pineshrikes · 4 years
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a reunion a long time coming
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The Kravinoffs
Konrad Kravinoff (Russian/German)
⁃ The oldest sibling, 34
⁃ Wears Alpine Ibex hide
⁃ The biggest asshole ever. He’s just such a dick and everyone hates him. Doesn’t help that he has the meanest resting bitch face ever
⁃ He’s very tough, but reckless and doesn’t look before he leaps, despite their dad specifically training them to do so
⁃ Very intimidating, I suggest not messing with him cause he once ripped out someone spine
⁃ He loves his siblings but he pretends like he doesn’t like them
Khulan Kravinoff (Russian/Mongolian)
⁃ 32
⁃ Wears Snow Leopard fur
⁃ Her mother was a Mongolian soldier, very big and tough. Seigi actually loved her mother, but she loved fighting for her country more and died doing it, so he took Khulan to his home and raised her
⁃ She’s just done with her siblings shit, they’re all feral and annoying as far as she’s concerned (minus Klara)
⁃ She’s more of an older sibling than Konrad is, maturity wise
Kaito Kravinoff (Russian/Japanese)
⁃ 30
⁃ Wears Sika Deer hide
⁃ This man is so happy and physically affectionate, his siblings all tease him and call him a bitch cause he acts like a literal dog. Like, not quite like Akira or Akami, he just has the personality of a dog
⁃ But he’s like a lazy and prissy dog. He doesn’t like to run (he gets out of breath going up the stairs at the palace), and he doesn’t getting dirty. He refuses to help clean the animals after they kill them cause the blood is gross
Kimora Kravinoff (Russian/Japanese)
⁃ 30
⁃ Wears Red Fox fur
⁃ Like the fox, she’s sneaky and clever. She likes to quietly approach someone and wait for them to turn around and freak out cause WHERE DID SHE COME FROM
⁃ She likes stealing things from your pockets and watching you look for them
⁃ She’s also quite the prankster, everyone’s always yelling at her to grow up and stop acting like a child, but nahhhh
Kabaka Kravinoff (Russian/African)
⁃ 28
⁃ Wears Hyena hide
⁃ Like the Hyena, he has a crazy laugh and always has a crazy look in his eyes
⁃ People always asks him if he’s on crack cause he talks to himself a lot. He’s just weird and extremely feral, will bite you if given the chance for absolutely no reason other than he felt like it
⁃ Kaito and Kimora call him ‘Baka’ and snicker everytime
Kija Kravinoff (Russian/Korean)
⁃ 22
⁃ Wears Amir Leopard fur
⁃ Dude thinks he’s a K-Pop star. He’s not.
⁃ He is a good singer, but he’s just so ridiculously dramatic and annoying, he really doesn’t have many girls fawning over him, but his ego is so big he doesn’t notice
⁃ Extremely flirty and calls their dad a man-whore. Only gets away with it cause Seigi’s just like ‘right back at ya bud’
⁃ He doesn’t know when to shut his mouth, he just keeps talking until he says the wrong thing and gets punched
Killian Kravinoff (Russian/Irish)
⁃ 18
⁃ Wears Red Deer hide
⁃ Very rowdy and obnoxious, nobody knows how he can successfully kill or steal anything cause he’s so fucking loud
⁃ Doesn’t help that he’s clumsy too, he’ll be sneaking in somewhere with his siblings and he’ll knock something over and it’ll be astronomically loud
⁃ Meme King, he’s viral on Tik Tok cause he posts fights within his siblings
⁃ Seigi also loved his mother, but she died of cancer when Killian was 2
Klara Kravinoff (Russian)
⁃ The youngest sibling, 16
⁃ Wears Siberian Tiger fur
⁃ The sweetest and calmest of her siblings, she’s an actual silent and strategic hunter. But she’s super nice, nobody can hate her
⁃ She also does ballet with Nina, they know each other from their classes together, then they found out they’re both from villain families and became good friends
⁃ Her mom was also a Viking, so they get along over that
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