#khorijin bayaqud
starryscale-art · 11 days
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jai and his husband khor (who belongs to @bogwitch-art !) when they were little ones in the steppe :3 a companion piece to theirs!!!
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bogwitch-art · 2 months
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seeking solace
companion pic to @ starryscale-art 's pic
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starryscale · 4 months
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husbands.... featuring @bogwitch-art 's Khorijin 🥺
(this screenshot makes jai look so tall but he's 4'9" and khor is 4'6" LOLL)
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lesstinytrashbins · 6 years
♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general)
Khorijin : 
“Ah.. I –” Khorijin wrinkles his nose with a halfhearted smile.  Quietly shifting away from the question of himself, he answers with, “in others, it.  It is – sometimes embarrassing being with people who, ah –” he hesitates, chewing at his lip.  “.. Attract attention, in the.. bad sorts of way, yes?  The… kind that makes people unhappy with them and you.”
Osiric :
“… M’own weakness’s a fuckin’ embarrassment, yeah?”  It’s a – surprisingly easy answer from the normally prickly streetrat, and – still, Osiric doesn’t look up from staring towards the middle distance, though he huffs. “Ah – trainin’ n’all, but…” He shrugs, unable to hide when his expression becomes more troubled – though he huffs it away with a forced laugh.  “Fuckin’ skin n’bones, though.  Ain’ useful for much.  ..Shite at protectin’ people.”  The smile he pushes forth – doesn’t quite reach yellow-gold eyes.
  Tenpe :
“… Ah..” Tenpe wrinkles his nose, his ears already flicking lower.  A pale and thin little thing, he reaches up bony hands to adjust his glasses.  “I, ah – I suppose… My own… ah… I’m not so great in social situations, yeah?  I.. tend to ramble, and it’s really not so much intentional as.. as my mind starts going and I just –” Tenpe blinks, drawing in a quick breath and going quiet a moment.  Right.  He was rambling.  “… A-ah –” the small Seeker lets out a quiet, nervous laugh, pale cheeks tinged pink with warmth.  “… I just don’t… stop.  Apparently.”
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tinytrashbins · 7 years
💞 friends with benefits - With Khorijin!
“I —”  For a long moment, Khorijin falls quiet and stays that way, just – watching the other.  Slowly, however, his tail gives the slightest wiggle - and then more, further, and he looks down with a huff.  "I guess that means you do think I am cute then, yes?“  Smiling now, he looks up once more with the slightest nod in affirmation.  ”– But yes.  I – I would like that.“
And for once there is no ’if you want’s to back  the statement up.  Perhaps it is progress.
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unsungdove · 6 years
It ached. He wasn’t used to that. The sensation was uncomfortable, a yearning that settled deep in his chest. He could say it was akin to what he saw once, when he’d seen someone kneeling over a corpse, wailing. They called it mourning, if he recalled.
Mourning loss. Something he shouldn’t do. It was something that ‘people’ did, and he was not... he was only a creature, being taught how to be a person. Master knew that... it was why he’d taken away his name. It was why everything was.
It was why, so why should he mourn it?
Hesitating at the door, he stared up at the wide, beautiful windows that glimmered in the sunset. Why mourn it? Why had it sounded so... sweet, so beautiful, on Khorijin’s lips?
What was it about a name that was so important?
He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t.
He had to remind himself again of that truth as he reached for the door handle, staring at the soft, pale sight of his hand curled around it.
He didn’t need it.
Even if he wanted it.
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hibarinagae · 6 years
A note from some weeks ago
I wonder if she felt this helpless, years ago. If it weighed on her mind every time she returned to someone new. I saw her work, but I saw it through the eyes of an admiring child. I didn’t see how heavy it lays on the soul, to look at someone and see what they’re hiding, to not be sure how to say what would help them the most. I visited Khorijin again today. He hasn’t been... the same, since Khojin’s attack - and even if I cannot call it that to Khorijin’s face, for uncertainty how he would react, it is what it was. We’re a little too alike, I think. Delving into unhealthy actions and obsessions in order to help each other. When I got there, he was still inebriated - and still feeling like he wasn’t good enough. No amount of clutching at frivolity will really bring to light what happened, how little of it Khorijin deserves... but here I sit, laughing at my own weakness and stirring tea I'm certain I'll not drink yet again.
Perhaps it's time to begin working ringlinks, again. Perhaps that will be some small service, if he can settle his focus with that.
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starryscale-art · 5 months
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now that we know early access date.....babby incoming late june
(he/him for jai (white haired miqo'ra) and he/they for his husband khor (red haired vie ra) please~)
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bogwitch-art · 1 month
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she's coming...
tfw being god's favorite prophet helps move msq along a little faster
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bogwitch-art · 3 months
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a companion piece to this pic !
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bogwitch-art · 3 months
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a wip!
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bogwitch-art · 5 months
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tea dad💕
he and Jai have new-born triplets, caffeine is in high demand
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bogwitch-art · 8 days
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two seasons
eerie little fae
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bogwitch-art · 23 days
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hythlodaeus seemed oddly attached to his little familiar
shard lore ♥
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bogwitch-art · 16 days
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bogwitch-art · 17 days
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lazy afternoon~
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