scary as it is, Yated is their home and they'll return to it as soon as they can. Heroes.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
▪️UNWRA - According to the Wall Street Journal, one in ten UNRA employees is linked to terrorist organizations. 12 were directly involved in the massacre.   1,200 of the 12,000 UNRWA employees have close ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives (eg. first degree family ties).  Of the 12 UNRWA employees who took an active part in the terrorist attacks, 7 were teachers.
▪️FIRE ORDERS - IDF spokesperson:  Further to the claims regarding the instructions to open fire at the Gaza border, the IDF clarifies that there is no change in the instructions to open fire, and the IDF forces are acting according to the instructions not to allow any party to reach the border fence.
▪️TUNNEL - in Khan Yunis: a tunnel under a cemetery.  IDF aided an underground tunnel complex located under the Bani Suheila cemetery in the heart of Khan Yunis. While investigating the tunnel, the forces came across explosives, sliding doors and blast-proof doors, and eliminated terrorists who were inside. The forces located an office from which a Khan Yunis Brigade battalion commander managed the attack on October 7th, an operations room, a command and control center and the living quarters of senior officials of Hamas - about a kilometer long and 20 meters deep. 
▪️HOSTAGE DEAL - (( it is IMPOSSIBLE to know the truth of the leaks about a deal - could be completely false, somewhat false, or real )) Sky News: Israel agreed to the deal proposed yesterday. The draft will soon be submitted to Hamas.  The deal includes the release of hostages in batches including ceasefires, the release of terrorists with blood on their hands, and increases in humanitarian aid.
Details: 45 days of ceasefire or 35 hostages in stage 1, 100-250 terrorists with blood on their hands including mass murderers per hostage.  “Significant” humanitarian aid.
Prime Ministers Office: Reports about the deal are incorrect and include conditions unacceptable to Israel.
Qatar: “When we talk about progress towards a deal, we mean that Hamas no longer demands the end of the war as a precondition to conducting negotiations.”
🔻PEACE ROCKETS OF NEIGHBORLY LOVE (per the world) LAUNCHED AT TEL AVIV.. 15 rockets launched from northern Gaza at Tel Aviv and various areas in central Israel.  
▪️DEFENSE MINISTER… Half of Hamas terrorists have been killed or wounded.
▪️HAIFA ATTACK DETAILS… Kann News: A terrorist with an axe car rammed then slashed a twenty-year old soldier outside of the navy base in Haifa, and seriously wounded him, the terrorist was neutralized.  The terrorist - an Israeli Arab resident of Tamara.
▪️SHIITE MILITIAS OF IRAQ… today we attacked a military target in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" using a suicide drone.  (Where?)
▪️SYRIA - AIRSTRIKE NEAR DAMASCUS.. the attack was against a structure in the area of the agricultural farms in Sayeda Zeinab, controlled by the IRGC (Iran).  The Iranian news agency Tasnim confirms:  The attack in southern Damascus was on a "center of Iranian advisers".
▪️UNRWA - SPAIN SAYS NO.. The Spanish Foreign Minister: We will not freeze funding for UNRWA!
▪️ORDER 9 IMPACT.. Gaza Crossings Authority:  Yesterday, aid trucks did not enter through the Kerem Shalom crossing (( due to Order 9 protestors blocking)).  90 trucks entered through the Rafah crossing: 84 trucks of aid, 4 cooking gas tanks, 2 diesel tankers.
▪️ATTEMPTED STABBING ATTACK - JUDEA-SAMARIA.. The IDF says troops shot dead a Palestinian who attempted to stab soldiers at an army post near the West Bank town of Tuqu'.
▪️SHIP HIJACK ATTEMPT… 3 armed speedboats approached a merchant ship 44 miles off the coast of Yemen.
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lightelfearthling · 4 months
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"In this video, you can see the large number of trucks waiting to enter Gaza. Must be seen to be believed!
Over 600 trucks full of aid are waiting at the Kerem Shalom crossing, ready to help the people of Gaza.
But UN bodies have only picked up 12 trucks on the Gazan side. 12! Hamas is withholding the aid, letting their people suffer, using civilians as human shields, doing everything to exploit them, while they hide in their tunnels.
Meanwhile, the IDF is halting operations DAILY to allow aid distribution, risking their lives to help civilians, because Israel values life.
The media won't tell you this. But the facts speak for themselves. Israel is doing everything to help Gazans, even in the midst of war.
Hamas is doing everything to exploit them.
The international community needs to step up. Pressure Hamas to let the aid through.
Hold them accountable for their crimes against their own people. Israelis & Palestinians both deserve peace & security.
But that will never happen as long as Hamas prioritizes terror over the welfare of Gazans." by Hen Mazzig on XTwitter
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sethshead · 7 months
-- Statement on UNRWA by Israeli Ambassador --
"Recognizing the difficult humanitarian situation in Gaza, Israel remains committed to collaborating with partners to alleviate the suffering and prevent deterioration.
"Israel is at war with the terrorist organisation Hamas, who carried out the massacre of October 7, slaughtering more than 1200 innocent people, and taking 240 people hostage. Today, Hamas continues to fire indiscriminately at Israelis from the Gaza Strip, and still holds 134 hostages. Our fight is with Hamas. It is not with the Palestinian people.
"Israel is committed to facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing in Egypt and the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel. In addition, a humanitarian aid delivery channel via Jordan is also operational, and more delivery channels are process.
"Anyone who wants further information about what Israel is doing regarding the facilitation of humanitarian aid into Gaza: we will gladly elaborate. 
"Over the weekend, UNRWA claimed that a food shipment was stuck at an Israeli port due to restrictions from Israeli authorities. This was simply not true. Much of this supply was released and distributed by WFP. Spreading false accusations is simply unacceptable.
"You see, the reality is the majority of the aid entering Gaza today is not through UNRWA but through other UN agencies. As you all know, the United Nations has mechanisms which exist to distribute aid in response to crisis and there are UN agencies which are operating and delivering what is required in Gaza, as they do all over the world.
"Israel will continue to do what it can to get aid directly to the Palestinian people into Gaza. Humanitarian aid cannot end up in the hands of Hamas.
"Hamas has diverted humanitarian aid intended for the Palestinian people for decades. This is how they have built and sustained more 500km of tunnels for years. For once, on October 16th, UNRWA recognized this fact and tweeted that Hamas had stolen fuel from stockpiles. However, it then deleted the tweet and denied this admission. Mr Lazzarini, why was this tweet deleted?
"Recently, Israel shared information directly with the Commissioner General showing the direct participation of UNRWA staff members in the October 7 massacre.
"Just to be clear - this is just the tip of the iceberg. Intelligence shows that around 10% of UNRWA employees are members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Testimonies from two released hostages also confirm that hostages were held in the homes of UNRWA teachers. One was moved from hideouts through UNRWA facilities. UNRWA teachers applauded terrorist attacks, including October 7, and encourage antisemitism. The list goes on. How long can the international community continue to fund an organization that is riddled with terrorists?
"The fact that Hamas members are embedded in UNRWA is not new. For years, a number of UNRWA employees have been involved in terrorist activities. For years, the UN apparatus has repeatedly shrugged off concerns, deliberately ignored data about Hamas in their ranks, defaming those highlighting concerns. 
"UNRWA officials say that they do not know what is happening. Well, let me tell you from my own personal experience - they did know. And they chose to do nothing.
"In 2011, as director of the UN department in Jerusalem, I drafted a letter sent to UNRWA informing them that a number of their employees had links to Hamas. To my knowledge, no investigations were ever carried out, and no response was ever given. Two of those listed in that letter are still employed by UNRWA today, one is a teacher and one is a school principal.
"In addition, in 2012, another letter was sent to UNRWA informing them of additional names of Hamas terrorists in their ranks. Despite Israel’s intelligence, one of the employees on that list remained as chairman of the UNRWA workers union and as principal of an UNRWA elementary school. He was only forced to resign in 2017, 5 years later, when he was elected as head of the political bureau of Hamas in Gaza. 
"Like I said, this is just the tip of the iceberg. These are just two cases where I was personally involved in.
"So, you see, the fact that UNRWA supporters carried out the attacks of October 7 is not surprising. UNRWA has employed terrorists for years. Its lack of action in the past, is precisely why Israel has little faith in its willingness to address the grave concerns in the present. Time and time again, it has chosen to turn a blind eye.
"Over the weekend, the IDF discovered and exposed a substantial tunnel system and a Hamas intelligence base under UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza. Sitting directly above this underground Hamas data center was the UNRWA server room for their main office. Some of the cables in that room connected down, providing all communication and electricity to the Hamas infrastructure below. UNRWA's headquarters provided everything for Hamas to terrorist infrastructure below. Israel offered senior UNRWA officials to tour the tunnel, but they denied our request. To say that UNRWA staff were unaware of such activities, happening directly below their feet, is simply inconceivable.
"The international community continues to support and fund, through UNRWA, Hamas’s strategy of using the people of Gaza as human shields. Hamas's exploitation of UNRWA facilities for military purposes, including storing weapons and constructing tunnels, is well-documented. 
"UNRWA's education programs also perpetuate the conflict. We can no longer ignore the incitement to violence and antisemitism within UNRWA schools, where hate is cultivated instead of peace.
"At least 3000 terrorists took part in the attacks of October 7. One must raise the question: how many of these terrorists were educated in UNRWA schools? How many were taught to hate from a young age?  How many of them were directly employed by UNRWA?
"Commissioner-General how does this align with the UN mission of global peace and security? The Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, Mr. Matthias Schmale, was fired in 2021 for saying that IDF airstrikes were precise, but those who praise terrorists carry on in their roles as teachers of future generations. WHY?
"The establishment of an independent review group to assess UNRWA’s neutrality is a positive but long overdue step.
"However, the review group should include research institutes with relevant professional experience that includes counter-terrorism, security and vetting procedures.
"In addition, the terms of reference of the review group should be defined in clearer terms regarding the need to prevent the employment of members of terrorist groups in the ranks of the organization, and to ensure that UN facilities are not be used for terror purposes.
"Simply put, for years, the international community, through funds donated to UNRWA, has paid the salaries of terrorists. How can it ensure this is not the case in the future?
"Needless to say, this review committee must also investigate the incitement to violence and antisemitism in UNRWA’s educational system, in textbooks and by its teachers, before and after the October 7 massacre.
"UNRWA is not fit for its purpose. It has terrorists in its ranks. It has tunnels under its headquarters. It teaches hatred in its schools. It perpetuates the conflict. It has become a political tool for Hamas. It is part of the problem, not part of the solution. We cannot allow Hamas to control humanitarian assistance, and because of their integration within UNRWA, they have that control. The international community cannot and should not tolerate or fund a UN Agency actively shielding and enabling terrorist activities in Gaza."
The UN cannot argue that it does not know. Multiple reports were submitted regarding UNRWA activities, and how its aid and institutions were used for military purposes in what Hamas intended to be an eliminationist, genocidal war against Israel. Yet the UN argues it did not know. UNRWA argues it did not know. UNRWA argues it did not know what was taking place in and under its own schools, hospitals, centers and headquarters. UNRWA argues it did not know how infiltrated it was - and to a degree it was not infiltrated, since feeding grievance and perpetual conflict has always been its role far more than has feeding and settling Palestinians. Yet despite UNRWA's obvious work teaching the demonization of Jews and the virtue of irredentist war, the UN argues that it did not know. UNRWA donors who disregarded all warnings of that terrorism, for which UNRWA served as cover, argue that they did not know. Like townsfolk who smelled the stench of death from the camp nearby and whose streets were periodically covered with ash and soot, no one knew what was happening there.
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murderbot · 9 months
"While Israel recently opened the Kerem Shalom for the transfer of goods after being pressured by the United States, Hamas is stealing much of the aid intended for Gazan civilians and redirecting it to terrorists hiding in tunnels."
This article from an Israeli website demonstrates the lengths that Israeli propaganda will go to to maintain the genocide and deliberate state of starvation imposed on Gaza.
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norfaith · 22 days
ASLI, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: the world is in upheaval, and everyone's dying. the world is in chaos.
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in affiliation with @preytale, when the apocalypse hit, the world was in upheaval. as expected, nobody knew what to do, where to turn, who to trust. any touch of humanity was grazed from the very souls of humans and self-preservation was all that remained, but not to be mistaken with the new primal age that emerged in the wake of chaos. there were no people left, there was no empathy, there was no humanity. but before chaos struck,  asli soyder was a landscape architect for the local zoo. as most children of renowned wealthy families, she broke away from familial expectation to create a name and life for herself — from her own efforts and hard-work. her ever strategic and sharp mind allowed her to map and memorize the zoo from corner to corner, from top to bottom. the future of the zoo’s architecture laid in her palms, within her full control, before the apocalypse. 
with the end of the world comes an ever pressing thought, what next? after the first wave of chaos, once the dead and undead are forced into coexistence — the zoo remains.
alongside vincent mancini, and various other staff from the zoo pre-chaos, the zoo provides a sanctuary for survivors of the apocalypse. some of these survivors already have personal and career ties to this place, but some don’t. when the chaos first began, it was unmistakable that luck was on their side. they lost many, humans and animals alike, but after the chaos came the mirage of serenity. the eye of a hurricane, forever chased by a world outside of iron cages and stone walls beckoning them to meet their end.
additional personal information and statistics
moral alignment: lawful good
personality traits: admirable, agreeable, alert, amiable, appreciative, benevolent, caring, charming, compassionate, clever-headed, conscientious, considerate, creative, dedicated, earnest, firm, genuine, helpful, honest, humble, innovative, methodical, neat, perfectionist, resourceful, sensitive, timidity 
dislikes ( post-apocalypse ): being in enclosed spaces, public transportation, being outside of the zoo, public markets, being in situations with no escape or difficult escape, tunnels
habits: picking at cuticles, nail biting, scratching at her forearms and neck when anxious or fearful, tight lipped smiles, avoiding eye contact
psychological: generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, claustrophobia
dossier and statistics
birth name: asli soyder
legal name used: asli
sexual orientation: pansexual
current age: thirty-four
place of birth: istanbul, turkey
ethnicity: turkish
current residence: usa / affiliated location, verse dependent
universe: earth
education: bachelor of science in landscape architecture
languages: english, turkish
former occupation: librarian, barista
current occupation: landscape architect for the zoo
main verse occupation: landscape architect, no job post-apocalypse
body build: lean and slender
hair color: brown
usual hair length: mid-back
eye color: green
height: 5’7”
birth father / alive: kerem soyder
birth mother / alive: aiyla soyder
bodily scars and notable injuries
scar behind left ear
stab wound scar along left bicep
scar running along right elbow from breaking her arm when she was a teenager
lily flower running up the side of left wrist
motifs to ward off evil eye behind left shoulder
cypress tree with a tiger on her ankle
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infosisraelnews · 3 months
Les commandants de Tsahal affirment que les opérations dans le tunnel de Rafah se poursuivront pendant des mois
Tandis que Tsahal surmonte divers défis, les produits israéliens et internationaux remplissent les entrepôts du côté de Gaza du poste frontière de Kerem Shalom, en route vers les Palestiniens de l’enclave côtière. Les pêches de Yesud HaMa’ala, près de la frontière libanaise, les bananes premium des vergers de Hof HaCarmel et les abricots de Zichron Ya’akov ne représentent qu’une fraction de…
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Possibile incontro domani al Cairo per la riapertura del valico di Rafah
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Possibile incontro domani al Cairo per la riapertura del valico di Rafah. Potrebbe tenersi già domani al Cairo l'atteso incontro a tre, Egitto-Israele-Stati Uniti per concordare la riapertura, nelle ore successive, del valico di Rafah sotto il controllo di Egitto e Autorità Palestinese, e il ritiro di Israele dal passaggio di frontiera. Lo ha detto all'Ansa una fonte di alto livello della sicurezza egiziana. La fonte ha confermato che sono in corso «intensi contatti tra Egitto e Israele, con la mediazione degli Stati Uniti, per aprire il valico di Rafah e consegnare rapidamente aiuti umanitari a Gaza». L'obiettivo è la ripresa, nel più breve tempo possibile, della consegna degli aiuti umanitari, dell'assistenza medica e di cibo e carburante per la popolazione palestinese, ma anche lo sblocco dell'accoglienza di palestinesi feriti e malati, stranieri e titolari di doppia nazionalità in uscita da Gaza verso l’Egitto. Il capo della Mezzaluna Rossa egiziana nel Nord Sinai, Khaled Zayed, ha annunciato intanto che questa mattina le autorità egiziane hanno aperto il valico di Rafah sul lato egiziano e hanno preparato e inviato 250 camion di aiuti umanitari, incluse 4 autocisterne di carburante, al valico di Kerem Shalom. Intanto l'Idf, per la prima volta, ha detto che sta operando nella parte centrale di Rafah, nel sud della Striscia. Lo ha fatto sapere il portavoce militare, secondo cui in quell'area sono stati «localizzati lanciatori di razzi di Hamas, imbocchi di tunnel del terrore e armi» e «smantellato un deposito di armi di Hamas». Durante la notte, l’aviazione israeliana ha attaccato quattro postazioni degli Hezbollah nel sud del Libano. Lo ha fatto sapere il portavoce militare, secondo cui gli attacchi sono avvenuti nelle aree di Aitaroun e Markaba.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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e-o-t-w · 5 months
Eyes on the world #192
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Maggio entra nel vivo e già lascia il segno. 
Nel numero di questa settimana le ultime da Israele e Hamas, ma anche dagli USA e dall’Italia. C’è spazio per un aggiornamento da un grande protagonista dell’epoca Covid e per un’importante novità proveniente dall’UE. Per la chiusura, diamo un occhio a quello che sta succedendo in Brasile. 
Neanche oggi ci si annoia. Cominciamo 👇 
(1) Tante novità di cui parlare, proviamo a fare ordine. Lo scorso weekend, il governo israeliano guidato da Benjamin #Netanyahu ha votato all’unanimità per chiudere tutte le attività di #AlJazeera in #Israele, accusando il media di favorire #Hamas nella guerra a Gaza. La nuova legge ordina la chiusura dei canali televisivi e dei siti web di Al Jazeera in Israele, oltre alla confisca delle attrezzature dei suoi uffici nel paese. La chiusura potrebbe influenzare le relazioni tra Israele e il Qatar, che ha cercato di mediare tra Israele e Hamas. A questo proposito, le trattative per un cessate il fuoco nella Striscia non hanno ancora portato a un accordo definitivo. Domenica, un funzionario di Hamas ha dichiarato che i colloqui sono stati intensi ma non conclusivi, e la delegazione di Hamas si sarebbe trasferita a Doha, in Qatar, per ulteriori consultazioni. I media egiziani hanno riportato che i negoziati sarebbero ripresi martedì. Entrambe le parti avevano espresso volontà di raggiungere un accordo, con Hamas che avrebbe richiesto il ritiro completo delle truppe israeliane da Gaza e uno scambio di ostaggi e prigionieri. Tuttavia, ci sono stati segnali contrastanti: il capo politico di Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, ha accusato il primo ministro Netanyahu di sabotare i colloqui, mentre Israele ha chiuso un varco dopo un lancio di razzi. Si è discusso anche sulla durata e sulle condizioni di un cessate il fuoco, ma esistono attualmente divisioni all'interno del governo israeliano su come procedere. Il segretario di Stato statunitense, Antony #Blinken, sta facendo pressione su Hamas per accettare le condizioni di un accordo, al fine di evitare un'offensiva militare su #Rafah. Proprio qui, migliaia di civili palestinesi sono stati evacuati dalla parte orientale della città, nell'ultimo rifugio non ancora occupato dall'esercito israeliano nella Striscia di Gaza. L'esercito israeliano ha ordinato l'evacuazione attraverso volantini, sms e messaggi in tv, preparando il terreno per un'operazione militare contro miliziani di Hamas nella zona.  
Nella notte tra lunedì e martedì, l'esercito israeliano ha preso il controllo del varco di Rafah, oltretutto fondamentale punto di passaggio per gli aiuti umanitari fino a questo momento. Questo significa che entrambi i varchi di Rafah e Kerem Shalom sono attualmente chiusi, interrompendo il flusso di aiuti nel sud della Striscia di Gaza. L'operazione militare israeliana a Rafah è stata descritta come "molto precisa", con l'istituzione di un centro operativo sul lato palestinese del varco e operazioni contro strutture e miliziani di Hamas. Le truppe israeliane sono attive nei quartieri orientali di Rafah, evacuati dei civili palestinesi per ordine israeliano. Durante l'operazione sono stati messi in atto l'abbattimento di tunnel e l'uccisione di terroristi palestinesi, anche se non sono state fornite prove concrete. I bombardamenti notturni hanno causato la morte di almeno 23 persone. L'#ONU e altre organizzazioni umanitarie hanno espresso preoccupazione per la situazione, sottolineando il blocco dei varchi che impedisce il passaggio di aiuti umanitari e il rischio di carenza di carburante che minaccia il funzionamento degli impianti elettrici, compresi quelli degli ospedali, nella Striscia di Gaza. Tornando al potenziale cessate il fuoco, nella notte tra lunedì e martedì, si è diffusa la notizia che Hamas avesse "accettato" una proposta di cessate il fuoco, portando molti civili a Gaza a festeggiare sperando in una tregua temporanea. Tuttavia, la proposta accettata da Hamas non era quella condivisa con Israele, ma una diversa avanzata da Qatar ed Egitto, senza alcun accordo effettivo raggiunto. Poco dopo, l'esercito israeliano ha condotto la suddetta operazione militare a Rafah, portando i palestinesi a dover fuggire dai bombardamenti. Altri protagonisti della settimana sono stati gli Stati Uniti, che hanno temporaneamente interrotto l'invio di un carico di armi a Israele per via delle preoccupazioni che potessero essere utilizzate nell'invasione di Rafah. Questa sospensione è stata descritta come un avvertimento ai leader israeliani, con il presidente Biden che ha espresso critiche riguardo alla gestione israeliana della guerra a Gaza e ha discusso di una potenziale sospensione totale dell'invio di armi a Israele qualora Rafah fosse stata invasa.  
Chiudiamo con una veloce panoramica sulle ultime proteste studentesche. In diverse università europee sono state organizzate manifestazioni contro la guerra di Israele nella Striscia di Gaza. Queste hanno coinvolto diverse università in Francia, Italia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito e altri paesi europei, con episodi di scontri e arresti. Le azioni di protesta sono state anche supportate da dichiarazioni politiche in alcuni paesi, come il Belgio e l'Irlanda. 
(2) Il Quotidiano Nazionale ha reso pubblico sabato scorso un video shock dell'arresto violento di Matteo #Falcinelli, uno studente venticinquenne di Spoleto frequentante un corso di laurea alla Florida International University, da parte della polizia di #Miami negli Stati Uniti lo scorso 25 febbraio. Il filmato, proveniente da una bodycam, mostra le forze dell'ordine immobilizzare Falcinelli con una pratica controversa chiamata hogtie, legando insieme polsi e caviglie. Secondo le ricostruzioni della famiglia, Falcinelli era entrato in un locale credendo fosse un normale bar, ma sembra che una donna abbia offerto la sua compagnia a pagamento, e ci sia stato un diverbio sul pagamento o sul recupero dei cellulari di Falcinelli. Altre riprese della bodycam mostrano Falcinelli chiedere i suoi cellulari, mentre la polizia sostiene che chiedesse indietro dei soldi. Lo studente è stato arrestato per resistenza a pubblico ufficiale e violazione di proprietà privata. Il trattamento subito da Falcinelli è stato definito "particolarmente violento" dal ministero degli Esteri italiano, che segue il caso da due mesi. Dopo l'arresto, Falcinelli è rimasto immobilizzato con l'hogtie per 13 minuti in una stazione di polizia, secondo quanto riportato dalla sua famiglia. Ha trascorso tre giorni in carcere prima di essere rilasciato su cauzione. Il video dell'arresto è stato ottenuto dagli avvocati solo a metà aprile, rivelando le violenze subite da Falcinelli. La pratica dell'hogtie è controversa sia negli Stati Uniti che in Europa, e l'uso di tale tecnica è stata sconsigliata dal Dipartimento di Stato nel 1995. Tuttavia, alcuni dipartimenti di polizia continuano a utilizzarla nonostante le controversie e i rischi associati. La famiglia di Falcinelli ha raccontato che le conseguenze traumatiche dell'arresto hanno pesantemente influenzato la vita dell'uomo, portandolo a ricoveri ospedalieri e a un rischio di suicidio. Attualmente è assistito da specialisti e assume psicofarmaci. La famiglia ha annunciato l'intenzione di denunciare le autorità statunitensi per il trattamento subito da Falcinelli durante l'arresto. Il parere del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti non si è fatto attendere, riconoscendo le preoccupazioni sollevate dal governo italiano e dalla famiglia Falcinelli, e confermando che la polizia di Miami sta conducendo un'indagine sul caso. 
(3) Tornando in Italia, il presidente della #Liguria Giovanni #Toti è stato posto agli arresti domiciliari insieme all'ex presidente dell'autorità portuale Paolo Emilio Signorini e all'imprenditore portuale Aldo Spinelli nell'ambito di un'inchiesta per #corruzione. Le accuse riguardano presunti favori e tangenti legati alla gestione delle campagne elettorali di Toti e alla concessione di spazi portuali. Spinelli è accusato di aver corrotto Signorini per ottenere vantaggi nell'affare della concessione del terminal Rinfuse nel porto di Genova (leader italiano nel traffico container e cruciale per il commercio), con regali e pagamenti in denaro. Tra le opere chiave c'è il "tombamento" della calata Concenter, parte di un piano per ampliare lo spazio portuale, ottenendo finanziamenti straordinari e deroghe ambientali. Altre persone coinvolte nell'indagine includono Roberto Spinelli, Mauro Vianello e Francesco Moncada, quest'ultimo marito di una figlia del fondatore di Esselunga. Sono stati imposti divieti temporanei di esercitare l'attività a tutti gli indagati. Anche il capo di gabinetto di Toti, Matteo Cozzani, è coinvolto, accusato di corruzione elettorale e di gestire un sistema di malaffare in collaborazione con i fratelli Testa, consiglieri comunali di Boltiere (in provincia di Bergamo). L'inchiesta riguarda anche presunti favori promessi durante la campagna elettorale del 2020, con promesse di lavoro e alloggi a persone legate a un clan mafioso di Caltanissetta a Genova in cambio di voti per Toti. Complessivamente, sono stati sequestrati 570mila euro agli indagati. 
(4) #AstraZeneca ha annunciato martedì di aver interrotto la produzione e la distribuzione globale del suo #vaccino contro il #Coronavirus Vaxzevria, citando una diminuzione della domanda dovuta all'emergere di vaccini più recenti e specifici per le varianti del virus. La richiesta di ritiro dall'autorizzazione è stata avanzata il 5 marzo e ha preso effetto il 7 maggio. Negli ultimi anni, il vaccino di AstraZeneca è stato associato a rari effetti collaterali, come coaguli di sangue e problemi circolatori, portando a cause legali da parte di persone con reazioni avverse, incluso alcuni decessi. A seguito di tali segnalazioni, l'Agenzia europea dei medicinali ha confermato nel 2021 che i rischi erano reali ma rari, soprattutto tra i più giovani, e ha suggerito di limitare la somministrazione del vaccino alle persone più anziane. Tuttavia, l'#EMA ha continuato a sostenere che i benefici del vaccino superassero i rischi, specialmente considerando il rischio molto maggiore legato all'infezione da COVID-19. La mossa di AstraZeneca riflette le mutevoli dinamiche del panorama vaccinale mondiale, con un'attenzione crescente sui vaccini più recenti e specifici. 
(5) Il Consiglio dell’#UnioneEuropea ha recentemente approvato una direttiva storica per contrastare la violenza di genere, rappresentando il primo strumento dell'Unione con standard comuni per combattere questo fenomeno. Dopo mesi di negoziati, la direttiva include reati come le mutilazioni genitali femminili, i matrimoni forzati e varie forme di violenza informatica, come lo stalking e la condivisione non consensuale di immagini intime. Tuttavia, la direttiva non ha una definizione comune di "stupro" a causa di contrasti tra gli Stati membri durante le negoziazioni. Nonostante ciò, è stata accolta come un passo avanti per i diritti delle donne, sebbene siano stati sollevati dubbi sulla sua completezza. La ministra spagnola per l’uguaglianza ha commentato che avrebbe preferito regole più ambiziose, ma ha riconosciuto la direttiva come un buon punto di partenza. Presentata nel 2022 e approvata dal Parlamento europeo lo scorso aprile, la direttiva impone agli Stati membri di adottare specifiche misure legislative entro tre anni. Queste includono pene minime per reati come la violenza domestica, con aggravanti nei casi che coinvolgono minori, coniugi, partner, o figure pubbliche come giornaliste e attiviste per i diritti umani. La direttiva mira anche a facilitare le denunce di violenza domestica e a migliorare l'assistenza e la protezione delle vittime. Per prevenire la vittimizzazione secondaria, la direttiva stabilisce restrizioni sull'utilizzo delle abitudini sessuali della vittima come prova, ammettendole solo se pertinenti al procedimento penale. 
(6) Il Rio Grande do Sul, stato meridionale del #Brasile, è attualmente alle prese con una catastrofe dovuta a forti piogge e venti violenti che hanno causato #inondazioni estreme e frane. Le autorità brasiliane segnalano almeno 55 morti, con altre sette sotto indagine. Nel vicino stato di Santa Catarina, una persona è morta dopo che la sua auto è stata trascinata via dall'acqua. Settantaquattro persone sono ancora disperse, mentre oltre 25.000 hanno dovuto abbandonare le loro abitazioni e 500.000 sono senza elettricità e acqua potabile. Molte città sono isolate, con strade e ponti distrutti. Tra queste Bento Gonçalves, con il crollo di una diga che ha causato la morte di 30 persone. I soccorritori a #PortoAlegre, la capitale statale, si muovono in moto d'acqua per cercare dispersi, mentre l'aeroporto è stato chiuso. Il governatore Eduardo Leite ha definito l'emergenza "senza precedenti" e il presidente #Lula da Silva ha promesso supporto e aiuti immediati. Le piogge sono previste continuare nei prossimi giorni, con gli esperti che attribuiscono questi eventi climatici intensi al cambiamento climatico, con la collisione di masse d'aria tropicali e polari. 
Alla prossima 👋 
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n0thingiscool · 8 months
For some garbage reason Tumblr refuses to translate this Reuters link so I'll do it for them:
Middle East
Gaza doctor describes ordeal of detention
February 4, 202411:46 AM PSTUpdated an hour ago
By Bassam Masoud and Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
"RAFAH, Gaza Strip, Feb 4 (Reuters) - A Palestinian doctor says Israeli forces in Gaza detained him when they overran a hospital and subjected him to abuse during 45 days of captivity including sleep deprivation and constant shackling and blindfolding before releasing him last week.
Doctor Said Abdulrahman Maarouf was working at al-Ahli al-Arab hospital in Gaza City when it was surrounded by Israeli forces in December.
He described having his hands cuffed, his legs shackled and his eyes masked for the nearly seven-week duration of his imprisonment.
He said he was told to sleep in places that were covered with pebbles without a mattress, pillow or cover and with loud music blaring.
The Israeli military said it treats detainees in accordance with international law and its protocols are to treat them with dignity. "Incidents in which the guidelines were not followed will be looked into," it said in a statement.
It has previously denied targeting or abusing civilians and accuses Hamas of using hospitals for military operations, which Hamas denies.
"The torture was very severe in Israeli prison. I am a doctor. My weight was 87 kilograms. I lost, in 45 days, more than 25 kilograms. I lost my balance. I lost focus. I lost all feeling," he said.
"However you describe the suffering and the insults in prison you can never know the reality unless you lived through it," he added.
Maarouf said he has no idea where he was detained as he was blindfolded throughout his detention, and he was not sure if he was held inside or outside Gaza. He was dropped at the Kerem Shalom crossing and was picked up by the Red Cross.
Maarouf's arrest was the last moment he had news of his family, and he still does not know if they survived the onslaught as Israeli forces advanced into Gaza City under an intense artillery barrage.
The war began when Hamas militants rampaged across the border into Israeli towns on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking away 240 hostages.
Israel's military assault began the same day with an intense bombardment, followed later in October by a ground assault that has continued for months. Health authorities in Hamas-run Gaza say Israel's offensive has killed more than 27,000 Palestinians.
As well as hospitals, Israel has said Hamas routinely uses other medical facilities including ambulances for military operations, and it has shown evidence of tunnels and some weapons at some facilities.
Maarouf held back tears as he described his last phone conversation with his daughter as the Israeli soldiers called on loudspeakers for all doctors and medical staff to leave the hospital building.
She had been in the family home in Gaza City, one of his five children who were all there with his wife and 15 to 20 other relatives.
"Dad the bombing has reached us. What do we do?" she said to him. He replied that if he told her to stay and they were killed, or if he told her to leave and they were killed it would be torture for him.
"If you want to leave then leave. If you want to stay then stay. I'm in the same trench with you and I'm going now to the Israeli soldiers without knowing my fate," he remembered telling her.
"From that moment until today I have no information about my children or my wife," he said, crying.
The devastation in Gaza has scattered families and cut off communications, making it hard for people to reach many areas physically and unable to contact each other by phone, with most telecom networks down.
Maarouf believes he was one of more than 100 prisoners being held in the same place. "Each one of us was wishing for death... wishing to die from the severity of the suffering," he said.
He said being told to try to sleep lying on pebbles was the worst part of his experience.
"I am a paediatrician working for 23 years in this field. I did not commit any humanitarian crime. My weapon is my pen, my notebook and my stethoscope. I didn't leave the place. I was treating children inside hospitals," he said.
"When we were called to where the tanks were I thought we'd be there a few hours and leave. I thought if they took me and my colleagues they would treat us well because we are doctors and did not commit any crime," he said.
Back in Gaza, he is working again in a children's ward, a stethoscope around his neck, the sound of crying infants and the concerned whispers of parents around him once more.
Reporting by Bassam Masoud and Ibraheem Abu Mustafa in Rafah and Henriette Chacar in Jerusalem; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Hugh Lawson
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles"
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"While Israel recently opened the Kerem Shalom for the transfer of goods after being pressured by the United States, Hamas is stealing much of the aid intended for Gazan civilians and redirecting it to terrorists hiding in tunnels."
This article from an Israeli website shows the lengths that Israeli propaganda will go to to maintain the genocide and deliberate state of starvation imposed on Gaza.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
🔻ROCKETS & SUICIDE DRONES from Hezbollah - Lebanon, x3 - near border towns Gonen, Kfar Blum, Sir, Shomera, and others.
🔻ROCKETS from Hamas - Gaza, x2 - near Gaza towns Nachal Oz, Sderot, Nir Am and others.
▪️HEZBOLLAH ATTACK INJURES SOLDIERS.. one serious and two moderate from Hezbollah anti-tank missile strike from Lebanon.
▪️IDF TARGETED ASSASSINATION OF HEZBOLLAH.. drone strike on a car in Nabatia, Lebanon, killing 2. The Arab Network says a Hezbollah an area commander who helped build the Iranian air defense in Syria was targeted.
▪️GAZA - satellite maps (not included here) show 1/5 of Khan Yunis is now rubble.
▪️GAZA - IDF DESTROYS.. Palestinian channels: The IDF recently blew up a residential complex in the Qizan al-Najjar area in southern Khan Yunis. (( usually blowing up tunnels below, or destroying buildings that are used as military attack points ))
▪️RED SEA SHIPPING - Worlds largest shipping company Maersk: “The US Navy informed us they do not have the ability to guarantee safe passage in the Red Sea at this time.”
▪️RED SEA SHIPPING (2) - According to some reports in the Western media, shipping companies started hanging Putin's picture on their ships so that Ansar Allah (Houthis) will not attack them. 
▪️HOUTHIS - FAKE SITES - The Houthis are showing on videos that they are setting up fake missile sites, with tin missile models and launchers, all painted and appearing eqiuvalent to the real thing - with the goal of fooling US satellites and drones to draw US attacks with no impact.
▪️US/UK ATTACKING YEMEN - Jets over several sites in Yemen, US claims to have destroyed missiles on the ground.  (( Real ones? ))
▪️AID PROTESTS - overnight the aid protestors set up a tent camp to continue to block trucks from entering Kerem Shalom at all hours.  Starting a short time ago the police began to forcefully remove the tents of the protestors.
▪️SAMARIA - SHECHEM COUNTER-TERROR - IDF forces operating in Shechem today.
▪️SAMARIA - QALQILYA COUNTER-TERROR - IDF forces operating in the Azon part of Qalqilya today.
▪️JUDEA - JERICHO COUNTER-TERROR - IDF forces operating in Jericho today.
▪️SHIA MILITIAS TO MOVE AGAINST U.S. BASES.. Iraqi sources: The Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) gave the green light to the militias of Al Shaabi and Al Najaba in Iraq to respond with heavy attacks on American bases, at the same time as the message that went out on their behalf to the US that they must immediately leave the territory of Iraq and Syria.
▪️IDF SHIFTING FORCES NORTH.. (N12) Division 36 recently fought against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip, and has now been transferred to operational activity on the northern border. "We are after four months of fighting and we are not taking our foot off the gas," said the commander as the division was training prior to their move.
▪️ON CHANGES TO ARMY SERVICE… Minister Benny Gantz (war cabinet) on the conscription law: "On October 7th, masses of Israelis stood up and volunteered without asking questions. Among them were ultra-Orthodox who wanted to enlist in the IDF, helped the emergency organizations and saved lives in sacred service. Like them many from Arab society. The immediate security need requires us to increase the number of soldiers. In a long-term view, we are required to make historical corrections - a significant increase in the service of regular and reserve soldiers. Those who serve more must receive much more. And in the long term - an Israeli service law, which will also include ultra-Orthodox and Arab citizens in the circle of service. We must find a common way, which alone will make it possible to maintain the security of Israel and Israeli society.”
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jhavelikes · 11 months
‘A new Nakba’: settler violence forces Palestinians out of West Bank villages Communities who have clung on for decades are leaving their homes in the face of rising attrition by Israelis Israel and Hamas at war – live updates Bethan McKernan in Masafer Yatta, West Bank Tue 31 Oct 2023 18.52 CET Last modified on Tue 31 Oct 2023 23.18 CET Life in Zanuta, a Palestinian village atop a windy ridge in the desolate south Hebron hills, deep in the occupied West Bank, has never been easy. The community are mostly herders who raise goats and sheep through the barren landscape’s scorching summers and freezing winters, and who have steadfastly refused to leave their homes despite the mounting difficulties posed by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) soldiers on one hand and radical Israeli settlers on the other. But after weeks of intense settler violence in the aftermath of the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, Zanuta’s 150 residents have made a collective decision to leave. Armed settlers – some in reservist army uniforms, some covering their faces – have begun breaking into their homes at night, beating up adults, destroying and stealing belongings, and terrifying the children. After decades of a desperate fight to cling on to their land, the community has decided they have lost. A lighting flare, fired by Israel, illuminates the sky in northwest Gaza. Israel targets Hamas tunnels amid hopes more aid will reach civilians in Gaza Read more On Monday, men and women cried as they dismantled their homes and haphazardly packed solar panels, animal feed and personal belongings on to pickup trucks. The noise of the demolition drowned out the bleating from the animal pens and threw up dust and debris that tore at the eyes and throat. “It is a new Nakba,” said Issa Ahmad Baghdad, 71, referring to the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians in 1948 after the creation of Israel. “My family are going to Rafat. But we don’t know anyone there. We don’t know what to tell the children.” In the Gaza Strip, where Israel has launched a campaign to destroy Hamas, the militant group that killed 1,400 people on its rampage through southern Israel, trapped civilians cannot leave; in the West Bank, they are being forced from their homes. Masafer Yatta, a collection of shepherding hamlets including Zanuta, is in area C, the sparsely populated 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli control and under threat of annexation. Palestinian water cisterns, solar panels, roads and buildings here are frequently demolished on the grounds that they do not have building permits, which are nearly impossible to obtain, while surrounding illegal Israeli settlements flourish. Israeli settlers herding sheep had in effect taken control of 10% of area C in about five years, according to research by Kerem Navot, an NGO monitoring settler activity, but in the last year alone, about 110,000 dunams, or 110 sq km (42 sq miles), of the West Bank has been annexed by settlers on herding outposts. By way of comparison, the entirety of the built-up Israeli settlement areas constructed since the occupation began in 1967 cover only 80 sq km.
‘A new Nakba’: settler violence forces Palestinians out of West Bank villages | Palestinian territories | The Guardian
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
Strengthening the Walls of the Ghetto
This morning I sat down with my newspaper, my coffee, and my cat, to read that the IDF held a ceremony on Tuesday to mark the completion of the massive and sophisticated barrier on the border (or whatever it is) with the Gaza Strip.
They call it an “iron wall,” 65 km long, with a fence that rises to a height of 6m above the ground and a concrete barrier below it whose depth is not specified, but is said to go deep enough to stop the tunnels that Hamas loves to dig. There is also a barrier that extends into the sea at its northern end. The whole system is rich in various kinds of sensors, radar, cameras, and even remotely controlled weapons. The IDF reports that numerous tunnels were discovered and destroyed during the construction of the underground barrier.
The system took three and half years to build at a cost of 3.5 billion shekels, or more than US$ 1.1 billion. That is a lot of money that could be used for many other purposes, but given the situation it was necessary.
There is nothing quite as frightening for civilians living near Gaza or on the northern border near Lebanon than the prospect of a terror tunnel opening up a few meters from their homes. In some cases, residents heard sounds of digging and voices speaking Arabic before a tunnel was discovered. Hamas had plans to kidnap civilians and execute mass casualty attacks through these tunnels, and during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, some 14 tunnels that crossed the border into Israel were destroyed, plus several more inside the strip.
You may recall that Hamas terrorists infiltrated through a tunnel back in 2006, attacked an IDF post near Kerem Shalom at the southern end of the strip, killed two IDF soldiers and wounded several others including Gilad Shalit, who was carried back through the tunnel to Gaza, where he was held for more than six years. He was ultimately released in exchange for 1,027 prisoners in Israeli prisons, many of them murderers serving long sentences. These prisoners represented both Hamas and other terrorist factions, and many returned to terror activities.
But barriers in general have not proven effective deterrents to attack, because ways are almost always found to bypass or neutralize them, as happened with the Maginot and Bar-Lev lines. And while Hamas may not be able to go over or through the new barrier, they can still launch rockets and fire mortar shells over it, as well as release incendiary and explosive balloons to be carried by the prevailing winds into nearby fields and Jewish communities. The inexpensive rockets, even when most of them are intercepted by Iron Dome, comprise an effective form of economic warfare, with each Iron Dome launch costing some $40,000 (usually at least two interceptors are fired at each incoming rocket at a cost of $40,000 each).
Just as the mounted cavalry was neutralized by the machine gun, and the machine gun made less effective by the tank, Hamas rockets are presently neutralized (except economically) by Iron Dome. But the advent of precision-guided rockets and drones can change the equation. Today we know that Hezbollah has some quantity of them, and probably Hamas has some or will get some soon.
The new barrier also doesn’t prevent Hamas from exporting subversion to sympathetic Arabs in Judea/Samaria and even among Arab citizens of Israel.
Those of you who regularly read my columns know what’s coming. Pure defensive measures, building the ghetto walls higher and stronger, can only hold an enemy at bay, not defeat him. And technological advances by the aggressor, like precision-guided rockets, can tip the balance quickly. The only way to defeat an enemy is by moving from defense to offense. So while defensive technology, like the barrier, may be necessary for survival, it is not sufficient for victory.
Everything I’ve said so far deals only with the tangible or kinetic aspects of the conflict. The psychological aspect is another story entirely. The message that we send to ourselves, our friends, and our enemies, by our reliance on defensive technology and tactics, is that it is if not acceptable, it is still understandable that savage Jew-haters will continue to bombard our country with the intent to kill as many of us as possible. And soon – this, actually, has already happened – many people begin to think that it is acceptable after all. We become the guy at the carnival who sticks his head through a canvas sheet and dodges balls thrown by the patrons.
For the sake of our national honor as well as to maintain deterrence, such a situation cannot be allowed to stand.
Hamas is a deadly infection, and it has turned Gaza into a pocket of pus on the side of our country. Walling it off is only a temporary expedient; curing the disease will require wiping out the bacteria that cause it. The danger to our citizens in the south and ultimately in the entire country can only be ended by crushing Hamas as a military and political force, which calls for an intensive campaign, including a ground incursion.
It’s sometimes suggested that if Israel destroys Hamas, then what will arise in its place will be worse. The answer is that in that case, we’ll need to destroy the replacement as well. It is also said that the expense and difficulty of ruling the strip in the event that there is no acceptable autonomous leadership will be too great.
But keep this in mind: in January of 2009 Israel was poised for a ground invasion of Gaza, which was called off after Tzipi Livni was summoned to the US and apparently given an ultimatum by officials of the incoming Obama Administration (the same one that supported Hamas’ parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt). Since then, we have found it necessary to have four small but costly wars, and to spend 3.5 billion shekels on a barrier – and the threat remains. What if we had gone ahead and conquered Gaza and killed the war criminals leading Hamas?
Or go back further, to 2005, before Hamas had control of the strip. What if Israel had not withdrawn, if we had not destroyed numerous successful Jewish communities and displaced 8,000 people? What would the situation look like today? Would it be better or worse? Would it have been more “costly and difficult” than a series of wars and the building of a massive barrier?
I think the answer is clear. Cowering behind the walls of the ghetto is a poor idea both practically and psychologically. Rather, we must bring Hamas to total defeat, like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
Abu Yehuda
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