#killmenow my loves are getting a book
codename-adler · 11 months
this means.
laila. alvarez. laila and alvarez. LAILA. AND. ALVAREZ.
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phanchester · 5 years
10, 20, 36
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
bold of you to assume i am good at any sport in p.e. hahaha killmenow. i remember in year 3 i balanced on one leg for the longest?? thats not even a sport?? look, the thing is, i like team sport im just really bad at all of them. but my favourites are hockey and basketball so i guess those are the ones i am the best at?? im actually shit at all of them but you know
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
in class i like recording things on my computer as i can type relatively quickly so i can get it done quickly. i also find it easier to multitask when typing. but i actually like physically writing in notebooks. i absolutely love notebooks and i have way too many for a normal human but right now the ones i use the most is one i got from typo and it has an atlas and a book labeled “procrastinotes” where i put my homework. honestly, if i was a youtuber i would do like a montly notebook haul i have wayy too many.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
oof, i have no idea. i remember in year 2 someone put memes around the school so maybe then?? idk.
however, here are the first memes my friends and i sent to each other.
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yes, a mushu meme. the height of my meme career
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the fact that the caption was “LOL ALERT” really is the cherry on top to this meme…
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oof still applies today
thank you @panlesters for the questions again! i really enjoyed answering them and i hope you have a good day! sorry it took so long to answer - i think this is from earlier but i only just saw it now sksks sorry
weird asks that say a lot
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