#kimo van zandt
myyma · 3 years
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“Why did you attack the guy in the parking lot?”
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mametupa · 6 years
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I love that they decided to keep Kimo van Zandt in Weaponizer in the AU episode, even if he got to be Chloe’s side-kick and not the lead.
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myyma · 3 years
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myyma · 3 years
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mametupa · 7 years
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Parallels in Lucifer episode 5, season 1 and 2 
There are two major themes in the episodes, brotherhood and the butterfly effect. Most of what happens are connected to one or the other so let’s start with some minor things:
Luci has a personal connection to the murderer in S1 and the victim(s) in S2. Both of them have what I see as uncommon pets, Pig Diddy in S1 and a white tiger in S2 and they are Asian (at least they look Asian to me). The murders in both episodes are ultimately about greed and money. 
Maze betrays Luci. In S1 by pointing Amenadiel in Linda’s direction and in S2 by talking to mom about Uriel’s ultimatum. But Maze also protects Luci by fighting Diego’s gang in S1 and Uriel in S2. She also visits Chloe’s house in S1 while Chloe is asleep and in S2, they move in together in a new place.  
Amenadiel in Linda’s office. In S1, he tells her he’s a fellow psychiatrist, in S2, he returns a book he borrowed when posing as a psychiatrist. You might even say he’s making Linda his secret weapon to use against Luci, just like Luci makes Amenadiel his secret weapon against Uriel in S2. 
Chloe tried to talk down people with guns while being unarmed herself. In S1, with Diego, she fails, but in S2, with Kimo, she succeeds. Perhaps this is Chloe’s power as we’ve seen her do it before, and she even manages to calm Luci down at times.
Angels are called pervs. In S1, Luci and in S2, Uriel when Luci plays fashion-police, commenting on Uriel’s coat. Luci also plays fashion-police in S1, when he comments on Diego’s low-riding pants attracting the wrong kind of attention. 
The catch-phrase “Not on my watch” is heard for the first time in S1 and is explained in S2. .
Tit for tat. In S1, Luci makes a deal with Chloe’s boss. In return for solving Paola’s death (- which will make it possible for her to become chief of police -) Luci becomes Chloe’s partner, AKA official civilian consultant for the LAPD. In S2, Uriel tells Luci that he needs to either get mom back to Hell or Chloe dies, so a deal but one without any kind of free will for Luci in making it.
Luci protects Chloe. In S1, her honor by decking Anthony Paolucci and in S2 her life by killing Uriel.
After Luci bled in S1E4, he’s got something new and exciting to explore, mortality:
A big knife sends shivers down Luci’s spine. In S1, of excitement but in S2, of fear when Uriel pulls out Azrael’s dagger. 
In S1, mortality is fun and exciting, in S2, it has become scary. Luci turns Chloe’s possible death in S1 into a joke, but in S2 he does everything to prevent it from happening, even killing his brother Uriel.
So back to where we began, with brotherhood and the butterfly effect, beginning with the latter. 
A small event can cause big and unexpected effects even for those used to playing with patterns as Uriel discovers in S2. In S1, we see the same thing, but unlike the events in S2, they don’t start out with premeditated murder. What Benny Choi expected when he had his bodyguard Hector shoot at him during his fashion show was not the death of a young woman but simply having his old friend Yellow Viper back in jail. Instead, Benny almost caused a gang war  and ended up in jail himself.
The same can be said for Diego when he got his cousin Paola into Benny’s fashion show, he never expected her to end up dead and himself under arrest for almost starting a gang war. 
Luci, on the other hand, fully expected a gang war and wished for it when he made his deal with Chloe’s boss for a chance to explore his own mortality, something Chloe describes as him being “addicted to creating chaos and seeing where the chips fall, to hell with the consequences.” But what he didn’t expect was that his deal with Benny years ago was the reason Yellow Viper ended up inside and in effect caused Paola’s death. 
Unlike Benny, Jamie Lee Adrienne and Ryan Goldburg knows exactly what they are doing when they murdered her ex-husband Wesley Cabot trying to frame her current husband Kimo Van Zandt in S2. They had it all planned out, or so they thought and perhaps they would have managed if Luci hadn’t been so infatuated with the Weaponizer. 
Uriel knows exactly what he’s doing when he moves that skateboard a couple of inches, but even he with his millennia practice of reading patterns are unable to predict his own death. 
Brotherhood is either “an association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade” or “the relationship between brothers” and we see all kinds of brotherhoods in both episodes. 
In S1, the police, people buying Benny Choi’s Sweet kicks and Diego’s gang. In S2, mainly Luci’s family but also the fans of the Body Bag franchise, like Luci and Dan. Old friends that have become enemies are found in both seasons, even if Wesley’s and Kimo’s animosity is purely a PR-thing that even Wesley’s ex and Kimo’s current wife believe in. 
There are those that seem to belong to a brotherhood, but are still outsiders. Chloe’s that person in S1 after the Palmetto incident. In S2, the outsider is Uriel. Mom tells Luci that “Uriel was so small when he was a child. All he ever wanted was to play with you and the older kids. But you all excluded him.”  Amenadiel is very aware of how Uriel feels, even taunting him with his knowledge “Pathetic, small Uriel. Not the eldest son. Not the young rebel. But an angel buried somewhere deep in the middle. Lost in the crowd of your betters.” 
Belonging to a brotherhood means you’ve found a place where you are accepted for who you are, where you are home, and most of us want this more than anything else. That’s what the people buying Benny Choi’s Sweet kicks are looking for, what Chloe thought she found in her tribe and ultimately what Luci is trying to find on Earth. 
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