#khairy jamaluddin
suara-rakyat-blog · 1 year
Khairy Jamaluddin Mahu Generation End Game Di Teruskan Memberi Kesan Buruk Pada Pilihan Raya 6 Negeri (PR6N)
Namun hari ini, yang menarik perhatian saya dalam mukadimah ini, saudara-saudara, saya kagum kerana Khairy Jamaluddin telah tidak lagi berada dalam kabinet. Namun, warisan beliau tetap ada. Apa yang beliau cuba laksanakan sebelum pilihan raya umum yang ke-15, hari ini cuba dihidupkan semula.
Apakah itu, saudara-saudara? Generasi End Game atau GEG, apa yang akan berlaku apabila undang-undang kawalan produk tembakau dan rokok ini dipinda. Apa kesannya tuan-tuan? Kesannya, saudara-saudara, anak-anak muda kita yang lahir pada tanggal satu Januari tahun dua ribu tujuh (1hb Jan 2007) dan seterusnya, mereka dilarang merokok, mereka dilarang menggunakan vape, mereka tidak boleh menyimpan barang-barang terlarang ini, seperti yang orang kata, mereka tidak boleh bekerja di tempat-tempat yang menjual rokok, vape, atau barang-barang yang berkaitan dengannya, termasuk cartridge. Mereka juga tidak boleh menjadi pemandu untuk kenderaan-kenderaan kilang yang menghasilkan produk rokok dan vape, tuan-tuan.
Dan hal ini menyebabkan anak-anak muda kita yang lahir selepas tahun dua ribu tujuh tidak dapat bekerja di Seven Eleven yang menjual rokok, vape, dan sebagainya. Mereka juga tidak dapat mencari pekerjaan lain. Jadi, peluang pekerjaan bagi mereka menjadi terhad, tuan-tuan.
Saudara-saudara yang saya kasihi, pada zaman Khairy Jamaluddin dulu, kita memahami adanya agenda-agenda tertentu. Kita juga tahu bahawa terdapat syarikat-syarikat yang telah bersedia kerana setiap bungkus rokok akan mempunyai stiker hologram, jadi pastinya ada pihak yang mendapat manfaat daripada itu. Kita memahami bahawa pada zaman KJ, mereka mungkin akan melacak rokok-rokok tersebut. Oleh itu, akan ada pihak yang mendapat faedah daripada sistem penjejakan yang sama seperti aplikasi MySejahtera sebelum ini, saudara-saudara.
Namun, saya tidak faham mengapa kita masih meneruskan GEG ini apabila Khairy Jamaluddin sudah tidak ada. Apalagi, kita tahu bahawa di Malaysia, jumlah perokok bukanlah sedikit, saudara-saudara. Terdapat lima juta orang perokok daripada jumlah penduduk Malaysia yang mencapai dua puluh dua juta orang, seperti yang orang kata, mereka adalah pengundi dalam Pilihan Raya Umum yang ke-15.
Lima juta tuan-tuan merupakan perokok. Saya, Lokman Noor Adam Official, tidak merokok dan saya menggalakkan orang untuk tidak merokok. Namun, saudara-saudara, jika kita melihat negara seperti New Zealand sebagai contoh, walaupun mereka melarang perokok, mereka masih memberikan alternatif. Alternatif tersebut adalah penggunaan vape.
Alhamdulillah, kita melihat bahawa negara-negara ini berhasil mengurangkan masalah rokok dengan adanya alternatif, iaitu vape yang dibenarkan. Tetapi jika vape pun tidak dibenarkan, dan rokok juga dilarang, saya bimbang, tuan-tuan, kerana saat ini mereka sudah mula mempromosikan penanaman ketum. Kemudian, suatu hari nanti, mereka mungkin akan mendorong penanaman ganja.
Jadi, apakah sebenarnya alternatif bagi rakan-rakan kita yang kadang-kadang merasa tertekan, kadang-kadang tidak tahan dan ingin merokok? Akhirnya, mereka akan beralih kepada rokok seludup, tuan-tuan.
Sebenarnya, agenda ini, saudara-saudara, menguntungkan taikun-taikun seperti Datuk Ben yang terlibat dalam rokok seludup. Kita tidak mengerti sepenuhnya manfaat yang mereka peroleh kerana mereka merupakan taikun-taikun rokok seludup. Jika kita melihat dari perspektif taikun-taikun rokok seludup ini, rokok seludup ini jauh lebih berbahaya daripada rokok yang dijual secara sah di pasaran kerana kandungan nikotin dalam rokok tersebut tidak terkawal oleh Kementerian Kesihatan, tuan-tuan.
Tetapi jika kita menolak pintu kepada anak-anak yang lahir selepas tahun dua ribu tujuh ini daripada membeli rokok, dan jika kita juga tidak membenarkan mereka menggunakan vape, apa yang akan terjadi akhirnya?
Mereka akan beralih kepada penggunaan rokok seludup yang mungkin mengandungi kandungan nikotin yang lebih tinggi daripada biasa. Saudara-saudara, saya ingin memberitahu bahawa salah satu sebab kehilangan undi yang signifikan oleh BN (Barisan Nasional) adalah cadangan yang diutarakan oleh YB Khairy Jamaluddin sebelum pilihan raya.
Bukan sahaja kita kehilangan banyak undi, tuan-tuan. Tetapi juga akibat daripada hukuman dan sekatan yang dikenakan kepada pengundi Malaysia. Individu yang tidak divaksinasi tidak dibenarkan masuk ke dalam pusat membeli-belah, ini telah mengurangkan undi Barisan Nasional. Kerana Barisan Nasional merupakan sebahagian daripada kerajaan sebelum ini.
Untungnya, dengan kedatangan Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri sebagai Perdana Menteri, dia memberikan kelonggaran dan sejak itu kita dapat pergi ke mana-mana walaupun tidak divaksinasi, kita boleh masuk ke dalam pusat membeli-belah dan sebagainya. Sebelum itu, situasinya sukar, tuan-tuan, dan kemudian terdapat berbagai usaha yang cuba dilakukan dengan mewajibkan suntikan penguat dan sebagainya.
Pada hari ini, masih terdapat usaha-usaha daripada pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab, terutamanya pihak WHO, yang menginginkan Malaysia menandatangani perjanjian. Walaupun sebelum ini kita sebagai ahli WHO, hakikatnya kita tidak terikat untuk mematuhi semua kehendak WHO.
Tetapi hari ini, terdapat cadangan supaya Malaysia menandatangani perjanjian ini, dan apabila kita menandatangani perjanjian tersebut, akhirnya apa yang akan terjadi? Kita akan terikat, sistem perundangan kita boleh dikawal oleh WHO. Apabila kita terikat, segala keputusan yang sebelum ini bergantung kepada negara kita sama ada untuk mengikutinya atau tidak, akan ditentukan oleh WHO. Kita akan diwajibkan untuk mematuhinya.
Jadi, saya tidak memahami, tuan-tuan. KJ sudah tidak ada. Walaupun pada masa lalu kita dapat mengarahkan FAMA Niaga untuk membeli vaksin-vaksin walaupun kita tidak memerlukannya, penyiasatan terhadap perkara ini masih belum selesai. Saya ingin memberitahu tentang penyiasatan terhadap YB Khairy Jamaluddin, penyiasatan terhadap pihak-pihak di Kementerian Kesihatan pada hari ini.
Alhamdulillah, bekas Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan sudah tidak ada. Oleh itu, akan lebih mudah untuk kita menyiasat. Tetapi mengapa Generation End Game ini, yang kita tahu akan memberikan kesan yang perlu diperhatikan, diberikan penekanan sekarang? Saya ingin memberitahu bahawa bulan depan kita akan membubarkan. Paling lewat pada 28 Jun. Kita akan membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri sekurang-kurangnya enam buah negeri, tuan-tuan. Negeri Kelantan, Kedah, Terengganu, Selangor, Pulau Pinang, dan Negeri Sembilan.
Saya harap esok kita akan memiliki mesyuarat kabinet. Saya berharap menteri-menteri kabinet dapat mempertimbangkan perkara ini dengan serius. Kerana saya ingin memberitahu bahawa ini akan merosakkan kita akan kehilangan undi buta-buta daripada anak-anak muda yang merokok.
Saya boleh menerima jika mereka yang mencadangkan Generation End Game ini tidak merokok. Tetapi terdapat banyak perkara lain yang mereka amalkan, yang saya rasa agak pelik, tuan-tuan. Apabila kita berusaha untuk melakukan perkara yang baik, saya boleh terima. Tetapi dalam keadaan kita sekarang, berdepan dengan pilihan raya, tanyalah dengan sebijak-bijaknya, bertanyalah bukan hanya kepada ahli kabinet dan rakan-rakan yang berada dalam mesyuarat kabinet, tetapi juga kepada ahli-ahli parlimen yang akan menghadapi akibat daripadanya, terutamanya rakan-rakan kita yang akan berdepan dengan pilihan raya di enam buah negeri ini.
Apa yang akan berlaku jika kita meneruskan rancangan YB Khairy Jamaluddin ini, tuan-tuan? Ia akan menjadi sangat teruk, saudara-saudara. Saya ingin memberitahu saudara-saudara bahawa jika kita bertanya kepada rakan-rakan di parlimen hari ini, apa kesannya terhadap ekonomi kita? Kita tidak dapat menafikan bahawa kita mendapat hasil daripada cukai rokok. Kita juga mendapat hasil daripada cukai vape. Saya ingin memberitahu saudara-saudara bahawa Malaysia adalah antara pengeluar vape terbesar di dunia, tuan-tuan. Bukan nombor satu, tetapi nombor dua. Terdapat kilang-kilang besar di negara ini yang menghasilkan vape, dan sumbangannya kepada cukai pendapatan kita juga penting.
Adakah kita bersedia dari segi ekonomi? Adakah kita memerlukan pelbagai sumber pendapatan? Kita sudah mempunyai pendapatan yang baik daripada sumber-sumber ini, tetapi tiba-tiba kita mahu menghancurkannya. Saya ingin memberitahu saudara-saudara bahawa jika berkaitan dengan vape, ia akan memberi kesan terutama kepada peniaga-peniaga, pengilang-pengilang, dan juga kepada bumiputera.
Sila perhatikan perkara ini dengan teliti, tuan-tuan. Mari kita lihat, daripada lima juta perokok dalam negara kita, satu juta orang telah menandatangani petisyen yang meminta agar GEG ini tidak dilaksanakan. Berapa banyak impaknya terhadap enam buah negeri yang akan menghadapi pilihan raya ini? Mengapa kita tidak menangguhkan perkara ini? Mengapa kita tidak mengkaji dengan teliti, mengapa kita meneruskan sesuatu yang pada akhirnya akan memberikan impak yang sangat negatif terhadap politik negara kita? Hari ini sudah terlalu banyak isu. Saya yakin kita semua berusaha untuk menjawab isu-isu semasa, terutamanya setelah keputusan telah dibuat.
Namun, hari ini kabinet memiliki peluang untuk menghindari mengambil keputusan yang dapat merugikan keputusan pilihan raya kita di enam buah negeri ini. Elakkan membuat keputusan tersebut sekarang. Jika boleh, tangguhkanlah. Ini adalah pandangan saya, tuan-tuan.
Oleh itu, mari kita berbincang dalam sesi tanya jawab kita. Kita tidak mahu kerajaan melakukan perkara ini dengan terburu-buru kerana apabila GEG ini diteruskan, pengedar-pengedar rokok seludup akan menjadi semakin merajalela. Apabila pengedar rokok seludup ini berleluasa, kerajaan juga akan kehilangan pendapatan daripada rokok yang dikilang yang membayar cukai. Pengeluar rokok membayar cukai, pengeluar vape juga membayar cukai. Jadi mengapa kita mahu menggalakkan perkara-perkara yang tidak sah ini berbanding dengan perkara-perkara yang kita boleh mengutip cukai dan mendapatkan manfaat yang dapat dikembalikan kepada rakyat, terutamanya dalam membiayai kos kesihatan dan lain-lain.
Benar bahawa terdapat kajian saintifik yang menunjukkan bahawa rokok merosakkan kesihatan. Saya juga setuju dengan itu. Namun, mudarat daripada vape jauh lebih rendah berbanding dengan mudarat daripada rokok. Walaupun tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat pakar-pakar di Amerika yang menganggap vape sebagai bahaya, perlu diingat bahawa kebanyakan pakar ini juga dibiayai oleh syarikat-syarikat tembakau. Oleh itu, saya sudah banyak kali menyuarakan pendapat ini. Oleh itu, mari kita teliti perkara ini dengan sepenuhnya. Jangan tergesa-gesa dalam melaksanakannya dan kita perlu merujuk kepada pemangku kepentingan. Kita juga perlu mendengar pandangan mereka yang terlibat dalam industri ini. Pengguna sudah memberikan suara, iaitu lebih kurang lima juta orang. Mereka pasti akan marah dan mungkin tidak mengundi kita dalam pilihan raya.
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kazifatagar · 1 year
Syed Saddiq Sparks Controversy Meeting Muhyiddin Yassin
in February he stated that if he had backed Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (TSMY) as Prime Minister during the Sheraton move, he would not be on trial now. 
The Muda politician, Syed Saddiq met the Perikatan Nasional leader back in December. In February he stated that if he had backed Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (TSMY) as Prime Minister during the Sheraton move, he would not be on trial now.  Netizens confused with Syed Saddiq  Gila ke apa budak ini. Lepas dah tahu dikenakan oleh Pengkhianat, dia pergi menghadap orang yang sama.…
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official-amirul · 2 years
KJ: Malaysia "Fastest Growing Economy in Asean" but Political Stability Crucial
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farfarahleeya · 9 months
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The "rojak" fusion of politics and social media has birthed a new era of political engagement... so, how goes the digital engagement of politics in Malaysia? Let's dive in!
The First Wave
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photo from University Archives
Much like most internet cultures, the political genre's internet behaviour evolved from its preceding analogue or traditional media. Decades ago, political figures relied heavily on more traditional forms of media to reach the public and run their election campaigns. Radio broadcasts provided a means of broadcasting speeches, policy discussions, and political advertisements, while television commercials offered a visually engaging platform for conveying their messages. Physical merchandise, including campaign badges, banners, and yard signs, allowed politicians to make their presence felt in local communities and rally support among their followers.
U.S. Politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
However, with the digital age came a shift in the way political engagement is conducted. Today, political figures leverage the power of social media platforms to connect with the public and promote their causes. They create content on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, instantly reaching a global audience. Hashtags have also become a prominent tool in their content, allowing them to express their message and trigger discussions about it.
One striking example of this transition is the infamous #MakeAmericaGreatAgain hashtag, popularised by the former U.S. President, Donald Trump. Although initially targeting the USA specifically, this hashtag quickly sparked worldwide attention and discussions. On that note, check out the link above to see how celebrities engaged with the US president's election, even if they weren't US nationals. These reactions demonstrate the global reach and influence of digital political engagement.
The Malaysian Take
Conversations about Malaysia's digital political engagement often revolve around prominent figures, with Syed Saddiq and Khairy Jamaluddin undeniably among the most associated politicians.
┏━━━ Syed Saddiq ━━━┓
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Photo from Bernama via Free Malaysia Today
Syed Saddiq is a 30-year-old Malaysian politician who has made a significant mark in the political arena. He first gained widespread recognition when he became the youngest Minister of Youth and Sports in Malaysian history at the tender age of 25 (Straits Time 2018). Since then, he has passionately engaged with and addressed the concerns of Malaysia's youth population, using his political power to advocate for their well-being and empowerment. His commitment to nurturing the potential of the younger generation has earned him a reputation as a dynamic and forward-thinking leader.
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a screenshot of Syed Saddiq's TikTok account
Syed Saddiq harnesses the power of social media as a platform to connect with digital citizens in Malaysia. His social media presence is characterised by a unique blend of professional and casual content. On one hand, he shares thought-provoking insights on political issues, often posting snippets of his parliamentary speeches, providing a transparent window into his role as a legislator. On the other hand, his feed is adorned with glimpses of his everyday life, whether it's capturing his adventures in the great outdoors, such as hiking, or sharing heartwarming videos of his beloved feline companion. This eclectic mix of content makes him appear as a relatable, down-to-earth individual, resonating with ordinary citizens and especially the youth who spend a significant portion of their time on the internet. Syed Saddiq's online presence goes beyond what's expected of politicians, making him both informative and very likable.
┏━━━ Khairy Jamaluddin // KJ ━━━┓
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Photo from The Star
Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) is a Malaysian politician and entrepreneur who served as the Health Minister in the Malaysian Cabinet. The 47 year old has extensive experience in government administration, legislative representation, policy research, finance, military leadership, and party politics. KJ gained significant recognition during the country's management of COVID-19 . Recognising that most people were online during that time, he cleverly used the internet to educate and inform the public about the pandemic through his social media platforms. With this strategy, he successfully conveyed crucial information to the people of Malaysia and played a significant role in the country's efforts to address the outbreak.
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a screenshot of KJ's TikTok account
After being dismissed from UMNO due to an alleged party discipline breach in January, Khairy Jamaluddin launched the podcast "Keluar Sekejap" or "Out for a Bit" (Chua 2018). This podcast reflects his temporary departure from traditional politics but continues to engage with political issues and more. Some episodes focus on sports, a subject he's passionate about as a former Minister of Youth and Sports. The podcast also provides KJ with a platform to express how the break has helped him recover from the physical and mental toll of his previous job. On social media, KJ promotes the podcast's political elements and shares relatable content, such as decoding Generation Z's slang. Like Syed Saddiq, KJ's social media strategy endears him to digital citizens, showcasing his adaptability and connection to the modern world.
The Lasting Effects
In the past, politicians interacted with the public through rallies and conferences. Today, digital platforms like social media have transformed this interaction. Politicians now use hashtags and comments to engage with a wider, global audience. This digital culture fosters a more balanced dialogue where politicians are met with both support and criticism. Take, for example, former Prime Minister Mahathir's posts; he receives both praise and critique. This reflects the diverse perspectives of digital citizens who recognize that politics and public figures are complex, and opinions can vary widely in the modern world.
︵‿︵‿ References ‿︵‿︵
Chua, D 2023, #Showbiz: Khairy, Shahril to have new political podcast, New Straits Times, 17 February, viewed 6 October 2023, <https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/groove/2023/02/880749/showbiz-khairy-shahril-have-new-political-podcast>.
Straits Times 2018, Syed Saddiq is Malaysia's new Youth and Sports Minister and youngest-ever Cabinet member at 25, The Straits Times Asia, 2 July, viewed 6 October 2023, <https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/syed-saddiq-is-malaysias-new-youth-and-sports-minister-and-youngest-ever-cabinet-member>.
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velvialk · 1 year
In view of the serried malfeasances of Putrajaya including the funding misappropriation of RM600 Billion for COVID-19 under the administration of Muhyiddin and the coercive vaccination launched the health ministry under Khairy Jamaluddin before 2023, the unconvincing monetary devaluation of Ringgit, the budgetary distortion of Anwar Government for the kleptomaniac administration of Malaysia associated with redundant incompetent public servants with malfeasances in particular the public health department, the public works department, the environment ministry, the infrastructure department and the poor hospital service should be impeached under the hearing of a royal panel to be headed by Agong for the scandalous indictment 2023. Other hearings should include the war petition of Mahathir for the restitution of Singapore to Malaysia and the divested sovereignty of Johor for authentic independence as reflected by the autonomous standpoint of Sultanate Johor and the crisis of disintegration associated with the untouchable territories in North Borneo and Sarawak or West Borneo where the hijacked sovereignty of Borneo should be unleashed for authentic independence amid the unstoppable federal embezzlement of public funding for unknown purposes which has tendered the incredulous ruling of One Malaysia without credibility in this inquiry. The actual momentum of Malaysia tends to reclaim the separated territory of Singapore where the war option to reaffirm the sceptical relationship of Malaysia and Singapore is necessary. However the departure of Johor for authentic independence is likely to veto the claim for the restitution of Singapore to Malaysia.
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radio-charlie · 6 months
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I understand the well meaning white queers from nebraska wanting to show their support for this sort of thing. Just know that it's the usual deal. The establishment showing that they're prepared to offer certain groups a seat at the table so those groups' potential for revolution against it is diminished. Also Michelle yeoh is a poc in the same way that khairy jamaluddin is a poc. U don't have to throw down for her, she will be fine.
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whatsnew-apabaru · 2 years
Malaysian politicians trying hard to stay relevant on Social Media
Social Media has become that platform, where politicians love to spread their propaganda and messages to their beloved followers, attacking the opposition with the manifestos and agendas they listed down during their time in office.
They will use social media as their main mass medium of choice, as messages and posts are faster to reach their targeted audience. This can be backed when during the Barrack Obama presidential election in 2008, his team used social media to its full potential to ensure all of his followers gained the information that he and his team wanted to spread around in a short period.
The question is, do Malaysian politicians trying so hard to be relevant in social media?
Indeed, they are.
I mean, look what they are posting on their personal Twitter, even back in 2014 (context: it was 2014, and Germany just beat Brazil 7-1 in the FIFA World Cup 2014)
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As the General Elections for Malaysia are just around the corner, politicians tend to make "normal-looking people" posts where they show that they are people-oriented instead of living lavishly as they usually do. Hishammuddin Hussein, the Minister of Defence, had tried SOOOOO hard to be as humble as he could be; as Malaysian tend to know, politicians will do everything to gain attention during the General Election campaign period.
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Only during the election phase, can you see them trying so hard to become relevant and purposely being active on social media to "take note" of the groans of the people, which they need to help on daily life basis, not just during the election phase.
They will use social media as their main mass medium of choice, as messages and posts are faster reach their targeted audience. This can be backed, when during the Barrack Obama presidential election in 2008, his team had used social media to its full potential, to ensure all of his followers to gain the information that he and his team wanted to spread around in a short period of time.
Of course, they can use their social media account freely as it is one of the best free speech mediums to be part of, and of course, you will have the backing from their followers based on what they share in their accounts.
In my personal opinion, politicians who are active in social media, tend to include their personal life to guilt trip their followers on how naive and humble they are as a normal human beings, when most of the time, you can see them barking and shouting in the parliament sittings, provoking each other when discussing on matters relating to the country.
Indeed we, the taxpayers, need to see whether they can do their jobs well or not, and not become social media celebrities, and not take their official jobs seriously. Of course, there are multiple politicians, such as Khairy Jamaluddin, and Syed Saddiq, who are the ones who actually hold to the "Do What You Say & Say What You Do" principle..
I really do hope that all Malaysian do take part in the upcoming General Election, as we are the ones who suffer from their stupid behaviours both in social media and in the parliament sitting session.
Even with the current state of politcal scandals and corruption, we as the nation of Malaysia, have the power to choose for those who are really willing to do their jobs.
You don't need to be relevant in social media by posting everything as how a normal human being usually goes by their normal day.
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kevinkoosk · 2 years
For candidates of the next General Elections
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Art created by Kevin Koo using AI software.
This recent elections I served as legal advisor for three candidates.
The basic part of my work wasn't anything spectacular, it merely involved doing background checks and making sure that the candidates were eligible to contest.
On nomination day we would know whether a candidate is allowed to contest or not.
And for me the important thing was to make sure that they didn't get knocked out on nomination day due to some oversight or technicality.
Candidate's Pre-nomination Checklist
The election candidate must take note of the following.
Surat watikah. If the candidate is campaigning under a certain political party, he needs the letter from the party president to allow him to campaign using the logo of the party.
Office of Profit. If the candidate is drawing his salary from the government (as a government employee), he has to resign. If he is serving short notice, he has to compensate the government with one month's salary.
Non-bankruptcy. The candidate should not be a bankrupt.
Soundness of mind. The candidate should be of sound mind.
Past convictions and fines. The candidate would be barred from contesting if he had been fined more than RM2,000 or sentenced to more than 1 years' imprisonment during the past 5 years.
Loyalty to country. The candidate should be a Malaysian. He should not have declared his loyalty to another country e.g. as a permanent resident.
Deposits. The candidate must make deposit to SPR for (a) the seat that he is contesting, whether state or parliament; and (b) for materials. Additionally, the candidate must deposit to the city council as a security for removal of campaign materials.
Nomination forms. The candidate must be nominated and the nomination seconded by voters in the constituency.
Voting status. For state seat, the candidate should be a voter in the constituency. For parliament, the candidate can be a voter elsewhere. (See Lim Kit Siang contesting in Gelang Patah during GE14, and Khairy Jamaluddin contesting in Sungai Buloh during GE15, for example.)
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Khairy: Malaysia 'fastest growing economy in Asean,' political stability crucial 
Khairy: Malaysia ‘fastest growing economy in Asean,’ political stability crucial 
SG Buloh and Barisan Nasional candidate for Caretaker Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin in Yosin Sport, KG Subang on November 13, 2022. — Photo by Mira Juliana Sunday, 13 November 2022 3:44 PM MYT KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 13 – Malaysia’s economic growth was the fastest among the six ASEAN countries in the third quarter and the first nine months of this year, and the country is “building resilience to…
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vapehk1 · 2 years
Postponing Malaysian tobacco bill good for vaping
Postponing Malaysian tobacco bill good for vaping
Legalising vape sales in Malaysia remains on the table despite the Heath Minister postponing the ‘generational endgame’ anti-smoking bill after considerable public and political pressure, says a local vaping advocacy group. Malaysia’s Minister of Health, Khairy Jamaluddin, made the decision not to table the bill despite the bipartisan special parliamentary select committee making amendments and…
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suara-rakyat-blog · 1 year
Pandangan ada satu pandangan berkenaan dengan Pengampunan di Raja itu, Ada satu pandangan yang saya dengar daripada keluar sekejap daripada YB Khairiy Jamaluddin. Mengatakan mungkin daripada itu dia confident eh dia keluar sekejap eh aku rasa macam keluar lama nama tajuk dia KS keluar sekejap Khairi Sharil sekarang ni. 
So dia bagi tahu dekat situ kenyataan dia pandangan dialah selepas semua kes dibicarakan baru minta Royal Pardon sebab contohlah yang ni dah didakwa dah dijatuhkan hukuman kita minta Royal Pardon and then satu kes lagi. kenapa? Kenapa geng-geng pengkhianat ini tak nak Datuk Seri Najib dibebaskan cepat.
Sebab dia tahu kalau Datuk Seri Najib dibebaskan semangat. Semangat ahli-ahli akar umbi UMNO, orang atas pagar dia nampak seolah-olah ada satu harapan baru. Ada new hope for this country. Sudah pastilah Datuk Seri Najib akan bantu untuk menangkan gabungan kerajaan perpaduan ini dalam pilihan raya di enam buah negeri ini. 
Jadi apa. Apa jadi dengan cerita Kita cerita KJ yang nak jadi menteri besar Selangor. Apa jadi dengan setengah-setengah orang yang nak jadi Menteri Besar. Negeri Sembilan, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah betul tak? Musnahlah harapan dia. Jadi untuk puak-puak ni dia kalau boleh dia nak supaya Datuk Seri Najib ni terus duduk dalam penjara? 
Memanglah dia berlakon seolah-olah macam Shahidan Kasim seolah-olah dia membela nasib Datuk Seri Najib cerita fasal Nazlan dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya motif dia orang ni hari ni ialah untuk menghasut penyokong Datuk Seri Najib supaya membenci Dato Zahid membenci Datuk Seri Azalina, membenci Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akhirnya apa akan jadi?
Kalau tiga orang ni diserang, bertubi-tubi tubi. Last sekali dia orang pun tak boleh tahan. Okeylah suka hati engkaulah. Lantak engkau, aku tak nak buat apa. Bila dia tak membantu Datuk Sri Najib akhir sekali apa akan jadi pada Datuk Seri Najib. Datuk Seri Najib akan meringkuk dalam penjara. Yang untung siapa? Perikatan Nasional, betul tak?
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kazifatagar · 1 year
More MySejahtera Drama 
Khairy Jamaluddin might be in deeper waters now that his political career is basically over, and now that this scandal is rising, opinions on him are not as positive as they once were.
A report from 2021 showed that the MySejahtera app has downloaded data from over three million vaccine recipients. It was downloaded by a suspicious “super admin,” stated BFM News. Furthermore, a police report was filed towards the app later that year.  MySejahtera not as secure as Khairy claims?  1. A suspicious “super admin” account on MySejahtera downloaded three million data sets on vaccine…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
M'sia making efforts to treat drug crimes in different context, Khairy says
M’sia making efforts to treat drug crimes in different context, Khairy says
Malaysia has been making efforts to handle crimes, particularly those related to drugs, in a different context, said Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. “We are looking at the law in totality. For example, our effort to abolish the mandatory death penalty is part of the government’s efforts to look at certain crimes, including drug crimes, in a different context. Source link
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leslietries · 2 years
Malaysia Scraps Indoor Face Mask Rule
Effective immediately, the SE Asian Country of Malaysia has scrapped the Indoor Face Mask rule ending its last Covid-related rule in the country. Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said in a briefing on Wednesday, where he said that the Masks rule will be effective for people who test positive for Covid and in places such as […]
The post Malaysia Scraps Indoor Face Mask Rule appeared first on MacroTraveller.
from MacroTraveller https://ift.tt/mi5hjTY
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fernsjjf · 2 years
Decision to abolish face mask mandate next week
I Hope They Will End It
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resilientslave · 3 years
Strawberry Generation
I feel vulnerable . Loss . Helpless .
Call us Gen Z or Strawberry generation ,
It’s not going to change the fact that we are slaves . Slave to the system , slaves to the workforce
Being a house officer , we go through tonnes of scrutiny. We are called lazy , careless , irresponsible
But let’s take a look at where you ( specialist ) have started from ..
You had a secured career ,
While My career is being held by string
When you made a mistake , you could still go home and have a goodnight sleep
While I make a mistake , i go home , overthink and suffocate myself .
I would be place on a pedestal, I would be given bad remarks , fear of having poor skt, explanation letter , getting extended . And where does all of this leads to .. getting kicked out
you can go around calling out every mistake I do , I’m glad you care enough to point it out . I’m happy to learn from my mistake
There’s no wrong in that , but judging me based on one silly mistake ,that is wrong .
You know what . I’m scared . I feel helpless .
I didn’t choose this profession to earn money or the fame that comes with it .
Because honestly I was earning much more while I was a part time tutor with less working hours and less stress .
To be honest this career chose me .
I don’t want to break , not now . Not when I’m in my fourth posting . It’s a little too late .
I want to be strong . And sometimes all I need is some encouragement , some kind words .
Is that too much
I work to help . And I know , no matter how far in life I reach , I’ll always be working for humanity .
my mistake for the day !!
I didn’t get specialist sign for an investigation that is required to be sent out of the hospital.
In my defence , I was informed about it after the ship has sailed
Let me just point out , it’s a monitoring investigation .
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