#kinda suprising honestly because I don’t usually like masculine things
I got called “sir” at the cafe yesterday
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Shiftblr intro
“What’s a shiftblr?” It’s a thing I’m trying to force into existence. Humor me my darlings
I made a post about myself a while back but I’m gonna make another one lmao
My name
Who needs a name? Probably everyone. Jokes on y’all, I’m hoarding all the names.
Edit: rn I’m really digging Jade!! You can still call me anything else though that’s just the default/what I sign most stuff as to make things easy :)
I’m trying stuff out but for now options you can call me:
-Any variation of Jae/Jay or Jaeden/Jayden/idk go crazy w the spellings suprise me
-I’m also kinda liking the vibe of names like idk Raven?? Idk I’ll keep y’all updated maybe if you have suggestions roll up
I love nicknames especially w friends so if you wanna just nickname me stuff that’s cool too
My pronouns
I’m trying out they/them so I’d like for y’all to refer to me as that until I figure out whether they’re for me or not!! I know I’m comfortable with she/her, so you might see me refer to myself with those pronouns, or with traditionally feminine terms, which I’m okay with people using for me! I'm also fine with people using gender neutral or masculine stuff (king, girl, gurl, queen, prince, etc) it’s usually hard to make me feel misgendered haha
About me
I’m a minor.
I ID most as non-binary rn lmao
I have minor but chronic depression which in practice means I can usually function like a seemingly mentally healthy person but I live with Bummed Out Bitch disease. Regarding the blog this means there may be weeks when activity dies down because my depression is getting to the point it starts to affect my functioning more.
I also really really think I have ADHD but it’s not official, and personally I don’t want to hardcore self-diagnose so most of my ND related statements will be “possibly ADHD.” I do use terms like hyperfixation and infodump but try to use them sparingly.
I tend to get really into one thing at once so I'm mainly a one-fandom-at-a-time person
I really like animals, I don't like most bugs, I love music, I love writing n poetry, makeup is a lot of fun, especially like alternative styles, and uhhh I can knit but I can't purl stitch to save my life for whatever reason lmfao
Honestly. Not Christian anymore. Dunno what I believe lmao
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