#kid cobra uses swears as filler whoops
springarms · 7 years
"Are you okay?" with nincobra? Thank you :)
ur really speaking my language with this one anon. thank u for submitting this you angel
Ninjara sighed, rubbing his tired, blurry eyes with a palm as he listened to the hum of the coffee maker. School has kept him stressed lately with midterms coming up, not to mention the massive expectations of his family weighing him down like sacks of birdshot; he’d stayed up for 3 days straight now, sparring and practicing martial arts moves on the balcony at hours in the morning he knew no one was up at, and staring at small letters on dozens of pieces of sheetwork for so long the letters looked like they pulsated and melted together when he tried to read them. He never slowed down, keeping up the steady pace of work like a finely tuned machine and not batting an eye when he was so tired he felt moments away from his entire body shutting down from lack of energy. He felt guilty even taking a minute away from his studies to make himself coffee to give him the caffeine spike he so desperately needed. He hated himself for needing sustenance. He knows he could do better than this. His bloodshot green eyes flitted back and forth, examining the marble finish on the counter until the shrill beep of the coffee maker broke his train of thought. He sighed deeply, reaching for a mug from the cabinent to pour himself a glass. He disregarded the cream, the milk and the sugar; he drank it black, almost as punishment for going off task.He fixed his messy green hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes, taking a short sip of his joe as he made his way back to the couch where his work was waiting for him on the coffee table. He sighed, picking up the pencil laid on the stack of paper and immediately getting back to work. He was encompassed in the words for a while until he heard a familiar, tired groan coming from the bedroom, along with clumsy footsteps following shortly behind. Kid Cobra yawned as he slugged into the kitchen, crossing his arms and putting his elbows onto the counter. His eyes flicked towards the coffee, already made, to his contentment. “Ah..for me? You know my ssschedule too well, hunbun…” He chuckled, his voice growly and low, like he normally sounded when he wakes up. Ninjara reddened, laughing quietly. “Yes…I’m such a good boyfriend, right..?” Ninjara sighed, running a hand through his hair as his eyes trailed back onto the page. Kid Cobra was pouring himself a mug of coffee, his heterochromatic eyes watching the ninja carefully. He looked sullen. Sleep deprived, for sure. Kid Cobra frowned, his forked teal tongue flicking out as he made his way swiftly into the living room, where Ninjara was. He sat his coffee down onto the table, going behind Ninjara and stroking through his messy green hair with a free hand. “..Up again with schoolwork, yeah? You okay? You’re always so busy…Ninja College is a hell of a lot more work than I thought it’d be. Wish you could get some sssleep.” The snake huffed, anxiety lacing his voice. Ninjara quickly picked up on that. “Do not worry about me, Cobra. I’m completely fine…It’s just midterms, is all. I’m always swamped with schoolwork during midterms. Once this is over, maybe I’ll be able to get a few hours of rest…” Ninjara was slurring his words, his eyes glazed over and dull in color. Kid Cobra knew when he was lying. “…You haven’t slept for days, Jara,” He began, hopping over the couch to sit beside him. “I know how tired you are…I’m worried. Worried about you. This ninja shit is stressin’ you out so much.” Kid Cobra’s pupils slitted as he emphasized the last word. “I know you’re doing this because of your family, too. Y-you…you wanna impress them, make them happy..well, who..w-who gives a fuck about meeting expectations if you’re suffering like this? Do..do they even care?” He lowered his eyes, hissing as his cobra hood flared out. His fists were tightly clenched. That’s how you knew he was getting worked up. Ninjara put a hand on his shoulder, eyes diverting from him so he didn’t have to look him in his. “…Cobra, please. I’m..I’ll be fine. I’m doing it because…because I want to, okay?” Cobra sighed shakily, grabbing his hands. Ninjara flinched. “Ninjara, you’re lying. You don’t have to lie to me. I just…I want you to be happy. And I know that this Ninja College shit ain’t doing that for you. I just..” Cobra paused as tears pricked at the edges of his eyes. “I want to be able to help. I feel…so helpless, and every s-single time you tell me not to worry, I worry. You go into everything you do alone, not asking anyone for help…c-can’t you trust me to help?” Cobra stuttered as fat tears rolled down his cheeks. Ninjara never saw him like this, the gravity of the situation causing him to tear up, too. “I…I’m sorry. You never tell me the way you feel about things. I never knew that it effected you so much.” Cobra sniffed, raising his head and looking his love in the eyes. “You? Sorry? You ssshouldn’t be sorry for anything. You work day and night, just to appease your shitty parents who threw you to the dogs when you were old enough to walk and taught you that you weren’t fucking good enough for anything unless you did everything perfect. You can’t ever take a break because you’re afraid you’re going to be going againsssst what they would’ve wanted…” Cobra chuckled, shaking his head and looking his boyfriend in his tired eyes. He pulled him in gently by his hands, putting his palms under his cheeks and kissing him on his lips. His hands trailed down to his shoulders, pulling him closer so he could feel his warmth. Ninjara melted in his scaly embrace, closing his eyes, savoring the moment they were sharing. They stayed like that for what felt like forever, until Kid Cobra pulled away and looked him in the eyes. Ninjara was tomato-faced and desperately wanting to close the gap back up between them, but did the same. “….I love you, so, so much. I know it takes time to write over what you’ve been taught for, w-well, basically your whole life, but…“ Kid Cobra still kept his arms around Ninjara, sighing as tears rolled down his face, smiling at Ninjara halfheartedly. “..But, we can change that together. Right after we get some sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow, with standardized testing n'junk, sssso…can y'promise me, just for tonight, you’ll get a few hours of sleep?” Cobra gave that cheeky smile that Ninjara loved so much, making the ninja chuckle. “…Ah, Cobra…just for you, alright?” The snake snickered, giving him a peck on the forehead. “Heh, alright, then. I saved a spot just for you, alright?” Cobra got up and grabbed his and NInjara’s mugs of now lukewarm coffee, placing them on the kitchen counter so he could pour them out later. Ninjara basically dashed into the bedroom, desperate to get some sleep. It felt like heaven on earth to wedge himself between the comforter and the sheets after days of not being able to stop working. Kid Cobra walked in, rolling his shoulders before he got into bed beside him. Kid Cobra sighed, giving his boyfriend a drowsy ‘good night, love you’ before nearly passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow; Ninjara chuckled, giving him a ‘good night’ back. He stared at the ceiling for a while, looking over at the snoring Kid Cobra that slept soundly beside him. He glanced over his overtly reptilian features, giving a soft smile in thought. The man leaned over to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Love you too.”
hope you like this! im really happy with how this came out tbh.
-mod biff
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