#keroro roleplay
roleplayallday · 2 years
Hello sgt frog fandom! I’m sure it’s barren here, most of my other fandoms seem to be at the moment. I haven’t had a new roleplay partner almost all year. Yikes.
Anyway, is anyone interested in a new roleplay?
I was thinking
…mostly Kururu ships but i’ll do almost anything.
Except for girodoro, sorry guys. I know it’s popular but it’s like one of my least fave ships. I don’t really ship kerotama either.
But yeah, i’m down for almost any ship you can think of, i’m open to almost anything!
If you’re interested in plotting something, dm me here! Or dm me on discord, my username is kazikuns
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garu-rufftor · 4 months
Looking for RP partner [M4M] preferably.
Hobby style, no need to be overly serious or professional, I'm quite a newbie myself. I just want to have fun with RP again.
Hellooo!! Would anyone want to be my RP partner? I'm quite a newbie so don't expect much from me please! I've only done not professional 1x1 but should there be more people (if there's anyone at all) I'd be open on trying. No age rules but if you're young I expect some level of maturity, not like I'm the most mature but yeah, and if you're an adult let you know I'm 15 soon 16 years old, don't do weird stuff.
I try to adapt writing styles to people, so no worries! I'm from Spain, so my grammar and use of English aren't always on check.
I would personally enjoy more of a MxM (not necessarily romantic) if possible and no smut/nsfw please. Also I personally tend to roleplay as a trans masc character.
I'm leaving some brainstorming here, feel free to pick. I'm open to brainstorming because creativity and along with another person is so cool. I'm fine with RP with already existing characters if it's from a fandom but using oc's would be so cool too!!
1.- Keroro. Not too known but I really enjoy this anime and I always wanted to do something around it, you'll know from where the "Garu" in my nick comes from should you have seen it, haha.
2.- Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Another old one but it really for my heart too.
3.- Vocaloid + PJSK/Colorful Stage. I'm not extremely fond of everyone for the record.
4.- Countryhumans like stuff. For this one I'd enjoy more OC's since I don't want any dramas, I'm open for the classic Countryhumans style or a more humanised less political stuff.
There's more but I'm kinda lazy, feel free to ask me for anything too! No promises but there may be a chance.
A list of dynamics that interest me should it help. I really like military stuff btw.
a) Boss/subordinate but they've been working together for so long they're very close friends.
b) Barely reacts to anything/enjoys teasing him.
c) School friends and recently people began gossiping about a lot of fake rumours about one of them.
As said these are just some ideas, feel free to contribute into ideas! I enjoy active back and forth and communication is a key too, if at some point you don't enjoy/feel comfortable anymore even if we're half through a roleplay please inform me.
That being said thank you very much should you have read it!
You can contact me through Discord since I'm not that active here -> al_35
Currently I'm going through the last week of exams before my evaluation for this course ends so I may be busier and more low in energy, for the record!
See you~ (I hope this goes well plz) 🌌🌠🌌
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stupidloafofbread · 9 months
So uh I found these keronians- *hold them both* - keroro
What. - both shizeze and inazuzu
But could you watch over them because I can't- - keroro
(And yes the - is for roleplay-
Huh? Oh uh, sure!-
For fuck sakes-
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birdmitosis · 2 years
Had a thought earlier that. In some fanwork or roleplay scenario where the Keroro Platoon is interacting with non-Japanese characters and, like, speaking in English. I’d definitely still write them as using their speech quirks/sentence-enders and usual honorifics. But I’d also want to make it very clear at some point that this is just a Them Thing. Not write the Garuru Platoon doing it at all. Have Pururu show up at some point and someone notes that she’s talking normally and have her be like “well yeah we’re speaking English. guys why are you... using bits of Japanese unnecessarily...” and it turns out it’s just another case of the Keroro Platoon all just being Like That.
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lumpofwhump · 2 years
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
- @soheavyaburden
Thanks for the asks, and sorry for the wait!
TW: Mention of suicide
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Let's see, abuse dynamics; rescue and protection; found families of outcasts and underdogs standing up to much more powerful people and winning... god, I'm really telling on myself in a lot of ways here, huh.
Some of this... i probably have imagery and feel things that I go back to a lot that are apparent from the outside, but I can't think of any at the moment.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Back in 2007, I had a 100-page long work in progress about a minor character from Keroro Gunsou. The original characters I created for it sort of grabbed me, though, and I lost interest in the actual story.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Vivisection. It combines my squicks/triggers around both disembowelment and surgery without anesthesia.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Any character who I've made or bought a plushie of for myself is or has been a comfort character of mine. Currently, the plushies on my bed are all OCs who have appeared on here: Topher Farley, Zail Quendatt, and Morton Gröninger.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Not a fic, but I've done a few roleplay scenes where both the other person and I were crying at the end. The one that sticks out to me was in 2007, where a character was effectively driven to a suicide attempt by a particularly bad rejection.
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gemwolfz · 1 year
keroro roleplay club is reschejuled for 7:30 at ihop, no inappropriate language my mom will be supervising, ps we need a tamama and a kululu we DONT need any more giroros im already giroro
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Alright, so I have these two Sgt. Frog OCs, and since I'm too lazy to draw them and I refuse to roleplay this franchise, like, ever again, here's a little one shot fic of them. Warning for OCxCanon... only for them to be established as exes. Lmao.
Kululu's animal-hypnotizing sonar was destroyed as soon as the grill of the speeding Jeep Wrangler made contact with it. Kululu and Tamara - who got in the way in attempt to use his Tamara Impact on the vehicle - were knocked unconscious and sent flying. Keroro, Giroro, and Dororo were frozen in fear as the Jeep stopped right in front of them.
How could a Pekoponian see them and their technology? The driver's seat door opened and out stepped a woman that looked to be in her thirties dressed in a t-shirt with some woman on it that said "P!nk Funhouse Tour", a tattered denim vest with different patches adorning it, cargo shorts, combat boots, and a baseball cap that read "Park Ranger". On her face was heavy eyeliner and mascara. She looked down at the three aliens, crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes.
"What are you doing here, Keroro?"
"Kero!" Keroro's eyes widened. He didn't recognize the human, but… "That voice!"
The woman let out an irritated grunt and suddenly she was glowing, shrinking until she was just the same size as Keroro. In her place stood a teal Keronian, still wearing her patch-filled denim vest and donning mascara, as well as a brown hat with the symbol of a claw on its center, matching the symbol on her stomach. Keroro started to visibly relax at the sight of this familiar face.
"Unriri! Wow, you look great," Keroro commented, eying the other up and down. "I am loving this punk rock look on you. It's really cute."
"Keroro! She just ruined our plan and hit two of your soldiers," Giroro barked, it taking everything in him to resist grabbing the smitten Keroro and shaking him. "Don't get distracted just because you dated her once!"
Unriri, just as annoyed and unimpressed as the corporal, ignored Keroro, still crossing her arms.
"Hey, Zeroro. How've you been?" she asked, turning her glance towards the lance corporal.
"What? Um, hello? Unriri?" Keroro sputtered, unused to being ignored.
"It's actually Dororo now," Dororo replied, stepping closer to offer an extended hand. "It's good to see you, Unriri."
"Good to see you, too," Unriri replied, shaking Dororo's offered hand. "You look well."
"Unriri? Hello?"
Before Keroro could continue vying for the teal Keronian's attention, a towering white wolf burst out of the bushes, holding… groceries. It was holding grocery bags in its mouth. Keroro and Giroro grabbed each other, screaming in terror of the creature.
"Who's your friend?" asked Dororo, calmly.
As the wolf put the bags of groceries down, it started to become enveloped in a white light just as Unriri's human glamor was. Once the light faded, in the wolf's place was a white Keronian… At least, she seemed to be Keronian. She had a wolf-like tail that matched the rest of her off-white body and ears on her head as well. Claws extended from her fingers and she had fangs sticking out of her mouth. Otherwise, she seemed Keronian, with a blue wolf-shaped symbol on her belly.
"Unriri, my hunt was successful," she said as she handed the bags to Unriri.
"Heeey, you found Irish truffle ice cream this time," an impressed Unriri commented as she looked through the bags.
The white Keronian leaned in towards Unriri and the teal Keronian pecked a kiss on her cheek. This made Keroro visibly stiff.
"Dororo, Giroro…. Keroro," Unriri acknowledged. "This is Okmimi, my partner."
"Uhh, I'm sorry, what are you?" Keroro asked after Giroro shoved him off, pointing to Okmimi. "Like, with the ears and tail and everything… Are you some kind of mutant?"
"Tsk… Rude as always, Keroro," Unriri sighed irritably, shaking her head.
"Nah, I'm just like this," Okmimi answered rather innocently.
"Anyway, this preserve is private property," Unriri continued, putting her arm around Okmimi. "No hunting allowed and definitely no… whatever you were trying to do with that sonar thing."
Keroro was seething at the sight of his former girlfriend and Okmimi being so affectionate with each other.
"It's for the invasion of Pekopon," Giroro retorted.
"Yeah! Speaking of, shouldn't you be assisting in the galaxy-wide conquest of Keron or something?" Keroro asked, trying not to look so visibly shaken.
"I dropped out of the military to become a planetary biologist," Unriri explained. "Not that you would know, Keroro, but I've always had an interest in life on other planets."
"She's even got patches of different creatures she's studied on other planets!"
Okmimi gestured to the patches on Unriri's vest, and upon closer inspection, they all represented a different creature. Each one looked more alien than the last. Keroro crossed his arms, noticing how one of the patches presented a wolf.
"I do so know that you like studying life," Keroro almost growled. "I just… didn't like hearing about how a nyororo could suck the moisture out of me."
Keroro shuddered. Unriri rolled her eyes.
"Okmimi and I work here as of our temporary stay on this planet. It helps me with my studies," Unriri continued to explain. "I'm not forsaking my job for your invasion, especially if it harms the animals."
"Come on, can't you let one little bout of hypnosis slide?" Keroro coaxed. "If not for the invasion, for an old flame?"
"No," Unriri said firmly. "Especially not for an 'old flame' as selfish as you."
Keroro squeaked, while Giroro and Dororo just shook their heads.
"Nothing about her response surprises me," Dororo uttered.
"I'm with you there."
Okmimi glanced at Keroro curiously, then to Unriri, and back to Keroro.
"This isn't the same guy that trashed your apartment when you were still training for the military, is it, Unriri?" she asked.
"Sadly it is," Unriri replied, nodding. "Had all these wants and… desires that I'd only ever see reciprocated on my birthday, if at all. I was an accessory to him."
"I do recall him showing you off often," Dororo commented. "Without letting you get a word in edgewise."
"Alright, alright!" Keroro flailed his arms childishly. "If I was so bad, what does your new puppy bring to the table?"
"I do the hunting!" Okmimi set her claws on her hips and puffed out her chest proudly. "And I protect our den!"
"She does her equal share of chores, which is already more than I can say for you," Unriri sighed, letting the white Keronian lean her head on her shoulder. "She's loyal, trustworthy, fiercely affectionate, she listens, and makes me laugh."
"I used to make you laugh," Keroro uttered lamentably.
"Let it go, Keroro," Giroro said, putting a hand on Keroro's shoulder. "Right now we need to recoup and find Kululu and Tamama. We don't have time for high school drama."
"Hmph, guess you're right." Keroro turned around, his face suddenly forebodingly dark. "Guess we'll have to… try another plan."
Unriri, all too familiar with that ominous look, sighed irritably while Keroro and the others started to leave. Dororo gave her and Okmimi a friendly wave before he turned away. Unriri waved back.
"Don't come back," Unriri called dully, knowing her request was probably falling on deaf ears.
Okmimi stood stiffly, tail raised and ears forward while her amber eyes locked onto the departing crew. She gave a low growl.
"Leave it," Unriri ordered.
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sassy-major-kululu · 4 years
Admin: Hello! Sgt frog/Keroro Gunso fandom! Trying to get back into roleplay again, so I’ve decided to go where it all started. Sgt. frog/Keroro Gunso. I roleplayed with Kululu years ago, so I’m going with him again since he’s my favorite! But I do have some rules regarding roleplays. Like rules I take very seriously.
1: I have a right to deny any roleplay request if I feel uncomfortable or if I’m not up for it.
2; no nsfw roleplays with minors, I’m not against roleplaying with them,they just need to be cleaned.
3: Literate roleplay only!
4: my favorite ship is KuluToro, you will get brownie points for this lmao.
So if you want to roleplay, we can, just shoot me a message or an anonymous, I’ll get back to you when I can!
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grettyetty · 5 years
KuruMois or KuruAki Roleplay?
Is anyone down for a kurumois rp? Or kuruaki? I haven’t done either before but I want to try being aki or mois. I’ve read a handful of fics for both ships but i’ve never found anyone to roleplay it with! So if you ship either, feel free to shoot me a message and we can do something together!
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Kululu and Angol Mois could be cute together!
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kulu-giro5 · 5 years
If anyone wants to roleplay Giroro x kululu (preferably mature roleplay) then here's my discord
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roleplayallday · 2 months
Is there any roleplayers left in the sgt frog community? Still hoping I can find someone to roleplay with! I’ve had a ton of plots stuck in my mind that i’d love to get out of my system!
Kurutoro or Kurugiro specifically, but i’m open to some other ships!
I’ve got a kurutoro plot i’ve been dying to try! Taking place in the future with Tororo all grown up and having lost his tail. He’s a more serious kinda guy after being knocked down a couple pegs by Kururu during their first meeting. He discovers secret encrypted messages between some sort of assassins being sent out to kill Keroro’s team, so he makes his platoon go to earth to help. It’s the first time in years that he’s seen Kururu, and Kururu is just as stunned to find he can’t get on the younger frog’s nerves and he’s somewhat impressed by the adult he’s become. So much so that Tororo’s hacking skills impress him enough that he develops a crush on him. And the two’s relationship develops as they work together to keep Keroro and his platoon safe - but mostly Kururu because that’s all that Tororo cares about :))))
If you’re interested please dm me here or on discord! My discord is kazikuns
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kulugiro18 · 4 years
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Hello there fellow pekoponians! Im looking for anyone willing to roleplay kulugiro with me, of course there are things im looking for in a roleplay. But I am pretty flexible on my rules considering I like to accommodate my fellow roleplayers rules as well.
♡I prefer mature roleplay
♡I'm ok with being kululu, but I feel I roleplay better as Giroro.
♡I'm generally ok with anything in a roleplay but if there's anything you yourself are uncomfortable with then I need to know, i will also ask this question before the initial roleplay begins
♡I don't really like asterisks (**) when I roleplay, i myself typically do 3 sentences at the least for a reply
That's all I have to say! If anyone wants to roleplay please don't be afraid to comment or private message me! ^^ 💛❤💛❤🐸🐸❤💛❤💛
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leafyaria · 4 years
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Our Orikero / Keroro RP server has started a Halloween event; Concerts, Spooky Halls and perhaps the start of an arc..? 
 Perhaps you just want to RP outside of the event! 
 Join our RP server to find out more~!
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birdmitosis · 2 years
I wonder, since I’ve seen that Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog actually still has a pretty active fandom lately... I’ve been considering making some kind of fandom hub for people looking for Keroro RP, collaborations, and events? I don’t know if there’d be that much interest, but I’m thinking of something along the lines of a Tumblr blog, Discord server, or Dreamwidth community where people can search for others who might be interested in any sort of fandom activity that requires more than one person. Posts to it, either made yourselves or sent into the blog to be posted (if on Tumblr), could ask for any of the following kinds of things:
A 1x1 roleplay partner
A roleplay group
Another writer to co-write a fic with
An illustrator for a comic script idea, or vice-versa (an artist looking for someone to draw for)
Participants for a Big Bang event someone wants to run
Participants for a fanworks exchange or fest or ship week or the like
...Basically anything like that, but Keroro Gunso fandom specific! I keep turning the idea around in my head, so if it sounds interesting to anyone... I might think on it a while longer, figure out the details, and toss something up at some point?
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frogsergeant-blog · 7 years
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❝ An alien? That's ridiculous! 
        I'm just a normal Pekoponian frog creature that talks  
                                                        because of magic wonder dust! ❞
home | ask | rules
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
It has come to my attention that after all these years I still have not told yall about the Cell City Incident. Well, it’s time to rectify that
Realistically i know this story isnt all that funny, but its probably the only interesting thing that will ever happen to me so let me have this dammit
So! I was 12 years old. My science class was doing the Cell City project. For those of you who don’t know, Cell City is a thing that some schools around the US do where everyone has to make a physical/visual model of a cell. We spent a full month learning about the cell, studying its components, and using class-time to design/construct our models. A full month. Logic dictates that I should have this in the bag, right? 
Well. That’s only if you use your classtime wisely. I, the dumbass I was, had the chronic inability to pay attention in class, and instead spent all my time sitting in the back and watching “Keroro Gunso the Super Movie 5” about fifty times in a row. 
So no. I didn’t work on the my Cell City Model. I hadn’t started it. I didn’t even know the first thing about cells, because I hadnt listened to a single thing my teacher had said for the last month. 
And to make it even worse than that, I didn’t realize this until the night before this very important, grade-defining project was due
So. I panicked for about ten minutes - and then, true to form, procrastinated again. Told myself I could just work on it in the morning. And then rolled over and went to bed, nary a trouble to be seen.
Come morning, the morning this big project was due. I had twenty minutes to eat breakfast, get dressed, and whip together a project that SHOULD have taken me a month to prepare, and also was about a subject i had no knowledge of.
So. I looked up ‘cell anatomy’ on Google, found an old poster-board in the closet, drew a bunch of random shapes and labeled them as various parts of the cell, and then used pink and orange highlighters to color everything in. It was TRASH, and it looked hideous, but it got the job done.
But! I was also worried that everyone else in class would be doing posters too, and if there’s one thing you should know about me its that since birth i have been afflicted with the deeply american need to be Different For The Sake Of Being Different TM. 
So on my half-hour walk to school, I contemplated ways to jazz up my mediocre poster. And you know what I came up with? You wanna know what my tiny, lazy, absolute dumbass past self came up with? 
I had the oh so brilliant idea to just. Tape the poster to my chest. Just take scotch tape and attach it to my body. And  then dance around saying, “Hi! I’m Planty, the magical plant cell that came to life!” Essentially roleplaying as a cell while i tell people about what all my body parts do. 
Yeah. I really did that. The limits of my stupidity know no bounds, but in my defense I was 12 and also an idiot and also pressed for time
So, eventually presentation time rolled around. And when my teacher strolled by my desk and asked me to present to him, I did the shtick. “Hi, I’m Planty the magical plant cell that came to life!” And proceeded to spend three minutes riffing on whatever information I could only vaguely remember learning earlier that morning - because my dumb ass had struck again and neglected to take any actual notes 
At the very end, my teacher paused, wrote down my grade on his little rubric clipboard sheet, and said, “That was very creative. I can really tell you spent a lot of time on this.”
And looking back I realize he was probably being sarcastic, but in the moment? Hearing him compliment the effort I had put into a 20-minute Hail Mary? I absolutely ascended.
I got an A. 
Now here’s where things get tricky. The moment presentations were over, I tore the poster off my body and theatrically ripped it into shreds. But little did I know, my teacher had decided to enter me in for a community outreach presentation night thing, where parents and civilians could come to the school and review everyone’s best projects. 
And he entered me in. And the project I was supposed to present? The Cell City poster. Yknow. The one I had slam-dunked into a trash can in the hopes of getting someone to pay attention to me (no one did, obviously)
But my teachers didnt know that. They just eagerly approached me like “Oh, your science teacher told us all about the Planty thing! We’re all so excited to see it!”
So I lied through my teeth. I told them that I couldn’t remember where I put the poster, but I know I left it in the storage room next to the lab. Which resulted in me being led around the school for a half hour in search of something I already knew full well had been destroyed. Because I had ripped it to shreds. With my bare hands. I even primal-screamed while I did it, too. 
In the end, my history teacher dejectedly lent me his laptop so I could showcase a Prezi I’d allegedly made about Old Growth Forests. I say ‘allegedly’ because in truth no such presentation existed, but I told him it did, and hastily whipped together a Prezi in the five minutes his back was turned. I got good reviews for that presentation too, but thats only because the people reviewing me were parents, and parents know youre supposed to be nice and supportive to kids that arent your own
(That night, my parents asked me how it went. Not wanting them to think I was a total failure, I lied and said I had made a new friend named Sebastian. There was no Sebastian. A month later, they suggested that we invite Sebastian over sometime, to which I hurriedly lied and said he was moving to Wisconsin like tomorrow and I was never gonna see him again. I know for a fact that they probably didn’t buy it, but they never brought it up so neither will I)
To this day I remember almost nothing about cells, and even in college I still pull dumb crap like this. So that’s a big fat ‘no’ on whether I learned my lesson. But my teacher already gave me the A, and I’ve already graduated, so its too late. No take-backsies. 
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