takaraphoenix · 6 years
80. “Why did I marry you?” - “It took a lot of convincing.” for Christian/Mason
Advent Calendar: Day 11
“Babe? Come on, we gotta return to the party.”
“I don’t need to do anything. This is my school. I can just sit in my office in the dark.”
Mason smiled fondly and rolled his eyes as he approached his husband. “It’s the Winter Gala, Chris. The most influential parents of our students are here. And you are the headmaster of Saint Vlad’s Academy. You not being here is just… disrespectful.”
“Don’t call me Chris. And I was already there”, grunted Christian stubbornly.
“Babe, you were there for like five minutes before you bailed”, sighed Mason and wrapped his arms around Christian’s neck from behind, resting his head on his husband’s. “Come o—on. Good food. A few people you actually like. Don’t give me that look, Christian! Lissa and Rose will be there.”
“That makes one person I actually like”, countered Christian and rolled his eyes.
“At least four”, argued Mason with a slight pout. “I am there. Andy and Lily are there.”
Christian faltered a little at the mention of their kids. Lily had been very excited about the ball and she had proudly shown off her dress earlier today. She looked so pretty in the fire-red dress, cheeks flushed in excitement. She was… nothing like Christian. Then again, she was the biological child of Rose and Mason and that showed in her social interactions. She was always the center of attention, she knew exactly how to make friends with everyone. She was just like Mason with that. When she saw someone she wanted to befriend, she just… did.
“You haven’t seen Andy yet”, noted Mason very slowly, deliberately.
Christian grumbled. Andre Eric Dragomir, he lived with Rose and Lissa. Heir to Queen Dragomir. And biologically, Christian’s son. That also showed in his fire-powers. And in his dark glare whenever he was forced to be social. It was a great source of entertainment for the rest of their family that Christian and Andy would just gloomily sulk in a corner together at social events.
“I don’t want to go”, sighed Christian frustrated. “Mia Rinaldi has been giving me a headache within five minutes of this gala. Never imagined her to be such a damn mother hen…”
“But you like her kid, right?”, argued Mason with a grin, nudging Christian.
“It’s hardly his fault who his mother is”, muttered Christian beneath his breath.
Mason smiled gently and leaned down to kiss Christian’s temple. “My cute softie.”
“I am not a softie”, growled Christian, shoving Mason a little. “Why did I marry you?”
“It took a lot of convincing”, grinned Mason and grabbed Christian’s hand.
He linked fingers with Christian, so their golden wedding-bands lined up and sparkled in the faint light of the desk-lamp. The grin on Mason’s lips grew into a proper smile. It really had taken Mason some convincing to get Christian to say ‘yes’. They had been dating for five years, Christian had been a teacher at Saint Vlad’s back then – teaching the Moroi kids magic – and Mason had been the teacher of the dhampirs. Well, Mason still was doing that, he loved his job. Christian however, he had worked his way up to becoming headmaster and fundamentally changing Saint Vlad’s. Mason was mighty proud of his husband, which never failed to make Christian blush an endearing pink.
“Come on, husband mine, let’s face the literal and figurative music”, prompted Mason.
“For the record, I am only going with you because I want to see our son”, grumbled Christian.
Mason smiled softly to himself as he pulled his husband up and along, out of the office. Christian loved hiding himself away in his office a lot. Which was fine, for the most part, but a parent teacher night gala was most definitely one of those opportunities. With an ever-growing smile did Mason lean in to properly kiss his husband before they made their way down the hall.
“Keep your best friend away from me”, warned Christian. “I am in enough of a bad mood, I do not need Rose’s teasing tonight. You’re on distract-Rose-duty.”
“Seems Lissa took over that part for me”, hummed Mason and paused.
Frowning, Christian turned to follow his husband’s line of sight. The ball room and in the center of it, Queen Dragomir and her royal consort, dancing away. Christian’s eyes softened as he spotted their kids not far behind them, dancing with the Dashkov-kids.
“Andy cleans up nice”, grinned Mason. “He really does look a lot like you, Chris.”
“Don’t call me Chris”, sighed Christian. “…But you’re right.”
At age sixteen, in his dark-red-nearly-black suit, Andy really did look a lot like Christian had back in the day. Smiling to himself, Christian leaned back against his husband.
“Now I remember why I married you”, whispered Christian softly.
“Mh? Oh yeah? Share with me?”, asked Mason curiously, wrapping his arms around Christian.
“Mh… no. Your ego does not need any more feeding, Mister Ozera”, smirked Christian. “Come on now, let’s get to that stupid banquet so we can leave again.”
He had married Mason, because Mason made him smile. Mason made him happy. Mason had made him leave his dark, gloomy corner and even though Christian liked to complain about it and even though most social events did annoy him, there were occasions where Christian was glad Mason dragged him along. Mason was kind and sweet and gentle and loving and Mason had given Christian the one thing Christian had been craving for so many years. A family.
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3!
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askpercicoblog · 7 years
Nico, Percy, my dear boys 👀 Any plans for Valentine's Day? ❤😏
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(Mod: Happy Valentine’s day everyone!! I spent the whole day drawing these, trying to forget how lonely I am :D Aaaaanyway, I guess they are oficially a couple now :3)
Question from @kimmyhunter
Thank you!! .w.
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miazeklos · 6 years
New ask: 10
Thank you! ^.^
10 - what’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
This is from something as of yet unposted; a continuation to my Seelie!Alec fic. I’m proud of it because I love finding loopholes in Seelie speech for him to slip through.
Now he looked the tiniest bit pleased - a rare sight from aDownworlder so close to the interrogation rooms. “Being of service is anachievement many strive for.”
Jace scoffed. Anyone else would have gonewith the much simpler I’m glad to be ofservice, but of course, Alec couldn’t lie without causing himselfconsiderable damage. “Come in,” he said, gesturing to the biggest cell they hadon site. “Better get started.”
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legionofcrows · 6 years
kimmyhunter replied to your post “Not gonna lie I’m pretty disappointed that the family dinner isn’t...”
"Family" dinner fuck me up why am i still getting disappointed of course its just Malec thing
Honestly I don’t even mind that it’s just a malec thing because it could still be really interesting I just wish they hadn’t been talking it up like a big family thing
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astudyinfic · 6 years
  I’m in a mood and avoiding social interaction
**perks up** Anything? Any preferences? I can offer pairing suggestions, specific prompt plots, short prompts. Also social interaction? What is it, eww.
Non-explicit as I’m having trouble writing that at the moment.  Malec is obvs #1 for me, but I can write pretty much any pairing.  So if you have a situation, a pairing, or whatever, let me know.
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shirasade · 7 years
For the dialogue prompts, may I ask 18. for Jace/Alec/Sebastian?
“This is the third time you’ve tried to summon a demon in our kitchen!”
Not a combination I enjoy as a rule, but I did manage 100 words of Heronlightstar AU. :)
"One more time, Jace, you’re not a wizard," Alec groaned, cleaning up the remnants of the protective circle his boyfriend had drawn onto their kitchen floor.
"But it worked," Jace exclaimed and threw open their bedroom door theatrically, revealing...
"Jace, that's just a guy."
"No, Sebastian's a real demon, I swear." Jace petted the blonde stranger sitting naked on their bed, and Alec rolled his eyes fondly. At least this one was pretty.
Relenting, he joined the two on the bed. "Hi, Sebastian-the-demon. Welcome to our realm - and our bed, apparently."
Jace grinned triumphantly and leaned in for a kiss.
(On AO3.)
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sapphicalexaandra · 7 years
Can I ask for Jalec + #20?
Sure you can! :) This ended up being a little angsty, hope it’s okay. 
Jaceentered the office whistling a cheerful tune. Alec felt even more outraged by that boldness, glaring athis parabatai in the hope he’d leave scorch marks on his jolly face.
“Morning, babe,”Jace greeted him, his teeth shining as he smiled.
“Don’t you ‘babe’ me!” Alec growled. “I know what you did!”
Jace puthis arms in front of himself. “What? I haven’t done anything! Or I bet it wasIzzy anyway!”
Alec rosefrom his chair, banging his hands on the desk. “Izzy was the one who threwherself, alone, at an entire hoard of raveners?! Don’t thinkyou can fool me by cleaning up your wounds! I woke up in the middle of the nightfeeling you were hurt, nobody answeredmy calls, so I waited for you, butyou didn’t even have the decency to come to me!”
No demoncould ever hurt Jace as much as knowing hehad hurt Alec did. Jace rapidly covered the entire room, pulling Alec into hisarms. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know I was reckless...”
“When I tellyou to be careful, why don’t you ever listento me?” Alec whispered brokenly into his ear.
Jace forcedhim to raise his head to look him in the eyes. “I know, okay? But I’m here, I’mhere.”
Alec surgedforward, kissing him with a desperation that Jace could taste on his tongue. Before they ended up hugging each other even more tightly.
Some woundswould truly never quite heal.  
read it on ao3
send me prompts
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  matt-daddario: Clary and Alec in the new Clace...
@flower-of-the-desert Reasonable explanation because I wondered about that too. Jace has pretty strong opinion about death. It’s quite clear thorough season that he thinks it’s definite and defying. And in 2x05 it becomes clear he is wary, maybe even scared, but definitely firmly negative about necromancy. He believes dead things should stay dead and he is probably anxious of WHAT he may be now that Clary brought him back and what Alec and others may see him like then.
I would actually like to see that explored. It is an interesting angle to take and I think it would add to Jace’s storyline to explore his feelings and perspective on having been brought back from the dead rather than just focus on whatever Lilith is doing to him/his bond with Sebastian/etc.
It is especially interesting in the context of the SH society, I think. Shadowhunters are raised to be soldiers, to spend all their time fighting and risking their lives (and as we saw with Max this fighting starts at an EXTREMELY young age) so I think it’s not a stretch to say they are pretty familliar with the idea of death and know it can happen pretty much any time they step out of the Institite (and sometimes even inside isnt safe). And then add to that everything else Jace specifically has gone through and yeah, I half expect him to even be upset at Clary for not letting stay dead (like that story arc in Buffy? unless I’m remembering wrong, when she was dead and her friends brought her back and she was like why didnt you just let me rest in peace, I didnt want to come back?)
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c0ffeebee · 6 years
kimmyhunter replied to your photoset:
lassemasse: “There is greatness in doing something...
@c0ffeebee Oh gosh your tags XD But did you notice it looks like he has some skin? Like he is growing normal and may actually look like Will and no longer crispy after this? Or is it just me?
i know right?? most tragic love story since romeo and juliet XD  also YES, me and @lassemasse actually talked about how it even looks more human now, more like will! like the shape of his lips and his nose)) and he even has some normal eyelids!) who knows maybe our theories and dreams will come true and lilith will give sebastian his hot-af-will-tudor form forever) let's hope) 
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pocket-elf · 7 years
13 and 16 for home country ask.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Not my family I think. We’re not big on traditions or superstitions. I’m trying to think of Swedish ones... I guess, on easter kids dress as old women from the olden days (with specific makeup, including read cheeks and freckles, dunno why) and knock on doors to give out easter cards and get candy. sort of Halloween style. Dunno how common it is nowadays, but when I was a kid it was. Oh! A modern superstition from my youth (probably replaced by something completely different) was to not step on manhole covers with the letter A on them. We apparently have covers with A or K on them (don’t remember what it means but I guess it leads to different things?) and A was unlucky to step on, while K was kind of lucky.16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Tbh I don’t really keep up with what kind of stereotypes there are about my country. Isn’t one that we really like nudity or something? Which is a lie, but it’s not one I particularly hate or care about. Some say we’re rude cause we don’t really interact with strangers in public much, and apparently “please” is hard for Swedes to use abroad for some reason? Or like to say hi to people in stores and cafés etc. Which tbh I think is true and I agree with. I’m not like that though. On the other hand I think another stereotype is that we’re also nice and happy? So I don’t even know. and of course we’re godless socialists which... sure. I’m onboard.
Ask me more things! Here’s the list.
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procoffeinating · 7 years
@kimmyhunter replied to your photo
“*shows up 2 years late with starbucksfanart in hand* how’s going,...”
Yasss �� Recently started this show and loving it. Such a pretty fanart.
Thanks! How far in are you??
@tartapplesauce replied to your photo  
“*shows up 2 years late with starbucksfanart in hand* how’s going,...”
  Truly excellent work, and welcome to the fandom!                    
Thanks! It’s so cool to see the fandom still around!
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
What do you think about ace!dom!Raph Japhael? I just remembered this real good ace!dom fic from another fandom and I wondered if that would work for Japhael...
*blinks doe-eyed and thrusts hand out*
Hello! I’m Phoe. I like writing about boys loving boys and about BDSM. It’s very nice to meet you, since you apparently never met me before if you have to ask that question.
Of course that works. I mean. That’s obviously a thing for Japhael. And Jace can get himself off in the aftermath with the blissful memories.
But it’s a thing for Raphael/Simon/Jace too. Raphael comfortably sitting by and ordering them around, Simon and Jace getting to fuck and Raphael just enjoying that both those idiots who never listen actually do obey his orders. It’s the dynamic I love for that OT3. We talked about this before, riiight? That one fic idea for them that I once had but inexplicably never got around to write… ABO-verse with BDSM and Jace denying his omega nature until he breaks down, just to find that Raphael is willing to dominate in a platonic way and Jace finds himself able to trust Raph because he knows that Raphael won’t abuse the power he now holds over Jace - because Raphael isn’t interested in fucking Jace. But then Raphael has important clan leader business to attend to and when Jace comes to the hotel, the only one he finds is Raphael’s mate and Simon, flustered and awkward, tries to do what Raphael usually does for Jace (Simon 100% knows about that and Raph told his mate, of course, and Simon knows it’s purely platonic). But Simon being Simon is being totally awkward and thus rambles - which, turns out, something Jace is REALLY into. Being showered with praise and told how good he’s doing.
Yeah. That.
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askpercicoblog · 7 years
Hey, Nico, Percy, how big is your height difference and did you guys ever do a shirtswap?
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(Mod: I know that their height difference has been pretty inconsistent up until now but I’ll try to look out for it from now on.)
Question from @kimmyhunter
Thank you!! ^w^
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miazeklos · 7 years
Luke and Raphael for the ask.
Thank you! ;3
Luke; Are you a leader or a follower?
(as per previously answered) It depends, really. I’m ready to follow anyone who obviously knows better than me, but when it comes to projects and the like, I prefer leading. It just makes sure that I know how things’ll go,
Raphael; Is your sass game strong?
I would say so? 90% of my jokes (and general speech pattern when I’m trying to be amusing) is sarcasm, so there’s that. ;D
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legionofcrows · 7 years
kimmyhunter replied to your post “Isabelle’s out here dragging Jace and Dom in the same sneak peak and I...”
im not watching any sneak peaks but seeing this makes it very hard
all you need to know is that Isabelle does not get Jace’s definition of romance at all and it’s great
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jcmorgenstern · 7 years
I saw you mention it so good luck on your exams! From a fellow suffering student.
Aww thank you friend!!! I’d answer privately but I shall spread the good wishes to anyone also suffering from exams or work in need of cheer. Good luck to you too, may your schedule be lighter soon and the scantron bubbles ever in your favor.
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