#kik socialstuck
applejuiceyjuice-art · 2 months
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andellaheartz · 5 months
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twittypet · 5 months
ill be damned
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incorrect-cloutchase · 6 months
CARRD: Saying "kill yourself" even as a joke is really gross
KIK: No i reclaimed it i died before
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kiks-malewife · 10 months
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Hadn't thought about the existence of Kik since 2016. And just look at me now...
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chubsieee · 1 year
im sure glad amino was removed from the appstore amirite guys
huh? what? im buzy making a post!!
*inaudible whispering*
thats not possible amino is DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i-it cant be.....
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kintrash413 · 1 year
Chapter 3 of my socialstuck.exe fic is out! excerpt below the cut:
Wikipedia picked up Greentext with a sigh. it tilted its head at him innocuously. did it know it was the last surviving snoo? did it realize that only Reddit knew how to take care of them, and this one only survived through 4Chans repeated trial and error efforts? 
"don't you also know how to maintain them?" Ao3 asked. 
"no, I… think you're thinking of Fanwiki." 
"what happened to her?" 
Wiki bristled. "I don't wanna talk about it." 
this was hardly the time to get pissed at her , who was hopefully and probably dead. they were supposed to be grieving. though, it was pretty hard to grieve over 4Chan. she hardly deserved to get corrupted, but he didn't know her well enough to miss her. and what he did know of her was largely unpleasant. 
the last of Reddit's legacy dying would be pretty depressing, though. 
"I think I'll keep this guy in my room until he runs out of battery," Wikipedia decided, tucking Greentext under his arm. 
He looked around the room, mostly empty now and just in need of cleaning. Kik promised to do just that later, and Amino would probably move in whenever it got here. 
"Is that everything?" Ao3 asked, and after a moment Wikipedia left the room. 
"did they really not say anything?" Wikipedia asked as they travelled to his room. "neither 4Chan nor YouTube had anything to say in all that time you were down there?" 
but once again, Ao3 shook his head. 
how were they supposed to properly update their pages if he didn't even have any last words to go off of? 
Wikipedia wracked his own head for anything 4Chan might've said before leaving, but she had a tendency to get up and leave without a word and no one had thought much of it in years. if they knew that would be the last time seeing her un-corrupted, would someone have said anything? 
The thought made Wikipedia feel sad and weird , so he dismissed it. "Wait," he remembered suddenly. "didn't she keep a journal?" 
"yeah…" Ao3 admitted reluctantly. "But, it's practically illegible by her own admission." 
Wikipedia plopped Greentext down on their bed before making a 360 out to make his way downstairs. "Ao3, I'm a linguistics expert, I can read anything." 
the room downstairs was, for a change, somewhat lit by a dying campfire. the place was covered in neon red and green blood, most still fresh. 
YouTubes corpse had been dragged off by Kik a bit ago, and of course 4Chan- or, her corruption anyway, had been hastily locked out the safehouse. the scratching at the door had stopped a few hours ago. 
the journal he found near the campfire, opened to a page near the middle. after picking it up and trying to read it for a few seconds he could already feel a headache coming on. he could translate this, for sure, but it'd take time and more aspirin than he had on hand right now. 
still, the straightforward task cleared his head a little of the confused grief. 
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 3 months
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 6 months
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some cloutchase ladies and theydies as ponies
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 7 months
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idk why i made this
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 2 months
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imo tumblr n twitter are very similar and one of the things they call truce over is gossip
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 4 months
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 3 months
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their strongest warriors
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