kindcstguardian​ replied to an open starter:
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  “…because it’s your merch, there’s merch about you. I thought it would be obvious..? ”, the blond was currently wearing said item. It was carefully crafted by fans and in the center there was a set of heroes : those being deku and shoto thus he purchased it, as a way to support the artists. It was a black sweatshirt that he had rolled the sleeves past his elbows, and it looked quite trendy. “ Do you want it? ”.
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His merch? When Shoto was still young, his father wouldn't allow him to get anything like that. He wouldn't allow him to own something that would distract him from his training. Not even any toys. He only once had an All Might doll his sister gave him in secret but when his old man found out about it, Shoto wished to never have taken it.
He couldn't help but keep his eyes pinned to the blond's shirt. The feeling was weird. To stare at himself printed on a shirt. He knew he'd have to get used to that in time. But what confused him the most was why his classmate wore this? “No, but I appreciate it,” he replied, tilting his head on the side. “I wasn't aware there is such a thing.”
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galaxythixf · 4 years
@kindcstguardian​‘s Proto Bakugou wished upon a Shooting Star!
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“You got a way of thinking whatever you do goes.“
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soulsbetrayed · 4 years
kindcstguardian said:
“oh god, i feel like i'm gonna puke" / hifumi
“Hold fast dear friend.”  A smile appears on the doctor’s face as he tried soothing the host. “We’re almost through the worst of it.”  The injury was bad and the swarm of women flocking around to see Hifumi worsened things a bit.  He clears his throat and like nothing he caught the attention of the crowd. 
“Excuse me but I rather all of you disperse. Would you be so kind as to do so.”  The sound of his voice cutting through the silence was enough to make the group scatter.  “Now where were we?”  The unwanted attention threw him off. “Ah yes, Hifumi-kun can you walk despite all that happened?” 
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goldprogram · 4 years
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“ when’s our next live performance supposed to be ? “ len raised an eyebrow slightly at the other vocaloid across from him, gently moving one of the game pieces in front of them. 
he loved performing, so he wanted to make sure that he was all out and ready to go when it was at their doorstep. set up a track list for his portion of the show, etcetera. 
he did so as he took a step and sighed, sliding his piece down the slide. 
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lovesickutau · 4 years
@kindcstguardian​ liked for a starter! 
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Tei was usually, if Len wasn’t around, happiest when she was baking. This time around, she seemed to be baking doughnuts, kneading the dough carefully all while singing “butterfly on your right shoulder”(of course she’s singing a Len song.) to herself. Unaware that the front door to the vipperloid household was wide open, welcoming someone to just walk in. 
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“Are you a magician? Because when I’m looking at you, you make everyone else disappear!”
@kindcstguardian​​ ( allison pls hug him )
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serenitystored-a · 4 years
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“well, here I am. what are your other two wishes?”
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stylesofh2o-a · 4 years
   There they sat, the two staring across the table at each other. Jumin doesn’t say anything at first, seeing that his first attempt to coerce the other into letting him work didn’t exactly pan out the way he wanted it to. “Is this your first Christmas without humoring your family?” Jumin inquires as he finally pushes back from the table. Located in the quiet of his office within C&R international, the building was otherwise being that it was the day before Christmas. “Or a date, perhaps?” he spouts off, pulling back the doors of a cabinet tucked away in one of the corners of the room. From it, he pulls a bottle of wine -- one of the many that he kept and frequented from late nights or stressful days at work. “Christmas is a couple’s holiday, afterall,” he mentions lowly, drawing out the first glass... before ultimately taking out two. 
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galaxietm · 4 years
        @kindcstguardian​ liked for an oc starter! 
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  -- “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I- uh; at least....it wasn’t warm coffee?”  Poppy stutters slightly; grabbing as many napkins as she could to pass to the person she had just...spilled her drink all over. Was iced coffee easier to wash out of clothes or harder? She didn’t know for sure. She had been going back to her seat to work on typing an outline out with her newly ordered drink- the next, she had stumbled into someone and spilled her drink all over their shirt. A prime example of her accidental clumsiness at work. 
     “I can pay for dry cleaning if you need it!” 
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sadistic-sakamaki · 4 years
continued from here. || @kindcstguardian​
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«Oh...?~ Well, don’t ya have guts...» She seems brave, but seeming and being are two different things. For a moment, he wonders why she decided to reply to him like that. For someone like him, his teasing assumption was too innocent, devoid of malevolent intentions. For how much longer she will be able to keep it up...?
«Let’s see.... Someone decent? Granted, you don’t need to have faith in others to that extent --- » He sure did not, but he had high standards. He rather believed everyone was either foolish or insignificant. Or both. Ah, and everyone was definitely beneath him.
« --- But look around, ya might find more people who have only good things to say about the great me. Maybe even more people than you’d think». For now, he will play along, for he is feeling kind enough to not interpret her words as an insult.
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kindcstguardian liked a starter call for my testing muse Bakugo Katsuki:
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“Why the fuck do you wear my shirt?” he growled at him, walking closer to his place. “Should I start messing with your stuff now? Huh?” he leant closer to him, crimson eyes pinned to the other's, knowing better than anyone that those tricks wouldn't work on him.
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yaguchiis · 4 years
   -- && @kindcstguardian​ ( toono )
   NERVOUS was not the right word to describe how kyousuke was feeling but it was the closest word to use. now, why would someone like yaguchi kyousuke be nervous? well to put it simply it was his boyfriend’s birthday. to say he hadn’t been fretting over this day for weeks on end would be a complete and utter lie. given toono takashi was kyousuke’s first boyfriend it made this day even more special than it was before they began dating.
   making his way to toono’s room to spend time with him on this special day, kyousuke couldn’t help but feel further and further embarrassed the closer it was to seeing his boyfriend and giving him his gift. for once in his life kyousuke put quite a bit of thought into toono’s gift and trying to find the right way to give it to him would be the hardest part.
   once greeted by toono to enter his room, kyousuke could feel his heart pounding loudly in his chest. it wasn’t like he hadn’t been in toono’s room before, but for some odd reason today made this room all the more nerve-wracking to be in. god... it wasn’t like he was going to do something lame like he did on christmas, offering himself as the gift. this time kyousuke actually figured out something to get the other boy.
   kyousuke let time tick as he tried to figure out the best possible way to give toono his gift. sure, he could just give it to him and wish him a happy birthday and then it would be over and done with, but kyousuke couldn’t help but find that way not satisfying enough so he threw it out the window long ago.
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   “ h-hey... “
   finally kyousuke spoke. an idea had come to his mind and he figured it best to just act now rather than allow him to mull over the details to the point of not doing it. clearing his throat, he turned to toono and did his best to speak without speaking too fast out of nerves.
   “ c-close your eyes and... and hold out your hand. “
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soulsbetrayed · 4 years
-continued from here-
“I was never the one to to ah really appreciate snide remarks. Especially ones leveled towards anyone I care about.”   Anyone worth their salt would realize that Rosho was very willing to run to Sasara’s defense when it mattered the most and insulting the comedian was the easiest way of provoking him. “I personally don’t care if you insult me you know that much but I won’t abide if someone insults a dear friend. And I think my outburst drew ah unwanted attention.” More stares were on him, more murmuring, oh god help him.
“I can’t calm down like this I really can’t so...”  He was just wanting to get away from the group of people at this point
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lorddiiavolo · 4 years
[ 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐍 ] My muse cuddles up in bed to yours / Belphegor (?
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭. / not accepting. [ 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐍 ] My muse cuddles up in bed to yours
   Diavolo had spent countless hours going in and out of meetings, it was finally time for him to return to his chambers and quite possibly collapse onto the bed without changing out of his uniform.  He even decided to skip having tea, politely dismissing Barbatos early so that he could have a few extra minutes to himself.  He was spent.  The subjects from each meeting still in his mind as he undoes his tie, casting it aside and dragging himself to his closet to change ( despite his body’s protest ).  Yawning, Diavolo wrestled with the topics in his mind until finally shoving them in the far back corners of his subconscious.  Until tomorrow.
     His bed had never been a more welcomed sight.  Royal wastes no time getting comfortable — his muscles aching with relief as they’ve been tense all day, he hadn’t even taken a moment to notice the lump on one side of his bed.  For a moment, the night is quiet as he breathes in — hugging one of his pillows, everything was peaceful.  ... and then that moment ended, as what feels like limber arms come around his torso?  Eyes immediately fly open as he lifts his head to see how  —  who??
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    “  Belphie — ?  ”  This just begs the question more: how?  Just as he was about to sit up, when arms pull against him does Diavolo pause only to feel sloth scoot closer, cuddling him while mumbling something Diavolo assumes is in his sleep.  His mind was too scrambled at the moment to even consider possible ways for Belphegor to end up here.  Right now, nothing is adding up.  It doesn’t help that Belphegor is extremely warm and surprisingly comfortable for his size, further lowering Diavolo’s guard and coaxing his drowsy stupor to succumb to sleep.
    It’s ... almost strange to have company right now considering he originally wanted this time to himself.  But Belphegor isn’t the type of guest who needs to be entertained, not usually.  It’s clear to him that sloth would much prefer to take this moment in without any commentary and for once, Diavolo won’t provide it.  If the demon was here by the morning, he shall ask questions then.  In the meantime, eyelids have quickly grown heavy once more   —  part of Belphie’s surprise visit was to blame but he welcomes sleep, even welcomes the cuddling he’s found himself in as he turns so that his back wasn’t facing Belphegor and instead, takes the demon in his arms as well.  Until tomorrow.
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“NOT OUR FIRST TIME PLAYING HERE, no…” Vincent turned towards the bartender. To his surprise, he looked pretty young. Maybe he was around his age, early twenties, and starting college?? “Thought that by now most of the employees here would be familiar with us. You new?”
@kindcstguardian​ for your boi daisuke, i already love him
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serenitystored-a · 4 years
@kindcstguardian asked: ❛   oh  ,  i  have  a  plan.  i  always  have  a  plan.   ❜ / Oz @ Brian
“doesn’t always mean it’s a good plan.” brain counters. already halfway there, brain sinks further into the beanbag he’s sat in, hands occupied by a game controller as he plays his game, growing frustrated. fuckin’ colour-coded puzzles. huffing, he skips the puzzle, deciding he’ll cheat it and win later. “so, what’s this plan o’yours?”
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