#king Constantine I of greece
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Engagement photograph of Princess Sophia of Prussia and Crown Prince Constantine of Greece, taken during September of 1888.
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Rare photo of the 5 eldest children of King George I of Greece and Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia, 1880(?)
from left to right: George, Marie “Minnie”, Constantine, Nicholas, and Alexandra
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colorizedhistory · 8 months
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krasivaa · 8 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
King George I of Greece, Prince Nicholas , Prince Constantine, Princess Alexandra, Prince George and Queen Olga in 1877. Garden scene painted on backdrop. 🫶
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ykzzr · 1 year
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Cousins ​​playing cards, late 1880's
Princess Alexandra of Greece and Denmark, Crown Prince Constantine of Greece and Denmark, Tsesarevich Nicholas, Prince George of Greece and Denmark, Grand Duke George Alexandrovich, Prince Albert Victor of Wales.
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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Princess Anne and Sir Tim Laurence will travel to Greece to attend King Constantine II’s funeral on 16 January 2023
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19centuryroyalty · 4 months
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King Constantine I & Queen Sophie of Greece ❦
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Rare photo of King Constantine I of Greece with his children and brother (?) (from left to right) Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark (?), Prince George, Princess Helen, Prince Alexander of Greece and Denmark, early 1900s
Source: Princess Victoria of Wales’s private albums
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sisididis · 2 years
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heavyarethecrowns · 4 months
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George, Maud, and Constantine
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tessa-liam · 1 month
Turning the Page
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 4816 
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Chapter Summary: Daniel & Matteo get married in Greece 
Music Inspiration:
Unchained Melody, Righteous Brothers 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
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A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesaugustchallenge , prompt "Summer Wedding"
"What an amazing wedding venue!" Riley gushed as she and Liam leisurely strolled, hand-in hand along the pristine beach with William. "This white sand ... the turquoise water ... it's absolutely breathtaking!"  
Liam smiled tenderly as he admired her elation and innocent amazement of the seaside in front of the hotel. Arriving on the island of Santorini, the weeklong pre wedding festivities began as wedding guests arrived to join the celebration. 
“It truly is," Liam agreed as he also took in the beauty of the scenery." I can definitely see why Daniel and Matteo chose this location. However, I must say that Cordonian bea --" 
Interrupting his father, William tugged his hand and pulled, "Daddy, I wanna play in the water. Pleeaaase?!" 
“Is that so?”
William squealed when Liam at once picked him up and twirled him around, giggling and clapping his hands in delight.
"He's getting so big!" Riley cooed, reaching out to tickle William's belly. "You're such a big boy now, aren't you?" 
William grinned and nodded. "I'm three now, mama!" Grinning and patting his chest proudly. 
"That's right, Will," Liam chuckled, giving him a high-five. "You're growing up so fast!" 
They continued their walk along the beach, taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Riley slipped her arm through Liam's and leaned her head against his shoulder. William began to pull away from them to follow a seagull that flew up from the water's edge. 
"William, don't run too far ahead," Riley called after him. 
"I won't mama," William called back, slowing his pace. Damien, who followed close behind, kept an eye on the prince. As they continued their walk along the beach, Riley and Liam enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on their skin and the gentle breeze blowing through their hair. 
"What a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon," Liam smiled joyfully. "This is what I have always dreamed of -- you by my side, with children underfoot ...enjoying life with my family." 
"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," Riley said, returning his smile. 
"Nor I, Riley," Liam said, placing his arm around her waist pulling her closer. 
"I'm so happy for Daniel and Matteo," she sighed. "They're perfect for each other." 
"And so are we." 
"We are," Riley murmured, tilting her head as she leaned up and captured his lips. The kiss was slow and deep; savoring the taste of him.  
Liam's tongue brushed against hers, sending a thrill of desire throughout her body. He pulled her even closer, his hand splayed on the small of her back. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently as she kissed him harder. 
They were so caught up in each other that they did not even notice when Maxwell, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie strolled alongside. 
"Hey, lovebirds," Savannah called, breaking them out of their passionate embrace quickly. 
"Sorry," Riley giggled, her cheeks flushing. 
"It's okay, you're just young and in love," Savannah smiled, giving her a knowing wink. "But don't forget, there are little eyes around, too." 
"Yes, save some of that for later, you two," Bertrand chimed in, indignantly.  
"You're one to talk, Bertrand," Maxwell guffawed. "I've seen the way you and Savannah can't keep your hands off of each other." 
"I suppose you have a point," Bertrand conceded, looking pleased with himself. Liam acknowledged, "Duke Beaumont, you are correct. It is good to relax and spend time with the people we care about. It's what we all need." 
"Indeed," Bertrand said, his eyes sparkling. 
"We'll try to keep our hands off each other, just for you," Riley laughed, teasing the elder Beaumont. 
"Good, thank you," Bertrand huffed. 
Maxwell chuckled, "Yeah, I'll make sure Bertrand behaves himself in public, too. For Bartie's sake, of course."
"What are you talking about?" Savannah asked, her brows furrowing. 
Bertrand’s eyebrows shot up in annoyance. "Nothing," Maxwell and Bertrand said in unison. 
Bartie, seeing William up ahead, tugs his mother's hand wanting to join his friend. 
"Bartie, don't go too far," Savannah called as he sped off to join William.  
"Please excuse me, your majesty," Bertrand quickly followed the chase. 
Liam and Riley exchanged an amused look and continued their stroll along the beach, hand in hand. “Hey, Max, how did you convince your brother to come to the beach, anyway?" Riley grinned mischievously. 
“Ha,” I had to bribe him,” Maxwell shook his head, chuckling. “I told him if he would come out here that I would look after Bartie during the wedding. He was reluctant at first, but eventually, he caved.” 
"That's sweet of you, Maxwell," Riley said. 
"Yes, Maxwell, that's noble of you. It is good that you are looking after your nephew. You're a great uncle." 
"Thanks, Liam. I appreciate that." 
"Of course," Liam smiled. "What on Earth--"
Up ahead, as Bertrand pursued his son, the chase ended when he tripped and landed face first, with a splash, into the water. 
"Bert!" Savannah called out, "Bartie, what did I tell you?" 
"Sorry, mommy," Bartie said sheepishly. 
"Bertrand, are you okay?" Maxwell asked, rushing to his brother's side. 
Bertrand grunted, pulling himself up and wiping his face. "I think that's enough for today," he said, looking annoyed. 
Savannah giggled, "It's okay, Bertrand. Accidents happen." 
"Right," he nodded, with a look of disgust at his wet clothing. 
"Let's get out of here before something else happens." Maxwell chimed in, trying, but failing not to laugh. 
"I think that's a good idea," Liam said, suppressing his amusement. 
"Yes, I'm fine," Bertrand grunted as he stood up, soaking wet. 
"Let me help you with that, Bert," Savannah offered, handing him a towel. 
"Thank you, Savannah," Bertrand said, taking the towel. 
Maxwell helped his brother dry off while Bartie looked on, a look of concern on his face. "Father, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you fall into the water." 
"It's alright, Bartie. Accidents happen," Bertrand replied, giving the boy a small smile. 
"Come on, let's get you back to the hotel so you can change into some dry clothes," Savannah said, taking Bartie's hand. 
"Yes, good idea. Let's go," Maxwell followed behind, shaking his head with a smirk. 
As they walked, Bertrand turned his head back to Maxwell. "Did you see what happened? I could have sworn that there was a shark fin in the water. It looked like it was heading straight for Bartie!" 
"A shark? Really?" Maxwell burst out laughing uncontrollably. 
Damien, overhearing their conversation, grinned as he turned with William and walked towards Liam and Riley. 
"That was quite the scene, huh?" Damien quietly commented and snickered. 
"It was something," Liam nodded, as he bit the inside of his cheek, successfully holding his laughter. 
"It was quite entertaining," Riley chuckled. "Bertrand needs to come out here more often, especially with Bartie. He is so sweet." 
"Having his son and Savannah with him at House Beaumont has been a positive influence on him." Liam replied. "Bartie is just curious and adventurous. He's a good kid." 
"He's a little rascal," Damien laughed. 
"Maybe, but he's a cute one," Riley added. 
Damien stopped walking as he noticed Olivia and Drake up ahead at the hotel entrance. 
"I'll be right back," Damien said, making his way towards the entrance. 
Riley watched him leave; her brow furrowed in question. "What's going on?" 
"Well, I think Duchess Olivia has an admirer." 
"Is that so?" Riley asked, her interest piqued. 
"It would appear that way," Liam said, his lips curving into a knowing smile. 
As Damien approached closer, he saw Olivia and Drake locked in an intense discussion. He could not make out what they were saying, but he had a feeling that things were getting heated. 
"We should keep walking," Riley said, smiling coyly at Liam. "Yes, let's get out of here." Liam agreed, taking her hand and leading her further down the beach. 
"This is the perfect place for a honeymoon," Riley mused. "Greece is so romantic." 
"Do you see that temple over there, Riley?" Liam asked, motioning to a magnificent structure that rose up from the shore of the main island. 
"That's the Temple of Apollo," he continued. "It's one of the most famous monuments in Greece." 
"Wow, it's gorgeous," Riley breathed, awestruck. "It looks like something out of a movie." 
"The ancient Greeks were known for their exquisite architecture," Liam explained. "They used materials like marble and limestone to create these stunning monuments." 
"It's incredible to think that something so beautiful has lasted for thousands of years," Riley pondered. "I wish I could have seen the world back then, when these temples were still new." 
"Me too," Liam chuckled. "Although I'm not sure how I would have adjusted to a time without modern technology." 
"True," Riley laughed. "I can barely manage going without my phone for a few hours, let alone a lifetime." 
As they continued to walk along the beach, Liam regaled her with stories about the Greek gods and goddesses, and how their myths had inspired the Greeks to create some of the most iconic art and literature in the world. Riley listened with rapt attention, enthralled by the stories of love, betrayal, and heroism. 
"So, which god do you think would be the best fit for you, Liam?" she asked teasingly. 
"Hmm, that's a tough question," he chuckled. "But I think I would have to say, Hermes, the god of travel and trade." 
"A good choice," Riley nodded. "What about me?" 
"Definitely Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty," he replied without hesitation. 
"Wow, high praise indeed," she blushed. 
"It's no less than you deserve, my love," he murmured, kissing her cheek softly. 
The sun was beginning to set over the sea, casting a warm, golden glow over the beach. The breeze ruffled Riley's hair as she leaned against Liam's chest, her heart filled with joy and contentment. 
"Thank you for coming here with me, Liam," she whispered. "This means so much to me." 
"It is my pleasure, Riley," he murmured, holding her close. "I'll never get tired of seeing the world with you." 
He leaned in and moved a lock of hair behind her ear, and kissed her lips, as she melted into his arms. 
Daniel and Matteo’s wedding day... 
The setting was stunning, with the Aegean Sea providing a breathtaking backdrop. The guests were greeted with glasses of champagne, and Riley and Liam mingled with their friends and Matteo's family.  
 As the sun started to set, Riley noticed that Daniel and Matteo had not arrived yet. She began to wonder if there had been any delays, but as she was about to text them, the guests heard a motorboat approaching the shore.  
 Riley gasped as she saw the two grooms arrive on the boat, looking dashing in their tuxedos. The guests cheered as the two men disembarked and made their way towards the ceremony venue. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song as Daniel and Matteo walked down the aisle, arm in arm. 
"Welcome, family and friends, to the wedding of Daniel and Matteo," the officiant began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two wonderful people in marriage. 
“Daniel and Matteo have chosen to write their own vows, which they will now recite to each other." 
Matteo nodded and took Daniel’s hand. 
"Daniel, when I first met you, I knew you were someone special. You are intelligent, kind, and incredibly generous. You have brought so much joy into my life, and I am so grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." 
Matteo paused and took a deep breath, his eyes glistening with tears. "Danny, I promise to love and support you, to be by your side through good times and bad, and to share in your dreams and ambitions. I will love you and cherish you for all the days of my life." 
With tears in his eyes, Daniel takes a deep, shuddered breath. 
 "Matteo, When I first met you, I never imagined that we would end up together. But every moment we have shared since that day has made me realize that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are kind, funny, and so very dear to me. Thank you for making me a better person and for loving me unconditionally. I vow to be your partner in all things, to stand by your side through the ups and downs of life and to love you forever and always.” 
After the exchange of rings, the officiant asks, "Matteo, do you take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 
"I do," Matteo replied, his voice thick with emotion. 
“And Daniel, do you take Matteo as your lawfully wedded husband?” 
“Yes, yes, I do.” Daniel smiled through his tears. 
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom!" 
Daniel and Matteo wasted no time embracing and kissing each other passionately. The guests applauded and cheered. 
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo!" the officiant announced. 
"I love you, husband," Matteo said, cupping Daniel's face. 
"And I love you, husband," Daniel replied, kissing him again. 
The newlyweds made their way down the aisle, surrounded by their friends and family. As they walked, they could hear the guests chanting "kiss, kiss, kiss!" 
Finally, Daniel and Matteo obliged, stopping to give each other a long, loving kiss. Matteo lifted Daniel's hand in thew air and with the other he lifted a glass. Grinning, he smashed it down and yelled, "Opa!" 
Matteo chuckled. "I can't wait for our honeymoon." 
"Same," Daniel grinned. 
Riley smiled as she watched the two men walk off hand in hand. She turned to Liam, her eyes sparkling with happiness. 
"That was so beautiful," she said, her voice full of emotion. "They are truly in love." 
"They are," Liam agreed, his voice tinged with sadness. 
Riley turned to him; a questioning look in her eyes. "Are you okay, Liam?" 
Liam nodded; his expression somber. "I'm just thinking about the past. How could my life have been different if I had chosen you from the start." 
"But you did choose me," Riley reminded him, her tone gentle. 
"Yes, but at my coronation --," Liam began, his tone regretful. "If I had given you that ring, things would be so different." 
Riley placing her hand on his cheek, “we're together now, and that's all that matters. I'm so glad you came with me here," she said softly. 
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he replied, his voice low and husky. 
He leaned in and captured her lips, and she happily responded. 
Amidst the cheers and applause, the guests were gathering for the traditional Greek wedding dance. Riley and Liam were swept up in the moment, as Maxwell and Savannah linked arms with them as they joined in the dance. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song, and the guests formed a circle around the newlyweds. 
"This is called a Syrtos," the band leader explained. "It's a traditional Greek dance that symbolizes the union of two souls. Daniel and Matteo, if you will please take the center of the circle." 
"Now, everyone, join hands and begin the Kalamatianos," the band leader instructed. 
The guests joined hands and began to dance, circling around the newlyweds. 
"Great! Now, the bride and groom will walk around the inside of the circle, holding hands. Opa!!!" 
Daniel and Matteo danced around the inside of the circle, their arms linked. As they passed their friends and family, they shared smiles and hugs. 
"This is a wonderful tradition," Liam whispered in Riley's ear. 
"I know, it's beautiful," she agreed, smiling. 
The dance came to an end, and the guests broke into applause. 
"Thank you all for joining us on this special day," Matteo called out, his smile beaming. "We are so happy that you could share in our celebration. We hope you have a wonderful time and that you will join us for the reception." The reception was a beautiful blend of traditional and modern, with delicious Greek cuisine and a lively dance floor.  
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo," Riley said, giving them both hugs. 
"Thank you, Riley," Matteo replied, smiling. 
"We're so happy for you both," Liam added, shaking Daniel's hand. 
"Thanks, Liam," Daniel said. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a reception to get to!" 
With that, Daniel and Matteo made their way to the wedding feast, hand in hand. The guests followed, ready to continue the celebration. 
The newlyweds were soon swept away by the joy and excitement of their reception, and the party began in earnest. Loud music played and the guests danced and celebrated well into the night. 
Riley and Liam spent the evening talking and laughing with their friends, and when it was time to cut the cake, the couple fed each other a slice, much to the delight of the guests and then snuck off to take some photos. 
William pointed to the wedding cake displayed on a nearby table. "Look, Mama! Big cake." 
"That's right, sweetie. That’s a wedding cake."  
“Mama, you and daddy married, too?" Riley’s eyes snapped up to meet Liam’s gaze as he smiled tenderly, raising his eyebrows.
"Maybe someday," she said, winking at Liam. 
"Can I have cake now, pleeaase?" 
"Of course," Riley smiled. 
"Come on," William said, getting up from his chair, grabbing Liam's hand. 
"Okay," Liam chuckled, as he started to stand up to follow his son. “Oh Liam, no worries. I can take him.” 
As Riley started to rise from her chair, Liam tenderly put his hand on her shoulder, urging her to still be seated. Liam bent down and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek.  
William led his father over to the wedding cake, where they were greeted by an older woman. 
"Ah, King Liam." The woman bowed her head and dropped down to curtsy. "How can I help you, Your Majesty?" 
Liam graciously bowed his head in respect and placed his hands on William's shoulders. “My son would love to try some of the wedding cake, thank you." 
"Of course, Your Majesty. Would you like a small or large piece?" 
"Wait ... is the cake made of baklava?" Astounded by his favorite dessert in the world made into a wedding cake. He was ecstatic. 
Matteo overheard his question and leaned over, a grin on his face. "It is, actually. It’s my favorite." 
"Wow," Liam breathed. "This is amazing." 
"My yia yia [grandmother] made it herself." Matteo said. 
"So, would you like a slice, Your Majesty? She smiled warmly. 
"Please," Liam nodded, his eyes sparkled happily. 
Matteo 's grandmother first cut a slice for William and then cut a generous slice and placed it on a plate for Liam. 
"Here you go." She smiled proudly.
"Thank you," he said, his tone sincere. 
"You're welcome, Your Majesty." 
Liam took a bite of the cake and sighed contentedly. "αυτό είναι απίστευτο" ["This is incredible"].
"Χαίρομαι που σου αρέσει" ["I'm glad you like it"], Matteo smiled. 
"ο Βασιλιάς είναι ένας σοφός άνθρωπος" ["The King is a wise man!"] Matteo's grandmother exclaimed. 
"μιλάς ελληνικά;" ["You speak Greek?"]
"Έκανα μερικά μαθήματα" ["I took a few lessons," Liam admitted.
"Λοιπόν, τότε είναι διπλή τιμή που σας έχω εδώ! [""Well, then I'm doubly honored to have you here."]
"παρακαλώ η τιμή είναι δική μου!" ["Please, the honor is all mine."]
After the desserts were served, the band began playing a lively tune. Maxwell grabbed Savannah's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Bertrand contentedly remained seated with Bartie. 
"Come on, Daddy," William said, pulling at Liam's sleeve. 
The woman's eyes went wide as she realized the little boy was his son.
"Θεέ μου ο Μάτι ο βασιλιάς έχει έναν γιο!" ["Oh, my goodness, Matty ... the king has a son?"]
Later in the evening, Matteo's grandmother approached Liam, as he enjoyed a drink with Drake and Olivia.
"Your Majesty, please give this to your bride. It's a family heirloom, and I want her to have it," the elderly woman said, pressing a small, ornate necklace into Liam's hands. 
"Yia yia, With respect, I can't accept this. It's too much," Liam protested, but the old woman was adamant. 
"Nonsense," she insisted. "It's a gift from me to your bride, for more healthy babies. 
Liam felt his face flush at her words and the thought of having more children with Riley. He swallowed hard and nodded. "Thank you, Yia yia. But I must ask why." 
The old woman smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Because I see the love between you two, and it reminds me of my late husband and me. You are a lucky man, Your Majesty. I hope you cherish each other always." 
Touched by her words, Liam gave her a hug and thanked her again. 
As Liam sat back down, he could feel the intense gazes of his friends look straight through him.
Laughing, and out of breath, Riley and Maxwell sat down from dancing at the table. "This was so much fun. I am so thirsty ..."
"Say no more, Ri. I'll be right back with refreshments," Maxwell stood up and saluted, in jest, and went to the bar.
"It's lovely to see you celebrate Daniel and Matteo's wedding." Liam squeezed her hand.
"They are so happy together." 
"They are," Liam said, a slight wistfulness in his tone. 
Riley caught his gaze and held it for a moment, reading the look in his eyes. 
"We're going to get our happy ending too, you know," she lowered her voice, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. 
"I know," Liam replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And even if we have to wait a little longer, it'll be worth it," Riley continued, her tone firm and confident. 
"I couldn't agree more," Liam said, his expression softening, making a mental note to send Olivia a 'thank you so much' gift for helping Riley find her spark again.
"Besides," Riley added, a mischievous glint in her eye, "I can think of a few ways to pass the time until then." 
Liam laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're incorrigible," he said, his tone playful. 
"You know you love it," Riley teased, leaning in closer. 
"I do," Liam said, his gaze fixed intently on hers. 
Their faces were only inches apart, and Riley could feel her heart racing. She knew she could pull away, but she couldn't seem to make herself do it. 
Liam leaned in and kissed her soundly, the taste of scotch lingering on his lips. Riley closed her eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment. 
When they finally broke apart, their faces were flushed, and their breathing was ragged. 
"Come on," Riley said, her voice low and husky. "Let's go back to our room." 
"Gladly," Liam replied, his voice matching hers. 
They slipped out of the reception, their hands intertwined. As they walked back to the hotel, they knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other. 
Later that night, Liam and Riley were getting ready for bed in their hotel room. Riley had just finished washing her face and was brushing her teeth when she noticed Liam staring at her from across the bedroom. 
"What?" she asked, toothbrush still in her mouth. 
"Nothing," he chuckled. "You're just so beautiful." 
She grinned, her cheeks turning pink. "Charmer," she mumbled. 
Liam walked over to her and gently took the toothbrush from her. "Matteo's grandmother gave me something for you," he said, pulling the necklace from his pocket. 
Riley's eyes widened as she saw the beautiful piece of jewelry. "Liam, it's gorgeous," she breathed. 
"Here, let me put it on you," he said, his voice soft and husky. 
He reached around her neck and fastened the clasp, his fingers brushing against her skin. Riley shivered at his touch, her body responding to his closeness once again.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering. "But I don't understand why--" 
"She told me it was for more healthy babies," he interrupted, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
"Oh," Riley said, her blush deepening. 
"Well, we should probably get started then," Liam said, his eyes darkening with desire. 
He pulled her close and kissed her, his tongue brushing against hers. Riley melted into his arms, her body pressed against his. 
"Yes, Your Majesty," she murmured, her lips curving into a smile. "We should definitely get started." 
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Thank you for reading, tags are in the comments. Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed.
@choicesficwriterscreations @thosehallowedhalls
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royal-confessions · 7 months
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“I don’t like the Greeks one bit, but I thought Constantine’s memorial service in the UK was a way for Charles and William (his godson) to make up for not being able to travel to Greece for his funeral. I understand that Charles cannot attend, but it’s very shitty of William to pull out for “personal reasons” when he has the time to go to award shows. If he can’t show up to a two hour memorial service in his backyard due to personal reasons do you honestly think he’s ready to put his duty over such personal reasons? He will never be ready to be king.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“William accepted the responsibility of doing a reading at a memorial service and pulled out last minute. All he had to do was read. And it was in Windsor where he lives. He did not even bother to give a proper explanation. His ability to disappoint is incredible.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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royalsofhistory · 1 year
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Empress Elisabeth of Austria and her Corfiot palace through the eyes of the Greek royals.
Greece was destined to offer the Empress Elisabeth the hospitality of its soil. She chose Greece as the country where she would hide herself and her sorrow. At Corfu she bought a site of ground from an old Corfiote Statesman called Braïla, and on it she built the Palace which she called "Achilleion", after her hero Achilles, whose statue was in the middle of the top garden terrace, and represented him at the hour of his death, drawing the arrow out of his heel. When in Corfu, it was understood, she was to be strictly incognito, and her wishes were always respected. One day, suddenly, when we least expected it, she arrived at Athens, having travelled by the ordinary steamer, and called at the Palace accompanied by a lady -in-waiting. She asked the porter whether she could see the King and Queen. On the porter's inquiring who she was, she replied she was "the Empress of Austria." Whereupon we were brought down to verify that statement . It seemed impossible╴but it was the Empress of Austria! Needless to say she obtained her interview, and after half an hour's conversation she took her departure, insisting that her visit should not be returned by my parents. As she was anxious to study Greek culture, she decided to learn modern Greek, and applied herself to the task with great energy and perseverance. She engaged a tutor for Greek conversation. Her first was Dr. Christomanos, an author and poet, who wrote a charming life of the Empress, which was translated into several languages. Her last was Count A. Mercati, who afterwards became Master of King Constantine's household. Accompanied by her tutor, the Empress used to go off on a five or six hours' walk, all over the island; and even for the picturesque ceremony of combing and brushing her hair the tutor had to be present, talking Greek to her all the time. She learnt to speak Greek quite faultlessly. In the arrangement of her house the Empress took great pride, setting up the statues of all her new "Gods"; Sophocles, Euripides, Plato and Aristotle. She also had a statue of Heine, the poet, erected in a shrine. When the Kaiser bought the Achilleion, he at once banished Heine, and raised Achilles from his recumbent position into a standing War Lord, with gilded helmet and shield, so that the first sight of Achilleion should be his glittering helmet. It is a pity that the Empress tried to improve the natural beauty of the spot. Her lack of taste, I may even ungraciously say her eccentricities, were almost an eyesore. There was a grotto of artificial rock and mirrors, destined as a home for monkeys, who luckily never came to inhabit it. Though the island abounded in oranges, she sent to Italy for her fruit. The view from the terrace over all the plain of Corfu, with its olive groves groups cypresses on one side and the sea and the mountains of Albania on the other one of the most exquisite I have ever seen.
The memoirs of His Royal Highness, Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark, My fifty years, 1926.
I was a child when the Empress came to Athens and saw her only once or twice, but I remember her more vividly than many people I knew far better. I imagine it was the same with everyone who came in contact with her. Her brilliant, beautiful and restless personality left an indelible impression. She was so enchanted with Greece that she decided to build a villa in Corfu. The site she chose could not have been more beautiful, about twelve miles outside the town, set on a high hill overlooking the sea on one side and a chain of mountains on the other. But she was too impatient even to look at the plans and gave the architect carte blanche. So instead of the simple cottage she had intended he erected an orate and hideous palace lavishly adorned with frescoes, statues and bronzes of every description. This atrocity cost the Austrian Govemment twelve million crowns, I believe. The Empress's life was dominated by the fear of losing her beauty. As she grew older it became an obsession. Hours were spent every moring brushing the glotious brown hair that she wore gathered into two great plaits coiled around her head. This hair-brushing was a matter of solemn ritual. Any hairs that fell out during the process were carefully collected and presented to the Empress on a silver salver. If their number proved to be too many the entire day was blackened to her. Once a captain of a Russian gunboat reported that he had seen a yacht coming into the Piraus harbour with a woman seated on the deck whose mass of hair reached down to the ground while two attendants stood behind her brushing it. " That could only be the Empress of Austria." said my father, when he heard the story. Later in the day a carriage drove up to the Palace and a mysterious visitor was announced, a lady who refused to give her name. It was, as we expected, the Empress Elizabeth. She insisted on preserving a strict incognito while she was in Greece, although it seemed rather unnecessary, since everyone knew who she was. She detested nothing so much as being photographed, or even looked at for that matter, and always carried a large fan with her on her walks, so that she could unfurl it and hide her face from the passers-by. The Empress was a fine woman in many respects, far finer, I think, than most of her biogtaphers have represented her. Intelligent, intuitive, sensitive, she had all the qualities to make a great empress. But she was tragically lacking in a sense of proportion. Even in the small issues of everyday life she had no idea of modera-tion. She could not take anything up without making it a mania. While she was in Corfu she set herself to learn Greek, although she had gone there to rest. Now Greek is a complicated language and its study is hardly to be recommended as a restful pursuit. The Empress certainly did not regard it as such either for herself or any one else, for she wore out her two teachers, Count Mercati and Mr. Christomanos. Every day she walked ten or twelve miles with one or the other, talking Greek all the way and, even during the hair-brushing ceremony, one of them was always present reading to her. Her figure became another obsession with her. Although she was exaggeratedly slender when she came to Greece (she weighed, I believe, only seven stones) no Hollywood film star could have followed out a more Spartan regime. Her constant dieting made her irritable and depressed. Even when she lunched with my mother and father she would often eat nothing but a salad and some fruit, and she would start off immediately afterwards on one of her exhausting walks, skimming over the ground like a restless, beautiful wraith.
The memoirs of His Royal Highness, Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, 1938.
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What’s the katespiracy? If you don’t mind recapping
Alright so I don't follow the royals, nor am I on Twitter but from what I gather Kate Middleton has been in hiding cuz she had surgery. A Google search says that was in January and while recovery was expected to only take a few weeks, nobody has actually seen her still.
Her husband, the prince, even cancelled his attendance to his godfather's funeral recently (king Constantine 2 of Greece) which was kimdve also a big deal that made people go
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Then mother's day (March 11 in the uk) she released this family portrait that had a bunch of weird errors.
And then someone else found out it was an OLD photo of Kate from a vogue cover (This is being debunked as I type it seems tho).
So now everyone is like.... Where the hell is Kate?
Was her surgery botched? Is she in a coma? Why would she need to post a pre-existing, shopped photo? Has she been using a body double?
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And THEN Kate herself came out and said that she is the one who photoshopped it.
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And that's bizarre in itself because the crown generally doesn't explain anything ever and let's people kinda assume what they want. They still haven't actually told anyone whether or not she recovered and why she's still hiding in the first place for example.
She also still hasn't been seen since January.
Link that explains it better than I do:
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graceofromanovs · 1 year
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Born during his grandfather's reign on 18 May (New Style) 1868 at the Alexander Palace, Tsarkoe Selo in Saint Petersburg. He was the eldest son of Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna (then, the Tsarevich and Tsarina of Russia). He was christened on 1 June at the  Chapel of the Resurrection of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, by the confessor of the imperial family, protopresbyter Vasily Borisovich Bazhanov. His godparents were: 
ALEXANDER II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather, the Russian Emperor stood as one of the godparents. He became the Emperor of All Russia in 1855. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator. He was assassinated in 1881 when the young Nicholas was only 12 years-old, to which he became the heir apparent upon his death.
PRINCESS MARIE OF HESSE AND BY RHINE, EMPRESS MARIA ALEXANDROVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandmother, the consort of Emperor Alexander II, was another of his godparents. Known for her intellect, she was one of the founders of the Russian Red Cross Society. However, she suffered from tuberculosis from 1863 and spent long stays in southern Europe to avoid harsh winters. Although she and her husband were unofficially separated sometime after the death of their eldest son, Maria was treated with respect and love by her surviving family. Maria passed away from illness when the young Nicholas was still a child.
PRINCESS LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL, QUEEN CONSORT OF DENMARK - his maternal grandmother was listed as one of his godparents. Louise became the Queen consort of Denmark upon her husband's - King Christian IX - accession in 1863, just few years before her grandson Nicholas' birth. She, herself, was a niece of another King of Denmark (Christian VIII). The great dynastic success of Louise's six children was to a great extent a result of Louise's own ambitions - through them, she was a grandmother of not only the future Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II), but also that of King George V of the United Kingdom; King Constantine I of Greece; King Christian X of Denmark, and King Harken VII of Norway.
GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-great-aunt, the wife of the late Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, was one of his godparents. Born as Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she became a close friend of his grandmother the Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and was known as an intellectual. She was also considered the most exceptional woman in the imperial family since Catherine the Great.
KING FREDERICK VIII OF DENMARK - then, the Crown Prince, his maternal uncle stood as one of his godparents. During the long reign of his father, he was largely excluded from influence and political power. Upon his father's death in 1906, he acceded to the throne at the advanced age of 62. In many ways, Frederick VIII was a liberal monarch who was much more favorable to the new parliamentary system introduced in 1901 than his father had been, being reform-minded and democratically inclined. 
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ykzzr · 1 year
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Relatives 1887
Tsesarevich Nicholas, Elizabeth feodorovna, Alexander mikhailovich,Prince Constantine, Nicholas of Greece, Maria Goergovna,Sergei Mikhailovich, George Alexandrovich.
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