#khr ventus
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Specifically some still more or less in-progress clothes and anthro features (albino deer) but I'm really proud of it anyway. Bits and pieces are obviously gonna get refined but I'm not sure I'd be able to sleep another night without having done something artful for this UA...
Anyway! Since I'm rambling, I decided against giving him his shoulder-armor thing because I wanted to focus more on the outfit itself. My one lament (besides forgetting one or two pockets) is how the hair came out; it's a bit hard to tell how long it is, but it goes down to his elbows. As depicted, it is white, no longer blond. Vanitas braids his hehe. Overall, just a very birdlike and "free" vibe to him.
Quick factoid is that he sheds his antlers in winter. Quite gruesome-looking, if you know anything about the way deer shed their antlers, and gave Terra quite a shock when he first found that out.
That was a lot of text, but thank you for bearing with me and taking the time to read it!
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idkhow2usetmblr · 1 month
[I have the feeling I'm missing someone, but I'm not sure...]
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eradicatetehnormal · 1 year
KH Is a Weird Series For Me
I don't interact with any other fandom the same way I interact with other fandoms, or interact with other fandoms at all. IDK, if people who've looked through my blog or follow me know I like other shit, like Persona, the Black Phone, the 1990's Powerpuff Girls, KHR!, KLK, Heathers the movie and musical, etc.
Characters that I usually wouldn't like are all of a sudden likable to me. Namely Sora. In any other series, he'd be one of my least favorite characters. A simple character who goes through a lot of trauma but remains positive through it all would be boring and uninteresting to me in any other series. GO OFF GODDAMNIT, DON'T TAKE THAT DISRESPECT! But for some reason, it just works for me in KH. Maybe it's because it's a Disney game or maybe it's because he's surrounded by edgelords, but I can't help but feel he's a great character.
The same goes for Ventus. His innocence combined with his tragic past and present just wouldn't do it for me. Normally, Aqua would've been my undisputed favorite character of BBS, but Ven just had a charm for him that's perfect for KH (IMO).
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secret-engima · 5 years
So we’ve got Regina’s group, but what about Mors’? Who is his Advisor/Hand (Weskham)? His Sword (Cor)? (Hadrian is his Shield (Clarus) and Vita his Consort/Heart (Titus)) I don’t think Ardyn, Sylva, and Cid would have counterparts, given that they aren’t really Regina’s subordinates/retainers? But you COULD come up with counterparts I suppose - the Elder/Scholar, the Ally, the Inventor/Creator. And what are the Flame types of Mors and Co (I hc Hadrian and the Amicitia’s are generally Storms)?
*deep breath*
You’re right, Mors never had an Ardyn, Sylva, or Cid counterpart, though he was on fairly good terms with the Oracle of his time. So, starting with the easy ones/Flame types-
Mors - Sky. Not ... not a very nice Sky mind you, but I HC that he WAS a Sky, a dedicated and clever Sky that inspired loyalty despite his “necessary cruelties”. Sorta like Nono and Luce in KHR, but like- more competent and scary. Still not a good person, and nowhere near as powerful as Regina magic-wise, but a Sky nonetheless.
Hadrian Amicitia - Storm. Inverted, probably, and you’re right I think most Amicitias are generally Storms or a Storm-mix. Hadrian is only a year older than Mors so they grew up together, and of all of them Hadrian is arguably the most instinctively loyal, has been basking in Mors magic the longest.
Vita - Rain. Very gentle Classic Rain and not to sound like a stereotypical sap but this woman was like- 80% of Mors kindness and moral restraint from the day they met to the day she died. If Vita had been around when Cor “Murder Child” Leonis got himself recruited into the Crownsguard, she would have convinced Mors to either kick him right back out or put the boy on the Reserve forces until he was of proper age, prodigy or no prodigy (or possibly, as a last resort if Mors was being stubborn, claimed Cor as a bodyguard herself, because she usually doesn’t leave the Citadel and would have had the chance to Properly Mother This Boy under the guise of taking care of her fearless bodyguard). They were an arranged marriage and knew that fact since they Mors was 18 and Vita was 12, but came to love each other anyway as they grew up and then later were married. Basically Mors only real soft spot was perfectly Vita shaped and after she was gone everyone suffered.
Ventus Scientia - Not Ignis’s grandad but rather his granduncle. Very, very much a Mist. Was born the same year Mors was so he was also raised alongside Mors from a young age. All the Scientia genius honed into a very logical, pragmatic edge without anywhere near the mothering and natural kindness Ignis shows. Should have been the one to call Mors on his more outrageous behavior, but instead just guided Mors into being sneaky about it behaviors instead (”A King serves the greater good of his kingdom” is not a phrase Mors came up with, that was from Ventus, trying to channel Mors more manipulative tendencies into something productive and beneficial).
And now my official new favorite of this impromptu cast-
Bellica Argentum - Inverted Lightning like WHOO. Plus a very, very interesting backstory. Like- Officially, Bellica was hired as Mors secretary after the last one turned out to be an assassin from Niflheim. Officially, she was just an ordinary, pretty Lucian citizen who worked her way through college and landed a lucky break by getting an interview to be Mors new secretary. Was generally regarded by outside viewers as Mors personal mistress/toy for when he was on the road and away from his wife Vita, since she was occasionally seen leaving Mors rooms at various late hours of the night.
Everything official is a LIE. Mors never had a Sword like Cor, Mors had a silver dagger and he won her in one of the craziest ways imaginable. Lemme tell you what UNOFFICIALLY happened:
-Unofficially, Bellica Argentum was originally neither Bellica, nor Argentum, but rather Imperial Agent 516 of Besithia stock. Unofficially when she was young and pretty and an up and coming agent, they gave her a disguise and a new, non-Argentum codename and sent her off to try to assassinate Crown Prince Mors, which she decided to accomplish by becoming his secretary first. Unofficially she served under him for just under a year before he finally started to treat her like something other than mobile, paper-signing furniture and instead began to watch her with half-lidded, curious, greedy eyes. Unofficially, she took that chance and rolled with it, letting herself be seduced by Prince Mors, lured into his bedchamber, and then trying to stab him.
-This didn’t work. Because he had known for months that she was actually a Nif agent and had gotten tired of waiting for her to try something, so instead he had BAITED her into trying something.
-If it hadn’t been for Hadrian hiding in the walk-in closet and Ventus running in with a hi-elixir, she would have succeeded anyway.
-Pinned in place by a furious Hadrian, she fully expects to be brutally killed. Or interrogated and then brutally killed. She is an assassin after the Crown Prince after all, and she has failed.
-Instead, Mors sits up, shifts clear of the pool of (his) blood, crouches down in front of her with glittering silver eyes that were just as fascinated and greedy as they’d been when he’d been “seducing her”, and SMILES.
-“You’re amazing,” he tells her, “truly amazing. I knew exactly what you were and were going to try and you still almost killed me.” Hadrian growls angrily at the reminder and Mors waves his protest away. The woman who will someday be known as Bellica Argentum feels ... something coil around her soul. Poking and prodding and CALLING in a way that makes her shudder (the trainers had never trained her for this. They’d never said LC magic could weave through her very being like this).
-Mors tilts his head, suddenly very, very inhuman, his silver eyes gleaming, his torso still covered in drying blood from where she’d stabbed him about five times, “What would it take,” he murmurs, deep and dark and coaxing, “for you to be mine for real?” He leans in, magic curling more tightly around her heart and soul and throat as he purrs, “What could I give you, to make you loyal to me and me alone. Not to Niflheim, not to Lucis, but to me?”
-It’s not a question she should answer. It’s not one that’s supposed to have an answer at all. She’s supposed to be LOYAL to Niflheim, she’s been raised to be an agent since almost before she could remember. But- but she does remember. And there is something she WANTS more than anything else. Something that Mors magic teases out of her soul and past her clenched teeth, something she spits in his face because she is sure he will mock her for it before he kills her.
-“Family,” she spits, “Children of my own, to raise as civilians. Children who will never have to know my scars, who will grow up happy and free rather than stolen away to be tools in a never-ending war. A husband who will care for them and not ask questions of me, an old age I can spend as a grandmother, doting on the little ones that come after.”
-And Mors smiles, sharp and satisfied, “I can do that,” he purrs, runs his knuckles down the side of her cheek and tucks some of her tousled hair behind one ear, “I can give you that. I will give you a husband who will ask no questions, I will bury your past so that it cannot touch your children, I will let you retire to be a grandmother who dotes on her little ones until you are ancient and white-haired and death takes you in your sleep. I will give you a future,” he whispers, deep and silky, magic tugging and curling around her possessively as his fingers drift down to brush the hollow of her throat, “and I will ensure that no man or woman, Lucian or Niflheim, ever thinks for a moment that your children are anything more than wealthy, upstanding citizens of Insomnia, born of a wealthy and upstanding Insomnian couple.”
-“All you have to do, little dagger. Is be mine. My assassin, my liar, my silver knife in the shadows until the age of your retirement comes and I let you go to your reward. How old are you- twenty, right? Give me your complete loyalty, and the next fifteen years of your life, and I will give you everything you desire.”
-It’s a daemon’s deal. But she WANTS and she knows the alternative is a brutal death. She says yes, feels something inside her JERK into place, feels heavy magic curl and settle next to her heart like a claim and a warning all in one. Mors laughs and Ventus and Hadrian both sigh.
-Mors names her Bellica Argentum, and she spends the next fifteen years of her life as his secretary and his best, most prized, and unendingly loyal assassin. The next fifteen years of her life are stained in blood at Mors’ command, with Mors’ magic a second heartbeat and promise and warning all at once in her chest that drives her on-on-on. Twelve years in and Mors introduces her to a wealthy, non-noble citizen of Insomnia, a kind, ordinary man with some business ties to the Citadel (a tailor perhaps, or the merchant who supplies the tailors with their silks). An ordinary, gentle man that Bellica has no trouble convincing to marry her.
-Thirty-five years old, fifteen years after that night to the day, and Mors stops asking her to take on assassination missions, treats her only as the favored secretary her cover story says she is, pays her as richly as ever and congratulates her on her first pregnancy with genuine warmth in his silver-edged eyes. Her children grow up civilian and successful, happy and free and oblivious to their mother’s past, or the fate that would have awaited them in Niflheim (shuffled off into one military position or another for the Glory of the Empire, trained as weapons and sacrificed as broken tools).
-She is old and silvering when her eldest son and his wife come to her and shyly introduce their child, an adopted little one they carefully do not say was given to them by one Cor Leonis because their family are trusted as the descendants of Mors favored secretary (she already knows, she may be retired but she still has contacts, and they tell her everything). She is old, but her sight is still keen, and she sees the blond hair and pale blue eyes, the little freckles as he grows and his unnaturally keen hand-eye coordination, his obsessive attention to detail that manifests in his love of photography.
-Besithia stock, she knows. She was just like that herself at his age.
-She supports and loves him until the day she passes on in her sleep, regrets only that her eldest son and his wife are so busy all the time that Prompto will surely be lonely without her there and with her other children living in Lestallum and Accordo, fulfilling their dreams but distanced from their eldest sibling who was content to take over his father’s business. But ... that will be alright. She has seen the way Prompto is exercising and driving himself to get fit now, heard him shyly ask her what the royal family was like, and how to befriend a Prince.
-He is Besithia stock. But he is also Argentum. And like her, the first Argentum, he will find his Lucis Caelum prince, and he will give everything to that prince in return for his heart’s greatest desire.
-Not a bad way for the story to end, in the mind of an assassin who wanted only to be a mother and grandmother. 
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shockyky · 7 years
Yoi, VLD, khr
the character i least understand: oh man uh....maybe viktor? he seems v calculated and shit but he’s also like. a giant puppy i love him but i am also confused by him
interactions i enjoyed the most: go D I LIVE FOR YURIO AND YUURI’S RELATIONSHIP, also yuuri and phichit’s friendship is EVERYTHING to me
the character who scares me the most: man idk they’re all ice skating boys i’d probably be pretty scared of yurio but like. he’s 16 just push him over
the character who is mostly like me: literally all my friends say that phichit is just me as an anime boy so? yeah
hottest looks character: MY BOY PHICHIT I’M SO FUCKING IN LOVE W HIM
one thing i dislike about my fave character: his lack of screen time @ kubo give me more phichit in season 2
one thing i like about my hated character: i literally. don’t hate anyone in this show omfg
a quote or scene that haunts me: idk man i think about the kiss all the time though
a death that left me indifferent: nO ONE DIES IN YOI
a character i wish died but didn’t: NO ONE DIES
my ship that never sailed: idk man i love victuuri sm i don’t care 
the character i least understand: man idk. probs keith but liek. i love that emo boy sm
interactions i enjoyed the most: I LOVE THE GARRISON CREW MOMENTS SO MUCH I LOVE MY KIDS
the character who scares me the most: fucking. zarkon i guess??
the character who is mostly like me: @ventus-went-us literally calls me pidge in normal conversations so? yeah
hottest looks character: fucking. shiro. but also hunk is ABSOLUTELY my type
one thing i dislike about my fave character: MAN IDK I LOVE PIDGE SO FUCKING MUCH I CAN’T HATE ANYTHING ABOUT PIDGE
one thing i like about my hated character: i literally can’t. hate anyone in voltron
a death that left me indifferent: ???? idk man 
a character i wish died but didn’t: ?????? IDK MAN
my ship that never sailed: i....love klance......a lot
the character i least understand: MAN PROABBLY HIBARI i love him but like. wyd 
interactions i enjoyed the most: MAIN TRIO MAIN TRIO I LOVE MY BOYS SO MUCH
the character who scares me the most: REBORN????? FUCKING TERRIFYING
the character who is mostly like me: oh my god definitely shoichi 
hottest looks character: listen spanner....spanner was one of my first anime crushes i have a special place in my heart for him
one thing i dislike about my fave character: SPANNER WAS BARELY IN THE SHOW and i dedicated literally my whole middles school existence to him wtf @ me
one thing i like about my hated character: GOD I FUCKING H A T  E D BYAKURAN but he was a pretty motherfucker i can’t deny that
a quote or scene that haunts me: literally spanner’s whole monologue about how cool he thinks shoichi is?? fucking destroyed me???????? thEY’RE IN LOVE????????
a death that left me indifferent: man i haven’t thought about khr in so long i’m sure there’s one bc SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE DIED IN THAT SHOW?????
a character i wish died but didn’t: god who was that other engineer that tried to fight w spanner?? giannini? i didn’t wish he died but like. he was annoying
my ship that never sailed: (screaming from the rooftops) 4851
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