#enjoy this chaotic fic
meadowlarkx · 6 months
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Some March fic recs!
For Tolkien Fanfic Reading Month! Limiting myself to stories I read in March (but posted anytime). (header by Anna Zakharova on Unsplash)
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picnic by @swanmaids - A bored and reckless Aredhel goes to Vána's orchards seeking adventure and has an experience. This lush and sexy fic feels like a warm summer afternoon. I love how seductive and eerie Vána is here!
Kiss and Marry by @thecoolblackwaves - Have you ever looked at Celegorm and Curufin and thought, "They should be the stars of a romcom"? No? This fic is here to reveal that wonder to you.
弄假成真 by Divano_Messiah - Maglor has been telling people at school that he has a boyfriend. Maedhros is jealous until he learns who it is. (I admit I read this via google translate, you can too...)
Envy by @polutrope - In Tirion, Maglor and Elemmírë struggle to handle each other's reputations with equanimity. The people around them try to respond. This fic is so funny and sweet--I love this take on Elemmírë and Fëanor's guest appearance is hilariously him.
Youthful Regrets by kitkatkaylie - Turgon and Maglor fall in love in Valinor before Turgon's engagement to Elenwë. I really like the personality contrasts of this ship, with Turgon opening up to Maglor, and how this story sketches out their relationship through the whole arc of Silm to its bitter separation.
I risk my life to make my name by @maironsbigboobs - The brave knight Galadriel goes on a journey to meet the Green Woman Melian and her fate, ft. adventures along the way. I love how Tolkien is blended with Arthurian conventions here--it works so well and brings out the myth vibes of Silm that I love so much!
Strange Currencies chapter 12 by @jouissants - This is such a beautifully-crafted tale in every regard, but I want to especially mention this flashback chapter I read in March, covering Maedhros' and Maglor's voyage on the swan ships up to just before Fëanor's death. The horror of the Fëanorian Noldor arriving in the dark with their distrust, inflated ego, and total lack of knowledge of Middle-earth comes through here so, so vividly--this part can be read by itself, go check it out!!
Oubliette by Stramonium - Horrifying and so vividly written scene of Maedhros in Angband, isolation, and monstrosity. Poetic and awful, I can't do it justice in summarizing it.
arrangement for flute and harp by @jouissants - Maedhros is determined to work late, so Maglor and Fingon decide to entertain each other. The Himring atmosphere and incredible character dynamics make this also really sexy smut such a wonderful story.
whatever you would crave by @eight-pointed-star - Sooo sexy ficlet in which Fingon and Maedhros attend to Maglor's Needs. Short but immensely powerful.
scherzo for ink and parchment by @dovewifes - Charming and comedic missives exchanged between Maedhros and Maglor during the Long Peace, ft. romantic endearments and the invention of emojis. Maedhros' so-apparent love for Maglor is something I especially cherish about this fun fic.
Star-kissed by @aipilosse - Celeborn of Doriath rescues recently-of-Gondolin (and silver-haired!) Celebrimbor from a predicament in Nan Dungortheb. Incredibly clever, funny, and hot!
Purification by @zealouswerewolfcollector - Thingol is curious about Maedhros: throne sex ensues. A favorite ship of mine in a flavor I'd never considered. Incredibly intense and super well-written.
Comfort from a Heavy Hand by @undercat-overdog - After the Bragollach, Mablung tends to an injured Beleg, and they seek comfort together. The wreckage and destruction of the battle feels so vivid in this one, and the dynamic of Beleg/Mablung as past teacher and student (and current battle companions) is wonderful.
Thou knowest to-night, and wilt know to-morrow by @welcomingdisaster - A brilliant installment in an ongoing Children of Húrin AU series that has the most beautiful, unsettling, and dreamlike atmosphere. In this fic Maedhros teaches "Cáno" about pleasure in preparation for their marriage bed. Catnip to me personally!!
Proxy by @aipilosse - Celebrimbor comes to reproach Celegorm in Nargothrond after Finrod's departure. They fuck. Gender, tension, messy and complicated emotional dynamics all around. The dirty talk is so so good.
Star of the Nevrast Shore by joanofarcstan - Silmarillion filk of one of my favorite folk songs! What more is there to say!! A sweet tale of Gondolin told from Voronwë's point of view, recounting the love between him, Tuor (the star of the Nevrast shore), Idril, and Maeglin.
A Light Burns in the Forest by fictional_hr_department - Thranduil and Oropher escape Menegroth with child Elwing. The title and art by @lycheesodas give me chills and the atmosphere of the fic as they make their disorienting journey to Sirion really brings to life the terrible aftermath of the second kinslaying.
By Your Side by HiyoriTomioka - fem!Eärendil and Elwing support each other in this ficlet... such a good vision of this ship, and the way Eärendil thinks about Tuor and Idril here with longing uncertainty makes me think of a trans!Eärendil even though that is not explicit.
Something Sleepless in Mirkwood by @imakemywings - Thranduil sickens as the Greenwood does. Elrond tries to heal him, but can't understand at first what's happening. Brilliant and canon-compliant (To Me) wry, proud, and eerie woodland king Thranduil--go give this a read!
A boat, my boat, out upon the River by Tethys_resort - Sméagol is trying to craft his own boat to take fishing. His family keeps getting in the way. This sweet fic paints such an idyllic picture of proto-Hobbit life and made me really feel the tragedy of Gollum.
The Fortress by TheLegendCreator - Brief and haunting fic in which a Dwarf visits the ruins of Himring and they have a conversation. I love the view this offers of Maedhros and the fierce loyalty Himring and its folk had for him.
one whole with my other by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor - Indis' marriage to Finwë is transferred to bind her instead to reembodied Míriel. This turns out to be a good thing. An incredibly touching, beautifully wrought and worldbuilt story. I just love it so much.
The Number One Exercise for Relieving Work-Related Stress (Click to Find Out!) by @imakemywings - Date night in Mirkwood. Maglor (Noldorin princess, ex-kinslayer) adorns herself for the benefit of Thranduil (the Elvenqueen)--or that's her plan, anyway. This story is so sexy, so funny, and honestly so touching. I just adore this ship as a happy ending for Maglor and their relationship is gorgeously fleshed out here.
Cousin, Sister, Lover, Queen by broken_pencils - Lesbian Éowyn discovers desire... through Éomer's betrothed Lothíriel. Lothíriel is a stealth fav for me from the Éomer fics I used to read as a kid and I really enjoyed her here, and the lush atmosphere of this story.
His Return by @danmeiljie - Beautiful, tender scene of Maedhros and Maglor reuniting as per @tari-cua's art. Such lovely descriptions in this one and so cozy.
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jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
thinking about yassen gregorovich instead of sleeping (because i love him) and how he is a catalyst. yassen stabbs ash -> ash kills john rider -> ian rider raises alex -> yassen kills ian rider -> mi6 blackmails alex into becoming a teenage spy.
i have so many thoughts that i can't properly articulate. obviously this is a simplified chain of events, but yassen and his choices set off a chain reaction of the world's most unfortunate dominos. especially when you read russian roulette. to be clear im not necessarily trying to blame him for everything because that feels very mean. he was also just a 14 year old kid when everything in his life went wrong, just like alex. only difference being yassen literally had no one.
i think i should write an essay about this because i haven't even gotten into my thoughts about what yassen and alex's dynamic would look like past eagle strike. i would imagine it'd be similar to ellie and joel from the last of us part 2.
where obviously yassen loves alex and alex on some level cares for yassen back but struggles to reconcile that with the fact that yassen is responsible for his uncle's death. a very unforgivable act. it would be so messy and complicated and angsty, because on one hand here is an adult who truly cares about him and has a connection with him through his father. yassen could tell alex about john, and trust that yassen truly wants whats best for him. but he killed ian, and he cannot take that back.
while alex reels from those feelings, yassen is also trying to reconcile his love of alex with the knowledge that he on some level is responsible for the suffering alex endured at the hands of mi6. and possibly even the fact that alex's godfather is the one who killed john and helen.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
👀 The people need to know: who fell first and who fell harder with all of the silver bullets couples? 👀
PLEASE KNOW I GOT BACK FROM WORK, SAW THIS, AND PROMPTLY SCREAMED BECAUSE OH BOY THIS QUESTION IS FANTASTIC (im actually losing my mind holy heck)!!!!! please enjoy my ramblings, thoughts, ideas, various headcanons and random think-thoughts i have below. thank you letting me ramble about - you are a GEM, sweet anon! <3333 (i could happily expand on so many of these, but i kept it short and sweet!)
who fell first: annie. no doubt. (did we see that recent piece…miss girl was crushing from the start but let’s be fr, so was brady). brady reminds her of her father in a way - hardworking, funny, willing to do anything for the ones he loves. she gravitates to that out here.
who fell harder: brady. listen, he always liked bradshaw. right from the start. hell, she gave bucky a run for his money upon first meeting. but she also never failed to be kind, real and incredibly intuitive, which he thinks makes her one of the best pilots he knows.
who fell first: marianne. it was a silly, stupid crush! francis montez was her CO-PILOT. that's. it. that's all. until marianne could only focus on the fact that francis was a really damn good co-pilot and a ...... friend.
who fell harder: francis. marianne salinger was always their tail gunner and upon recruitment to silver bullets always enjoyed her presence. until they shared a few moments one night side by side and she couldn't get mari out of her head.
who fell first: bessie. tommy was her high school crush and when she found them going to the same college, she tried to dampen the feelings, but to no avail, couldn't get the thought of him out of her system.
who fell harder: thomas (aka tommy). always though bessie carlisle was one of the sweetest people he went to high school with, but there'd been nothing more past that. until college when they began to become linked in similar circles and he couldn't help but fall for every bit of her.
who fell first: dougie. DID WE SEE THIS MAN IN GREENLAND (granted, carrie was....intrigued, if that's the word for it because lets be fr its carrie, she's a tough nut to crack). he was smitten from the start - she always has a joke on the tip of her tongue, a funny way about herself and her humor and is shamelessly, herself. which he loves.
who fell harder: carrie. listen, people told her dougie was crushing on her. she ignored it (because OF COURSE she did.) and then. well. she started noticing that he'd show up when she was sick or wounded, pop around in the flying club to chat or offer her someone to talk to. suddenly - yeah, she fell REAL hard.
who fell first: bucky. KENNEDY WAS ALWAYS FOND OF HIM. BUT THAT MAN FELL FIRST. LIKE IMMEDIATELY. the second she came in like a thunderstorm grumbling about the fucking yankees and her red sox, he was done for. and immediately was ready to do anything just to talk to her.
who fell harder: kennedy. bucky was always major egan until he wasn't. until she was told that when silver bullets got hit he thought of her and suddenly she was there beside him in the stalag and then he was offering her a spot beside him in his bunk and-
who fell first: benny. MEATBALL LOVED HER INSTANTLY. PERIOD. ALL WAS SAID AND DONE (and he loves most people but with her it was. instant). and benny couldn't help but notice her genuineness towards him in any circumstance. a good-hearted person with a beautiful smile.
who fell harder: margie. benny demarco was always benny demarco - hell, she'd shared a few dances with him and thought nothing of it. but then he SHOWS UP, blasting through the nurses station to come find her at 2200 after her injury in silver bullets, looking all haggered, exhausted and slightly stressed, worrying for her instead of himself - yeah, she was gone.
who fell first: judy. she was DONE FOR when lieutenant robert 'rosie' rosenthal introduced himself to her and bessie and offered to buy them a drink (ofc with bessie saying she was fine, lets just say she could see the future). with a mixture of complete innocence, growing up in the south, on a river, with a severe lack of any sort of man looking like ROSIE, she was absolutely done for.
who fell harder: rosie. he liked judy rybinski immediately (but everyone did), so he didn't ponder much on it. but when silver bullets was dispersed, lieutenant bradshaw and some of the crew were in the stalag and judy was looking for a new crew, he brought her in. and couldn't help but tie all those moments in the flak house to the judy in front of him now. (he brought her ORANGES and those are her FAVORITES. he doesn't just DO THAT DOES HE?!?!!)
who fell first: blakely. after the loss of her long-time boyfriend to a KIA, he really took the role of stepping up as a shoulder to lean on, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't catch some feelings with finding out how beautiful inside and out vivian ratcliff was.
who fell harder: viv. it wasn't until a year or two of healing did she really come to terms with her feelings, but she suddenly wanted everything to do with everett blakely when all he'd been to her at first was captain blakely for months.
who fell first: hambone. paulina was going through a breakup (through letters, can you believe the man?) in greenland and he offered her someone to talk to. and DAMN, did he find out how great of a person she was? and funny, and good-natured, a homebody, and someone who cared. he couldn't help but get a crush.
who fell harder: paulina. when she was told hambone went down and was in the stalag - and they all got that first letter - she did in fact feel her heart swell and want to be by his side and fight this world with him. (you can only imagine how she acted when he returned)
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tag: Secret Dating AU, Social Worker!Carlos Reyes, Professor TK Strand, ex’s to lovers, warnings to be added, smut in later chapters, m x m, anal sex, m x m smut
Summary: It’s a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening.
Authors Note: I stepped away from this fic for a few months because some people can be so mean and hateful that they made me feel like I shouldn't continue it because they didn't like the direction the story was going / how the characters were being. I'm still struggling with this fic, but I'm trying to overcome it because not every fic has to be liked be everyone. Not every fic is written for everyone. There are millions of fics out there and I don't like every single one of them. That's okay. There are plenty of Tarlos fics that I don't like, but I don't make it the author's problem because it's not their problem. If you don't like this fic, that's okay but keep that to yourself. If you do like this fic, I would like to hear about your thoughts. I'm going to try and get back into this and get it finished up soon, but we'll see how I feel about it.
Thank you to @noxsoulmate for beta'ing for me. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic as much as I am! Leave me a comment and check out my other fics!
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
When Carlos shows up at the place he’s supposed to meet the guy that Marjan has set him up with, he’s early - almost too early for it to be considered normal but he’s nervous. It’s been some time since he’s gone out on an actual date and not just found someone at a club or bar to hook up with for the night.
He takes a look around the restaurant, trying to decide if he wants to find a table to sit down at or get a quick drink at the bar - when his eyes land on TK.  
Carlos feels his stomach turn slightly. 
TK’s out on a date and for a moment that’s all Carlos can focus on. He looks hard at the man he’s with and realizes it’s not Michael. Carlos also knows Michael - there was a time when Paul tried to set him up with Michael but he wasn’t really Carlos’ type.
No, this is another guy. A new guy.
Carlos feels his stomach twist into knots and the unfamiliar and ugly feeling of jealousy fills his veins too. He hates the feeling but the longer he stares at TK and his date, the more it grows. He turns on his heel and heads straight for the bathroom, needing a moment to breathe and get his head on straight before his own date arrives.
Carlos steps up to a sink and grips the edges, looking down and letting out a deep breath. He’s being ridiculous, is what he’s being. There’s no reason for him to continue to pine after TK and what could have been. If TK wanted any part of that - of him - he’s had plenty of time to say something but instead he’s gone on a few dates with other men - which is fine, TK owes Carlos nothing and Carlos knows that.
He looks up at his reflection and reminds himself that he has also had plenty of chances to tell TK that he still has feelings for him and has thought about what it would be like to try again, but he hasn’t said anything either. He rubs a hand over his face and tries not to mess up his hair.
He squares his shoulders and looks at himself intently.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @a-j-cowwley @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r
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lil-melody-moon · 1 year
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The announced fic is up and about, second Ringo x Female Reader - I swear, he will get the most love in my fics. Anyway, this time I tired to write an angst, setting it in the 80s. So, if you're up to reading something more darker with a lot of crying, be my guest <3 The story will also have 2 chapters, second one coming in the next month.
Likes, reblogs, kudos and comments are appreciated <3
Title: Heartbreaking Night
Summary: Helping someone in need isn't always as simple as it could appear at first, especially if it's your dear friend with a broken heart. Loving Richard wasn't easy as you were always on the side, him being blind to your affection. As the time passed, he ended up alone again, fate giving you an opportunity to make it work this time, but will it really when Richard's growing alcoholism is getting worse?
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aqpippin · 9 months
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Close To You
for the incredible @thecollectionsof
Crystal and Gigi aren’t long into their relationship when a snowstorm traps them in Gigi’s apartment. They find creative and romantic ways to keep each other warm.
[read on ao3]
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musingsbycaitlin · 1 year
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if i must give up, then so must you: a wip intro
it's been about a year since i last posted on here, and even longer since i posted a wip update or intro, and i apologise for that. basically living away from home at uni made me ✨anxious✨ and ✨mentally ill✨ so the only writing i ever did was for assignments and my creative brain was turned off entirely. but! now that i'm back home and getting help, boy do i have a wip intro for you!
tw: gun violence, alcohol abuse, emotional abuse
disclaimer: this is my original work and plagiarism is never tolerated.
okay let's go:
genre: literary fiction
setting: 1800's, somewhere in the wild west
predicted word count: 50k
pov: first person, present tense, unnamed narrator
status: about 5k into the first draft
aesthetics: loading a rifle, wind whipping up skirts, dusty earth under feet, struggling to breathe, sleeping for a week, floral wallpaper, sunlit dust in the window, long-legged spider crawling along wooden floorboards, fingernails brushing arm hair, dogs barking in the distance, creaky gates, chewing tobacco floating in a whiskey glass, snuffed candles, laced lingerie hanging on the back of a chair, teeth touching
summary: it seems odd that her grandmother would lie, but our unnamed narrator is questioning her late grandmother's wisdom after a group of bandits raid her town. over night, she feels compelled to follow a lone cowboy she spies from the edge of her town, and finds herself going on a reflective journey across the wild west. From town to town, she wanders and meets people; she falls in love with someone she didn't expect; she learns what it means to be a woman without the burdens of her grandmother's lies. 'if i must give up' is a story about learning truths whilst growing up secluded, and reflecting on past traumas and the guilt that lingers there.
characters (the few main ones at least):
narrator: 20, (she/her), this barbie is down on her luck fr. she is just muddling her way through compulsive thoughts and actions and following this guy just because she can. a truly chaotic queen.
anne: 30, (she/her), the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. she says, dont talk to me unless you're pretty, but if you're pretty she can't talk through the drool. somehow a simp. anne please explain yourself to me.
jonah: 30-ish, (he/him to a hellish extent), good god please sir just sit down. major gael vibes, let that sink in. this ken's job is emotionally manipulate. im done talking about this man.
brady: 46, (they/them), a cowboy just out for a good time, riding and riding in both connotations of the word iykyk. lets give a hand to the obligatory orville peck inspired character of the book. if tassles on cowboy hats where invented, they would be rocking it daily. oblivious yet knowledgeable, gruff yet softly spoken. they are my fave, i will take no further questions.
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clairelutra · 1 year
#augtickletober2023 - Day 1: Anticipation Harry Potter, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy, G, 500 words
She should have insisted on taking the notes, fourth year Rose Weasley thought ruefully as she watched the large white plume of her Potions partner's quill wave around. Mommy dearest must have sent it to him in one of his care packages.
Bad enough that she had been stuck with Malfoy all this year, now he got to wave that... thing in her face while she was stuck was handling dangerous ingredients.
(She was handling flobberworm guts and the potion was a mild wetting potion—extra-wet water that never dried out—but those were details.)
She was banking on the fact that Malfoy was even more meticulous about his grades than she was, and wouldn't dare flicking out that plume and brushing it over her ears and neck if it meant she might ruin the potion.
...He wouldn't dare, would he?
Just look at that crooked mouth, sliding into a crooked slice of an evil smirk. Just look at those pale, spidery hands smoothing down his parchment. Just look at the way he was handling that feather quill, deftly flicking back and forth as the delicate, terrible tips swayed in pure menace.
Goosebumps raised on her arms as she contemplated it, her heart pitter-pattering.
Malfoy looked up, seemingly oblivious to Rose's reddening face, and studied their cauldron. "Potion's starting to turn blue."
"Bugger," Rose swore, and lurched to finish measuring the flobberworm guts.
Somehow—though, to her chagrin, it required Malfoy's stupid bloody help—they finished the potion without messing it up.
Rose took out the big ladle and carefully filled a vial for Professor Slughorn's appraisal. Holding it up to the meager light, she admired the clarity of it, only the faintest of blue tinges to suggest that it wasn't water—unlike some of her classmates, whose vials ranged from aquamarine to orange.
She was surprised (not disappointed, surprised) that Malfoy hadn't tickled her with that giant feather of his at any point in class when usually he was all too happy to attack her whenever he bloody well saw her, but—
As soon as her shoulders dropped, something big and soft and far too light caressed her jaw and throat, sending fizzling squiggles through her muscles.
"Ah! Hey!" she yelped; the vial dropped to the ground and shattered. The white plume just started to dance, teasing her sensitive skin. "Ah-ha-ha-hee!"
He was merciless, targeting her neck and collarbones even as she danced and squirmed away, shoes crunching in the glass shards and her hysterical squealing giggles piercing the shuffle of the class as they prepared their own samples.
"Now, now, that's enough," Professor Slughorn boomed jovially, not a moment too soon. "Horse around after class."
The feather withdrew, leaving Rose gasping and fizzling and overwarm. She turned to glower at her evil, evil, treacherous classmate.
Malfoy just sat there, one leg tossed lazily over his other knee, waving the plume of his giant bloody quill mockingly, the grin on his face only a huff of breath away from a snicker.
She puffed her cheeks and stuck out her tongue at him, but he only laughed, the noise warm enough to tickle her bones.
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lowlylux · 5 months
“I swear to fucking-“ she cuts herself off, extending out her hand, expecting him to give back her phone. He does not do that though, which annoys her to no end. “I will give you the worst song on the planet next time Ei has me write you something.”
Aether gasps, placing the phone in her hand. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I wouldn’t?” She asks, deciding to keep her eyes on the road. “Try me. How do you want me to refer to the next unnamed lover? Call them a clown? Might work, especially with the goo goo eyes you’ve been sending Lyney.”
“We’re just friends.”
“Right, and I’m into Tartaglia,” she says sarcastically, pulling into the studio. “Do you think he would appreciate being sung about? It could include things only you two know, making it a whole Taylor Swift scenario.”
-chapter one | So You Love Me (Yeah)
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
ch 41 aka Desire Once Again Re-Motivates The Plot <3
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Me trying to get my request fics, Hitsuhina Week fics, and BLEACH Anime Celebration fics done in time while life decided it wants to get chaotic again:
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wexhappyxfew · 8 months
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mercy codona (of and then the dawn came, a band of brothers fic ) — chapter excerpt
Sometimes on weekends, when they weren't in training or there weren't long 3-day overnight training sessions, Mercy would usually go for a run as the sun was rising. By mid-November, the runs were filled with cold puffs of air floating to the sky, her burning throat, aching muscles, and her red, crimson cheeks shining on her face. If anything, it usually gave her a lot of time to think.
Almost too much time.
She'd think about her youth, her mother, her father, a past she no longer was connected to, but would think on and breakdown over when the time was warranted.
She wondered if in another world, her father was proud of her.
She wondered if he would've cared.
She wondered if he would've been there to send her off, to give her a hug, a farewell. In another world.
In reality, she'd gone to that train station alone, with a poor excuse for a satchel and disappeared from Fort Wayne, Indiana for good.
It sometimes choked her up - she was never good with emotions - explaining them, feeling them, knowing what they meant. No one had told her that growing up the way she did would leave her with that lacking capability. No one told her the lasting effects it'd leave or the emotions she'd have to grapple.
Mercy came to a small clearing where her and Esther had gone sometimes to sit and stare at the sunshine or the grey clouds, covered in wavering fields of overgrown grasses, and willow trees hanging over small ponds or bushes. Slowly, she settled on a rock and let her heart rate come to a normal speed, before letting out a deep breath.
" Half-pint?" Mercy looked over her shoulder and found Joe Toye there, hands on his hips, out of breath, hair sticking to the sides of his face and forehead, walking towards her with a raised brow.
" Hey," Mercy said, wiping a hand across her forehead," didn't think anyone else was out here." Joe shrugged and let out a cough before clearing his throat to sit beside her.
" Ditto."
ie: my most favorite chaotic smol character of attdc who needs so many hugs and so much gentleness, and one i will protect with my life + she gets multiple chapter POVs throughout the fic and some of her moments in the fic are my fav hehe :) so enjoy!!! her chapter will be in the future!
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tag: Secret Dating AU, Social Worker!Carlos Reyes, Professor TK Strand, ex’s to lovers, warnings to be added, smut in later chapters
Summary: It’s a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening.
Authors Note: Thank you to @noxsoulmate for beta'ing for me. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic as much as I am! Leave me a comment and check out my season 4 Fics! Please don't hate me for this chapter.
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
By the time fall break rolls around, TK is exhausted. He feels like he’s put in more work in the last few months than he has in his entire career. Which isn’t true, but working as a teacher introduced him to a whole other level of exhaustion than he would have thought was real.
Just like his students, he’s looking forward to a full week off where he can sleep and laze around.
Maybe go on a date or two.
TK spends his first day of break catching up on some much-needed sleep and doesn’t roll out of bed until after noon. When he wakes, he feels refreshed and less like he is going to melt under the stress of teaching students and grading papers.
He starts his day out with a shower, letting the warm water loosen his sore body and his thoughts drift into less-than-appropriate places where Carlos might still be the focus point. He allows his mind to wander, touching himself and coming to Carlos’ name falling from his lips and only feeling a smidge of guilt.
TK knows that he needs to stop getting off to the thought of Carlos, but it is so hard not to. Carlos is still everything that TK has ever wanted in a partner.
Except he isn’t his partner.
After their talk - a talk that might have killed TK a little inside - they haven’t hooked up again. There were a couple of close calls, but they both managed to pull themselves back and stay in the murky waters of friendship. TK doesn’t really like it, but it’s okay because he’s the one who suggested it and pushed for a friendship without anything getting confusing.
Only because TK is quite sure that Carlos isn’t interested in having another relationship with him, which is fine because TK is perfectly happy with being friends.
After he gets out of the shower he makes his way to the kitchen to make himself something to eat when his phone pings with a text message. Humming softly to himself, he pulls his phone from his pocket and unlocks it, only mildly surprised to see that it’s a message from Paul.
[Paul] Hey, I have a friend that I think you might hit it off with.
[TK] Are you trying to set me up with someone? Again?
[Paul] Yes. Dude, you’ve been here months and you haven’t gone on a single date. You need to live a little.
TK thinks about it as he puts together a sandwich for himself. Paul isn’t wrong - TK hasn’t gone on dates but he’s hooked up with one guy that he met at the club a few weeks ago and then  Carlos once. Maybe he should give in and go on a date with Paul’s friend, it wouldn’t really hurt anyone and it would fall into TK’s plan to go on a few dates during fall break.
[TK] Okay, sure, send me his info and I’ll set it up.
[Paul] You can just meet him at Roaring Fork at 7.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan@noxsoulmate@rangergurlgleek1211@detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust@bubblesandroses8@thebumblecee@mooshkat@importantbailiffpaperpony@otter-love-asll @paperstorm
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ars0nism · 2 years
bitches will get a bunch of positive attention on their fics led by ocs and also be really vocal about their own support of ocs and still feel weird uploading their ocs
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illneverrecover · 11 months
Hi! I just read static voice and was wondering if you'll be continuing it. The cliffhanger at the end was interesting
Hey there, thank you for reading!!
Yes, I am continuing Static Voice! Next chapter is outlined and has been started, but had to deal with some real life things for a bit, so writing has taken a back seat. I hope to get it out before the month is over 💜
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taruruchi · 1 year
sunshine, mushroom, and clouds >:3 (that moment when everything is buried so i'm scrolling through your blog frantically to find the ask game)
I'm so sorry MSIDNFMSM I should've linked it when I responded to lina 😭 I had to do the same thing. So now I WILL link it
-> ask game ☆
7. Sunshine — What is one of your favorite memories with your f/o?
That time in Chapter 7 whe—
I could not tell you exactly when it happened or how, but I've gotta imagine it's their first kiss. I just imagine it being cute and a bit awkward but it's literally everything
8. Clouds — How do they comfort you & vice versa?
Letting him play with his coins and showing him Mostro Lounge's profit is the way to go, everyone can go home now /j
Alexa play Forever Winter by Taylor Swift
I could like, write an entire thing here rn, but I won't. Because it'd get long. And very self-indulgent. So to sum it up, she gives words of comfort and physical affection while he'd try to help solve whatever the problem is while doing something like giving her a warm drink
13. Mushrooms — What's something funny or chaotic you and your f/o have done together?
I don't think they're the type to wreck havoc together like one would with someone like Floyd skdnkfks I imagine one funny/chaotic thing they did together was during a board game club meeting. They've definitely played with Idia and teamed up against him before (other times, same thing happened but they went against Azul) For example, they play that card ver of monopoly and force Idia to give up literally everything he owns AMJDNCMS (this is based on a similar story, my experiences with card monopoly are very funny)
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