ask-monster-men · 7 months
Chains and locks
●NSFW, dubcon/noncon, blood, bondage, mockery, sadism
(Featuring kinerick the humans dealer)
Nsfw under the cut
It was dark, damp and cold, harsh chains wrapped and binded your naked limbs together as you awaited what was to come. You quickly shuffled as you heard to door creek open and a high pitch laugher ring out...heart beating fast and head moving rapidly as you tried to see through the blindfold that wrapped tightly around your eyes.
Heavy footsteps moved closer and closer and its as if you could sense the very things giddiness, again you tried to shuffle away until a thick chain that bounded your neck was snatched and pulled towards him.
"Oh come now, I'm not selling you!" It said as if staying with it was any better, a furred and warm hand gripped your thigh tightly, almost digging its nails in bit by bit to see how hard he could press down until you bled. And you did.
"It's so good to see you!" it's hands suddenly cupped your face hard and smoothed your cheeks together, his voice was as if he was talking to a puppy, high pitched and exaggerated
"...where...where am i-" it's hand slammed onto your mouth before you could speak anymore "No! That's impolite! You do not interrupt" it harshly spoke and you instantly tried to back even more into the wall just to get that far away from him
He smiled wide at the fearful look on your face and suddenly his grip was gentle and almost loving...almost...his hand moved back down to your thigh as it started to gently caress and pet you, rubbing circles into your soft plump flesh
"Now now...you see I've been making incredible deals lately, selling so many of your kind that I think I should treat myself to my pri~ze possession" he chuckled as he referred to you as a possession, something of his and you where about to find out what he means by treating himself.
Not 10 minutes had gone by before he was thrusting into your hole, his pace was soft but steady, he kept a harsh grip on your wrists as you writhed in place, he was not an easy take but let's be honest...he's trained you for this moment. Gross sounds that betrayed you spilled out of your mouth as he kept his pace "such a good-...Good little prize you are!" His voice was drawn out and flustered, he had you pinned to the floor by his hands, his body layed ontop of yours as an extra security measure to make sure you where pinned.
"I think- augh...I don't think I'm ever gonna- gonna- sell you" he let out and quickly his pace increased, you could feel your body react violently to it as you know for a fact this sudden harsh pace had brought on blood, oh and he loved the fact that you bled so well for him. Suddenly his hips stalled and with a groan and hushed words in a language your mind couldn't understand you felt yourself being filled with him, he came alot and the consistency was thick and almost chunky.
And that's how he left you on the wet floo,r covered in cum, sweat and your own blood. He locked the door behind himself and you knew you where never getting out of here
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ask-monster-men · 6 months
Kinerick looks ....fuzzy.....like a cat with dense fur or a moth person .....does he like being pet? Perhaps👀belly rubs?👀
He is very fluffy, he takes pride in his coat and takes care of it ruthlessly. When he was young he came from dirt poor parents who often neglected his coat resulting in mats and tangles, he had to shave himself short just to start over again with trying to preserve and protect hid furr.
Anyways after you know this if he let's you mess around and give him belly rubs it's a very big "your on his very good side" he does actually enjoy belly rubs alot just don't mess his fur up too much, it might tangle as it's thicker than human hair.
Do I need to mention he also purrs?
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ask-monster-men · 6 months
The way you talked about kinerick and the accepting human being a display piece for his shop had me thinking. Would he set up a little area so they can lounge (naked except for the collar that marks you as his, of course) around and take naps and bring customers in? How would he react to big scary creatures eye fucking his pet and tapping on the glass to get their attention, cooing at them whenever they look over lazily like a fat house cat who just got woken up from a nap? Sorry if this is too much!!! He's just really interesting!!!
Kinerick would have a window dedicated purely just to you, he would deck it out with fancy pillows and bars to drill in the fact that your not going anywhere but also because he has a kick out of locking things that are his away but displayed for others to oogle at and become jealous.
Perhaps this was because as a child he was very jealous of what others had, always hogging his own toys and lashing out at anyone who tried to take what was his or even ask nicely to play.
He's not a greed demon for nothing
But as you sit in the window, sitting ontop of your red cushions with your golden collar and chain sitting neatly against your neck you couldn't help but notice a gargantuan monster that stood before you, his arms and tentacles tapped at the glass almost as if you where this exotic thing that he needed yo see move.
Your naked body sat up and you lazily looked over at him, with a smile and a wink the monster coo'ed at you before he look up at the sign above your head...."not for sale." It growled as it wanted something exactly like you.
However before he could get so enraged he would try and brut force it kinerick stepped out, with a wide grin and a ring of the door bell he greeted the monster, the monster knew of kinerick and instantly calmed down (not wanting to cause a war, remember kinerick is one of the top human dealers and alot of powerful overlords use his services) so the monster gleefully stepped in, knowing he would get just the human he desires (sadly not being you)
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ask-monster-men · 6 months
Do the monsters mind of a human girl is thiccc?
He loves human bodies of all kinds but this man does have a favour towards thicker bodies, if you where his mate then he would be over joyed as to his mind the thicker you are the more strength, power and nutrients you have in your body to keep you kicking! In other words he doesn't mind any body types but if you put a thick girlie infront of him?... he won't complain!
This guy has a very upfront and blunt brain, logical too so when he see a thick human girl infront of him that he considers to be off his plate he would cross his arms, look at her intensely and say something along the lines of "you have thick body, babies will grow healthy...hmm...yes this thickness is good. Keep it." And then walk off as if he didn't just say that you would be prime for breeding
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Plus a shitty little sketch (will make it look better later I promise)
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
Nsfw ugh but. Ghh I can’t get the image of holding onto Kinerick’s horns while riding him..
(I'm definitely drawing this later)
But to hold his horns is a privilege! You see kinericks species have horns but the females and even some males have curved horns that fit snuggly with eachother, this is a very intimate act and as a human you can't replicate this other than holding onto his horns with your hands.
Now if your his favourite pet that's never tried to escape, hurt him or hurt themselves then he might just allow this and might even make his favour you more as this is basically solid evidence that you view him as a potential mate
but if you arnt and your just a random human (he's decided to fuck into the ground) than he will take it badly, expect to be punished and thrown into a cage for the rest of your time with him-
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
Tbh if he gives me affection and good food I’ll be v behaved uwu (maybe too much behaved owo;)
(Aah I’m honored ;A;)
Kinerick and how he treats his humans
(Kinerick the human dealer)
Warning: nsfw/ binding, being locked in cages or bound with rope and chains/ noncon- dubcon/ mockery/ sadism
Just gonna use this comment to explain how he generally treats his human pets
So kinerick is known to have humans of great quality, he also has a diverse range in what he sells as his customers have diffrent tastes in humans.
But make no mistake just because his humans are top quality doesn't mean he's gonna be nice, he takes pride in having submissive humans that will do anything their owner demands of them and that includes teaching them respect.
This harsh treatment includes such things as manipulation, physical abuse, keeping food away and using it as leverage and if the human is particularly feisty, caging and being locked up, blindfolded, sleep deprevation, bondage and the "stubborn" ones in his words (one particularly pretty humans) he won't hesitate to forcefully take them into the ground.
Now now- if you nice and a well behaved human there's no need for such treatment! I mean it's such a treat when a human already accepts their situation let alone when they genuinely enjoy it! It makes his work easier and he is much more likely to treat you with favour compared to some of the more disobedient little pets he has.
He is a bit of a greed so if you are the "perfect pet" to him he would love to keep you around and would even have you sit beautifully in the shop window for all to see~
He really does love the way your so blissfully submissive
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
Kinerick, a human dealer
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This funny fellow loves to deal in humans, he's a hyper little fucker who takes pleasure in watching the human expression change from fear to desperation.
He sells humans to the highest bidder and all human loving monsters know they can get the best pickings from him, either to eat, fuck, torment or love.
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
How is Kinerick w his more high maintenance pets?
Depends what you mean by high maintenance, if you mean one that needs more food/ assistance well it really depends- see kinerick has a mest up way of thinking and treating the humans he sells/trades, if your a regular human with medical issues then I'm sorry but your being sold at a cheaper rate. He is known throughout the markets as being a top human dealer that sells the most tip top shape of humans- doesn't matter if your the most well mannered or not, your gonna be sold cheaply.
NOW! listen here aight I'll tell you a secret, if your someone he considers a mate or a potential mate then he will treat you very differently. completely off the market, the best food he could offer and even a nice leash with gold accents if thats what you want. There's a fine line between human pet and human mate, his parents made it clear that a mate was important and sadly in his species there is low fertility rates (hence the constant horniness) he will sort of still treat you as a pet in some ways but if you were his mate it doesn't matter if you can't use your legs or if you need more attention than the typical human- he would gladly supply it too you with that grin of his
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
I uhm. I hope I become one of Kinerick’s favorites… 👉👈 Also uh big is this fella btw? I say he is uhm. Way taller than me. Dude could pick me up..
So kinerick is sort of a new character right now so his height could possibly change but I see him as around 7ft tall (for you americans out there) and around 213cm for everyone else.
I likes the fact that he towers over even the tallest humans that he comes into contact with, he's very prone to just grabbing a human to move them, doesn't matter if it makes you uncomfortable he will not listen- if your in the way he's gonna move you~
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
My names razzle (not real name duh) but this is my monster man blog, not just men don't worry 😌
Anyways this is basically a place for me to write stories about my characters and mostly interacting with the reader, I also draw them too
I draw requests and asks about my monsters too😉
What I will write/ draw:
• fluff
•gay/ trans reader/ character
*most of my characters are on the gay spectrum*
What I WONT. Draw/ write
• pedophile stuff/ illegal age gaps
• anything to do with animals being hurt/ no no stuff
My current characters
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ask-monster-men · 6 months
Would you guy want me to draw kinerick absolutely pounding you guys, borealis using you or Jaakobah doing some freaky shit with his 4 dicks?
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