#kinda hard since he doesn't strike me as the jealous type
rengoku-loves-you · 3 years
Jealous! Kyojuro x reader!!
Had to ask this, I love your writing way too much and I'm looking to forward on how you write it!💘
(do I need to specify more?)
(hi hun! you don't need to specify more, don't worry! i only encourage being more specific so i can give you lovelies exactly what you want, and the more details, the better! but short and sweet is good also, as long as you don't mind me taking creative liberties, haha :D i hope this is alright! thank you so much for your request! ❤️)
jealous!kyojuro x reader
he doesn't realize he's jealous, not at first. he's never been a jealous person at all, and he was always happy when the people he cared about got along with each other. he does, however, consider himself protective, and that's what he thought he was when he first felt that pang in his chest after he saw you talking to uzui, smiling and laughing away.
of course, he was glad to see you laughing! he knows he’s not a funny person, he doesn’t understand jokes at all, nor does he make any himself. he was just... concerned about you. uzui was his friend, and so were you, and he knew how overwhelming uzui could be at times if you weren’t prepared for his flamboyance.
yeah, he was just concerned. he wasn’t wishing that he could make you laugh like that. and if he was, it was only because he wanted to make you happy!
nothing else.
so when he gets that same gross feeling when he sees you talking casually to sanemi after a pillar meeting - sanemi, of all pillars - he does his very best to ignore it because he’s not jealous and he’s truly glad for you two! he just maybe, sorta wishes he were a part of the conversation, too. you, him, and sanemi. 
without the sanemi part, preferably.
then sanemi wraps an arm around your neck and scrubs his knuckles against your head, making you squirm and sputter out protests through your giggles, and. okay.
maybe he’s a little jealous.
sanemi spots kyojuro over your head, and he must say something about it because when he lets you go you turn around and see him, too. you smile, raising a hand to wave, and he returns the gesture with more enthusiasm than necessary. then you wave for him to come closer, and, well, it’s not like he can not listen to you, so he hurries over and keeps the smile plastered on his face.
“fancy seeing you two here!” he says, staring directly at sanemi. “i wasn’t aware you talked!” 
“well, yeah, we do missions together,” you say. kyojuro raises his brows, still not looking at you. 
“really!” he exclaims. “i didn’t know this!” sanemi’s eyes narrow as he shifts into a slightly defensive stance, refusing to break the staring contest kyojuro seems to have drawn him into. normally, the flame pillar is much more adverse to eye contact, and the sudden intensity unnerves him. especially paired with that big, blank grin that feels like a threat.
“our regions are right next to each other,” he explains tersely, trying to figure out why kyojuro seems to be so off. “our missions overlap a lot, so we help each other out sometimes.”
“really!” kyojuro says again, louder than before. “how very interesting!” you can believe he sounds sincere, but sanemi has known him longer, knows better, and he scoffs as he folds his arms.
“what’s your damn problem?” he demands, stepping into kyojuro’s space. kyojuro blinks up at him, not moving away even when their noses nearly touch.
“problem? what problem? i don’t have one!” and it would be convincing, too, if he hadn’t glanced over at you, only to realize you were staring at him with open concern. his attention snapped back quick, his cheeks turning pink.
say what you’d like about his temper, but sanemi shinazugawa is not stupid.
“yeah, sure you don’t,” he growls, but he can hardly bring himself to really be annoyed. 
“i don’t!” rengoku insists with a wide, bright smile. sanemi gives kyojuro’s shoulder a punch that’s a touch too aggressive to be friendly, then gives you a much more civil nod as kyojuro rubs his arm. 
“i’ve got things to do, anyway, so i’ll see you bastards later.”
“aw,” you say with a pout. “see you later, sanemi! stay safe!” he pats you on the head as you walk past, making you smile and playfully shove his hand away. you don’t notice how kyojuro watches your interaction with sharp eyes, pressing his lips into a thin line. he’s jealous, alright.
and you’re not stupid, either.
“alright,” you say once sanemi is out of sight, “what was that about?”
“what was what about?” kyojuro looks in your general direction, eyes big and innocent. you sigh, propping a hand on your hip and frowning at him. 
“that. between you and sanemi. i thought you were actually gonna throw down for a second there. so, what happened? did you two have a fight?” he’s nervous, now, gaze skittering all around your face but never settling.
“of course we didn’t,” he says. “if he’s upset with me, he attacks me until he gets bored and goes home!” which is true. you know it’s true because you’ve seen it happen. you’ve even stepped between them on occasion when you think it might be going too far.
“okay,” you say slowly. “so if you didn’t fight, what was it? i was sensing a lot of tension there.”
“i couldn’t tell you!” kyojuro crosses his arms. you continue to stare at him without a word, replaying the situation over in your head while he sweats. and before long, it hits you.
“you were jealous.” the way his eyes snap to yours far too quickly tells you everything you need to know. his mouth opens. then it closes again, and you raise an eyebrow, more amused than anything else. kyojuro never struck you as a jealous friend, but after practically chasing sanemi away from you, he proved that assumption wrong. honestly? it’s cute, if a little inconvenient to your social life.
“i... may have thought that i wanted to be talking to you instead,” kyojuro admits, very slowly, like the words cause him physical pain. “and maybe i was thinking that i want to make you laugh the way uzui can, or the way sanemi does. maybe i just want your attention sometimes, but you’re talking to someone else and i don’t want to interrupt. maybe i...” he looks down, his face flushing, and his voice gets so soft you have to lean closer. “...maybe i like you very, very much, and i want you to like me, too.”
your heart leaps.
“of course, i understand if you don’t feel the same!” he says loudly as he lifts his head again, throwing on false confidence the same way he throws on his haori every day. “the other pillars are all very amazing and likeable in their own ways, and i wouldn’t blame you if you happened to be interested in any of them instead! i only hope we can still be friends, and that you-!”
“you’re so stupid,” you interrupt, and he doesn’t have time to be offended before you move in and press your lips against his. 
it visibly takes him a moment to process, standing stiff and unresponsive, before he’s forcefully kissing you back, his hands rising to grip your forearms. you only pull back once your breath starts to run out, but he chases you, making you laugh as you turn your face away.
“kyo, come on, i need to breathe,” you say, and he retreats enough to give you the biggest, warmest grin in his arsenal, outshining even the sun. you breathlessly smile back, more than relieved that your feelings are mutual. you’re not sure how he didn’t notice you crushing on him pretty much since day one, but you’re here now, so you don’t particularly care anymore.
“you don’t need to make me laugh,” you tell him once you catch your breath, and his grin falters. “you don’t need to be like uzui or sanemi or shinobu or giyuu or anyone else. you don’t need to tell me weird stories or help me out on missions or hug me all the time to make me like you.”
“who hugs you all the time?”
“the point,” you emphasize, putting your hands on his cheeks and pulling him closer until your foreheads touch, “is that i like you the way you are. you’re sweet, you’re passionate, and you’re always so happy to see me that it makes my day. you’re likeable in your own way, kyojuro. and i just happen to like you more than everyone else.” his golden-red eyes are wide, so wide and shiny that you’re afraid he might cry. his hands come up to cover yours, gently holding them against his face. he whispers your name, and you kiss him one more time.
“so no more of this jealous stuff, okay?” you say, and he laughs, hiccuping and wet.
“i can’t make any promises!”
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
PokeV3 AU – Girls!
Normal Type
Musical theme
She's a status effect master for sure and the queen of double battles because her support is really great.
She's a famous performer but can be roped into an adventure if you ask nicely enough + she's not busy + you're her friend, but only really short ones because she wants to keep practicing.
She's really good at staying calm in serious/dangerous encounters.
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Psychic Type
Her theme is pokemon that are elegant
Kirumi is a maid in a certain mansion that helps people in trouble when she can.
Goes out when shes off the clock and looks for wild pokemon that have fainted. Really good friends with the nurse at the nearby poke center because she brings them hurt pokemon all the time.
Mansion owner is really nice and so he asks Kirumi to help trainers that have been defeated by the people in the mansion by healing their pokemon.
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Water Type
Theme this time is tropical pokemon she could find in the wild, with the exception of golduck who isn't really tropical but whatever.
Angie isn't really a trainer so much as she just hangs out with wild pokemon. Doesn't like to fight and would rather just chill, but she has sneaky ways of making people leave her and the pokemon alone.
She's like N so she can talk to pokemon but doesn't like to catch them, if they come to her and help her it's fine though
Her team doesn't have any pokeballs, these are just the ones that follow her around the most.
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Fighting Type
Her theme was cute pokemon but then they all evolved. She still loves them though!
When she was younger she tried to pick out cute ones so that more girls will talk to her and because she likes cute things too. The only exception is throh, which she caught because it reminded her of the people at her dojo.
Tenko is a dojo girl with a black belt.
Always helps people in trouble and is VERY enthusiastic about training people.
Tenko doesn't hate men in this AU because she's been hanging out with all the men in the dojo since she was little, but she has been warned against this universe's antagonist team and evil doers so I imagine she wouldnt like or trust Maki much after she found out her true job.
Shes really good friends with everyone in the dojo and has practically become everyone's little sister or niece.
Unofficially adopted by the master of the dojo because her parents are rich and lavish people that sent her away to the dojo because they couldnt get her to act like a proper lady and havent written her any letters or checked up on her since.
The dojo master doesn't say anything about it to Tenko because he thinks she still doesnt know. She figured it out a little while ago and was pretty down about it, but considers the dojo to be her family now and has accepted it. (found family trope time fuck yeah)
Conflicted about traveling because she doesnt want to leave the dojo behind, but she also wants to travel with her friends. Dojo master would encourage her to leave if she wanted and if he knew he could trust the people she was leaving with. Tenko never thought about leaving until she was asked, and she was surprised by how much she liked the idea.
Less drooly, more enthusiastic. She's trying really hard to learn to regulate her emotions and impulsiveness!!!! Its not working out so well!!!!
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Electric Type
Her theme is pokemon that kinda look man made. The exceptions being the plusle and minun she caught as a kid. They were her first pokemon!
The Meta reason as to why she has them is because Miu is said to have an innocent side to her, and bunnies strike me as innocent. Them being her first pokemon means that she used to be open with her innocent side, but how she covers it up with her genius persona, which is why she has has a different theme now.
Miu is an inventor that works for a certain company and is damn good at what she does. Lots of her inventions are on the market in this AU. She's made different types pokeballs, sensors for finding pokemon, etc.
Lowkey really cherishes her friendship with Kiibo.
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Normal Type with the exception of her Cosplay Pikachu, which is a real thing in the canon pokemon universe for some reason.
All of her pokemon fit the theme of changing whether through branch evolutions, moves like transformation, weather changes, seasons, etc.
Tsumugi is a contest girl for sure and is super famous for it. She doesn't really have much of a schedule for it, she kind of just shows up to ones she wants.
She travels a lot but doesn't really like exploring or fighting. The reason she travels is because she's really into costume design and pokemon fashion.
The reason she enters competitions in the first place is because it's a great chance to put her pokemon in costumes she's made and to see other original costumes to help her get inspiration. Doesn't care if she wins or loses, she just wants to get out of her creative funk.
After she's done traveling and winning competitions she'll probably move on to clothing design, but that's way, wayyyy into the future.
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Fairy Type
Only has Mime Jr. and nothing else.
Himiko is a magician and that's quite literally it.
She hates battling because she can't handle the stress and prefers to stick to what she knows (which is also why she only has one pokemon).
She wouldn't travel outside of what's required of a performer. In the future I imagine she would retire in her home town and entertain the little kids there with small shows.
Wants a hattrem so fucking badly but if she ever went near one it would probably beat the shit out of her because they don't like strong emotions.
Her Mime Jr. was a gift from her teacher.
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Dark Type
Her theme is anything that looks cold/mean and has red eyes.
Maki is part of the antagonist team. They kill elite trainers and steal their pokemon. They usually get jobs because of 2 reasons: 1. someone was jealous of the trainer and wanted to take their place even if they had to hire assassins to do it or 2. someone wanted strong pokemon but didnt want to train them and is completely fine with a kidnapped team.
Her greninja was her first pokemon and her bisharp isn't actually hers, it was a "gift". It was trained to watch her and make sure she didnt betray the organization because bisharp canonly hate traitors.
Maki doesn't use pokemon she's stolen –even though she's allowed to to a degree– as a part of her own personal code, so she just hands them over to her boss.
She goes undercover as pokemon day care worker and uses that facility to harbor the pokemon she's stolen until her boss sends people to pick them up.
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2gether Rewatch ep 1:
I forgot that it starts out with Tine narrating for a bit.
Tine telling his friends about Green and how Green said he'll make Tine change his mind about liking guys
And his friends' immediate responses being Team Green! Is actually super realistic friend group dynamic teasing and I love it.
Tine RUNNING AWAY from Green KILLS me every time!!
And he runs directly to his friends, "Guess who I saw this morning!" 😂 I love their friend group.
Green handing toilet paper to Tine in the bathroom....... Yeah........
Did Green pursue P'Dim like this too? And it worked?? Or did P'Dim pursue Green?? Gosh, now I want like a prequel story for them.
Tine's friends saying he needs to start playing hard ball and then joking about football and baseball 😂👍
Tine's friends dressing up to scare Green! And one's holding a TOILET SCRUB BRUSH! HOW does someone even come up with that!?? It's brilliant!???
"I've taken a few boxing classes." Tine looking absolutely terrified: "Not just a few O.O" (poor bunny :()
Green's skinny jeans are so tight, but like 👌 nice
Green does not strike me as a fickle person. Did he really like Tine? I think he did, but like, what about P'Dim? Part of me feels like he just used Tine to make P'Dim jealous, which is awful and in no way helps Tine's low self esteem.
What's annoying is that Tine does straight up, honestly, and kindly tell Green he's not interested. Green just reads into everything and twists the truth. And won't listen to Tine.
He takes advantage of Tine's kindness and inability to tell him a harsh no, stop. Tine doesn't absolutely, concretely refuse Green and somehow that leaves just enough wiggle room for Green to squeeze in and manipulate the situation.
😂 I forgot about Tine's run when he escapes Green to get drinks 😂😂😂👌 it's the best thing ever. I love him so much. It's such a great little run!!
I think it's interesting that Tine acts happy/drunk from that drug and not just sleepy/dead tired.
Tine's favorite song is Together. Hmm. How fitting.
Poor Tine. Green immediately forgets to hold him up and drops him!
Okay. I can kind of understand the logic of "a fake girlfriend didn't work. Maybe a fake boyfriend will." Because Green is convinced he can change Tine, but what if Tine does admit to liking guys but it's not for Green? Then Green would be forced to acknowledge that Tine isn't rejecting him because he's a guy but because he's genuinely not interested in Green.
I think it's funny that they just had to shoot for the best of the best guy though 😂 why not just someone decently attractive? It worked out brilliantly for them though. The lucky b*stards.
Their little bulletin with a drawn portrait with no likeness at all to Sarawat with a question mark over the face 😂😂😂 and the sticky notes. Very professional detective work y'all are doing over there.
You know what's really weird. When I started watching 2gether, I had no idea who Toptap was but I knew Tine had a brother so I kept wondering who was the brother in the show during ep 1. Now I know who Toptap is and recognize him and I know that Type isn't even introduced as a character until several episodes later. But that was weird to realize because it means that since episode 1 was released I've watched multiple shows with Toptap in them. (Water Boyy, 3 will be free, rewatched love sick)
Sarawat is awesome. He's such a killer. 😂 And his friends are so great!! Gunsmile and Mike. *Chef's kiss*
The cast for this show is perfection. I love all of them. They're all amazing and hilarious and adorable AND amazing actors.
Posting a fake schedule for Sarawat was so smart! Too bad Tine and his friends kinda blew it for him.
Tine's friend Ohm (JJ) said he has a spy that said the schedule is a fake. Who's his spy???
Love the guitar music as Tine's running to Sarawat. How the heck did he manage to get in front of all those girls? There were girls on the stairs below where he and his friends were standing.
I really want to know what Sarawat is thinking when Tine just shows up right in front of him. He and his friends just walk away without saying anything at first. Why?
Sarawat's friends' reactions to Tine calling him an asshole 😂
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What's super interesting to me about their first interaction is that Sarawat has been aware of and probably been watching Tine for a year. Which means he at least has some basic knowledge about Tine. Like he's kind, relaxed, cool (chill), etc. I wonder what he thought about Tine calling him an asshole. Not a great first impression, buuuuut~ it wasn't a first impression. Sarawat already knows that Tine is a good guy.
Is Sarawat just so introverted and socially stunted that he just has no idea how to interact with his crush so he's acting overly cool/cold to him?? I don't understand why he acts like that to his crush?
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I just don't get it.
And then we get this wide shot and I love watching Sarawat's friends' reactions because I love their perspective on everything. But their faces after Sarawat says that and walks away are so funny! And Gunsmile's little wave 😂👌 (not the greatest snapshots sorry)
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Guys I just finished part 2. This is bad. This post is so long already.
I feel like Sarawat got lucky because of how stubborn Tine is. Tine's friends are like, "let's find a different target." And Tine goes, "Nah, he's difficult so I have to have him now."
Tine said "email" so now I'm thinking about him speaking English and that Win lived in the US for a year and he's only a year younger than me and how crazy would it have been if I had met him? I went to a school that had a lot of foreign students. So weird. I mean the US is huge so of course the chances are crazy small, but it's fun to think about.
I finally understand how Tine's email sounded like he wants to kiss/sleep with Sarawat now. Got it. I was really slow on that, wooow....
Tine's dream is 👌
Sarawat's jacket is 🤤
Fun story (cuz this post isn't long enough already): before I started watching 2gether, I read a post about Tine's dream and that Sarawat turned into Green, but I didn't know Green was a name (and there were no capital letters to indicate that) so I thought that Sarawat must've turned into like a green monster or something in Tine's dream but nope! That's not what that meant!
After that email, I wonder what Sarawat thinks of his crush now. Lol.
I just noticed this bike statue 👌 I love public artwork so much sometimes
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Aaaaaaaaaand now that I've noticed the statue, I also noticed
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That when Tine crashes into the bush, he's somehow magically back at the statue and that little roundabout.
Aw. Okay. I'll give Green one (1) point. It's sweet that he got Tine and was sitting next to him with a smelling thing for Tine to wake up.
This girl Ann is precious. She's so cute.
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This is the shared student number party. I'm a little confused why there are so many people there? Is it multiple student number groups meeting up?
Tine goes from 0 to 100 energy wise real quick! "I'm a chic guy. I like to act cute!" He is so cute. You all know the rest of that speech.
Oh I'm dumb! Sarawat and Tine are both new incoming freshman! Sarawat probably recognized Tine from the concert, but he probably hasn't even seen Tine since then! For some reason I was thinking they've probably had the chance to see each other around University. I'm dumb. So everything Tine is doing, Sarawat has no context for, nothing to compare it to or anything.
Tine.... Breaking the phone..... The cringe.... The secondhand embarrassment.... I'm struggling. It hurts. Oh the pain....
Okay yay!! EPISODE 1: DONE! 😄
I hope you all enjoyed my commentary even though it was very very long. 😂😘
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