#khazix my beloved
dates-with-the-void · 4 months
Dating the Void Bois
First time making a post like this, so hopefully it makes sense and is formatted in a legible way. I'll make the gal version later. For now, enjoy the bois! Kinda one shot this.
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When it comes to dating Cho'Gath, you're more or less known as the one lunatic that not only tamed the embodiment of Terror from the void- but also woo'd him.
And they're not completely wrong about it either. You had to completely lack any self preservation instinct to get even half a mile close to his location.
That at least got him curious about you though, most would run and beg for mercy. You quite literally walked up to him like he was a fresh Voidling. He wanted to know why you weren't terrified of him.
He almost respects you because of it, he also has little interest in you. Because if you're not scared by his appearance, or the fact he could swallow you whole like a gummy bear, he won't really bother you unless he was REALLY hungry.
He respected you more actually when you mentioned wanting to be around him, and even get to know him. Actually made him laugh.
You are so tiny in comparison to him, and you only get smaller when he fills himself up with whatever he eats. He really didn't care about you tagging along, just don't expect him to watch his step or where he attacks.
Surprisingly, he doesn't really talk all too much unless you initiate it. Which he doesn't mind really, unless you start deliberately asking dumb and repetitive questions.
He doesn't realize he's grown attached to your company, or developed an affection for you. Just that he's grown used to you being around or on him.
It wasn't until after he had demolished a civilization to feast and he couldn't see you did he actually feel his heart sink.
You're pretty sure the entire continent AND the Void heard him call your name in search for you- you were kinda temporarily deaf after that.
Seeing you were safe from harm, and were farther away from the carnage. He did not want you out of his sight again, unless he knows exactly where you were going to hide for your own squishy safety.
He never says the words "I love you", but you know he does by his actions towards you.
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Secret rendezvous and nightly meet ups so frequent, you're pretty sure the neighbors know you have a fling going on you don't want people finding out about.
Which isn't far off, because like hell you'd want people to know you're dating a giant sadistic bug. Mainly for their own safety.
It was a you fell first, he fell next and you fell harder afterwards kind of deal.
You weren't sure how you managed to catch even a glimpse of him the first time, he's fast, quick and sneaky. A blink and he vanished without a trace. But that glance was all it took for you to take interest.
It took work for him to acknowledge you, because- and lucky for you really, you aren't his targeted prey. You really had to figure out where he would be and how to get him to notice you.
It did work though, after having a heart attack thanks to him showing up when you least expected him too, or believed your attempts have failed.
He's the most likely out of the whole group to actually fall in love with you once he got to know you- and know that both himself and you feel the same.
The sadist that he is, he'll tease you hard and act like he did nothing. At some point you have to question if he knows you like him, and he's using it against you (which he is.)
He isn't heartless about it, if he was he wouldn't be feeling the same. So after a point he'll confess himself if you haven't yet, when you accept he'll tease again just to get you a mess again.
He enjoys the subtle thrill of secretly meeting up with you to have these dates, its not like the rush he gets from hunting down dangerous prey- but it gives him a different type of rush he still enjoys.
Whether you know it or not, he always has an eye on you once you're his mate, and conveniently any people you have issues or problems with just vanish. Literally.
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It's like dating a walking- or in this case, a floating encyclopedia that constantly updates after every new discovery.
It started off strictly based on the curiosity of companionships, he could disintegrate any couple he finds but he won't understand the emotional or mental reasonings behind it.
You; unclaimed, traveling by yourself, and had minimal reaction upon seeing him (minimal being you didn't immediately attempt to run away or attack him out of fear). Perfect subject for study.
It was an awkward start, majority of it was questioning the hows and whys of the partnership. When mentioning factors like "taking care of a family" or "supporting one another", he'd bring up animals or even other Voidborns and how they don't follow this logic.
He gets obsessed once you mention the factor of "love" being part of companionship. Its the one thing he can't just disintegrate and understand immediately, so he'll want to study it to the Void and back.
He even attempts to 'replicate' it from behaviors and actions he's observed from others, even if he doesn't entirely understand why they do it, or the purpose of doing it just to see if "love" can be felt.
In which case- he's completely dense about your feelings AND his own feelings once you both actually develop a romantic interest in each other. To the point you literally can't tell if he actually knows you're both in love or not.
In his own way, he cares immensely. If he sees you performing an activity regularly, or you seem to take heighten interest in something he will remember it and he will question about it to better understand it. Even if it doesn't entirely make sense at first- or at all. Which would lead to further questioning and 'studying' on the subject to better understand.
He will never forget an important date, or key information about you. Its almost like he has a completely separate section in his brain dedicated to keeping memos, tabs and key items about you.
You might have to be the first one to initiate you love him, and you have to be straight up "I am in love with you." for him to get it.
With you, he gets to understand the world and the inhabitants on a level he previously couldn't before. To which he is grateful for.
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i0101101i · 2 years
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khazix my beloved
realized I've never drawn this character despite having been my main for a long time.
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