#kind of a companion to that comic i just posted. blood on the mind recently
vlasdygoth · 10 months
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(+ bonus ocelhira)
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allisquish · 7 years
stargazer, chapter 1
chapter 2 chapter 3
hi hello yes don’t mind me as i just drop a yondu udonta x reader fic and run…. tbh, a big inspiration for this comes from this fic here that I recently stumbled across just browsing gotg fic… which apparently was A Thing I Didn’t Know I Wanted. But it’s super good, I loved it and now here we are. 
Reader is a terran trapped on Sakaar serving the Grandmaster, looking for a way out when a Ravager Captain is brought before the Grandmaster. Uh, there’s some spoilers for gotg vol. 2 and Thor: Ragnarok fyi. freshly newly titled and edited as of 11/30 bc i got too excited about posting it while it was still a draft whoops.
You awoke strapped down to a silver chair, your wrists and ankles bound to it. You pull at them, but there is no give. The... thing standing next to you makes a sound of distaste. It looks like a cross between a red shadow and a beetle. It raises the metal pole it clutches in one of its four hands at you, ready to strike. Its vicious voice comes out from behind a dark blood colored thing resembling a gas mask, making demands you can’t decipher. You flinch and stop struggling while your heart furiously beats in your chest. You try to remember what happened. How you got to this bizarre looking chamber.
The last thing you really remembered was being out at the park, playing with your baby cousin you were paid to nanny. Your aunt had gone to work, to speak to a colleague from Culver's science department... You remember sitting on a park bench, watching your cousin go down a slide… and that was it. You couldn’t remember anything else.
The room you’re in looks like something out of a comic book or a Disney movie; there are bright colors, shiny and metallic, with huge windows offering a view of what looks like a never ending scrap yard, something out of Wall-E or Tank Girl.
"Ah, if it isn't Scrapper 1125," A voice calls out, followed by a clapping of hands, "I didn't know you'd be coming today." Your gaze follows the sound of the voice to what looks like a lean, older man with graying hair and blue markings on his face. He’s grabbed in blues, golds, and reds, the shiny fabric swirling about him as he walks. Beside him is a shorter, rounder woman with severely pulled back black hair, dressed in orange armor.
The creature beside you greets the man, and motioned to you with the metal pole, "I bring gift for Grandmaster."
"A gift you say?" The Grandmaster, as your captor had called him, stepped closer, until his feet brush yours where they are strapped down. "She doesn't look like a fighter."
"If not fighter than slave," The creature replies, shrugging, "She is no good as food. Too clean." The thing seems to leer at you through its mask, making your skin crawl at the way it says "clean".
"Um, I'm not sure I need any more prisoners with jobs..." The Grandmaster turns to his companion, "Topaz?"
"Send her to your brother. Or just melt her. Less muss, less fuss."
You can’t help the gasp of breath at "melt". What was going on?
The Grandmaster rubs his chin with one hand, bending at his waist until he is all but nose to nose with you, "Well, let’s see. What, uh, what talents do you have?"
"T...Talents?" You gasp, pushing your head back, trying to create distance between you both.
"Yes, talents, what are you good at?" He follows your movements, his eyes taking in every inch of your frightened and bewildered face.
You say the first thing that comes to mind, something you do every day with your baby cousin, something you love to preform and create, "I... I can tell stories?” It comes out as a question; you don’t know what’s going on or what this odd-looking man wants, but you know he somehow holds both your life and future in his hands.
The woman in orange, Topaz, scoffs but a glint shines in the Grandmaster's eyes, "You're a Storyteller?" You nod slowly, your heart beating its way out of your rib cage, your palms sweating on the armrests.  "It's been such a long time since we last had a Storyteller..." The Grandmaster leans back, turning to Topaz, "I'll keep her."
Topaz nods, her lips pulled tight while she looks at you with very thinly veiled disgust. She switches places with the Grandmaster, "Welcome to Sakaar." The words are dry, with a buried malice. She pulls your hair back from your neck with one fist, and with the other jams something deep in the curve of your throat, sending waves after waves of shocks throughout your whole body. Once more in your recent memory, everything goes black.
 When you wake, you ware in a small room, barely bigger than a closet, and your clothes are gone. Instead of your jeans and hoodie you wore to the park, you are dressed in a long, pale silvery blue dress. Before you have time to even consider what has happened now, that woman Topaz, is already at the door, ordering you to follow her. She tells you your new duties as she pushes you through long, red, white and gold labyrinth hallways.
"Every night, if the Grandmaster doesn't have company, tell him a story. Whenever he asks, tell him a story. You're here to entertain the Grandmaster with light, nonsense tales, nothing more, and nothing less. Fail in your duties and well... we won't speak of what happened to the last Storyteller."
"Wh-what happened?" The words slip from your lips before you can wall them up.
"He died." She smiles, a thing full of menace as she pushes you through an opulent doorway.
The room is filled with whites and golds, reds and blues. There’s marble floor and metallic walls, three doors and a large balcony with windows displaying nothing but blue skies with strange swirling celestial bodies hung precariously throughout. Seated at a vanity near a plush bed covered with pristine white pillows and plush bedclothes is the Grandmaster. Two women are currently attending him, both dressed in silver gowns similar to your own. One woman holds a towel with various combs and brushes, and what looks like bars of something, while the other woman with brown hair and pink skin brushes his hair.
"Ah, wonderful! My new, um, Storyteller." The Grandmaster smiles, studying you through his mirror, "Don't just stand there, please, come closer."
You do so, your hands clutching tightly to each other. Your palms are still sweaty, and your heart is still trying to make good on its escape. You stop behind him, angling your body away from the mirror’s gaze.
"Whenever you're ready, my dear, please tell me the best story you know." His is docile and gentle, but you can’t see his eyes. You decide you don’t like his kindness, not when you know that new bump in your neck is a miniature taser. Ready to go off at any moment. Your life will still depend on whatever you say next.
… He had asked for the best story you know? Oh, this was such a bad idea, such a bad idea... But you remember Scheherazade and her king, a story you do love, and pray you could follow her lead and maybe survive to the next day.
"Ah, um, o-okay. Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away..." You begin.
 You make it through that first night, to see morning light on this strange planet, spinning in space so many light years from anything and everything familiar to you. And you make it to the next, and the next, doing your best to drag each of your stories out, never quiet finishing a tale before the Grandmaster has fallen into a deep sleep. You then sneak off to your own room, barely getting any sleep before the Grandmaster calls you to join his court for the following morning. So it continues, until your second week on Sakaar, when the Grandmaster brings you out with him for the first time, to the Contest of Champions. There you see a very familiar and very green face.
"It's the Hulk!" You breathe out in surprise. It’s not the most comforting face, but you feel relief at seeing something you can recognize from home. Almost as if one of the knots in your back finally loosens just enough.  
"You know my Champion?" The Grandmaster asks, intrigue coloring his voice.
"Yes, he- he's from my planet..." The gears in your mind turn wildly, trying to find a way to work this to your advantage, to your survival, "I... I can… I can tell you some stories about him from Earth... if.. if you'd like?"
"Yes!" The Grandmaster laughs, clapping his hands together excitedly like a small child, "Oh, I'd love to hear tales of my Champion!"
And you tell, sharing what you can remember from your aunt who was at Culver during that first sighting, from videos you’ve seen of Manhattan and Sokovia; the destruction and aliens, of the woman with red hair. What you don’t know you embellish, doing your best to focus on fights and bloodshed- the Grandmaster seems to like those tales the best.
You find yourself more and more in the Grandmaster's company after that, and receiving a number of "favors”. A bigger room. More clothes. Attending to the Grandmaster during his shows. You found out more about this ghastly planet that way. How it was on the edge of the universe, with those things in the sky are vortexes bringing things to it from all over the known universe.
You look up at those swirling vortexes, certain in the knowledge that if you could just get through even one of them, it could take you home.
…But how? You don’t know who to fly a space ship, and there is no way you can get away from the Grandmaster or his watch dog Topaz so long as that control disk was in your neck. You have seen what it can do to others, and you have seen the seemingly docile, kind and flighty Grandmaster execute others for the smallest of slights against his rule.
There is no way for you to get off this godforsaken rock spinning in space on your own.
 The Grandmaster throws another one of his parties, celebrating the 50th win of his Champion in the Contests. The music is loud, pulsing and eerily similar to 80’s synthwave. Drinks are flowing and the Grandmaster’s guests are anything but docile with their persons; you can’t help but want to compare them to a college party. Some are egging each other on in drink, some are complacent on lounges and others are striving for creating connections in the ruling court.
You hang to the outer edges of the party, clutching a glass of liquor tightly in one hand, while your gaze keeps bouncing around the crowd of people. At these kinds of parties... things... tend to happen. You’ve managed to avoid any unwanted attention of any kind so far on Sakaar, and you are quiet determined to keep it that way. You’ve learned early on that too much bringing to much attention to yourself can be as good as a death sentence.
And so you stay by the windows, looking out at the night sky. While also using the window to keep an eye on the ongoing party. If you are very lucky tonight, the Grandmaster might take an individual or more to keep him company during the night, and not require your stories to lull him to sleep. If you’re even luckier, Topaz, too busy corralling her ruler and his possible nightly companions, might forget your existence as well.
The universe, it seems, has other plans.
The music cuts off suddenly, and the party drowns in silence.
"Hey now, who turned off my jams?"
"Grandmaster." You turn away from the window, watching between the huddled shoulders of the crowd, as Scrapper 142 follows a silver chair with yet another captured prisoner. You’ve seen Scrapper 142 before; she’s a fairly tall and muscular woman, with dark skin and darker hair and eyes, dressed in black leathers. She has great favor with the Grandmaster, having brought the Hulk to him. You wish you could have seen that; there’s videos from Culver, Manhattan and Sokovia, but the Hulk against one lone woman? No one on Earth would believe it.
Your gaze doesn’t lock on Scrapper 142, but rather on the blue skinned figure chained to the chair. Your view is partially blocked by the crowd, yet from what you can see… it is an older male alien. Not as old as the Grandmaster, probably middle age at least, but you are assuming and in space who knows. The Grandmaster is, apparently, millions of years old and time works strangely on Sakaar. The blue alien is knocked out cold, his dark red leather clothing looks frosted over, and you spy numerous scars littering his face and hands. It’s hard to miss the silvery bits of machinery exposed down the top of his head. He’s been modified, but you don’t know how or why. You’ve never seen anything like him on Sakaar before.
Still, you can tell by one look he was a fighter, and there wasn’t going to be much hope left for him. You’re about leave, hoping that Scrapper 142 would offer up enough of a distraction for you to shrink your duties for at least the night, when you hear Ruelyz speak.
"Is that a Ravager?" The Krylorian says in a whisper to the man standing beside her. Ruelyz is one of the Grandmaster's personal "prisoners with a job". You know her to be frequently assigned to pamper the Grandmaster before bed. You like her well enough, and trust her better than most.
"He's got the emblem..." The man next to her replies in a murmur.
"What's a Ravager?" Your curiosity is piqued despite yourself. You pause by Ruelyz, trying once more to get a better look at Scrapper 142’s offering.
"I'm surprised you haven't heard of them, Storyteller," The pink woman spares you a quick glance before turning her dark gaze back, "The Ravagers are whatever they need to be; scavengers, smugglers, thieves, bandits, pirates, bounty-hunters, assassins... whatever it is you need, so long as the pay is good."
"A space pirate?" You bite your lip, focusing on the Ravager. A pirate… has possibilities. Possibilities that could be very key to your future.
"He might even be a captain," The man, an unfamiliar Xandarian, adds, "I'm pretty sure I remember a Centaurian Ravager Captain..."
You slip away from the two, forcing your way closer and closer to the Grandmaster. Thoughts flutter through your mind, fueled by your deep desire to get off this world.
"Ooo, a Centaurian!" The Grandmaster exclaims, leaving behind a gaggle of possible bed mates to examine his offering, "It's been a very long time since I've seen one of them..."
From your new vantage point, you can see the chills that run through the Ravager’s body.
"Poor sod was probably left to die in space." You hear someone whisper.
"He doesn't look like much, but I can promise you'd get a good fight out of him," Scrapper 142 boasted, digging her fingers into the Ravager's collar and exposing the scars on his neck, "Not only does he wear the badge of a Ravager, but he has the scars of a Kree battle slave as well."
Your blood runs cold. You know exactly what will happen next. The Ravager will be forced into the Contest, condemned to die by either the Hulk or the Grandmaster himself…
And you would still be stuck on this thrice damned planet, light years from anything remotely resembling home.
"Uh, you know I don't like the word 'slaves'..."
"Give him to me."
Scrapper 142, Topaz and the Grandmaster look at you in surprise. You freeze in horrific shock, a deer in headlights. You’ve spoken out of turn, with only a half-baked, hare-brained scheme surely to fail.
You swallow, square your shoulders and repeat yourself.
"Grandmaster, give him to me."
"The insolence!" Topaz growls, reaching for her remote to the control disks. The Grandmaster stays her, placing a hand on her arm.
"Why should I?" He asks you, his head tilted in thought, "He's a Ravager and a Kree solider. He's perfect for the Contest."
"Which is why he's perfect for me," You continue, your mind speeding along with your runaway heart. You pray to whoever might be listening (God, Thor, Odin, even Loki) for this stupid plan to work. And if it didn't, than to... well. To not die. You lick your dry lips, your gaze flickering between the Ravager and the Grandmaster, "Can you image the places he's been? The things he's seen? ...The stories he might know?"
"I...Well now… I hadn't thought of it that way," The Grandmaster nods slowly, his hand flying to his chin, "Pay my favorite Scrapper, Topaz, and transfer the Centaurian to my Storyteller's care." The Grandmaster glides back to the party, stopping briefly to look at you, "I, uh, I expect you to be able to control him. And continue your duties. If not..." He shrugs, "I might just have two possible contenders instead of one." A smile returns to his face, "Ah, but my favorite Storyteller would never let me down!" He pats your cheek, takes your glass from your clenched fist and sips from it.
Your lips pressed tight, you smile and bow your head, edging back away from the crowd.
"Well? Take him." Topaz shoves your shoulder, pushing you towards the still bound Ravager.
Oh god. What’ve you done?
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Conan Companion, Star Trek, Necromancers, Stanley Mullen
New Release (Amazon): By Crom! At long last the definitive history of Conan the Barbarian paperbacks that fans have clamoured for. 107 pages with detailed chapters devoted to each of the mighty Cimmerian’s publishers. Heavily illustrated with many rare images. Plus complete cover galleries of every US and UK Conan title ever issued. In full colour. An indispensable aid to Conan collectors and completists everywhere. Featuring a specially written foreword by Conan comics legend Roy Thomas!
    Star Trek (Huffington Post): The LA Times recently ran a story about the Child Exploitation Section of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit, which contained a mind-boggling statistic: of the more than 100 offenders the unit has arrested over the last four years, “all but one” has been “a hard-core Trekkie.” Blogger Ernest Miller thought this claim was improbable. “I could go to a science fiction convention,” he explained “and be less likely to find that 99+ percent of the attendees were hard-core Trekkies.” While there may be quibbling about the exact numbers, the Toronto detectives claim that the connection is undeniable.
    Review (Brain Leakage): That said, if you are looking for a great post-apocalyptic read, I want to draw your attention to the work of Jon Mollison. I read his A Moon Full of Stars recently, with the intent of dedicating a full-length ‘Pocky-clypse Now review to it soon. I do still plan on doing that. But I’m probably going to wait until after our daily news cycle looks a little less like the opening credits to the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake.
Awards (Kairos): … And enjoy a hearty laugh at the incestuous wasteland the once-prestigious Hugo Awards have become.
Predictions that the Hugo field would degenerate into a circle jerk of olpdub purse puppies beloved by editors in New York–and pretty much no one else–have been realized ahead of schedule.
Here’s a partial list of this year’s finalists.
D&D (DMR Books): The Complete Book of Necromancers by Steve Kurtz was released in the spring of 1995, and came and went fairly quickly. Luckily a friend of mine snagged one shortly after it came out. Ostensibly the book was intended for the eyes of Dungeon Masters only, but of course we were hungry to add the new spells and powers to our player characters’ repertoires. Clark Ashton Smith is mentioned by name in the majority of the chapters of Necromancers. While Smith’s absence from Appendix N is conspicuous, Kurtz more than made up for the oversight.
Fiction (Digital Bibliophilia): Any book that opens Page One with a man being skewered by the broken mast of a sailing ship in the middle of a storm has to be good right? Well, I’m happy to say Oath of Blood by Arthur Frazier lives up to its gory opening scene and delivers a fantastic little novel about the clash of the Saxons, Normans and Vikings during the 11th century (1066 to be precise). Arthur Frazier was one of many pen names used by the prolific Kenneth Bulmer.
Gaming (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): Charisma. It’s not just a dump stat, they say. But look, if you don’t have a lot of it, you’re going to be stuck in a career as an assassin. Which is kind of funny, actually. Of course if you were going to actually use that stat in an AD&D game, you’re going to have to flip to the middle of the combat section to find the reaction table. Why is it there right in the middle of sections detailing initiative and missile discharge? Evidently this something pretty important to consider when the players have initiative in a random encounter, right?
Fiction (Dark Worlds Quarterly): Another writer who has left a huge legacy with little recognition is Gardner Francis Cooper Fox (1911-1986). Fox began his career writing for Batman as early as 1939. (It was Fox who gave Bruce Wayne his “utility belt”.) During his decades long career with DC, he would work on such characters as The Flash, Hawkman and The Justice Society of America. He was there when Julius Schwartz revamped DC comics to meet the new “Comics Code”. He was there when DC invented its Multiverse.  Outside of DC, he would pen the first Sword & Sorcery comic called “Crom the Barbarian”.
Fiction (DMR Books): The book being advertised was Kinsmen of the Dragon by Stanley Mullen. I was completely unfamiliar with both the title and the author. A bit of research revealed that this book had never been reprinted since its publication in 1951, which explains why it’s so little-known today. In spite of (or perhaps because of) its obscurity, good condition copies are pricey, usually going for over $50, and signed copies are much more.
Fiction/Gaming Tie-in (Karavansara): Two nights in Arkham: Lovecraft purists often frown at Lovecraft-inspired fiction. The main charge raised by these people is, other writers are either too much like Lovecraft or not at all like him, often at the same time. The second most common accusation is that certain stories are too action-centered and adventure-oriented, filled with guns blazing and chanting cultists. They usually blame Lovecraft’s popularity with the gaming crowd as the main reason for these degenerate pastiches, in which Indiana Jones or Doc Savage seem to exert an influence stronger than Nyarlathotep’s.
Fiction (Mostly Old Books): he Fargo series tell the tales of early 20th Century adventurer and solider of fortune Neal Fargo. They aren’t Westerns as the covers suggest. In this installment Fargo is hired by a rich old blowhard to rescue some Mayan treasures and the excavation team, which includes his son, from the jungles of Central America.
Cinema (The Silver Key): 1917 had been in my “to watch” queue for a long time (aka, floating around in the back of my mind), and last night I watched it with my older daughter, a self-described “film buff” who wanted to see what the hype was all about. Two word review: Excellent film. It’s an intensely personal/soldier’s journey type of story, and also manages to convey the larger tragedy of the Great War.
Fiction (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): The Inklings and the Mythos (Dale Nelson). So, I’ve now recovered the missing issue of MALLORN* containing Dale Nelson’s wide-ranging inquiry into possible connections between the Inklings and Lovecraft’s circle, “The Lovecraft Circle and the Inklings: The ‘Mythopoeic Gift’ of H. P. Lovecraft” (MALLORN 59, Winter 2018, pages 18-32). It’s a substantial piece, and in it Nelson raises such topics as the following: Did the two groups read or were they influenced by each other?
Fiction (Scott Oden): In the past few weeks, my sophomore novel, MEMNON (Medallion Press, 2006; Crossroad Press, 2018), has received a raft of four-and-five star ratings on Goodreads and a pair of excellent reviews — which, for a fourteen-year old novel is no mean feat.  Author Matt Larkin, in his review at Amazon, writes: “Evocative prose paints a living picture of the Classical world while the sudden, brutal violence serves to remind us never to look at history through rose-colored glasses.” While Scott Marlowe of Out of this World Reviews praises many things, including the battles: “I can only describe [them] as spectacular and right up there with some of the best battles I’ve had the pleasure to read in historical fiction (think Bernard Cornwell, surely one of the best of them all). Memnon gives Alexander such grief I imagine Alexander remembered their contests right up until his dying days.”
Fiction (Tentaculii): Lovecraft’s famous survey of supernatural literature was published in The Recluse in August 1927. Later in the same year Eino Railo published the history of the literary gothic in The Haunted Castle: A Study of the Elements of English Romanticism. A December 1927 review in the New York Evening Post suggests Railo’s book was published in time for the Christmas market and the January book-token crowd, and thus it appeared several months after Lovecraft’s circle had finished digesting his Supernatural Literature. Lovecraft refers to The Haunted Castle, a translation from the Finnish, in admiring terms in a later letter to Barlow and terms it a study of “the weird”.
History (Men of the West): Suddenly the war became fun. It became exciting, carnivalesque, tremendous. It became victorious and even safe. We awoke on the morning of Sunday, the 30th of July, with the feeling that the war was won — in spirit, if not in fact. Patton and the Third Army were away. At the 8th Corps, which held the western sector of the Normandy front, the G2 colonel said: “We’ve lost contact with the enemy.”
Fiction (Tentaculii): The second half of a forthcoming book, No Ghosts Need Apply: Gothic influences in criminal science, the detective and Doyle’s Holmesian Canon (October 2020), attempts to make the case that there are gothic traces in what are often assumed to be the ‘rationalist’ Sherlock Holmes stories. Sifting the extensive blurb for the book, one can eventually determine that the author suggests the following specific points… * intrigue and secret societies. . .
Fiction (M Porcius Blog): Let’s check out four stories by Mickey Spillane’s all-time favorite author, Fredric Brown, that first appeared in beautiful pulp magazines in 1942 and 1943, magazines that you can read at the universally beloved internet archive for free. “Etaoin Shrdlu” made its debut in Unknown Worlds in 1942.  The cover of Unknown may be boring, but the interior illustrations are quite fine, those by Frank Kramer for L. Sprague de Camp’s “The Undesired Princess” in particular.
Sensor Sweep: Conan Companion, Star Trek, Necromancers, Stanley Mullen published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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davidacosby3-blog · 6 years
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This will certainly make your poems more purposeful and also enable you to experience much better about your job. This is actually worthless to state at the starting point, I must not compose greater than 300 phrases on this subject", given that FIVE HUNDRED words may be the minimal necessary. One more instance would certainly reside in remembering the lyrics from the tunes or in remembering accounts that you might possess reviewed before. Whatever sort of job you do-whether you're freelance, helping another person, or one thing in between-if freedom, intricacy, and a connection between initiative and also incentive exist, it's my view you possess a far better odds from creating your job significant. Yet he certainly never presented this. I recognize a few of you were given paintings by him as presents. Yes, all of us have an active schedule and the clock keeps beating, however, when you want to have a significant break or even generate an improvement in setting even for a 50% of hour, your anatomy changes, your mind relaxes as well as you removal into a boosted state from balance and also self-awareness. The amount of time collection for significant usage is actually broken down in to 3 periods, beginning with 2011. Yet if you are actually singular in Washington DC and are actually trying to find concepts from the greatest areas to find males and females that you could likely have a future along with, right here is a run-through of the sorts of places folks are finding as well as their basic success price. Smirking before the shipping is actually another adverse way to utilize amusing quotes and are going to ruin a lot of the effect of the claim. Care needs to be taken when making use of comical quotes of this attributes that they do certainly not end up being simply racist, as an example. The Temple of My Knowledgeable is a richly multicolored garden from stories that involve sophisticated personalities and also common problems that are actually both frightening as well as lovely. Through this, you re conserving opportunity, delivering a better message that will absolutely be actually much more relevant in comparison to anything else you could buy, or even locate in a store, as well as you ll be actually placing a countenance the recipient s face - whoever that might be actually. This is my chance that you are going to recommit to discovering significance in the job that you carry out now or discover a brand new job that is meaningful to make sure that you too can realize your very own possibility. Short sentences are enticing, successfully meaningful and also caught on. Like ending up being mixed in interpretation the point you so restlessly desire to create may be lost when the look through discovers his way to the end from a long sentence.
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