ask-eve-ministries · 2 years
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furryexpertkoala · 5 years
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Drugs or any addiction will not mask, deliver or set you free it is a tool the enemy uses to pull you closer to him to kill you. He comes to steal, kill and destroy he will take your job, family, health and eventually your life, kill that demon don't kill yourself because as long as your breathing God has a purpose for you! 💯 #killstealdestroy #satandoesntplayfair #godisallyouneed #thedevilsplayground #wakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/By1U0ShgAaK/?igshid=1vtgtemw8s2q7
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gifhomie · 4 years
Someone is trying to steal my gifs and posting them. Report the person.
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