#kerian duffy x reader
issdisgrace · 2 years
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In order to get money for the camp. The men and woman in the gang made a bet against each other that whatever group could con/rob the most out of people by the end of the week would pick what they did with the money raised but they also got to pick the punishment for the other group’s failure to collect.
The bet was won by the women and they decided that the men all had to wear skirts for the next week and that all of them had to go out of camp at least 5 separate times with the skirts on and they couldn’t just sit around camp and wait for the week to be over.
So all the men had to go into town to buy a skirt to wear for their punishment, using their own money. In the end Dutch ended paying for everyone as he was feeling very generous. But anyway, picture a group of men going into a boutique looking at skirts and trying them on. It was a sight to see.
Also, the women managed to get them all together at the end of the week and took a picture of all of them together in their skirt. Ms Grimshaw later on got a frame for the picture and she often walks by it and laughs, thinking back to that week.
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Arthur let Charles pick out his skirt, as he was too overwhelmed by all the choices. Charles ended up pick out a light brown skirt for him. It was simple and Arthur can easily move around in it.
Bill got a simple dark brown skirt that flowed way too much in the wind and he may or may have not accidentally flashed some people because I fell like the man hates wearing underwear.
Charles got a purple skirt with a nice lace detailing on it. He looks magnificent in it. He looked like a god, even. Arthur spent almost his whole week drooling over Charles.
Dutch being Dutch got a really nice expensive black skirt with a nice red jeweled pattern. He also got the skirt tailored to him because he is Dutch.
Hosea got a blue skirt that reminded him of something Bessie would have worn. It made him feel powerful, and he rocked that shit.
John and Javier got matching black skirts. They both rocked them and in the end, the two started to wear skirts around camp 24/7 unless they were some place cold.
Kerian got a simple blue skirt that matches his shirt. Initially, Kerian was very self-conscious about the way he looked in his skirt, but over the week, he slowly became more and more confident.
Lenny manage to find an orange skirt that looked similar to his orange handkerchief. He mostly liked the experience, but he hated the attention that just wearing a skirt caused.
Micah got a red skirt because he loves the color red. He decided to fuck it if I’m gonna make a fool out of myself. At least I look good. So he fully committed to his art and got the whole womanly shebang and for his week he dressed up as a woman and robbed way too many men blind.
Pearson picked out a simple black skirt. He spent most of his week in the saloon with the others. He enjoyed the skirt, and it reminded of his time in the navy. So when he got drunk, he spent his time telling stories of his time in the navy.
Sean got a green skirt that matched his hat perfectly. He also got it because it has ruffles at the bottom of it. Sean flashed multiple camp members on purpose as a joke.
Swanson was surprisingly fine with the whole ordeal. He got a black skirt and rocked that shit. Now he only really wears pants when it’s cold and those are under the skirt.
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9/10. Arthur thought he would absolutely hate the whole experience, but he enjoyed it. He also thought it was funny that he was a man in a skirt chasing down his bounty. As no one really thinks that they would ever be chased down, tackled, and hog-tied by a man wearing a skirt. Also during this time his wallet kept fluctuating as he kept buying Charles fancy drinks then would go and caught a bounty to get back the money he spent on Charles.
8/10. Bill was surprisingly fine with having to wear the skirt. He actually enjoyed it, but he would never tell anyone. But sometimes when he’s a little too much to drink, he slips it on and struts around the camp in it. But during his week he went out more than the 5 required times and he surprisingly enjoyed everyone’s eyes being on him. Also, the first time he wore it to the saloon in Valentine, some drunk made fun of him and he beat the absolute shit out of him. So when he continued to show up throughout the week with the skirt on, no one dared to say anything to him.
10/10. Charles liked the whole experience. On the occasion he does wear the skirt as it is the perfect thing to wear when the weather is warm. Charles didn’t mind the attention he got while wearing the skirt, as it was mostly people completing him or buying him drinks.
7/10. Dutch thought he would hate it but ended up really like the whole experience. He kept the skirt and wore it on occasion around camp when it was hot as hell out as it had a nice breeze and he didn’t feel so hot and stuff down there. Dutch also had the thought when he was wearing the skirt and people would look at him funny that at least he’s wearing something and not going around butt ass naked.
7/10. Hosea enjoyed the experience and took it as a good lesson on women’s beauty standers. It had a downside, and he wasn’t able to con as many people as he would have liked due to the skirt, but he still managed to get a good bag in the end. At the end of the week, he took it to Bessie’s grave as a gift.
10/10. Javier really enjoyed it. He enjoyed the attention that came along with the skirt as well. He picked up many ladies and men in the saloon due to his skirt and his charm. Like I stated, he is only ever found in a skirt when he’s at camp. He finds it nice and comfy. He also likes how he is defying societal norms.
8/10. John enjoyed it. The whole experience brought something out in him. He started to care more about his appearance and his clothes. The experience also brought out a more feminine side in John, but if anyone dared questioned or asked him about it, he would threaten them with his knife. His thoughts were definitely along the line of if you say the wrong thing about me and my knew found femininity, I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat.
6.5/10. Like I said, Kerian was initially very self-conscious about the way he looked in the skirt, afraid that one of the others would make fun of him despite being in the same boat. As the week went on, he slowly found confidence not a lot, but some was better than none. Due to this whole experience, Kerian started to feel more comfortable with himself and the way he presented himself. He started presenting more androgynous. Eventually, overtime he wanted to explore his feminine side beside wearing skirts around camp. So he managed to work up the courage to ask the girls how to do makeup. They were all happy to give him tips and tricks. In the end, Kerian never thought a stupid bet would make him more comfortable with himself.
7/10. Lenny is very chill and enjoyed his time in the skirt. Like I said earlier, Lenny didn’t really like the attention when he wore his skirt out for the designated 5 times. The only times he was fine with the attention was when a surprising amount of women kept buying him drinks. After the week was up, he cut the skirt up into different sizes and uses them as rags.
10/10. Micah has commitment to his craft. He shaved his facial hair off; he got one of the girls to do his makeup. He made up a fake back story and perfected his voice, which he surprisingly sounded like a woman. Some of the guys thought the girls brought another woman back to camp, only to find that it was Micah. The whole camp, even Swanson and Pearson, went to see Micah put his plan in action. They watched from a far as Micah played damsel in distress and robbed man after man. He ended up with a bag full of goods. He also kept the git up and on occasion when he’s in a good mood he’ll put it on and play damsel in distress.
8/10. Pearson enjoyed the whole experience but he won’t tell anyone that. While Pearson was out, he blended in well and never got any comments on the skirt. Also, like I said earlier, when he got drunk, he told stories of his time in the Navy. Let’s just say the gang found out how much of a freak Pearson was when he was younger. 0/10 the gang will never let him get drunk enough for story teller Pearson to come out.
9/10. Sean loved it. He still wears his skirt around camp. He doesn’t give two fucks what others have to say about him and his skirt. He went out his required 5 times, but other than that, he mostly lounged around camp. When he was out, he found that he was mostly ignored. Most people thought it was a cultural thing, so they didn’t say anything.
10/10. Swanson throughly enjoyed it but he was also drunk half the time, so that also probably added to his willingness. He spent more than his 5 required times out of camp. He never got questioned on why he was wearing a skirt as people just thought it was a religious garment. Also, like I said earlier, Swanson now only wears a skirt, but when it’s cold, he wears pants underneath his skirt.
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Jack got jealous after 2 days that everyone was wearing a skirt, so he convinced Abigail to take him to go get one. He got a black one to match John’s.
10/10. Jack loved it and he, like his father, wears the skirt around camp all the time. I feel like he also continued this into his adulthood as a way to honor his father. But during the week, Jack went out with John a couple of times to show off that he was matching with his daddy. While Jack was out with John, he saw his father threaten and beat the shit out of a couple of people that made comments about the two of them. John then made Jack promise to never tell Abigail and Jack stuck to his promise and never told his mother.
Trelawny was just visiting for a week and the week he came was the week the punishment happened. Trelawny decided eh why not, even though I’m not a part of this I will participate. He went in to town with the others ended up getting a really nice red skirt with black lace detail on it.
10/10. Trelawny loved the whole experience. He also very much enjoyed the attention that he got when he was out. He also enjoyed how many men and women bought him drinks throughout the week, but as pay back he would do magic for them. I must warn you, when he gets too drunk his magic starts lacking, and he starts speaking French. So if you don’t speak French, I’m afraid that you’ll be very lost when he starts ranting.
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outlawwithaheart · 2 years
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