#kim tae hyung gif hunt
casspurrjoybell-9 · 4 months
BTS - 'RUN BTS!' - Season 3 - Episode 145 "BTS Village: Joseon Dynasty" Aug 3, 2021
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Kim Seok-jin, Min Yoon-gi aka Suga, Jung Ho-seok aka J-Hope, Kim Nam-joon aka RM, Park Ji-min, Kim Tae-hyung aka V and Jeon Jung-kook.
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BTS:- Members play a Mafia–treasure hunt hybrid game in the BTS Village, now set in the Joseon Dynasty. The members act as Joseon-era residents of the village and have to find the missing piece of the broken 'in episode 121' ARMY headstone to return to 2021.
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myulmang · 2 years
   𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 gif pack !
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in the source link you will be redirected to #117 268x151 gifs of KIM TAEHYUNG (1995) in in the soop (2020). these gifs were all cropped, colored and created from scratch by me for commission. do not edit, repost, redistribute, or claim as your own.
if you found this helpful or plan to use these gifs please like/reblog & maybe consider supporting me by buying me a coffee ( myulmang ).
content warning : food.
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pinkcherrybombs · 3 years
Hi bestie, can i get a headcanon of tae being addicted to yn booty not in a sexual way, like he just is a touchy bf.
Love u
Hi bestie 🥺💕 honestly imagining Tae obsessed with his SO's booty was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoy <3 Love u, kisses!!!
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After all, how couldn't he be? Spending the majority of his time travelling the world has only enhanced his levels of appreciation for beautiful creations, tending to pick up something new from every country he visits. Yet, even as his collection continues to grow (by this point, his house looks like an episode of hoarders), he still has a few particular favourites that always maintain his undivided attention. However, his favourite masterpiece to obsess over, worth more than any of his thousand-dollar paintings, or hand-crafted antiques, is your booty.
In his eyes, it's the most fascinating masterpiece to ever exist, the only factual definition of perfection that could ever suffice. Every curvature, every dip, every aspect is just mind-blowing to him, which is why he can't help his obsession.
It's honestly not his fault when he casually finds his fingers trailing up and down following the outline whenever the two of you are relaxing in bed. Or even when he purposely walks behind you in public, to watch the way it sways from side to side. As though it's putting him in some trance, leaving him to forget his surroundings and end up stumbling or tripping into something, but he's not complaining
And you definitely can't blame him when he runs up behind you, giving it a little squeeze or tap, not because he wants to see you flustered or because he's in the mood. But instead, simply because the feeling of it in his hands provides a warming sensation of comfort.
No matter where you are, who you're with, he'll find some way to touch it. If he's sick, he'll beg you to let him hold it claiming it'll "make him feel better."
If he's bored, it makes for the perfect bongos or pillow for a quick nap
And god forbid if he hasn't touched it within the last twenty minutes, he will hunt you down (literally) and drop to his knees to hug and squeeze it to his little hearts content
It's almost magic the way he really cant go without it for longer than a few days. Hence the reason you somehow always find yourself joining him on tour, press conferences and even practice.
He never understood Jungkook's obsession with his hyungs booty's until he found yours; now they have some weird habit to bond over.
Though your booty is arguably his reason for his existence (his words precisely), it's you as a whole that makes it so lovely. And at night, when you're already fast asleep, he traces his fingers up and down your back, thanking the universe for showing him it's a more graceful masterpiece.
Yes, Kim Taehyung is definitely a man of exquisite taste, mainly because he has you.
Permante Tag List: @99liners @urvirtualgfteehee (open)
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 4
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
Author’s Note: This chapter is the last of the introductory things to the universe and this is where the story will start to pick up more! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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A few days later, Yoongi was sitting at the front counter in the hardware shop, sketching out a design for an armoire that an Omega in the pack had put in a order for. Kibum was quickly giving Yoongi more and more responsibilities within the shop, and that included designing some things. He had to admit, it sort of scared him but he also enjoyed it. 
Yoongi had never really been particularly good at anything (except for hunting but that was expected for him being a Prime Alpha), so discovering this hidden talent for woodworking and carpentry was doing wonders for his psyche. 
Just as he added some small designs onto the sketchpad, he heard the telltale ringing of the bell above the front door and when he looked up, he saw you and Hyorin stepping inside. 
“Hi Yoongi!” Hyorin greeted him happily, her hands on her large baby bump as she waddled over to stand in front of the counter.
“Hey Hyorin, Y/N,” he replied stiffly, his eyes narrowing at you when you only nodded at him. “What can I help you with?”
“I just came to put in my formal request for a crib,” Hyorin smiled brightly. “Since Namjoon and I only have a little less than two months until this pup comes, I figured now would be a good time.”
“Yeah, it should be,” Yoongi nodded, reaching over and grabbing the order book and flipping it open to a clean page. “Anything specific that you’d like, such as colors or wood preference?”
“I’d like oak, for the whole thing,” Hyorin began. “And maybe a white or cream canopy.”
“White or cream?” You repeated. “You sure you don’t want something different?”
“Since we don’t know what we’re having, I want it to be gender neutral,” Hyorin shrugged. “And you know how Joon and I feel about the whole “blue for boys and Alphas and pink for girls and Omegas” thing.”
“Hey, I was just making sure,” you held your hands up in surrender. 
“Anything else that you’d want?” Yoongi wondered after writing down what Hyorin had said. 
“Maybe a rattle,” Hyorin added. “Joon was telling me that you guys got a shipment of plastic in from Seoul the other day.”
“We did,” Yoongi nodded. “Anything specific in regards to the design?”
“Whatever you come up with is fine,” Hyorin shrugged. “I’m not picky.”
“Alright, I’ll tell Kibum when he comes back and I’m sure he’ll want to get to work on it right away.”
“Oh no, tell him not to forget about any of your other orders just because of mines,” Hyorin chuckled. “Me and this little one can wait.”
“I’ll make sure to let him know,” Yoongi smiled lightly.
“Well, I have to go because I told Namjoon that I’d sit in on his meeting with Jin,” Hyorin sighed as she looked at the clock on the wall that showcased the time. “I’ll see you later Y/N-ah?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Ok. Thank you Yoongi, and tell Kibum that I said thank you too,” Hyorin smiled as she turned to walk out of the store. 
“No problem,” Yoongi called out after her, watching as the door to the shop shut behind her before turning to look back at you. “Why is she sitting in on Namjoon’s meeting with Jin?”
“What do you mean, why?” You wondered. “She’s Pack Omega.”
“Exactly, she’s an Omega,” Yoongi nodded. 
“Is this more of your sexist bullshit coming out?” You scoffed. “In our pack, the Pack Alpha and Pack Omega have an equal amount of power. And to answer your question, she’s sitting in on the meeting because Jin is the Head Omega of the pack, which means that he looks out for all of the unmated Omegas and the newly presented Omegas. He wanted to talk to Namjoon about some things and Hyorin is going to be there because she used to be Head Omega before her and Namjoon mated.”
“Oh,” Yoongi uttered.
“Running a pack is a big job, even for two people and Namjoon is smart enough to realize that as good as his intentions might be, he can’t understand what Omegas go through because he’s not one,” you continued. “That’s why he leans on Hyorin sometimes.”
“And the pack still respects him?” Yoongi wondered.
“Of course. Traditionally, the only person that an Alpha will back down for is their mate so he’s not doing anything completely unheard of,” you shrugged.
“It is to me,” Yoongi replied. 
“You know, maybe you should have Tae teach you our pack history and laws if you’re going to stay here,” you suggested.
“I don’t plan on staying,” Yoongi shot back, his eyes widening when you just snorted in reply.
“Please,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re working in the hardware shop with Kibum, which no one has done in years, mind you, because the man is off his rocker half the time. If you think he’s gonna let you leave, then you got another thing coming. You’re definitely staying.”
“Regardless,” Yoongi continued, ignoring your words. “Who said that I wanted to learn more about your pack anyways?”
“It was just a suggestion. I mean, I figured that you were tried of looking like a complete dumbass anytime you talk to someone around here,” you smirked. “But hey, if you wanna stay in the dark, that’s on you.” You then turned around, swiftly walking out of the hardware shop. As the door shut behind you, Yoongi realized that maybe you had a point. He had been staying with your pack for almost a month now and his previous blissful ignorance was quickly turning into just plain ignorance. As he thought about it, he figured that having just a little bit of extra information could help him out.
“God, I never thought you’d ask!” Taehyung squealed as he led Yoongi into a large room, where the walls were covered with floor to ceiling bookshelves. They were in the Head Hall, where all of the records of the pack’s history, laws, and every event and birth within the pack were kept. 
“I only want to know the basics Taehyung,” Yoongi tried to say, jumping out of his seat slightly when Taehyung dropped a large book down onto the table in front of him. 
“Our pack is almost 100 years old,” Taehyung smiled as he sat down next to Yoongi. “There’s more than just ‘the basics’ to be learned hyung.”
“Well, where should I start?” Yoongi wondered.
“Start here, with our family,” Taehyung told him as he opened the book and flipped the pages until he was almost to the end. “You don’t have to learn about the beginning of the pack right now, but starting with our parents would be a good point.”
“Ok,” Yoongi nodded, looking down at the page and beginning to read.
Alpha Kim Chan-woo rose to the coveted position of Pack Alpha in our year of 1990 after winning in ritual combat against his Omegean sister, Kim Dohee. In 1993, he was mated to Omega Park Mi-hee who then gave birth to two pups; a son named Namjoon in our year of 1994 and a daughter named Y/N who followed swiftly behind in our year of 1995.
Nothing of significance is to be noted of the family of our Pack Alpha and Pack Omega, until our year of 1998. While on a treaty trip to visit a pack in Daegu, Pack Alpha Chan-woo and Pack Omega Mi-hee came across an orphaned pup. Not being able to bring themselves to leave him alone, they allowed him to come back to pack territory with them, intent on welcoming him into their family.
The council of pack elders were staunchly opposed, citing the issues of lineage that could be encountered once their pups were of age. However, the two of them (especially Pack Alpha Chan-woo) were insistent on giving the abandoned pup a loving home and family. The councils of elders relented and since the little pup could not remember his name, he was dubbed ‘Kim Taehyung’ by Pack Omega Mi-hee, and he served as the last addition to their family.
“Wow,” Yoongi muttered before looking over at Taehyung. “Your parents sound like amazing people.”
“They were,” Taehyung nodded with a soft smile. “Here, we can skip forward a little bit.” Taehyung reached out and flipped forward a few pages, skimming over one before motioning to Yoongi for him to continue reading.
In our year of 2009, Pack Alpha Chan-woo and Pack Omega Mi-hee’s first born son, Namjoon, presented as an Alpha at the age of 15. There was a glorious celebration, as it’s known to be a blessing from the Gods to have a first born son become an Alpha. Their last born son, Taehyung, presented as well two years later as a Beta at the age of 16. This caused a great commotion, as there was only one other living Beta in the pack at the time, and he was an Elder. 
After the presentation of Taehyung, there were many rumors abound as their daughter, Y/N, had not presented yet. Finally, in the autumn of our year 2012, Kim Y/N finally presented and surprised the entire pack. The celebration was unlike any the pack had seen in years, rivalling and even surpassing that of her elder Alpha brother. 
“Why was Y/N’s presentation so important?” Yoongi asked Taehyung. 
“That’s not important,” Taehyung said quickly, making Yoongi’s eye narrow. Taehyung moved forward and shut the book closed, pulling over another one and opening it up. “That’s enough about the history. Why don’t you read some of our laws and beliefs?”
“Alright,” Yoongi replied slowly, looking back down at the book. 
This pack prides itself on being a place where Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are treated fairly and equally. In order to have a harmonious pack, the talents of all three subgenders are needed and without any of them, a pack cannot be fruitful. 
An Alpha’s job, of course, is to be the breadwinner of their respective family. They are also the first line of defense when it comes to the safety of the pack, and are expected to protect it as such. However, Alphas are also expected to respect Betas and Omegas, especially the latter. While a pack wouldn’t be able to survive without it’s Alphas, too many prideful Alphas can lead to the eminent downfall of a pack. It is important for Alphas to be able to take a step back, realize that they don’t have all of the answers, and be able to turn to those who do; all for the good of the pack. 
A Beta’s job is to be the supporter of Alphas and the confidants of Omegas. Betas have a hard job, because they are the closest to our non subgendered humans while still having the feelings, senses and thoughts of subgendered humans. Betas have the ability to not be as clouded by hormones and pheromones' as their Alpha and Omega packmates, which gives them the invaluable role of peacekeeper within a pack. Without Betas, a pack would dissolve into turmoil. However, it can be hard for Betas to remember this so reminding them of their importance is of the utmost priority; all for the good of the pack.
An Omega has what’s arguably the most important job within the pack; they are the main ones who give birth to and teach our pups. Within this pack, Omegas are always to be treated with the utmost respect, as our pack would have no future without them and their guidance. While Omegas are free to do what they please within this pack, many of them chose to stay home with their pups or devote their talents to teaching our pups, which are all extremely selfless decisions. Without them, Alphas would not have people to lean on, Betas would not have anyone to confide in, and the pack would die out. Treating them with the love and respect that they deserve only leads to happy Omegas who are content with their lives; which is all for the good of the pack.
“You know,” Yoongi spoke up suddenly. “I never thought about Omegas this way.”
“How did your old pack view Omegas, hyung?” Taehyung wondered. “I mean, you have to admit that your views are a little...sexist.”
“Basically, Omegas were objects and not people,” Yoongi shrugged. “They were there for Alphas to fuck and that’s it.”
“Ugh, one of those packs,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Well, does it make sense? The way that we view and treat Omegas?”
“Actually, yeah it does,” Yoongi admitted. “Like I said, I just never thought about it like this.”
“That’s understandable hyung, and it’s not completely your fault,” Taehyung replied. “We can’t help the way that we’re raised. The only thing that we can do is try to change our mindset, if you want to.”
“I guess that’s true,” Yoongi sighed. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“What’s with the tattoos that you, Y/N, and Namjoon all have?” He wondered.
“Oh, you mean this,” Taehyung smiled, reaching over and lifting up the sleeve of his t-shirt on his left arm, showcasing the small, circular tattoo that was there. “It’s a crest.”
“Your family’s?” Yoongi guessed.
“Yep. After our parents died and Namjoon became Pack Alpha, we all got them since we’re the children of the former Pack Alpha and Omega,” Taehyung explained. “Namjoon has his right on the center of his chest because he’s the center and head of the pack. Y/N has hers on the right side and I have mines of the left because we’re Namjoon’s main supporters and we’re always going to have his back, through anything.”
“That’s amazing,” Yoongi found himself smiling lightly. “I kind of wish I had a family like you guys.”
“You can hyung,” Taehyung said, reaching over and setting his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. “I know that you keep saying that you don’t plan on staying, but I really don’t want you to go back out there on your own. We can give you a nice life here and you won’t ever have to risk what happened to you before happening again. So, will you stay?” 
Yoongi couldn’t help but to chuckle because despite the façade that he had been putting on in front of Taehyung and everyone else that he talked to, he realized that he had already made his decision a while ago and he had a sneaking feeling that he wouldn’t regret the words that tumbled out of his mouth. 
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
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hoebii · 3 years
Birthday Bash
Pairing : Squirrel hybrid!Kim Seokjin x Fox hybrid!Kim Taehyung (MXM)
Genre : Fluff, hybrid!au, established relationship
Rating : PG13
Warnings : Swearing
Wc : 1.6k
A/N : Okay before all, thank you @taegularities​ and @kassrole​ for being my beta, you guys are the best <3 Second- HAPPY BIRTHDAY @aroseforyoongi​ HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST AND THIS YEAR TREATS YOU LIKE THE QUEEN YOU ARE <333 I hope you like my present for you~ Thank you for being so nice and welcoming all the time, you’re the best <3 OH I COMPLETELY FORGOT - I got the ‘We were supposed to bring the cake for our mutual friend’s birthday party but we got in a fight over who should carry it to the car and now the cake is on the floor and HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!’ prompt from @creativepromtsforwriting !!
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Taehyung was in the middle of a meeting when his phone buzzed. His ears twitched at the low buzzing- he had initially decided to ignore it till after the meeting was over. But with how much it was vibrating, he sighed in mild annoyance before taking his phone out as discreetly as he could to not alert anyone else. 
His annoyance got replaced with curiosity when he saw it was a new group chat named ‘SURPRISE BITCHES’. Clicking open the chat box, Taehyung almost snorted at what was on his screen, alerting the others but he paid no mind to the questioning gazes.
           ~Jinnie created group~
          ~Jinnie named the group ‘SURPRISE BITCHES’~
 Jinnie : Make sure it’s AMAJIN *laughing sticker*
       ~Jinnie has left the chat~
  Kook : ...what just happened 
  Park Brat : We have to plan a party for hyung now, I guess?
  Kook : Yeah, no shit shorty but wth was that o.O
The rest of the chat had transformed into the two arguing with each other. Taehyung put his phone down and leaned back into his chair, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. He was surrounded by children. Absolute children.
After the meeting had ended, Taehyung was walking back to his office when his phone rang, playing a sound akin to... Spongebob’s laugh? Taehyung’s ears stood straight on alert as he checked his screen, eyebrows raised in surprise at the odd tone - someone had changed his ringtone again. 
Seeing it was a call from none other than the soon-to-be 29 years old, Kim Seokjin, he picked up the phone with a sigh, “What’s up, hyung?”
“Did you see the group?”
“Hello to you, too, I haven’t had lunch yet, have you? My day has been pretty busy, thanks for asking,” Taehyung started, completely ignoring what the older man had asked, snickering when he started scolding Taehyung on the other side.
“Stop being a brat! Did you see the group I made?” Jin whined. Taehyung could almost imagine Jin’s furrowed brows as he paced around wherever he was. 
“Yes hyung, I saw the group you made,” Taehyung finally answered, smiling softly when he heard a happy gasp come from the excitable squirrel hybrid. 
“So what?” he asked, trying to keep a neutral face while passing by employees when he heard a grunt on the other line.
“So, what did you plan? What are you getting me?”
“I thought it was supposed to be a surprise?”
“Yeah but I want to know!”
“Oh well, if you really want to know,” Taehyung started, humming as if in deep thought, “we haven’t planned a single thing.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“When have I ever joked around? I am the most serious person you can ever meet,” he announced dramatically, stepping into his office and closing the door behind.
“You’re no fun, I’m calling Namjoon.” Jin huffed before hanging up, giving the other man no time to reply.
Taehyung laughed to himself, deciding to call the group to check on the plan, given they had made any rather than arguing like before. Taehyung would have their head if they didn’t make this the best birthday for Jin.
It was the day of the party. Everyone had arrived at the venue, Taehyung noted as he scanned the place - except two people. The two who were in charge of the cake.
He was about to call one of them when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking out the device, he instantly picked up the call when he saw the caller ID being displayed as ‘Kook’.
“Where are you two?! Hoseok and Yoongi hyung are gonna bring Jin here any minute! Even Namjoon hyung has arrived!”
“Okay, don’t get mad…” Jungkook started after Taehyung finished his rant, “we sort of have a problem.”
“What problem?”
“Well, you see. Uh. Well. Listen, don’t be mad,” the bunny hybrid stuttered, causing Taehyung’s concern to rise tenfold. 
“Oh give me that,” he heard Jimin say on the line before his voice chimed in, “yeah, hi. I know we were supposed to bring the cake for Jin, but we kinda got in a fight over who should carry it from the car and now the cake is on the floor and HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”  
Hearing no reply for a moment, Jimin asked, “Tae? You there?”
“You… dropped the cake?”
“Accidentally, yes,” the cat hybrid answered, getting nervous the longer he got no answer. He had thought Taehyung would blow a fuse, but there was no screaming… yet.
“Fix. This.”
“Fix the mess you made. Don’t show your face unless you do.”
Jimin raised his brow at his words, “Do you want us to go get another cake? Cause this was a custom one and I don’t think it’s possible to get that so fast.”
“I don’t care, fix it or don’t show up.”
“You serious?”
Taehyung hung up without answering.
The party was coming to an end. Jimin and Jungkook had somehow managed to get another cake - albeit not the one Taehyung had wanted, but it was good enough - and he had made up with the two, apologising for his behaviour earlier. 
“It’s fine, dude. I’d be worse if I was in your place,” Jungkook had said, patting him on the head while saying so.
“Exactly what Kook said, don’t worry too much, man. Enjoy the party, and do not get cold feet,” Jimin had chimed in after the maknae. Taehyung was grateful to have such amazing friends.
He had been standing at the balcony, sipping on champagne when Jin found him.
“What’s up, babe?” he asked, words laced with concern. 
Taehyung sighed, looking down at the drink, “Don’t worry about it. Did you enjoy the party?”
“Don’t change the subject, Tae.”
When Jin got no reply, he sighed, grabbing Taehyung’s face and forcing him to meet his eyes, “The party was amazing. I didn’t expect you people to actually do something when I made the group as a joke. Thank you.”
Staring into Jin’s eyes, Taehyung gulped, nervousness consuming him. He had to do it now or he would cower away again, he decided. 
Stepping away, he placed the glass down on the ledge, “I haven’t given you your gift yet.”
“Gift? This party was enough, honey. You didn’t need to- what are you doing?” Jin started, getting interrupted mid-way when the younger man got down on one knee in front of him.
“I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” Taehyung started, pulling out a velvet box. 
“Is your gift for me to break up? You didn’t have to get down on your knees for that, you know?” Jin asked, trying to act calm, but Taehyung knew him better.
Snorting at his words, Taehyung squinted his eyes at Jin in warning, “Shut up and let me finish before I back down again.”
“When I met you, I never thought we would be together, much less me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you,” Taehyung began his speech, smiling when he saw Jin playfully glare at him, “but you came into my life and made it so much better. I would be a mess without you. I’ve had this ring for months now, never finding the right moment to do it, but now feels as good as any. You always told me to not wait for the right moment and make the moment right, so here I am. Kim Seokjin, will you make me the happiest man alive and-” He was about to finally ask when a clearly drunk Namjoon stumbled onto the balcony.
“There you guys are! Everyone is looking for you two!” he exclaimed, grinning happily at finding his friends, the two barely able to understand what he said.
The smile slipped off of his face when he got no reply, and scanning the scene in front of him, he quickly connected the dots before he was back to smiling happily, his tail wagging furiously and exclaimed, “Oooh Taehyung-ah! Did you propose yet?”
Taehyung stared at him, lips parted in shock, not knowing how to react. His heart sank as the drunk man blubbered on about god knows what. What did he do to deserve this? He wasn’t sure whether he was angry or disappointed at the situation, but what he did know without a doubt, was that he'd teach Namjoon a lesson after this.
Seeing Taehyung deflating each second, Jin pushed Namjoon out of the balcony with a ‘Fuck off, you dumb dog’ - to which he got a very drunk reply of ‘I’m a wolf!’ - before returning to him. Crouching down to be face-to-face with him, Jin smiled reassuringly, taking Taehyung’s hands in his, “Ignore him, baby. Finish what you were saying.” 
“The moment’s ruined.”
“I will smack you if you say that again. The moment is not ruined and if you don’t finish what you were saying right now, I will hunt Namjoon down and push you both off of this balcony.”
“Will you say yes if I do?” Taehyung asked, looking like a kicked puppy as he did so.
“You’re gonna have to say it to find out, won’t you?”
Taking a deep breath, he resumed, “Kim Seokjin, will you marry me?”
“W-what?” Taehyung sputtered, looking at Jin with wide eyes, heart shattering the longer he got no reply.
Jin laughed, “I’m kidding. Of course I’ll marry you.”
“Yah! You’re so mean, why would you ever do that?!” Taehyung whined, “You can’t just joke around li-”
Jin grabbed Taehyung’s face, cutting him off by pulling him into a sweet kiss. He smiled when he felt the other one kiss back instantly, one hand sliding down to intertwine it with the others’.
Pulling away from the kiss, the two smiled at each other, Taehyung slipping the ring on Jin’s finger.
“Best. Birthday. Ever.”
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bboyzwithfun · 2 years
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⿻ ︎ִֶָ ̽ ꒰ Kim Taehyung ꒱ დ The Pack Beta 🐾
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— Taehyung was born to the Beta of a pack who had been annihilated when he was only around four to five years old. As far as he’s aware, nobody else had survived the attack and the following arson inflicted on the pack's land. He’d only survived because of his mother’s desperation to save her only living child, making him run off into the woods away from the violent pack of wolves who had attacked them. For years, he lived alone (aside from the beginning where a rare, kind rogue couple took him in until he was abandoned at fourteen), surviving off the land and avoiding any other rogues, learning from a near fatal encounter as a teenager that none of them are friendly, much less do they want friends. Food had been the hardest part when he’d been on his own, and he’d hesitated quite a while until he finally hunted down a deer and killed it in his wolf form.
He met Jeongguk, only a year or two after he had joined Namjoon, whilst the younger wolf was training in the woods, having stumbled across him and despite his weariness towards other wolves—Jeongguk’s friendly disposition slowly made him comfortable and they became fast friends, all things considered. A couple weeks later, he learned of Namjoon and how he’s building his own pack, and while still hesitant, he went with Jeongguk and met him after the younger had all but begged him and convinced him. It took him around a month until he’d built enough trust for them and officially came part of the pack, training with them until he had been given the title of “Pack Beta”, the same one that was supposed to be his from birth.
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┊.˚🐺 ༘┊͙BASICS ;
—៹ 🐾 : Birth Name; Kim Tae-Hyung
—៹ 🐾 : Nicknames (will be updated); Tae, TaeTae, TeTe, TaTa, Taehyungie, V
—៹ 🐾 : D.O.B; December 30th
—៹ 🐾 : Age; 24
—៹ 🐾 : Race / Species; Shifter Werewolf (Wolf-Shifter)
—៹ 🐾 : Pronouns; He/Him
—៹ 🐾 : Occupation; Beta of the Moonstone Pack
—៹ 🐾 : Zodiac Sign; Capricorn (♑)
—៹ 🐾 : MBTI; INFP
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
┊.˚🐺 ༘┊͙PHYSICAL ; 
—៹ 🐾 : Hair; long, dark brown with pieces framing his face. pulled up half-way into a bun with the rest being down
—៹ 🐾 : Eyes; light brown, almost appearing golden in direct sunlight
—៹ 🐾 : Tattoos / Markings; scars litter his body from his time as a rogue, the most noticeable is; a large scar stretching from his right shoulder blade to the middle of his back, a small scar going down across his left eyebrow where a claw had narrowly missed his eyes, and a scar going from the right side if his jawline to the middle of his cheek
—៹ 🐾 : Piercings; His ears (three on the right, two on the left), lip piercing (left side) and a septum piercing
—៹ 🐾 : Height; 5'10.5" (179cm)
—៹ 🐾 : Extra Features; AU typical features; flashing eyes color depends on rank, fangs, can elongate his nails when in human form
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In a relationship with . . . No one ! (Single)
Bisexual (No Lean) . Switch (Dom Lean)
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Est. 08.15.22
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worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
MFEEU! Second Generation Profiles 💕✨
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↳ MFEEU! Tae Masterlist 
↳ Link to Yoongi’s MFEEU one shot and Hoseok’s 
↳ General Masterlist :)
The kids 
↳ No children (he’s happy being a godfather!!)
↳ Yoona 
↳ Seojoon 
↳ Namgyu 
↳ Jihae 
↳ Jihyun
↳ Haneul 
↳ Haewon
↳ Minho
↳ Mina 
(wow i just realised i gave the rapline all one kid and the maknaes two kids huh)
When they’re born: 
first it’s Kim Haneul 
↳ the next year is Kim Namgyu and Park Jihae
↳ the next year is Park Jihyun and Jeon Minho
↳ the next year Jung Seojoon
↳ the next year Jeon Mina and Kim Haewon
↳ and five years after that... Min Yoona 
Profiles :)
Kim Haneul 
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Tae and his wife’s first child
The eldest of all the mfeeu kids
Very protective of all her younger siblings, especially Haewon 
Minho has a crush on her for the loooongest time (she sees him as an annoying little brother) 
Abuses her privilege as the eldest to get all of her dongsaengs to do whatever she wants (apart from Jihae) 
She inherited her mother’s sincerity and tae’s determination 
Her and Namgyu are like the only responsible ones
Taehyung is very happy leaving the business in her hands once she’s old enough
As she grows older she realises the special feelings she’s always felt towards Jihae are different than how she cares for her sister
She loves Haewon of course, but with Jihae it’s different. She wants to always take care of her, spend every minute with her, kiss her. 
They start dating when Jihae turns 15. both Jimin and Jihyun tell her she better take care of Jihae or else. Haneul has no intention to do anything other than that.
Kim Namgyu
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Namjoon and his darling’s first and only child
Strict with all of his dongsaengs but would let Mina get away with murder
He’d probably help her with it tbh
Haneul’s right hand man, slated to help her with the business once he’s older
He inherited his father’s intellect. He helps all his dongsaengs in their lil homeschool lessons and once he’s finished his work he’ll leave the classroom they have set up and go and sit with his father
(Namjoon is the softest dad ever oh my god 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Namgyu has dimples that pop out every time Mina calls him ‘Namu’ 
Him and Minho have a brotherly relationship. He, along with Jihyun, help Minho to get over Haneul. 
He’s known that he loved Mina since she was 5 and he was 8, but of course he waited until she was 18 because of the age gap between them.
Mina had no such reservations. She asked him to date her when she was 14 and he had to gently turn her down because she was way too young to be dating a 17 year old. 
She would stubbornly ask him every year on her birthday if she was old enough to date him yet, and on her 18th birthday he finally answered with ‘yes’ and kissed her
That was probably the worst day of Jungkook’s life.
Park Jihae
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Jimin and his girlfriend’s first child
Despite being one of the oldest, she is babied by the entire group, ESPECIALLY Haneul
She’s so soft like oml 🥺🥺🥺
she inherited her father’s stature so by the time they’re all teenagers she’s the most smol (along with Mina who’s only an inch taller than her)
(by the time Yoona reaches her teens she’s also taller than Jihae)
Jimin’s little princess
She barely leaves his lap for the first five years of her life
Shes so clingy as well 🥺🥺🥺
She follows Haneul around holding her hand bc she doesn’t want to get lost 
She really likes doing ballet. She tries to teach Haneul but they soon stop bc to put it lightly Haneul is hopeless
She is the softest big sister to Jihyun. 
The only time she gets mad at him is when he sometimes refuses to call her noona 
Once Mina and Haewon are born the trio has been completed
They are the unofficial maknaes of the group, along with Yoona who they treat like their own little dolly
They coordinate their clothes and everything. your squad wishes. 
She’s the most oblivious person though. she doesn’t even realise she’s in love w Haneul until her 15th birthday when Haneul kisses her. and then she’s like oh. oh.
they are the softest girlfriends ever bls i can’t 🥺🥺
Park Jihyun and Jeon Minho
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Jimin’s second child and Jungkook’s first
I put them together bc they’re honestly inseparable 
They’re the troublemakers of the group, rivalled only by Mina and Haewon.
Jihyun was born two months before Minho, he insists that Minho calls him hyung
Minho refuses
Jihyun is the more responsible of the two, but barely. Namgyu’s kind of like their older brother, they both look up to him a lot. 
Seojoon is their dongsaeng who they lovingly bully
Minho has a massive crush on Haneul. 
He isn’t yandere for her, he just has a thing for noonas like father like son 
At one point he tries to have a rivalry with Jihae because Haneul likes her so much but it doesn’t work bc Jihae is so sweet she doesn’t even realise what he’s trying to do and also Jihyun is super protective of his older sister and he nips it in the bud
After that he resolves to get over Haneul because he doesn’t want anything to come in between him and Jihyun. 
Jihyun and Minho are definitely soulmates. Hoseok is convinced they will date at some point. There’s a betting pool which Jungkook refuses to enter bc he thinks its wrong to bet on his sons love life. Jimin on the other hand has lost almost a million won because he keeps betting that they’ll announce that they’re dating soon. 
Jung Seojoon
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Hoseok’s pride and joy
He’s so similar to his daddy guys it’s adorable 🥺
He has so much energy all the time, it is common to see his little head popping over the edge of Hoseok’s desk as he jumps around the room
Namgyu loves him but he doesn’t understand him at all
Seojoon loves to play dress up with Mina, Haewon and Jihae
He is not trusted with Yoona bc, though his intentions are absolutely pure, she usually ends up crying 
Always breaking the rules. a loveable rascal we have here. 
He knows when to push boundaries but he’s largely well behaved bc his dad taught him well 🥰🥰 (unlike many of the other fathers who spoil their kids) 
Seojoon knew he loved Haewon since his fourth Christmas. Seojoon was hunting for the presents and when Haewon caught him, she joined him in searching instead of ratting him out.
From that moment on they were partners in crime. 
It was only inevitable they started dating, obvious to literally everyone except Taehyung who refused to believe his daughter was a rule breaker in any shape or form.
Jeon Mina and Kim Haewon
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Jungkook’s and Tae’s youngest girls 🥺
I put them together for the same reason I put Jihyun and Minho together. They’re inseparable 
They were actually born within two days of each other. Haewon was born early and Tae always says it’s because she couldn’t wait to meet her best friend (besides him, of course)
Look Haewon even has his nose mole 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
They rival Jihyun and Minho in terms of general naughtiness 
Seojoon helps them out sometimes, and in that time Mina always giggles at how silly Seojoon and Haewon act around each other
but all Haewon as to do is mention Namgyu and Mina stops making fun of her and starts blushing
Haewon and Mina talk about Seojoon and Namgyu literally all the time
When they’re older they trick their parents saying that Haewon and Mina are hanging out together and Seojoon and Namgyu are hanging out together and then they swap
Namgyu would normally disapprove but it means he gets more time to spend with Mina so he’s not snitching 
Mina is sooo bitter when Haewon starts dating Seojoon bc Namgyu is apparently ‘too old’ for her so she can’t date yet
once Namgyu finally gives in on her 18th birthday and kisses her, she calls Haewon  up screaming with excitement (little does she know Namgyu at that moment is calling Haneul and freaking tf out)
when they get married to their boyfriends they have a joint wedding 🥰🥰 Namgyu was originally against it but Mina gave him her infamous doe eyes which she inherited from her father and he allowed it reluctantly
Min Yoona
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Yoongi’s unplanned but very adored daughter
By the time she’s born, Yoongi is in his mid to late 30s
To be honest, Yoongi had been happy helping to raise his friends kids, i mean they were all practically his godchildren and there wasn’t a week where he wasn’t babysitting at least three of his friends children
But sometimes he would watch Tae teaching Haneul to dance standing on his toes, or see Hoseok playing hide and seek with Seojoon, and he would feel this strange ache in his heart
When they found out Yoongi’s wife was pregnant, they considered not going through with the pregnancy, but ultimately decided against it after one of the members let slip that Yoongi’s wife was pregnant and then all of the kids ran up to Yoongi with eyes as big as dinner plates, asking eagerly if they were going to have another little sister. 
As soon as Yoongi saw Yoona for the first time, he realised how stupid he was for not wanting children earlier. but he was almost grateful that he hadn’t had them earlier, because if he had then they wouldn’t be Yoona. And Yoona is perfect.
She’s babied by the entire group. Mina and Haewon are only five when she’s born and they love playing with her. She’s never left alone for a moment —  like Yoongi feared she would be since all of the other kids were so close in age and Yoona was so much younger. 
All of the children want their chance to play with Yoona and even the members love being able to play with a baby again after their children had outgrown it. 
If Yoona ever tries to start dating… oh boy. 
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just to recap, the couples are...
↳ Kim Haneul and Park Jihae
↳ Kim Namgyu and Jeon Mina
↳ Jung Seojoon and Kim Haewon
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myulmang · 3 years
    𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 gif pack !
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COMMISSIONED PACK. in the source link you will be redirected to #171 268x151 gifs of KIM TAEHYUNG (1995) in various videos. these gifs were all cropped, colored and created from scratch by me for commission. do not edit, repost, redistribute, or claim as your own. by request of the lovely commissioner this pack has been made PUBLIC. spread the love by liking or reblogging this post.
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