#kernn the magic thief
Chaos in the Woods
back from my unintentional break! this fic has better grammar, so maybe y'all might like this better + im supposed to get my ao3 invite on 09/10/11 so you might find my fics there soon
Desc: The Wellmet trio have a chaotic day in the woods.
(note: slightly a crackfic taken seriously + tumblr removed the indents before the paragraphs)
TW // implied s3x (not w/ the trio)
It was a hot day in the woods. Conn, Embre, and Rowan decided to visit the woods near Wellmet. Benet and Kernn tagged along to make sure they were safe.
They were doing the typical stuff such as rambling on about whatever crossed their minds. Then Rowan jokingly dared him.
"Conn, eat this leaf. She handed him a leaf that had fallen off one of the trees nearby.
"Sure." Conn ate the leaf without any hesitation. "Tastes better than palace food." He calmly informed them.
"YOU ACTUALLY ATE IT?" Rowan exclaimed.
"Cousin, what made you think that was a good idea?" Embre sarcastically asked him.
"Well," Conn started, "she did tell me to eat one!"
"That was a joke! I didn't actually want you to eat it like it was the most delicious thing you ever ate!" She slightly scolded him.
There was a rustling coming from behind them. Benet came from the tall trees that were surrounding them.
"What's going on here?" Benet questioned them. He eyed all of them, attempting to identify the culprit of squabbling so noisily.
"Nothing," Rowan answered for the others, "just talking." She glared at Embre and Conn, and they both stayed quiet.
"Alright guys, clearly we have to be quieter, so they don't hear us and come to check on us again. Understand?" Rowan lectured them.
"Yes, Lady Rowan." Embre teased her.
"Stop that!" She irritably told him. Her cheeks brightened with a soft red glow.
All while this was happening, Conn thought about how good of friends the two have become, so quickly too.
"So, Conn, do want more leaves?" She asked, half joking when she said it.
"Why not?"
They started to look for different species of trees, so Conn could at least have some variety in his new leaf-snack.
Conn spotted something in the grass. It seemed to be a wrapper of sorts. He decided to call Rowan and Embre.
"Look what I found!" He held it the air as they came towards him. As they came closer and closer, they could feel curiosity bubbling inside of them.
"What's that supposed to be?" Embre asked him.
"I dunno, I'll read it now." He brought it closer to his eyes. It read 'TROJAN', in white text on a blue background. He turned it on its side. His eyes instantly snapped to a white box filled with text. '…prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS…' Oh. Now he knew what it was. A condom wrapper. It's not like he knew what one looked, it was just obvious what it was now.
"What is it?" Rowan asked Conn, not yet aware of what it was.
"It's a condom wrapper Ro." Conn told her, unsure of both her and Embre's reaction, and if they'll be upset or not.
"Let me see that." Rowan took the wrapper out of his hands and began to inspect it for herself. After noticing the same thing Conn did, she gave it back.
"So, it is a condom wrapper." Rowan concluded for herself. At last, it was Embre's turn to look at it. No one except for Conn. But now that Rowan had seen it, it would be rude to not show it to him.
"Hm. What should we do with it?" Embre wondered out loud. It was a good question, to be honest. What were they supposed to do, throw it away like it was nothing? Conn then blurted out something absurd.
"Hear me out," he sighed, expecting a negative reaction, "Let's find someone and ask if its theirs." He closed his mouth, ready for whatever was going to happen.
"No! That's a horrid idea! What if people think it's ours?" Rowan exclaimed, very obviously disagreeing with Conn.
"I doubt that people would think young people would use protection." He honestly told her.
"Still!" It's too weird and suspicious to do a thing like that!" She retorted, visibly getting upset.
"What's that?" Conn said. The rustling came back. Benet or Kernn had to be coming because of how loud they were. Conn hid the wrapper under his arm so no one could see it."
Kernn came this time, looking somewhat tired. "What are you doing?" She asked them, using a tone that sounded like she was saying a sentence.
"We're just," Conn took a quick pause to come up with something, "having a fun game of truth or dare!" He said, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth from lying.
"I'll be watching you." She spoke, having some more edge in her voice. She left them be and returned to Benet.
"Okay, we really have to quiet down, or they're going to catch us again." Rowan told them. There was no use in her words however, since they both got the hint as soon as Kernn came to check on them.
"So now what?" Conn wondered out loud. It was in their heads too. Now, they were back on square one.
"Why don't we just let it blow in the air?" Embre suggested to them.
"That's a good idea to me." Conn said, shortly before he released the hidden wrapper from under his arm.
It soon blew in the air as if it was a candy wrapper of some sort, until it was no longer visible. The sun had lowered quite a bit.
"Imagine if some kid found that." Embre cackled.
"We do not need to think about that." Rowan told him, chuckling lightly under her breath.
The rustling started again. This time, both Benet and Kernn came to see them.
"We're leaving. It's getting dark." Benet grumbled. They came with them and went to the edge of the forest, back into Wellmet. Kernn and Benet were successfully hiding their smirks the whole way there
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