#benet the magic thief
Y'all what do you think Nevery's and Benet's relationship with each other is like? I feel like their relationship isn't like Conn's and Ro's, since they seem to be much closer to each other. Perhaps they're like "we-do-a-lot-for-this-kid-and-also-his-fathers-but-our-relationship-is-platonic" or smth like that idk
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inky-squid-art · 1 year
ok, being so fr rn i forgot i had tumblr.... for like a year.... so uhhh yeah maybe follow my instagram if you want content.. but uh YEAH i made an animatic!! slay!
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flyfreewithme776 · 2 years
magic thief hcs (mostly about Conn, Nevery, and Benet)
Nevery is fluent in French from his mother's side
Conn is terrified of water after nearly being drowned in Home, though he tries to hide it
Nevery is so stoic and hesitant with his affections largely because, with Conn, he's afraid of ending up like his own father — harsh, temperamental, unforgiving, and cold. He sees his father in himself more than he'd like and it scares him, but as it turns out, Nevery makes a much better parent :)
Conn took up running as a pastime and a way to keep in shape. He gets to be pretty fast, and he does his best thinking when he's moving.
If anyone asks Nevery about Conn, they'll notice a softening in his face — just that little bit, but it's there.
Not a headcanon really but observe this line from the short story Sarah Prineas put out on her blog after Found, just before the scene where Nevery learns that Conn has finally come back to himself:
"He (Nevery) was feeling the cold of Wellmet’s winter in his bones. Time to head home from the Dusk House to Heartsease, which was hardly a home any more, now that the light and warmth had gone out of it. Even Benet didn’t seem interested in cooking anymore."
my dudes I'm crying Conn is so so loved, so much so that Heartsease didn't even feel like home to Nevery with Conn not himself.
Let's get back to headcanons shall we?
Conn has the avoidant insecure attachment style I'm sorry it's heartbreaking but it's true. He's always had to look out for himself. His independence was born of the need to survive. It's hard for him to accept care when it's given and to truly understand that the people who love him aren't going anywhere.
I feel like Kerrn could be mtf trans idk
Nevery and Conn each have like three+ scarves, several pairs of socks, and at least two sweaters from Benet because that's just Benet's love language, knitting things for the people he cares about
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ghostboymichael · 3 years
*Conn is cooking*
Rowan: Any chance that’s for me?
Conn: It’s for Benet. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Keeston: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
Nevery and Benet, walking into Heartsease: Hello, people who do not live here.
Keeston: Hey.
Embre: Hi.
Rowan: Hey!
Nevery: I gave you three spare keys to heartsease for emergencies only!
Keeston: We were out of doritos!
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Antiques and Gifts
Desc: Nevery takes Conn to a recently-opened antique shop. 
No TWs!
Thanks to @embre-wing for inspiration
"Boy, come with me. I heard that a store opened in the Twilight." Nevery called Conn. Peculiar. The Twilight was never very popular. Oddly, it seemed to be picking up traction lately, but Conn couldn't figure out why. But he really couldn't care, he had no reason to feel strongly about it. 
He decided to ask, "Really? What does it sell?" He thought the Twilight had enough 'stores', though he had to admit they were rather small and usually only sold necessities, such as clothing, or food. But Sparks and Embre did make a good enough profit from selling pyrotechnic materials, so perhaps there was a market for the miscellaneous. 
"Antiques. Do you know what an antique is, my lad?" Nevery answered. Antiques. Conn felt like he knew that word from somewhere, but he didn't know where. Maybe it was just a case of deja vu, he thought to himself. He decide to stay silent since Nevery always explained things to him if he didn't say anything.
"Antiques are objects valued for their age." He explained to him, gazing at him with his iconic keen-glean glance. Oh. Well, that's interesting. He only thing Conn thought of that could be a antique from Wellmet is something from the Dawn Palace--chills
went down his spine thinking about that place--before it was thankfully exploded (It
would have been destroyed anyway, Embre liked the Dawn Palace no more than Conn).
"Oh." He said. Conn didn't have anything better to say from the top of his head. 
"Well then, boy. Are you ready to leave now?" Nevery sternly asked. He had always not been the nicest, or at least, as charismatic as Brumbee, another magister that knew Nevery when they were younger, but Conn didn't mind. It was much better than if he were to hover over Conn, like after he was 'found'. He was content with how Nevery treated him, especially now that seemed less rigidly cold as before.
"I got everything." He informed Nevery. Pip was out hunting pigeons, and he was sure that it would be able to manage itself if he was gone.
"Then we're leaving."  Nevery told him, before opening the door and leaving, expecting Conn to follow behind. He caught up to Nevery, and shortly afterwards joined him to get in the boat to the Twilight, behind the factories and warehouses. They came through the back, and walked to Sark Square. 
"Anything you want to do while we're here, boy?" Nevery asked him. Conn needed a second to think about it. They could hang out with Embre for a bit, but would he be busy at the moment? No, Conn thought. They can do that later. Plus, where would Nevery be. It just seemed like-not the best idea. 
"Not that I can think of. Now, where's that antique shop that we're supposed to be at?" He remarked, not mentioning that he had wanted to go to the Dawn Palace.
"Hm." Nevery grunted. He normally said that, even if he wasn't confused. Conn didn't know if other people did that too, but if they did, they didn't do it as obviously as Nevery did. Or maybe Conn was just paying the most attention whenever Nevery spoke.
After a while after aimless wandering, they had finally found this oh so important antique shop. 
"Boy, look around." Nevery directed Conn, shortly before going to the back of the store. Conn took some time to observe his surroundings. The air had a strange smell to it, not necessarily bad, but not good either. 
The shelves were dusty and filled with antiques. Conn decided to actually look at them. There was all types of miscellaneous items, from some neat-looking jars to goblets to huge pieces of furniture such as desks. 
After a bit of scanning the somewhat valuable trinkets, something caught his eye. However, it wasn't something Conn was planning to keep for himself. There was a figure behind a mirror of sorts, with a mystifying glimmer through the piece. As soon as Conn saw it, he knew he had to get it for Nevery.
He knew that he would like it, might even keep it somewhere where it could be see  easily. There was one issue with that plan though. Nevery would never let Conn get something pricey for him, especially now that they had a stronger bond. 
Fortunately, he realized something soon enough. It's not as if Nevery was routinely watching him. So in theory, he would be able to quickly buy it and hide it somewhere until he felt like giving it to Nevery. 
He snatched it and looked for the price tag. 10 galleons. He could buy that. Conn reached for his pocket and took out his sack of money.  He counted out the money he needed, and hid the sack in his pocket. 
"May I buy this?" Conn asked the man at the counter. He nodded, before Conn put the needed 10 galleons and the antique. He took the cash, and Conn went to Nevery, smuggling it in his pockets.
"You think we should leave now?" He inquired. Nevery seemed to only be looking and not planning to buy something, unlike Conn. 
"Yes, boy. We haven't done much here." Nevery sternly answered. With that, they were on their way back to Heartease. 
They had come home around sunset, and Benet was already cooking dinner for all of  them. It seemed to be the usual: chicken pot pie, buttery biscuits, and tea. The aroma filled the air, or at least the first floor of Heartease. 
"So, boy, did you enjoy that." He asked, seemingly out of the blue.
"It was alright, it was kinda fun looking around." Conn answered, keeping discreet about what things he had done under his nose. 
He neutrally grunted in response. Soon enough, Benet was already setting out their food, and they were at the dinner table.
"How was it?" Benet asked both of them. Conn had already started digging into the biscuits, whilst trying to not drop and break his soon to be gift to Nevery.
"Nothing much happened. I and boy left soon enough." Nevery informed Benet, taking sips out of his tea. 
They had nothing else to say, so they finished their food and went upstairs to do their own thing. 
Conn had gotten to his room, and was greeted by Pip aimlessly rolling on his bed. Soon enough, Conn got Pip to do dragon things in the corner of his room, while he took out the antique, and peeled of the 10 galleons sticker. 
Pip approached it, interested by it's glimmer. Conn let it look at it, before he moved Pip away so it couldn't break it. The statue of sorts should be kept under his bed, Conn decided, as he lodged it there.
He looked out his window to look at the river that the island Heartease was built on. Conn didn't do this often, but something was calling to him to observe from here. He couldn't see much, since his room was on the highest floor but he didn't mind.
He stepped away from the window, and looked at his bed. It was pretty messy now, due to whatever Pip was doing. He decided to fix up the blankets, and by that he meant moving them around so his bed was even.
"Good night, Pip." Conn said. He squeezed himself between some layers, and fell into a deep sleep from his long day.
It was morning when he realized. When he checked the calendar after he woke up, he realized that it was Father's Day. Yes, he had coincidentally bought something for Nevery, but not for Benet! They both deserved a gift today, and Conn knew just where to get one.
  After getting 12 galleons and keeping them in his pocket, he shortly hurried downstairs, leaving Pip. After making so much noise to carry out this crucial task quickly, he accidentally got unwanted attention from a certain someone. Benet had already been in the kitchen, preparing for today's breakfast. 
"Where are you going?" He grumbled, coming to Conn. He was a deer caught in the headlights. 
"I have to go somewhere!" Conn replied, out of breath from running. Benet looked at him, and nodded, before leaving to continue cooking. Conn sighed in relief, as he headed for the door. 
Conn took the boat to the Twilight, and ran to the antique shop while attempting to not attract curiosity to what he was doing. He skimmed through all of the shelves, and found one that looked like it could work.
It was a set of vases. They reminded him a bit of those jars from yesterday. Their colors were pastel, with baby blues and lavenders. Conn did not know why, but they felt like the perfect gift to give to Benet. He checked the price. 9 galleons. He had more than enough galleons buy it. 
"I would like to buy this." Conn put the vase on the counter and the money. He had bought it, and this time he didn't ask to leave. Since the vases were small enough to hide in a hole he made in one of his pockets, he put it there, keeping the other one in his arm, covering it with his other one.
He got a boat and went back to Heartease. When he returned, Benet and Nevery were waiting for him to arrive. Conn couldn't read the expression on their faces, but he could just assume that they weren't upset. 
"Where were you, boy?" Nevery asked him. Well they definitely weren't mad, unless he said he was robbing someone or something similar to that.
"I got something for you!" Conn exclaimed, before racing up the stairs to get Nevery's gift. He stuck his arm under his bed, before he felt the antique and pulled it out.  He went back downstairs and came back to them.
"Look!" He handed them their correlated gifts. Benet seemed content with what he got; Conn thought he might keep it on a desk laying around. Nevery didn't show as much of his happiness, but it was still there nonetheless. 
"Thanks." Benet told him, before going to putting the vases somewhere else, either temporally or permanently. On the other hand, Nevery stayed there. He looked at it for a bit more, before looking up to see Conn.
"This is a nice object, boy. You better not have spent a fortune on this." He told him with hints of tenderness and seriousness, sending some mixed signals. 
"Thanks! I bought it from that antique store yesterday." Conn admitted, gazing off into the distance.
"You have quite the talent for hiding things, my lad." Nevery remarked. He left, presumably to put his gift somewhere, similarly to Benet. Conn was filled with a emotion that he couldn't describe. Was it... gratitude that described this feeling? 
It didn't matter anyway. Benet and Nevery had gotten gifts they they seemed to like, that that's all that Conn was concerned about. 
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Benet, talking to Conn: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to? Conn: You bet! Benet: At what temperature? Conn: 535. Benet: That's the clock. Conn: Benet: Conn: 536.
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mt fanfic
prompt by @maremote with a twist
Tw: d34th & mild g0r3 
Conn + Window + A spell idea = disaster
"Nevery," Conn suspiciously asked, "in theory, how could someone go on the roof?" "Why are you asking me this, boy?" Nevery had a hunch that Conn was about to do something stupid on the rooftop. Conn said, "I just wanted to know if it's possible to get up there."  
Should he tell Conn? There's no telling what he'll do if he were to get up there. Nevery decided on, "Boy, as far as I know, there is no possible way to get up there. Don't even try to find out how." "Alright then!" Conn replied, already on his way out the door.  
Unsurprisingly, he was going to ask Benet the same question. He went into the kitchen, where he found Benet preparing a dinner of chicken pot pie and biscuits. "Benet," Conn began, "do you think someone would be able to find a way on the roof?" "Why? Is someone there?" Benett questioned, ready to check for himself.  
"No, I was just curious." Conn rather vaguely told him. "There's no reason why you should concern yourself with strange things like that." Benet commented, going back to cooking. This time, Conn stayed to be early for dinner.
And when the time came, they ate dinner. Conn brought up a new theory about the magic and them having their own personalities. It was an odd concept, but interesting to say the least. The kind of thing Conn would say.
"Boy, go to bed." Nevery ordered. "Fine." Conn said in a voice where you could tell he wasn't actually going to sleep. Conn went upstairs, and now something interesting starts to play over the dinner table.
Nevery was quick to ask Benet, "Did the boy ask you anything about rooftops?" Benet was intrigued to know that Conn had asked the same peculiar question to Nevery.  "Yes, he asked if someone can get up there, why?"
"I have a feeling he might try to find a way on the roof." Nevery informed Benet. "What do you think he's going to do up there?" Benet concerningly questioned. "I suspect," Nevery began, "that he might try something magic-related."
"Do you think he actually will find a way up there though?" Benet wondered out loud. There was no point in being concerned about something that most likely won't happen. "It should be impossible to be on there either way." Nevery concluded. And with that, they both went to bed, reassured that nothing could happen.
Conn woke up in a cold sweat. However, he couldn't remember why he'd woken up to begin with. But something else came to mind. The flying spell.  Well, he didn't know if it was a working spell. But he was given the opportunity to find out for himself.
He opened his bedroom window. Now that he really thought about it, did he really need a rooftop? Perhaps, just maybe, he could use a window instead. Well, he didn't feel like testing out his spell right now. He'll try it out in the morning!
Tap. Nevery's cane. "Boy, wake up." And he did just that. They went downstairs and had breakfast. "I'm going to the market." Benet announced. Everyone was aware of his absence. Nevery was in his workroom. Opportunity struck Conn once again. And this time, he used it.
Conn went to his room, excited for what was going to happen. He was going to fly, wherever he wanted! He got to the door, shaking with excitement. Nothing could nor will stop this feat. He opened the window, no screen protector. He jumped out, saying the incantation. But it didn't work.
Benet came back, his arm filled with bags of food. "Conn," he called, "I got something for you!" No answer.  "Where are you?" The only reply he got was his voice echoing at him. Maybe he was just in his room. So Benet went there.
And there wasn't a Conn to be found. It looked like he got of bed, but it was messier than usual. Benet quite put his finger on why, though. Strangely, the window was open. He closed the window. He didn't look down, however.  
Maybe he's just in Nevery's workroom. So, he headed over there. "Have you seen Conn?" Benet questioned. "No, why?" Nevery told him. "Well," Benet said, "Conn see-" He cut himself off. He had just realized why Conn's window was open.
"I THINK CONN JUMPED OUT HIS WINDOW!" Benet exclaimed, horrified by what happened. "Go check outside!" Nevery ordered. He was far too tired to show his panic. He followed Benet slowly, perhaps to prepare himself for the horror that would soon meet his eyes.
Benet rushed downstairs, and shortly went outside. He began to circle Heartease, searching for Conn. Or rather, what was left of him. And soon, that search met its end.
There was Conn. Surrounded by his dried blood. Dead. And worse of all, no one would know why he did it. How happy he was prior. The truth was tainted.  
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how could such a nightmare could be real
Title from Baxter 3rd is Under Fvcking Siege by Penelope Scott
Nevery had lost his apprentice, and it was likely he'd never see him again.
A what-if scenario if Conn wasn't found at the end of the first book. 
Note: i proofreading this, i just realizes the antistriker spell could've of solved this 0-0 Just pretend that it didn't point down Conn's location exactly k?
TW // d34th + mild intrusive thoughts
The underlord's machine had exploded. Nevery instantly knew what had happened. Conn. His 'ex'-apprentice had done it. He had destroyed the machine that was imprisoning Wellmet's magic. Where was he? Nevery walked around, in search of Conn.  
Benet came soon, with the Duchess's guards. Why'd the duchess care? Nevery knew that she would never feel this. She'd never, ever, understand how he was affected. How would she know? She hasn't dealt with whatever this was. 
He tried to navigate around what was left of the Dusk Palace. There were rocks scattered everywhere, seemingly from the explosion. Every entrance required at least someone to push the rocks away. Even so, the little fluttering hope Nevery had started to wither every time there was no success in finding him. 
Next was a room with a bunch of rocks, all in very close proximity to each other. There was a tiny crack in between them, small enough to fit a wide snake of sorts. There seemed to be something there, the more Nevery stared at it. Maybe it was his imagination.
They went on, until they had checked everywhere. The moon was starting to set as Benet and Nevery left, and started their way to Heartease. It was a quiet walk to the river, mostly because neither of them knew what to think, let alone say.  Was there any hope left? Or, more importantly, was there any point in having such a fragile thing?
They walked into Heartease. Nevery hadn't noticed this before, but Heartease felt off, in a way. As if there were something missing. He knew that feeling was most likely just mourning missing his beloved apprentice. He never realized that he'd started to like the boy quite a bit. Now that he was gone, his importance started to shine through.
Was he ever to see Conn again? The question hasn't struck him before. If  Conn won-. No, Nevery told himself mentally. He going to come here again someday, and he'll eat all of Benet's biscuits, and ask for more. He isn't gone. He has to return. He will return, he will return, he will return, Nevery chanted in his head. But what if he won't?
Nevery walked to his bedroom. He didn't feel like talking to his manservant at the moment. He had a feeling that Benet didn't want to talk either. He laid came down against the wall, and got into bed. He didn't change his clothes. He just wasn't feeling it at the moment. 
Despite getting the chance to escape, the one thing he wanted to do, he stayed restless in his bed. He hoped with all of his might that maybe, just maybe this was all a dream. Maybe, he'll wake up to seeing Conn bringing him some tea, and discussing his theories of magic in more depth.
Magic. The whole reason why this happened. If Underlord Crowe had never decided to prey on the magic like the monster he was, Conn would be fine. He would be happily asking why he had to call Nevery 'Master', or baking those awful biscuits back when they'd first met, during his servant-and-definitely-not-a-apprentice days. 
Quiet. That was the one thing Nevery wanted a little less than Conn. He wanted his thoughts to be quiet, and stop doing things. What things, he wasn't sure of, but certainly bad things, that's for sure. He managed to snap back to reality long enough to sleep, a new escape he hadn't realized before.   
The sun had risen. Nevery woken up with a start, before he immediately remembered that had happened the night previously. Don't think about it, he told himself, determined to convince himself that Conn was fine. After all, he's not dead, or injured, or mentally ill, or even physically ill! Right?
He grabbed his cane, and went downstairs to see Benet. There he was, making the usual. Chicken pot pie, tea and-biscuits. He pushed the sorrow he felt seeing them to the back of his mind. 
He finally started to break the ice. "How do you think boy is doing?" Nevery hesitantly asked. Normally he wouldn't feel this way to talk to him, but this wasn't the kind thing that the two of them had experience with. 
"If he's still-he'll be able to manage himself. He could back when he was a gutter-boy." Benet told him neutrally. Nevery thought about what he had said. 'he'll be able to manage himself.' Was that true? What if he was injured? Like seriously hurt and in need of  medical attention hurt? 
No. The magic will keep him safe. They have to. If Conn saved them, then they have to be protecting him as a thanks. That had to be the case. Why wouldn't they? They might've been the thing keeping him alive all these years, so why stop now. Surely they still like him, have that connection they had prior. 
Nevery stopped the thinking. How could he control that? He thought that he'd already decided not to do this 'hope' thing. It was silly. If he was going to fie, he would, end of story. Yes. That's the way to go. Glass half empty is better than glass half full. 
Before he knew it, he finished everything in his plate. Time really flies by, he figured. That metaphor suits a lot of different situations. He didn't feel like elaborating himself at the time. Then, he was thrown with a slightly random thought.
Should he check the Dawn Palace again? Maybe he'd get better luck now that the sun was out and it was such easier to see everything. He made a beeline for the door, knowing that Benet won't question him, and might even know where he was going and why. 
He got in the boat and headed to the Dawn Palace Ruins. There wasn't many people there, considering the fact it was pretty destroyed. He went in. Then, he remembered something. Wasn't there a clump of rocks with something in it. Previously, he thought it was imagination. But now, the thought seemed more than promising than ever. 
Nevery checked every room, hoping to recognize one of them. And then did after a while. He finally found the one, the rocks and the wide snake and everything. He approached slowly, expecting to see the boy he'd grown to adore over the months that had passed. 
He got a closer look. By the looks of it there was something there. This was it. He knew it. He pushed the rock on the top with his hand, and it moved a little. He continued, until it feel on the floor. Conn was there.
But something was different. Conn was as white as snow. Was he actually...dead this whole time? No! This can't be happening. Maybe he just happened to be pale at the moment. Nevery laid his arm against Conn's chest, hoping to feel something. But there wasn't anything. No pulse, no rise and fall or breathing. He was dead.
He was dead. Why? Why him? Conn didn't deserve it. He should've died in his senior years, comfortably on a soft bed, not die before 18 between some rocks! Nevery couldn't tell if he was feeling angry or upset, but he knew one thing for a fact. This could've never happened.
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Mt fanfic
sorry if its bad! I haven't read the books in a while so it might be ooc, since im basing their personalities off headcanons + might spell made up words wrong
Prompt by @kayespuzzles
Inspired by @flyfreewithme776 ‘s fics
Let’s just say it takes place during any book
“Conn, what did you do?” Conn got injured again. This time it was a scraped knee. “I just fell off a couple of stairs.” Conn casually told Benet. “Go sit over there.” Benet pointed to the countertop. “Why should I? It’s not that serious.” “Still, go.” Benet grunted back.
Benet left, and shortly afterwards he returned with gauze bandages and some mysterious cream. However, before he could do anything, Nevery was at the doorway.
“What happened?” he grumbled, with a hint of concern underneath. “Just a scraped knee.” "I'll get my locus magicilious." "I'm sure you don't need to get it." Benet dully replied. "What? No, it'll be better if I just do magic!" Nevery stubbornly spat back at him. "But there's no reason to do any."
"I'm sure using magic would be good in this situation." Nevery argued, "Maybe, but would it be better than manually dressing it?" They began a (rather calm) argument regarding Conn's very unserious injury and how to treat it. However, something happened outside of their line of sight.
"Where did Conn go?" Nevery noticed.  They brought their attention to the countertop where Conn previously was. There was nothing but thin air. "Why did he leave?" Benet questioned out loud. Conn seemed to have sneakily left while they were talking arguing.
"I'll check downstairs, you look for the upstairs in his room." Nevery calmly ordered Benet. He did what he was told and walked up the stairs in the search of Conn. Normally he would leave him be.  But he didn't want to have that incredibly mild argument for nothing. He got to the ladder outside of Conn's room, ready to finish what he was about start.
Benet called out, "Conn, are you here?" "Hm?" Conn let out. There he was, sitting on his bed, reading a treatise on magic and its behavior. "Why'd you sneak over here while we were talking?" "Well, neither of you were really doing anything, so I came up here." Conn openly remarked.
"Well, are you going to come back downstairs?" Benet asked. "Sure." They both used the same route to return to Nevery, without exchanging a single word. That was alright by the both of them. They didn't need talk just for the sake of it.
"Where'd you go, boy?" Nevery questioned Conn. "My room." Conn vaguely replied. "Boy, don't run off like that again." "I will," Conn playfully remarked, "and you can't stop me!" "Okay then." Nevery said back, with a little of his uncommon smile showing.
"Go back to that countertop." Benet told him, finding himself in the very same place he was about ten minutes ago. Conn did as he was told, this time without any sort of protest. "So, you'll let me dress it manually this time, right?" Benet asked Nevery.
"Yes, you can do it without magic." Nevery grumbled, back to his usual state. He wouldn't mind arguing again, but he would heavily prefer if Conn actually got some sort of care instead of just leaving again. He left, while Benet was dressing Conn's scraped knee.
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Chaos in the Woods
back from my unintentional break! this fic has better grammar, so maybe y'all might like this better + im supposed to get my ao3 invite on 09/10/11 so you might find my fics there soon
Desc: The Wellmet trio have a chaotic day in the woods.
(note: slightly a crackfic taken seriously + tumblr removed the indents before the paragraphs)
TW // implied s3x (not w/ the trio)
It was a hot day in the woods. Conn, Embre, and Rowan decided to visit the woods near Wellmet. Benet and Kernn tagged along to make sure they were safe.
They were doing the typical stuff such as rambling on about whatever crossed their minds. Then Rowan jokingly dared him.
"Conn, eat this leaf. She handed him a leaf that had fallen off one of the trees nearby.
"Sure." Conn ate the leaf without any hesitation. "Tastes better than palace food." He calmly informed them.
"YOU ACTUALLY ATE IT?" Rowan exclaimed.
"Cousin, what made you think that was a good idea?" Embre sarcastically asked him.
"Well," Conn started, "she did tell me to eat one!"
"That was a joke! I didn't actually want you to eat it like it was the most delicious thing you ever ate!" She slightly scolded him.
There was a rustling coming from behind them. Benet came from the tall trees that were surrounding them.
"What's going on here?" Benet questioned them. He eyed all of them, attempting to identify the culprit of squabbling so noisily.
"Nothing," Rowan answered for the others, "just talking." She glared at Embre and Conn, and they both stayed quiet.
"Alright guys, clearly we have to be quieter, so they don't hear us and come to check on us again. Understand?" Rowan lectured them.
"Yes, Lady Rowan." Embre teased her.
"Stop that!" She irritably told him. Her cheeks brightened with a soft red glow.
All while this was happening, Conn thought about how good of friends the two have become, so quickly too.
"So, Conn, do want more leaves?" She asked, half joking when she said it.
"Why not?"
They started to look for different species of trees, so Conn could at least have some variety in his new leaf-snack.
Conn spotted something in the grass. It seemed to be a wrapper of sorts. He decided to call Rowan and Embre.
"Look what I found!" He held it the air as they came towards him. As they came closer and closer, they could feel curiosity bubbling inside of them.
"What's that supposed to be?" Embre asked him.
"I dunno, I'll read it now." He brought it closer to his eyes. It read 'TROJAN', in white text on a blue background. He turned it on its side. His eyes instantly snapped to a white box filled with text. '…prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS…' Oh. Now he knew what it was. A condom wrapper. It's not like he knew what one looked, it was just obvious what it was now.
"What is it?" Rowan asked Conn, not yet aware of what it was.
"It's a condom wrapper Ro." Conn told her, unsure of both her and Embre's reaction, and if they'll be upset or not.
"Let me see that." Rowan took the wrapper out of his hands and began to inspect it for herself. After noticing the same thing Conn did, she gave it back.
"So, it is a condom wrapper." Rowan concluded for herself. At last, it was Embre's turn to look at it. No one except for Conn. But now that Rowan had seen it, it would be rude to not show it to him.
"Hm. What should we do with it?" Embre wondered out loud. It was a good question, to be honest. What were they supposed to do, throw it away like it was nothing? Conn then blurted out something absurd.
"Hear me out," he sighed, expecting a negative reaction, "Let's find someone and ask if its theirs." He closed his mouth, ready for whatever was going to happen.
"No! That's a horrid idea! What if people think it's ours?" Rowan exclaimed, very obviously disagreeing with Conn.
"I doubt that people would think young people would use protection." He honestly told her.
"Still!" It's too weird and suspicious to do a thing like that!" She retorted, visibly getting upset.
"What's that?" Conn said. The rustling came back. Benet or Kernn had to be coming because of how loud they were. Conn hid the wrapper under his arm so no one could see it."
Kernn came this time, looking somewhat tired. "What are you doing?" She asked them, using a tone that sounded like she was saying a sentence.
"We're just," Conn took a quick pause to come up with something, "having a fun game of truth or dare!" He said, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth from lying.
"I'll be watching you." She spoke, having some more edge in her voice. She left them be and returned to Benet.
"Okay, we really have to quiet down, or they're going to catch us again." Rowan told them. There was no use in her words however, since they both got the hint as soon as Kernn came to check on them.
"So now what?" Conn wondered out loud. It was in their heads too. Now, they were back on square one.
"Why don't we just let it blow in the air?" Embre suggested to them.
"That's a good idea to me." Conn said, shortly before he released the hidden wrapper from under his arm.
It soon blew in the air as if it was a candy wrapper of some sort, until it was no longer visible. The sun had lowered quite a bit.
"Imagine if some kid found that." Embre cackled.
"We do not need to think about that." Rowan told him, chuckling lightly under her breath.
The rustling started again. This time, both Benet and Kernn came to see them.
"We're leaving. It's getting dark." Benet grumbled. They came with them and went to the edge of the forest, back into Wellmet. Kernn and Benet were successfully hiding their smirks the whole way there
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mt sickfic
heres some sugar to help the medicine go down (pun intended)
this is fluff pls dont come for my head
Conn’s ‘sick’. He knows he isn’t, but everyone tells him that he is for some reason. Guess he has to stay in bed bord all day
The magics were arguing again. Conn could tell. If he focused enough on himself, he could feel tugging in opposite directions. After it started to get uncomfortable, he began to redirect his attention to his window. It was raining.  
Conn wasn't exactly a fan of rain. It reminded him of things he would prefer to forget. But there was something about it that he liked. It was cold. Cold began to substitute warmth that he normally couldn't have over the years.
He headed for the door. Benet was at the market, so he couldn't ask where he was going. Nevery was busy in his workroom, and he couldn't possibly hear him from there. So, with that, Conn stepped outside.
It was colder than he expected, to say the least. He started to shake violently to warm himself down. He felt his skin get covered with goosebumps, and something began to run from his nose. Snot.
Conn decided that was enough, and he came back inside. He went over to the couch. His throat felt odd. He couldn't put his finger on why, though. He closed his eyes and slept while he was awake.
Eventually, Benet came back with the food. He found Conn (attempting to fall) asleep. "You tired?" He asked gently. "What! No." Conn said defensively. Benet went over to him to ruffle his hair.
"Why are you so warm?" Benet questioned. "What are you talking about." Conn said half asleep. "Go to your room." Conn protested, "Why though?" "Because I think you're sick."
"You do know that I don't get sick, right?" Conn informed him. "Still, go."  Conn went to his room and got on his bed. Benet came with a thermometer. "100 degrees." Stay in bed."
Conn stayed there. Not because he wanted to be there though. Even though he wanted to read books in Nevery's workroom, he knew he would be sent back to his room. He liked his room, but he didn't want to be stuck in there though.
Benet returned after who knows how long. In his hand he carried a wet towel. "Lay down." He put the towel on his head immediately after he laid down. "I'm going to make soup.' He told Conn. Before he left, he threw the blanket on the floor.
As soon as Benet left, Conn took the towel off his head. Why did he even need it anyway? It was just some towel. He grabbed the blanket of the floor. Why'd Benet even make a mess in his room? He began to drift off into peaceful sleep.
"Wake up. "Benet woken up Conn for breakfast. "It's time for dinner." What a strange slip of words. Conn just followed Benet. For some reason, he his throat felt rather peculiar, and he was afraid of what might come out if he talked.
He sat down to be met with hot chicken soup. Not biscuits and chicken pot pie. But with chicken soup. He didn't even know how he knew that. What's the time? He glanced at the clock. Conn wasn't too good at reading them, but he could tell it was at least 7 o'clock.
"So boy, how are you feeling?" Conn didn't notice that Nevery came to the dinner table. "Fine." He muttered. He wasn't exactly feeling good, but bad either. And then Conn let out a noise intended to stay inside him.
He coughed. He didn't mean to, it just happened. "Go back to bed." Nevery told him. Benet then escorted him to his room. Conn thought that was it. He would go to bed, and everything would be back to normal. Until it wasn't.
Benet came with the soup from earlier. There was some wood thing under it. He placed it on Conn's lap. "You need to eat," He told him, "But i need to check something first. How great. Benet was going to tell Conn that he was sick, and leave. It doesn't even matter if he was sick.
He moved the soup elsewhere and sat on the bed with Conn. Benet felt his forehead again. "You haven't been using the towel, have you?" He just nodded, not really sure what he would say.
"Just don't do it again, okay?" Benet calmly told him. "And don't use that blanket, it's making your fever worse." "K." Conn whimpered. (Well, more like tried to say w/ all of his energy) Then Conn did something he himself could not believe,  
He perched onto his chest. Conn couldn't figure out why he did this, but he couldn't undo it. Surely Benet would push him off and leave. But he didn't.  
Benet held him there. They might not have been talking, but they were bonding, nonetheless. Conn fell asleep peacefully, and Benet laid him down on his bed. He didn't have a chance to eat dinner. Guess he can have more for breakfast.
Conn woke up. It was dark. He remembered being in Benet's arms. He wasn't there with him now, though. Probably just a dream. Conn didn't feel that better. He just wanted to read some books. Unfortunately, he'd already read all if not most of the books in his bedroom
Nevery's workroom. There, was an infinite number of books. If he could sneak out of his room without waking anyone up, he could read books until sunrise. Then he could reverse doing that and pretend to wake up early.
He got out of his bed, and cat walked towards the workroom. The musty smell of books older than him welcomed Conn. He grabbed a random book, "The Mysterious Properties of Magic" to criticize. He sneezed a couple of times, but that was most likely the dust that had been collecting.  
Tap. Tap. Tap. Nevery's cane. What was he doing there? Was Conn too loud? "Boy, what are you doing here?" Nevery questioned him. "Reading." He told him. "At this hour?" "Yes...?" Conn attempted to explain himself. "It's five in the morning, boy. Go get some sleep."
"But I'm not tired!" Conn protested. "Still, you're sick and need rest." Nevery concluded. "How do you know if I'm sick?" Conn asked him. "I could hear you sneezing. Now go to bed." So that's how he got caught.  
Conn shortly went to sleep afterwards. (Well, more like stare at the ceiling until it was a more 'appropriate' time to wake up. It was nine o'clock when he started to make everyone else aware that he was awake.
It was the same as dinner last night. They didn't talk all that much, Conn was scarfing down his food. He had considered discussing a theory, but he didn't want to waste energy on that.
He went back to his room to do some boring things. Then, he realized something. He wanted to be with his friends. It was pretty boring without Embre and Ro. But at least he didn't have to go to magister meeting.
"Conn! Come downstairs!" Benet called. What could he possibly need? Benet's the one who makes a fuss about him not getting rest along with Nevery. Conn came downstairs to see what it is.  
It was Embre and Ro. Pretty quickly that started talking. Ro was ranting about the people at the Dawn Palace, and Embre was lowkey hitting on her. It was amusing. So much so that before they knew it, it was sun fall.
They said their goodbyes and left. Conn had chicken soup once again for dinner. It was the usual, and he soon went to sleep.
He woke up feeling better. Which meant he could start actually doing things! He jumped out of bed to tell Nevery the good news.
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im gonna do sickfic where conn’s the sick one. You guys want benet or nevery to take care of him?
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ghostboymichael · 3 years
Conn: I made tea.
Benet: I don’t want tea.
Conn: I didn't make tea for you. This is my tea.
Benet: Then why are you telling me?
Conn: It's a conversation starter.
Benet: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Conn: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
What is your favorite quote from The Magic Thief?
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themagicisdragons · 3 years
Nevery: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Benet: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Conn: Smad.
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