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summertrianglee · 3 years
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happy "belated" 4th birthday, ARMS! this game has changed me very very much and I think I will love these characters maybe forever! <3
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Since nobody ships it anymore and I'm like the only one, what are your Nincobra headcannons?
•Who's cuddlier?
•Who makes the bed?
•Who's more dominant?
•How do they comfort each other after a bad day?
•Who's more protective?
•Who's got the weirder taste in music?
Thank you <3
I remember this being one of the popular ships back in ARMS' first and second year around! A lot of my friends shipped it, and I can definitely see the appeal of their dynamic <3
•Who's cuddlier?: Kid Cobra, surprisingly. Especially when they're alone, he's always the one laying his head on Ninjara's shoulder or insistently trying to be the big spoon when Ninjara is trying to read in bed.
•Who makes the bed?: Ninjara. Kid Cobra is as messy as they come (though he tries to keep a little neat for Ninjara, out of love and respect for him).
•Who's more dominant?: Kid Cobra, hands down. He's the louder, messier, sillier one too.
•How do they comfort each other after a bad day?: Ninjara likes his space firstly, and once he's calmed down some, he prefers the calm and the quiet. Kid Cobra has no qualms with lowering his volume for the day and cuddling Ninjara or even trying (and failing) to make his favorite teas. As for when Kid Cobra has a bad day, Ninjara likes to get him to talk about things he enjoys- Skating, streaming, etc. Listen to him gush on and on until he can't even remember what he was upset about.
•Who's more protective?: Both are pretty protective in their own ways. Kid Cobra is far more aggressive and upfront about how he feels and if he doesn't like how you're speaking to his boyfriend, he will say so. Loudly. Ninjara, on the other hand, is more quiet and sneaky about his intentions. Underhanded, even. Won't cause a scene to your face, but if he knows you've done something to harm Kid Cobra, you will face his wrath the second you're alone with him.
•Who's got the weirder taste in music?: Ninjara, definitely. Kid Cobra is into a lot of booming-bass, loud, in-your-face type of music. The kind you lead revolutions to, or listen to as you skate away from the authorities after gratifying a wall. Ninjara's taste is... Hard to describe. Somewhere between indie and alternative and a variety of bands he likes.
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armschamp · 6 years
i lov u but i h8 u
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ideal-mina · 6 years
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finished product: added in the Boyfriend bc i love them both absolutely the same and they love each other
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elgaon · 6 years
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miles gay on main
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gottagobaby · 7 years
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malaproposmongrel · 7 years
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noodles-and-fluff · 7 years
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It’s been over a month since i used my sketchbook so here’s a sketch of Ninjara and KC together with KC’s snake Noodle. Noodle is a ball python and he’s KC’s entire world, of course.
I used @buck-fire‘s human design for KC because it’s my favorite design of him!
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summertrianglee · 3 years
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I may or may not also be into springjabra.... hehehehe theyre cute [really I just ship nincobra but I don’t want spring man to be all alone, haha]
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“I’m worried about you, you know.” with ninjara/kid cobra? :-D
Being a college student is hard. Being an ARMS fighter is hard. Being a ninja is hard. A combination of the three sounds impossible, and can feel like that, too. After hours of training with the other ARMS fighters, and a late night class, Ninjara sat in his room, doing homework. Or, at least trying to do his homework. He was bored, couldn’t concentrate, and found himself dozing off every couple of minutes. After nearly an hour of this, he simply shut his textbook, and tossed it on the floor, along with his pencil and notebook. He felt like he’d explode if he even thought about his homework assignment. 
His eyes hurt from being awake for so long and forcing himself to do so much reading. He looked at the clock on his phone, which read, “2:08 AM,” and sighed. Suddenly, his door creaked open, and a little voice spoke. 
“…Hey. . You’re still up.” 
The one and only Kid Cobra walked in and wrapped himself around Ninjara, holding him close. He normally came home at this time, after doing a livestream at the Snake Board Park, and he normally found Ninjara up this late. He never enjoyed seeing him this exhausted, though. He truly did look like he could pass out from exhaustion. 
“I’m worried about you, you know.”
“It’s fine,” Ninjara stood up, grabbing his textbook and putting it in his backpack.
“Can we go to bed now…?” Kid Cobra held onto Ninjara’s arm. Ninjara knew he had work to do, but…Getting some actual rest sounded great right now. Especially with Kid Cobra, of all people. He looked over at his bed, which hadn’t even been made since he left it yesterday morning. It was like it was calling out to him. Maybe some shut-eye was what he needed. The work would still be there in the morning, but his chance to sleep wouldn’t. 
The two got changed into pajamas and went to sleep. This felt much better than some homework assigment. 
(Apologies for mistakes, This was done really early in the morning.)
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minimoll7 · 7 years
@nincobra brother is that you
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elgaon · 7 years
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gay thing from last night
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gottagobaby · 6 years
Hey some Nincobra-core physical affection headcanons just cause some stuff about how Cobra’s anatomy is made me think of some stuff and I managed to suss out some thoughts.
But basically, since (my) Kid Cobra doesn’t really have human lips and has a different facial structure, being the saurian-like snake person that he is, Cobra can’t really kiss in the way humans can. His lips can move around a bit– such as for when he’s yawning or making different verbal sounds (when he’s talking –but it’s not like they have the thickness or mobility of human lips.
Instead, should he wanna kiss, basically the best he could do is just about the same as when he has his helmet on, which is to basically bump his snout up against his bf. Bopping Ninjara on the forehead, cheek, n’ lips, with the end of his snoot or the jaw strap of his helmet.
And then a difference in how he would show increased affection would be like. Bumping his helmet even more against Ninjara. So like a quick gentle ‘kiss’ would be like a gentle bop and bump of his snout whereas like a ‘bigger’ cheek kiss would be like really smooshing his helmet up against Ninjara’s cheek. Not like roughly, just more aggressively and More. And then meanwhile, Ninjara would just be able to kiss back regularly.
On a tangentially related note (more affection, but not kissing), Ninjara is like used to the concept of like human people stroking fingers through each other’s hair or playing with it or w/e. That’s a Normal Human thing for most Human People. But the thing is, Casey doesn’t have hair, just scales.
But then it just kinda turns out, Ninjara finds he still just kinda enjoys stroking his head over Cobra’s head anyways cause the scale texture is nice and feels good to rub hands over.
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mlemilly · 7 years
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