#kinda want to write that Hakoda/Kya fic tho 😏
boomerangguy ¡ 2 years
The Gaang as college students, because I am too pretentious not to throw in my two cents on this:
Sokka - Plans out his daily schedule for the entire semester after the first day of class. Still turns in assignments at 11:59 p.m. sometimes. Crams all his studying into the last 37 minutes before an exam. Says whacky (but lowkey brilliant) stuff during class. Shares inside jokes with professors. Gets straight As because he’s a certified genius.
Katara - Shows up to class fifteen minutes early. Writes down every word that comes out of the professor’s mouth. Spends every possible second in office hours until she gets kicked out. Turns in assignments at least a week before they’re due. Hosts bi-weekly study groups. Gets straight As through sheer force of will.
Aang - Shows up late to class pretty much every day. Class clown but doesn’t realize it. Always forgets to format his papers in double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Calderan font. Half his professors hate him, the other half love him. Knows the name of literally everyone on campus. Always brings snacks to Katara’s study group.
Suki - Big jock energy. Wears a backwards baseball cap and her BSSU Volleyball sweatpants to every class. Gets good grades, but inexplicably starts getting Cs for a semester. Athletics department assigns Water Tribe Husband Material as her tutor. Starts dating Water Tribe Husband Material. Grades return to normal. Mission accomplished.
Toph - Doesn’t attend class. Doesn’t do assignments. Doesn’t show up to exams. Doesn’t participate in group projects. Doesn’t answer professors’ emails. Still gets Cs because there are way too many buildings on campus named “Beifong Family Hall.” Joins Katara’s study group for the snacks and camaraderie.
Zuko - Stuck in an endless cycle of: a) trying really hard at school, b) not doing as well as he wanted to, c) giving up and doing even worse, d) convincing himself he just needs to try harder. Constantly compares himself to his sister. Eventually gets his grades up to Bs, thanks to both Katara’s study group and his mom emailing professors on his behalf.
Azula - Stares professors dead-in-the-eye all through class to establish dominance. Gets perfect grades in the courses she deems important (physics, chemistry, math, history). Skips classes she deems frivolous (art, literature, philosophy). Professors give her A’s anyway. Has been known to sabotage rival group projects.
Mai - Sits in the back of class and never speaks a word. Tries her best to make sure no one knows her name. Gets up and walks out of class when called on by the professor. Only participates in group projects when forced (except when Ty Lee is there). No one knows what her grades are like because she never bothers to check them.
Ty Lee - Doodles flowers and unicorns and rainbows in her notebook during class. Raises her hand all the time anyway. Is actually really smart but pretends to be ditzy so fratboy simps will do her homework. Changes majors at least twice a semester but always schedules electives with Mai. Occasionally gives group project presentations while in a handstand.
Hakoda - Not a college student. Attends Ba Sing Se University’s Parents’ Weekend. Is reminded of the squalor in which the average college male lives. Meets Suki. Decides that she is the coolest human being to ever live. Sneaks away from party with wife. Revisits secret corner of library where their first child was conceived. History repeats itself.
Kya - Not a college student. Attends Ba Sing Se University’s Parents’ Weekend. Is reminded of the squalor in which the average college male lives. Tries to convince Katara not to study on weekend nights. Somehow finds herself in a very familiar corner of the library. Accidentally ensures that she will be attending at least one more Parents’ Weekend.
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