serpentinesanity · 5 months
actually why are sso many termss for gutterbloodss bassed on food... 'fudgeblood', 'musstardblood', 'ketchupblood'..
did ssome rainbow drinker wannabe name fem or what LMFAO
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@ketchupblood​​ || ( Cont ) 
     "Hmm ? " While usually on his guard around enemies, he's feeling pretty relaxed around this guy. So far, he's showed no hostility, so there really was no point in showing a little dominance when it wasn't needed. & Besides, from the looks of things, this one appeared to be the younger sibling; from his deduction. That & his nervousness was kinda adorable. 
 "It's alright. I have no intentions of hurting you." So he tries a calming tactic, despite the fact that the guy is still stuttering. 
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A soft, charmed chuckle escapes from the back of his throat. "Adorable." Sunset hues admire the vampire duck in front of him for a moment before he finally offers a hand towards him. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Alistair. You probably already know who I am considering I'm a, ahem, frequent visitor." Head nods, gesturing to the more than likely knocked out older vampire duck on the floor. 
               Definitely not something he can't probably fix. Maybe. 
"So, are you always this articulate ? " DM, don't ruin the mood. Clearing his throat, he offers the other a sheepish, yet warm smile. "Heh. What I MEAN is ── would you be interested in getting to know each other better, say over favored beverages ? "
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softroseymuses · 5 years
@ketchupblood​ said:  "Sweetheart, you look exhausted. Did you not get any sleep last night?"
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She yawned again. Yes, Alistair, she was exhausted. She didn’t dare want to worry him, but she had to be honest about what had transpired the night before.
“No. I was in--” She hesitated. “I was in a little bit of trouble.”
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humming-nerd-x · 5 years
@ketchupblood​:  "VIVI!!! YOU'RE HOME!!!!" Duckula scooped the child up into arms and practically crushed his daughter in a tight hug. "Oh I was so worried! Did those moon people scare you? Are you hurt? Oh I'm so glad you're home. You are never leaving my sight ever again!" The invasion of the moon people had been quite a surprise for everyone. The Count would have been searching everywhere for his daughter, had he not been busy defending his castle.
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Normally, Violet would have felt stifled in Duckula’s hugs, but now, considering she had been battered and cold in the last 72 hours, feeling him again, being home was much more than welcome. He was warm and secure. Just what she needed.
“I’m okay, Duckula,” she beamed up at him, “a bit sore, but I managed to walk here. Uhm, on the subject of where I was...” How was she going to put this? “I...got recruited...into battle...”
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notjustducktales · 5 years
"Oh! You must be Vivi's friend Lena! She told me you were staying over! It's nice to meet you, I'm Duckula." -ketchupblood
“It’s nice to meet you, too, mister Sabrewing.” Lena smiled and was about to say something else... but a thought stopped her midway. “Actually, can I skip all the ‘misters’? I’m, like, not really good with formal stuff.”
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butlerofthecount · 5 years
"Mister Igor, you leave my Duckyboos alone! He can 'ave 'is 'air whatever way 'e wants! 'E can 'ave as many flamingoes in 'is 'air as 'e wants, so long as the flamingoes don't mind, of course." It seemed Nanny may have confused 'flames' with 'flamingoes'. Typical. (Nanny from ketchupblood)
“Oh Nanny, Nanny. The lord always gets what he wants, except for fortune and fame, whether it be wacky adventures that we endure, or the silly encounters with those terrible vampire hunters. But what’s the use of explaining this to you? He’ll just have to be more observant on how others view him. A figure to be feared is much preferred than a figure that is mocked.” the butler claimed as he rolled his sick and droopy eyes away from the hen. 
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“Wait, did you mention ‘flamingos?’ Why, that is even worse than the bright flames! Milord! Please reconsider this notion of customizing your attire around flamingos. You will thank me later!!”
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meganjtate · 7 years
Reading Response #5
Marina Abramovic work is so compelling and emotional. What I took out of both the reading and documemtary was that performance art is something so real and vulnerable. The works are all about state of mind, and the state of conconiouness you can bring to the audience, which is also key part to the performance is calling upon them as well. Performance art to me is so captivating and allows you to feel in the present and in the moment. Performance art is so raw in its form that it becomes not only beautiful but allows your mind to think or perhaps focus on the emotion you have. Also what it brings out in other people not only in the art world but like the movie said a huge canvas for projections. Going back to the history of performance art and the controversy it has caused and how harsh some critiques have been as well as the public is really interesting to me , eventhough i did know of some of marina works after the film I was convinced her work was purely incredible. This gif below was one of my favorite parts.
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naogata · 5 years
Favorite tweets: Entrei no twitter agora e vi 3 pessoas em situação complicada. Gente, vcs são fodas demais, cada uma com sua especialidade e personalidade. As vezes dá um sentimento de vazio mas eu BEM SEI que ele passa. Vcs são show + top = shop @oninego @ketchupblood @miyazawa01— Angelo, o Cronofóbico (@_cronofobico) November 23, 2019
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tfw there’s zero DM/Duckula content so you take it upon yourself to indulge you & your friends in it. 
@ducktales-wco-oo & @ketchupblood
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softroseymuses · 5 years
“Tragic. Simply tragic.” (ketchupblood @ Violet)
“Indeed. It always seems to be the most violent cases that come from the saddest origins.” 
Violet considered herself lucky. It just so happened that Alistair and his husband had taken her in before she was even talking. That they had given her a happy home. After the Shadow War, though, she would begin to see it as a possible blessing. Then, once she let her fathers in on her passion for the supernatural, it was a miracle. She needed to be open about what she wanted to do, wanted to be, after all. All of this just crossed her mind for a second, though, as she was telling the Count of a poor, unrested spirit.
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“From what I’ve read, no one really has a concrete idea of what happened to her after that. She was laid to rest again, but some say that she’s still there, still frightened by the whole ordeal.”
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butlerofthecount · 5 years
Tagged by (Kind of?): @ducktales-wco-oo and @gamblealife
Tagging: @tuesdayscanons​, @ketchupblood​, @airborne-disaster​, @listofevilinventions​, @darkwiing​, @pick-and-shovel-laborer​, and whoever else wants to!
Regular - Dextrius | Bold - Goosewing | Italics - Dexter
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layer one : the outside
Name -   Count (Dextrious) Duckula, Ludwig Von Goosewing, Count (Dexter) Duckula Eye colour - Crimson, Puke Green-Yellow, Obsidian Hair style / colour -  Black with purple streaks; fashioned with a fire motif in mind (Might as well have himself look hot, right?), Short and messy white, Medium-short raven hair that is nicely parted at the middle, yet some of the strands are uneven compared to other strands. Height -  4′7″, 4′8 1/2″, 4′7″ Clothing style - A stylized formal suit with some jewelry to complete the look. Flames are also visible on his cloak, though they aren’t real, just a part of the design. He prefers a classy bright violet and is proud of it. | Some undergarments like an undershirt and boxers with a heart pattern on them, pants, a vest, scarlet bow tie, spats on loafers, and a deerskin coat and hat to complete his attire. | A simple black suit jacket over a button up shirt with a red bow tie and a lavender cloak that reaches the floor. Best physical feature - Beak, arms, and chest. His small fangs can be seen as attractive, but also misleading for some of his more vampire traits, like how his arms may seem wimpy but have more to them than just their looks. What doesn’t disappoint is his chest however, as he does try to stay fit for his own satisfaction. | Chest and abdomen, as he is probably the most vulnerable there. Tries to stay clean and soft for the ladies. | Eyes, beak, and hands, for how gentle and smooth they feel, especially the last two.
layer two : the inside
Fears - Looking bad in front of a crowd, not being able to fulfill his dream of being a star, losing anything that he has gained at this point, Being alone, dying, and holy men and their items. | Not honoring his family lineage, going against his parent’s wishes, physically unpleasing people (to look at), old age, his insecurities, and being embarrassed. | Meat, Flesh, Blood, anything related to animals and their insides, terrible people, being used or abused by others, giant vegetable monsters, death in general, pain, confrontations with those much larger or heavier than him, and true vampries. Guilty pleasure -  Playing video games, interacting with the villagers in casual chats, much to Igor’s dismay, going out partying and clubbing (He’s been through some things), and exercising. | Having conversations with his imaginary partner, Heinrich, using technology to date and mingle with others, Tries to attend the Vampire Hunter’s convention but usually gets denied, and his drinking problems. | Gambling and playing cards, trying to pretty up his hair and attire, keeping his feathers well plumed, and writing songs. Biggest pet peeve - Being given orders or bossed around | Being seen as a laughingstock or a lolcow. | Not being taken as seriously as he wants to be, despite his appearance. Ambitions for the future - Wants to be the most well recognized person in the world, no, in reality. He seeks the best, as he only deserves the best. | To avenge his parents’ death and rid the world of all vampires, while also continuing his bloodline. | To live his life the way he wants to, not how Igor desires. 
layer three : thoughts
First thoughts upon waking up: - “So what’s the plan for today? Making a ruckus, plastering my luxurious face in several cities? Ah, I’ll think of something, I always do!” | “Eh heh, I hope dat my bed doesn’t need repairing again.” | “Ah! I better turn off the alarm clock before Nanny arrives!” What you think about most: - “What can I do to make myself the best, the most fantastic, the one that never winces from danger?” | “Duckula, you fiend, I will get you, and when I do, your end will be assured!!” | “Hm... I’m not sure what I think about most. Is it broccoli sandwiches? Or looking good? Hrm...” What you think about before bed: - “Ah, another plan foiled yet again. Oh well, better try again tomorrow!” | “I wonder what I might find in my dreams? Hopefully I’ll get an idea from dere...” | “Hopefully no one tries to make a rustle while I’m asleep. Don’t need to lose any more sleep than I already have.”
I wonder if: - “I wonder if anyone... really likes me for who I am?” | “I wonder if what I am doing is going to end the terror?” | “I wonder if there will be a day when Igor gives up his griping?”
What your best quality is: -  Charismatic! | Honor! | Kindness!
layer four : what’s better ?
Single or group dates - Group | Group | Single To be loved or respected - Loved | Respected | Respected Beauty or brains - Beauty (But he’s no slouch on brains) | Brains (But he wants beautiful partners) | Both (As he respects someone for who they are.) Dogs or cats - Dogs (Doesn’t mind Towser at all.) | Dogs (Cats just don’t like him and his way of life.) | Cats (He loves to pet them and they love to rest on his lap.)
layer five : do you…
Lie -  For certain | Only when forced to or to further his plans | Tries not to but has Believe in yourself - Without a doubt! Well, maybe one | Confidence drives his soul | Sometimes. Believe in love - Craves it! | Surely! | Yes. Want someone - They all do, just for their own reasons. Dexter’s the least yearning of one.
layer six : ever been …
Been on stage: - So many times | Once or twice | A couple of times Done drugs: - It’s safe to say yes, he’s done some, but it’s not like they’ve really affected him (Thanks to his supernatural tolerance) | No, besides alcohol and tobacco | He hasn’t really yet, but if he did, he’d have less tolerance compared to Dextrius Changed who you were to fit in: - He’s tried to adapt but for all of his attempts, he just can’t change who he really is. | He’s not willing to really change for others as he likes who he is and doesn’t feel like changing until his goals are complete. | Whether it’s to his life as a marshall or as a space bounty hunter, Dexter changes to try and make something different of himself from the rest of his bloodline. To be better than them.
layer seven : favorites
Favourite color - Red-Violet | Goldenrod | Emerald Green Favourite animal - Werewolves | Dogs | cats Favourite movie - Vines (Meme-craving pity duck) | Hasn’t seen any movies | Top Gun Favourite game - DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors | Doesn’t have any but Castlevania might be an interest | Red Dead Redemption (needs some place to get electricity for it though.)
layer eight : age
Day your next birthday will be -  October 23rd | April 8th | October 23rd How old will you be -, 35 or 879 | 67 | 45 or 889 Age you lost your virginity - For all of the silly stuff he’s done while at parties, he hasn’t lost it yet. He doesn’t know why, but it might have something to do with his fangs and him being a vampire... Or just unsatisfying to have “fun” with. | Oh, for sure nope. He’s been trying to for a good while. | Not yet, but isn’t pushing to get that changed either. Does age matter - Not really for Dextrius (He’s no pedo though) | Somewhat for Ludwig | And most definitely for Dexter
layer nine : in a person
Best personality - Supportive | Tolerant | Funny and Quirky Best eye colour - Really doesn’t matter | Sapphire Blue | Not really on that Best hair colour -  Radical or Unusual Hair Color | Natural Hair | Not really adamant on a specific color or type Best thing to do with a partner -  Have them adore and fawn over him, tend to his desires, snuggle with as he plants some kisses... not the deadly kind | To converse and put up with his shenanigans, perhaps even go out on romantic occasions if he can | Actually uncertain of what he wants
layer ten : finish the sentence
“I love - me and everything about my self... except for the insecurities. Those I can do without.” | “I love dat I know have de chance to bring honor to my family name and dis time, I will do it right!!” | “I love who I am, and the good people that I protect. And Nanny and Igor too. I can never forget them!!” “I feel - ...like I’m doing something wrong sometimes. Like I have to be different, and adapt to make people like me.” | “I feel as if dis device is not doing what I want it to do. Hrm... Stupid contraption!! Heh, why do dese dings always go haywire?” | “I feel like there may be something in my clothes... Is that you, Spurs? Ah, nope. Just a rat.” “I hide - my issues that I don’t want peeps to see. If they did see it, then they wouldn’t like me for sure. I know it.” | “I hide my wampire weapons for any visitors. Wouldn’t want to get another accident on my conscious, heh heh.” | “I hide whenever I get scared. It just seems like the best course of action sometimes, but when no one else will rise up, I’ll just have to. For everyone else.” “I miss - earlier times. Back then I could have done so much different to get what I want.” | “I miss my parents. They were very loving and caring, and seemed like great people.” | “I miss my time for the daily lunch broccoli sandwich. Hmph, looks like I have to make it myself...” “I wish - that I could be famous. Whether it’s by the country, the world, or even the universe. I just wish people would see me, and all that I have to offer.” | “I wish I could find a way to stop all of de wampires. Dat way, I can carry on with finding someone for me.” | “I wish my ammo wouldn’t keep getting clogged or misfiring. I need to shoot when I want to shoot!”
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butlerofthecount · 5 years
repost, do not reblog! bold what consistently applies. italicize situational, not always. cross out what definitely never applies
Choose the Muse-> Igor
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fight honorably   /   fight dirty   /   prefer close-quarters   /   prefer range   /   chat during   /   go silent   /   low pain tolerance   /   high pain tolerance   /   attack in bursts /   attack steadily   /   go for the kill   /   aim to disarm   /   fight defensively   /   strike first   /   provoke easily  /  provoke their opponent   /   tease   /   get visibly frustrated   /   shout while attacking   /   use strategy   /   focus on their battle   /   experience conflicting thoughts during battle   /   rush in recklessly   /   try to read their opponent before fighting  /   fight wildly   /   fight calmly /apathetically  /   fight with anger  /   fight with excitement   /   fight because they have to  / fight because they want to   /   fight without regard to wounds  /   run away when wounded   /   hide wounds   /   take a blow to protect another   /   prefer a blade   /   prefer a gun   /   prefer a bow   /   prefer a shield   /   prefer a spear / naginata   /   prefer a personalized weapon   /   prefer magic or spells  /   prefer brawling   /   their greatest weakness is physical  /   their greatest weakness is mental   /   their greatest weakness is emotional   /   transform for battle  /   fight as they appear   /   rely on strength   /   rely on speed  /   use everything they have   /   hide their full potential   /   exhaust quickly   /  high stamina   /   doubt their strength   /   proceed with caution   /   behave arrogantly   /  brag after landing a hit   /   belittle their abilities   /   use psychological tactics   /   use brute strength   /   avoid civilians   /   strike down civilians   /   damage surroundings   /   avoid damaging surroundings   /   signature fighting style   /   making it up as they go   /  mastered skillset   /   learning their skillset   /   fancy footwork   /   sloppy footwork   /  messy fighter  /   elegant fighter /   accept defeat   /   refuse defeat   /   beg for mercy  /  compliment their opponent   /   insult their opponent   /   use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls )   /   move efficiently   /   barely move   /   prefer to dodge   /   prefer to block  /  defend their blindside   /   has no blindside   /   use all available advantages   /   strictly use one main method   /   play around  /   hold back   /   fight ruthlessly  /   show mercy   /   wait for opponent to be ready  /   strike when opponent isn’t ready  /   fear death   /   fear pain  /   fear killing   /   has PTSD   /   avoids fighting   /   has lost a fight   /   has won a fight   /   has killed   /   refuses to kill  /   wants to die standing   /   would succumb slowly.
TAGGING: @ducktales-wco-oo, @gamblealife, @vegbit, @ketchupblood​ TAGGED BY: @rxpper-roo​
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butlerofthecount · 5 years
So, I'm updating this blog again because I have found the mood for it. Well, the mood and the timing since apparently I don't have that much work to do for this one. (Yes!) All I really need to do now is get like a better dashboard background and promo. Not really going to go out with making specialized "Answered, Headcanons, Open Starters, etc." banners as that is just a bit too much for my liking.
Anyway, Reboot Duckula and Cowboy Duckula have been given bios and their stuff is all finished! There will be two new muses coming, one I was not sure I'd ever take on but it about time I give it a shot. The two are Charles Duckleton (not the one I was referring to before. I update him when I can get the chance.), he's going to be one of Duckula's "younger" uncles. The second one is Doctor Von Goosewing himself. Okay, I'm not sure if I made a public post about it but I know I mentioned it in DM/IMs that I wouldn't really want to use him out of respect for an old friend of mine. (To be honest I feel mine could be a little too weird, but you all will be the judges of that.)
Since they probably won't be coming back to Tumblr, I might as well try to see how the senile wampire hunter's like for myself. Now that doesn't mean that my personal headcanons and stuff for him will override anyone elses, that's not it. Just think of my Goosewing as one from an alternate universe from yours, and then we're good.
I also got the universes page slightly set up, and more can always be added with some plotting and stuff so don't worry! (I forgot to write some stuff for the twin or triplet universe with @vegbit and @ketchupblood but I can always write a quick snyopsis once we talk about that sometime.)
Besides that, that's pretty much it and I'll be out until later tonight!!
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