kidsmartnola · 3 years
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Edward Hynes Lakeview
7th ELA - Visual Art
Mr. LeBlanc & Mrs. Lerille
Mrs. Lerille's students have been learning how Charles Dickens conveys mood in A Christmas Carol. Each stave of the story is packed with adjectives and repetitive words that convey a specific mood of the setting and Ebenezer Scrooge.
Through collaging, students use images, shape, color, and text evidence to create dual mood portraits: One of the student and one of Scrooge. Students practiced self-reflection and expression in creating their own abstract portraits and had fun contrasting themselves with the cold, greedy Scrooge prevalent for most of the novel.
In some portraits of Scrooge, students included the start of a kinder elements as the main character changes through visits from Christmas spirits. Projects became interactive when students included hidden hearts of Scrooge that could be revealed overtime.
Being able to support their artistic choices was essential to exhibit understanding of the text and mood. After a gallery walk, students shared what they liked about one another's work. What impressed them about a classmate's piece, why? Did they see something in another's work that conveyed mood in an inventive way? Well deserved praise was shared among all the students and their elaborate portraits.
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dominiquebegnaud-blog · 11 years
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CP3 Kipp Central City Panel project with United Saints!  Inspired by Louis Armstrong and his song, "What  a Wonderful World"
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kidsmartnola · 2 years
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Edward Hynes Lakeview
5th Grade
ELA + Visual Art/Poetry
Mr Adam & Ms Maher
Ms Maher's 5th grade class has been learning about the elements of poetry including lines, stanzas, rhyme, rhythm, and meter. Through independent writing practices, students used an ABAB rhyme scheme to write poems about an impactful event in their lives.
Through collaging with Mr Adam, students were able to visually convey the events and emotions from their writing. These creative artists sought out new ways to change their pieces and express the intentional mood of their poems. Some students used ripped scraps of paper, some included only clean edges with bright colors, and others intentionally frayed their pieces to convey distress or power.
The most exciting moment for a majority of this class was the chance to share their work. The presenting student used their stage voice while their classmates practiced active listening in a safe studio space. Both Mr Adam and Ms Maher continue to be proud of the enthusiasm and dedication exhibited by these KID smART students!!
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kidsmartnola · 3 years
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Edward Hynes Lakeview
6th ELA - Visual Art
Mr. Adam & Mrs. Breaux
Gary Paulsen's 1986 Hatchet takes the main character Brian through an internal transformation while trying to survive in the wilderness. Mrs. Breaux's 6th grade class explores the idea of character development through a Character Dissection project.
Groups of 4-5 students worked together to create this visual arts project contrasting Brian's perspectives and values before and after his transformation. They began by tracing one of their classmates on the paper and then included key elements to represent Brian's experiences. Example: What does Brian see? What is in Brian's heart? What does Brian hold in his hand? What setting/condition is Brian walking through?
Students emphasized Brian's materialistic life before his unexpected adventure by drawing "Old Brian" in nice clothes, shoes, fast food, and in a city environment. "New Brian" was depicted with a much rougher appearance but with values that better reflect a selfless and grateful person.
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kidsmartnola · 3 years
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Edward Hynes Lakeview
6th ELA - Visual Art
Mr. Adam & Mrs. Breaux
Mrs. Breaux's 6th grade class has been learning plot structure while reading Gary Paulsen's 1986 Hatchet. Using visual arts to transform and collaborate, students illustrated chapters that included text evidence to support the direction of the plot. Once the entire novel had been storyboarded by students, the pieces were installed to reflect the rise and fall of plot structure including: Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.
Students were led in a gallery walk to observe their collaborative work and discussed the tension of scenes and how it drives the overall plot structure. This lesson is part of a larger of students dissecting plot, character, and essay formulations.
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kidsmartnola · 4 years
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KID smART Artist of the Month February 2020 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Bryce E.!
Bryce has been selected among 3,000 KID smART students in 11 New Orleans public schools for this recognition. He is a first-grader at Arthur Ashe Charter School, where he is learning English Language Arts through visual art.
“Bryce is always following directions and engaged in the learning process. He is excited about art and ELA.” -Ms. Erin, KID smART Teaching Artist
“Bryce is a very intelligent student who’s always willing to help others and come up with new ideas.” -Ms. Roussell, Creative Classroom Teacher
“Doing art makes me happy because it’s fun and we get to make stuff with our hands!” -Bryce
Keep up the great work, Bryce!
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kidsmartnola · 4 years
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KID smART Artist of the Month January 2020 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Donté C.!
Donté has been selected among 3,000 KID smART students in 11 New Orleans public schools for this recognition. He is a second-grader at Esperanza Charter School, where he is learning English Language Arts through creative writing and visual art.
“Donté has a knack for world-building. His work expands the limits of possibility. It delights and inspires awe in his classmates, Ms. Sens, and myself.” - Ms. Andrea, KID smART Teaching Artist
Keep up the great work, Donté!
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kidsmartnola · 5 years
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KID smART Artist of the Month December 2019 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Landon B.!
Landon has been selected among 3,000 KID smART students in 11 New Orleans public schools for this recognition. He is a kindergartener at Edward Hynes Charter School, where he is learning English Language Arts through drama.
“Landon demonstrates kindness and respect for everyone around him.” - Mr. Glazebrook, KID smART Teaching Artist
“Landon is so engaged and loves working with Mr. Glazebrook, I’ve loved watching him grow and develop through the use of arts integration!” - Ms. Braddick, Classroom Teacher
"I love learning how to do emotions and tableaux!" - Landon B.
Keep up the great work, Landon!
Creative learning at Hynes Charter School is supported by the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust
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kidsmartnola · 5 years
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KID smART Artist of the Month November 2019 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Eli F!
Eli has been selected among 3,000 KID smART students in 11 New Orleans public schools for this recognition. He is a 3rd grader at the International School of Louisiana - Uptown, where he is learning social studies through visual art.
Ms. Nobile, the KID smART teaching artist at ISL-Uptown says, “Eli puts his whole heart and mind into his art, and he approaches each project with creativity and originality.”
Keep up the great work, Eli!
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kidsmartnola · 5 years
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KID smART Artist of the Month October 2019 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Pai’den W.!
Pai’den has been selected among 3,000 KID smART students in 11 New Orleans public schools for this recognition. She is a 4th grader at Benjamin Franklin Elementary, where she is learning ELA through music.
Mr. Miller, the KID smART teaching artist at Baby Ben says, “Pai’den is a pleasure to teach in ELA and always participates in class. She exhibits excellence in singing and rhythm. Pai’den demonstrates the qualities of a student leader and always does her best.” When asked to describe artful learning to a friend, Pai’den said, “It is an educational and fun thing to be a part of that will help you be a star on a stage.”
Keep up the great work, Pai’den!
Creative learning at Baby Ben is supported by The Price Fund.
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kidsmartnola · 6 years
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International School of Louisiana-Dixon 2nd Grade, Dance & Visual Arts Ms. Jalisa / Ms. Stefanie
In 2nd grade Visual Arts at ISL-Dixon, student artists are learning about different kinds of lines, and how they can use them to create images of water. Ms. Stephanie led students through an exploration of how to create water lines on paper. Ms. Jalisa then had students turn a body part into the pencil to draw these lines on stage!
Students were able to turn static images into embodied choreography with music, and then share their dance and visual art creation with the class!
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kidsmartnola · 4 years
Art Apart: Creative E-Learning for K-8th Graders
Happy launch day!
Art Apart is a creative e-learning series for K-8th graders. Every weekday, KID smART Teaching Artists bring you hands-on activities, read-alouds, movement exercises, and other resources that you can do from the comfort of your house! You can find these resources on our social media pages (@kidsmartnola) and our blog (kidsmartnola.tumblr.com).
Today's activity: Cut Up Poems with Ms. Nobile!
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