#kim tae hyung gif pack
ratherbefangirling · 1 year
Belong pt.7
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, Omegaverse
Synopsis: The pack seems to be falling for you but Jungkook doesn't like it one bit. What happens when he learns you are his mate
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Jungkook walked into his professors office. Along with Namjoon as his guardian. The instinct to hide behind his pack alpha was pretty strong.
"Don't worry." Namjoon comforted rubbing his back. "I have all the papers here about Y/n's friends admittance to the hospital. I'm sure we will figure it out."
Jungkook nods biting his lip in worry.
They knock the professors door.
"Come in." The voice calls.
"Oh Jungkook ssi. And this must be your guardian."
"Pack Alpha. Kim Namjoon."
"Yes. Please take a seat."
Namjoon explained the situation to the professor.
"I'm not sure how much I can help you. You understand that he could have submitted before and its an important project for the final grade."
"Ofcourse professor. But it would be very gracious of you if you could offer us any solution."
The professor thought for a moment.
"While usually I don't do this but to raise your grade you may volunteer to supervise the freshmen trip. I'm the Head of the committee and we could use some man power."
"Thank you. Thanks a lot professor." Namjoon says flashing her a very bright blinding smile and Jungkook would be jealous except he knew how Namjoon always giggled when he was truly happy. The professor seemed charmed.
Namjoon rubbed Jungkook's back reassuringly.
"Everything will be fine now."
"Thanks hyung."
"You're welcome."
Jungkook fiddled with his thumbs. Unsure how to broach the topic of you. He almost hated that you came in their lives but in reality he hated himself for being insecure.
"Hyung." Jungkook started.
Namjoon's phone began to ring.
"Give me a moment Jungkook." He said before answering the call.
From the end of the corridor, a figure waved. Jungkook waved back to his friend Eunwoo.
"Hyung, I'm going to go meet Eunwoo. See you later."
Namjoon nodded and gave Jungkook a side hug before leaving.
"Still need Mr. Alpha to protect you." Eunwoo joked as Jungkook neared. Jungkook only rolled his eyes in response. He had enough of his friends teasing. Yes they had to listen to him show off about his pack and he might have gone over board. But nobody can blame him, he felt so good with his pack.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing important just dropping off some forms. You?"
"I kind of missed an important deadline so Namjoon hyung came to talk to the professor."
"You should be careful kook-ah." Eunwoo cautioned his friend.
"I know. I know."
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Working together with your soulmate had to be the best thing ever. Jimin thought.
The two of them had been very busy after their break they had to set up a new exhibition. And setting up a new theme was never easy from looking into artworks, their aptness, setting them, having the backdrop and lighting changed to fit the new theme, archiving carefully the old ones, separating the loaned ones and returning them before their due. Making sure new pamphlets and posters are printed according to the guidelines.
The two of them had been working overtime because of all that. So when their boss instructed them to overlook installation of some of the artworks that had been bid on previously. They took the time to have a lunch break.
The restaurant was nice and casual. It was famous for its latest addition. A Polaroid wall for people to make memories. They gave you a free picture if you left a review. Otherwise they'd just put your picture on the wall. Whoever planned it, their plan was working the place was packed.
"What do you want to order?" Jimin asked.
"Chese burger and potato wedges." Taehyung answered perusing the drinks section.
"Fine I'm having the lemon chicken bake pasta. What about drinks?"
"Mojito." Tae decides
"The Berry slushie sounds good to me. You want dessert?" Jimin says.
"We can grab churros on our way back from that bakery we saw while we came here." Tae suggests.
"Ok. I'm going to go order now." Jimin replies.
"Am I seeing things or is that y/n" Tae wonders aloud.
Jimin turns and there you are. A sight for sore eyes. He misses your company but there is nothing he can do about it.
Taehyung tugs his sleeve. "Jiminie ok"
Jimin nods.
You too seem to notice them as the server guides you to the table. You nod your head in greeting but focus on Yeonjun.
Jimin feels a flash of possessiveness and jealousy.
"Do you want to share the milkshake?" Yeonjun asks. "Their large one is cheaper but I can't finish it alone."
"Yes, it's fine." You reply. It's weird to sit across Jimin and Taehyung and not with them.
Their faces look tired but you suppressed your curiosity about them. There was no point of being overly friendly.
"Are you going to the camping trip?" Yeonjun asks.
"I think I will Suyeon send me the brochure. It sounds fun. What about you?"
"If you're going I'll go." He says smoothly causing you to blush.
Jimin can feel his temper rising. My omega his brain screams.
"Yeonjun." You whine and hit him playfully.
"It's true I've already been there with my pack so I'm only going if there's good reason."
"So I'm your good reason?"
"The best."
Taehyung's eyes narrow. Both of them can't help but eavesdrop on your conversation.
You chuckle.
"Sure sure. I'm sure I'm not that special."
"You are. You are special to me." He replies.
The server comes with your meals.
They try to ignore it. They really do but you sharing the Milkshake with Yeonjun's the last straw.
When the time comes to pay the bill you learn that it has been paid and they leave you a note.
Have a nice day Y/n
Love jiminie and tae
"Do you know them y/n?" Yeonjun asks.
"Yes they are omegas I'm close with."
"Oh." Yeonjun said. It wasn't unheard of for omegas to court omegas but it was odd for friends to behave this way. Maybe they were trying to warn me. Yeonjun thought.
Taehyung and Jimin share a look. They need to tell Jungkook. If he doesn't get his act together now he never wouldn't even get a chance to try.
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You call your mom when you reach home. You hope she'll let you go on the trip.
"Hello?" You ask as soon as she picks up.
"Hello Y/n everything ok?"
"Yes everything is fine? How's your day going?"
"Good good things have been busy here but it's nice. How's the pack?"
"Good... they're fine." You answer.
"I remember courting your dad. What a time it was. Make sure you enjoy it."
"Mum actually our college is going on a trip can I go. I'll send you the details."
"Ah my baby has grown up. Ofcourse you should go. I will send extra money ok. Buy yourself nice clothes and things you need too. "
"Thank you mum."
"Anything for you. Now I'll check the brochure send me any forms I might need to fill."
"Ok understood. Thank you. Love you. Bye."
"Bye love you too." Your mum replies before hanging up.
You feels so happy you do a little dance of celebration.
You text Suyeon.
Y/n: I got it. I got permission. This is going to be the best trip ever
Suyeon: fr fr. I'm so happy congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
Y/n: ☺☺
Y/n: let's go shopping 🛍 for cute outfits.
Suyeon: 🤑
You giggle to yourself.
You called Suyeon. You were supposed to go shopping together but you hadn't heard from her all day.
"Hello y/n. What's up?"
"Where are you ? We were supposed to go shopping today?"
"God that was today. I'm sorry actually Soobin's birthday is coming up so I'm with his pack. Rain check. Let's go tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow I have to study for a class test."
"I'm sorry. Honest mistake... why don't you go with the pack."
"The pack."
"Yes its not like you are not close to them. Things might be awkward because of a certain someone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hang out with the others. I mean you always miss them. And you did go out shopping with them before."
You find yourself being convinced. So you knock on their door.
Yoongi opens the door.
"Is everything ok?" He asks looking over you to see any signs of panic and injury.
"Hi yeah. It's just that Iwasgoingshoppingandwonderedifanyonewouldaccompanyme?"
"Slow down biscuit."
"I sorry I'm a bit nervous."
"No need to be nervous. Now did you need something? Why don't you come in first huh. Its so hot you might get a sunburn."
You nod and follow him inside.
"I wanted to go shopping because there is a University trip and I was wondering if anyone would like to come with me?" You tell Yoongi.
As you enter the living room. You see Jin and Taehyung snacking watching anime in the living room.
"Y/n!!" Taehyung is the first to notice you and calls you excitedly.
"Y/n come sit we were just talking about you. You'll like this one." Jin said patting the empty space next to him.
You felt your heart warm.
"Y/n needs to go shopping for... where are you going?" Yoongi tells them.
"Camping." You supply.
"Oh I have just the thing for you. Guys take care of her."
"Do you want to go right now." Jin asks turning of the TV.
"Yes I was supposed to go with Suyeon and she's busy and then I'm busy so today I'm hoping to find something good but if I go by myself it'll take longer to find myself things."
"Give us 15 minutes." Taehyung says and he rushes into his room.
You nod. Jin goes to the kitchen and brings out cookies.
"Here's a little snack. I will be back quick." Jin says.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome sweetheart."
As Jin leaves you sit on the couch and munch cookies. You feel comforted by the packs scent. You didn't realise how much you missed the pack. In a way you were grateful your best friend made you come to the pack.
Yoongi enters the room smiling fondly at you. He places a box infront of you.
"What's this?" You ask.
"A first aid box and some camping essentials. If you need anything else ask me. Me and Jin hyung go fishing so we have enough camping supplies no need to but things you will only use once. I can teach you some things if you want as well. There is basic first aid supplies and then there are fire supplies to light up campfire post rain as well and other things."
"Thank you." You say touched.
"Anytime biscuit." He replies feeling good.
Taehyung and Jin come out of their rooms dressed up. You can't help but admire how good they look. Jin is dressed in a button down and black ripped jeans and Taehyung's dressed in a tshirt with rips and faded blue jeans and a beanie.
"Come on let's go. Y/n." Jin says.
"Ah yes." You look at the kit.
"You can take this when you come back." Yoongi says.
"Come on Y/n-ie we are getting late." Taehyung says.
Yoongi comes to drop you all out. Even opening the door for you.
"See you later. Have fun." He says.
You all wave him goodbye.
Jin turns the radio. You sit next to him and Taehyung is in the back but leaning front.
"So do you have any outfits in mind?" Taehyung asks.
"No not really. Something comfortable but also I look good in and avoid material that can get damaged in a camping trip." You reply.
Jin's and Taehyung's phones both go off at the same time. Taehyung looks at the phone and his expression turns into neutral, Jin looks at Taehyung via his back mirror, Taehyung mouths 'tell you later'.
"Is something the matter?" You ask.
"Nothing. Why don't you tell me have you thought about buying boots?" Taehyung answers.
Namjoon: pack meeting to discuss Jungkook and Y/n situation. Everyone needs to be present tonight.
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All I'm going to say is that rereading this to collect info I just made up along the way makes me reflect on the bizarre writing process. Anyhow I made notes not to forget from now on.
When I write it feels like going up a mountain but reading was just like walking down a hill.
It's been a while I got busy with life and a little writers block I hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts.
Taglist @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @emu007 ; @jcrml ; @scuzmunkie ; @angel-121 ; @passionandsuga ;@popcatx0 ; @exfolitae ; @raineandskye ; @notsooperfect ; @toriluvsfics ; @northspiritstorm
222 notes · View notes
i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Title: Switched!! (M)
Genre: Class President! Jin, College! Reader, strangers to lovers, Bts are witches, magic, switched bodies, romance, comedy, fluff, smut, and angst
Summary: There was a rumor through the school of Bangtan that there were seven witches in the school but L/N Y/N thought that was stupid. Being in her final year of school, she could finally leave the rumor behind her and move forward with her life with her best friend, Yeri. Meeting the class president by running into him wasn’t the plan but what most definitely wasn’t the plan was switching bodies with him. Now, what's going on in this school? 
Warnings: Explicit language, Y/N is kinda dumb and selfish in this, Jin just wants love, angst, and smut
Rumors are the cruel versions of the truth, at least that’s what L/N Y/N thought. All her school life she's heard about this rumor, the seven witches of Seoul. A very specific number but that was the rumor. She’s heard that they brainwash you to get what they want or they steal from you by using “magic”. It just sounded like a scam artist using their power on the locals. Even now in college, she’s still hearing this but it was much more relevant on the campus. Clubs were looking into the “witches” and it doesn’t help that her best friend, Kim Yeri, was the president of one of the clubs. 
“Yah! Y/N, stop sulking in the corner and help staple these papers together!” 
“I’m not sulking, I was just reading something on my phone.” 
Y/N got up from her chair and walked towards Yeri who was checking things off of a list. Y/N tilted her head at the papers and looked back at Yeri with an amused look, “You're going camping this weekend? You?”
Yeri pouted and rolled her eyes at her friend, “Yes, there was a sighting in the forest and the club is taking a field trip there.” 
“Make sure you pack extra hair ties, you always lose them.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I was wondering-”
“The answer is no.”
Yeri sighed and looked up at the ceiling. She looked back at Y/N with a pout, “Please. It could be fun, being around nature.”
“I love you and I have accepted your passion for the “witches” but I won’t be participating in those activities that involve them.” 
“What if I told you that Johnny was going to be there...” 
Y/N stopped in her tracks and slowly turned towards Yeri, “Why would he bet there? He doesn't even believe in the rumor.”
“I have my ways. So, are you coming?” 
“I guess...” 
In another classroom, the student council sat there discussing things that weren’t school-related but something else related. Kim Seokjin, the class president, stood in front of everyone with his arms crossed staring at the six men in the room, “What did I say about going to the forest?” 
Park Jimin, the commissioner of public relations, groaned and leaned back in his chair, “Me and Tae were just messing around. Never let us have fun.” 
“That’s because people are curious and they will investigate.” Kim Namjoon, the vice president, shook his head at the younger member. 
“Hyung, we didn’t even do anything.” 
“Taehyung, you literally made a flower garden in the infertile soil. It’s going to raise questions.” 
Kim Taehyung, the secretary, looked at Min Yoongi, treasurer, with a frown, “It was just flowers...” 
“Guys, we need to be more careful. I don’t want to move to another school. I want to finish here.” 
“Kook, it's going to be fine.” 
Jung Hoseok, the treasurer, rubbed the back of the youngest member, Jeon Jungkook, commissioner of athletics. Jin rolled his eyes and clapped his eyes making everyone quiet. They looked at him as if they were getting scolded by their father, “No more forest. I’m about to graduate which means I can’t watch you guys as much.”
“You can still watch us at home, so what’s the problem?” 
Jin shook his head and gave Jimin a pointed look, “I don’t trust you guys here.”
“But Yoongi-hyung can watch us.”
“If he isn’t lazy. Guys, just follow the rules. I made the rules for a reason, just listen to me. Please.” 
“Sorry, hyung.”
Jin sighed and let a smile appear, “Now, let’s talk about the fundraiser.” 
After being here at Bangtan University, you would think Y/N would know more people. She only knew Yeri and a few other students but she wouldn’t count them as friends. She can’t see herself hanging out with them outside of projects and she didn’t want to give them the title of acquaintances, it felt too close still. The one person she knew and wanted to be more of was Johnny Suh. Johnny was everything she wasn’t. He was extroverted, popular, funny, and most of all he was hot. 
She met Johnny when they had a project in history class, she was expecting to do all the work but Johnny changed her mind. He actually taught her some things about the subject and she was smitten by him. He would always make his way to her and ask her how she was doing or even drop off a sandwich because he knew she forgot to eat sometimes. She liked him but she would never do anything because she was more reserved. Even with the camping trip a week ago, she didn’t dare to talk to him about dating. So instead, she stuck with Yeri. 
Y/N walked into her class and her eyebrow raised when she saw one of the student council members sitting at the desk with a girl in front of him. It was clear they were making out and she interrupted them. She let out a small cough and bowed her head, “Sorry.” with that, she ran out with her face feeling hot. Jimin was a known playboy but she thought the classroom would be off-limits for him. 
She walked into the lunch court and she felt a small tap on her shoulders. She turned her head and she swore she felt her face get hotter. Johnny was close to her face giving her a small smile, “Good morning, Y/N. I was looking for you.”
“O-Oh? Why?” 
He let out a small chuckle and took a sandwich from his bag. He placed the sandwich in her small hands and smiled at her, “Yeri told me you were going to class early and I just knew that meant you didn’t eat breakfast.” 
A small smile appeared as she shyly glanced down at the floor, “You know me too well...” 
“I just want to take care of you...you're not in class though. Did something happen?” 
She let out a sigh and looked at him with an annoyed look, “Park Jimin happened.” 
“Oh? He was fucking in the classroom?” 
She scoffed at this and shook her head, “Not yet. I just wanted to get my laptop set up for class.” 
He let out a small laugh and wrapped his arm over her shoulders, bringing her into him, “Looks like we can spend time together.” 
“Yo-You want to spend time with me?” 
“Of course I do, let’s go to the corner.” 
The corner was the center of everything. Where couples went on dates or students wanted fresh air. The corner was also where people watched the student council speak. Even though Y/N has been here for four years, she has never been to one of the speeches. She just didn’t see a point to it but that was going to change today. 
It was a sunny day, not a cloud to be seen. It was the kind of day when people would have to take allergy medicine. Y/N glanced up at Johnny who was talking about his recent art class and how he had to draw someone’s dick. He was just so handsome to her and it made her happy that he could easily talk to her (she wished she could do the same). They stopped walking when they saw the student council with a microphone. 
“Neh, Johnny, who is that?” 
Johnny glanced at the stage and then back at Y/N, “That’s Kim Seokjin, the president. Jeez, Y/N, you don’t even know the president. You're about to graduate, you should know him.” 
“I just don’t pay attention...”
She looked up at him and he stood there in a white dress shirt and loose black tie around his neck. His hair was puffy but it shaped his head perfectly and she wondered how soft the black strands were. She watched him adjust the stand and she saw the veins on his hands appear making her heart beat a little faster (which was weird). He let out a small cough and moved his plump lips, “I am Seokjin, your class president. I would like to tell you guys about a fundraiser we are going to have for the soccer team.”
She looked around the small crowd and noticed that it was mostly girls looking at him. It clicked that this was the reason why everyone was at the corner, it was for him or the other members. She rolled her eyes at the girls and looked at Johnny, “Do you want to eat at the benches?” 
“I am hungry, doesn’t your class start in thirty mins though?” 
“I have some nuts to snack on, I just want to sit down...and catch up. Is that okay with you?” 
Johnny smiled and nodded his head. He wrapped his arm over her shoulders again and started walking away from the crowd. Before they left the corner, she glanced over her shoulders to look at Seokjin one final time. 
After his speech, he bowed to the students and turned towards Taehyung with an annoyed look, “Where was Jimin?” 
“He’s on campus.” 
Jin sighed and looked at Jungkook who was avoiding eye contact, “Jungkook, where was Jimin?”
“I-I don’t know what you're talking about...” 
“You know-”
“I’m here!” 
Jin turned around and saw Jimin, just by his appearance his eyes twitched. His shirt was inside out, his hair was messy and he had lipstick stains on the side of his neck. Jin shook his head and looked down at the ground, “Where were you?” 
“I-I was coming here.”
“Oh really because you don’t look like it.” 
Jimin looked down at himself and looked back at him, “Don’t judge a book by its cover...I didn’t get laid.” 
Jungkook let out a loud laugh and pointed toward him, “Loser!” 
“Shut the fuck up, someone barged in and it kinda killed the vibe.” 
Jin looked at Jimin with a curious look, “Who was it?” 
“I think it was L/N Y/N, I don’t know I was too busy with Soojin.” 
“Y/N...” Jin turned his head towards the crowd and looked through everyone. He frowned and looked back at his members, I guess she left...
Y/N sat with Johnny and looked up at the sky with a small smile. Johnny glanced at her and smiled at her, “You look content.” 
“I feel it...it’s a nice day. The sun feels warm and the winds aren’t too cold the perfect weather.” 
“Oh, very poetic, Ms. L/N.”
She rolled her eyes and tossed some almonds into her mouth, “It’s just the truth...How was English this morning?” 
“The same. Yeri was trying to convince the teacher about the seven witches thing. It killed time, so I had no complaints.” 
She laughed at this and shook her head, “That sounds like her...what can you tell me about Seokjin?”
Johnny took a sip of his water and glanced at her, “He’s the same age as you and he's the class president. Other than that, I don't know anything else about him, why?” 
“I don’t know...I’m curious about him.” I’m not sure why though...
Johnny shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the ground. She glanced at him with a worried look, she's never seen him nervous before. He let out a deep sigh and looked at her, “Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me.” 
Her eyes widened and for a second her mind malfunctioned. Johnny, the guy who she had a crush on for two years, is asking her out. She blinked her eyes and covered her mouth, “Holy shit, it's happening.” 
She shook her head and smiled at him, “You want to go out with me?” 
“Of course I do. I really like you and I want to get to know you more.” 
She felt her face getting hot and she nodded her head, “That sounds fun. When do you want to go on the date?” 
Johnny gave her a wide smile and nodded his head, “I was thinking this Friday. We can go to that new cafe down the street, Cherry Bomb.” 
“Yeri said they have good lemonade...I’m excited.” 
Johnny rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his watch, “Your class is about to start, I’ll walk you.”
“Yo-You don’t have to...you're already taking me on a date. I don’t want to bother you more.” 
Johnny rolled his eyes as he stood up with his bag on his back, “Shut up let’s go.” 
She smiled and gathered her things as she stood up. She started walking away but this caused Johnny to roll his eyes. He quickly walked up to her side and intertwined their fingers together. She glanced down at their connected hands and smiled to herself. They continued to walk towards the building but her eyes landed on Seokjin who was scolding Jimin. For some reason, she wondered about the class president. Who was Seokjin truly? 
Y/N was in study hall typing away for her upcoming physics exam. It’s been a week since she saw Seokjin at the corner and for some reason, she's been seeing him everywhere. She never really paid attention but apparently, they shared three classes. There was something about him that drew her in and it annoyed her. She couldn’t figure out why she was so infatuated with him. As far as she knew, they never interacted with each other. Not even with class projects. It was annoying because she finally landed a date with Johnny but here she was thinking about someone she has never met. 
She let out a frustrated sigh and closed her laptop with annoyance, “Why am I thinking of him? This is so weird.” She gathered all her things and walked away from the library each step she took, she felt the frustration leave her body. Maybe all she needed was a small walk. It was probably stress, it has been a busy exam week. 
She walked into Yeri’s club and she froze in her spot. The guy who she was thinking about was standing there talking to Yeri with no problem. The way the sun highlighted his features made her feel weak to her knees. She shook her head and set her things on the table causing Yeri to look at her with a smile, “Ah, Y/N!”
“Hey, Yeri.” She glanced at Jin and gave him a small smile, “Hello, class president.” 
Jin swallowed some spit and gave her an awkward smile, “H-Hey.” 
Yeri glanced between the two and shrugged her shoulders. She looked at Y/N and clapped her hands, “I was just talking to Jin about the fundraiser. He wants us to take part in it.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and looked at Jin, “Oh? What would we do?” 
Jin felt his hands get wet with nerves and wiped his hands on his jeans, “I-I was thinking about doing a booth. So many people believe in the seven witches that I thought it would be fun to incorporate it with the soccer fundraiser.” 
“That sounds fun. How do witches connect with soccer?” 
“I-I just know this club is super popular, I just thought it would be a good collaboration.” 
Y/N nodded her head and looked at Yeri, “That’s good news for you Yeri. Just tell me what to do and I’ll help.” 
Yeri let out an excited squeal and clapped her hands, “I can’t believe I'm working with the class president! All the girls will be jealous of me.”
Y/N let out a small laugh and glanced at Jin. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes. She could’ve sworn that she saw sparkles in his eyes but it could’ve been the sun's glare. Jin looked at her and their eyes connected. He felt like his soul was ripped out of him at her curiosity and he knew she had no idea what was going on. He let out a small cough and bowed at them, “I have to go. Thank you for collabing with me.” 
“Of course class president! I’ll see you this Wednesday!”   
Jin nodded his head and waved at the two girls. He quickly made his way out of the class and ran straight to the student council room. He slammed the door closed and leaned against the door with sweat coming down his face. 
“Hyung, are you okay?”
Jin looked to see all his members looking at him with worried looks. He swallowed his spit and looked at them with a scared look, “I-I...I’m pretty sure that Y/N is my soulmate.” 
“L/N Y/N, Yeri’s friend?” 
Jin looked at Jungkook and nodded his head, “I kinda knew it was someone in my classes because I felt sick but I didn’t think it would be her.” 
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” 
“Nothing...it’s just we’re so opposite. She's so quiet and barely talks to anyone...What if she hates me?” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes at this and sat on the couch, “You won’t know unless you try. Just be careful because you don’t know what the side effect is with her yet.” 
“Thanks for the confidence.” 
“Noona is really nice. She helped me with my English assignment for tutoring. You just have to break her shell.” 
Jin smiled to himself and nodded his head, “We are working together for the fundraiser.”
“See, it's perfect! Now don’t be a pussy and talk to her.” 
“Yah! Jimin, I still need to punish you for not showing up for the speech!” 
Y/N sat next to Yeri and let the couch swallow her, “You had a good study session?” 
Y/N sighed and shook her head, “Not really...I had things on my mind.”
“Is it the date this Friday?” 
“Yeah...and something else.”
Yeri raised her eyebrow and turned her body towards her, “Is something else going on? Tell me~.”
Y/N sighed and glanced at her before looking back at the ceiling, “I’ve been thinking about Jin...I don’t know why but there’s something about him that caught my eye.”
“Like romantic? You finally have a date with Johnny. It could be your brain playing games on you because you're nervous for Johnny. You know, your brain wants you to fail before you start.” 
Y/N nodded her head and looked at Yeri, “Yeah, that could be it. Johnny wants to take me to the park afterward.”
“Oh, tell me more.” 
Y/N found herself back in the library the next day reading more folktales for her literature class. The subject was the myth of the seven witches. She wasn’t shocked when the professor said this because she was Yeri’s mother. Like mother, like daughter. She pulled a book out of the shelves and started reading the book, “...The seven witches are known throughout the land as the healers of humanity. Saving those who are in need regardless of what it is. For generations, they will continue this until they find their soulmates. Once they find their soulmates then the witch can’t function right. Which is very dangerous. The seven witches have different side effects, the one that is known is switching bodies...” 
Y/N closed the book and grabbed another book heading to the checkout station. She placed her books on the dark wood as she took out her student ID, “Hello, Mrs. Conner. I would like to check these two books out.” 
She looked up from her wallet to see Jin looking back at her with a surprised look. She smiled at him and looked behind him, “Is Mrs. Conner not here?” 
“Sh-She’s in a meeting.” 
Y/N nodded her head and handed her student ID to him. Jin felt sweat form on his neck as he gently took the card out of her hand. He scanned her ID and then her books. He tilted his head at the book choices and looked up at her with a smile, “Your reading about the seven witches?” 
“For a project.”
“Do you believe in the seven witches?”
Y/N let out a small laugh and shook her head, “Not really. I think it's a scam...but if you believe in it then don’t let my opinion alter your views.” 
Jin let out a small laugh and scanned the books, “I believe in them...I think it's...fun to believe in it.” 
“Yeah, Yeri’s been believing that since we were kids. Her mom takes her to the shrine with the seven witches statue in Busan every summer.”
“What about the shrine in Anyang?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and put her ID back in her wallet, “I’ve been there once. It’s nice and peaceful but I only go for the scenery.” 
“Do your parents believe in the seven witches?”
Y/N scoffed at this and nodded her head, “My mom has these stones for them and my dad does the prayer thing to them. I just watch on the sidelines.”
“You know the seven witches are different each generation.” 
“That makes sense...can I take my books?” 
Jin nodded his head and slid the books towards him, “Enjoy the books...before you go. Do you want to pick a coffee with me right now?” 
Y/N glanced down at the books and picked them up. She looked at him with a confused look, “Sure...” 
Jin smiled to himself and moved away from the desk. He grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger with a wide smile on his face. He walked towards her with his hands in his pocket, “What kind of coffee do you like?” 
“I like iced americano...that's it.” 
“I like my coffee sweet if I’m being honest. White chocolate mocha is super good.” 
Y/N nodded her head and glanced down at her shoes, “Yeri likes that too...” 
“I like dipping my bread in the mocha. It's super good. You should try it.” 
“Jin...why do you want to hang out with me?” 
Jin raised his eyebrow at her, “Do you not want me to hang out with you?”
“That’s not what I meant...it’s just...we're so different.” 
“Opposites attract.”
“But we never spoke to each other. I know we're working together on this fundraiser but you don’t have to hang out with me.”
He rolled his eyes and opened the door (thank god there was a cafe in the library), “I just want to hang out with you. I know Yeri because she's the president of her club and we had meetings. I know you but I don’t know you.” 
She nodded her head and looked at the menu, “It’s weird. You're easy for me to talk to.”
“Is that a good thing?” 
“I haven’t decided yet.” 
Y/N said her order and went to take out her phone to pay but Jin beat her. She looked at Jin and frowned at this, “Why did you do that?” 
“You can pay for me next time.”
“Next time?” 
Jin didn’t say anything and ordered his drink. Jin is so weird but enduring I guess... They walked to a table towards the back as they waited in silence. She glanced down at her phone and started reading an article as Jin just sat there with nervousness. What do you say to your soulmate that doesn’t know that they're the soulmate? It's a complicated situation and Google can’t help him figure it out. He opened his mouth but it was quickly cut off when he heard someone say Y/N’s name. She looked up and a smile appeared on her face, “Johnny.”
He glanced at the man who was now at their table and felt his heart drop at the look they shared, “Hey, why didn’t you tell me you were at the library?”
“I just needed two books. Jin invited me to the cafe.”
Johnny glanced at Jin (with a small glare that only Jin saw), “That’s nice of the class president. Y/N, are we still up for that date?”
“Unless you change it then yes.” 
“Alright, I’ll see you later. Bye, president.” 
Jin watched him leave and his chest felt heavy. He looked at Y/N with a small (fake) smile, “Are you with Johnny?”
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “No.” 
“You seem happy with him.”
“I guess. We should get our drinks.”
Jin let out an awkward cough and nodded his head, “Yeah.” This whole soulmate thing just got more complicated.
“Class president, where do you want me to put these papers?” 
Jin glanced up at Y/N and let out a nervous laugh, “What is it?”
Y/N glanced down at the papers and then back at him, “It’s just...posters. Yeri just handed them to me so I wasn’t sure what they were.”
Jin nodded his head and stood up from his desk. He walked towards her and glanced down at the posters trying his best to ignore her eyes, “I’ll look at them and sign them off.” 
“Okay, class president.” 
“Please call me, Jin.” 
Y/N nodded her head and glanced at the window with a frown, “It's so windy...hopefully the winds don’t blow off the posters.” 
“Don't worry, I have it under control.” 
It's been a week since Y/N’s meeting with Jin at the cafe which means it's been a week since Johnny’s date. The date was everything she wanted and something was missing. She didn’t know what it was but it could be the nerves. When she left Jin that day at the cafe, for some reason it hurt her heart to see his sad face but she continued to walk away. 
“Y/N, are you okay?”
She looked up from her lemonade drink and nodded her head, “Yeah, why?” 
Johnny shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink, “You seemed distracted. I was just worried.” 
She shook her head, “I’m just nervous that's all.” 
“Ohhh, I make you nervous?” 
“Shut up.” 
She gave him a smile and went to walk out but her foot got caught in the rug (the day before Hoseok and Namjoon were trying to sew something. Everything was going well until Namjoon accidentally cut the rug). In a matter of seconds, she felt something hard against her back. She closed her eyes waiting for impact but when she opened them she was standing up. She was really confused and looked down to see herself in her arms, “What the fuck?”
Jin opened his eyes and looked up to see his face, “Oh, shit.”
Y/N quickly dropped Jin and looked down at her hands with wide eyes. She rushed to look at herself in the mirror and her mouth dropped. There she was in Jin’s body. She let out a small scream but it was soon covered with Jin’s (her own) hand. She pushed him off and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, “What the fuck is going on? Oh my god, am I drunk? I don’t drink though...What the fuck is going on!?”
“Calm down...I-I...fuck.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down. I’m in someone else's body.”
Jin sighed and went to his table ignoring her distress. He pushed some paper away and opened a fancy red book. He read away and his eyes widened at the words “...The one side effect of soulmates is body switching. This is the only one that is known throughout the community. The only way to switch back is a kiss on the lips. The body switching will continue until both soulmates accept each other.”  
“Jin!? Stop ignoring me!” Jin sighed and walked towards her ignoring her confusion. He leaned forward and placed her lips against his own. He watched her eyes widen and then slowly close as he did the same. When they moved away, Y/N looked down to see herself in her own body but that didn’t stop the questions, “Jin, what the fuck just happened?” 
“We switched bodies.” 
“I fucking got that! Why did we switch!?” 
He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “What if I told you I was part of the seven witches?” 
Y/N blinked her eyes and let out a small laugh but when she saw his serious look she stopped. She blinked her eyes again and then all of a sudden she fell to the ground. Jin's eyes widened at this and cursed under his breath, “Oh shit she fainted.” 
He picked her up (with his sleeves covering his hands so they wouldn't touch) and placed her on his couch and rubbed his forehead roughly, “Fuck...she already has a boyfriend. I can’t just come into her life and change it, I’m not a homewrecker. I’m not Jimin.” 
He walked towards his mini-fridge and took out a water bottle. He placed it on the coffee table and sighed to himself, “Why does this happen to me? What did I do?” 
Y/N let out a small sigh and opened her eyes slowly. She turned her head to see the water bottle and glared at it. She quickly shot up and glared at Jin, “YOU’RE A FCUKING WITCH!” 
Jin jumped at the sudden loudness from her and was actually shocked that she could be that loud, “Don’t yell that so loud!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me be quiet about this. You know switching bodies is fucking normal.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry-”
“We just fucking switched bodies I-I...Whose the other witches?” 
Jin looked at her with a confused look, “What?” 
“Don’t what me! Who are the other witches?” 
“The other student council members...”
Y/N stared at him and let out a sarcastic laugh, “Of course, they are...why am I not shocked by this? Is that why Jimin fucks so many people because he uses his magic?” 
“What? No, he’s just a whore.” 
They stared at each other and the tension between them was awkward but also sexual. Jin knew why it was sexual but he wasn’t going to act on that. Y/N pointed at Jin with a wide smile, “We can switch bodies...I want us to switch bodies tonight.” 
Confusion was painted on Jin’s face and he titled his head, “What?” 
“I have a date with Johnny tonight and you’re more extroverted...I need you to be extroverted for this date because I was so awkward on the first date.” 
“You want me to go on a date with Johnny!?” You’re my fucking soulmate!!! 
“I think that’s fair...I don’t know okay damn. I just want a good date with him!” 
My fucking soulmate wants me to go on a date with someone who already hates me...nice, “What do I get out of it?” 
“I mean...you get kisses from me. That’s good?” 
“Are you asking me if it's good or are you asking yourself?” 
Jin let out a deep chuckle making Y/N swallow her spit at how hot it sounded, “Your kisses are a good prize. Fine, I’ll do it.” 
Before Y/N could say anything, Yeri barged in with papers in her hands. Yeri glanced between the two with a raised eyebrow, “Did you guys fuck?” 
Yeri shrugged her shoulders and placed the papers on Jin’s desk, “The aura just feels like when someone just got fucked.” 
Y/N glanced at Jin and she didn’t miss Jin looking her up and down. She shook her head and bowed at Jin, “Bye, president.” 
Y/N grabbed Yeri’s wrist and quickly made their way out of the room with her face feeling hot. What did I do to deserve this? 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Jin plopped down into his chair and stared at the poster. Yeri wanted to find your soulmate booth and Jin smirked at it. An idea popped into his head. 
“Wait, so you're going on a date for your soulmate?” 
Jin sighed and nodded his head towards Yoongi, “Yes I am...”
“You know how stupid that sounds, right hyung?”
Jin glared at Jungkook through the mirror and sighed, “Aren’t you guys supposed to support me through this difficult time?” 
“No, it's our job to make things hard for you.”
“Thanks, Taehyung.” 
It was time for the date and Jin was already dreading it. He just wanted to help his soulmate but fucking hell. Going on a date with another person isn’t what he wanted. He turned around and put on his jean jacket with a frown, “I’ll be going.” 
“Good luck, hyung.” 
“You need it!” 
Jin rolled his eyes at his members and left the house with a weight on his shoulders. He always thought finding his soulmate would be the happiest moment of his life. His parents always told him that finding his soulmate would be life-changing and they were right. He can’t believe that Y/N was infatuated with someone else and he was such a fool that he would do anything for his soulmate. He just wanted to feel love and even though this is wrong, he was still going to do it to feel something at least. 
He knocked on the door and Y/N opened it. His mouth dropped at the sight. She was wearing a floral deep v-neck blouse that had bell sleeves and a bow in the back, she had a white mini skirt on with white knee socks underneath with black mary janes. Her hair was just a simple braid and her makeup was soft, she looked beautiful, “Jin did you hear me?” 
He shook his head and smiled at her, “What was that sorry?” 
“I said, did you want a drink and you can come in?”
He nodded his head and walked into the door. He took off his shoes as they headed into her small living room. It was a very neat living room with everything in its place and everything was clean. Y/N sat on the couch with Jin sitting next to her, “What drink do you want?” 
“Oh, water is good.” 
Y/N nodded and got up from the couch with a smile on her face. He watched her leave the couch and he couldn’t help himself from looking at her bare thighs. The knee socks hugged her legs perfectly and he hated how distracted he was with her. She was someone else's, he needed to remember that.  
She handed him the water looking at the ground with an awkward look, “Th-Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.” It’s a big problem.
“Do I just touch you?”
“Physical touch…that’s it.” 
She gently placed her hand on top of his and his touch sent an electric shock through her body. She ignored it because it could be magic.  When she opened her eyes, she was taller. She glanced to her left and saw her body. It worked again, “Thank you again, Jin.”
“Yeah…where’s the date?”
“It’s at Simon Says.”
He can afford that? “That sounds like a good date.” 
“Johnny said it took him months to get it.”
“I’m glad he got it for you. I should get going.”
Y/N nodded her head and stood up with a smile. She gave him a quick hug, “Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it.” 
“Anything for you Y/N.” 
Jin left her apartment with a dark cloud over his head. He couldn’t explain this feeling, heading to your soulmate's date. It’s a weird feeling and it hurts if anything. With each step he took, he felt his heart breaking. The only thing he wanted was for Y/N to be happy and if he had to do this then so be it.
Y/N felt like shit. It’s been two weeks since the body switched and she fell ill. Every time she switched with Jin, she felt sick. On top of things, she was spending more time with Jin for the fundraiser and she felt her heart beat faster. It was so confusing because she really liked Johnny and it’s been two years of having her crush. Dating Johnny was the only thing she wanted but now she’s rethinking everything. Jin changed her thoughts and she didn’t know if she liked this. 
“Y/N did you hear me?”
She looked up and the person that was on her mind was staring at her with a raised eyebrow, “I’m sorry what?”
“I said, are you excited for the soulmate booth?”
She glanced at the booth and let a small smile appear, “I guess…I feel indifferent.”
“How’s your seven witches project?”
“Oh, I haven’t been doing it. She extended it so it’s due at the end of the month.”
Jin frowned at this and nodded his head, “So you haven’t been doing any research on it?”
“I had a chemistry project. You just want me to learn more about you.”
He let out an awkward laugh (something Y/N didn’t pick up), “Yeah…”
“I don’t understand this soulmate thing.”
Jin smiled and picked up one of the rocks, “The seven witches created this spell that when soulmates grab the same rock, it lights up to this pink color.”
“Oh they like rocks like penguins then?”
“I guess.”
She glanced at the rocks and then back at Jin, “Have you found your soulmate?”
“Yeah, I have.”
For some reason, Y/N's heart broke at this. She had Johnny so she couldn’t focus on Jin, “O-Oh really. That’s good. I’m happy for you. What’s she like?” 
Jin let out a small laugh and smiled softly, “She's shy but at times she isn’t. She’s super smart and helps everyone who needs it. She’s also beautiful, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
Her lips formed a tight smile and nodded her head, “I’m happy for you…When is the booth opening again?”
“Tomorrow night. I’ll see you there?”
“Of course, I’ll be there, Jin.”
He gave her a quick smile and left to go look at the booth. She frowned at this when she saw a shift in his demeanor. Something was wrong with him and she felt she was at fault but she didn’t know why. She felt a heated look on her and she turned to see Namjoon glaring at her. She looked around to see if he was glaring at someone else but now it was towards her. She frowned and let out a nervous laugh, “Is everything okay, Namjoon?”
“How long?”
“How long what?”
Namjoon sighed and glanced at Jin before glaring back at her, “How long are you going to keep this up with Jin?” 
“Well the fundraiser is-”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N.” 
She looked at him with a confused look, “Namjoon, I’m so confused...” 
“You have a textbook, use it.” 
She watched him leave and she stood there confused. The textbook? What does that have anything to do with this? She brought out her thoughts when she felt a touch on her shoulders. She turned around and saw Johnny smiling at her, “I bought you doughnuts.” 
She smiled at this and took the bag out of his hand, “Thanks...Are you coming to the soulmate booth tomorrow?” 
“No, I have a test online during that time. I was wondering if tonight we could go on a date.” 
She glanced at Jin but shook her head, "I don't need Jin, I can do this myself, “Yeah, I’ll go.” 
Johnny smiled and intertwined their fingers together. As they walked off, she glanced over her shoulder to see Jin talking to Jimin with a small smile on his face. She wanted to run to him and hug him but she couldn’t. She realized at that moment she had feelings for Jin and she was basically leading Johnny on. They went to the corner and sat at the bench together as she frowned to herself. 
Johnny saw the frowned and looked at her, “Is something wrong?” 
“Yeah...Johnny I-”
“You like Jin?”
She looked at Johnny with wide eyes and nodded her head with shame, “Ho-How did you know?” 
Johnny smiled at her and took a bite of his doughnut, “I kinda figured.” 
“I’m sorry...I did really like you...Oh god, I’m a horrible person.” 
“Look, no hard feelings. I just need some time away from you to heal. I just want you to be happy Y/N.”
She looked at Johnny with a frown and gave him a quick hug, “I’m sorry...” 
“Go get him.” 
Y/N gave Johnny a quick kiss on the cheek and left, leaving Johnny there. He sighed to himself and leaned back into the wooden bench. He took another bite of his doughnut and felt someone sitting next to him. He turned his head and smiled, “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to check on you.” 
He let out a small laugh and glanced down to see her holding a rock, “Why do you have a rock, Yeri?” 
She let out a small laugh, “Just take it...it will be good for you, trust me.” 
Y/N ran back to the booth and looked around to see that everyone was gone. She frowned at this and took her phone out. She clicked on the icon and sent a text, Where are you? 
I went back to my dorm. I’m tired...make sure you read the textbook
She bit her lip and sighed. Whatever Jin wanted to tell her, it was in the textbook. She ran towards her apartment and tried her best to avoid everyone to get there faster. She ran into her bedroom and grabbed the textbook that was on her desk. She opened her textbook and her mouth dropped, “Jin’s my soulmate...” 
“Welcome to the soulmate booth! Let the seven witches find your soulmate this evening!” 
Jin sighed to himself and he watched everyone go up the booth, everyone but that person he wanted. He leaned back in his chair and felt a hand on his shoulder, “Hyung it's okay.” 
“Hoseok it's not okay...I should’ve told her.”
“Hyung, it’s not your fault. The whole situation is messed up.” 
Jin sighed and nodded his head, “Yeah it is.” 
Yeri overheard the conversation and glanced at them with their curious eyes, “Who's your lucky girl?” 
“Do I know them?”
Jin sighed and nodded his head, “Yeah, you do.” 
“Oh! Is it Y/N?”
“Go do your job, Yeri!” 
Jin stood up and was about to leave when he heard his name getting yelled out in the crowd. He turned around and saw Y/N panting. He raised his eyebrow and made his way towards her, “Y/N, are you okay?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Tell you-”
“Grab a rock with me, Jin.” 
He was about to walk away but Y/N forced his hand open. She dropped a rock into his hand and grabbed another rock just to have pink light shining against her skin. She glanced at the rock and then back at him, “I’m your soulmate Jin...why didn’t you tell me?”
“You had someone else...I didn’t want to take advantage of you.” 
“I liked you for a while but I just thought of myself liking you as a friend. The more I thought about it the more I realized I liked you Jin. Please give me a chance...please.” 
He blinked his eyes and leaned forward placing a quick kiss on her lips. When he pulled away he gave her a smile, “Of course I would give you a chance...I would give us a chance everyday for the rest of my life.” 
On the other side of the booth, Johnny held the rock with an uninterested look, “It’s a rock, that's it.” 
“Are you sure about that?” 
He glanced up and saw Yeri grabbing a rock and he watched his rock lit up, “No way...” 
“Yes way.” 
Jin tugged at Y/N’s shirt, their faces centimeters away from each other, “Ji-Jin...”
His eyes slightly glaring at her threateningly, “What does the shrine do for the witches?” 
“So the witches can hear their prayers and help them.” 
Jin let her go and she let out a small cough, “Your boyfriend is part of the seven witches and you can’t even remember anything.” 
“Jin, I told you I’m not good at remembering these things...just two months ago I didn’t believe in it.” 
Y/N’s project was due next week and she was having trouble making her powerpoint. She couldn’t tell what information to use about the seven witches and Jin was insulted by this. This is how she found herself getting harassed by her boyfriend alone in the council office. 
“Jin, aren’t you being harsh with me? I’m just going off by the text!” 
“You don’t need the text when you have me. Y/N, what’s the main power that witches have?” 
There was an awkward silence that fell upon the both of them. Jin waited for the answer and sighed when he knew he wasn’t going to get one, “Healing. Every answer you get wrong, you have to take off a piece of clothing.” 
“Eh!! But Jin!”
“Now, Y/N.”
She sighed and kicked her shoes off. She rolled off her thigh-highs down her leg giving Jin a full view of her bare legs. She balled up her stockings up and put them into her shoes, “Jin, I’m still reading the books-”
“Again, you have me for the source material. You have pretty legs.” 
By the end of the questions, Y/N was left in her shirt ( and her underwear) as she stared at Jin with a red face, “is the door locked?”
“Do you want it unlocked?”
Jin let out a small laugh and leaned forward placing a quick kiss on her lips making her smile. He leaned back onto the couches as Y/N sat still in front of him. He sighed and gave her a gentle smile, “I’ll give you an easy one. What's one of the side effects of a soulmate?” 
“You can’t control your magic.”
Jin stared at her with his jaw dropped, “Take it off.”
“That’s right though Jin!” 
Slowly hesitatingly, she started to unbutton her shirt. Her shirt slid down her arms revealing the matching bra to her underwear. Her face was red as Jin tried his best to hide his red face, “Get up, Y/N.”
“Do it.” 
She slowly stood up from the couch and looked at him with a confused look. In one swift movement, Jin pinned her onto the coffee table on top of her papers, “Jin!?” 
He didn’t say anything and leaned forward pressing his lips onto her. Her eyes widened at the soft touch but her eyes slowly closed when she felt her heart melted into it. Jin pressed harder and she felt his tongue playing with hers making her accidentally let out a moan. He nested his head on her shoulders and placed kisses against her neck. He pulled down her bra and he leaned in sucking on her nipple. His tongue twirling around making her squirm, “It’s okay to moan, Y/N.” 
He switched to her other breast giving it the same treatment. She tried her best to keep in her moan but she couldn’t hold it anymore, “That was a good moan.” 
He stood up but got on his knees, spreading her legs apart so that he was in between them. He slowly pulled off her underwear. Just then, she felt his tongue insert itself and she let out a loud moan. She tried to push him away but this caused him to take out his tongue and started to spread her folds with his fingers, licking every part, “Do-Don’t do that or I’ll-” 
She felt the sensation take over her and she closed her eyes tightly, “J-Jin!” 
He removed himself and licked his lips, “I love it when you cum at foreplay.” 
He stood up and threw his top off along with the rest of the clothing except for his student council tie because he knew it was one of your kinks. He climbed back on top of her and the tip of his length teased her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her and he fell into her arms as she embraced him. She felt his kisses go along her neck and she let out a small laugh at the touches. The more he kissed, the deeper his tip played with her, “You want this don’t you?” 
“I-I wouldn’t say that...” He slid her bra off and let out a chuckle at her answer. He cupped her face and brought her in for another kiss, “You’re so cute.” Without warning, he slammed his whole length into her making her moan so loud that she knew the whole building heard it. 
“Th-This is what you get for not knowing anything about the witches.”
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cookiegirlsstuff · 8 months
hi i saw ur post asking for a request so here i am lol 💞
I just would like a fic with lee taehyung and ler jungkook because i lovee
Taehyung draws on Jungkook's face while he's sleeping so jungkook takes revenge
A prank goes wrong
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Lee: Taehyung
Ler: Jungkook
It was that time again. It was one of those days when Taehyung was in a very mischievous mood. He wanted to prank his members and right now he was thinking about who would be the best victim.
Jin? No, he would just complain about Taehyung being annoying.
Yoongi? Definitely not! No explanation needed.
Hobi? Too good at revenge.
Najoon? No, he was already stressed enough.
Jimin? Probably not. He had already pranked Jimin yesterday.
So there was only one left: the maknae Jungkook
Taehyung couldn't resist the temptation as he watched Jungkook sleeping peacefully on the couch. The youngest member of BTS had dozed off after a long day of practicing for their upcoming performance. Taehyung smirked mischievously as he grabbed a pack of colorful markers, his mind buzzing with ideas.
Carefully, Taehyung approached Jungkook with silent steps, making sure not to wake him up. He sat down next to the sleeping maknae and started to draw on his face with the markers. Taehyung drew silly faces, hearts, and even wrote 'Taehyung was here' on Jungkook's forehead.
Once he was satisfied with his work, Taehyung sat back and admired his masterpiece. But he didn't have much time to revel in his triumph as Jungkook stirred in his sleep. Taehyung quickly scrambled away and hid in his room.
Jungkook groggily opened his eyes and rubbed them, still half-asleep. As he got up to stretch, he noticed that something felt off on his face. He walked over to a nearby mirror and froze when he saw the colorful drawings all over his face.
'TAEHYUNG!' Jungkook yelled, turning his head back and forth in search of the culprit. But Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. Jungkook groaned in frustration, knowing that Taehyung had probably hidden.
After cleaning his face, Jungkook plotted his revenge. He had already come up with the perfect revenge plan. As he quietly entered Taehyung's room, he saw his hyung watching something on his phone. Perfect, Jungkook thought.
He sneaked up quietly before jumping on Taehyung with a yell and pushing him into the bed.
"Jungkook - ah what are you doing?" asked Taehyung, trying to sound surprised but having a hard time not laughing.
"I'll take revenge!" Jungkook smiled and showed his bunny teeth.
"For what?" replied Taehyung with a smug grin.
"Hmm, let me think about it…." said Jungkook, making a serious face while pinning Taehyung's arms above his head.
“Then I'll give your memory a little help,” Jungkook said and both lads made their hands like claws as they were inching towards his hyung.
His eyes widened and he started thrashing around like his life was dependent on it.
“Are you okay Tae? You seem scared” the younger one, asked as his hand made contact with the soft skin of his tumy and started clawing there like crazy.
Taehyung immediately started laughing and desperately tried to escape. He hadn't been tickled in a while and had almost forgotten how ticklish he was.
"I was peacefully sleeping in the living room. But then you brat came", Jungkook began the story telling.
"And you drew on my beautiful young face," he continues the story while tickling Taehyung's sides.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he only cried in laughter and he was trying to pull his arms down but it was useless. Jungkook was too strong and the tickles make him even weaker.
"That wasn't so nice of you Kim Taehyung!" laughed Jungkook.
“Ihihihi- I am sorryhyhyhy” Taehyung managed to say.
"You really think that a small sorry is enough to get away from my punishment?" Jungkook asked.
"Jungkook - ahaha please," Taehyung begged, giggling.
"Let me think about it….no," the maknae said and started the tickle attack again.
“Naww little Taehyungie is weak for tickles. How cute~” Jungkook cooed at the older wiggling his small but very skilled fingers in the hollows of his underarms leaving a tingly and ticklish sensation at the skin.
“JUNGKOOK - AH ENOHOHOUGH!” V fell into screaming laughter, thrashing around as his sweet spot was being tortured mercilessly.
"No, not yet," Jungkook decided and moved to the older boy's ribs.
"Let's play something", he said with a lovely smile. But for Taehyung he looked like a pure devil in this moment.
"Let's play rib counting," laughed Jungkook.
But of course the bunny, mean as always, didn't listen to Tae's helpless begging.
"1....2....3....4....5....6", Jungkook counted.
"7....8....9....10....11....12. Exactly 12", Jungkook giggled as he finished the tickling finally.
After that, Jungkook placed Taehyung on his lap and put on a movie as they both enjoyed some ramen.
Eventually, his hyung fell asleep while leaning into the bunny, who gave a smile as he thought:
*Maybe I should tickle him more often*
And with that both of them fell asleep.
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Thanks for your request! I had so much fun to write it and I hope you'll like it 😉 thank you even more because I was really bored and needed some inspiration for what to write 💜
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myulmang · 2 years
   𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 gif pack !
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in the source link you will be redirected to #117 268x151 gifs of KIM TAEHYUNG (1995) in in the soop (2020). these gifs were all cropped, colored and created from scratch by me for commission. do not edit, repost, redistribute, or claim as your own.
if you found this helpful or plan to use these gifs please like/reblog & maybe consider supporting me by buying me a coffee ( myulmang ).
content warning : food.
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yoonly93 · 4 years
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* TaeGi || YoonTae matching icons uwu 💫
•Pls ♡ or reblog if u save/like ^^
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Namjoon x Reader: Smoking is injurious to health
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Summary: You were at the roof of your workplace smoking your vice, a ciggerate. When a certain tall man tries to talk you out of it.
Life is a rollercoaster of various events, and I fell like recently, the dips have been just too much. After completing my share of the work for the day I finally stepped out of the work station, almost making a run for the elevator and clicking the button for the top most floor.
As you I exited the elevator and almost crashed into Heuning-Kai who immediately went "Ah Noona, Anneyonghaseo" and bowed, I gave a slight bow and greeted him back. I walked past him and went straight towards the roof top, it's generally empty around these times and I completely love that. I stepped and the cold air of the night welcomed me, it was November and hence the night weather was cold and I loved the breeze hitting my face. Seeing that the roof was empty, I freed my hair from my scrunchie and wore it around my wrist. I hand combed my hair, just incase.
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I loved this view, no matter how many times I see it, the view never fails to amaze me. The faint sound of the city hustle and the sound of wind. I pulled my phone and clicked a few pictures of the night view of the city of Seoul, from the roof of the Hybe building.
Suddenly, "Hey!"
"AAAAAAAHH!" I screeched and almost dropped my phone, but lucky the man infront of me caught it, swiftly before it hit the ground.
And my mind went blank. Why was Kim Taehyung sneaking up on me!!
"What? You didn't notice me when you entered?" He asked
"You were here?" I asked, shocked out of my mind.
"Yes. The whole time. How did you not see me?" He asked chuckling.
"I didn't expect anyone to be here, so I didn't look around much" I said and he laughed "you think scaring someone to death like that is funny?" I asked and scoffed.
"I didn't even know, you be scared Yn-ssi! But it was hilarious!" He said.
I just shook my head and smiled back. Me and Taehyung weirdly clicked on my first project in the company, when he bumped into me one evening and offered to buy me coffee as an apology for cracking my phone as I declined his offer of getting me a new phone. We talked and enjoyed. Even on my second project and leading to my third, we spoke as we saw each other.
We both gazed at the city lights and I swiftly brought out my pack of cigarettes holding one to my lips I brought out my lighter and lit it. Leaving a puff of smoke, facing away from Taehyung. As if on queue he brought out his vape and lit it as well.
"so how long is this project?" He asked
"Well it was supposed to be 1 month, but some technical issues have arrived and I think it'll take more time" I said and took in a puff.
"So I was thinking, lets connect on kakao, I think it'll be fun" he said and pulled out his phone and made a few clicks and showed me his kkt qr code. I scanned it with mine and pinged him. He gave a classic smile and went on "Yn-ssi can I have a puff? Please"
"No! I know you are strictly prohibited to smoke cigarettes. You can't fool me" I stuck out my tongue at him and took another pull.
"One pull, one tiny little pull"
"And loose my job?!" I said amused.
"No! Never! I'll vouch for you. But that won't happen"
"Nope. No need!!" I denied.
"Please. Please Yn-ssi please!" He was about to step closer when another voice was heard.
"Stay with your vape. You should consider yourself lucky you get it" I knew very well whom that voice belonged to. Tae groaned at his Namjoon hyung.
"Seriously? Again" he looked at me and said as he took a seat on the small pillar beside me.
"Don't blame the girl, she's going through a stressful day" I said taking a final puff and going to put it off and throw it in the dustbin. The roof is a common spot for the building's smoker workers to half an "air break".
When I walked back Taehyung was missing, Namjoon patted the spot beside him and I gladly took the seat.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess. Um.. Joaquin blew up the roaster and the back up is incomplete so we'll have work from the proceedings again" you said huffing.
"I had warned you guys in the very first day that he was an idiot" he said throwing his hands up.
"Oh c'mon, I could ask my agency to change the individual because they drink Americano with 6 pumps of sugar." And we both started laughing.
"No seriously, who does that?! Why would you drink Americano if you add 6 pumps of sugar in it!" He said laughing harder
"I seriously don't know, but you were right he is an idiot!" I said nodding "I cant believe he blew up 2 to 3 weeks progress. This is insane and stupid" and we both kept talking, untill my phone rang, and I picked it up. It was my friend/flat mate Nika "Where are you? Why aren't you home? Did you see the time!" She spoke in our native mother tongue
"No. I mean, uh .... I kind of got caught up, I'll tell you when I return. Whats the time" I removed the phone from my ear to see it been an hour since I came to the roof and was getting quite late. I calmed her down saying I was on my way out and will take a cab home, all replying in my mother tongue as well and hung up.
"My friend's freaking out, I told her to go home alone today as I'll be late, but well its quite late. I better hurry" I stood up putting my phone back in my pocket and
"That friend who works here but you've never told us who it is?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.
I nodded and he said "Yeah Lets go"
I didnt make much of it and started walking to lift and went back to my work station floor to get my bag. I was kinda glad Namjoon was following me making small talks as most of the lights were dimed and I'm kinda scared of the dark. We spoke about various stuff and he informed me that he was done for the day and wanted to ask Tae to ride back home together so he had originally come in search for Taehyung.
"But where did he go?" I asked as we came back to the lift.
"He must be at the cafe, he said something about a new part-timer being cute" shaking his head.
And as the elevator dinged at the bottom floor, he asked "Will you drive home?"
"No, I let my friend take our car. I'll just get a cab" I said shrugging.
"No!" He suddenly said.
"What?" I said shocked.
"Lets go, Tae will drive you home first and then we'll return"
"No! Are you crazy! Cause I'm not, I do not wanna take the risk of getting seen like that!" I said, shocked by the stupidity of the 148 iq man infront of me.
"Yeah, you're kinda right" he said with a sheepish grin and scratched his head. "Then I'll arrange the car for you." I tried to protest but he said "Nope! You stayed late for the company, and it's my duty as your boss, well kinda, to take responsibility"
I rolled my eyes and chuckled saying "okay, my responsible boss" smh. But I smiled to my self, that feeling when the person you love does something sweet for you and it warms your heart. Even though to him it might just be a considering gesture for just an employee. To me, it was like a blessing from heaven and I couldn't wait to tell this to Nika.
As always as soon as you told Nika about your encounter, she got all excited. You suddenly herd you KKT tone go off, and the notification left you stunt.
K.rm94 sent you a message
I hope you reached home safe.
Oh I hope you don't mind I stole your contact from Tae ;)).
Seeing me stand there in shock, Nika came to my side and glanced at the notification and literally screamed.
"Girl, I think today calls for the big bottle huh. Order some nice food and get fresh" She almost order and Just looked at her.
"Don't acted like you didn't drag my broke ass to a whole restaurant on the day Hobi asked for my number. And this would have happened a long time ago if you would have just let me introduce you to them" I just rolled my eyes and what she said and said "I was embarrassed back then. And I'm ordering some pork belly chops and bbq"
"Suits me!" She shouted from the kitchen.
A drink wont hurt, it was friday anyway.
Two weeks latter, I again found myself smoking on the roof, it was quite early, but I had a presentation and wanted to double check everything. It would be an hour or more before the other employees pile in.
"You shouldn't be smoking at this hour, you know" I heard the voice of the man of my dreams and almost instantly the cigarette was pulled out of my hand. I watched him walk all the way to the dustbin to put out the smoke and throw it. As he came back I noticed he had 2 go to cups in his hand. He just place one infront of me.
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"Here, your lemon ice tea with 1 pump of sugar, and little bit of mint and basil" I was taken aback and shocked. Namjoon looked at me and went "What? You don't like it? I got something wrong haven't I? Did I-"
"No it's exactly what I always drink. I was just shocked you remember it." I smiled accepting the cup and sipping on it. He gave an illegal dimple smile. Man how can a human look THIS good, early in the morning?! I wondered. Suddenly I realised and asked him.
"How did you know I am here?"
"You did tell me last night, that you were nervous. So I thought of buying you your emotional support drink to cheer you up. But, you weren't on your floor, so I figured you'd be here" and he shrugged. Damn this man is smart. "don't worry you'd do great" he said bumping his hand on my shoulder lightly.
I loved and cherished these moments. Be it texts or in IRL. Just the fact that he thought about me even amoung so many things he could be thinking of made me blush. I wish I could tell him the effect of these little things he does. Nika's teases also dont do any more help than pour oil in fire.
"Can I ask something?" Namjoon like just like he always does even on texts.
"I've told you to not ask that question and just ask away" I said smiling.
"Why do you smoke so much. Like you do it alot, I'm just curious not discriminating or anything" he said, seemingly nervous.
I fixed my glasses and said "Well, I've been doing it for a long time, to some extent it has become a habit. Also stress, loneliness and stuff"
"Loneliness?" He said looking at you from the road.
"Yeah. My mum and sis are at Gimpo, it's not far but still whatever, and I dont really have friends, except my roommate and a few others" I chucked, "I'm quite the loner, yeah, I go around places alone at times. So yeah, that feels quite lonely"
"You shouldn't have to" Namjoon suddenly blurted out "You could come with me, I go about incognito alot"
"You don't have to do that, please" I said, feeling bad to see him pity me, but what he said next surprised me
"But I want to, I've wanted to and this seemed like a good opportunity, and Im blabbering sorry" He shut up and I was kinda in surprise, but my cellphone rang up and broke the moment. It was my presentation partner, I picked it up and told him that, I'll see him in a bit.
"I better get going. See you around." I told Namjoon and walked away, picking my cup in hand. On the way down to the elevator I smiled at it.
Time passed on like that me, Namjoon and Tae and even the other members met often here and there sometimes planned sometimes on coincidence. But Namjoon became quite a regular part of my life, specially through texts. Sending each other nice pictures of food and sky or of cute animals had become common. He even sneaked good pictures of the members or sent in videos and short clips. But, finally the last day of project came and Tae and Namjoon fared you well.
"Hey I'm not leaving the country or city! Why that frown" I asked Namjoon.
"He's sad that he won't be able to see you everyday" Tae joked and I laughed.
Namjoon just stretched his arms out as if signalling for a hug. I looked around to find the corridor empty and went in for a hug. Damn, I felt like it was what my body wanted for the whole life. That feeling of having him against me, his musky and deodrant smell damn, I could die happily in these arms. Those videos were right, he does give great hugs. We finally pulled apart and Tae came in for a hug. An out of breath Yeonjun was seen coming running with Beomgyu behind him.
"Yn! I'll miss you!" He said and hugged me, "Gosh Yeonjun, why do you do this everytime"
"Noona! Noona! I'll miss your sandwich!" Beomgyu hugged the both of us.
"Enough drama, come by the restaurant and I'll feed you all the food. Just tell me before hand" I saod smiling at them.
"Restaurant?" Namjoon asked.
"Noona's mom owns an Indian food restaurant in Gimpo. Its a long drive but its worth it" Beomgyu said releasing us.
"I visit on some weekends. You guys should totally come. My mom would be elated to see you both!" I said.
"Lets plan for a weekend then!" Tae said with his boxy smile.
Days passed and I got busy with new projects but Namjoon's texts seemed to remain constant. One day, one text made me blush, it was a friday evening, I had just stepped out of the shower, I was alone, Nika was out for some celebratory dinner with her teammates.
K.rm94 sent you a message
Whatchya doin tomorrow? Any plans
> Not much. I'd probably sleep and Netflix
Then I'll pick you up at 10am
I started freaking out I texted Nika but all were left unread. I opened my closet and sat choosing between various clothes, finally deciding on something casual and comfortable.
Namjoon was dot on time the next day in his car driven by another man ofcourse and we went to visit an art gallery. We had lunch at a nice empty diner and he took me to this beautiful flower garden by the Han river. Strangely all the nerves that I felt before he arrived had vanished the moment my eyes laid on him. I was standing and admiring a flower, when I heard the click of the camera and there Namjoon was standing, pointing his phone camera at me.
"Sorry. You just looked so pretty looking at it. Ah. I should have asked. Im-" he started blabbering but I stopped it saying it was fine, with flushed cheeks and the boy shocked me with what he said next.
"then, would it be okay if I held your hand?" I couldn't see his face due to the mask, but his eyes said it clear that he was smiling and not a joking one but a cute fond one. I just looked back at the flower and nodded my head. I felt him slip his hand beside mine and interlacing our fingers. Damn, it felt so right. Walking around in a garden holding the hand of the person I loved. What else could I want?
Would it be too selfish If I wanted to keep this human for me. If I just wanted this Human to be mine. I had 1000s of thoughts rushing throught my head. When I felt him tug at my hand, I looked at him and he motioned towards a bench near by.
"Sit here, I'll be back in a while" He winked and walked to a certain direction. I froze and felt a blush rush to my cheek, hopefully he was already walking away and didn't see that. I pulled out my phone and answered a few texts and saw my room mates text
Going out. Will be home late. I want all the tea when I return.
I chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. I looked around to see Namjoon still out of sight so logged into Twitter and the first post was a cute video of Felix from Straykids and I giggled.
"What has you all giggly?" I hear Namjoon's voice.
"Just Lee Felix, aww he's just so cute"
"And I ain't? Seriously woman?" Namjoon said, fake pouting. I swear if I could I'd squish his cheeks and shower him with kisses but I controlled myself and said "Well you're cute too" I winked.
"Here, your regular, but they didn't have basil so-" he mumbled, I don't know how he just knows what I need.
"Thank you Joon" I said smiling like an idiot.
We roamed about and talked a bit more before we decided to head back as he had practice the next day morning.
"Damn, I had such a great day" I said as his driver parked the car infront of our building. I don't know if I should, But may be I will and I just asked before he said anything "Wanna go upstairs? For some coffee?" I mentally slapped myself, that sounded so better in my head.
"I'd love to" he said with a smile before he pulled up his mask and exited the car.
We entered the elevator and I pressed our floor, I hope Nika isn't back.
"I really enjoyed the day you know. Lets go on a date again" he suddenly blurted, not even looking at me smiling at our hands.
"Wait! What do you mean again? We were on a date?" I asked in shock.
"I mean, weren't we? Like..." I stopped him and told him "You never told me!" I stepped outside the elevator and walked to our apartment door. I opened it and walked in with Namjoon at my tow.
"Welcome to our humble abode" I said, and showed him to the drawing room as I went it to our washroom to splash some water in my face.
I came back to Him staring at our collected Tiny tan showcase.
"They are good, specially that one" he pointed at a replica of Van Gogh's Starry night hanging on the wall above the couch.
"I love the starry night. But by the way what was that about the date" I brought back the topic.
"Well, I thought it is, like you'd understand" he stood up and walked close to me.
"I appreciate the thought, but these things need to be said and reciprocated" I said and walked into the kitchen to the counter to bring some snacks.
Suddenly I felt a presence around me and a firm grip on my waist. "So if I say I really like you? Wouldn't you reciprocate?" His husky voice near my ear sent chills down my spine.
I was so shocked that I turned around and I shouldn't have, now I was trapped face to face in a close proximity with Namjoon between the kitchen counter and him, my ways of escape guarded by his muscular arms. I was looking wide eye into his eyes, my eyes travelled allover his face which looked more beautiful from up close. My eyes finally rested on his lips, and suddenly, he leaned in and I shut my eyes, and if someone says magic, thats what I exactly felt.
I have never been kissed like that before, like he really wanted me, and he pushed me on the kitchen counter and brought himself closer. His lips felt so soft against mine. I felt his grip shift to my waist and he pulled me into him and I tangled my hand behind his neck, entangling my hands with his soft locks above his neck. He let out a slight groan into my mouth, when I tugged at them.
We parted for a few moments as we looked at each other, he looked at me, his eyes full of fondness. I pried myself on the kitchen counter as Namjoon widen my legs and stood between them and attacked my lips. We both smiled through the kiss, as I re-entangled my fingers amoung his hair. We were so engrossed in each other that we didn't hear the jiggle of keys and the door open. We didn't even realise untill a very shocked voice was heard.
"Not in the kitchen!" On hearing which I almost pushed Namjoon away in shock.
"Where was the code pink?" She asked. I was still in shock and mumble something around "I didn't know"
While Namjoon utter "Nika!" And looked at me "Nika's your room mate"
I gave a sheepish smile and said "yeah" and side eyed Nika to get lost.
"hi and bye. I'm going to my room. Don't bother" and walked inside the apartment.
And Namjoon looked back at me and asked "Code pink?"
"We have color coded different situations for better communication. And before you ask, I didn't tell you or let her introduce me to you guys so that, because I wanted to become friends with you guys naturally and not under any influence.
"I think I understand" He smiled and came in for another kiss.
"So, are you willing to give us a try?" He asked, literally with star eyes.
"I think" I said almost unsure.
"Look, I know it wont be easy, and we'll have to meet and go out in odd timing and stuff, but we'll figure stuff out okay?" He said
"Okay. Baby steps" I said. And he hugged me, I had my head on his chest and he rested his on the nape of my neck.
"I really like you" he mumbled against my skin.
"So do I" I said back.
"So as your boyfriend can I claim that I helped you pass a day with out the burning stick?" He asked with a dimpled smile
"You could but, I already had one in the morning" and smiled.
"Well, atleast try to get it a bit lesser. Just give me a call or text, hang out in the studio. Please" he said pleading with his eyes.
I nodded and kissed his cheek.
"And yes, stop accepting projects from Hybe, it makes you their employee" he suddenly said.
"Why? They pay really good" I said. He pouted and looked at me, of course I knew why. "Okay, I won't" I finally said and he hugged me again.
And that night passed with Nika listening to all the "tea" and us "celebrating"
~3 months later~
K.rm94 sent you a message
Baby.... 😀
> What? It's 2.34am.
Were you sleeping?
> Well no 😅
> Why?
Look outside.
*What I saw outside the window*
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Other Works
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fluffyydumplings · 3 years
Witch One Will Win? - Part 4
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Summary: As you get closer to someone, the more promises you’d want to make.
Word Count: 641
Pairings: dragon hybrid!reader x witch!yoongi x writer!jimin /alien!jungkook x vampire!hoseok × werewolf!taehyung
Genre: fluff / crack!au / angst / fantasylau / sci-fi!au
Warnings: self-doubt and blame / insecurity over oneself
A/N: I had this ready four days ago, but never cared to actually post it. :).. The best author award goes to! Drum roll please.. 😑
The next part will be from Yoongi, Y/N and Jimin’s point of view. Brace yourselves. (This is really short, that I have to say) - I accidentally made a dad joke. I’ll reveal it per request. :].. Have fun reading.
Series Masterlist
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‘Tae.. Are you in there?’ Hoseok’s concerned voice surges through the opening of the door.
‘Hyung... I’m so weak, pathetic and lacking of everything..  I couldn't protect my mate..’
‘I let her slip away.. I wasn't and still am not perfect enough.’
‘Hyung.. Let's talk outside. It's stuffy in there. Are you okay?’ Jungkook’s worried.
‘You actually care about me, kiddo?’
‘As if..’
A scoff is followed after.
‘Fine.. Fine.. I do! So.. Please come outside and talk to us..’
‘Kook finally stopped trying to win for once? Cute.’
A smile on Taehyung’s face and pink on Jungkook‘s cheeks.
That teasing remark hits at the side of Jungkook’s ego.
‘Are you going to stay in there forever or what? Are you going to rot in there?’
‘Stop fighting.. I will snap both of your heads off,’ Hoseok has his hands on his hips.
‘Don’t snap my head off, Hyungiee,’ the werewolf bursts out of the door.
‘Now.. What’s wron-’
‘Let’s go watch the sun setting together.. I’m tired,’ he clings onto both of their arms.
‘Does he get more possessive when he’s sad?’Jungkook rolls his eyes, ignoring the elder and communicating with Hoseok.
‘I’m still here,’ the forgotten boy reminds them of his glory.
‘I grew up in the Kingdom of Narcissus. Over there, we were expected to be perfect. To only care about ourselves and no one else. Not family, friends or anything.. I wasn’t like that though. But, when you’re the black sheep of the flock, that's what you always will be. Regardless of how nice you are or how good of a person you are, your wool is still the same. You’ll never fit in.’
‘And at one point, I became obsessed with being perfect. Now that I realise it. Perhaps my perfectionism was what killed her.’
‘How did she die?’ Hoseok’s blunt - he never enjoyed sugar coating his words.
‘She was killed by another pack..’
‘How is it your fault then?’
‘I insisted she go buy another bunch of berries. Because the ones I had weren't perfect enough,’ tears unconsciously dripped onto the ground.
‘How could you have known the future that was ahead of you? She didn't die because of you, Tae. They killed her. Was it her blood on your hands? No.. It was theirs.’
‘But.. But.. It’s my fault that I made her go to the market that day,’ he chokes on air.
‘It’s not your fault that evil exists in this world..’
‘Let’s say that you win the machine. Would she be happy knowing that you were blaming yourself for her death?’
‘No.. She would hit me in the chest and go: Tae, you silly thing!’ he smiles, a memory from years ago flashing back into his brain.
‘Do you think we’ll have to fight each other to death, for the machine?’ Taehyung keeps eye contact.
‘I won’t kill you, Tae.. Not even for her.’
‘Neither will I.. I refuse to kill you,’ Jungkook’s confident in what he says.
‘Let’s make a pact then. To give up if the final challenge is for us to slaughter each other,’ his tears have dried.
‘I, Jeon Jungkook will not have the blood of either Vampire Jung Hoseok or Werewolf Kim Taehyung.’
‘I, Kim Taehyung promise to never harm both this kiddo and this Hyung over here.’
‘I, Jung Hoseok will never lay a hand on both of these weirdos.’
‘Weirdos?!’ they scream in unison.
‘See.. Weirdos! So nosy!! My earsss!!’ Hoseok covers his ears.
‘You’re the weirdo over here, Hyung..’
‘Woah.. Woah! Now you two are ganging up on me?!!’
‘Come over and suck our blood then! That is if you can catch onto us!’ they both run away.
‘Get over here, you brats!!! I will drain you dry!!!! You probably won’t even taste good!! And for your information vampires don’t drink blood!!’
You have been invited to take a peek of one of Yoongi’s Iconic Looks
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
mr. kim spinning baby joon round and round and then went “whew buddy let me rest my arms a bit because you’re getting bigger” and smartass baby joon replied with “eomma is big and you carry her just fine” 😂😂😂😂 mr. and mrs. kim always forgetting their tiny sons were Right There whenever they got nauseatingly mushy and frisky and giggly in love 😂😂😂
Mr. Kim does that flying/Superman/feet thing with Baby Namjoon, who is cackling in the air as Toddler Jin plays with blocks nearby.
Mr. Kim: (slowly lowering Baby Namjoon) Ah, I'm sorry Namjoonie, I'm getting a little tired. Let's take a break.
Baby Namjoon: (pouting) Appa and Eomma paytime!
Mr. Kim: Eomma can't do playtime right now. She's making your snacks!
Baby Namjoon: (whining) Joonie Supaman now! Appa and Eomma Supaman night night, Joonie NOW!
Mr. Kim: I mean, I guess we can do Superman more before bed, but---
Toddler Jin: (still playing with blocks) No, Appa! Joonie says he wants to play now because you and Eomma play Superman at night! She sits like this! (he mimics Mrs. Kim straddling Mr. Kim) "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"
Mr. Kim: (mortified) I see. Uhhhhhhhhh, let's go check on those snacks.
He brings the boys back to the kitchen.
Mrs. Kim: (sing-song) Are my big, beautiful boys hungry?
Namjoon and Jin cheer, and Mr. and Mrs. Kim gets them settled in their high chairs, Namjoon in Mr. Kim's hands, and Jin in Mrs. Kim's.
Mr. Kim: (leaning into Mrs. Kim, whispering) Hey, uh, so, I think we should be a little stricter about bedtime and, uh, bedroom locks, and, uh, sleeping in their own rooms.
Mrs. Kim: What? Why??
Mr. Kim: Let's just say that Jin's getting good at imitating you. (chews his lip) Too good.
Mrs. Kim: (((BIG MORTIFIED))) oh god is that why he was squealing "yes" a minute ago?
Mr. Kim: (looking down at both their sons, who are busy eating their cut-up fruit and veggies) Man, kids really are sponges.
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PLEASE!! This was very, very sweet!! But um not to be a downer -- it also makes me think of my baby cousin (who is no longer a baby but that's how I'll always think of him) and how he was just, like, physically dense? Not fluffy or chonky, just very jam-packed into a heavy body. When I visited them one year, I went to go pick him up, and he was so excited to be held, but then his eyes narrowed, and he shook his head with a smile. He said (I'll never forget it): "Oh, no-no-no! Too hebby!" And then he kinda moved to something else to play with, giving me toys and changing the topic. At like two! I mean, I get that parents will shape certain behaviors and make certain calls on when it's time to stop picking kids up or just deal with the realities of having to carry their children, and yes, children get big and heavy and are dead weight when they're asleep lol. But idk, something about the way he just kind of knew the "carrying" part of his life was over? At TWO? Maybe I'm overdramatizing it but it was kind of a moment.
Baby Tae: Up!
Mr. Kim: (busy with work) I'm sorry, Tae-Tae, not right now, later.
Baby Tae getting teary-eyed. Sees his mom.
Baby Tae: Eomma! Up!
Mrs. Kim: Oh, sweetie, (bending down and stroking his hair) I'm a little tired, but I'll carry you in a second, OK?
Baby Tae, nearly crying, finds his brothers in Big Kid Jin's room.
Big Kid Jin: (exchanging looks with Namjoon) What's wrong, Tae-Tae?
Baby Tae: (weakly, outstretched arms) Up?
Big Kid Jin: OK.
He walks over to Baby Tae and lifts him up, but even though he's really not that far off the ground, Baby Tae snuggles into Big Kid Jin's hold and smiles.
Baby Tae: Hyung.
Big Kid Jin: Awwww!
Baby Tae wipes his face and snotty nose on Big Kid Jin's hoodie, while Little Kid Namjoon laughs.
Big Kid Jin: Aw.
Read the A Map of Mrs. Kims original story and follow the #AMOMK tag for drabbles! Full fic coming soon!
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
we’ll always have paris | kth
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we’ll always have paris
characters: kim taehyung x reader
genre: idol!taehyung, reader
categories: fluff, angst, smut (pls forgive me it’s my first time)
warnings: dirty talk (tae loves it ngl), oppa kink???, taehyung is absOLUTELY WHIPPED for reader, unprotected sex (pulling out - do not do this ok; wrap it up kids!!!!), curse words 
word count: 9.8k 
Talks of traveling from Seoul to Paris were a frequent topic between the two lovers for the first two years of their relationship. Paris was a place of new beginnings, for strolls all the Champs-Elysses, and kisses under the Eiffel Tower. Renowned for its beauty and culture, any couple intending on forever had to travel to this as a form of pilgrimage. 
Nevertheless, the duty of an idol did not align with that of a student. The number of times Kim Taehyung traveled to Paris for touring could not be counted on his fingers, for his trips were numerous. The love for ARMY was not the same for his girlfriend (and soon-to-be fiancée) so the feelings that Edith Piaf sung in ‘La vie en rose’ left him misty-eyed in anticipation for the moment he would finally do so.
“I’m going to Paris!” were the words that greeted Taehyung on his daily virtual call from his girlfriend, YN. Her chubby cheeks were filled with light as she crossed her legs in her dorm room. It was reassuring to see she was happy: her bed perfectly fixed behind her and the Tata plushie he brought him tucked under her arm. “Well.. Lyon, but my exit flight is in Paris.”
Her excitement is infectious to Taehyung. “Wait.. you are only going to Paris for your exit flight?” He asks with a frown on his lips.
“Yes.. I am traveling to Lyon for an engineering conference for spring break, but I will be going to Paris via train for my flight?” She exclaims with a giddy smile.
Her words paired with her excitement makes him think of last year when they watched the Hollywood golden-era classic, Sabrina. “자기.. Paris is not meant to be an exit flight..”
“I don’t have the money to stay longer.. Paris is expensive.” She pouts before shrugging. “Traveling like a native and then to the airport is enough for me!”
A slight frown settles into Taehyung’s soft features. As much as he loved her, he sometimes wished that she would depend on him more. For lack of a better word, he wanted to be needed. It were times like this when he wondered if she would always be a immobile rock evading his offers. “You should experience Paris properly for your first time.. with me.”
“With you?” She asks in surprise. “But what about your practice and preparations for the new album?”
Taehyung shakes his head. “We are getting a two week break.. I can just work a bit more now and I can meet you after the conference, my sweet engineer.” He is shy as his boxy smile comes into view. “We always talked about backpacking across Europe, right? Let’s start in Paris and go wherever the wind takes us.. and be spontaneous.”
Spontaneous was definitely a word to describe Taehyung. She heard him numerous times to considered doing things with him to be more adventurous; it even led to a few arguments from time to time. 
“Well.. if it is not too much of a burden for you..”
“It is not.” He smiles at her brightly. “It would be so nice for us to spend this time together too.. I miss my tiny little spoon.” He leans his cheek against his palm.
As YN usually disagreed with being a little a spoon, she concedes without a struggle. “Your little spoon misses you too... 오빠.”
“Then let’s do this.” The familiar gleam of mischief that she has always loved has reached his eyes once more. The anticipation is rising. “How does that sound?”
“I’ll start packing.” YN concedes with a wide grin. Paris and Taehyung? It’s a love story for the ages.
The warmth of a lover is the most fulfilling experience in the world. For others, it may be success and money, but such things can be replicated time and time again. The effects of true love are unwavering and everlasting in ways that no dictionary in any language can attempt to emulate. This much passion and fortitude remained elusive to be defined, but YN knew that she felt it.
Her heart was beating loud in her ears as she sat on the bed of their hotel room; the key to their shared suite living her heart in circles. She was greeted with rose petals on the bed and a small card from Taehyung that made her wonder if they were soulmates that transcended time. It were the little things like this that made her realize their love was eternal.
자기야 (Honey) 
I can’t wait to see you tonight. I seriously haven’t been able to sleep at all, thinking about what this next week has in store for us.. I’m so happy that you’re letting things go as they do. I’ll be there soon. This first night, let’s rest. Tomorrow? We run!
나는 너를 사랑해. 보라해💜 (I love you.)
너의 김태태 (Your Kim Taetae)
She smiles down at the card and plops down onto the fluffy comforters. Taehyung never filled to fill her lungs with roses and make a garden blossom for him. It were times like this when she realized the deepest realization of love was embodied by him. Her Taehyung.
Falling for Taehyung on that winter night in 2016 was the first time that she learned to go with the flow and follow her heart. Apprehension was a common practice when it came to her distinguishing the crush from mere admiration, but once she let it settle.. it began to grow into eternity. It did not fester and cool like the raisin in the sun she worried it would be.
“어... 왜 그래? 자기?” The familiar deep timber whispers, sending tingles down her spine as she shakes away from her daydream to be met with chocolate orbs. He sends her a smirk, clad in his mahogany brown day coat and black beret. He knew Parisian fashion like an atelier at Chanel. 
Her heart instantly flutters as she pulls him on top of her to take him into a tight hug and steals a kiss from his soft lips. “Taehyung!”
“What were you thinking about? You didn’t even hear me come in.” He chuckles into her ear as he settles all of his weigh on her with a smile. His fingers toy with the bow of her white sundress absentmindedly. He had missed her so much that he felt light headed just being around her. He was on cloud nine. With his girl. 
YN blushes as she takes off his beret to place it on her own head and strokes his hair. He lays his head on her chest, holding her in his arms. “I was thinking about how lucky I am to be with you.. you’re the man of my dreams, you know?”
“어?” Taehyung turns slightly red at the confession. “And not Park Hyunsik-ssi?” He teases, knowing the many occasions she fawned over his hyung while they watched his drama. 
YN giggles, “Yes. You have all that I want..” She begins to caress his cheek as he places a kiss on her clothed tummy. “The fact.. the fact you came all the way to Paris and we are going to spend the next week together backpacking makes me excited.”
“I can’t wait for our cottage in the Netherlands. I finished the reservation this morning,” He confesses while stroking her hip. “If we could.. maybe.. maybe we could extend our trip?”
“I wouldn’t say no to that.” YN doesn’t miss a beat. Taehyung’s boxy smile spreads across his face as he climbs up to kiss all over her lips in appreciation.
Taehyung smiles as he pecks her lips quickly. “Let’s drink some of the champagne and spend tonight coolly. I want to enjoy this. And you.”
“We should shower first...” she agrees with a smile as she wraps her arms around his shoulders to peck his lips. “I can order the room service too. Strawberry cheesecake?”
“And steak.” He chuckles as he thinks of their fruit: strawberries had been a deciding factor for the two of them. “I’ll head in now.”
“Mmm~.” She sing songs to him before brushing her nose against his. 
Two showers, one call to the front desk, and a knock at the door later, the two lovers sit across from each other cross legged as they feast on steak, potatoes, chocolate covered strawberries, and champagne. It is nothing short of a midsummer night’s dream and a memory that neither of them had wanted to get. The lilting tone of Sarah Vaughn plays in the background as YN listens intently to Taehyung talk about the latest episode of Adventures of BTS. He was so talkative when he was excited about something.
“And Jimin-ah! He could tell that Yoongi-hyung was falling a bit behind so he decided to stop walking. It’s a surprise that hyung had tolerated this much from us.” Taehyung laughs as he takes a sip of his accompanying soft drink, Coca Cola, while smiling. It was rare that he felt this comfortable when someone outside of Bangtan or his family, but this was why he loved YN. He felt safe and secure and he knew that her commitment to him was unwavering just as his was to her. “I’m talking too much about them.. aren’t I?”
YN shakes her head with a giggle. “Tae.. I know how much you love them. I don’t mind.” She beams as she steals another chocolate strawberry despite Taehyung whining earlier about wanting the dark chocolate one.
“Yah! You are just saying that to eat all the dark chocolate ones.. you haven’t even touched the white ones.” His smile crinkles up into moon crescents are how much of a baby she was. He always liked how youthful she was. It was reinvigorating for him to be unapologetically himself with someone who did the same.
YN is chewing on the tarty delicacy, “What? Ngh, no-“ She says as she pops another in her mouth. Taehyung only stares at her blankly for a moment before the smile returns to his face.
“Since you look cute wearing my shirt as you eat my food, I will let it slide.” He says with small chuckle. His free hand taps against the small nightstand table that they had turned into a restaurant platter. 
YN shifts in the ribbed chair and leans forward. “Then let me feed you!” She bats her lashes in her particular way that makes Taehyung go weak in the knees. She takes the initiative to bring her chair closer to his and leans forward, “Say Ahh~”
“Ah~” He song songs to her back to her in perfect key as his mouth makes a circular shape. His eyes are large and doe-like when they make eye contact. Her heart flutters like the first time.
YN picks up a medium-sized strawberry dipped in chocolate and brings it to his mouth for him to bite into it. The action is so innocent, but Taehyung aims to tease his baby whenever he can. He purposely bites into the tart fruit so that the juice coats her her fingers and his mouth before taking her fingers to lick the access chocolate-infused strawberry residue.
“Delicious,” He whispers as his eyes never leave hers. He knew how easy it was to charm her. She was wrapped around his finger.
YN bites down on her lip. If it were not for his teasing nature, she would have been perplexed by the blatant act of submission from him. The two of them often tried to outdo each other, but Taehyung’s strength and habit of spanking had considerable influence. “Do I taste good?”
“Show me.” He plays along, but he raises a brow knowingly as though to provoke her. The reaction his sly move elicits comes in the form of her returning her gaze back to her steak and bubbling on it shyly. His baby.
A few glasses of champagne later, Taehyung is tipsy. Despite not being one for alcohol, there was a certain charm about champagne and the girl that he loved that made the night all the more wondrous. Her presence in itself was intoxicating, but the sparkling alcohol softened the edge.
“Let me show you a trick, jagi.” Taehyung chirps to her as he opens the bottle with his signature move. It takes a mere flick of the wrist and a smug grin to make her laugh at how dorky, but cute he was. “Was Oppa cool?”
“Mmm. Was he?” YN likes to tease him, tapping her cheeks. She had no interest in drinking, but she was always eager to look after Taehyung if the time was right.
The lack of a compliment makes his lips pout; the small action complementing his hair that falls over his eyes. “You don’t think Oppa is cool?” His voice becomes higher in tone and he squeezes her hand to pull her closer. 
It was rare, but seeing Taehyung as a clingy boyfriend threw her heart into triple time. His grip on her hand was light, but still firm when he pulls her close and holds her in his arms. “Oppa.. I think you are cool..”
“아? 맞아요?” He asks with a small grin spreading across his face as he admires her soft features. The little debbtails about her are endearing and makes him want her even more. He giggles - a rare feat that he feels only with her. 
“오빠가 예뻐요.” YN whispers to him as she pecks his lips faintly. It is the times like this: when YN is in his lap and her arms are wrapped around his shoulders in a tight embrace that he feels the safest. 
The compliments makes him turn even more red and his face scrunches up into the sweetest arrangement possible. “아이고... 하지마..” The satoori drawl is evident when he speaks; the Standard Seoul accent that he picked up after years of living in Seoul gone from how flustered he feels. 
“My baby boy is so pretty,” She presses on while stroking his cheeks gently. Each touch leaves a trail of scarlet and Taehyung thinks he might faint from how charming she is. “Oppa is my baby boy.. right?”
Under normal circumstances, he would never give in to being her baby boy. He liked to think of himself as her protector, her lover, the one who was her equal and caregiver. He had been raised where the man always took control and stepped up to the plate when necessary, but taking a break from that was something he liked to do once in a while. Especially with her. 
“맞아..” he whispers into her chest so that he can hear her heartbeat. It beats to the same cadence and he wonders if he has ever felt this alive before. 
YN smiles alluringly in his direction and begins to push his hair back from his forehead to kiss his hairline. “Are you tired baby? We can rest-“
“No! I want to be awake for every moment with you.” He whispers as he nuzzles his face between her breasts before looking up at her. “I want to do something fun.”
YN hums, “Something fun?” This earns her a quick nod. “How about this.. remember the Van Gogh paint set I bought? Let’s work on that!”
His eyes immediately light up and he nods. He had been eyeing the set earlier, but figured waiting until Seoul when YN was no longer there would remind him of the lovely excursion in Paris. “Let’s do that!”
The excitement Taehyung feels bubbles through him as he carries her to the bed and then rushes to his luggage to take out the set she had tucked away. He moves so fast that his white shirt bunches where his plaid pajama pants begin before walking back to the bed where YN lays in one of his white shirts and briefs. 
“You can do Almond Blossoms and I’ll do Cafe Terrace at night!” He exclaims as he begins to move the table and lay out the protective paper onto the floor.
YN watches him with a smile before rushing to the bathroom to retrieve water for the brushes. “You remembered how much I love Almond Blossoms.”
“I know you love Rococo paintings the most.. and that one reminds me the most of it,” He admits shyly as he lays out the two canvases and mixed the colors eagerly. “Jagi?”
YN gives a noncommittal hum in response as she sits down beside him. “Mm?”
“사랑해.” He whispers as he lays his head in her lap as he stares up at her. “I love you.. so .. so much.” He whispers while kissing her hand.
“I love you too. More than anything or anyone else in this world.” She whispers to him quietly before pecking his forehead. “Let’s paint.”
Taehyung giddily paints with his head in her lap the warm hues that contrast with the cool color to create a nice depth in perspective. Still bubbly, his right hand never leaves her while he paints with his left. The little things like this made him happy that he was ambidextrous.
“You paint so well, Tae!” She exclaims as she looks over from her own painting to take a glance at his. It mimicked the original perfectly and she is reminded of the immense talent that Taehyung has into everything.
Taehyung blushes at the compliment and wraps her hand over his heart. “Do you know how fast my heart beats whenever you say things like this?” 
“I say it from my own heart to yours.” She replies with a small giggle as she brushes her nose against his own repeatedly. “I love you~.”
Taehyung giggles as he shifts to paint his initials onto her palm. “Mmm~ and now you are mine.” This prompts her to use her own brush to draw on his cheek.
“And now you are mine!” YN chirps in reply as they both burst into fits of laughter. His heart was racing instantly. “We are even now.”
Taehyung sits up before attacking her with tickles, while still being careful not to ruin the paintings as he climbs on top of her. 
“Tae-taehyung!” She says in a fit of laughter as she holds on to him while trying to get away from him, but she never goes too far.
The next morning, YN awakes from her slumber with Taehyung spooning her tightly. He always was a late sleeper, but he slept like a baby when he did. It makes her happy to see him content when they would exchange their struggles amongst each other in the best way an idol and a student could.
Being the little spoon had its own merits when it came to having warmth and the security of having someone there, but it also proved a struggle when trying to get get out of the bed in the morning. It is even more pressing when Taehyung snuggles himself deeper into her neck with a small whine of “아닌데..”
“Tae.. I have to pee.” She whines in response as she shifts to look at his sleepy eyes. Once more, the pout from last night is there and she remembers the cute displays of aegyo paired with Taehyung’s whining that kept her amused the entire night.
Not one to judge, Taehyung says two words only: “Hold it.” 
She bursts into laughter before squirming out of his embrace and wiggling out of the bed to stand up. “I’ll just order breakfast for us after, okay?”
Taehyung opens one eye of defiance and nods. “Okay.” He says simply as he cuddles the pillow to envision that it is her.
Eating together was the staple of their time together as Taehyung often asked to be fed and desired to feed her at every moment. His love language made him eager to give, but being in the receiving end made him happy too. The little domestic things, such as eating crepes in bed while they talked excitedly about what they should do for the rest of the day set both of their hearts aflame.
“Let’s go shopping.” YN suggests. The three words make Taehyung do a double take. For as long as he had known her, he knew the rarity in YN desiring to shop. “I want to buy you a present..”
Taehyung pouts slightly. “Yah.. I don’t want you to spend your money on me.”
“Tae.. I am buying you something.” She chirps as she feeds him another crepe and leans forward to wipe the powder from his upper lip. 
Not to be outdone, Taehyung holds up his finger. “On one condition.. I buy you something too.. I have a date planned for us tonight and you need a new dress.”
“A new dress?” She raises a brow to her hairline. Being in Paris was one thing, but with the style that Taehyung had, the dress would no doubt be a more than a month’s salary.
“Let me spoil you... please?” He asks in a soft tone as he takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it. “You will love it. I promise.”
Always one to give in, she only nods when he sends her his boxy smile. “Fine..”
Unbeknownst to her, Taehyung knew that tonight would be one to forever change their lives. Tonight was the night that he would propose to her and she would be his forever. The cross between lover to fiancée was what he anticipated the most each time he thought of the diamond ring burning a hole in his suitcase.
“I think you look beautiful,” Taehyung says as he loops his fingers into the fabric of the little black dress. The pout on her lips is evident from the knowledge of the price tag. She knew Taehyung and his appetite for fashion knew no bounds, but this?
YN turns slightly red as she looks in the mirror to turn slightly. “You really think so? The price.. Ah..”
“You don’t have to worry about it.. do you know how happy you have made me these passed three years as your boyfriend? No monetary amount can be put on that.” He whispers in her ear as he snakes his arms around her. “You look absolutely beautiful..”
“When did you learn to speak so prettily?” She asks with a visible pout as they sway from side to side. He has long discarded his tan jacket to feel more of her warmth.
Thank the heavens that the personal shopper had sensed the emotions running rampant and took an exit stage left.
“I wanted to sound like a native speaker.. you started learning Korean too.” He chuckles into her ear as he pulls back to spin her around. “I think you look amazing.. you have to wear this tonight.”
YN hums in reply, “Oh? You like this that much?”
“I love it,” He says with a small grin. The dress was simple, yet elegant. It was her style and complimented the more bold choices that Taehyung wore. “It’s classy and chic... just like you.”
YN turns to face him and bites her lip. “Sometimes it feels like you do all the giving and I just receive.. you wouldn’t even let me buy you that scarf from Gucci.”
“Jagi, I told you I don’t want you spending your money.” He whispers as he strokes her cheek gingerly. “Besides, your curves look amazing in this dress.”
YN plays with the hem of the dress. “I’m surprised you chose this one.. you are usually more.. traditional.” She raises a knowing brow.
“It’s only because I know you will look better without it on.” He whispers into her ear before clicking his tongue. His tone drops a single octave, making her feel weak in the knees as he tilts his head to the side. 
YN stares into his eyes, instantly detecting the seduction he was doting out for her. The tension was real and never was it more prominent when his hand danced along her thigh. “Then make haste on your promise.”
“We’re done shopping here!” Taehyung exclaims as he is greeted with the familiar Coco Chanel mnemonic. 
“Wow,” is all that Taehyung can say as he watches YN step out of the bathroom. For years, he had seen her as his darling girlfriend with the adjective ‘adorable’ enshrined with every thought of her. The allure of her charms manifested whenever she taught him something new, such as the sun’s ray of light is only what we feel eight minutes after it has passed, or her being flirty while toying with his hair and calling him his favorite honorific. However, this? The level of beauty that she was presenting to him was transcendent and left him resorting to the darkest parts of his desires. 
And who was he to say no to them?
YN feels a bit confident when she sees the surprised look on Taehyung’s face. She watches as it contorts from surprise into a look of satisfaction with the slightest hint of smugness. “I look good, don’t I?”
“So good,” He whispers as he crosses the path to snake his arms around her to draw her flush against his chest. “Almost do not want to leave here.. What if we just stay here?” He asks while pulling her to his lap and toying with the excess fabric of the dress. It’s amusing to him how it hugs her in all the right places and is reminded of what he has always known. She is beautiful both inside and out.
YN laughs, “The restaurant you booked for us will not take kindly to your cancelling.” She jokes playfully as she smooths out his blazer and pecks his lips. “Which… you still have yet to tell me which one it is or where it is?”
“Because I know you and that you would micromanage every detail and I can’t have my little jagi doing that~” He sing songs to her with a small smirk pressing on his lips. “Just now that we are not overdressed and tonight is going to be perfect.” And he means every word of it.
The drive to Le Jules Verne is nothing short of eventful, just as everything has always been when it comes to Taehyung. He could barely keep his hands off of her; the moment the taxi driver arrived, he was snaking his arms around her waist to hold her close and drawing small circles over her thigh absentmindedly. The nibbles along on her ear led to the string of giggles that never seemed to end the more that he kissed her and the caress against her bum was enough to make her turn red and whine to him the the taxi driver would see.
Taehyung could care less.
Tonight would be the night that he would pop the question, completely unbeknownst to her. He knew that Paris was the place for lovers, the place where reality and fantasy intersected in the west way possible. He also knew of her eagerness to practice her French while turning back to look at him and ask, ‘Did I look cool?’ as he smiled back to her in reassurance. Just seeing her smile was enough to bring him to his knees, but the way that she loved him ardently and never sacrificed what they had for the thoughts of others - that was what made him get on one knee to propose.
Their relationship had not been an easy one. Time and time again, insecurities flared during the long periods apart. Furthermore, despite ARMY being very loving and accepting in general to any and all of the loved ones that Bangtan adored, there had been many who loathed her with a passion and wanted to depreciate their love for each other with every possible excuse. Hoards of ARMYs swearing she did not love him enough when she did not attend a Korean university to be nearer to him. A long list of people complaining how she spent only the summer in Seoul for the sole purpose of keeping Taehyung away from the fans and the sole reason for his frowns when the smiles did not appear fast enough in interviews. The worst of it all had been them flooding her social media with hate comments, demeaning her personality, looks, and intellect to the point where private seemed the only viable option and even that opted for screenshots of her (rare) stories.
The fights had been terrible, especially when Taehyung began to question if she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Her worries of ‘not being good enough’ often fostered in her offering to set him up with other people or ‘let him go to find someone to make him happier’. His own insecurities began to flourish when she admitted that she did not turn to him first when it times of need and it festered when she told him that he no longer made her happy: nothing did. 
Nevertheless, the two persevered to be where they were now: Paris in the springtime. With his fingers entwined with hers while walking through the entrance of the Eiffel Tower to the second floor haute French restaurant, nothing could compare to the giddiness he was feeling. He is keenly aware of the coruscating lights that dot the beautiful structure, the epitome of Paris, and how bright her eyes look when she sees it It was her first time. It was her first time and she was able to experience with him.
“It’s.. It’s beautiful!” Her voice almost falls completely silent while staring up at the breathtaking structure built of iron widgets and the soul of France. Years of imagining her life in the romantic city is more than enough to bring her to tears and she covers her mouth. “Taehyung..” She whispers chastely as she turns to him.
Taehyung sends her a small boxy smile, just as he always had. The reliability of his grin was more than enough to make her feel more secure than ever. He does not budge when she throws herself into his arms and kisses the top of her forehead repeatedly. “I’m so glad that I get to experience your first time here… You look so beautiful when you’re happy.” He whispers as he shifts to peck her lips, “Now.. let’s get inside and we can walk around a bit more. Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She smiles warmly as she holds on to him tightly with a fluttering heart and they make their way up the stairs and to the elevator.
After ordering their finest wine and the specialty, YN is left under the watchful eye of Taehyung. His stare was dark and alluring as he initiated hooky under the table. There was nothing that he loved more than to see her flustered because of him. There was something endearing about the way she was innocent to his dark desires.
Sexual encounters were not a forgotten moment for Taehyung the few times that they happened. The chemistry was there, no doubt, when his hand ghosted over her hip and he gave her the look prior to his voice octaves dropping. Her soft voice murmuring Oppa was more than enough for him to lose all control.  
“You’ve been staring at me,” YN murmurs with a blush as she brings the caramelized onion to her lips. 
Taehyung chuckles as he looks at her and unbuttons his suit as he returns back to his coq au vin. “It’s hard for me not to.. you look breathtaking tonight, just as you always do.”
His words send a flame across her cheeks and she finds herself growing even more shy in the process.
“I don’t think I will be able to control myself tonight.” He confesses after a sip of champagne and leans forward. “I couldn’t stop thinking about our time in Seoul.. after the final concert.” 
She did not know that it were possible, but she becomes the definition of red. She knew exactly what he meant: the concert adrenaline has rushed through Taehyung the night as he brought her back to his hotel room and ate her out for hours. He even refused to let her reciprocate after tugging at his hair repeatedly from the overstimulation. He let her fuck his face until she cried and murmured something about it not being the last time before falling asleep. 
 “I remember how pretty you sounded.. moaning 오빠 like the good girl you are. I even taught your stubborn self manners..” he drawls as his knee parts hers with a seductive purr. “I bet you’ll sound even prettier tonight.”
It takes everything in YN to not choke in reply to words of a siren. That was what Taehyung was, eager to make her his and submit to him. “I think it’s time you sound pretty too.”
“I want to.” He deadpans once his wine is finished and nods for the waiter to bring their dessert. “Let’s have dessert on the patio.”
“Patio?” YN asks with furrowed brows prior to dabbing the napkin across her lips for any excess residue. 
Taehyung nods as he takes her hand and brings her up. “Yes. We have to go right now.” He sing songs as he guides her to the biggest surprise of her life.
The proposal.
The ground is peppered with pink roses making a makeshift trail as Taehyung walks with their fingers entwines and his head is beating in triple time. Violins greet them with ‘winter bear’ playing lightly in the background to contribute more to the overall serenity. He had meticulously thought of everything by from the strawberry cheesecake dessert in the center of the patio and the flowers surrounding it.  Would she say yes? Surely she would. 
“Taehyung.. is this for us?” She asks, never letting go of his hand as she walks to the table with him and rests her arms in the table.
Taehyung nods as he picks up a fork and lifts a small bite of cheesecake to her mouth to feed her. “It is.. I thought you may enjoy the scenery a bit more.”
“You can see everything from here.. I would have never expected to be blessed with this view.” She confesses with a flustered look on her face. “I mean that ardently.. you make me feel secure.”
Taehyung smiles as he leans his head on her shoulder to feed her more. “I hope that I can always give you that security.. for the rest of our lives.”
“I hope so too.” She whispers as she picks up a strawberry that looks much larger than the others and her brows furrow. “This one is cute.”
His heart races. His ring was placed in the makeshift strawberry: this was the moment. “I think you should cut it, first.”
YN nods as she cuts into the juicy strawberry. She is careful to do so, having already an inkling of where this would be going. Was he proposing to her?
She nearly faints when she sees the silver band in the strawberry and to turns to see a beaming Taehyung. Her voice cracks in her throat, “T-taehyung.”
He sends her a warm smile as he gets down on one knee and he takes his hand out of his pocket. “YN-Ah..”
YN’s own heart is racing faster than ever as she fights back the tears that were beginning to well up in her eyes. “Tae.. Taehyung-Oppa..”
“Since the first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were someone special in my life.” He begins as he thinks back to the words he spent countless times reciting to sound like a native speaker. “In the beginning, I thought of you as someone who I needed to take care of, to protect, and love, because you were so fragile.”
“But I was wrong.. you were so much more than a girl that I wanted to love. You were your own person and you never let me or anyone else dictate your life... I was never your only goal.. you loved me for me and continued to be yourself authentically whether or not it the outlook was pretty.” He licks his lips as his grip on the forehead velvet box tightens. “We had our own ups and downs, but that was what made us stronger. I showed you the ugliest parts of myself and you did the same. We learned to love each other as people first and then lovers.”
“They say love is blind and can change your perception of the world if you are not careful, but my vision became perfect when it came to you. You learned to read my emotions, understand the little things about me that I did not understand myself, and reminded me what it meant to be Kim Taehyung, not V. You gave me the normalcy that my job took away.. you even gave me that card.” He laughs as he tried to think of the name. “Bend.. bend a.”
She can’t help but smile with the way he looks at her knowingly. She always would correct him. “Ventra.. and you loved the CTA.” She laughs in the midst to stop herself from being on the brink of tears. How could he be charming even while cracking a joke? 
“The experiences we have had together helped me grow.. the times I felt isolated and alone, you were there to be strong even when you struggled too.” His thoughts drift back to her wiping away her own tears to console him, the reassurance that he needed was given to him. “You taught me how to be strong.. you taught me how to continue to go on when I no longer could fight anymore because as long as I had you, I had someone worth fighting for.”
“My parents.. they love you.” He says with a small grin on his face. “My family has been the only consistent entity that I have had since I became an idol. That was what I thought until I met you. You even began to learn Korean just to communicate with us at family dinner.. when you did that, I knew that I needed you as my wife.” 
“The sacrifices you’ve made to be with me have been great and not once have I ever thought of taking them for granted. Jagi.. you’re one in a billion and I am never going to let you go.” He smiles warmly. “I love all your little habits. I love how you overplan everything and even included me in them.” This earns him a shy chuckle. “I like how you treat Yeontan like our baby and swaddle him despite him hating it.. I like when you wake up at six in the morning to bake me cakes just because you feel like it.. the times you smile without reason and how infectious your laugh is.”
“It is the way you ask me about little decisions just to remind me that my opinion matters and how you keep me grounded.” He has to bite back his lip. “When I felt like giving everything up, you put my head in your lap and held me as I cried. You told me that you would always be there for me and that you would love me no matter what my decision was. I learned you loved me for me when I could not love myself that way.”
“So with this ring, I am asking you to not only be my wife, but to continue being my best friend, the mother of my children, and soulmate until our last breath. I will love you until the day I die.. for.. I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.. so YN LN. will you marry me?” 
YN is brought to tears when he finishes. The trip down memory lane has made her feel all the more tied to him and she never wants to let go of him, ever. “Yes.. yes.. a million times yes!” She says as Taehyung stands to his full height and places the ring onto her finger.
“사랑해.” He whispers into her ear as he kisses her deeply. He wants to transmit every bit of emotion that he feels for her into the kiss with a shaking heart. He wants her to know that she is his first and his last. “정말 사랑해.  난 절대 널 떠나지 않을 거야.” he whispers quietly into her ear and rubs the small of her back.
(trans. I love you so much.  I never will leave you. )
After the engagement, the two lovers spent a few moments admiring the view of the Eiffel Tower for a few solemn moments. It was in this moment that they felt infinite and that the world could not throw anything in their way to stop their happiness. How many people were blessed to find their soulmate? Their better half? And all without compromising themselves as people? It was transcendent.
The ride back home goes off without a hitch; the two eagerly embracing each other in every way possible in the backseat as their emotions begin to bubble up. They had taken it to the next level: engaged to be married! 
“I want you so bad,” He whispers into her ear with a grunt in the elevator as his hand finds chase on her thigh. All he can think about is making love to her as his fiancée. The dress wraps around her curves like a glove and he thinks she will look so much better without anything on. “Want your pretty mouth moaning my name as I eat you out.”
She gasps as he presses her against the mirrored elevator with his face buried in her neck to leave a hickey. Taehyung had a terrible habit of marking her, especially where anyone could see. She once loathed turtle necks, but with his habit, there was no choice but to give in the the made her feel so good. 
“Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum,” He grunts into her ear as he parts her legs with his knee to grind his hard member against her clothed sex. Normally refined, Taehyung was a man starved. “You’re not going to remember any other name but mine when I am done with you, jagi.”
He grips her hips to grind her forward to show how hard he was, “Look at how fucking hard oppa is for you. You like seeing your oppa wanting you?” He does not stop his ministrations when the elevator door opens and guides her to their Parisian suite that he seemed to know like the back of his hand. 
“I love it so much, Taehyung.” She moans as he presses her against the door and fumbles to get the room key from his blazer. The lack of honorific makes him growl before leaving another love bite on her shoulder. “I-I mean oppa.”
He chuckles darkly once the door is open and pulls her in swiftly to pin her against the door. “I guess I have to remind you who you belong to then.. huh?” He asks smugly.
“You’ll look so good with my cock buried inside of you..” He whispers before hoisting her up and carrying her to the bed. He moves at the speed of lightning, kissing along her inner thigh while undoing her shoes without much trouble. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to make love to you? And now I get to do it as my wife.”
“Wife-to-be…” She corrects as he lifts the dress over her hips and makes her sit up.
Taehyung scoffs, “Wife.” He repeats quietly before attacking her with another kiss. His hands roam around her body, focusing on each crevice and curve that entices him more while grinding his cock against her wet sex. She was practically dripping when his fingers slipped between her satin underwear. “You’re so wet for me already?”
“Mmm.” She moans while looking at him, “Let me take care of you first.. oppa.” 
Her purr makes Taehyung stop for a moment. As a man who loved to be in control, he did not want to stop himself from eating her out for hours and then thrusting into her tight cunt for the first time. Yet, the offer is far too enticing when he remembers how her pretty lips look wrapped around his cock and he can’t say no.
So he doesn’t. 
Taehyung rolls off of her to admire how she looks in her lacy black bra with matching panties. Every curve of her body is evident and he knows that he has hit the absolute jackpot. How could anyone be that intelligent, charming, and sexy? Her worries of always being the lesser in the relationship were ill-founded.
“I bet oppa can’t wait to get his fat cock sucked by his princess, can he?” She provokes him with the vulgar language while unbuckling his belt and tossing it to the side. He sits back, amused, at the seductive sway of her hips. “Lift your hips.”
She does so without problem.
She remains on her knees as she begins to stroke the underside of his cock through his boxers. Her eyes then avert from his nether regions to his eyes with a shy smile, “You should tell me how it feels.”
“And let you know how good you are making me feel? Aish..” He groans, the satoori lacing into his words while grinding his hips into her palm for more friction. “Don’t tease me…. I want to feel how tight you feel around my big, fat cock when you clench so hard around my fingers.”
YN remains amused as she rests an elbow on his knee and lets her head rest on her left hand, “You like knowing that you’re the only person to be inside of me.. don’t you?” 
“I fucking love it,” He grunts when she flicks her wrist just the way he likes it and it has him jutting his hips slightly more forward in the process. “Want to fill you up so badly… I want to cum inside of you.”
The lewd confession makes her turn red, but it only ignites her confidence to push forward as she tugs his boxers down to her ankles to be met with his standing cock that slaps his stomach. His dress shirt is crinkled and the blazer at his shoulders sags down as he stares at her knowingly.
“Be a good girl and suck my cock, won’t you?” He asks with the tone of a siren. He is alluring in all ways, the dark stare I this eyes and the smug look from looking down at her. It turned him on to see the girl with such high standards and work ethics reduced to his good girl wrapped around his finger. 
And he knew she liked it too.
YN hollows her cheeks as she begins to pump the base of his cock. She can almost feel how wet she is when small moans of pleasure begin go erupt from Taehyung. She loved how his deep voice sputtered with each stroke of her tongue.
“Fuck, fuck, just like that.” He grunts in pleasure as his hips buckle forward to hit the back of her throat. “Such a good girl and all for me.” He rasps before slapping her ass.
Taehyung has to wonder how she’s gotten better at sucking cock for a few moments before he pushes her off when he feels a knot begin to form in his stomach.
“Want to eat your pretty pussy out,” He says as he picks her up and pins her against the satin sheets. Her cheeks flush red at his lewd words and he asks himself how he managed to be so lucky to have a girl like her.
He quickly discards the black lingerie that adorns her skin and he mentally thanks himself for sneaking it in last minute. It hugs her every curve and he only wants more of her. All thoughts of before disappear once he spreads her knees and places an open mouthed kiss over her wet cunt.
“아���다운,” He whispers before spitting onto her cunt and takes her fully into his mouth. The reaction is instantaneous when she nearly folds into two and he laughs in response. It sends a vibration against her clit which only makes it more amusing to him when he has to hold her still. “Baby, stay still.”
Before she can protest, he flicks her clit with his tongue and never looks away from her with such intensity that she feels like she will faint. Kim Taehyung was a force to be reckoned with and she had no qualms learning how to reckon him. He draws figure eights over the hem of nerves to elicit a string of whimpers from her. 
“Tae - tae -taehyung-“ she chokes out when he decides she is to his liking and begins to thrust a finger inside of her tight, wet cunt. 
Taehyung pins down her leg to rest his chin on top of it. “How do you call me properly?”
“Taehyung!” She cries when he adds another finger and thrusts deeper into her. She was so tight that it made him wonder if he would fit.
“Taehyung.. what..” he provokes in a darker tone. “Be a good girl and say it. Just me and you here.” He adds another finger and increases his speed. She’s almost a sobbing mess when he purposely brushes against her g-spot. “자기~.”
She squirms more in his embrace to cause more friction, but it is to no avail. “Taehyung.. 제발..”  she whimpers to him. “오빠..” she cracks.
“Good girl,” Taehyung whispers before curling his fingers inside of her and soon she completely becomes putty in his arms. She cums all over his fingers, her hips still twitching with he brushes the inside of her folds. “괜찮아?” 
YN nods as her chest rises and falls periodically. “Yes..” she sits up before wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulls him on top of her. “I’m ready,”
“I know you are.” He teases as he shows her the white substance that coats his fingers and licks it slowly. “You taste like you’re ready too..”
“I want to be on top.” She says before using all her pressure to climb on top of him. Despite knowing her nature, it still throws Taehyung for a loop. 
Taehyung thinks she’s sexy when she takes charge. He likes it even more when she lets him guide her hips onto his throbbing cock that was beginning to drip precum . 
“I’m on the pill,” YN says with a blush on her cheeks. 
Taehyung chuckles for a moment as he continues to stroke the base of his cock for a few moments with the remainder of her cum. “So you knew this would happen?”
“No.. I just thought..” she turns as red as a tomato.
“I’m not really a fan of condoms.” Taehyung confesses with a chuckle. “So I like the idea of fucking your tight pussy raw.. but I’ll pull out just to be sure.”
“Mmm,” she nods as she finally sinks down so just the head of his cock was pressing against her folds. “Fuck..”
“You can take more..” Taehyung coos as he pushes her hair behind her shoulder to begin leaving kitten licks across her collarbone. 
“I can.. you’re so big..” she whimpers as she places her hand in his shoulders to take more of him. Taehyung has to take a sharp breath when she clenches around him so hard. She wasn’t even at half of his cock yet and he felt like he was seeing stars.
Taehyung smiles at her, “Your pussy is all wet and tight.. just for me, yeah?” He asks with a click of his tongue. He was growing a bit impatient with this; how could he focus when she was clenching around him so tightly?
“Shit..” she whispers one last time before sinking onto his cock completely. Her walls cling around taehyung tighter than ever, making him want him to take all of her.
“Can I thrust up?” He asks, eager to move. She felt so good around him that he struggled to keep his self control. 
She gives him a commital hum of approval, “Mm,” She can barely think straight when his hands up both of her hips to piston his hips deeper into her tight sex. She can feel his pulsating cock as it begins to fill her walls, “Fucking hell Taehyung-“
“You sound so pretty when you take my cock like the good girl you are,” He rasps prior to slapping her ass. His grip only tightens with each thrust; each of his actions only embolden when he hears her soft mewls of pleasure. “Who knew you were a good cockslut for me, huh, baby?”
“Oh - shut up -“ She can barely choke out the words when Taehyung brushes against her g-spot ever so slightly.
What a fucking tease he was.
Taehyung is not fairing any better than her, especially not when her walls clench around his throbbing cock. As generous as he is, it’s hard for him to not chase after his own high when she makes him feel this good. He seriously thinks he must have saved the country in his past life to have all of her to himself.
“Just like that, babygirl. You feel so tight around me. I bet you’ll be cumming all over my fat cock soon. Huh?” He remarks cockily as his fingers find her clit to draw figure-eight’s on the sensitive bud. She nearly doubles over from how well he seems to know. 
Each time he thrusts into her, he bottoms out inside of her to the point of no return. “T-taehyung-“ She stammers out, “I’m close-“
“Fuck, me too baby.” His voice lowers an octave from the pleasure that was soon to arrive. “Can’t wait to cum all over you,”
His thrusts become quicker in speed as he repeatedly begins to hit her g-spot; each time sending her into another wave of pleasure. Her hips ritochet from how good it feels.
“I’m c-cumming,” She chokes out as her arms wrap around his shoulders, holding him tighter from the impending euphoria. No one even came close to making her feel this good. Ever.
Smirking, Taehyung knows all too well. “You can’t wait for me like a good girl, huh?” It’s a shock that his voice manages to stay stable when his cock is seconds away from exploding with pleasure. “I’m close too baby-“
“Fu-fuck!” She stutters out with another thrust of Taehyung’s hips into her wet core before she soon cups all over his cock. She wilts into his arms while lazily lifting her hips to the same cadence of Taehyung’s pistoning hips.
The wind is nearly knocked out of him as he pulls out of her quickly as his own high rapidly rushes toward him. Her pussy was so wet and tight that it was milking him for all that he had, “Fuck-“  He grunts as he pumps his cock once, twice, three times before spilling onto his stomach.
Only the sound of heavy breathing fills the suite as Taehyung pulls her close into his arms and kissing her temple. 
“You’re sticky,” She whines with a pout as Taehyung only laughs in response.
“You should help me clean up.” He provokes with a brow raise at the girl. 
Never one to back down from a challenge, she only rolls her eyes in faux disapproval. “You know where that will leave us..”
“I do,” He whispers as he stares into her eyes with that longing look of his he had always sent her. “It’ll leave us together. Here. In Paris,” He always had been too romantic for his own good, too romantic for her to say no to any of his ideas.
“And if we end up spending all of our time on top of each other? Instead of actually exploring Paris?” She presses on; the chase was always fun between the two of them. The push and pull only end up right back with one another.
“Mmm. We’ll always have Paris.” Taehyung whispers lazily before closing the distance between the two of them with a full heart and a new petal of lust blooming in his chest.
 -   -    -   -   -
Don’t be a stranger and let me know what you think! Let me know if there should be another part too.
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alissagifs · 2 years
By clicking the source link, you will find 100 gifs of Lee Kyu-hyung in various television shows, theater productions, and interviews. All of the gifs were created by me from scratch. You may use these gifs to roleplay or as reaction gifs. Please do not repost or claim these gifs as your own. Contact me if you would like to edit these gifs for any purpose. I will likely say yes. Like or reblog if you find these gifs helpful!
Refer to the content warnings prior to clicking on the source link.
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Content/trigger warnings: Drinking/alcohol, food/eating, brief flashing lights, text (e.g., on some gifs), mental distress (e.g., crying), and hospital setting (e.g., non-graphic, in a hallway). 
Featuring: Kim Tae-hee, Oh Min-jung, and Lee Dong-wook.
Notes: Lee Kyu-hyung is an actor, and he is of South Korean descent, so please cast him accordingly. He is currently 38 years of age, but he was anywhere between the ages of 35 and 38 years old in the gifs included in this gif pack. 
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jjksblackgf · 4 years
BTS Reaction - You’re sick/injured and he’s jealous that another member takes care of you
kim seokjin
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He rushed over to the hospital as soon as your friend called to give him the news. He didn’t know any details and didn’t want to wait to receive them, he just grabbed his stuff and went to your encounter.
As he ran through the halls of the hospital, he didn’t mind when people recognized him. Trying to find the room the receptionist gave to him, all he wanted to do was to see you with his own eyes.
“How much pain, on a scale of 1 to 10?” he asked you once he was in your room, with very clear pain in his voice and furrowed brows.
“Zero” you answered “My shoulder is back where it should, so I don’t feel any pain. And the doctor gave me painkillers if I feel like I need it”
He wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted by Taehyung, as he walked in with chips and candy he probably bought at a vending machine.
“Hey hyung” Tae spoke smiling and placed the treats on your lap. “Here you go, Y/N, go wild” he added
“Thanks, Tae, that was very sweet” you thanked Taehyung with a smile, making Seokjin kinda jealous. He wanted to be the one treating you nicely right now.
“Shouldn’t you eat something more nutritious than this?” Jin asked
“But hospital food sucks, hyung, she needs to have a little fun to heal faster” Taehyung said before you could, earning a giggle from you
“But you’re not the doctor, are you?” Jin asked with a cold voice, and he regretted the minute the words slipped his mouth. “I’m sorry, Taehyung, that was unnecessary” continued.
“Tae, can you give us a moment, please?” You asked and he left the room. Jin proceeded to apologize and explain his behavior.
min yoongi
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95% of the time he loves his job, even when he’s stuck at work, he knows all the hard work would pay off soon.
But now he has you, someone he could go home to. And now, being stuck at work was not as okay as it was before. Now every time he’s stuck at work he has an internal conflict.
Today was especially hard because you had a mild fever for most of the day and other flu symptoms. But he managed to get away from work to be with you, getting home not much later with some hot soup he knew you liked.
He didn’t like the sight when he got home, tho. Jimin was watching a movie with you. He doesn’t really mind you getting closer because he trusts you and trusts all the other members around you. 
What bothered him were the bowl of soup in your hands and a few packs of medicine recently bought. Jimin got to take care of you before he could, and that broke his heart a little. Not saying anything, he leaves the thing he bought for you at the dinner table and goes to take a shower.
“I’ll get going” Jimin said before you got to and you said your goodbyes.
After that you went to your bedroom and sat on the bed, waiting for Yoongi to leave the bathroom.
“Hey, baby” you said with a sweet voice. Yoongi didn’t respond, he just sat on the bed by your side
“I’ll apologise to Jimin tomorrow” he murmured to you
“Good” you said and hugged him sideways while he took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry for disrespecting you today, I don’t know why I did that-” he started to ramble but you kissed him to make him stop
“Apology accepted” you smiled “Let’s go to the living room, I want to cuddle with you while watching movies.”
jung hoseok
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He didn’t have the experience, but he could imagine how breaking a leg would suck. Good thing he was able to take a few personal days to the company, so he got to take care of you the first week. 
When you were better and more adjusted to your new routine, he decided to catch up at work. He would rather take care of you, but you reassured him you were okay, and you knew he was more needed at work than at home.
You would still be able to see him everyday. Perks of living together, baby.
But you were bored at home alone and missing him a little, but you couldn’t admit that to him, he would just simply stop working to be with you. So you asked Seokjin to hang out with you, he had finished recording early and was free for the day. 
And you just had a very fun end of afternoon with Jin. He helped you a lot, he even cooked your dinner. It was instant ramen since you didn’t have much ingredients, but still. He even scratched your feet with an old pencil. And that’s when your boyfriend gets home, he would sure want to join the fun
“Hi, honey” you said with a huge grin “Oh my God, Jin, this tickles too much” You said laughing loud.
“Hi, jagiya. Good night, hyung” Hoseok said, very polite but with a very cold tone. His angry face was about to show itself and you and Seokjin knew it.
“Is that how you greet your hyung?” Jin started with a surprised expression
“What? I said goodnight!” Hoseok responds
“I was here taking care of your girlfriend, don’t you think I deserve at least a thank you?”
“Don’t you think that I wanted to be the one to take care of her?”
“You guys, stop. This is not heading towards a productive conversation” you meddled 
“Listen to your girlfriend” Jin says as he gets up to leave “We’ll talk next time we see each other”
You got to talk to Hoseok and convinced him to call Seokjin and clear things out, you two knew everything was going to be okay in the end.
kim namjoon
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You went to spend his day off with him at the dorms, he said he didn’t mind your cold and you were really clingy these days. 
You two were taking a nap together and Namjoon wakes up to find that you're not with him at the bed. He doesn't think much of it until he hears your laughter and goes to check in on you and know where you’re at, finding you seated with Yoongi while he plays the piano.
‘Oh yeah? Bet’ he thinks. He knows it’s just his passive aggressiveness showing its colors, but he can’t help it. He feels like it’s his job to take care of you. ‘This is not a good color on you, Namjoon’
“Hey baby, are you having fun with Yoongi hyung?” he asks as he puts his elbows at the top of the piano.
“Oh yeah, we’re just playing random songs” you answered
“Have you taken your meds yet?”
“No, not yet, but I’m not-”
“I’ll go get them” he responded before you could finish the sentence and went running to the meds cabinet and came back in under a minute. “Here” he said, trying to catch his breath.
“I’ll take them later, baby, I don’t think I need them right now” you said with an apologetic tone.
“Sure, okay! What do you want to eat, we can order something, or I can talk to Jin hyung and see if-”
“Oh, it’s okay, we already ate” you said referring to you and Yoongi
“Oh…” He just stood there kinda staring at you both
“Are you jealous or something?” Yoongi asks, seeing Namjoon’s reaction
“Yeah” he responded with a barely audible tone. You got up from your seat and hugged him tight, leaving pecks on his face until he smiled.
“Ew” Yoongi said as he got up from the piano and went away.
park jimin
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At the practice room, you and Jungkook were sitting on the couch. He had a bunch of markers, the cast of your broken arm was a blank canvas to him. He just went wild with his creativity and drew different things, making it colorful.
Jimin was not a fan of the sight, even though your attention was fully on him, he was bothered by Jungkook getting all the space on the cast. You were his girlfriend, shouldn’t he be the one to draw a lot on it? 
He didn’t understand why he was so jealous, neither understood why he wanted to practice the new choreography in front of you and describe all the times he was better than JK or when he got the moves quicker. He did it anyway.
Jungkook just laughed a little and sighed, shaking his head, deciding to leave you alone with Jimin “I'll come back to work on it when hyung is not jealous anymore, just text me when” you nodded.
You patted the sofa and he sat on your side. “So…” you started, trying to get him to talk, but he didn’t know what to say. He was part embarrassed, part angry at himself. “You don’t trust me and the members together?” you asked after a moment, trying to see his point of view
“I do, I really do” he started saying “I don't know what got to me… I'm sorry, jagiya” he went for a hug and you hugged him back as tight as you could.
“What can we do to make you feel more comfortable, then?” you asked him
“I don't know” he responded honestly
“What made you feel jealous in the first place?”
And after that an idea popped in his head. He would feel very comfortable if Jungkook wrote his name in the cast with very bold letters.
kim taehyung
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Boy was so eager to get home and take care of you. He knew it was just a cold, but he just hated knowing you were in any kind of pain or discomfort.
He bought painkillers, a hot pack, coughing medicine, soup, and the whole shabang. All the thoughts running through his mind were how quick he could put you on the bed and place lots of covers on you.
But the sound of your laughter as he opened the door was as relieving as worrying. Who was here? He calmed down as he thought that maybe it was your best friend. But he was wrong.
As soon as he saw Hoseok giving you a glass of water, the “this is fine” meme was at the front of his mind.
“Hi honey,” you said as soon as you laid your eyes on him “what you got there?” you asked eyeing the shopping bags.
“I bought these things for you,” he said in a low tone “I even got you soup, but I can see you’ve already been taken care of” his smile was there but you noticed that it was sarcastic with a hint of pain.
Hoseok noticed too, “Get well soon, Y/N” he said as he stood up “I’ll see you later” he gave Tae a quick pat on the back and closed the door behind him.
You watched Taehuyng in silence as he put the bags on the coffee table in front of you. “Let’s share the soup” you spoke as he sat down by your side
“You’re the one who needs this more, my love” he said softly “Do you need anything else? I got pain meds, coughing meds…” he continued speaking, but all you wanted to do was to hug him, and so you did
“You know I love you, right?” you spoke to his ear
He smiled faintly as he hugged you back “I know you do”
jeon jungkook
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You had your hand immobilized after a torsion while working out, it was nothing serious but the doctors wanted to make sure the healing would go smoothly and faster.
You thought you could use only one hand, but you were wrong. You still wanted to bake cookies for your boyfriend so it could be ready when he finished with his video game.
He was doing a lot of things for you and you wanted to thank him, and also wanted to feel useful again. But it wasn’t going as you liked so you asked for Namjoon to help.
“Really? Me?” he was surprised by your request, he says he’s not very kitchen help material.
“All you need to do is to hold things still so I can mix it up” you answered, and so the baking started.
Jungkook decided he was done with the games and wanted to hang out with you more, finding you in the kitchen stirring chocolate chips in a bowl with what looked like cookies from afar.
“Hey, what are you doing over here?” he asks
“I wanted to bake some cookies for you, I know you like them” you said after he pecked your lips. 
“Oh, jagiya, you didn’t have to” he went to help but Namjoon was standing still in his helping position “It’s okay hyung, I’m the boyfriend, I’m going to be the help from now on” he said to Namjoon in a playful tone but you understood the subtext, and so did Namjoon
“No need to get jealous, Kook”
“I’m not jealous, I’m just saying-”
“Hey, hey” you interrupted them “You two can stop the chatting and put the cookies on the baking sheet, since I can’t at the moment”
After they did as you asked, Jungkook placed the trays in the heated oven and started cleaning in silence, Namjoon helped him, keeping the awkward silence in the room. You just sat back and watched the tension build.
“I’ll see you guys later” Namjoon announced as he finished placing the bowls in the cabinets.
“Next time promise me you will interrupt me so I can help you” Jungkook said after taking the cookies out of the oven.
“Fine” you rolled your eyes “But you promise to go apologize to Namjoon”
“Promise” and with that you two interlaced your pinkies.
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 21
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Brief mention of abuse.
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When Yoongi woke up the next morning, the first thing that he realized was that you were already awake and scenting him with your nose pressed against his scent gland. 
“Baby?” He called out questioningly and you just hummed in reply. “You ok?”
“I can’t just scent you?” You murmured.
“Of course you can, it just seemed a little random,” he chuckled deeply. “And you usually ask first.”
“I missed you a lot, even though it was only a day,” you confessed as you pulled your nose away and looked up at him. “You didn’t smell like me anymore and that makes my Omega uncomfortable.”
“Well, scent away,” Yoongi said as he lifted his neck to expose his neck and you dove back in, taking your time as you dragged your nose along his skin.
“You’re gonna have to go and talk to my brother,” you whispered and Yoongi just sighed heavily. 
“Do I really have to?” He huffed. “He almost killed me, Y/N-ah.”
“Joon could never kill anyone, unless provoked,” you told him as you sat up and looked down at him. “And yes, you have to go talk to him since he technically cast you out of the pack but all you have to do is tell him exactly what you told me last night.”
“And he’ll let it go?”
“My brother can be a dick but he can also be pretty understanding so I think so,” you nodded. “And even if he doesn’t, I’ll have your back.”
“Fuck, fine,” Yoongi relented and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. 
After the two of you showered, got dressed, and ate, you led him across the territory to the Head Hall and up the stairs to the second floor where Namjoon’s office was located.
“I see everything worked out between you two,” Taehyung smirked when he saw the two of you walking up to his desk, hand in hand. 
“Don’t be so smug about it,” you rolled your eyes. 
“I’m guessing that you’re here to speak to Joon hyung,” Taehyung guessed, and you and Yoongi both nodded in confirmation. “Well, lucky for you guys: he just got out of a war strategy meeting with Hobi hyung and he looked pretty pissed off.”
“Gee, thanks Taehyung,” Yoongi grumbled, making Taehyung laugh out loud.
“He’s free right now, so go ahead in,” Taehyung said as he waved towards the door of Namjoon’s office.
“Uh, give me a sec,” you told Yoongi and he nodded before pressing a kiss to your cheek and walking over to wait in front of the office door. 
“What’s up?” Taehyung wondered as he looked at you.
“I just, uh, wanted to say thank you,” you said. “For figuring out that something was amiss and going to find Yoongi.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Taehyung shrugged with a smile. “It was the right thing to do. He makes you so happy Y/N-ah, and I wasn’t going to let Seo-hyun fuck that up for you.”
“You know, I think Joon and I are very lucky that Mom and Dad fought to keep you,” you told him, which made him grin widely. “Joon and I would be a pair of bumbling idiots without you.”
“Mom said you two would need me,” Taehyung puffed his chest out proudly. “I love you Y/N-ah.”
“I love you more Tae,” you cooed, leaning over his desk and gently kissing his cheek before pulling back. “Now wish us luck.”
“Good luck,” he smirked knowingly and you turned around and walked over to the door, joining Yoongi who had been patiently waiting. 
“Here goes nothing,” you sighed as you reached up and knocked on the door three times. 
“Come in,” Namjoon’s muffled voice called out and you opened the door, poking your head inside. 
“You free?” You asked and he nodded his head. You then stepped inside, pulling Yoongi in behind you as well before shutting the door. 
“Ok, now before you start yelling,” you began before Namjoon even had the chance to start talking. “Let me explain.”
“I’m not gonna yell Y/N-ah,” Namjoon chuckled as he sat back in his desk chair and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Nope,” he replied. “Taehyung came and explained everything to me yesterday. He woke the girls up from their naps and pissed Hyo off in the process, but he told me nonetheless.”
“Of course he did,” you laughed in disbelief. 
“Yoongi, I’d like to apologize,” Namjoon said as he looked over at Yoongi. “I didn’t allow you the opportunity to explain yourself and for that, I was wrong.”
“It’s ok,” Yoongi shrugged. “I know that as Pack Alpha, everyone’s safety is your main priority so I don’t blame you.”
“It’s also a part of my job as Pack Alpha to trust my pack members, just as they trust me to be able to lead you all,” Namjoon explained. “So, I would like to invite you, formally, to become a permanent member of this pack.”
“I’d love to,” Yoongi grinned widely. 
“Great,” Namjoon smiled.
“Congratulations baby!” You exclaimed, leaning over and kissing him firmly. “Tae’s gonna flip!”
“He’s probably listening at the door so he already knows,” Namjoon said. 
“I resent that!” You heard Taehyung scream through the door, which made all three of you laugh. 
“Um, I wanted to ask you something,” Yoongi said as he looked at Namjoon. “Is the fight still on?”
“Yes, it is,” Namjoon sighed. “We have five days until Seo-hyun said that he was going to be back.”
“I’d like to fight with you all,” Yoongi announced, causing both your and Namjoon’s eyes to widen.
“What?” You questioned.
“Yoongi, you don’t have to do that,” Namjoon told him. 
“Yeah, you don’t,” you agreed.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Yoongi asked. 
“For one thing, you’ve never fought in a war from what Taehyung told me last night,” Namjoon pointed out. “And for two, you’d be fighting against your former pack. I know that they treated you terribly but it still will probably be hard for you.”
“That might be true but this is my pack now,” Yoongi stated firmly. “And I want to fight to protect it.” A few seconds of silence passed over the room then before Namjoon spoke up again.
“Alright, fine,” Namjoon relented. “We’ll have to get you in training right away.”
“Alright,” Yoongi nodded before turning to look at you. “Don’t be mad at me please.”
“I’m not,” you assured him. “But we can talk more about it later.”
“I love you,” Yoongi cooed and you smiled at him.
“I love you too,” you replied. 
Later that night, after going to training with Namjoon, Hobi, Jungkook, and some other Alphas and Omegas, Yoongi was out amongst the trees at the edge of the territory. After the (albeit shirt) amount of time that the two of you were apart, you still weren’t the biggest fan of being away from him so he had decided to chop some more wood for your place before meeting you back there. 
As he was doing so though, he was shocked when he heard rustling from beyond a cluster of trees.
“Who’s there?” He called out, pausing in order to listen better. When he didn’t receive an answer, he gripped onto the handle of the ax that he was holding tighter. 
“I’m Prime asshole, so think about your next steps very carefully,” Yoongi warned and a shadowy figure stepped out from behind a tree and when they stepped closer, Yoongi couldn’t believe his eyes. 
“Yeah well, tell me something that I don’t know,” the man laughed and Yoongi just gaped at him in disbelief.
“Kihyun?” He called as the Alpha walked closer to him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, I was hoping to receive a better greeting than that from one of my closest friends,” Kihyun joked and Yoongi just laughed before launching himself at Kihyun, hugging him tightly. 
“What are you doing here?” Yoongi repeated as he pulled away from the hug. “You would’ve been detained or killed if anyone else caught you.”
“I know but I had to come and see you,” Kihyun replied. “After Seo-hyun came back and announced that you were still alive, I had to see it for myself.”
“That was really dangerous and stupid of you Kihyun,” Yoongi told him. 
“I’ve spent the last six months thinking that you were dead,” Kihyun shot back. “You can’t blame me.”
“Yeah well,” Yoongi shrugged. “How have you been though? Everyone been treating you ok?”
“I’m fine hyung,” Kihyun nodded. “I see that you’re ok too.”
“Yeah, the Kim Pack took me in,” Yoongi said.
“I hope that doesn’t mean that you plan on fighting with them in a few days.”
“Actually, it does.”
“Why would you do that?” Kihyun wondered. “You can’t fight against your pack.”
“They’re my old pack and if you remember correctly, they left me for dead,” Yoongi pointed out. “This is my new pack and I am going to fight to protect it from Seo-hyun because I don’t want him doing the same thing to them that he did to our pack.”
“Seo-hyun just wants us to be strong,” Seo-hyun tried to say.
“And he has to abuse people and try to take over other packs in order to do that?” Yoongi demanded to know. “Kihyun, I love you. You’re the person that kept me sane all of those years after my parents died and I’ll always appreciate you for it, but you can’t seriously believe that what Seo-hyun is doing is right.”
“....I didn’t come here to argue with you hyung,” Kihyun finally said after a few moments of silence. “I just wanted to come and see you.”
“Despite everything, I am happy to see you kid,” Yoongi smiled gently. “Even if it was dumb.”
“I love you hyung,” Kihyun said before hugging Yoongi again. 
“I love you too,” Yoongi responded before letting go of Kihyun. “Be safe.” Kihyun nodded and just as quick as he had appeared, Yoongi watched as he disappeared back into the trees. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit @min-yus @cheysjimin @to-the-joon-and-back​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire @icycoldbeanieweanies​ @barbikatherine
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Vmin cut - BTS on Game Caterers - Main Game
by Admin 1
It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? Feels nice to be writing a post again, but instead of a full breakdown of the episode of RUN x Game Caterer’s which was uploaded on their YouTube channel, I thought I’ll just talk about some of the cute vmin moments we got thanks it since there is quite a lot to get through. Sound good?
Before I get into it, can we just briefly talk about Tae’s look for these episodes because honestly...! I certainly did make a joke toward Admin 2 that Tae must’ve forgotten his shirt at home or something, but I’m fairly certain absolutely no one minded. At all. I’m not quite sure what was up with the hat he wore on and off, but it suits him very nicely. 
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Really, as vminnies we’ve just been spoiled recently, and especially in this episode on YouTube where the main part of it was spent on them trying to complete their tasks while also stopping the other members from succeeding with theirs. While we knew what tasks the hyungs had--Yoongi wasn’t allowed to speak, laugh or eat; Namjoon was supposed to place 300 dominos; Seokjin had to peel 100 quail eggs; Hoseok was to make a dish despite the members just having eaten--we initially didn’t know at all what the maknaes were supposed to do. But due to the nature of Tae’s task, it became clear rather quickly what it was, for us as viewers but also for the other members which led to hilarious and cute moments of them (and especially Jimin) trying to stop him.
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The first little funny thing actually happens right as the members all go back into the house to start the game with Jimin singing the melody to IDOL, which Tae asks him about and then comments how it sounded familiar. Later in the episode it became clear why that melody in particular made Tae perk up.
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I’m sorry Jiminie for the unflattering screenshot BUT the point is that Tae was walking around trying to find a good place to hide Seokjin’s quail eggs (not knowing which member they belong to) while the others watched him until Jimin decided to intervene and stop him. Tae wanted to hide them in a room that was off limits so Jimin wanted to take them from him (as proof that they really aren’t Tae’s task) but in the end Jimin and the others just got Tae to simply put them back where he got them from--the kitchen.
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Just like he said to Hobi a little earlier, as the game begins Tae lies down ‘in the sun’ but immediately Jimin approaches him to stop him, in case that somehow really is his task. But quickly everyone turns their attention on Yoongi quietly sitting in the background looking like he might sleep while Hobi goes to the kitchen and asks the others if they are hungry making everyone immediately suspicious of him. 
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More below the cut:
Unsure how to inconspicuous get to his own task, Namjoon directs everyones attention back onto Tae lying on the floor with Jimin quickly joining him, Joon taking Tae’s hands while Jimin takes his ankles so they can move him across the room. 
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Similarly, a few scenes later we also have a moment where Seokjin and Namjoon try to get Tae off the floor or make him laugh (?) since Namjoon decides to tickle him. As someone who is a Kim line bias/bias wrecker, this was very lovely. Once Namjin leave, JK approaches Tae and asks him what he’s doing, to which Tae merely says he’s ‘just chillin’.
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We also had two scenes in which Jimin helped Tae put his mic pack back on since it fell out once after he got up off the floor and then again after playing around with Jimin later in the episode. Honestly these two are like adorable magnets throughout this episode, it kind of reminds me a little of the RUN episode for Hangul Day I believe where they had to collect little plastic (?) hangul and make words out of them while also sticking stickers onto their target member where vmin decided to stick together (Jimin’s idea because, as he said himself, he loves Tae) but unbeknownst to Jimin, he was Tae’s target. Oops. Why it reminded me of that will become clear later in the episode.
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As everyone was trying to make Seokjin’s hard task even harder, Tae and Jimin came by with a similar idea ending with Tae eating the two eggs Seokjin had so far peeled while Jimin laughs very amused. Cute! 
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Their next target was Yoongi, whom Tae previously dragged across the room by his ankles toward Seokjin. One thing I’d like to mention is how gentle and careful everyone was with Yoongi, and especially in this moment with how Jimin pointed out (even if it wasn’t subbed) that they should be careful with Yoongi’s left shoulder and as he lifted him, he didn’t put his hands/arm under Yoongi’s armpit, but instead Yoongi crossed his arms and Jimin grabbed his arm on his left side to avoid hurting him in any way. This pattern continued throughout the entire episode whenever the other members tried to “mess” with Yoongi to get him to fail his mission, like JK picking him up by the butt.
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Eventually Dynamite starts playing and JK, Namjoon and Jimin see Tae start dancing and swiftly come in to stop him which kicks off an adorable chain of events when it comes to vmin with Jimin being very determined to stop Tae.
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Tae just casually holding on to Jimin’s leg, as you do. Cute!
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Can we talk about how delicately Tae is holding Jimin’s ankle? And also how slowly his socks are more and more dirty lol.
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(Also, if you noticed in the gif, Tae did wear his ring in this episode, which according to RUN episode 140, was filmed a day after Let’s BTS aired so it truly appears as though Tae started to wear the ring after that show. Make of that what you will.)
During the reveal at the end of the episode we also got the moment when Jimin and Tae fall to the floor again from another angle which revealed to us that it looked like, while falling, Tae could’ve potentially hit his back on Jimin’s knee, which Jimin realized. To keep it from happening, Jimin put his hand on Tae’s back to soften his fall and keep him from hurting himself. Truly they care so much about each other and want to do whatever they can so the other doesn’t get hurt. Like that time on the Anpanman slide during the Love Yourself: Speak Yourself Tour where Jimin held on to Tae so that once they reached the bottom of the slide and fell off of it to the floor Tae wouldn’t hit the ground so hard and thus wouldn’t hurt himself.
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And just as Tae managed to get off the floor again and it seems like Jimin will move on to mess with another member, Tae starts dancing again and Jimin swoops in again to stop him, both of them being all giggles and smiles just having so much fun. A little while later Namjoon also swoops in and stops Tae in a similar manner with Tae simply sinking to the floor to get Namjoon to stop and move on before trying again.
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The episode continues and eventually Tae moves on to his actual task, which yes, was dancing, but not to Dynamite. Unfortunately for him, Jimin was still watching him and quickly caught on, realizing that the choreography he’s now trying isn’t Dynamite but instead we know it’s IDOL. So he stops him again.
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Honestly Jimin rubbing his back against Tae like they’re in a club (or they’re back on stage during that one music show where Tae had that black vest and the pink bunny ears and those famous vmin ‘you come here often?’ pictures are from) is something I certainly did not expect. And of course Namjoon is there as well since what would be a moment of vmin wildin’ if Namjoon weren’t somewhere close by.
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Eventually Jimin calls for Tae and JK and offers that they should put Yoongi outside. Meanwhile Tae attempts to continue dancing to IDOL to which Jimin tells him that they don’t have time for that and proposes a deal: if Tae helps him, Jimin will leave him alone. To which Tae just says that sure, perhaps he will let him dance, but JK will not, therefore rejecting the deal.
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While Namjoon searches for his bag of dominos, we get this glimpse at vmin doing...something? Also while the camera continues to follow Namjoon, in the background we see Jimin continuously follow Tae and try to distract and stop him, the two of them giggling and smiling at each other for most of the time. Told you happy magnets. 
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Soon, continuing their team work against Yoongi, Jimin and Tae make another attempt together to get him to fail his mission with Namjoon joining in soon as well, along with JK, crowding in on Yoongi and tickling him, but it’s all in vein since Yoongi doesn’t break his quietness.
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Eventually the 30 minutes are up and the game is over. Even if Tae managed to dance all the parts of the IDOL choreography, he did them in parts which did not count. Then the question is what Jimin’s mission was--put coins in the pockets of all the members. Here we have a cute scene where outside Jimin sits down and one of the coins falls from his pocket and Tae the kind soul bends down to pick it up to give it back to Jimin. Afterward we get a montage of Jimin’s attempts to fulfill his mission. I won’t reveal if he managed to do it or not since some of you might not have seen the episode yet. I also won’t reveal what JK’s task was nor who won in the end.
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And with that, the episode was over. It was honestly so, so funny! If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out even though it’s cut into three parts making it a little more ‘tricky’ to find on YouTube than just clicking on the episodes on Weverse/vlive.
Here’s part one:
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myulmang · 3 years
    𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 gif pack !
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COMMISSIONED PACK. in the source link you will be redirected to #171 268x151 gifs of KIM TAEHYUNG (1995) in various videos. these gifs were all cropped, colored and created from scratch by me for commission. do not edit, repost, redistribute, or claim as your own. by request of the lovely commissioner this pack has been made PUBLIC. spread the love by liking or reblogging this post.
interested in commissioning me? click here for more info.
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bboyzwithfun · 2 years
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⿻ ︎ִֶָ ̽ ꒰ Kim Taehyung ꒱ დ The Pack Beta 🐾
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— Taehyung was born to the Beta of a pack who had been annihilated when he was only around four to five years old. As far as he’s aware, nobody else had survived the attack and the following arson inflicted on the pack's land. He’d only survived because of his mother’s desperation to save her only living child, making him run off into the woods away from the violent pack of wolves who had attacked them. For years, he lived alone (aside from the beginning where a rare, kind rogue couple took him in until he was abandoned at fourteen), surviving off the land and avoiding any other rogues, learning from a near fatal encounter as a teenager that none of them are friendly, much less do they want friends. Food had been the hardest part when he’d been on his own, and he’d hesitated quite a while until he finally hunted down a deer and killed it in his wolf form.
He met Jeongguk, only a year or two after he had joined Namjoon, whilst the younger wolf was training in the woods, having stumbled across him and despite his weariness towards other wolves—Jeongguk’s friendly disposition slowly made him comfortable and they became fast friends, all things considered. A couple weeks later, he learned of Namjoon and how he’s building his own pack, and while still hesitant, he went with Jeongguk and met him after the younger had all but begged him and convinced him. It took him around a month until he’d built enough trust for them and officially came part of the pack, training with them until he had been given the title of “Pack Beta”, the same one that was supposed to be his from birth.
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┊.˚🐺 ༘┊͙BASICS ;
—៹ 🐾 : Birth Name; Kim Tae-Hyung
—៹ 🐾 : Nicknames (will be updated); Tae, TaeTae, TeTe, TaTa, Taehyungie, V
—៹ 🐾 : D.O.B; December 30th
—៹ 🐾 : Age; 24
—៹ 🐾 : Race / Species; Shifter Werewolf (Wolf-Shifter)
—៹ 🐾 : Pronouns; He/Him
—៹ 🐾 : Occupation; Beta of the Moonstone Pack
—៹ 🐾 : Zodiac Sign; Capricorn (♑)
—៹ 🐾 : MBTI; INFP
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
┊.˚🐺 ༘┊͙PHYSICAL ; 
—៹ 🐾 : Hair; long, dark brown with pieces framing his face. pulled up half-way into a bun with the rest being down
—៹ 🐾 : Eyes; light brown, almost appearing golden in direct sunlight
—៹ 🐾 : Tattoos / Markings; scars litter his body from his time as a rogue, the most noticeable is; a large scar stretching from his right shoulder blade to the middle of his back, a small scar going down across his left eyebrow where a claw had narrowly missed his eyes, and a scar going from the right side if his jawline to the middle of his cheek
—៹ 🐾 : Piercings; His ears (three on the right, two on the left), lip piercing (left side) and a septum piercing
—៹ 🐾 : Height; 5'10.5" (179cm)
—៹ 🐾 : Extra Features; AU typical features; flashing eyes color depends on rank, fangs, can elongate his nails when in human form
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In a relationship with . . . No one ! (Single)
Bisexual (No Lean) . Switch (Dom Lean)
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Est. 08.15.22
0 notes
reinahwanggg · 4 years
SuperDad 》 Kim Taehyung
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♡pairing: taehyung x oc ♡
♡word count: 1,962 words ♡
♡warnings: it's honestly too cute, taehee is a sweetheart, this isn't a warning but just an adherence to everyone the OC is a person of color, i'll probably make a part two to go about all the details of how taehyung and taehee handled the 48 hours without alyssa, OH and taehee cried seeing his mom leave, just about it. mentions of taehyung not being around as much as he wants to. mentions of what seems to be separation anxiety. ♡
♡genre: established relationship, dad au, idol!tae, fluff, taehee is a cutie you just wanna keep, Inspiration from the return of superman ♡
♡summary: taehyung's back from tour and ready to spend the next two days, with his son, taehee. without his mother there, of course because it's show protocol. ♡
♡a/n: i got inspired by the many dad aus i see and read, like omg they are honestly so cute. also got inspired by reading a fic/ one-shot of jaehyun being on the return of superman with his wife and child and that was the C U T E S T. hope you guys enjoy, also, i added gifs as dividers because i did this on my phone and this is kinda long. credits to all the owners of each gif used ♡
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the camera pans in on a sort of empty living room, a wolf gray sofa sat in front of the equivalently colored wall, a small black squared table is there beside it, and along it is a picture that is covered by a cute emoticon.
littered around the vast space are various cream colored tents, with camera lenses peaking out, various fingers and hands holding them. the camera then passes over to the television, sat on a small drawer, that has glass doors, littered with many DVDs and vinyls, and the seemingly 75" television is off, unsurprisingly.
it then shows the kitchen, monochromatic colors is the aesthetic it seems, as a modern black gas stove is there, with the gray smart refrigerator alongside the counter that separates the two appliances. there is a four slot toaster and a kettle on the aforementioned counter, and a little magnetic knife strips which held all the knives, tongs and spatulas that are often used. the cabinets are a brilliant pearl color, various cute stickers decorate it, some looking old and torn and others looked like they just came out the pack.
it then shows the lounge room and a bedroom respectively, before a dark room comes into view. the emcees had already asked if there was a new superman for the show, and wondered who the new family was. they adored the little height chart on the door casing, and the little furniture and things here and there. they even tried to figure out what the shelf of things were, since it was covered with another cute emoticon.
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back in the room, a little head peaks up at the sound of the doorbell ringing, looking left and right, probably trying to figure out what century it was. then the phone rang and the little human grabs the cellular device in their hands, knuckle sliding it over, and it amazes the emcees.
in the cutest voice the little human could muster, they answer the phone.
"good morning, hello?" the little guy answers in english, and the emcees are practically digging all of this up.
the voice then answers, but the words is silenced. it then shows as the hair of the tiny human bounces, the phone is dropped, footfalls are quiet, yet swift, and the door to the room opens. the tiny human can be slightly seen, and they run out, before running back to close the door.
various camera angles appear, for how fast the little one is running past everything, and the human passes the living room area, taking a left, and then a right and stands in front of the door, then he moves to the little crate beside it and sits patiently. after a few seconds, it opens, and a tall man enters the apartment with a few suitcases and a duffle bag, another cute emoticon doing it's job as it hides the man's face.
the human is practically bouncing on the crate at this point, his round, yet sharp eyes creasing up, his tiny white teeth on display as his arms frail around. the man rests down his luggage, before pretending he can't see the smaller male, and looks around for said human being.
"dad!" the small boy shouts, and the emoticon is finally off of the male's face as he smiles, the signature boxy grin his fans has come to love is on display as he picks up the little rascal, and whisper shouts a little "taehee!" just as enthusiastically as the child had to his father.
the emcees are shocked, like genuinely, you could hear it in the way they go "waaaaaa. it's bts' v!" and it switches again, showing the superstar, alongside his glowing son, and a pregnant lady beside him.
the lady is a mixture of slim and thick, her thighs all packed and gracious as it presses on the seat and shows beneath the fabric of her dress. said dress is long, with a flowy skirt and a sort of baggy top, black as the base with various flowers, colored rose pink and sky blue, along the skirt, past the waist, and some on the top. the belly she sports is a big one, and she look like she was ready to pop in no time. her hair was dark brown and kinky, with golden brown tips as the curl pattern shows perfectly, resting on her back. her light brown eyes get lost behind her lids as she smiles, her nose is scrunched up, smile lines along the eyes and her lips is outstretched, the craters in her face deepens, the dimples popping out perfectly, and the little boy shows his own.
her caramel skin glows, just like her aura is, and the boy glows equally with his honey toned skin as well, as he sits on his father's lap, both of them rubbing her stomach.
"hello everyone, i'm Kim Taehyung, aka V from BTS and this is my family."
Q: How old is your kid?
"He's two and a half years old, but if we're gonna get technical, he's 30 months."
Q: How long have you two been married?
"Four years. We've been together for five, and got married a year into the relationship because i couldn't resist her in the slightest."
"Lol, likewise."
"I told you stop saying LoL out loud lyssa. it's outdated by now."
"iT's oUtDaTeD bY nOw. i do what i want tae."
the questions and the bantering went on for another minute and a half, taehee getting in on it to, and him and his mother verbally gangs on taehyung, causing him to pout.
"we were actually kind of hesitant to be on the show. for many reasons, obviously, but mainly because we weren't sure if we wanted taehee, taesung and taeri in the public eye as yet. or at all. i wanted to show them on my own time, wanted to wait until they were old enough to understand this world to decide whether or not they wanted to be known as our children. after a while, and with the help of my hyungs, jiminie and kookie, we decided to take part in it anyways. we hope you guys take care of us."
Q: Woah, you guys are having twins?
"Haha, yes. we found out during the gender reveal that the doctor forgot to tell us we were having two babies. good thing we planned to always buy double the clothes and necessities for whenever i get pregnant. i say that because this little beast is unpredictable."
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the video then switches back to the house, with taehee and taehyung sitting on the couch, the television on, with them watching a show, taehee swaying from side to side with the music, taehyung singing along quietly, and they watch the show until lyssa exits from the room and pecks both of their foreheads, before going straight to the jù,kitchen.
she tells alexa to play an older song by her husband's group, and the intro plays as soon as the show finishes, taehee immediately running into the kitchen to help and sing along to the song. meanwhile, taehyung is in the living room, his phone in front of his face as he smiles softly, both him and the person he's seemingly on the call with is silent as they listen to the two on their seemingly daily routine.
"you want to help make the pancakes dylan?" lyssa asks in english to her son, and he peeps an excited 'yes mama' over the voice of hoseok and his rap for hold me tight.
she smiles at him, and they make the pancakes from scratch, him calling out the ingredients in english, and she helps him in pronounciation and correcting his mistakes with a chuckle and a smile. while the pancakes are frying, she kindly asks taehyung to go to the store at the end of the corner to get some hershey's cookie n creme chocolate bars and a jar of dill pickles for her cravings.
she makes sure they all eat, before getting ready and going to head out for the allocated forty eight hours set. taehee follows her like a little duckling as she slightly waddles through the living room, with a purse on her shoulder, and she shoves the car keys in the bag, before turning around and ruffling his hair.
"be a good boy for mama, okay? you get to spend two whole days with papa and your uncles! isn't that fun?" taehee does seem happy, but you can tell, deep behind his nod, he is secretly praying that alyssa doesn't go. that she stays with both of them for the two days, just like old times, but she had let him watch the show, and he knows that's not the case. when she turns to leave, taehee grabs the hem of her dress, and she turns around, meeting his sharp cognac eyes, and it looks like he was trying his best not to cry.
"oh, dee, c'mere," she starts, lifting him up in her arms as the tears finally fall. she knew her taehee as a strong boy, but there are times where he can't help, but cry. dad was always to the company or on tour for as long as taehee knew him, so he built a special relationship with his mom. he knew he promised her to be strong, and to be a big boy, for when she was going to leave, but he hopes, that two days doesn't turn into a long time, like dad sometimes does.
"now what did we discuss dee?"
"th-that i w-was gonna be a b-big boy. th-that i w-was gonna stay w-with dad un-until mama g-gets back."
"right, we did agree to that, but you look like you wanna come with me. do you want to come with me, or are you gonna make me proud and spend time with papa? he misses you, you know. every day, he calls, sometimes when you're asleep and he always tells me how he can't wait to come home and have you by his side. do you wanna let papa down? let mama down? let your uncles down? or are we gonna be a big boy and be on our best behavior to make mama, papa and uncles proud?"
"i'm gonna be a big boy. i'll stay with dad and we'll have so much f-fun mama, you'll want to come back."
"i'm sure of it dee. now, papa is in the room waiting for snuggles. you know how to work the phone, so call me whenever. okay?"
"okay mama. i love you lots!"
"i love you more than lots!"
"i love you more than your lots! have fun mama, but not too much fun or i'll be mad at you."
alyssa gasps, pouting a bit, before smiling once taehee plants a big fat kiss on her cheek and smush them together like she does to him. they smile at each other, before she rests him down, and she waves at him until she is nowhere to be seen, exiting the door and off to go about her day. taehee rushes inside the room, knocking on the door, before opening it in at the sound of 'come in' and smiles at his dad, running and climbing up the bed to lay beside his dad as he talks to uncle jin.
"oh, it's little tae! how's it going buddy?" jin asks, from the other side of the phone, and taehee smiles, the dimples making another appearance, before answering his uncle. taehyung looks at his son, eyes glimmering with pure love, as he thinks that he can finally spend time with his son.
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