#kinda glad we might get to see if gree.d pair are ok but honestly :sob:
truethes · 2 years
something i havent had the opportunity to love on is the fact that the thing with servamp and eve dynamics, it’s not just one side who is learning to grow from the dynamic. its about how mahiru has now learnt that he can rely on someone else rather than take on the world by himself as he simply expects it to be, it’s about how tetsu found something in himself to be confident about to the point he would speak about it freely with no qualms, it’s about how mikuni came to terms and understood with realities that would have just been swept up under the carpet in order to find another way to protect the one he cared for the most, it’s about how izuna found the ability within herself to use her rage in order to act rather than let things slip her by, it’s about how licht has even been canonly described to have been more selfish when it comes to the friendships he has now made, it’s about how niccolo has begun to discover he can push things beyond all he’d consider “safe” and normal, it’s about how misono was able to break free of a tradition that would have kept him locked up because of the sheer desire to make friends and save the ones who care for him the most in return.
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