ellayuki · 1 year
30122022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?"
He looks down at the thin, unadorned silver band sitting innocently in the middle of Yamamoto's palm, before raising his eyes to meet Yamamoto's (hopeful? why are they hopeful? what's going on?) gaze. "Weren't you saying I have too many rings, like, two weeks ago? What's this then?"
Yamamoto shrugs, but his eyes are steady. "I figured one more couldn't hurt."
And like, it's not like Gokudera's not used to Yamamoto's spur of the moment decisions or anything. He is. After knowing him, and fighting beside him, and loving him for so many years (though he's still loath to admit to the latter), he's used to Yamamoto's weird quirks, and sudden mood swings, and out of left field ideas.
He still doesn't get what's brought this on. "It's not my birthday," he says, suspicion crawling up his spine like ivy. "And Christmas is already over. So what gives?"
Yamamoto sighs. Then shakes his head as he takes Gokudera's left hand in his. "Honestly, Hayato," he says in the same breath as he slides the ring onto Gokudera's ring finger. "What do you think this is?"
And- Gokudera blinks down at his hand- Oh. "Oh."
Yamamoto snorts (which, rude, actually). "Yes. Oh."
And it takes Gokudera a second. Because they're- They're not really- Or rather, they're only- They've only been sleeping together for like, what, half a year? Not even that? So why-?
"I'm not asking you to marry me," Yamamoto says and his smile, when Gokudera looks back up at him, looks just a touch less bright than it usually does when it's just the two of them. Gokudera hates it. "Just, I don't know, think of it as a promise ring. Or not, you can use it for a box weapon maybe, if you want. Your choice."
And ah, that just won't do, though the sentiment, the way Yamamoto took a step back at Gokudera's bewilderment is annoyingly sweet. "Yes." Because after all this time, there's no way the answer is going to be different. Even considering their circumstances.
Yamamoto's rambling stops abruptly. "...Yes?" He sounds so cautiously hopeful, it's painful.
Gokudera rolls his eyes and pulls him into a kiss. "Yes, you idiot."
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lpwrites · 4 years
KHR + platonic soulmates? (Feel better soon!)
thank u
Tsuna could have probably noticed the swathes of color on his arms ages ago, but in his defense, things happened all at once and left him with very little time to process.
Still, he has to take the time to admit something’s changed when he sits with Gokudera and Yamamoto to do homework, and the colors on his arm seem to warm and glow with the proximity. (As subtly as he can manage, he tries to spot similar colors on his friends, but maybe they’re just better at hiding it than him. That’s fine.)
When Chrome and Kyoko and Haru visit for breakfast, the bands of warmth travel up his forearm to his upper arm, and he feels like he’s being hugged. He’s caught Chrome’s eye once or twice, and she always flushes red and looks away, but she favors her right side those times, and he wonders if it’d be rude to ask if that’s where the orange sky flames would be. (He assumes it would be, since Reborn gave him a look when he asked.)
Lambo’s is the most obvious, because his little brother’s about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. He’s still a little crybaby, rushing into Tsuna’s room, onto Tsuna’s bed, shrieking about aliens with a curl of orange flames wrapped around his chest. Tsuna feels the prickle of green lightning on his leg, and sighs, and lets Lambo lie in his bed for a while and hopes that, when Lambo gets older, he realizes what this means. He can’t help but feel warm though, that even despite the uncertainty of having Lambo be his guardian, it seems it was the right choice.
Ryohei’s the only one that comes out and asks him what’s going on point-blank, pointing to the band of orange flames wrapped around both of his wrists. Tsuna can’t help but shrug a little helplessly, pointing vaguely to his lower back, where he can feel the warm sun flames easing the knot of tension in his spine. They assure each other that it’s probably a good thing, and they don’t bring it up again.
He knows things have shifted when Hibari and Mukuro both begin avoiding him like the plague, though more than once Tsuna has caught Hibari glaring in his direction before stalking off. The strands of indigo and violet don’t lie, though, twisting around his middle like two creatures fighting for possession.
Reborn thinks it’s the funniest thing that’s happened to them, his smug little smirk speaking volumes. 
“You could at least tell me what it means, Reborn,” Tsuna complains, and lets his shoulders sag when Reborn hops on.
It’s surprising, feeling a burst of sun flames that aren’t concentrated in his back, and he casts a sidelong glance at Reborn in askance.
Reborn shrugs, tilting his hat to cover his eyes, just an inch. “You know what it means.”
Tsuna grumbles under his breath, but the warmth in his chest is real enough, so he guesses that Reborn is right, as usual..
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what-the-fuck-khr · 4 years
I made a new side blog but I need to think of a nice URL??? tho for now it’s literally just @khrfics dkfndkdns
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ellayuki · 2 years
18112022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"What do you want me to say?"
"That you're an idiot, and also, I was right and you almost got yourself killed. Again."
"Hayato, come on-"
"No. I fucking told you you were walking into a damn trap, but do you ever listen to me?"
"I d-"
"No, of course you don't. You just grinned your stupid, self-assured, 'I know better' grin, and waltzed right into the single, most obvious of traps. And for what?"
"Reborn was going to send you in."
"I heard him talking to Tsuna. Well, more like, telling Tsuna, you know how the little guy is."
"Yeah. So. I wasn't going to let that happen, not when, as you said, it was such an obvious trap."
"...Damn it, Takeshi."
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ellayuki · 2 years
04112022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"Yeah, that's not gonna be happening."
It slips out before Gokudera is aware of even thinking it, and the sudden silence in the room is deafening. Shit, he thinks, when he blinks and realises everybody is looking at him.
Reborn raises an imperious (as imperious as a baby can manage) eyebrow at him. Shit, shit, shit. "And why, exactly, is that? Marriage is a good opportunity for alliances, and it's not like Yamamoto has anyone else he would have to give up."
"That we know of, at least," Tenth cuts in, his eyes steady on Gokudera and something both curious and, somehow, resigned in his soft voice. It feels like a noose around Gokudera's neck and a warm, weighted blanket at the same time. Dammit.
Reborn scoffs, impatient as always. "You think I wouldn't know if Yamamoto, or any of your Guardians, were off sneaking around with someone, idiot Tsuna?"
And it's that, that self-assured indignation of the baby's, that makes Gokudera crack. He laughs, short and rough. "Nevermind sneaking off," he says, fingers reaching up to pull at the thin chain around his neck, revealing a simple, smooth, silver ring. "The baseball idiot and I got married and you didn't notice, Reborn-san."
And it's not how he wanted to let anyone know, least of all his Boss, and Yamamoto will grumble about not being here when he announced it.
The looks of absolute shock and pleased surprise on Reborn and the Tenth's faces, respectively, are worth whatever the outcome might be.
("Gokudera-kun, you could've told me. You're still my closest friends, I'd have liked to have been there."
"It's not like we planned it, Tenth. It just kind of…"
"Something like that, yes."
"Well, either way. I'm… glad. Especially if you guys are happy."
"Thank you, Tenth.")
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ellayuki · 2 years
29082022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"As if I'd ever marry an idiot baseball brain like him," Gokudera had once said, during a silly game of what ifs in their teenage years, loud and absolutely certain in his words. "I barely tolerate him on a good day, why would I want to marry him?"
Heh, he thinks now, slipping a simple band onto Yamamoto's finger and trying not to let the tears flow freely. Look at me now. Look at us now. Who would've thought?
"You can't take it back now," Yamamoto whispers, quiet enough for only Gokudera to hear. When Gokudera looks up from their joined hands, Yamamoto has the softest, happiest smile that's ever graced his face in all the years they've known each other.
So, of course, against Gokudera's will, the tears start falling. Dammit. "Don't tempt me," he whispers back through a smirk, because he's still a little shit, even now. But he feels the way his lower lip trembles, feels the way his heart is ready to beat out of his chest or maybe crawl up his throat. He's so fucking happy he could die. "I won't, though."
"You married me."
"I did."
"I'm really happy."
"Yeah. Me, too.")
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ellayuki · 2 years
28092022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"He's not dead."
Even as he says it, Gokudera feels something in him crack. Crack and overflow and start to pull him under.
Tenth looks at him with sad eyes. Reborn looks at him with something like disappointment. Or maybe pity, Gokudera can't tell. He doesn't care either way. "There's no way in hell he's dead," he insists, because fuck if he'll believe it until he sees the damn baseball idiot's lifeless body with his own eyes. "Not Yamamoto. Not that fucking stupidly."
"Gokudera-kun…" Tenth tries, and his voice is so gentle, so careful, it chips away at that crack in his chest even more. "There are reports. Believable ones. And there's been no contact in over a week."
As if Gokudera doesn't know that. As if he hasn't been waiting with near bated breath for the vaguest sign.
He supposes he's the only one still clinging on to hope.
"I'm sorry, Tenth, but-"
"You're not gonna say something stupid like you're going to go after him," Reborn cuts him off abruptly, and Gokudera feels a chill run down his spine at the tone of his voice. "Are you?"
And normally… Normally, Gokudera would probably back off and put his head down at the way the damn baby stares at him.
But Yamamoto is somewhere out there, on his own, maybe hurt, maybe worse, and like hell is Gokudera leaving him for dead. If he's to die, the bastard's only allowed to die by my hand, he tells himself, vicious and despairing.
So, shoulders back and head held high, looking his boss in his eyes and seeing the moment Tenth understands, he says, "I am."
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ellayuki · 2 years
27062022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
“I’m not doing the whole ‘fake dating, pretend boyfriends’ thing. No way!” He will, he knows. But he has to put up a fight first. He has to.
“Why not? It’s a solid plan.” Because he’s gonna fuck it up and say something he’ll definitely regret. It’s a disaster waiting to happen, really. 
“It is not a solid plan, Tenth. What it is, is a surefire way for us to get killed the second Baseball Brain says something that will inevitably piss me off.” He’s gonna have to make sure he has his entire arsenal on him, Uri included. Some of it on Yamamoto, too, just in case.
“Gokudera-kun, you and I both know that things haven’t been like that between the two of you in years. And I know I can trust the two of you to do this right, get it done right.” And fuck if Tenth doesn’t still have that way of making Gokudera feel small and yet important at the same time.
Also, the glint in Sawada Tsunayoshi’s eyes tells him his boss knows exactly what Gokudera feels for Yamamoto, knows exactly why he doesn’t want this assignment. “...okay.” A breath. Because what else can he do? “I’ll make sure everything runs smoothly. We won’t disappoint you, Boss.”
The Tenth smiles, and Gokudera swallows down the dread crawling up his throat. 
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ellayuki · 2 years
12062022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
“We can’t,” he whispers between one kiss and another, his hands push-pulling at Yamamoto’s shoulders, undecided, despite his words. “We can’t.
Yamamoto chuckles, low and carefree against his lips, kisses him again before saying, “Sure we can.” Like it could ever be that simple, especially considering their line of work.
They kiss some more, and somehow, it all lacks the hurried, reckless abandon he’d have thought this encounter, should it ever happen, would unfold in. Not that he’d ever let himself really think about it. 
Slowly, Yamamoto starts trailing kisses down his chin, his jaw, down his neck, and Gokudera claws at his shoulders, half-delirious already. They shouldn’t. They shouldn’t, he keeps trying to remind himself. They shouldn’t, but…
“Stop thinking, and just feel, Gokudera,” Yamamoto says against his collarbone, and his voice sounds… not commanding, but… something close enough to make Gokudera’s toes curl in his boots, and lightning zing up his spine. He shudders. Exhales a trembling breath.
They really, really shouldn’t. 
But fuck it, it feels way too good, and he’s wanted it way too much for way too long to stop now. 
He takes a breath, slides a hand in Yamamoto’s hair and tugs. “Make me.”
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ellayuki · 2 years
29042022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
(just this side of) paralyzed
“Hey, hey,” he hears, and it’s so fucking gentle (and so fucking terrified, which, huh, that’s… huh), that it makes Gokudera force his eyes open. And fuck, even the dim light of the- where the hell even is he? He can’t tell, but the light’s dim in here and even so, it hurts his eyes, hurts his head. “That’s right, keep them open for me, Hayato.”
It’s rare that Yamamoto calls him Hayato outside their home. Something must be really wrong, he thinks hazily, and it probably has to do with why he feels so damn numb all over. “What happened?” he breathes, tries to sit up. 
Something warm and wet bubbles up his throat at the movement, dribbles down his chin. Huh, weird. “No, don’t try to move. Help is on the way, okay? So just stay still.” 
“What happened?” he asks again because the panic in Yamamoto’s voice is starting to unnerve him. “Why do I feel like-” He can’t even tell what he feels like. It’s like he’d been hit by a truck but there’s no actual pain, just this numbness that is starting to scare him. “Takeshi?”
And finally, finally his sight clears and focuses enough to see his husband.
Yamamoto is covered in blood, bright crimson even in this half-light, and he looks like he’s been crying. Gokudera’s eyes travel down his frame, searching for any injuries, but can’t see any other than a couple of scratches here and there. So that means, the blood- 
He turns his gaze down to his own body and- 
Bile rises up his throat.
“I know it hurts,” Yamamoto says to him, the hand that isn’t attached to the arm wrapped around him coming up to gently brush hair out of Gokudera’s face. “I know, but-”
“It doesn’t.” He cuts him off, and barely manages not to throw up. 
He sounds so confused. Gokudera closes his eyes, grits his teeth against another wave of panicked nausea. “I feel numb.”
Slowly, he drags his eyes back to Yamamoto’s wide ones. “I can’t feel anything from the neck down.”
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ellayuki · 2 years
26012022 - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"Well," Yamamoto says with his usual, blinding smile "That went well." And really, Hayato doesn't know if he wants to bang his own head against a wall, or Yamamoto's.
Or, well, he does know, but it would be a bit counterproductive seeing as they barely managed to get out of their meeting with Reborn and the Tenth more or less unscathed. "Shut up. Why did I think any of this was in any way a good idea?"
Yamamoto - Takeshi, it's just Takeshi now, especially when it's just the two of them - steps into his space, brings a hand up to caress Hayato's cheek. "Because you love me, and because we couldn't not tell them that we got married."
Which… true, but that doesn't mean that Hayato has to like it. He huffs in pretend exasperation. "I'm starting to have doubts about that first part," he says, just to be contrary.
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ellayuki · 3 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Gokudera & Tsuna, YamaGoku
"If you think I'm actually going to just stand here and do nothing-"
"That's exactly what you're going to do."
"No! No. That's my husband out there, there's no fucking way I'm just gonna let this happen."
"Tenth. Tenth, if it were your wife-"
"I know. Still. You can't."
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ellayuki · 3 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, YamaGoku
Pocky Day!
Gokudera scowls. "If you think for even a minute that I'm going to indulge in something as childish as this-"
That's all he manages to say before Yamamoto unceremoniously shoves a Pocky stick into his mouth with a soft, "Hush, now, Hayato," and leans closer to take the first bite.
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ellayuki · 3 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, YamaGoku
"Who do you think is gonna make the most noise about this?" Yamamoto whispers in the space between them. His smile hasn't been anything but blinding the entire day.
Gokudera snorts. "Tenth's gonna whine that we didn't invite him."
Yamamoto laughs at that. "He will. But imagine how Squalo's gonna be. He'll shatter eardrums."
Gokudera winces. Yeah, just imagining that is unpleasant. He shrugs. "That damn headache of a woman's gonna be noisy, too."
"Who else?"
Yamamoto laughs again, and this time, Gokudera reaches over and kisses him quiet. "I'm not taking your name, though."
His husband just hums.
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ellayuki · 3 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, YamaGoku
"It's cold."
"It's not that bad."
"I'm fucking freezing."
"Come on, it's not even snowing or anything. You'd have been even more miserable then."
"I still don't get why we're at a friggin' Christmas market."
"Because Christmas is around the corner and it's fun?"
"For you maybe, baseball-head."
"Yes, yes."
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ellayuki · 3 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, YamaGoku
The kiss is… surprisingly gentle, if one were to ask Yamamoto, and not at all like what he'd ever imagined kissing Gokudera would be like.
For all that this whole encounter started harsh, with a one-sided screaming match and Gakudera shoving him roughly against the wall, the kiss has been so careful, so… sweet and trembling and tentative, that it made something crack in Yamamoto's chest.
"Gokudera," he sighs against the other's lips when the kiss comes to a quiet end. "Gokudera, I…"
Gokudera lets out a soft huff, but doesn't pull away. "Yeah," he says, voice low. "Me, too."
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