bogwitch-art · 3 months
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a companion piece to this pic !
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starryscale-art · 11 days
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jai and his husband khor (who belongs to @bogwitch-art !) when they were little ones in the steppe :3 a companion piece to theirs!!!
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starryscale · 4 months
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husbands.... featuring @bogwitch-art 's Khorijin 🥺
(this screenshot makes jai look so tall but he's 4'9" and khor is 4'6" LOLL)
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angryaurikhori · 2 months
Smash or Pass FFXIV Edition
Not actually tagged by anyone, but I saw @sunderedazem and @calico-heart do it and figured I should do one too featuring my train wreck of an au ra!
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Khorijin Iriq
Quick Facts:
Age: 28 (start of Dawntrail)
Height: 4'9"
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Demisexual/Pansexual
Pronouns: She/her
excellent hunter and forager from growing up on the Steppe and training in Gridania. You'll never go hungry, even in the most remote locations!
trained as a bard when she came to Eorzea. She knows all the best songs and stories.
quite playful and silly once she warms up to you.
also very romantic and physically affectionate. Loves to cuddle.
very loyal to her people and will gladly defend them to the death if needed.
she's quite easy to pick up and carry around due to her small stature. If you're close, she won't mind this at all.
you might hear her talking to herself. Except she's talking to the manifestation of all her rage and grief. Or the dead guy who was a shard of her sundered soul. Either way, she's got some quite literal ghosts.
tends to shut down and soldier through tough situations, which is great until she realizes what exactly happened and begins to spiral. It's not pretty.
willingly puts herself into situations that are detrimental to her health, physical or mental. Cannot be talked out of it if it's for the good of the Star.
not quite over her past self's ex from the pre-sundering times.
somewhat touch-averse after everything that happened to her on the First. She's working on overcoming that, but it's a struggle. She has to initiate to feel comfortable.
Details to know:
Khori has many battle scars, some from previous Naadams before she left the Steppe, but most were from her time with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She's not ashamed of them, but she does look a little patchwork.
this includes her time on the First when she stopped the Eighth Calamity at the source of the problem. The change she's most self-conscious of is the change to her scales.
for quite a while after the First, Khori felt like anyone who touched her risked "contaminating" themselves with any residual light aether that may have remained within her. She was very paranoid the first few weeks after the events in the Tempest, but shes slowly managing to overcome her aversion to others touching her.
prefers tea as her morning beverage of choice, so strong it's almost bitter.
didn't believe in the Twelve until certain events during Endwalker. Even then, she's still not particularly religious, save for habitual prayers to her patron deity, Oschon, at the start of every journey. It's more the ritual itself that calms her than believing a god is protecting her.
she absolutely loves spicy foods. Be prepared for this, especially if she's doing the cooking!
Romantically - Khori is an attentive partner and doesn't shy away from tame PDA, like coiling her tail around her partner as they walk or cuddling. Her love language skews towards doing things to help her partner, whether it's melding materia into their crafting sets or helping them look after the chocobos. However, due to lingering fear from nearly turning into a Lightwarden she tends to shy away from any touches that she doesn't initiate. Despite this difficulty, she's very dedicated to any partner.
Sexually - despite being touch-averse, Khori is game for just about any fun in bed. Just let her initiate. She's versatile, but prefers being in charge, just in case she has a bad reaction to something. Despite her hang-ups about touch, she's more than willing to try anything at least once!
As for tags, if you see this and haven't done it yet, feel free!
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So, I was tagged by @mxkelsifer to do this quiz about why my OCs hurt. Kels, you know me so well as an angst gremlin! If you'd like to play along, feel free.
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because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow - Verasi and Rassjan
mistakes come back to you like echoes in an empty cave. you have been trying since you started but does trying count? is trying good enough? every night it visits you, the pain that you have caused with your clumsy hands and venom-tongue. life careens onward, onward, with the moon hung in the sky and the sun the day after, but you walk backwards on this path so you can keep sight of what you did. the destruction still feels fresh. it still feels like fire, where you burned them. fire is supposed to be warm. it burned them, and it will swallow you. blow out the candle. let it rest. some things are better left behind in the dark.
First up, we have the double-header of Verasi and Rassjan, who have both made many, many mistakes on their journeys. In fact, Verasi's whole adventure in the Second Era came about precisely because they couldn't accept what happened during the end of the Third Era. They believe their mistakes - believing Azura, having a hand in killing those their past self was once close to - led to the destruction of Vvardenfell, so they ran. Rassjan, meanwhile, knowing what she knows now would have absolutely approached everything differently - starting from her early days as a conjurer in the Adventurer's Guild - to save who she could. Her own ignorance regarding the reality of the world and the goal of her foes was, in her eyes, her biggest mistake. One she would see rectified if she could. Pandaemonium gave her a taste of the closure she sought, but it wasn't nearly enough to wash away the stains of her mistakes.
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you're choking on how much you have to try - Khorijin
you have tried. you have carried the weight of the world on your shoulders and accepted more responsibilities than you have ever wanted, even intended to gain. it isn't crushing - you are strong enough to hold it - but you are choking. you don't know what to do with it. you don't know where it goes, how to move this weight everyone knows you can hold onto, and do you even want to get rid of it? Never. You would not give this to - force this on - anyone else. but you /can't/. but you are choking on it. your body will hold it up even when you lose all the air in your lungs, and your footing, and your courage. it does not mind choking you. it seems almost designed to do so. if you weren't wrung out you wouldn't be doing this thing properly.
Poor Khorijin has Been Through It since she left the Steppe in search of adventure. She wanted to put her bow to use for the betterment of the world instead of just her tribe. Instead, she found the fate of the world placed upon her shoulders many, many times. It doesn't feel like a burden, really, and she wears it well. But her time on the First changed her, and not just physically. Her scales were never mottled before. Both eyes were once the same color. She's killed former friends in the name of saving the world. Now she's staring down the barrel of a madman who would bring the Final Days back to the world. She bears her burdens well, but that doesn't mean they won't crush her under the weight in the end.
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this isn't enough for you - Breya
the words creep into your head in the dead of night one night and you cannot get rid of them. 'this isn't enough for me anymore'. you thought this was enough for you at some point, or maybe you hoped that it would be, but it isn't, and it hurts. you need to change something, or die trying. this - life like this - does not make life worth living. there is a lump in your throat that demands attention every waking moment of the day. there is pain in your body like a cavernous maw you cannot keep balance over. this is not what you wanted. you need to change. you can't stay here. it is not a character flaw you want more.
Now for the youngest of my OCs, Breya, who is following the standard rpg trope and is 17 as of the start of Shadowbringers (I do not perceive the time bubble). I don't think this actually fits her. Yes, she wanted to adventure and save the world after witnessing the Calamity at age nine. She took up a bow and left Ul'dah for Gridania, wound up fighting the Garlean Empire at age 14, fought to end the Dragonsong War at 15, and aided in the liberation of Doma and Ala Mhigo at 16. She's now on a whole other world, traveling and exploring while trying to figure out how to save it. But like I said, I don't think this result fits her well. She would be more afraid of all of her past mistakes coming back to bite her, as seen with Ilberd and the Crystal Braves, or not being enough of a hero. She felt like enough of a failure during Stormblood.
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radishleaf · 1 year
i hate mmos because the expectation of socialization is a big Nope from me when it comes to any game. however, peeps saying you can play ff14 solo is a big Yes from me, ahhhh. i'm in it for the story, anyway; idc about joining guilds or w/e, even tho i know the game's gonna force me to as part of the tutorial, at least.
anyway, made it to lvl 4 and decided to give it a break since i feel sleeby. might continue to log my time playing under my character's name just like i do with my writing, so there's that.
but just know i'm obsessed with kalyx already, even tho i know v little about the game and it's story lol
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motleyrhapsody · 2 years
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Even when it rains, I can feel the light of day
I don't currently have a sub, but I miss my sweet girl so I'm going to post her pretty face to make myself feel better.
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tag-of-light · 1 month
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Khorijin and Shira Dazkar
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marimocakes · 4 months
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Made some character cards lol more blab under the cut
Mua's not my WoL, but I've been writing a lot of stuff for her and Chanar so I figured I'd put it on here and post additional stuff and headcanons for fun? there will be a lot of trash lol
I'm annoyed by how dead Mua's expression looks but i can't be bothered to fix rn so whatever.
Mua Chalahko (32) - ESTP - somewhat cranky and straight-talking white mage in the Hazelnut Summer's (Warrior of Light) party of friends. A former gladiator who lost her dominant arm during the Calamity. Very close with her younger half brother, Tsimh'to, and the current Azure Dragoon, Ettienne.
Chanar (39) - ENFP - scholarly Xaela who married into the Oronir Clan on the Azim Steppes. His wife Khorijin passed away about 10 years ago. And he has an 18 year old daughter named Erdene. He's a black mage.
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dillydallyvali · 1 year
Some time ago I created five biological sisters for Magnai Oronir. I decided to also add three brothers but recently decided to reduce that to just two brothers. Here are my Oronir OC and a little bit about them. Later I'll make a post specifically for Magnai to show some things I've noticed about his character as well as some of my own headcanon. From oldest to youngest:
Temujin - 38 Years
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Temujin is Magnai's oldest brother. He specializes in archery, but is also skilled with a spear. He's the tactician of the family and is considered incredibly intelligent when it comes to war. He and Magnai get along well for the most part. They often argue about the intensity of Magnai's desire to find his Nhaama. "It will come in time, brother, if you are patient first."
Temujin is married with three children. He can be a bit of a hopeless romantic at times and loves his family dearly. This causes Magnai to become jealous of his brother's good fortune. This may be one reason why he sometimes avoids the happy-go-lucky Temujin.
He leads a band of archers that scout around the Steppe to find the best places to hunt, gather, or to provide surveillance against the threat of hostile tribes.
Khorijin - 35 Years
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The oldest of Magnai's sisters, Khorijin doesn't mess around. She's taken up the axe just like her father and knows how to swing it. Quick to anger, Khorijin is a hot-head, but she's equally just as loving... she just prefers to show it in the form of a wedgie or something.
She is married and takes great pride in her young son. She primarily leads war parties with her brothers and protects the clan as they move about the Steppe. Khorijin also leads a small band of female Oronir warriors that she fondly refers to as Daughters of Azim.
Khorijin is the hardest of all on Magnai. They tend to butt heads the most and often argue loudly about everything and anything, but mostly about who is more fit to lead the Oronir.
Yesui - 33 Years
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Yesui is the third oldest of Magnai's sisters. She shares a close bond with her twin brother, Tagai. Yesu was the second to marry behind Temujin and has two daughters. She is probably considered the most mature out of the bunch! Yesui is considered a second mother to most of her siblings. A bit of a mother hen at times, Magnai gets along best with Yesui despite her constant nitpicking.
Yesui's job is sheep herding. She gets up before the sun rises to give all of the other herders their assignments for the day. Yesui is very organized and managed to find a way to herd the sheep in the most efficient way possible! "Xaela are only as strong as their herd."
While she is rarely quick to anger and is less eccentric than her other sisters, Yesui still finds a way to get under Magnai's skin at times. She's also the only one to really encourage his hopeless romantic tendencies.
Tagai - 33 Years
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Tagai is probably one of the quieter members of the family as well as Yesui's twin. Most aren't even quite sure how Tagai met his husband. "You never speak," they cry. Tagai may be a man of few words, but they are generally filled with wisdom and thoughtfulness. Although he can be a bit on the shy side.
He and Magnai enjoy a comfortable silence when they hunt or spar together. Tagai tries to give Magnai advice on how to find his Nhaama, but often finds that his words fall on deaf ears.
Tagai doesn't enjoy unnecessary conflict. He is happy to defend their tribe, fight in the annual Naadam, and hunt. Anything else just seems like a waste of strength to him because he deems anything else as trivial. He rolls his eyes at his siblings petty bickering.
Narengawa - 30 Years
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Narengawa spends most of her mornings praying to Azim and Nhaama. She's also a skilled weaver and can be found in the markets of Reunion selling clothing and other useful items.
Narengawa is the tallest among her sisters and considered very beautiful by others in the tribe. She is happily married and has three children that she adores. Sometimes she can be a little vain and often wears brightly colored clothing she adorns with various chains and colorful stones her husband brings her.
Magnai doesn't generally get along with Narengawa. She's constantly critiquing his attire, his posture, his overall appearance, and just about anything else she can find that isn't quite up to her standards.
Chambui - 25 Years
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Chambui dabbles with various different mediums and excells at magic. She takes the politics of the clan very seriously. She's generally the one who's the best with words. Reading and writing is something she is very skilled at which does tend to set her apart from her brethren.
Other than Magnai, Chambui is the most passionate about preserving their way of life. Everything she does is for the good of the Oronir. She currently is not spoken for but has several suitors waiting and willing to pledge their lives (and their blood) to her.
Chambui can normally be found performing strange rituals and occasionally commits to animal sacrifices for good harvests or to bring rain. Magnai often runs the other way when he sees Chambui coming (especially if she has a small blade)! She's always trying to cast different spells on him or get him to ingest strange things, especially before the Naadam, to "aid" him in battle.
Yisu - 23 Years
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Finally, the youngest of the Oronir siblings. Yisu is the smallest and considered more soft-spoken than even Tagai. She tends to keep to herself and enjoys her solitude.
She is unwed and single as far as the tribe knows despite recent rumors spreading around Reunion of a budding friendship between herself and Sadu Dotharl.
Yisu may be considered the most mild-mannered of the sisters, but that doesn't mean she gives Magnai a pass. She does her best to give him her best courting tips, but they often backfire on Magnai, which in turn causes them to argue. "You have to try, brother!"
Yisu is an amazing cook and helps Narengawa with her weaving. Occasionally she may assist Yesui with her herding duties, but mostly she is closest to Narengawa. Yisu's sense of family is very strong and she is considered the peacekeeper of the Oronir siblings.
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embersign · 3 years
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♥Commission for a lovely patron of Khorijin and Javert~!♥ ♥THANK YOU!♥
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bogwitch-art · 3 months
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a wip!
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starryscale-art · 5 months
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now that we know early access date.....babby incoming late june
(he/him for jai (white haired miqo'ra) and he/they for his husband khor (red haired vie ra) please~)
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fantastichaz · 4 years
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"Are you lost, little morsel? Let Khorijin help you, Khori loves to help, ufufufu.."
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angryaurikhori · 1 year
Have I put off doing the 6.5 msq on my main?
Did I pause halfway through Endwalker's msq just to do some frontlines on Khorijin?
Also yes.
But I went and got the full Twelve Aiming set just for when Khori finally gets to do MotR. Well, aside from the hat, but I'm using crime horns on Khori so that kind of is her hat.
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khojin-arulaq · 6 years
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ic screendump~
ft. @javertdelacroix @khokhopuffs-xiv @lesstinytrashbins @divinedhalmel
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