#I’m not sure if the boy on the right is Christopher….
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Rare photo of King Constantine I of Greece with his children and brother (?) (from left to right) Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark (?), Prince George, Princess Helen, Prince Alexander of Greece and Denmark, early 1900s
Source: Princess Victoria of Wales’s private albums
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imagineshere-forall · 7 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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facioleeknow · 4 months
The art of pleasure ch.1
Caress ° Bang Chan
When one girl in your class makes fun of you for being a virgin at a party, you are left distraught. It's only natural that you decide to whine about it to your best friend, Bang Chan; but he does more than lending a shoulder to cry on, he comes up with a solution. He and his 7 friends will help you and teach you all about the pleasure of the flesh. What could go wrong?
Genre: College AU, SMUT 18+ ONLY wc: 1431
Warnings: fraternity skz, inexperienced reader, experienced chan and stray kids, kissing, frat party, a bitch, insecurities
The art of pleasure masterlist
A/N: Hello, thank you so much for the support on this series!! This chapter is pretty tame BUT IT IS THE FIRST, so don't worry about it!! Channie girls don't worry he's gonna get some later ;)
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Another semester. Another party at the only frat house on campus, it was nothing out of the ordinary. The usual room filled with flowing alcohol and the usual people, dancing to the usual songs. You’re sure it might be the idea of fun of some of the people that surrounded you but not yours, obviously not yours. That was why you were the only unusual thing in there. You weren’t a party animal, you weren’t so extroverted as to go to a party to have fun. Unfortunately it was also your best friend’s birthday who happened to be the president of the fraternity, so you really couldn’t have said no to his invitation. 
The scene in front of you shifted. A drunk girl started approaching you.
“Oh my god, Y/N! You’re here, I’m so happy to see you,” the girl, from one of your classes, threw her arms around you and squeezed tightly. The feeling of her foreign body pressed against yours made you shiver uncomfortably. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/Nnie, loosen up a little!” Alice said with a sly slime. Before you could commit murder in cold blood in front of your whole year, your two (out of three) friends pulled you away into a more secluded area of the room. In front of you laid a messy circle of people, intently focused on a spinning bottle.
“I can't believe people still play spin the bottle at their old age,” Shuhua mumbled as disgusted as you.
“You read my mind,Shu.”
“Omg Y/Nnie! You want to play spin the bottle? Wouldn't it be embarrassing tho? Since you're a virgin at your big age,” Alice fell into a fit of giggles, soon followed by her friends.
“God, she cannot be serious,” you whispered to your friends while you all collectively side-eyed the bitch. And that was exactly what she was, nothing other than a bitch. But then why was your face burning in shame and your heart racing? Why were your palms sweating so much? You shouldn't have been that affected but you were.
For the whole night you couldn’t help but think about Alice's words, because no matter how spiteful they were and how much of a bitch she was, they were also true. You were a virgin “at your big age”, but that had never bothered you until you had entered college. Never in your life had you seen so many people get involved with each other and in some ways you felt pushed aside and in the dark about this magical new world that everybody had already discovered, everybody but you. 
The red solo cup in your hands wrinkled slightly under your fingertips as you squeezed it. You shouldn’t have been thinking about those things, why were you hyperfocusing right now?
“You’re supposed to collect the cups, babygirl, not strangle them,”a masculine voice pulled you out of your train of thoughts. Bang Chan, the birthday boy and your best friend. You and Chan had known each other since your first year of college, he had saved you from making a fool out of yourself the first day and walked you to your lecture hall. Since then he had stuck by your side and helped you make some new friends even if you were extremely picky with people.
“Ew, Christopher, I told you not to call me that,” you grimaced at the cringey name. He just giggled.
“I know, but I like annoying you too much,” another giggle. A small smile threatened to break your “angry” facade, this carefree side of him was a rare sight and the fact that he was showing it to you was making you giddy.
His warm hands snatched the trash bag away from you before clasping around your smaller ones. 
“Seriously, what is going on?”
Lying wasn’t an option, he was way too observant for his own good, he always knew when you lied even when you didn’t yourself. You scoffed.
“Just something Alice said,'' and with that you tried to grab the bag from behind him to resume your job. No movement, he had an iron grip on you.
“What did she say?”
“Just her usual nagging, you know how she is,” you tugged and tried to get away from his grip to no avail.
“Tell me,” he wasn’t asking and that was obvious to the both of you.
“She said that it’s embarrassing to be a virgin at my big age.”
Chan finally let your hands fall to your sides and in exchange wrapped his arms around you and squished you against his chest.
“Bitch, she shouldn’t have been here, she wasn’t invited,” his chest rumbled with his words, “I’m sorry Y/N, I hope you know she’s in the wrong.” 
With your arms wrapped around Chan and your face squished against his chest, with the gentleness of his voice caressing you, you found it hard to lie so you just stayed silent.
“Oh baby, don’t think about it, okay? She’s wrong and there is nothing wrong with you. Let’s go to bed, I can clean up tomorrow morning.”
For the whole night you tossed and turned with always the same thought in you mind, hoping not to wake Chan who was sleeping soundly next to you for once.It was no surprise that early in the morning you felt exhausted, your limbs were heavy and your mind was foggy, but you still couldn’t fall asleep. 
“Did you sleep at all? I heard you move around a lot,” Christopher groaned next to you, his arm lazily draped over your middle.
“Sorry,” you tried to utter in your half dead state.
“I had an idea while I was sleeping,” he dragged your body against his and started to gently rub your arm to ease you to sleep. You only hummed in response.
“You should let me and the kids teach you about sex, you know us and we’re good people, we would never push you to do anything. We can take anything at your own pace, we’ll teach you well,” he spoke like he was saying the most natural thing in the world and not suggesting you get passed between him and his other seven friends. Sensing your confusion, Chan gently shushed you and started rubbing your arm again.
“Think about it, we can talk about it when you wake up.”
A witty response was about to come out of your mouth but darkness enveloped you like a hug. Chan hugged you tighter to his chest and sighed. ‘That went well’, he thought.
When you woke up, a blinding light was filtering through the window. Damn Christopher who never closed the blinds.
“Good morning,” the said man chirped happily from next to you. The moment you laid your eyes on him, the conversation from that morning resurfaced to your mind. The frantic beating of your heart sent a shot of adrenaline through you.
“I take it you remember what I asked you,” he put his phone back on his nightstand to fully give you his attention.
“Chris..” you started but he swiftly interrupted you.
“We’re not doing it out of pity, we are all attracted to you, we wouldn’t make it awkward and if you refuse it’s gonna be like it never happened,” Chris answered all of your questions like he could read your mind. You were confused, your heart (and your vagina) wanted to say yes but your head told you to refuse. 
‘Fuck it, stop thinking.’
“Okay, let’s do it.” Chris stayed silent, only your synced breaths could be heard in the room. The tension was thick and full of desire.
“Can I kiss you, pretty girl? Just a kiss and you can stop me anytime you want.”
“Yes, please.” With that Chris  pulled you in his lap in mere seconds and attached your lips together. He wasted no time and pushed his tongue in your mouth, still his movements were gentle and slow just like yours were slow and hesitant. His whole persona dripped in gentle dominance, it made you hot and sweat and made your pussy throb. His hands roamed your body and tentatively groped around, testing your limits. Your lips moved more and more confidently the more time they were attached to Chan’s.
Your lungs burned from the lack of air but you didn’t care, you were drunk on his touch, his taste, you were drunk on him.
Chan was the first to break the kiss and immediately giggled when you tried to kiss him again.
“Patience baby, we have a lot of time.”
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@kflixnet  @hann1bee  @bahng-chrizz  @staysinbloom  @laylasbunbunny @caitlyn98s
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fawnchives · 6 months
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𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, christopher sturniolo & fem!reader.
episode summary: sleepovers with your cutie pie, energetic, & borderline insomniac boyfriend.
parental advisory & ratings: fluff galore + established relationship between reader and chris, slightly suggestive, some swearing, & chris being the professional yapper he is.
♥︎ ⋆ ͘. behind the scenes. NEW LAYOUT + first time writing headcanons, i swear i’m a matt girl but chris lately? yeah.
◌ sleepovers with this man in one word? chaotic.
◌ but it’s that fun kind of chaotic — though the sleepovers usually start off pretty tame at first, him being all giggly and excited when you arrive, immediately grabbing your bags as both head to his room, catching up with each others lives while he helps you unload your stuff.
◌ with that being said, you two would end up gossiping for what feels like hours. though he grew up with all brothers, he definitely got his interest in gossip from eavesdropping on his mom and her friends.
“wait, so he’s dating her and her sister?” chris looks at you with a surprised expression. his elbows are propped up on each side of his pillow as his nintendo switch remains in the middle, paused on some sort of mario level.
“yes, but get this,” you grab your iced tea from his nightstand and scoot closer towards him. “he’s also dating her best friend. the dude is totally sleeze but hey, are we surprised?”
◌ taking pictures for your insta photo dumps.
◌ baking together! a little tradition you two decided to make after the first few sleepovers. he always make sure to pick up baking mix and other crucial ingredients two days beforehand.
◌ even though it always ends up a disaster…
“fuck fuck fuck!” chris shouts as you both race down the hallway, clothes halfway falling off your bodies from the fun that was had not too long ago. you quickly grab a kitchen towel and start fanning the smoke detector before it goes off as chris opens the oven, a thick cloud of whispy gray smoke escaping from the center.
“what the hell are you two doing in here?” nick questions as he and matt waltz into the kitchen from the living room.
“yeah, and why do your clothes look like th…” matt chimes in, face soon flushing red as the realization hits him. “forget it.”
◌ take out is usually ordered after you two nearly burn the apartment complex down, followed up by some tv or a movie.
◌ and of course, he yaps through the whole thing. you do too, which leads to neither one of you paying attention to what’s actually going on in the episode or scene.
“i don’t remember this happening,” you mumble as you lay back against of one chris’s pillows. “isn’t he from euphoria?”
◌ video games video games video games. every time you come over, this man would swear up and down that he’ll “smoke your ass” in mario kart — but does he actually? nope!
◌ he’s actually the biggest sore loser on the planet.
◌ pulling pranks on matt, you and chris know better than to mess with nick after a certain hour while matt is a little more tame. one time, while you two were in the middle of prank calling him, chris accidentally blew his cover after sneezing mid convo.
◌ doing your night routine together; skin care, hair care, etc.
◌ and if you’re the type of girl to sleep with an emotional support / childhood stuffed animal and accidentally leave it behind, he’ll snatch one of matt’s stuffed animals out his room and hand to you.
“i know it’s not the same as yours but look, it’s still cute and cuddly right? like those squishy-marshmallowy things?”
◌ matt tiptoeing into chris’s room in the middle of the night to rightfully take back his animal-shaped belonging.
◌ lowkey? nick taking off guard pictures and videos of you two being idiots and posting them on his snap and insta stories.
◌ cuddles galore. kid is actually such a snuggle bunny like oh my gosh? always cuddled up into you no matter what — especially when he’s feeling sleepy. the Baby Boy energy would be at an all time high. you’d be yapping away about some sort of friend group drama, pausing mid story when you hear him lightly snoring with his head against your chest.
“…and that’s when i told her that she should just go with the guy she was talking to before. i don’t get it, but see if i was—are…you sleeping?”
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likes + comments & reblogs are highly appreciated.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 tags. @sugrhigh @sugariea @1117sblog @emssturniolo @teapartyprincess4two
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annwrites · 2 months
what happened to you?
— pairing: soldier boy x fem!reader
— type: one-shot
— summary: wishing to make amends, ben ends up on your front porch, only to discover he's too late.
— word count: 3,073
— a/n: i have never watched the boys, so i apologize if any of this is inaccurate, or if i've mischaracterized soldier boy. i gathered what i know/implemented in this fic from tribute vids on yt & reading his fandom wiki.
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You were his greatest regret.
But not for the reasons you might think. Or, rather, might’ve thought.
As he stands in front of a familiar porch that he hasn’t seen since the mid-forties, listening to wind-chimes softly tinkling in the breeze, and birds chirping in the apple tree out front, he doesn’t feel the sense of calm he’d expected—hoped for. Instead… He’s sure if a Geiger meter were nearby, it’d be playing a symphony.
He takes one measured step up, onto the front porch, and then another, and another, until he’s standing before the front door—his shoes resting over a mat which welcomes him—with a raised fist that wavers.
Perhaps he’s not welcome here.
He shouldn’t be. Not after how he’d left before.
How could he have left like that?
How could he have expected you to react any differently?
You’d been right. He was, and will forever now be, ‘just an empty suit’.
Finally, he knocks, heart hammering away in his chest, knowing he needs to get himself under control. And quickly.
Slowly, the door opens, the storm screen being pushed outward by an elderly man—fine lines crease his tan, weathered face, his silver hair carefully combed to the side, and he dons a light blue button-up, with beige slacks.
His brows furrow. “Can I help you?”
“I… I’m looking for someone. She lived here a long time ago. Do you happen to know a woman by the name of Y/N?”
The man studies him for a moment. “You mean to say you knew my mother, young man?”
Young man… If only.
“You’re…her son.”
He nods. “I am.”
“Is she here, then? Or, do you have her address so I can—”
“She died. Thirteen years ago.”
His world stops spinning.
He had known that there would be a likely chance. A more than likely chance that this was how it would turn out. But he’d needed to come. Had needed to try.
And he was too late.
He swallows thickly. “I—I don’t know if you know who I am—”
The man looks him over once more, then nods. “I know who you are. I used to watch you on our television set. Well, when I could sneak a peak in, that is.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Thinking of it—thought they said you died yourself? Over in Africa or something, wasn’t it?”
Ben shakes his head. “It’s a long story.”
Chris turns his body sideways then, making a beckoning motion with his hand. “Would you like to come inside, Benjamin?”
His heart stutters, and he just stares.
This had been your home. He doesn’t know that he should…
“Would she have wanted that?” He asks doubtfully.
The man sighs. “To tell you the truth, I think she’d have let you in, just the same as me. You came back after all this time, didn’t you? Must count for something. To make amends, maybe. Never did tell us the full story. Either way, it’s my house now, and I say you’re allowed.”
He steps over the threshold.
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Ben sits at the dining table that’s next to the kitchen, just on the other side of a high marble counter, flipping through pages of an old photo album—full of memories.
Of you. Your family. Your life.
Meanwhile, Christopher, your eldest son, makes himself busy in the kitchen preparing a fresh pot of coffee.
“I always wanted one of those action figures of you, you know,” he says.
He rummages around in a cabinet for a moment. “Begged and pleaded for one one Christmas. Momma always told me no. Finally, daddy took and sat me down one night and told me if I asked anymore it’d end with a whoopin’. That he and momma had made it clear you were not welcome in our home in any form. So, I knew it was pretty serious, because he never raised a hand to any of us.”
He waves his hand. “I just thought I’d be able to win her over with puppy-dog eyes like always, but she held firm. After that, I stopped asking. Got a different one instead. Forget what it was now.”
He shrugs, pouring a cup of coffee, and then another, returning to the table.
He sets one down before Ben, who’s seated at the head of the table. He takes the chair to his right, groaning as he sits.
“No fun in getting old,” he says with a wink, but Ben doesn’t smile.
He takes a sip of his coffee. “Guess you wouldn’t know much about it, though. Must be strange sometimes, I reckon.”
Ben flips another page of the album, not bothering with touching his mug. “You have no idea.”
He nods. “Oh, I do. The things these kids get up to nowadays…”
He shakes his head. “No sense anymore. I’m just glad momma passed before it got to the point it’s at now. Not knowing who or what they are—men dressin’ as women and vice versa. Would’ve broken her heart to see.”
He sets his mug down. “She and daddy loved this country. To see it in shambles the way it is—after he fought for it on that beach—”
Ben looks at him. “He was at Normandy?”
Chris nods. “Says you never were. That true?”
Ben is quiet for a moment and then he nods. “It is. I got there two weeks later. It was just propaganda. Just like everything else I ever did.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “A lie.”
Chris shakes his head softly, but doesn’t reply.
Ben smiles at a photo of you sitting on the front porch, smiling softly as you hold your swollen belly between your hands.
Chris glances to it. “That was her and me. Eight children… You believe that? I don’t know how they do it.”
“She always wanted a big family,” Ben replies, turning the page.
“By golly if dad didn’t help give her one. Those two were in love as two people can be. They met in Europe, you know? During the war.”
Ben’s head shoots up. “They did?”
Chris nods. “They’d eventually both been put on the same base. She was a nurse, as you know. And the first time he saw her, he said his heart stopped. Said he turned to the guy next to him, pointed to momma and said ‘that woman is going to be my wife’.”
Ben recalls how he had the exact same reaction when he first met you himself. Being left speechless by the kind look in your beautiful eyes.
No one had ever looked at him like that before. He’d wanted so desperately for them to—for his father to—but they hadn’t. Not until you walked into his life, that is.
Chris grins, shrugging. “Said the fella laughed at him. Said she hardly talked to anyone, so she wasn’t going to be talking to him, neither.”
He looks at Ben. “It was after you disappeared, turns out. But he started comin’ in every day to see her. Flowers in-hand. When he could get a hold of some, that is. When he couldn’t, he’d walk miles off-base when he had a weekend pass and would pick bushels of them so he’d have enough before he got another chance to go out. The guys ribbed him for it, but he didn’t care a lick.”
He takes another sip of his coffee. “Just used to say that after he sets eyes on her, she’d never be lonely again.”
“Sounds like he was telling the truth,” Ben replies quietly.
He clear his throat then. “Did she ever…talk about me?”
Christopher grows serious. “Not if she could help it. If you so much as came on the television set or the radio, she’d just quietly tell us: ‘turn it off’. We asked her why, but she’d just shake her head. It was daddy that took me out in the garage one day—they always had us up to somethin’; momma would have the girls in the house cooking, cleaning, sewing, while daddy would have the boys outside with him—while he worked on our old Coupe, and he told me that you were no hero to them. That the men who fought and died on those beaches and battlefields were. And you weren’t that. Said you were just…how’d he say that, again? Empty suit?”
Ben swallows thickly. “I hope you listened to ‘em. Found better idols.”
“Oh, me and my brothers worshiped the ground our old man walked on. Just thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Thought he knew and could do every and anything. He was a good man. But he’s gone now, too. Was about a year after momma.”
He stares out the window. “He never was the same after she passed. Used to talk about her like she was still here. Would tell us all the time ‘she’ll be back real soon, just had to run to the store’. I think he just couldn’t accept her being gone. Still gives me chills when I think about his last night with us. He looked right at me—we were just sitting on the porch out there enjoying the evening—and tells me ‘I’m going to see your mother tonight’. We found him the next morning in bed, clutching her robe to his chest.”
He sniffles, clearing his throat. “So we put him next to her. He had two plots picked out before they ever even left us. Headstone was ready to go, other than adding in their dates of death.”
Ben looks at him.
“Me and my siblings take turns visiting on the weekends, bringing flowers and telling them about how boring our lives have gotten, while our grandkids are off to college, and getting married, and having babies of their own.”
He smiles wistfully. “My sister, Elizabeth, her granddaughter is named after momma, actually. She’s twenty now. Going to school to become a doctor.”
He shakes his head with a wistful smile. “A doctor.”
He grins, looking at Ben. “Maybe I’ll get my checkups done for free, huh? Medicare only does so much for an old man with a body that’s falling apart.”
Ben wishes he had that problem. But, instead, he’s practically fucking invincible. The Russians had proved that more times than he could count. If an AK-47 being shoved in his mouth as they held down the trigger hadn’t been enough…what would be?
When Ben turns the next page, he stares down at a photo of you hanging laundry on the line.
You’d just been bringing it inside the last time he saw you.
He’d stepped up proudly onto that porch in full regalia—his new suit—a broad smile on his face, and he’d knocked confidently.
You’d called from inside ‘just a moment!’ and he’d breathed in the scent of warm peach cobbler cooling on the windowsill on the other side of the house.
And then you’d opened the door.
And instead of you throwing yourself into his arms and kissing him, smiling at him, or taking his hand in yours as you tugged him inside and into your bedroom, you’d stepped out with furrowed brows.
“You’re here.”
He’d nodded. “Know I’ve been MIA for awhile, but you’ve probably seen on television, or in magazines—”
“What happened to you?”
He had thought, mistakenly, you’d meant after he disappeared from the Army base. When you woke one morning in bed alone, and when you went looking for him, all you found was a broken heart.
“Long story short, sweetheart,” your stomach had turned at that term of endearment rolling off his tongue. “I volunteered for some government testing and now I’m new and improved. The damn hero of the war!”
You’d wrapped your arms around yourself—he hadn’t seen your engagement ring—as you stared up at him.
That previous look of love that you’d had when you gazed up at him at night while he was inside of you was long gone.
“This isn’t you.”
You’d taken a step forward, reaching a hand up, cupping his cheek. “This isn’t the man I fell in love with.”
He’d soured toward you in an instant. First his father and now…
“What, I’m too much for you now?” He’d sneered. “Too much man for you to handle? Well, that’s fine. Because when it comes to women, I have no shortage of them.”
Your eyes had filled with tears.
“It’s like you’re a completely different person,” you’d whispered.
“And for the better,” he’d snapped back. “But that works out just fine. Me being too much, because now? You wouldn’t be nearly enough for a guy like me.”
You’d choked back a sob, cupping a hand over your mouth, the other remaining wrapped around your middle.
He’d wanted to shove a gun in his mouth.
Because the truth was? The ticker-tape parades, the money, and women, and notoriety meant nothing to him.
After receiving further rejection from his father, he’d gone to you. Wanting you to fix it. To make it all better. Just like you had before.
How could he have ever been delusional enough to think a woman like you would ever accept the parody of himself that he’d become?
“Please leave,” you’d choked out. “And don’t come back. I can’t take seeing you wearing that empty suit again.”
He’d flinched. “Believe me, only time you’ll ever see me again will be in the headlines, honey.”
And then he’d walked away, and as he put one foot in front of the other, all he could hear was your heartbroken sobs behind him.
Finally, Ben shuts the photo album, turning to Christopher. “Were her favorite flowers in the end still tulips?”
Chris’ brows had furrowed. “They were.”
Ben had stood. “Can you tell me what cemetery I can find them at?”
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After carefully placing a bouquet of white and pink tulips in the vase mounted atop your side of the headstone, Ben kneels down, gripping the top of it while he looks it over.
On your husband’s side is his name—preceded by his Army rank: corporal—and dates of birth and death, as well as those things he’d been, which had meant the most: beloved son, brother, father, grandfather, and husband. And on yours: beloved daughter, mother, grandmother, and wife.
In the middle are two rings, bound together in stone.
He presses a kiss to the top of your headstone, tears slipping down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry it took me so long to find my way back to you. But I’m here now.”
He sniffles. “Maybe you don’t want me to be.”
He glances to your husband. “Maybe neither of you do. And I’d understand that. I just… I have a lot of things I’d like to say. And I’d like for you both to hear them.”
He sits back, looking at your headstone, his arms wrapped loosely around his bent knees—his hand holding his other wrist. “I went to see your son, Chris. He’s a hell of a kid. Told me stories about the two of you. Told me…”
He shakes his head, glancing away. “I know I broke your heart. I knew it that day. I’d just…hoped maybe you’d forget about me. I wasn’t worth remembering. But I’m sure I was around every goddamn corner you turned. On TV, in the paper, on the news, on store shelves.”
He fucking hates himself for it.
“I never deserved any of it. The only thing I ever really wanted was you. And I threw that chance away. For nothing.”
He laughs without humor. “You want to know what happened to me? In the eighties, the woman I thought I loved…” He shakes his head. “I should’ve known even then it was only ever going to be you.”
He sighs. “She betrayed me. My team did. Handed me off to the Russians. And for three decades they…”
He trails off, then starts again. “The things they did…”
He swallows, shaking his head. “At first I tried to hold onto some misguided hope that she’d come for me. And when I finally resigned myself to the fate of knowing that was never going to happen, I lost myself, instead, in you. You were the only thing I had left to hold onto. I had a whole life with you inside my head…”
He’s quiet for a moment, a small, sad smile playing on his lips as he thinks back on it. “A good life,” he says, nodding.
He runs his hand down his face, wiping away tears. “We had a family. A good marriage. I came back to you and I gave it all up just to have you. And it was the best thing I ever did.”
His shoulders begin to shake. “And then they came and woke me up and tore me away from you. And I realized it had never been real. Not for one goddamn second. I can’t…begin to tell you what that did—has done—to me.”
He looks at your headstone with a watery smile. “But to find out that you got everything you ever wanted? Deserved to have?”
He looks to your husband’s headstone. “Thank you for that. For taking care of our girl. For being the man I never was. I’m just glad she found someone worthy of her. Who deserved her. Because we both know I never did. Thank you for fixing what I broke.”
He looks back to you. “I hope to God you never felt guilty for the things you said to me that day. Because you were the only one willing to. I needed to hear them, even if I didn’t want to. That was your last gift to me: a hard truth. So, thank you.”
He stands, kissing your headstone one last time, his hand fingering a picture in his pocket which Christopher had given him before he’d left—he’d said he’d nearly forgotten he’d had it.
Apparently, the kids had found it in your things after you passed—they’d never told your husband: a photo of you sitting on his lap while he smiled softly at you, you smiling meanwhile at the camera, holding a small American flag in your hand, still in your nurse’s uniform.
At least he’ll have some shred of his humanity to hold onto, with that, in what’s to come. The fact you’d held onto it for all those decades… It’d meant a great deal to him.
“I love you,” he whispers, walking away.
For the final time.
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talktonytome · 27 days
Ok I couldn’t stop thinking about this post and how Eddie’s cultural background impacts his life so I’m adding some of my thoughts:
re: repression and emotions- unfortunately for those who subscribe to the machismo part of our culture, they are taught to repress emotions- boys&men shouldn’t cry, suck it up, showing pain is weak. And we see that with Eddie and his Dad, who ingrained that so much so Eddie resorted to unhealthy outlets (like cage fighting-another macho thing) and he was having panic attacks because his feelings and emotions had no where to go. He was so reluctant and skeptical of therapy (again another machismo/ Mexican thing)
re: being forced to grow up too fast- when he was a BOY, his dad told him he had to be the “man” of the house now and take care of the family, which segues into getting Shannon pregnant in their teens. By his dad’s measure, he was a man right? He was expected to get married and assume the role of husband and provider. And sure, religion plays into it as well. he felt pressured and never had the time to think what do I want to do? And as is the case for so many to escape their situation, he joined the army and boy do you grow up fast there.
re: relationships- he married his first serious girlfriend when they were so young and even though they loved each other, people change so much and they weren’t given the option to consider not being together. Eddie mostly assumed the role of provider because he didn’t know how to deal with everything going on, especially with Christopher. (btw I don’t think it’s fair how harsh some ppl are about Shannon bc she was left alone with a kid and Eddie’s parents who hated her) He wasn’t there to be a husband or a father because, as he said himself, he left first and ofc he felt guilt over that. His only impression of love and their relationship was stagnant and frozen in time. When he reunited with Shannon, he was only maybe just starting to get closure when she died and he fell into that grief and never let himself fully heal from it. After being with Christopher again, he fully took on the role of father and that is all he was. His subsequent relationships did not work because he was really looking for a mom for Christopher and again didn’t ask himself what he wants, he struggled with relationships, and as a result, the women he tried to date suffered.
We know that his aunt constantly tries to set him up with people and oh god if that isn’t relatable. If you’re Latinx, we hear it all the time! “Cuando te vas a casar?” (When are you getting married?) “No tienes novio(a)?” (You don’t have a gf/bf?) “Deja the presento a” (let me introduce you to). There’s this pressure and stigma about being alone and Eddie goes along with these set-ups, women that are not chosen by him so ofc it feels like a performance. (I mean dating already is when you’re just getting to know someone.) and there’s the expectation in our culture that you need a partner and nuclear family to be complete.
In conclusion, I wish more people could see the influence and impact all of this has on Eddie’s life and decisions, and how he’s hispanic man forced to grow up too soon and become a dad-coded. I wish that nuance was considered more often, and my hope for season 8 is that he finally breaks it all down and figures out what he wants and who he wants to be!
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eddiesxangel · 10 months
Hey, Mr. Claus🎅🏻 | Santa!Eddie x Reader
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Holiday Prompt Party hosted by @allthingsjoeq and @bettyfrommars 🥰
Prompt: You can tell that the mall Santa is a babe under that beard, and you decide to get closer to investigate.
CW: This is loosely based on a TikTok I saw. Flirting and fluff.
WC: 1.4k
“Santa! Santa!” Your three-year-old nephew tugged your hand as he ran towards the man in red walking towards you.
“Yeah, buddy, Santa!” You smiled as he tugged you closer and closer just before his hand slipped from yours and charged the man dressed up in a fake white beard, red and white fluffy hat and suit, headed in your direction.
“Christopher! You get back here right now!” You yell as you chase after him through the halls of the busy mall. He doesn’t listen to you. He completely ignores you as he runs into the arms of the mall Santa. You watch as Santa opens his arms wide and embraces the little boy with a big smile, not seeming bothered by the little boy who has just tackled him.
If you weren’t so worried, it would be the most darling thing you’ve witnessed this year.
“Ho ho ho, who do we have here?” You heard the very fake, deep voice addressing you and your nephew.
“I’m chwistopho!” Your nephew shrieks as he gazes up at the fake bearded man.
"Now, Christopher, you know running away from your mommy isn't nice. She looked very worried; he crouched down to his level. Giving you a little wink. His brown eyes were memorizing and took you aback as you approached the two of them. He was much younger than any Santa you've ever encountered before. His nose was flushed red as if he had put on blush to make it look cold. His eyes were rimmed with white eyeliner, making them more cartoonish and round. He also had black lines where crowss feet would be if he was older.
“That’s not my Mommy! That’s my Auntie!” He giggles like Santa is the silliest man on earth.
"Ho ho ho! I am so silly, of course, I knew that wasn't your Mommy! I know all the children of the world and their parents; I was testing you! Good lad." The cute young mall Santa chuckled.
“Come on buddy, Santa is on his break for his milk and cookies, we don’t want to bother him anymore. You don’t want to get on the naughty list.” That caught his attention really quick.
“I’ve been a good boy!” He protested while snuggling into Santa’s fluffy suit.
“I know you’ve been a good boy. I’ll be visiting your house. Don’t you worry!” Santa exclaimed as he picked up your nephew in his arms.
“See, little bear, don’t worry, Santa had your back.” You wink.
"Don't you worry either" Santa addressed you now. "I'm sure you're on my nice list as well." Was Santa flirting me you?
You couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up as Santa passed your nephew back with open arms.
"What do we say to Santa?" You asked the little boy in your arms.
"Thank you!" He squealed as he blew a kiss to the not-so-old man.
Christopher let you know he was so excited to tell his mom and dad how he met Santa today and that you were the best auntie ever!
"You also tell him that he owes me one when we get you home. Okay, buddy?” You tell Christopher as you walk away from the mall Santa; wishing you got to speak to him more. He rambled on so much as you walked back to the exit, that you didn't get a proper chance to say goodbye to Santa.
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You still couldn't get the cute young Santa out of your head the following day. You thought about him all night, replaying how adorable the interaction had been between Christopher and him. So you decided to go back to the mall today and see if you could find him.
You found the line to take pictures with Santa in the middle of the mall, it wasn’t hard to miss because the lineup for it was outrageous. You hoped they were paying him well, there were way too many kids here. You rounded the corner to the back of the line and hoped this was worth it.
After going back and forth with yourself on what you would say to him, you’d chickened out a few times before hyping yourself back up. Before you knew it you were next in line after forty-five minutes of absolute self-torcher.
As you examine the man in the big red suit, you observe how tired he is until his eyes lock on you. He immediately fixes his posture, his smile seems more genuine, and his big doe eyes brighten.
You take a deep breath and walk up with all the fake confidence in the world, knowing you look weird without a kid.
"Ho ho ho, have a seat, Sugar Plum and tell Santa what you want for Christmas!" He patted his knee with a white-gloved hand.
You tentatively go to sit on his knee and wrap an arm around his shoulder while he wraps around your waist in a tight grip.
"Hi," you meekly smile.
"Hi, Snow Angel." He smiled brightly. You can see his straight white teeth smile through the god-awful fake beard.
"Now, what is it you want for Christmas." Santa, aka Eddie, scolded himself for having to keep up the dumb act while the prettiest girl he's ever seen is willingly here in his lap.
"What I want for Christmas is to see if you're really as cute as I think you are under all of this." you gesture to his get-up. "Do you think I deserve that? I am on the nice list; after all." You playfully bat your eyes hoping you are not making a fool of yourself.
Santa Eddie chuckled. "I think that can be arranged. I'll have my Elves on that one straight away!"
“Great, call me.” You slip him a small paper with your name and phone number. But not before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before popping up from his lap, and methodically swaying your hips a little hoping he would stare at your ass and you walked away.
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Eddie couldn’t believe what just happened. He picked up a girl dressed in a fake beard and a smelly tacky red getup. And not just any girl. The girl from yesterday with the bright eyes and beautiful smile. He would be lying if he’d said he hadn’t wished he got your name yesterday.
It was hard to get it together after you’d flustered him. He called for a fifteen-minute break after you had left because he needed to collect himself.
He examined your handwriting; he thought your loopy scrawl was cute. He smirked at the little hearts you drew at the corner. And couldn’t wait for his shift to be over to call you.
Eddie called around 8:00pm that night. You discovered his name was Eddie, not St.Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Mr. Claus. His normal voice was hot, and you were nervous to see what he looked like. He asked to meet for coffee on Saturday at noon between being flirty and funny, and you couldn’t wait.
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Eddie called you every day for the next 3 days until Saturday. You were nervous but excited to see Eddie’s proper form.
You had gotten to the cafe at 11:53am. You sat in the parking lot until 11:59am and gathered the courage to leave your car. You scanned the room until you saw a pair of brown eyes you couldn’t ever forget. Your breath hitched as he waved and stood up from the booth he reserved for the two of you.
He wasn’t what you expected; honestly, you hadn’t known what to expect, but he was hot. Eddie was way hotter than you anticipated. Like really really hot. His hair was a lot longer than you expected, and he wore a black leather jacket over a black band shirt you didn’t recognize, black jeans and black boots. As he came closer, you saw he had painted his nails black and accessorized with chunky silver rings. He had a five o’clock shadow and had a bit of white liner still rimming his water line he probably couldn’t wash off.
“Hey,” he smiled and pulled you into a hug. His body was bigger than yours, and he smelled so good. It was much better than the dusty old suit he wore when you met him.
“Hi, Santa,” you smile.
“Careful, Sugar Plum; I know the big guy and can get you kicked off the nice list if you keep up that teasing.” He playfully points as you take a step closer.
“Who says I wanna be on the nice list? Maybe I like being naughty.” You smirked while playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Oh ho ho, I knew I would like you,” he laughed.
“Pack it in Santa. I’m here for Eddie.” You raise onto your tip toes to kiss his cheek.
Eddie guided you to the booth, and you couldn’t believe you were on a date with the mall Santa Claus…
Read a smutty part 2 here
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thelikesofus · 7 months
never known comfort like laying next to you
9-1-1 on ABC | Buddie | 2.6k words | cuddling and snuggling, confessions, sharing a bed, soft boys being soft
A long shift ends with a quiet pizza and movie night within the walls of the Diaz house followed by a quiet confession beneath Eddie’s duvet
Read on AO3
When Buck and Eddie finally drag themselves over the threshold of Eddie's front door Buck feels the last of his strength fall to the floor along with his duffle bag and he absently follows Eddie to the couch.
"I could sleep for a month," Eddie whines as he lazes back against the cushions. 
"So could I," Buck agrees. "But we've gotta pick up Chris."
Eddie groans and Buck watches the movement out of the corner of his squinted eyes as Eddie rolls his head back and forth against the back of the couch. "Not for like an hour."
Buck hums and breathes deeply. His bones ache and his feet tingle from standing all day. None of their calls today had been out of the ordinary but they had been never-ending. They'd barely get back to the station before they'd be loading up again and if Buck has to see another exploded rice cooker ever again it'll be too soon.
"Do you want to shower first?" Buck asks.
"Yeah, thanks," Eddie says. "Just give me a minute. I can't feel my legs yet."
Buck laughs but it comes out as more of a wheeze, even his lungs are tired. He stares at the ceiling as the light fixture blurs in and out of focus. He feels the cushions shift as Eddie slumps to the side and then there’s a weight against Buck’s shoulder and a soft puff of air across his throat. 
“Eddie, we gotta stay awake.” Buck mumbles but his words slur together, his tongue heavy in his mouth. “Eds?”
He gets a half attempt at a grumble from Eddie and nothing more before Buck's eyelids fall shut under the weight of his exhaustion and the world fades away. 
He wakes sometime later to the sound of the front door closing and the clack of crutches against the floor. Oh shit, Christopher!  
Buck is about to scramble out of his seat but he’s held in place by the weight of Eddie still sound asleep against Buck’s chest and then Carla comes into view and Buck goes slack again as relief takes him over.
“What time is it?” Buck rushes to ask though it comes out slurred.
“Just after half past three.” Then she must take in the panic on Buck’s face as she smiles and comes over to rub a hand over Buck’s shoulder before she takes a seat in the armchair across from Eddie’s couch. “Oh no, were you boys so tired you forgot you already had me rostered to pick up Chris?”
Buck yawns. “Thank you, Carla. What would we do without you?”
Carla laughs and stands up again. “I’m sure you’d manage but I’m happy to help. I believe Chris has gone straight to his room. They got a new science project today and he was excited to start it as soon as he got home. I’m sure he’ll come out as say ‘hello’ soon enough.”
Buck yawns again and Carla rolls her eyes. “Get some sleep, Buck. Eddie’s got the right idea.” She nods down at where Eddie is drooling on Buck’s uniform t-shirt and Buck feels heat start to climb up his neck as he remembers that Eddie is still sprawled out against him and sound asleep. Carla waves goodbye and then she’s out the door again. 
Buck should probably wake Eddie, tell him to go have that shower, and make him go sleep in his actual bed so that he doesn’t end up with a crick in his neck but Eddie looks so peaceful and something is reassuring about the weight of him against Buck's chest and he just can’t bring himself to disturb him. 
The sound of Christopher’s crutches makes themselves known once more as he comes into the living room from the hallway. The boy pauses for a moment when he notices both Buck and his Dad on the couch. 
“Is Dad asleep?” He asks, his voice drops to a whisper and Buck smiles and beckons him over. 
“Yeah, he is.” Buck reaches up to hug Chris with his free arm as the boy teeters forward to hug Buck over Eddie’s head. “Did you have a good day at school, Buddy?” 
“Yeah! “ In his excitement, Chris forgot to whisper, and then sudden volume causes Eddie to grumble and stir, his nose scrunches up and Buck watches his eyebrows furrow as he presses his face into Buck. Buck rubs an absent hand up the back of Eddie’s head and Eddie sighs contently and settles again. When Buck looks up, Chris is watching them with an inquisitive expression on his face.
“How about pizza for dinner tonight?” Buck asks and Chris nods excitedly. “Okay, can you get my phone for me? It’s in the outside pocket of my work bag.”
Buck points to where he thinks he remembers setting his bag down and Chris makes quick work of finding his phone and bringing it back to him. “Can we get pepperoni?” 
“Of course, Bud. Hey, how about you go finish your homework while we wait for the pizza to arrive.”
“Okay. Are you going to wake up Dad?”
“When the pizza arrives,” Buck says, already navigating to the pizza website awkwardly with his phone in his left hand and placing their usual order. 
True to his word, Buck reluctantly shakes Eddie awake when his phone beeps with a text notifying him that their order is on its way. 
Eddie wakes slower than Buck did, his eyes opening and dropping closed again a few times as Buck squeezes his shoulder. 
“Hey, Eds. Sorry, man, but you gotta wake up now.”
“Wah? What time is it?” Eddie asks, his head still firmly pressed into Buck’s chest. 
“Almost dinner time, Carla brought Chris home for you.”
Eddie pauses momentarily, taking in the information before he sits up and looks around. “Oh. Oh, yeah that’s good. I forgot she was getting him today.”
He yawns rubs his hands up his face as he leans back against the couch and then freezes and drops his hands to look at Buck. Eddie’s sleep-glazed gaze flits between Buck’s face and the damp patch on Buck’s chest and he ducks his head embarrassed. “Sorry, about your shirt.”
Buck shrugs. “You’re good. I ordered pizza, it should be here in a minute. You probably have time for a quick shower if you want.”
Eddie rubs at one eye with a fist and nods, slowly getting to his feet. “Okay, thanks.”
Eddie disappears down the hallway, still yawning as Buck sits up and stretches out his numb shoulder. His side is cold where Eddie was lying just moments ago and he dings through the nearest duffle to him for a sweatshirt. As he tugs it over his head he realizes that it’s probably Eddie’s but at this point, it barely matters. Their wardrobes have merged almost indecipherably over the years. 
Buck summons Christopher to help set the table while Buck pulls two beers out of the fridge and pours a glass of juice for Chris. In the distance, he can hear the shower turn off and Eddie shuffling around his bedroom getting dressed. As Chris lays out cutlery and Buck passes him plates Chris chats excitedly about his new science project and Buck promises to help him with the actual experiment tomorrow. 
Chris is making all sorts of other plans for their Saturday, including a trip to the park, when Eddie comes back into the kitchen. His hair is still damp and hanging over his forehead in a way that forces Buck to look away and turn his attention back to looking for the bottle opener—which always seems to find its way to the very back of Eddie’s drawer—so that he can open the beers.
“Dad, can we go to the skate park tomorrow?” 
“If the weather is nice, then yeah.” Eddie shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”
“Cool! Buck is going to teach me how to do a kickflip.” Chris says brightly.
Buck laughs and holds a now-open beer out to Eddie who takes it with a quiet smile. “I said no such thing! I can’t even do a kickflip, Chris.”
“Well, maybe I’ll figure it out, and then I can teach you,” Chris says with full confidence. Secretly, Buck does know how to do a kickflip but the last time he did one he was fourteen and it ended in a trip to the emergency center with a broken nose, a piece of information he is sure Eddie will thank him for not sharing. Besides, Chris literally cannot fall off his skateboard thanks to the frame Eddie and Buck built for him, the frame that recently needed modification to accommodate Christopher’s latest growth spurt. The kid has been growing like a weed since the summer. 
The doorbell rings and Buck shuffles around Eddie, past the counter, and out to the front door to get their pizza. When he returns with the boxes in his arms Chris and Eddie and both sitting at the table waiting for him. Eddie has brought Buck’s beer out from the kitchen for him and it is waiting for him at his seat. 
Together they make room on the table for the boxes and then they dig in. They talk as they eat, Christopher with pizza sauce smeared across his cheek and a dozen questions about what makes a rice cooker explode, Buck patiently explaining the science of pressure mechanisms to him, and Eddie watching them as he contently chews on his slice of three meat barbeque pizza. 
“Can we watch a movie tonight?” Chris asks around a mouthful of pizza. Buck pulls a napkin from the pile in the middle of the table and passes it to Chris. 
“Have you done your homework?” Eddie asks.
“He was doing it while you were snoozing,” Buck says and Chris giggles, bright and gleeful. Eddie just rolls his eyes.
“It’s Friday, Dad. I have all weekend to finish it.  Jason was talking about this old movie at school today and it sounded funny.”
“What was the movie?” Eddie asks.
“Shark Story or something?”
Buck struggles not to choke on his pizza and sends a horrified look in Eddie’s direction. “Shark Tale, you mean?”
Christopher’s face lights up. “Yeah, yeah. That one.”
The movie is a hit and Christopher vows to ask Jason for more movie recommendations the following week at school, right before he falls asleep against Buck's shoulder. 
“I seem to make a pretty good pillow tonight.” He jokes and Eddie’s cheeks flush pink. 
“I did say I was sorry,” Eddie grumbles, getting up from the couch to clear away their beer bottles and the empty popcorn bowl. 
“No, no. It’s fine, Eds. I was just teasing.” Buck leans back against the couch and watches Eddie walk into the kitchen and back again. “You want me to carry him?”
Eddie glances down at Christopher who is slowly sinking lower and lower down Buck's side and filling out the space Eddie left when he stood up. He shakes his head. “No, don't worry about it. I don't want to wake him, he can sleep on the couch tonight. It's not like he has school tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” Buck says. He slowly eases himself up off the couch, lowering Christopher’s head down to meet the pillow Eddie pulls from the cupboard and passes to Buck. The pillow that is usually Buck’s when he stays over. The pillow he thought he would be using tonight. “I'll get out of your hair then.”
“What?” Eddie looks up at him, startled.
Buck waves to Christopher now snoring lightly on the couch in front of them, Buck's usual duvet tucked up around his chin. “Well, we're not both gonna fit on there.” He jokes. 
“Oh, right.” Eddie chews on the end of his thumb. “Still, you don't have to go home. I was hoping for pancakes in the morning.”
“Oh, were you now?” Buck raises an eyebrow and gives Eddie a playful shove. “I'll take Chris’ bed then, I guess.”
“You're too long for Chris’ bed.”
“I'm too long for that couch too but that hasn't seemed to matter for the last however many years I've been sleeping on it.”
Eddie stares past him for a moment as if he's lost in thought. 
“It's okay, I'll go home and I'll come back first thing in the morning to make your panca—.”
“Stay with me.”
“Huh?” Eloquent.
“With me,” Eddie repeats as if that will make it make sense. “In my bed. It's not like we haven't shared before. Besides, I hear you make a good pillow.”
Buck feels heat start to rise in his cheeks and he ducks his head, stalking down the hall. “Well, come on then. It's getting late.”
They get ready for bed in relative silence. Buck finds his spare toothbrush in the bathroom and Eddie passes him a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt. Buck is pretty sure the pants are some of his own that he'd left here at some point. The T-shirt is definitely Eddie's. It's pale grey and worn thin with a small hole at the hem but it hangs softly over Buck’s shoulders. 
Eddie knocks before coming into the bathroom to brush his teeth next to Buck in the mirror. There's something so normal about it that even though they have done this dozens of times before it still blows Buck away at the comfort such a simple process when done together can bring him. 
They climb into opposite sides of the bed—Eddie by the door and Buck by the window—they don't even have to talk about it.
Buck expects it to be awkward. The first night they had shared a bed during quarantine they had both lain stiff as boards for hours before eventually Eddie had kicked him in the shin and they'd gone to sleep. It got easier each night after that.
Now, they lay loose-limbed next to each other with barely a foot of space between them. If Buck stretched out his fingers he could probably find Eddie's hand right by his. So he does—in a moment of stupid bravery—and Eddie grips his fingers back, threading his between Buck's, locking them together. 
“Thank you for staying,” Eddie whispers.
“Thank you for not letting me leave,” Buck replies. 
“I never like it when you do,” Eddie says and it feels like a confession. 
Buck rolls onto his side, facing Eddie and pulling their intertwined hands up to rest on the mattress between their heads. Eddie turns his head to him. “I'd stay forever if you'd have me.”
Eddie rolls over and places his other hand over their joint fists. “You already have me .”
Something hot and radiant boils up in Buck's chest. He reaches up and hesitates a moment with his hand hovering over Eddie's cheek, but then Eddie turns his face up into it and noses along the edge of Buck's thumb. 
“Roll over.” Eddie pushes at Buck's shoulder till he's flat on his back. “I want my pillow back.” 
Buck can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him as Eddie shuffles closer and practically drapes himself over Buck, resting his head in the juncture between his shoulder and his neck. He sinks into the mattress beneath him, letting the weight of Eddie settle over him like a blanket.
“You do make a good pillow.” 
“Stay.” Buck whispers against Eddie's forehead.
“Forever, if you'll have me,” Eddie replies, laying his hand palm down on Buck's chest, right over his steadily beating heart. 
Buck lays his hand over Eddie's. “You already have me .”
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tmntxthings · 6 months
YOU 🫵 *points directly at that mean y/n, you, and that anon that asked for ansgt against rottmnt Raph* how very dare you !!!!!!
(If you have time and if your asks are open (didn’t see any warnings that it was close)) can you PLEASE do something fluffy and that reader is ABSOLUTELY head of hells for raphie? I’m talking flowers, I’m talking spending hours on a claw machine to get a plushie he wants it, I’m talking admiring and tracing his features slowly with the most stupid and hopeless in love expression the turtles have ever seen, im talking speaking up for him against anyone that mistreats him, doing his fav dishes, preparing balanced meals, paintings, little love notes, lipstick marks, poems under moonlight, I want devotion!!!! I want that sweet Puppy love !!!!! EVERYTHING. 100% a simp and isn’t afraid to show it, until Raph returns their actions, then they get bashful/blushing up a storm lol
thank you and have a good day
∑一Wherever You Go・゜・。
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author’s notes: ain’t no way I’m doing that whole list we’ll be here forever, BUT don’t worry I’ll make sure he feels the love nonetheless
warnings: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, bordering on a crack fic that’s purely just to show a character love ^ twas asked of me, unedited
Song: Never Getting Rid of Me by Christopher Fitzgerald
It was no secret that you adored Raph. And it didn’t bother you one bit that everyone, big red turtle included, knew that you had heart eyes for him.
Your love language for him couldn’t be restricted to just one kind. You exhibited all kinds of love for him. You hoped it wasn’t overwhelming. It was hard to stop yourself once you had an idea though.
One time you saw a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Instantly you had them in your hand, and a receipt in the other. They reminded you of his bandana. So bright, eye-catching! And down to the lair you went, shooting off an incoming text to Raph to give him a last-minute notice.
Earlier occasions where you hadn’t sent a text left you waiting around at a manhole cover forever. If Raph was asleep it would be hard to rouse him with just a notification. He’d need a full on blare horn. Or worst case scenario the boys weren’t even at the lair! Thankfully, most of the time they were home. Raph buzzed back with a text saying he’d be right up to open the cover for you. Sewer covers were heavy!
When the round slab of stone was lifted you offered up the bouquet to the darkness below instantly. It was quiet for a moment, before Raph emerged, cheeks tinted a darker green. “For me?” He questioned, his tone held a quality as if it was unbelievable for him to receive flowers.
But you didn’t chide him for it. In fact you only smiled warmly and nodded your confirmation. “I thought of you the moment I saw them. What do you think? Aren’t they pretty?”
His hands finally went out, accepting your gift. Holding them gingerly and away from his plastron. He seemed to not want any of the petals to snag on his sharp edges. “Raph loves ‘em” he murmured, his eyes entranced by the blossoms now that he could get a closer look.
This moment right here was picture worthy! You wished you had Donnie’s ability to just record everything, that way you could screenshot this later. Maybe put it as your screensaver. Instead you just watched, hands clasped as you waited for Raph to come out of his stupor. Which he did, and started asking you about your favorite flowers and invited you down to the lair.
You don’t know how they got the arcade machines down there. But it sure as hell beat going to Chuck-E-Cheese! Nothing against the place but it costs so much and all the games down at the lair are rigged to play for free! Which was awesome because you had finally decided, you weren’t leaving the claw machine until you won Raph’s dream plushie.
The poor turtle had played this game constantly ever since they mysteriously got the machine. He was able to get two plushies but they weren’t the ones he really wanted. The ultimate prize was a brown teddy bear with a little red bow tie. He was absolutely adorable. And Raph’s obsession with winning his prize was even more endearing. So when Raph texted you a picture of his defeated expression against the glass of the claw machine, you had to take matters into your own hands.
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ <image> 🥺 it’s hopeless ]
Y/n - [ omw asap, don’t worry raphie i’ll get you teddy! ❤️💪 ]
Well, easier said than done is a term of phrase for a reason. You banged your head against the glass or you tried to at least. But Raph’s calloused palm was in front of the glass before your forehead could make contact. Still you drew back to bang it against his rough skin anyway. He knew your frustrations, the claw machine was merciless. You had been at the lair for well over two hours. The first thirty minutes in had been fine. You had chatted with Raph easily, confident that eventually you would get the hang of the mechanism.
But then an hour went by. And then another. Your concentration on the game had dried up the easy conversation between you and big red. The atmosphere was intense as if the two of you were in battle together. Currently you were both defeated. His other hand patted your back, knowing exactly how you felt. “It’s okay, maybe Teddy isn’t meant to join my pile of plushies.”
You took in a deep breath. Stopping your frustrated head thumps and turned to look Raph in the eyes. “You’re right, Teddy is meant to sleep right next to you! And I’m gonna make that happen!” You harrumphed as you turned back to the evil machine. It was your enemy. It was working against you. All you wanted to do was this one thing and make Raph happy! This time for sure, you thought to yourself as you hovered the claw over to where Teddy lay amongst the other plushies.
“Like a boss!!!” You yelled as you smacked the button that lowered the claw. Both of you watched anxiously as it dropped, its metal fingers enclosing around Teddy’s brown fur, and it started to rise. But you had been here before and didn’t dare to celebrate pre-maturely before the damn stuffed animal was in Raph’s arms. The grip the machine had on the animal was shaky at best. The claw swayed from side to side as it carried the plushie over to the drop box. You were sweating bullets and could smell Raph’s anxiety stink.
But before the claw reached its final destination, the plushie tumbled out of its hold. You turned to Raph who let out a breath he had been holding. You expected to see disappointment in his eyes but it was quite the opposite. He looked happy as his snaggle-tooth dug into his lower lip. “Nice try,” his eyes crinkled shut with his smile. “Wanna go play DDR?” You sighed, letting the claw machine have the win for now. Happy to see Raph’s eyes light up with a burning passion as he raced over to his favorite spot, the left side, for DDR. “Ready to face the master??” He goaded but it was pure excitement to play one of his favorites of all time. “So ready!” You laughed, hopping up on the dance pad to get absolutely demolished because you didn’t have any rhythm. But you played regardless because when Raph was having fun so were you.
And yes, later that night you did bribe Donnie with twenty bucks to replace that damned claw with one that would actually work. So next time you were able to win Teddy and present Raph with the ultimate present. It costed you another twenty to keep Donnie’s mouth shut about ever having any involvement so you could have all the credit and look like a hero in Raph’s starry eyes. He sent you pictures of him and the stuffed animal almost every night with his goodnight message.
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ <image> Teddy says goodnight! ]
Y/n - [ gnight teddy, and goodnight raph-a-la 🤗 sweet dreams ]
“What did you say?!” Your voice raised as you stepped into the lair’s common room. Shelldon had just so kindly lifted the manhole cover, since no one else from the group chat was responding! You thought it weird since usually someone was on their phone *cough* Donnie *cough* but sometimes they were busy! Which you understood. Until you had seen Shelldon’s worried pixelated expression as he urged you on down the sewer system to the abandoned subway station.
That was when you heard it. Heated arguing. It was hard to listen to especially when it was Leo and Raph. You knew how much all of them loved one another, a love that even harsh words couldn’t damage. But sometimes, things were said in the heat of the moment that weren’t meant to argue a point. They were said to hurt the other person. That’s where you drew the line. That’s where you felt the need to step in, even if you weren’t family.
“Leo, if you’d just try, even a little, at accepting the role as a leader. It’s not that bad-“
“If it’s not that bad then why don’t you just take it back huh?”
“You know why. Dad said you-“
“Dad said this! Dad says that! What are you his little pet? Since when do we do whatever Dad says?!”
“Leo, c’mon,”
“Raph if you don’t wanna be the leader anymore. Then fine. But don’t push it on to me.”
“I never said that, Dad thinks-“
“For someone who’s catchphrase is ‘boss’ you really like being someone’s little bit—“
And that’s when you stepped into the room. Eyes hardened as you marched in between the two turtles. “What did you just say?!” You dared Leo to repeat. But as he studied your stance and the way you got in front of Raph, as if protecting him from Leo, the blue turtle started to duck his head into his shell. Feeling remorseful for getting so heated. He made a ‘tsk’ noise before heading off to his room. Mumbling sorries as he passed by.
You turned to Raph to check the damage. It seemed like just the two of you now. You wondered if they had started fighting because Mikey and Donnie weren’t around. Raph was rubbing the side of his head, looking drained and it tugged on your heart strings to see him that way. You knew brothers argued, sure they even fought sometimes. But it was hard to see them go at it like this.
“I know you’re not okay, so I won’t ask. But just know Leo didn’t mean any of that. I know he didn’t.”
Raph gives you a weak smile in return. Like he doesn’t believe you. But doesn’t have the heart to say it aloud. So you go to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards the couch. He goes without resistance. Once seated, you turn to him and he turns to you. Your hands go up and you cup his face now that he is within your reach.
“He’s scared. Just like you are. I know it’s hard to tell right now when he’s saying anything but that. But you know Leo, he’ll spew just about any nonsense to not say how he truly feels.”
The words turn over in Raph’s head as he thinks. He sighs, softening in your hold as he nods. He looks a little better now. But you don’t let him go. You trace the contours of his face. Lovingly. Letting the tension in the room ebb out until the early argument has left both of your minds completely.
“It’ll be okay. I know it will.”
You murmur. Your hands finally letting go as Raph’s breathing deepens. He fell asleep to your touch. Leaned back into the couch as his snores start up. You scoot over until your head can rest on his arm, pulling up your phone to text Leo to get his ass over here. A portal silently opens up on the other side of you and as Leo sits next to you, you pull him closer with your arm.
You chide the blue turtle as tears fall down his green cheeks. He huffs at the insult but knows you mean well. When you leave the lair that night the two brothers are tangled together in a pile that will surely be four later on, alls forgiven.
Raph eats just about anything. His stomach knows no limits. So you could char the meat on accident and he’d still wolf it down like it was the best meal he ever had. While that was kind of him, you wanted to really impress his palate. So on the topic of food one late night text session, you asked of his favorites. To which a long list was sent over. So you had to ask him again.
Y/n - [ Okay, that’s really cool that you have so many. But which one is your favorite among the favorites? 👀 ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ that’s a hard one… uhmmmmm ]
With a lot of encouragement he managed to get the favorite list down to five choices. To which you just decided to hell with it, you’ll have a feast! It took a lot of preparation. And more time than you thought you’d ever spend in your kitchen. But five meals were cooked and prepared perfectly on your round table. Now, you wished you’d told Raph of your plan sooner and hoped to the moon above that he didn’t have plans tonight.
Y/n - [ >image< hungry? C: ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 [ 😱 always! headin ur way ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 [ hereeeeeeee open ur windowwwww ]
And yes somehow he fit. He was good at wiggling around. He cleared each and every plate once you had tapped out after trying to keep up with him. Food comas hit the both of you soon after as he got up and claimed he would do the dishes. He was so cute as he wobbled up sleepily from the kitchen chair. Arms full of plates and platters as well as cups for not only water but various sodas/juices had been served that you knew to be Raph’s favorites as well. When he had asked what the occasion was you didn’t have any in mind.
“I just wanted to!”
You chirped. Happy to feed him. Happy to have made his day. Now he was as careful as one giant turtle could be with your plates, but to his dismay the bottom one from the pile ended up breaking due to the clatter when he placed them in the sink. He wouldn’t know it until he was practically done with cleaning, feeling so good about himself for not breaking any of the— oh there it was. The last one. In pieces.
“Raph is so so sorry! You made a nice meal only for Raph to break your plate!”
No matter how much he wished he could fuse the remains back together, he’d need glue. And you apparently didn’t have any in your apartment. He sighed to which you hushed all his worries away.
“Raphie! It’s just one plate, I’ve got more! Plenty more as you can see!”
You, who had been drying the dishes he washed. Gestured with the damp towel towards the pile of neatly stacked plates that were all dry. The force of which you whipped the towel was more than you had intended and you both watched as that perfect stack fell over, onto the counter and off on to the floor.
“Well. I may need to go buy some more.”
You admitted sheepishly. Raph didn’t know whether to be upset for you or laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
“Yeah, let’s go get some now!”
After picking up and sweeping to make sure all the shattered pieces were in the trash. That’s exactly what the two of you did. It was little things that Raph did, like worry needlessly over you accidentally cutting yourself with one of the broken plate pieces. Or him getting shy at every compliment and gift you had to offer him. His humble nature. How he readily takes on responsibilities. His love for his family. His diligence when it comes to crime fighting and working out. His carefree side. You loved it all. You told him all the things that enamored you to him. And the two of you were happiest, when you could just spend time together like this. Doing little things.
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bunnliix · 7 months
Can't Stay Away from You - Chapter Two
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The outline for this chapter, was over 2000 words, so as you can see, I had ideas lol. We get a bit more attention on the boys this chapter, but we do see what's up with y/n as well! Honestly, this series seems to be longer chapters, so the updates will be slower for this story. But either way, I hope this is an enjoyable chapter two!
word count: 5.7k
warnings: Angst, fluff eventually, protective members, scenting, scent highs, cute moments because yes we need it, multiple distressed and panicked people, crying, tears, I think that's it?
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“Why did you ever think it was a good idea to give her, a random Stay, your number? What in the world compelled you to think it was a good idea?! She could have been a sasaeng for all we know, and you just gave her your number all willy nilly?!” Minho just about exploded on the pack alpha, criticizing his frankly stupid decision.
“You know very well that we’re all pulled to her for some reason. Hell, my alpha wanted to grab her, pull her into my arms, and scent her, right in front of every fan in that room. And I’m pretty fucking sure that everyone else felt something similar to that. So don’t you criticize me on this Minho. I thought about it before I gave her my number. I took a chance, wanting to get to know that girl who captivated even you. Don’t think I didn’t see you watching her after your turn, I saw it all.” Chan went after Minho, feeling enraged after hearing the man’s words.
By the end of his words, Chan was chest to chest with Minho, almost ready to fight with him. Minho is ready to fight his pack alpha, wanting to get it into his thick head how much he could have risked their pack’s safety over this. 
“Do you realize how badly this could have gone?! We’re lucky that she hasn’t yet done something. She could post your number out into the world for all we know. And yet you’re standing here, telling me it’s worth it because she interests you? I thought my pack leader, and the leader of my group, was more responsible than that.” Minho said, his words cutting like knives.
A noise at the door stopped their conversation, Minho moving to open the door, their two omegas falling onto the floor. The two of them looked sheepishly up at their alphas, knowing they were caught in the worst way. The two alphas weren’t impressed, as the omegas knew better than to eavesdrop, and they raised an eyebrow at the two until the apologies came rolling in. 
“And you two were listening in, why?” Chan questioned them, as they looked down at the floor.
“Jagiya dragged you in here, and we were curious why he needed to talk to you so urgently.” Han answered Chan, before looking up at him. “Do you really have y/n’s number??” He hurried to ask, even though it meant Minho gave him a look for asking at all.
“Yah! That’s what you gained from listening in? That Christopher has the girl’s number?” Minho scolded the younger man.
“Well, yeah. It means we can talk with her!” Jisung says, completely ignoring Minho’s growing glare.
“I am surrounded by fucking idiots I swear.” Minho comments, voice and face giving away just how done he was with the alpha and omega pair. 
Felix wisely stayed quiet, hoping that he’d be forgotten about. Unfortunately, that was not going to happen, as both alphas turned to him. 
“How much did you hear?” Chan asked.
“I heard everything.” Felix answered, hoping that the less he gave away, the better off he’d be. Once again, he was wrong.
“Where do you stand on this, then?” Minho queried.
“I can’t say that I’m not excited that Chan has y/n’s number, but also I can understand your concerns, Minho-hyung.” Felix explains, feeling torn between both sides. 
Chan smirked triumphantly, as Minho sighed. Why are his packmates like this? His own alpha told him that he’s the same way, that he’s being a hypocrite. He shut out his wolf, focusing back on the present situation. 
Since he didn’t get scolded for his words, Felix decided to be a bit cheeky. He teased Minho about his reaction to the girl, before getting stuck in a headlock by the alpha. 
“I’m not wrong!” He shouted out. Minho only growls in response.
This triggers Han to laugh, before running out of the room, calling out that the great alpha Minho was interested in y/n too, no matter what he said to oppose that thought. Said alpha let Felix go and ran after the other omega, intent on murdering him. 
“You little shit, get back here!” He screamed out at the rapper, chasing after him.
“I don’t think so!” Han called back, a cheeky smile plastered on his face. The other observed this chase and laughed at the two of them. This was prime entertainment, after all. Felix and Chan made their way out to the living room, where the majority of the pack had settled, watching the alpha omega pair race around the house in a very scooby doo sort of fashion. 
Eventually Jisung was cornered by the older alpha, and was swiftly pushed up against a wall. Minho attacked the omega’s scent gland, Jisung quickly went into a scent high, going limp in the alpha’s arms. Minho smirked victoriously, bringing the now quiet omega over to sit down on the couch, keeping him in his lap. Seungmin emerged from his room, the last member to join them all in the living room.
“Well, I guess we might as well have the pack meeting now.” Chan piped up, all attention turning to him. 
“What about?” Seungmin asked.
“About y/n.” Chan quickly replied, and that got everyone’s attention. The boys’ attention was solely focused on their pack alpha, well besides Jisung whose head was resting on Minho’s shoulder, the omega still a melted puddle.
The boys started to get louder, each discussing about y/n, before Chan shushed them all. 
“During the fanmeet, I gave y/n my number when signing her album. She messaged me while we were on the way back here. I confirmed it’s actually her, and I know that all of us were interested in her, I could tell by how none of you could shut up about her on the drive home.” He told them, and they all started clamoring for her number.
“Yah! Shut up!” Minho interjected, and they all quickly settled as none of them wanted to earn the man’s ire. 
Chan continued once the noise level had dropped, “My alpha also is attracted to her, at the fansign, it wanted me to pull her into my arms and scent her, everyone else be damned. I know Minho’s alpha was behaving similarly.”
Minho sighed as all attention was directed to him. “My alpha didn’t want to let her go. And wanted to take her and keep her in our nest. And he wouldn’t shut up about how pretty Felix and her would look together in our nest.” He spoke.
This admission from the dancer caused a round of teasing by the rest of the pack. They teased him and his alpha for wanting to essentially kidnap a fan because she was so pretty. Felix sat there blushing, the thought of y/n and him in a nest together painted a pretty picture in his mind, leaving him desiring for that to happen.
Fairly quickly afterwards, the remainder of the boys also speak up about their feelings, except for Han, but Felix shares the other omega’s feelings in his stead. They all found that if their wolves hadn’t outright talked about her, that they at least felt drawn or pulled to her. 
Changbin quickly brought the conversation back around to Chan having her number, which then brought back the clamoring by the others, bar Minho and Han, for their leader to pass on her number to them. Chan sternly told them that he would have to get her permission first before he would even think of handing out her number, which then spurs on calls for him to text her right then and there to ask, as well as a couple of pouts at Chan not immediately giving her number.
The leader sighed, before pulling his phone out and pulling up their texts. 
‘Hey there. So the others found out that I have your number, and they want it as well. I won’t pass it on to them unless I have your express permission to do so.’ He texted y/n.
It took a minute before she responded, and by the time she did, the boys had crowded around him and his phone. 
‘That’s fine! You can give it to them, I don’t mind.’ She replied to him.
“Oh! Ask her if we can have a group chat too!!” Hyunjin shouted out, making Changbin and Felix cover their ears.
‘And I have been asked to ask you if you’re okay with a group chat with the whole group.’ He passed on the question to her.
‘That’s okay with me as well. I assume it was Felix who wanted it? Or Han?’ She asked him.
‘Hyunjin, actually.’ He texted.
‘Ahhh, that would have been my third guess.’ She replied, and he laughed.
Hyunjin pouted, as did Felix, at being so predictable.
Chan quickly created a group chat, adding y/n to it last. As he predicted, the chat quickly fell into chaos. The boys all wanted her attention, and he had to step in to tell them to cool it, both by text and verbally. There were more pouts this time, the boys unhappy about being scolded. 
Since the industry has a habit of not disclosing the idol’s designations to fans since that incident at the fansign, and the pack of boys not knowing what y/n’s designation is, that’s the first thing after introductions to be discussed. Y/n is the first to spill, telling them that she is an omega, to which Felix chimed in as well. Though he already knew that, and was trying to cover up for the growing pool of guilt in his stomach at hiding it. Chan tells her that Han is the other omega of their group. Changbin, Hyunjin and Sungmin all tell her that they’re the betas, Seungmin noting afterwards that he’s the pack beta. This left Jeongin, Minho and Chan as the alphas, with Chan specifying that he’s the pack alpha. 
Y/n was thankful to know what each of the boys was, and now knows why she probably felt the most at ease with Chan, Han and Felix, with two of them being fellow omegas and one being a pack alpha. They start to discuss other topics, though the maknaes try to persuade her to reveal who her bias was, but she kept her mouth shut on that matter. They move on to getting to know her, 20 questions style but really, it was just them asking her questions instead of her asking them any questions.
During all of this, Chan notes that Felix is unusually quiet, which is odd because of how excited he was only five minutes prior. He’s usually the big texting person in the group, and yet he’s barely texting at all, just staring down at his phone. 
Felix is feeling the guilt settle in his chest, weighing him down almost. He can’t push himself to be part of the conversation, only staring down at his phone, slowly drifting away from reality. He can’t help but feel guilty, he ran away from her, and his omega had been berating him for his actions since then. He only jolted back into reality when Chan reached out to shake him, asking if he was okay. The freckled Aussie fakes a smile and tells his alpha that he’s fine. He knew he had to come clean, there was no other way around it. It wasn’t fair to keep her in the dark about this, but it also wouldn’t be fair to drop this over text.
Before he can regret it, he texted her in the group chat, ‘Are you free to call? There’s something you need to know.’ 
This set the pack into pandemonium, thinking that Felix was going to tell her about their feelings. Chan and Minho reach out for his phone, but the omega moves faster, moving out of everyone’s reach. 
A ding was heard as she replied, ‘I’m free right now, Felix. What’s up?’ 
Deciding to just call her instantly, to avoid himself backing out, and to keep the others away from him.
“Hey Felix, what’s up? What did you wanna talk about?” She asked him as soon as she picked up.
“I knew you were an omega.” He blurted out.
“How? You shouldn’t have been able to tell at the fansign, not with my scent covered.” She replied, confused at how he knew.
“I met you before the fansign, actually.” He admitted to her, and the others.
“I think I would have known if we met.” She started, before going silent.
“Y/n?” Felix tentatively called out to the omega over the phone.
“No, we couldn’t have. That was you?” He hears her say, both to him and to herself. 
“It was me. I’m sorry for what I did.” He told her.
“Felix-” She started, but he interrupted her.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you, and I’m so sorry that I ran away. My omega’s been berating me for it since I ran. I figured I’d never run into you again, but then you turned up at the fansign and when you didn’t recognize me, I thought that I just had to get through it and it would all be okay.” He apologized, and explained to the best of his ability.
His heart dropped as he heard a tiny gasp before a sob was heard from her side of the call. He hadn’t meant to make her cry, it was the last thing he had meant to happen. The others hear the sob and it’s enough to shock Han out of his scent high, his instincts on alert almost immediately.
“I didn’t say anything at the fansign because I didn’t think it was a good place to do so, nevermind the backlash that either of us may have faced. I had such a good time talking to you I swear. My omega’s honestly been yearning for you since yesterday, and I’m sorry I was cowardly and ran away. I was just so overwhelmed by everything I was feeling and my omega’s thoughts and urges and I couldn’t think of anything else to do but to run. I’m sorry y/n, for the hurt I caused you. I only hope you can forgive me.” He further explained, hoping that she would accept his apology, but know full well that she didn’t have to. Tears running out of his eyes by the end of his little speech. 
The rest of the pack could only watch on, concerned about both omega’s but unsure of whether to intervene at all. 
“Thank you for telling me, Felix. And thank you for apologizing. In the vein of being honest, after you ran, I went back to the hotel yesterday, because I had been overcome with a feeling of loneliness, and sadness. I made up a nest and after getting in it, I cried myself to sleep almost. My omega cried out for you, she was the most hurt by your actions.” Y/n admitted to not only Felix, but the rest of the boys unknowingly. 
Felix started sobbing, as did y/n. Both omega’s feeling great amounts of sadness, and each feeding off of the other’s emotions. Chan decided it was time to step in, pulling Felix in close and hugging the younger man, taking the phone from his hand and handing it off to Minho as the alpha stepped closer, Han by his side. The other omega wrapped his arms around Felix, providing further comfort.
“Y/n? This is Minho. Can I ask for more details?” The elder alpha asked the girl.
She explained from the beginning, going over the two omega’s first encounter, and ending it with what she had said before, about falling asleep in her nest due to her emotions overtaking her. She told him that she had no idea it was Felix, that for all she knew, it was just a random stranger who smelled amazing, but had just run out of the blue. 
As she continued to talk to Minho, her sentences eventually devolved into sobs and cries instead, fearing that she hurt Felix. Her sobs continued, worrying Minho that she’d start to hyperventilate and pass out because of it. He started to try and calm her over the phone, looking over to see that most of the group had crowded around Felix, trying to calm the omega down, though it wasn’t working. 
Y/n could barely hear Minho’s voice, her sobs having grown louder as she tugged at her shirt, whining and crying that she had made Felix upset. She hadn’t wanted to do that, and she wished she could take back what she said. She curled in on herself, her omega feeling as sad as she was, neither of them wanted this to happen. Her scent soured, smelling bitter now, instead of sweet like it normally did.
Minho called out to the omega, “Y/n? Can you hear me?” 
He only received a whine in reply, but it was better than nothing. 
“Omega, I need you to verbally answer me.” He told her, not wishing to call her that, but knowing it will help bring her back at least slightly.
“Can hear ya.” He heard her mumble.
“Good omega.” He praised her. “Thank you for answering me.”
He doesn’t think she’s going to fully calm down soon, and he’s worried about her dropping, so decided that he needed to go see her. He asked her where her hotel was, receiving the name of a hotel, which he was able to discover wasn’t far from their dorm. He told her to stay calm for him and to keep breathing. 
He caught Chan’s attention, the pack alpha motioning for him to come closer. 
“I’m going to see y/n, she’s in as much distress as he is right now. I’m worried she’ll pass out.” He says quietly, trying not to let the others hear, though his effort is for naught.
Felix and Hyunjin whined at what they overheard, the omega of the two freaking out further that the other omega was in distress because of him, enough so that she might pass out. Felix himself started to hyperventilate, worrying about y/n getting hurt while she’s all alone.
“Alpha, protect omega?” He managed to get out, directing it at Minho.
“We’re gonna protect you baby, don’t worry.” Chan reassured him.
“Not ‘mega, pretty ‘mega.” Tears welled up in Felix’s eyes as they weren’t understanding him. 
“I’m going to go help pretty ‘mega, okay kitten?” Minho said, running his hands through Felix’s hair, pushing his bangs back as he did so.
Felix nodded, before devolving into further worry, his omega taking over at that point. Tears were falling at a fast pace down the blue haired omega’s cheeks and his distressed scent almost made the others choke. Finally, to calm him down and having no other option, Chan scruffed the younger Aussie, causing him to go limp in the leader’s arms. Han grabs Seungmin, and the two start scenting their omega, trying to bring back that happy citrusy scent that they know and love.
Chan motions for Minho to go see y/n, or they’ll be dealing with a distressed omega all night.
“Go on, go see her. Take Hyunjin with you.” Chan ordered the two of them.
They quickly threw their shoes back on, taking the minimum they needed to get out the door. Hyunjin pulled his phone out, getting directions to her hotel. They hurried down the streets to her hotel, somewhat relieved that they made it there in under 20 minutes. 
They rushed into the hotel lobby, y/n having given her room number prior to them leaving the dorm thankfully. They pushed the button for her room, but of course they weren’t alone in the elevator, and it seemed that people had to stop and get out on every single floor. Finally they arrived on her floor, running down the hall to find her room, Hyunjin finding it first.
Minho knocked on the door gently, but loud enough that y/n could hear it. They heard noise from inside the room, before the door slowly opened. Y/n looked a mess, tear-stained cheeks and swollen red eyes from crying. She was still having trouble regulating her breathing, her breath hitching and shaking as she looked up at them. 
“Hi.” She said, barely louder than a whisper. 
Minho, on pure instinct, picked her up and carried her in his arms, one hand pushing her head into his neck and scent gland, letting her scent him if she wanted to. He brought her to her nest in the bed, laying her in it as he stayed outside of it. He looked at her for permission to enter her nest, and she quickly granted it. He crawled into bed almost instantaneously, pulling the omega into his lap and wrapping his arms around her. He rocked her back and forth, letting her scent him as much as she needed. Minho was just there to comfort her without judgment, as she cried into his shoulder. He softly cooed and whispered comforting words to her, telling her that Felix was fine, that the others were with him and that he would be fine, just as she would be fine.
Hyunjin was waiting outside the nest, knowing better than to climb inside without the omega’s permission. At that point, y/n had calmed down quite a bit, and had taken to scenting Minho, which Hyunjin knew the alpha would never let strangers do. Yet here he was, allowing her to do what she needed for comfort. It really did prove that connection they all felt, that the older alpha willingly left Felix in distress to come and see y/n, and even was acting on instinct to calm an omega he had only met briefly hours earlier. 
Minho caught y/n’s attention, pointing to the beta who was waiting. She immediately made grabby hands for the tall dancer, who smiled as he climbed into the nest.
“Hello little omega.” He cooed in greeting, getting a smile and a blush in response.
“Hiii beta.” She said, before hiding her face in Minho’s shoulder, to which the two men chuckled. 
Hyunjin moved close to her, rubbing her back softly. Her scent was still soured, which worried the two of them. It meant that she still hadn’t fully come back from her distress, or was hiding how bad it was. Except for the fact that scents never lied, so the two of them changed positions, laying down in the nest on their sides facing each other, with y/n in the middle of them. They took turns scenting her and trying to get her scent to brighten up. 
“It’s okay, omega. Everyone’s okay, no one’s upset or mad, you’ve done nothing wrong. Your feelings are valid, and we can talk everything out with Felix later, okay? But we need you to feel better first. We can’t have a sad omega, hmm?” Minho continued to reassure her, telling her that Felix would be distressed to see her like this.
Sometime after they arrived, y/n’s scent finally started to smell better, sweeter. Hyunjin’s beta and Minho’s alpha can’t get enough of her scent, the sweet honey and vanilla was so delicious. The boys felt the same way, the two of them chuffing in happiness. This was all strangely intimate for three people who had only met hours earlier, but there was a sense of rightness as they all laid together. It felt like this is what they should be doing, like they were just laying with another one of their packmates, not an omega they had met that day. 
Y/n’s omega was purring in happiness at being in between the alpha and beta. Her omega was loving this, even if it only happened because of a bad situation. The happier she gets, the more delectable her scent gets, and soon enough, the boys can’t help themselves. The two of them descend on her scent glands, attacking them in order to get more of that pretty scent to come out and their wolves want to smell like her, want her pretty omega scent all over them, as a claim of sorts. This attack almost causes y/n to go into a scent high, thankfully for her, they get interrupted before that happens.
Minho picked up her phone to see Chan calling her. He answered, “Hello Channie alpha.” 
“Hello Minho. How is y/n doing? Is she feeling better? I tried to get a hold of both of you, but neither you nor Hyunjin answered.” Chan questioned him, concerned. 
“We’ve taken good care of her, she’s feeling better now.” Minho replied.
“Y/n’s okay? She’s really okay?” Felix’s voice comes through the phone.
Y/n took this as her time to speak up. “I’m okay, Felix. I promise. Are you okay too, sunshine?” She turned the questions back on him.
“I’m okay, I promise!” He told her, wanting her to not be concerned about him.
The two omegas started chatting on other topics, but before long, Chan interrupted them and told them to save the conversation for another time. They both pouted, the respective boys on either side chuckling at their expressions. 
“Minho, Hyunjin, what are your plans now? Are you returning to the dorm now?” He broached the topic of what they would do, now that y/n’s been calmed down.
Hyunjin speaks up first, “Can we bring her back with us? Don’t want to leave her here alone.” Minho hummed in agreement.
Their wolves were insistent on not leaving her here by herself. What if she got distressed again, and they weren’t here to soothe her? That couldn’t be allowed. 
“We want her to come back with us. Omega shouldn’t be left alone.” Minho affirmed Hyunjin’s words. 
The use of omega tipped off Chan that Minho was not fully in control at the moment. That made him concerned, and their insistence really shocked the others, not expecting them to want to bring her back. 
Well, everyone except for Han, he wasn’t shocked that they were behaving like this. Han knew that there was something about her that pulled them in, and he was fully on board with her coming to their dorm. If Minho’s alpha was that protective over her, he knew that she was safe to be around. The man’s alpha is protective over his pack, and he’d never let anyone in that he deemed a threat. Plus, his alpha was right, when he said she’d look cute in their nest. He wanted that too, wanted her and Felix in the nest. She’d be their little omega, that they’d keep safe, and by Felix’s concern, he thought the same. 
“I want her here. Minho-jagi, bring her please.” The quokka-cheeked man spoke up, to everyone’s surprise. Thankfully, no one protested it, and Chan gave in, saying she could come and stay the night, to a round of cheers.
Chan sighed, before calling out to y/n, asking her, “Y/n, do you want to come here and stay with us for the night? You can say no, and I will come and get the boys. But you are welcome here if you want that.”
Y/n nodded, forgetting that Chan couldn’t see her nod. 
Minho caught her attention, “Omega, we need a verbal answer.”
She blushes in embarrassment, “I’d like that.” 
Honestly, she’s still in shock about it all, from getting Chan’s number to now laying here in between two-thirds of Danceracha, and she’s about to go back with them to their dorm. What is this life she’s living right now?
Her omega was thinking about getting to smell Felix’s sweet citrusy smell again. Plus the floral scents coming from Hyunjin, and what she could only think of as a clean laundry scent from Minho. Her omega is increasingly pleased with her situation, knowing that she wanted these boys as her pack, even if y/n hadn’t gotten to that point yet.
After confirming that they’d be heading back to the dorm soon with y/n in tow, Chan hung up. Hyunjin jumped into action, finding a bag of hers, and then heading into her bathroom to collect anything from there that she might need for the night. He found a bag for her hygiene and makeup items in the bathroom, and filled that up, before placing it in the large bag he found. He then moved out back into the main room, looking up at her and asking what he needed to pack for her.
Minho sat the two of them up as she directed him on what to pack, and Hyunjin dutifully followed her orders. Once he had everything, he brought the bag over for her to double check, looking happy once she approved, glad to be of service to the omega. Minho looked at him, pride in his eyes as he looked at the beta, a silent ‘good job’ mouthed to the younger dancer.
Leaving the bag on the bed, he went to find her shoes, as Minho moved them closer to the edge of the nest and bed. Hyunjin came back with her sneakers, and knelt down in front of her. He carefully put her shoes on her feet, the omega looking down at him with slight wonder in her eyes at how sweet the two of them were being. Once he had finished lacing up her shoes, he stood up and stepped back, grabbing her overnight bag in the process.
Minho moved her off his lap, before he slid off of the bed, immediately turning around to reach his hands out for her. She took them, and he helped her slide off the bed as well, landing softly on the ground, as if she was farther off the ground than the couple inches between her feet and the bed. Hyunjin hurried back over to the door, grabbing her coat off the hanger, and helping her into it. The two idols donned masks, and handed her one as well that they nicked on their way out as an extra for themselves. She put it on to conceal her face. They left the hotel room, but not before making sure y/n had the keys to her room.
They quickly rode back down the elevator and left the hotel, starting their journey back home. They two men knew where they were going, and each of them holding her hand, they led her down the streets until they approached the building their dorm was in. Heading up the lift to their floor, the doors opened and they hurried to their apartment. They arrived at the boys’ dorm, but before they could open the door, it opened for them, an excited Han on the other side. 
“You’re here! Come in come in!” He nearly shouted, causing the others to come rushing to the entryway as well, Chan and Felix pushing their way to the front. The two Aussie’s kept everyone back so that the three of them could enter the apartment. The boys took off their shoes, as y/n followed them in doing so. 
Once everyone’s shoes were off, Minho grabbed y/n’s hand and pulled her with him to the living room. He sat down on one of the couches, pulling her down next to him. Felix claimed the spot on her other side, as Han pouted, before he sat down in front of her. That didn’t stop him from complaining about how unfair it was, to the others’ amusement. 
They all started chatting, in an effort to make y’n feel more comfortable in their presence. It worked, to their delight, and she quickly loosened up and joined the conversations. They talked about anything and everything, though the older boys had a lot of fun telling her embarrassing stories about the younger four boys, who retaliated by telling her the same kinds of stories about their elders. This caused her to laugh until her sides hurt, before chiming in with a couple stories of her own. 
Eventually, more yawns than words were coming out of y/n’s mouth, and the eldest two took this as a sign that the small omega needed sleep. 
“I think it’s time for some sleep, yeah?” Chan said as he came up to her, Han had moved out of the way so he could get closer. 
Y/n nodded sleepily, having a harder time keeping herself upright. Chan, after getting verbal confirmation that it was okay to pick her up, did so, before taking her to their pack nest, and laying her in the middle of it. The two omegas hopped in after her, softly talking with her and removing anything on her person that might make sleeping hard. Once they were finished, and moved anything out of the nest, they settled in on either side of her, keeping her between them. 
The three betas climbed into the nest next, Hyunjin on the other side of Felix, while Changbin and Seungmin stayed on Han’s side of the nest. Jeongin slipped in behind Seungmin with Chan capping off that side of the nest, as Minho slid in behind Hyunjin, reaching over him to feel Felix and y/n as much as he could. 
With how many happy and content scents there were surrounding the omegas, it didn’t take long before the three were out cold. The three betas quickly followed, Changbin being the last of the three to fall asleep, watching the younger ones succumb to sleep first before he could. Minho was next, looking at Chan before nuzzling into Hyunjin’s neck and peacefully falling into the hands of sleep, and Chan took one more look around, his alpha being the happiest at seeing all of them safe here in the nest, before he too slipped into dreamland. The dorms were finally quiet, and the nine of them were safe in the nest, where they couldn’t be harmed.
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olicitymckono · 7 months
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AN: Hey guys this is my first reader insert for Eddie Diaz. Please enjoy!
Any mistakes are my own
Italics = texts and flashback
The day Eddie Diaz walked into 118 house Y/N knew there was something about him. Aside from his good looks, he had this presence about him that made her feel like she could immediately trust him. It had taken her a while to fully trust her other team mates but some how with him its different. The two of you had become fast friends and spent a lot of your free time together with Christopher and sometimes Buck.
One day things just suddenly changed. There had been a school shooting and somehow the LAPD had not been aware that there were two offenders. Once Athena and her team had the first offender in custody the 118 had been given the all clear to enter the building and help the victims. Y/N and Hen made their way in first. School shootings had always been hard for Y/N, no one but Bobby knew the reason for it but the team had always noticed. Y/N lead the way towards one of the classrooms where she heard crying. “Fire Department, we’re here to help,” she called out. She saw a young man look out the glass before slowly opening the door. “Are you hurt?”
“No but my friend is,” the young man pointed towards another boy who was surrounded by several other students. Y/N made her way over to him. He had taken a bullet to his stomach and had lost a lot of blood. She noticed that the other kids were scared which wasn’t unusual given the trauma they had just been through but none of them tried to leave.  Y/N looked towards Hen who she saw had also noticed.
“Its okay, we’ve got him. If you’re not hurt you can head outside.”
Several of the kids shook their heads, Y/N knew something was wrong. “Hen, we gonna need a back board. He cant walk out here.” Hen reached for her radio but Y/N stopped her. “Can you get it?” The look Y/N gave her made Hen worry but she got up and nodded. As she headed to the door Y/N said, “Tell Cap, it’s Cressway.” Hen looked at her questioningly but Y/N shook her head, “Go, I really need the back board.”
Once Hen was gone Y/N turned her attention to the boy on the ground. It didn’t look good and she really didn’t think he was going to make it, but she had to try. “Ok I’m gonna need some help.” She turned to a young blond girl. “What’s your name?”
“Hayley,” she replied softly.
“Okay Hayley I need you to keep pressure on...”
Y/N smiled lightly, “Jeremy’s wound. Press down really hard ok. Can you do that?” Hayley nodded. “Good.” Y/n leaned down to take a better look and soften her voice, “Who?”
Hayley looked at her before moving her eyes over to the young man who had opened the door. He was pacing now and seemed very agitated. “Okay, we’re gonna get out of here.”
Something didn’t feel right and Hen rushed to get the back board. She needed to speak to speak to Bobby but something told her not to do it over the air. She spotted Athena and rushed over. “Have you seen Bobby?”
“He went in after you guys, said something about the library. What’s up?”
“Somethings wrong.”
“Wrong how?”
“Hen,” they turned around as her captain and Eddie came out helping a young wounded girl who was bleeding from her leg. She rushed over.
“Cap, somethings wrong.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N said to mention Cressway.”
“Cressway? What does that mean?” Eddie asked.
Hen was about to say something when she noticed the look on her Captains face, “Where is she?” he asked.
“Inside. Cap what is it?”
“There’s a second shooter.”
“Are you sure?” Athena asked her husband.
Athena grabbed her radio and called it in just as a gun shot went off.
Her ears were ringing, the gun had gone off right next to her ear but she had managed to take down the shooter. She looked up at the scared kids in front of her and told them to leave, “Its safe now.”
They didn’t need to be told twice and raced for the door. Y/n sat down and leaned against the wall, “I really hate school shootings.” She reached for her radio, “All clear, suspect is down.”
Two seconds later Eddie was in front of her, running his hands over her body checking for any injuries. “Hey Diaz, if you wanted to cop a feel all you had to do was ask,” she joked.
“Not funny Hartley.” He got up and reached out his hand before pulling her up alongside him.
“Are you mad at me Eddie?” she asked at the tone of his voice.
“What were you thinking? You could have been killed.”
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him, “I was doing my job. PD gave us the clear. Last I checked I’m a firefighter.”
“You are not a cop. You should have like them handle the guy. When you thought something was up you call in.”
She shook her head, “I’m not arguing with you. I did what I had to diffuse the situation and help those kids.”
“That wasn’t your call.”
“Excuse me? I’m head paramedic.”
That’s enough!” Bobby step in. “Y/n I want you to go get checked out. Diaz go help Buck and the others to search.”
“But Cap,” she began.
“Don’t wanna hear it. That’s an order.”
With one final glare at Eddie, she shook her head and went to follow her boss’ instructions.
Pulling back into headquarters Y/n was still fuming at the way her friend and co worker had spoken to her, like she was some sort of child. As soon as the engine came to a stop she hop out and headed straight for the showers. Sitting down on the bench she took a deep breath and allowed herself a chance to process everything.
She looked up, “Hi Cap.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head, “ Not really.”
He nodded in understanding but still made his way over and sat down next to her. “I know that this was hard for you.”
“Its the job. I’ve handled school shootings before.”
“Not like this one, not since Cressway.”
“I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I know. But regardless I want you to take the day.”
“Are you benching me?”
“No, I’m telling you to take the day and do something relaxing. Something that will take your mind off what I know your thinking off. Maybe Luke is around.”
She smiled at the thought of her boyfriend. She nodded, maybe Cap was right. It had been a long day. “Ok.”
He got up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You did good.”
“ Thanks Cap.”
The young man looked up from his plate and gave his boss a questioning look. “Yeah?”
Bobby sat down, “What was that about back at the school?”
Eddie knew what he was talking about. To be honest he didn’t even know what had come over him. When he had heard that gun shot go off, it had scared the hell out of him. He couldn’t lose Y/N. She was his best friend. “I don’t know Bobby. When I heard that gun shot, I panicked. I don’t even want to think about losing her.”
“DO you have feelings for her?”
Eddie shook his head frantically, “No way....I mean yeah she’s my best friend.”
“Bobby nodded, “We all care about her Eddie, but we trust each other here. We just each other to do our jobs and that’s what she did.”
“How did you know Cap? About the second shooter?”
“Not my story to tell.” Bobby got up. “Just trust her.”
“Luke, you home?” Yn called out into his apartment as she walked in.
“Hey babe. You’re home early.” the Australian man who had stolen her heart 5 years ago smiled as he walked into the kitchen. He was a lawyer who worked from home and the two had met at the courthouse one afternoon during a fire.
“Hey,” she sighed as he pulled her into his arms.
“Is everything ok?”
“No,” she mumbles into his shirt.
“What happened?”
“School shooting.”
He pulled her tighter, rubbing her back. “Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head. “Are you busy or can you distract me?”
“Mmm, that depends on what kind of distraction you want,” he smirked.
“Mind out the gutter. I thought maybe a hike.”
“You know I would do anything for you but I have a zoom meeting in like an HR.”
“Its ok.” She reached up and kissed him. “Thought I’d try my luck.”
“How about dinner? That little French restaurant you love so much.”
“Sounds perfect. I’m gonna go on that hike so long. I’ll see you later.”
“Pick you up at 8. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
That night as he lay in bed Eddie had the worst nightmare and now he just tossed and turned, unable to get the image of Yn out of his head. He knew it had been just a dream and that she was perfectly safe but the thought of her been hurt, haunted him.
“Hey, you awake?” he messaged her.
“Yep. What’s up?”
“Can’t sleep. U?”
“Me neither.”
“You wanna get some coffee? Christopher is at a friends.”
“Sure, or you could come here?”
“I’ll be there now.”
Sitting on her balcony they had foregone the coffee and we’re nursing a few beers. He could tell she wasn’t herself. “What’s wrong?”
“Today was just hard. And you having a go at me didn’t help.”
“I’m sorry. When I heard the gunshot, I got scared.”
“Ok. I guess it hasn’t missed your attention that school shootings are hard for me.”
“I’ve noticed.”
She sighed. “Back in high school it was just a normal day. All of a sudden during lunch Randy Hurst a senior opened fire. A few of us managed to get out of the lunch hall and hid in the library.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I lost my brother that day. Along with 15 others.”
He took her hand in his, “I’m sorry.”
She smiled at him. “The worst part was that there were two shooters. No one knew about the other boy until he pulled out a gun. He was in the library with us. Police responded quickly and some students were able tackle Randy but Aiden was still there. He had been friends with Luke, my brother. He had run with us and just sat there head in his hands. At the time it didn’t seem weird. We were all scared. But when we heard the sirens Aiden started talking to himself, like he was going mad.”
“Maybe he was having second thoughts?” Eddie asked as he brushed his thumb along her hand.
“That’s what he said. He was prepared and ready but something stopped him and when Randy started shooting, Aiden panicked. He ran with us. I still don’t know what happened, why he hesitated then decided
 shoot in the library. I never asked him, I was too scared.”
“How did it end?”
“We could hear officers coming towards us. Shouting to let us know so we wouldn’t be afraid so some of us got up and tried to get to the door. But Aiden pulled a gun and shot Alicia Mount. He rushed the door and made us get back.
“Second shooter! I repeat we have a second shooter!”
We could hear officers shooting right outside the door bit no one came in. Alicia just lay on the floor, blood pooling from her back.
“Aiden, what the hell are you doing?” my brother Luke asked, voice shaking.
I have never seen him scared before except when our grandpa was sick and dying.
“Get back!!!” the shooter screamed waving the gun in front of Luke.
I walk forward slowly and take my brother’s hand. “Luke…”
“Stay back Ynn.” Luke looked at me and I looked back pleading with my eyes for him to not do any thing stupid. He got the message and moved away slowly from Aiden, one hand raised in surrender, the other clutching mine tightly. A mere few minutes later a young boy, most likely a junior tries to sneak out but Aiden spots him and raises his gun. Luke took the opportunity to tackle the boy. A single shot rings out. Luke grimaces and I knew he had been hit but he won’t let go of the boy. “Run!”
Most of the group didn’t need to be told twice but I didn’t want to leave my brother.
“Dammit Yn go!!!!”
Tears in my eyes I run for the door and as I round the corner I run into a police officer. He is asking me something but I can’t hear him. We have to help Luke. “My brother he’s….” another shot and it’s only because the officer had grabbed onto me tight that kept me from racing to him.
Several other officers slowly make their way towards the library. A few minutes later one comes back and asks me to come with him. I hesitate but follow him. Luke and Aiden are both laying on the floor. “Who is it?”
I point at Aiden who I can see is still alive. Luke is still. The police roughly pull Aiden up and hand cuff him, mindful of his bleeding arm. I rush to my brother.
“Luke? Luke?” he doesn’t open his eyes. His stomach is covered in blood. “Wake up!”
I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. It’s a paramedic.
“Please help him!”
He nodded as another man joined him and the police man from earlier pulls me up and leads me outside.
“Luke died on the way to the hospital.”
Eddie pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “He sounds like a hero.”
She sniffled before pulling back. “He was. So many more could have died that day.”
They sat there for a while before he remembered something. “What’s Cressway?”
“His last name. Aiden Cressway.”
“Where is he now?”
“Locked away for the rest of his life. After the trial my parents moved us to LA. My grandparents on my mom’s side lived here and they felt we needed a new start. When I became a paramedic and joined the department I didn’t tell anyone but when I joined the 118 we had to respond to a shooting at an elementary school. It was my first one since that day and Cap called me out. That’s when I told him everything. He promised it would stay between us and I’ve managed to handle it.”
“That’s why he looked at you before we got to the school?”
She nodded. “He tries to take care of me.”
“He cares about you. We all do.”
The way he said that made her feel different and the way he was looking at her caused her to blush. She took a breath. “Today was the first time I’ve experienced a unknown second shooter.”
“You did a good job today. I over heard some of the kids talking afterwards. You saved their lives.”
“I just thought about what Luke had done.”
“Promise me though you won’t do that again?”
She looked up at him in annoyance. “Can we not do this again Eddie? I did my job.”
“I know.” He threaded his fingers with hers. “But I can’t lose you.”
She soften her look and brushed her free hand against his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere Eddie. But I can’t not do my job.”
“I suppose,” he got up and walked inside and she could see there was something else.
“Is there something you’re not saying?” she got up and followed him.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know Eddie, you tell me.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No please, share what’s on your mind!”
“I can’t lose you!” he snapped.
“We established that already!” she fired back taking a step closer. “Its our job. We’ve been doing it for years. Why all of a sudden are you acting like this?”
“I’m gonna go.”
“Edmund Diaz! I promise if you walk out that door……”
“What? Huh?” he closing the gap between them. “What are you gonna do Yn?”
He was so close that she could feel his breath against her skin. His eyes piercing into hers. She took a shaky breath and took a step back. “What did I do?”
“You could have been hurt or worse.”
She shook her head and tried to walk away, annoyed with the conversation now. He grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against him, lips crashing against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Wrapping his hands around her waist he tried to pull her closer, never removing his lips from hers. As his fingers brushed against her exposed skin between her pants and top she gasped. Using it to his advantage he slip his tongue into her mouth. Neither wanted to stop but air was becoming a necessity and when they final broke apart they both had to catch their breath. “I’m in love with you.” He whispered against her lips.
She stepped back, “What?”
He let her step back but refused to let go of her hands. “I’ve been for a while. I only knew for certain when I hard that shot. So many things raced through my mind as I was racing inside. How I might not get to tell you how I feel. How we could be a family, you, me and Christopher. How there is so much I want to do with you and share with you.”
“You make my life so much better since you came into it. I always felt like there was this hole, like something was missing and nothing could fix it. Then I met you and you became my best friend. It felt like I had finally found my missing piece.”
“I care about you too, I’ll be honest and say that I do have feelings for you too but I have a boyfriend.”
He nodded sadly, “I know. I just…..I needed you to know.”
“I’m sorry Eddie.”
Over the next few weeks things between Yn and Eddie felt awkward and the team noticed. Buck and Chin had tried talking to Eddie and Hen had tried with Yn but neither of the two wanted to talk about it. Exactly 2 months after that kiss Christopher walked into the kitchen and confronted his father.
“Why doesn’t Yn come over anymore? Did you have a fight?”
“Its complicated buddy.”
“Well just tell her you love her and fix it.” Eddie was surprised that his son knew about his feelings and it showed. “I see the way you look at her. How happy you are when she’s around.”
Eddie sighed. “She knows but it’s too late. She has a boyfriend.”
“Its only too late if you give up. And it looks like you have.” Christopher walked out the room.
An hour later Eddie went to his son’s room to try and explain but when he open the door Christopher wasn’t there. “Chris?” he went through the entire apartment calling out for his son, his panic starting to increase. He grabbed his phone and called Yn.
“Christopher’s gone.”
She had just sat down, flipping on the TV when her cellphone rang. Eddie.
“Christopher’s gone.”
“Where was the last you saw him?” she asked jumping up and racing for the door. As she opened it she felt her the panic in her chest subside. She sighed in relief. “He’s here.”
“I’m on my way “
She put down the call and pulled the young boy into a tight hug well as tight as he would allow. “You scared us. Your dad is worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
After making sure Christopher was all ok and getting him some juice she sat down next to him on the sofa.
“Why did you run away?”
He looked down at the glass in his hand. “You and Dad are fighting and I don’t like it. You never come by anymore.”
She felt ashamed. In the last two months Eddie had done his best to avoid her and at first she had tried but eventually gave up. She hadn’t thought about the boy sitting here. “Christopher, I’m so sorry. What ever is going on with your dad and we shouldn’t have let it affect you.”
“Do you love my dad?”
She sighed, “Yes but it’s not that easy.” She added seeing the hopeful look on his face.
“How come? Is it because of Luke?”
“Luke was a factor yes.”
“Why can’t it just be simple? You love dad and he loves you.”
Before she could answer there was a knock at the door. “How many speed limits did you break?” she jokingly asked Eddie as he stood there.
“A few.”
“He’s on the sofa. Don’t be too hard on him.”
Eddie smiled softly at her, knowing just how much she cared for his son.
“Hey bud. You scared me.” He said sitting down next to him.
“I’m sorry dad. I just wanted to see Yn.”
“I know and I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I made a mistake and it affected you.”
“Does this mean that you too won’t be fighting anymore?”
“I hope not,” Eddie replied glancing over at his friend. She nodded in agreement but had a funny look on her face.
“Hey bud,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and handed it to his son. “I’m gonna chat to Yn real quick. Why don’t you watch something?”
Eddie smiled before getting up and nudge his head towards the balcony. She silently followed him. After stepping outside he closed the sliding door behind him.
“Did you mean that?” she asked.
“Kissing me was a mistake?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” he honestly replied.
“Because it broke our friendship.”
“No, that was you deciding to be an ass.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“No arguments here.”
“Yn, it’s hard. Watching you be with someone else.”
“Well maybe if you had talked to me you would know that Luke and I broke up.”
“What?” he asked.
She nodded. “A month ago.”
“What happened?”
“His brother got in an accident and he went home to Sydney. It was supposed to be for a two weeks but he realized how much he missed Australia and his family. Lucky for him his firm has an office over there.”
“So he just left you?”
“He asked me to go with. But I don’t want to leave LA, my family, the 118….you.”
“Me?” he asked moving closer to her. He didn’t want to get his hopes up but he also didn’t want to miss an opportunity.
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you but you weren’t talking to me and I haven’t really told anyone. They just think he is helping his family and will be home soon. And you’re  seeing someone.”
“Marisol and I went on two dates and that was it.”
“Christopher and you. I thought maybe he was just being difficult. Didn’t like the idea of someone taking his mom’s place. But turns out it’s because it wasn’t you.”
She turned to look at the boy inside, she loved him and she was in love with his dad. She had missed them terribly even though she saw Eddie everyday at work. “So where does this leave us?”
“I miss you, and if we are just friends then I’ll make it work. I just need you.”
“And what if I don’t want to be just friends?” she asked closing the gap between them.
He wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, then I would be the happiest guy alive.”
“No more fighting or running.”
“Just you and me.”
“And Christopher.”
He chuckled, “And Christopher.” He kissed her.
“Oh,” she pulled back slightly. “And no getting mad at each other for doing our jobs.”
“As long as you don’t do anything risky.”
She arched a brow, “Me?”
He nodded.
“It was one time. You on the other hand…..”
She never got to finish her sentence as he swiftly kissed her once more.
Back inside Christopher click on the contact and dialed the number. As soon as it was answered he said with a smile. “Hey Buck it worked.”
If either Eddie or Yn found out Buck had been in on the plan…..he was a died man.
An: please let me know if you want more Eddie Diaz and Yn or if you have any requests.
I also write for Formula one and I'm working on a Dean Winchester X reader 😘
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Eddie Diaz x reader - what’s important to you
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Please... Ok imagine Eddie from 911 going on a couple dates with reader who also speaks Spanish and finally introducing her to Christopher... Like would Eddie be nervous, would reader be nervous, how would Christopher react? - @azeal-peal 💜
A/N: italics will be Spanish
He had met you through Hen, it was an accident, you just happened to on a night out at the same bar that the team were out on a night out at.
Hen introduced you to everybody, and when you friends went home with guys, you stayed with them just happily talking away.
Eddie couldn’t keep his eyes off you that night, you were beautiful, you were dressed up nicely, but not too revealing, just enough to turn heads as you walked through the door.
And he realised you didn’t need to be on a night out to turn heads, because when you walked through the doors of the station his eyes immediately found you.
“Hey, have you seen Hen?” You asked.
Eddie snapped out of his daze.
“I Uhm.. I think.. what?” He stuttered.
He wasn’t actually listening, and he gave you a sheepish grin which you returned with a small laugh and a bright smile.
“Hen, she said she was here but I can’t find her.”
“Oh I actually think she’s with Bobby right now, but you can wait up there if you want.”
He pointed to the upstairs part of the station, and you grinned brightly.
“Thanks Eddie!”
“You remember my name?” He asked confused.
He remembers telling you his name, but that was a few weeks ago, he wasn’t expecting you to remember.
You stopped on the stars and smirked.
“I remember the name of everybody, especially good looking firefighters.” You winked.
He smirked a little bit, following after you up the stairs, getting a bottle of water from the fridge and he brought it over to you.
You took it, offering him a sweet smile.
“You think I’m good looking?”
“You could be poster boy for the recruitment campaign.”
He laughed a little, looking away.
“Well, thanks. Nothing compared to you though, you could enter a world beauty contest and win by default.”
“Oh yeah?”
He hummed a little, directing his gaze back at you.
“Does that line win over all the ladies?”
“I don’t know, did it win over you?”
“Depends on what you’re thinking.”
“Well, I was thinking a nice dinner, maybe a movie?”
“Oh he makes his move, bold choice Mr firefighter, are you sure it’s the right one?”
He grinned a little at you.
“After work?”
“I’ll get Hen to give you my address, don’t be late hot shot.”
You got up, giving him another wink as you walked over to your friend who had just come up the stairs.
Eddie was right on time for you date, and it went amazing, so you asked him for a second date the following week.
Every week for two months you two would go on a date, just slightly getting to know one another.
Today was no different, you were walking around the pier with him, your hand in his as you walked over to a few of the stall games.
“I bet I could beat you.” He said.
“Oh you’re so on!”
Eddie smiled softly at you.
He learnt pretty quickly when you got really happy or excited about something you reverted to Spanish, and he had once heard you arguing with Hen in Spanish because he had to translate.
He paid for both your games, and you began throwing the balls at the targets, seeing who could knock down more cans.
He was winning at the start and he gave a cocky grin.
“You’re all talk.”
You scoffed a little.
“You wish, I was just biding my time.”
Tossing the final ball in your hand, you threw it, knocking over all but one of your cans.
Eddie stood there in pure shock, and he stared at you.
“Oh no, that’s cheating, come on!”
“I’m just that good Eddie Diaz, suck it up!”
You picked your prize, and he picked another, taking yours from it so he could carry it around for you.
You were grinning from ear to ear.
“You can keep that by the way.”
“What? But you won it.”
You smiled a little at him.
“Give it to your son, I remember you saying he was really into superheroes right now, I thought maybe he’d like a huge iron man plushie.”
Eddie smiled down at you.
“You remember that?”
“Of course, I remember everything you say. I know he’s really important to you.”
“Not many people are interested in seeing a guy who has a kid.”
You paused and so did he, turning around to look at you.
Walking over, you reached up, placing your hand on the side of his face, running your thumb along his cheek.
“Eddie it doesn’t bother me you have a son, I’m dating you for you, if you have a son that’s nothing to do with me. He’s your son, he’ll always come first, and I expect you to always put him before me. I’d be pretty pissed if you didn’t.”
Eddie turned his head, kissing the palm of your hand, then he leant down, connecting his lips with yours in a passionate kiss.
You moved your hand to the back of his head to hold him there, leaning up into the kiss, and you finally pulled away.
“I’m in this for us Eddie, however long that may be, and nothing will scare me away.”
He smiled, brushing his nose against yours before he kissed you once more and fully pulled away.
“I want you to meet him.”
“He’s the most important person to me, and I really like you, I like what we’ve got going on, and I really want you to meet each other. Is that okay? Because if it isn’t you don’t have too.”
“Yeah, I’d love that. Just me when.”
He gave a nervous smile.
“How about today? You can give him this toy?”
“Is that okay?”
“Hell yeah, let’s go!”
You grabbed his arm and began dragging him back to the car.
Truth be told you were nervous about meeting his son, you knew how important Christopher was to Eddie, and you wanted to make a good impression.
But at the same time you didn’t want to impose on them either, you didn’t want Christopher to think you were taking his dad away or trying to change anything.
Eddie was nervous about introducing the pair of you, he really liked having you around, he wanted to have you around his apartment, cook for you, get you involved with much more instead of seeing you once a week.
As you guys reached his apartment you were nervously holding his hand while he unlocked the door.
The man came padding around the corner and you offered a wave which made Buck grin.
“Oh I’m so getting out of here.”
He grabbed his jacket and jogged out of the apartment.
“Wait here.”
Eddie kissed your cheek, wondering over to the couch and he crouched down in front of his son, hugging him gently.
They spoke quietly and finally Eddie gestured for you to come over and you did.
You sat next to Christopher.
“Hey, I’m (Y/N). It’s really nice to meet you.”
“Are you my dad’s girlfriend?”
“Yeah, that’s right. I got something for you.”
You held the plushie out, and the boy took it, laughing a little as he held it tightly in his arms.
“Do you like my dad?”
You smiled at Christopher brightly, nodding your head, looking over at Eddie who had walked over to the kitchen.
“Oh yeah, I do. But I know your dad loves you a lot. So I was hoping maybe we could be friends.”
“Who’s your favourite superhero?”
You hummed a little bit, leaning back on the couch.
“That’s hard, but I think it has to be Hawkeye. I think he’s really cool.”
“But he has no superpower.”
“That’s what makes him super cool, he’s got no powers but he still saves people, he kinda reminds of of your dad..” you whispered.
Christopher beamed brightly, looking at you and he leant back at as well.
“My dad has been really happy.”
Christopher nodded a little bit.
“Where do you work?”
You began to tell him everything, answering all of his questions and when Eddie turned around he wore a soft smile as he looked at the pair of you.
You two seemed to be getting along really well, and he couldn’t ask for anything more
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kenacoki · 29 days
After Nightfall
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// Pairing // Eddie Diaz x GN!Reader
// Request // Y/n has a nightmare about Eddie dying and wakes up scared which accidentally wakes Eddie up. She reverts into flight mode and runs out of the house and Eddie runs after her. She runs into an alleyway and starts crying and Eddie finds her and comforts her.
// Word Count // 7k
// Warnings // mentions of death and blood
// Dividers // sister-lucifer
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As you walk through the front door into Eddie’s house, you set your bags on the floor, “You really didn’t have to do this, Ed’s. I-I coulda got a hotel room or something until they get the gas leak fixed in my apartment.”
Eddie shakes his head, closing the door behind you and locking it. He turns to face you, a reassuring smile on his face.
“Don’t worry, it’s no problem.” He averts his attention to the small boy sitting on the couch. “Besides, you know how much I-Chris—How much Christopher loves having you around.” The tips of his ears flush red with embarrassment at his almost slip-up.
You smile at his words, thoughts of his adorable son bringing you a sense of comfort. He takes a step closer, his eyes studying your face closely.
“And besides, you know I’d never let you pay for a hotel room when you could just stay here instead.”
You can feel your face heat up slightly, a mixture of emotions swirling inside you at his words. You know he’s just being friendly, but there’s a hint of something else in his eyes that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“I...I just don’t want to impose or anything…” you nervously mutter.
Eddie chuckles softly, his expression growing a bit softer, “You’re not imposing, you know that. Besides,” His deep honey-colored eyes pierce into yours, “I like knowing you’re here…close by.”
His words send a flutter through your stomach. You’re not sure what it is, but there’s something about the way he says it that makes you feel almost giddy.
He continues into his kitchen, opening his fridge and scanning the shelves. “You hungry for anything particular?”
You follow him into the kitchen, your (e/c) eyes taking in the familiar small space. It’s cozy and comfortable, just like the rest of his little home. You lean against the counter, folding your arms over your chest as you shake your head.
“Not really, just something small is fine..“ you reply a bit absentmindedly, still a bit distracted by his words from before and the fluttering in your stomach. You snap your attention over to Christopher, “What about you, Chris?”
Eddie rummages through his fridge for a moment before pulling out a Tupperware of leftovers and placing it on the counter. He smiles, his eyes sparkling with a sort of fond excitement at the mention of his son.
“Actually, he’s spending the night with a new friend, a kid named Dustin. They met a few days ago and practically bonded instantly. I swear, those two are like peas in a pod..” he chuckles softly, his voice filled with genuine happiness.
“Sounds like about like you and Buck…” you joke, glancing back at the small boy on the couch.
Eddie smiles, a sly twinkle in his eyes at your comment. He leans against the counter next to you, nodding slightly in agreement.
“Yeah, maybe a little. Except I’m smarter than Buck so...” he says jokingly, his teasing tone playful.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes at his comment. You know he’s just teasing, but you can’t help but banter back.
“Oh yeah, says who?” You challenge, your eyes flickering to his, a small smile on your face.
He grins, enjoying the playful back-and-forth. He leans in a bit closer, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Says me,” he retorts, his tone confident and sure. He pauses for a moment before adding, “And also Buck. He’s admitted multiple times that I’m the smarter one.”
You snort, shaking your head in amused disbelief.
“Yeah right, I’m sure he said that..” you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm. You know Buck all too well and know for a fact that he would never admit Eddie is smarter than him; even if it was partly true.
You watch as he opens up the leftover container and grabs two bowls from a shelf in his cabinet. He grabs a spoon and evenly divides the food into each one.
He hands over one of the bowls, your fingers just barely brushing against his. For a brief moment, your eyes lock, and for a second you swear you see a tiny flash of something in his gaze. However, it’s gone in an instant, quickly replaced by his usual playful confidence.
“Oh, believe me, he did.” He says, a hint of pride in his tone. “He’s just too stubborn to admit it in front of anyone else.”
Taking the bowl from him, you roll your eyes once more. But can’t help the smile that sneaks onto your face at his insistence. There’s just something so undeniably charming about his confidence, his ability to banter back and forth with you like this…
“Alright, whatever you say, Ed’s. Just don’t let it go to your head, okay?”
He chuckles, grabbing his own bowl and joining you at the counter. He raises his bowl slightly in a mock “cheers” gesture.
“No promises.” He says, his tone jokingly cocky. He takes a bite of his food, a satisfied hum leaving his lips at the taste. He eyes you from the side, a sly smile on his face.
Chuckling slightly, you shake your head at his smugness. You take a bite of the food, mirroring his satisfied hum. The food is actually pretty damn good, just the right amount of spices and seasonings.
“what is this?” You question, slightly muffled by the food in your mouth.
He grins, taking another bite before replying, “It’s something my abuela used to make,” he says, fondly recalling a memory. “It’s a sort of chicken and rice dish with this secret blend of spices. I’ve gotten pretty good at it if I do say so myself.”
There’s a hint of pride in his voice as he explains.
Humming in approval, you take another bite. It really is good, and the fact that it’s something his abuela used to make makes it taste even more special.
“Yeah, I’d say that’s an understatement,” your mouth still half full as you speak. You swallow before continuing, “This is really good, Ed’s. I’m impressed.”
Eddie has a tiny smile on his face as you praise his cooking. He seems almost shy as he ducks his head slightly, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Thanks,” he mutters, his voice suddenly a bit bashful. He takes another bite, trying to hide his slight embarrassment.
There’s a knock at the door, Eddie sets his bowl down on the counter, “That must be Dustin’s parents. Let me grab Christopher’s stuff real fast.”
You nod, finishing the last bite of your food. You set the bowl down on the counter next to his, watching as he heads down the hallway toward Christopher’s room.
After a moment of silence, you can hear snippets of their conversation through the house as Eddie greets Dustin’s parent and hands them Christopher’s bags.
“I love you, bud…” your heart swells as you hear Eddie say goodbye to his son for night. They exchange their thanks and leave, saying their goodbyes to Eddie as they do so.
Hearing the front door close, Eddie reappears in the kitchen after a few moments. He looks a bit distracted though, leaning back against the counter and letting out a small melancholy sigh.
You study him momentarily, noticing the slight shift in his demeanor. You’re not sure what’s on his mind, but you can tell something’s off.
“Everything okay?” You ask him, your voice soft and concerned.
He seems surprised by your question as if he had been lost in his own thoughts for a second.
“Hm?” He hums, blinking a few times before his brain catches up. “Oh.. yeah, I’m fine…Just-just lost in thought for a moment, is all.”
You eye him doubtfully, clearly not entirely convinced by his response.
“Are you sure?” You question a hint of worry still in evident your tone. You lean against the counter next to him, studying his face closely in an attempt to read his expression.
He flashes a faint, reassuring smile, trying to downplay whatever is going on in his head. But his eyes give away his true thoughts, the slight unease and tension still lingering in their depths.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Don’t worry about it.” He says, his voice sounding almost forced. He notices that your bowl is nowempty and grabs it, turning around and placing it in his sink.
You don’t quite buy his response, not fooled by his attempt at nonchalance. But you can tell he’s not in the mood to share or talk about what’s going on in that head of his, so you decide not to press him too much.
Nodding slightly you just hum in acknowledgment, suppressing any remaining suspicion. Eddie quickly changes the subject.
“Hey, you want to watch a movie or something?”
You can tell he’s trying to deflect and change the subject from what’s going on in his head, but decide to let it slide for now.
“Sure, yeah. What do you have in mind?”
He grins, his eyes lighting up slightly.
“How about a horror movie?” he suggests a hint of mischief in his voice.
You let out a small scoff, immediately catching on to his game. You narrow your eyes at him, a scowl forming on your face.
“Very funny, Eddie.” You cross your arms over your chest, giving him a disapproving look.
He grins innocently, the mischief now clear in his eyes. He knows the effect movies like that have on you, and he revels in it.
“What? I’m just asking a simple question..” he says, feigning ignorance. He leans a bit closer, his tone becoming more teasing. “Scared you won’t be able to handle it?”
You glare at him, the annoyance evident on your face. Damn him for always finding ways to tease and rile you up like this…
“Oh, please. I can handle a damn movie, no problem.” You practically growl out, your pride taking over. You strut over to the couch and plop down.
He chuckles, clearly enjoying how easily he’s getting under your skin. He follows you over to the couch and takes a seat next to you, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“If you say so.” He replies, his tone still playful and smug. He grabs the remote off the coffee table and scrolls through the movie selection. “Any particular one you want me to put on? Or should I pick?”
You roll your eyes, not even dignifying his smugness with a response. You can already tell he’s going to pick the most horrifying movie possible, just to mess with you.
“You pick.” You dramatically grumble, your voice filled with both annoyance and a hint of resignation.
His grin widens at the response, clearly overjoyed at the opportunity to pick something that’s going to make you squirm. He continues browsing through the selection for a few moments before stopping on a particularly scary-looking movie.
“What about this one?” he holds up the remote and points it at the TV. He glances at you from the corner of his eye, a sly smile still plastered on his face.
Looking at the TV, your eyes widen as they skim over the screen. As soon as you catch sight of the movie title, a shiver runs down your spine.
“No way,” you say, voice firm and resolute.
He feigns shock at my refusal, his brown eyes widening, “What, why not? It looks like a good one...” he says, his tone overly innocent. He turns to you, his eyes practically glittering with mischief.
“You’re not really scared, are you?”
You scoff, annoyance growing with every word that leaves his mouth. You can practically see the taunting gleam in his eyes, and it only irritates you further.
“Of course, I’m not scared.” You quip back, voice full of faux confidence. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of admitting that the movie is actually terrifying.
He smirks, clearly not buying my act for even a second. But he plays along anyway, his voice dripping with faux concern, “You’re not going to get nightmares, are you?”
Your (e/c) eyes playfully glare at him, your irritation continuing to rise.
“Oh, please. I don’t get nightmares from stupid movies, dumbass. And even if I did, I’d just wake up from it. No big deal…” You retort your tone laced with annoyance.
You yank the remote from his hand and press play, sinking back further into the couch.
He lets out a soft laugh at your display of defiance, clearly amused by your stubbornness. He watches the TV as the movie starts to play, his gaze occasionally flickering back towards you. His eyes sparkle with a hint of anticipation.
“Whatever you say,” he responds, his mocking tone making it clear that he doesn’t believe you.
The movie continues, and you keep your focus strictly on the screen, refusing to give Eddie the satisfaction of seeing you scared.
As the movie progresses, the tension in the room thickens, almost palpably. Despite the gore occurring on screen, you force yourself to keep up a neutral expression.
However, as the movie becomes more and more intense, your heart rate quickens ever so slightly.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie notices the slight shift in your demeanor.
He sees the way your body tenses up as the movie becomes more intense, the subtle clench of your jaw as the suspense builds. But he doesn’t say anything, not yet anyway. He just continues to watch you closely, waiting for the moment when you finally crack.
As the movie's plot takes a particularly sinister turn, the tension in your body reaches its peak. Your fingers grip the edge of the couch tightly as your heart beats faster and faster, the sound of it thumping loudly in your ears. You try your best to keep up the facade, to keep a stoic expression. But as the movie gets progressively more horrifying, you can feel your resolve starting to waver—
“Boo…” Eddie's breath fans against your ear.
You nearly jump out of your skin at his sudden voice. Your heartbeat practically shoots through the roof. A surprised squeak escapes your lips before you can stop it, your body jolting forward instinctively.
"Jesus Christ!" You yell, your voice a mixture of fear and annoyance as you turn to glare at him. “Don't do that!"
He grins at your reaction, clearly relishing in the fact that he’s successfully scared you. He chuckles softly, his dark eyes sparkling with amusement, "I Couldn't help myself."
“You..you’re an ass sometimes.” You swiftly reach over and mess up his hair, teasing him playfully.
He gives a faux indignant scoff, attempting to look offended by my words, but the grin on his face betrays his true amusement. As you mess up his hair, he laughs softly, trying to duck away from your hand.
“Hey, hey!” He protests in a mock-upset tone, playfully batting your hand away. “Watch it. You’ll mess up my hair.”
Hearing his somewhat dramatic response to your little attack, you can't help but chuckle in response. You know he's just messing around.
"Oh, right. My bad. Can't have that perfect hair getting messed up, can we?" You tease, voice dripping with sarcastic sympathy as you ruffle his hair up even more.
Eddie laughs again as you mess up his hair, the gesture sending his bangs falling across his forehead in a disheveled mess. He tries to feign annoyance again, but the laughter keeps slipping out. He lifts his hand to try and fix his hair, but it's no use. You’ve completely ruined the carefully-styled look he had going on, and he knows it.
However, after you playfully mess it up with your fingers, it becomes more tousled and disheveled, sticking up in a way that somehow makes him look even more ruggedly handsome. A hint of annoyance flashes in his eyes as he quickly runs a hand through his hair to try to smooth it back down, but he can't quite hide the amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
It’s quite a contrast from his usual meticulously-styled look, but somehow it suits him just as much. Despite the slightly ridiculous appearance, he still looks effortlessly attractive.
“You look like a freaking mess now.” You comment, a playful grin on your face.
He rolls his eyes, but the laughter still tumbles from his lips. He gives you a half-hearted glare, pretending to be irritated by the comment, but there’s a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“Gee, thanks. You really know how to flatter a guy, don’t you?” He retorts, his tone dripping with playful sarcasm.
You give an exaggerated shrug as your grin widens.
“What can I say? I’m just that good.” You slyly tease as you lean back further into the couch. Your eyes grow heavy as they look at the clock on the wall.
Eddie shakes his head in mock exasperation, still trying and failing to fix his hair. He glances over at the clock as well, his own eyes growing a bit heavy.
“It’s getting late.” He yawns out, the corners of his eyes crinkling up.
You nod in agreement, a small yawn of your own escaping your lips once again. Carefully, you stretch your arms above your head, your muscles protesting at the motion. As you do this, the hem of your shirt rides up an inch, exposing a sliver of bare skin.
“Yeah, it is.” You agree, voice a bit groggy. You lean your head back against the couch, eyes fluttering slightly. “Maybe we should get some sleep..”
Eddie notices your exposed skin as you stretch, his gaze lingering on it for a moment before he quickly averts his eyes. He clears his throat softly, trying to distract himself from the sight. He nods in agreement with your suggestion.
“Yeah, you’re right. We should get some sleep..” He agrees, his voice tinged with weariness.
You notice his brief glance at you, but as quickly as it’s there, it’s gone again. It makes you feel strangely self-conscious for a moment, but you shake off the feeling quickly. You’re both tired, it's probably nothing.
The movie on the TV continues to play in the background, but neither of you is paying attention to it anymore. It’s mostly just white noise now. Eddie stands up from the couch, his body stiff from sitting for so long.
“I’m gonna go brush my teeth and stuff…” He says, stifling a yawn with his hand. “Goodnight.
“Okay…” you call out, voice soft and groggy with the need for sleep. You watch as he heads off down the hallway towards the bathroom. Letting out a small yawn, the exhaustion from the day finally starts to get to me.
“Night…” You mutter, your words slurring together slightly in your sleepy state. Slowly, you head down the hall to Eddie’s guest bedroom.
After a few minutes, Eddie returns from the bathroom, now clad in a pair of pajama pants. His hair is still messy from earlier, the strands sticking out every which way. He makes his way down the hallway to his own room and crawls into bed, the exhaustion now taking over as he closes his eyes and drifts off into sleep.
Carefully, you crawl into the bed and pull the covers up to your chin as darkness starts creeping into your vision.
The soft, welcoming embrace of sleep begins to envelop you, as the fatigue of the day starts to take over. You feel yourself begin to sink into the bed, the mattress molding perfectly to your form. Your thoughts slowly start to dissolve as sleep finally pulls you under. You can feel your eyelids closing as your mind begins to slip into unconsciousness.
The gentle sounds of night filter in through the window, the crickets singing their melodic lullaby. The moonlight casts a silvery glow over the room, creating a peaceful, calming atmosphere.
As you sink deeper and deeper into sleep, your mind begins to wander, slowly losing touch with reality. Your breathing slows, and your body grows heavy and relaxed. The world around you fades away, your mind drifting off into a dream, blending reality and fantasy into a vivid, surreal world.
When your eyes open again, one thing is for sure; you’re inside your apartment; more specifically your living room. You can practically smell the faint scent of coffee lingering in the air from earlier in the day. The furniture is exactly where you left it, nothing amiss. The room is silent and still causing an uneasy feeling to form in your gut.
Walking further into the apartment, your footsteps echo softly throughout the quiet space. You glance around as you move towards the kitchen, your steps getting more cautious. There’s a small part of your mind that’s screaming at you, telling you that something's wrong, that this isn’t right.
Entering the space, your eyes scan the room for anything out of place. Your breath hitches in your throat as you see the silhouette of a man behind your kitchen island.
“Eddie…?” The figure whips around. They look exactly like Eddie, down to every last detail. Their clothes, their hair, even the faint scruff on their jaw.
You freeze in place, your heart nearly stopping as you take in the person standing in front of you.
“Wha-how…how did you—how did we get here? I thought we were at—”
Your heartbeat quickens in your chest, the fear starting to take over. You take a small backward step, your wide (e/c) eyes locked on the figure in front of you.
He takes a step closer to you, his gaze fixed on you. The gesture is so familiar, mirroring the way Eddie moves and acts so perfectly it’s almost eerie.
“Why…why didn’t you help?” He questions, a twisted smile on his face.
His words send a shiver down your spine, your blood turning cold. The smile on his face is almost sinister, a sharp contrast to how Eddie usually smiles.
“What?” You manage to croak out, your voice coming out small and afraid.
He takes another step towards you, his footsteps silent on the floor. He moves unnaturally as if he’s simply gliding across the room. Your heartbeat thumps loudly in your ears as he gets closer, every one of your instincts telling you to run.
“Why didn’t you help me?” He repeats, his tone cold and curt.
Hearing his repeated question, a wave of confusion washes over you. Help who? Him? You lost, unsure of what he’s talking about.
“H-help—Eddie what are you talking…” you trail off, your voice hoarse with fear as you notice a tiny, almost missable stain on his shirt.
Then slowly, almost tauntingly, a sickening pool of crimson starts to spread across and stain the shoulder of Eddie’s grey shirt.
The sight of the red stain sends a jolt of fear through you, your eyes fixed on the growing spot of blood as it spreads across his shirt… just like when he was shot by the sniper.
He doesn’t seem to realize it’s there, or he just doesn’t care. He keeps moving forward, closing the space between you.
A million thoughts run through your head, each one more terrifying than the last. You try to back away further, but you can’t seem to move your feet. It’s as if you’ve been frozen in place, trapped under his intense gaze.
“Eddie..” you manage to whisper out, your voice barely a hoarse whisper. “What’s happening?”
He smiles again, the expression sending another wave of chills down your spine. He stops moving, standing just a few feet away from you. His gaze scans over your form, taking in every detail.
The intensity of his gaze causes you to shrink in on yourself, your body instinctively trying to make yourself smaller. The urge to run away is stronger than ever.
“Please,” you plead, voice shaking as you try to keep yourself together. “please wake up…please wake up.”
He seems to find the request amusing, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. It sounds like Eddie’s laugh, but there’s an undertone of malice in it
“Wake up?” He says, his tone almost mocking as he takes another step towards you. “But aren’t you already awake?”
Abruptly, he grabs your hand and brings it against his damp shoulder, staining your hand a crimson red
Gasping, you can feel the sticky, warm liquid against your palm and fingers as you're forced to touch it, the feeling causing a wave of nausea to wash over you
“No...no this isn’t real.” You mumble, denial and disbelief warring with each other.
once again you attempt to wrench your hand away from his grasp, to break free, but he holds it firmly in place. He keeps it planted against his shoulder, forcing her to feel the blood seeping through the fabric of his shirt.
“Isn’t real?” He replies, his tone almost mocking as he speaks. “Looks real to me.”
He glances down at the stain on his shirt, acting as if he’s just noticed it for the first time. His brown eyes widen in horror as he looks back at you before collapsing to the floor of your apartment.
“Eddie!” You scream, your knees hitting the floor as you crumble beside him.
Blood pools on the floor beneath him, seeping out from the bullet wound in his shoulder, staining the wooden floor a sickening shade of red. His face is twisted in agony, a silent scream caught in his throat as his body tremors uncontrollably. Despite your best efforts, it's clear that he's fighting a losing battle, his strength and resilience gradually being overpowered by the onslaught of pain and injury.
“G-Get up! Eddie…” The sight of him lying there on the floor in agony, his life slowly slipping away, sends a wave of anguish through your heart.
Your hands shake as you try to stop the flow of blood oozing from his shoulder. You can see the life slowly draining from his eyes, the light fading as he struggles to stay conscious. His breath comes out in shallow, ragged gasps, each oneweaker than the last. It's like watching a slow, torturous countdown, every tick of the clock bringing him closer to the end.
“Eddie!” Your body jerks up in the guest bed as you’re snapped out of the horrible nightmare.
Panting heavily, your body is coated in a thin layer of sweat. You look around the room in a panic, trying to make sense of your surroundings. It’s dark, but you can see the familiar contour of Eddie’s furniture in the room.
You sit there for a few more moments, trying to slow your racing heart. The nightmare had been so vivid, so realistic…you can still practically feel the blood on your hand, the wetness, the warmth of it.
You can’t help but shudder at the memory, wiping your hand furiously on the blanket as if trying to rid yourself of the phantom sensation.
Still slightly disoriented, you stagger up from the bed. Flinging open the bedroom door, you practically stumble out into the hall. Your body still shakes slightly from the after-effects of the nightmare. You can still see the image of it fresh in your mind…
Logic tells you that the nightmare isn’t real, that it was just a fear-fueled dream, but the fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins makes it difficult to think straight. The silence of the apartment is almost deafening in your heightened state.
“I-I can’t be here…” It feels like you can’t breathe like the air is suddenly too thin as panic starts setting in. The fear coursing through you outweighs your common sense. Your brain tells you that you need to get out of here.
“Mmm..? (Y/N)…?” The sound of Eddie’s voice jolts you out of your panic for a moment. Whirling around, your gaze lands on Eddie as he emerges from his bedroom, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he yawns. “What are you doing?”
He’s clad in a pair of grey pajama pants, his hair sticking up in every direction. He looks tired and disoriented, his eyes half-lidded as he takes in the sight of you.
You feel your heart flutter in your chest. The sight of him standing there safe and unharmed fills you with a sense of peace. However, the fear from the nightmare is still there, lurking in the back of your mind.
You struggle to find your voice, your throat dry and constricted.
“I-I’m sorry…” You fling open the front door, the warm night air engulfing you as you take off down the sidewalk.
Eddie is taken completely off guard by your hasty exit, his sleep-addled mind trying to process what just happened. He stands there at the door for a moment, dumbfounded and disoriented.
It takes him a few moments to snap out of his stupor, his tiredness instantly replaced with worry once he realizes that you’ve left.
“Wait…!” He calls out, stumbling out the door after you.
He struggles to keep up with you, his tired legs slower than yours. He tries to call your name again, but he’s out of breath from running, the words coming out as more of a gasp.
“(Y/n) wait, stop-!” He manages to catch up to you, reaching out to grab your arm.
You flinch at the feel of his hand on your arm, it can’t help but remind you of the nightmare…but in the back of your mind, you know it’s just Eddie.
Your Eddie.
Halting, you tear your arm away from his grasp, whipping around to face him.
He’s breathing heavily, his face flush from the short run. He looks at you with confusion-filled eyes, bewildered by your sudden exit and the look of fear etched on your face.
“What the hell’s wrong…?” He pants out, trying to catch his breath.
You look at him for a moment, the fear and panic still lingering in your eyes. The words spill out before you can stop them.
“I-I had a nightmare..” you stammer out, voice trembling slightly as you force yourself to continue “About…you.”
Your voice softens at the last few words, guilt seeping into your tone. You feel bad for just tearing out of his house in the middle of the night.
He looks down at you, his expression still confused and a bit bewildered. He runs a hand through his messy hair, processing her words.
“About me…?” He asks, the confusion evident in his voice. He doesn’t look angry or offended, just curious.
Your lip quivers as you avert your gaze down to the cracked sidewalk, “Back…Back when you were shot by the sniper.”
Recognition flickers across his features as you mention the sniper, his body tensing slightly. He’s silent for a moment, his expression turning into a grimace as he remembers the painful memory.
“Oh..” He mutters, his voice low.
He reaches a hand up to rub the spot on his shoulder where the sniper had shot him, a ghost of pain flaring up temporarily. The gesture seems involuntary, almost like an instinctual reflex.
“Yeah…that was a pretty shitty experience.” He mutters, his tone dry and humorless.
A pang of guilt shoots through you as you watch him rub his shoulder. You hadn’t meant to bring up the painful memory, you’d just blurted out the first thing that came to your mind.
Fidgeting under his gaze, you shift awkwardly where you stand. With your (e/c) eyes filled with hot tears, you keep your attention fixated on the ground; you don’t want Eddie to see you in this state.
He looks at you, surprise flickering across his face for a brief moment at your apology. He shakes his head “Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault.” He replies, his tone softer than before.
You know that, but still, “I know it’s not..but…but the nightmare…” you trail off, struggling to put your thoughts into words.
He lets out a deep sigh, his expression turning sympathetic. He takes a step closer to you, his gaze fixed on your face.
“Hey, it was just a dream…” He says gently, gesturing to himself as if to prove his point. Exhaling, He grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it above his shoulders.
before you can process what he’s doing, the sight of his bare chest stops all thoughts in their tracks. Even in the low lighting, you can make out the definition of his muscles, and the smoothness of his skin.
Your breath hitches in your throat, eyes widening slightly as you stare at his exposed skin. You can feel your heartbeat quicken again, the sight of his bare chest sending a wave of heat through your body.
He seems completely oblivious to your reaction, his attention focused on his shoulder as he turns to point out the healed bullet wound left behind by the sniper.
You can see the pink puckered skin, the evidence of the traumatic injury marring his flawless skin. The sight of it only increases the guilt that’s already churning in your gut.
“I’m fine, see?”
Swallowing, you try to compose yourself as you force yourself to speak again.
“Y-yeah, I see it...” you try to keep your tone even. However, your voice still wavers, showing the effect of Eddie’s actions.
He lowers his shirt back down, his attention returning to your face. He studies you for a moment, a hint of concern in his gaze as he notices the way you’re staring at him, the way your voice trembles.
He takes a step closer to her, “Hey, it’s okay, alright? I’m fine. That’s all in the past now..” He mutters gently, his tone soothing.
Nodding, you look back down at the cracked sidewalk.
He reaches out and places his hand on your shoulder, his touch warm and gentle. He speaks softly, his voice laced with concern.
“Hey, look at me.”
Slowly, you peer up at Eddie through your eyelashes. The feeling of his hand on your skin is almost grounding, bringing a small comfort in the torrent of emotions that you’re drowning in.
Tenderly, he pulls you into a safe, secure hug.
As he pulls you against his chest, you can feel the warmth of his skin through the thin shirt. The feeling of his body pressed against yours causes goosebumps to prickle your skin.
He rests his chin on top of your head, his grip around you tightening as he holds you close.
Your bottom lip trembles as Eddie's words sink in. Every gentle stroke of his hand, every soothing word he speaks, chips away at the barriers you’ve built around your heart, leaving you raw and vulnerable in a way you’re not used to. You can't hold back the tears any longer, the dam breaking as a choked sob escapes your lips.
Every soothing word he whispers in your ear, every gentle touch he uses to comfort you, only serves to make you cry harder. Your emotions completely overwhelmed by the love and tenderness.
Your body shakes with sobs, your tears soaking through Eddie's shirt, leaving small damp patches against his skin. You cling to him like a lifeline, your fingers digging into his back as you try to hold back the flood of tears.
Eventually, you let yourself relax into his embrace. The steady beat of his heart under your ear is soothing, the sound chasing away the residual fear from the nightmare.
Eddie says nothing. His fingers gently glide up and down your back in a soothing motion, his touch comforting. He can feel your body relax against his, the tension slowly draining from your muscles as you sink into his embrace.
“C’mon, let's head back…”
You nod against his chest, not ready to break away from his embrace quite yet. When you finally do break away from his embrace, you can’t help the pang of disappointment that shoots through you. You look up at him, your (e/c) eyes locking onto his.
There’s no anger visible in his eyes, no trace of annoyance or irritation, just concern and gentle affection as he gazes down at you.
He reaches out a hand, his fingers gently brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face.
The feel of his fingertips on your skin causes a small gasp to escape your lips. It’s such a simple, innocent gesture, but it’s enough to send your heart into overdrive.
You look up at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of desire and uncertainty.
Eddie’s fingers linger on your face, tracing a slow path down your jawline. His touch is incredibly gentle, but it sets your skin on fire.
He leans down a presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Your eyes widen at the feel of his lips against your skin, your body responding involuntarily to his touch. The kiss is brief and gentle, but it’s enough to send a wave of heat coursing through your body, your heart skipping a beat in your chest.
You let out a small, shaky sigh as Eddie intertwines his fingers with yours, his grip warm and firm. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, his touch sending another wave of heat through your body.
He leads you back to his house, walking slowly alongside you. He glances down every now and then, his gaze filled with affection.
As you reach the front door of his house, the soft glow from the porch light washes over the two of you. He pauses for a moment, reaching down and brushing a strand of hair out of your face once again.
“You okay now..?” His voice is soft, almost inaudible as he speaks
Nodding, your heart pounds wildly in your chest as his fingers brush against your skin. You meet his gaze, your chest flooding with a confusing mixture of emotions—
He looks down at you, his gaze scanning your face. It’s as if he’s trying to read your thoughts. He can see the emotions swirling in your eyes, a mix of confusion and desire that’s almost palpable in the air. It’s a familiar feeling, something he’s felt himself on occasion.
He lets out a soft, ragged breath, his heart rate increasing slightly.
You look up at him, noticing the way his breathing has quickened, the way his heart is beating a little faster in his chest.
It’s a subtle change, but it’s enough to send a spark of hope through you.
Taking a small step forward, your body moves closer to his on instinct, the need to be close to him growing too strong to resist.
Eddie swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Your proximity is intoxicating, your mere presence sending his senses into overdrive.
He tries to keep his composure, but it’s a losing battle. His gaze wanders down to your plump lips, his eyes lingering on them for a moment, his thoughts racing with a thousand sinful ideas.
You notice the way he’s looking at you, the heat in his gaze sending a jolt of electricity straight down your spine. You can see the desire in his eyes, the barely restrained need written all over his face.
“Eddie...?” You look up at him through half-lidded eyes, your breath coming out a soft, ragged gasp.
He swallows hard, your soft gasp sending a shiver down his spine. He can feel your body pressed up against his, the heat of your skin radiating through his shirt.
“Yeah..?” His voice comes out in a low, rough whisper, the word carrying the weight of all the desire he’s been holding back.
“Kiss me again.”
His breath hitches at the words, the pure need in your voice sending a wave of heat coursing through his body. He looks down at you, his gaze fixed on your lips, your flushed face, your stunning (e/c) eyes.
He reaches out, cusping your face in his hands, his touch gentle and firm at the same time. He leans down, his lips hovering just above yours.
“Please…” That’s all Eddie needs, crashing his lips against yours.
You sigh into the kiss, It’s gentle and tender, soft and sweet. You press yourself closer to him, hands snaking around his neck.
Eddie takes his hand and weaves it into your hair, the other sliding down to rest on the small of your back, holding you firmly against him.
You let out a soft gasp as you two break away, your breath coming out in short, ragged pants. Looking up at him, your vision is dazed and unfocused as you try to catch your breath.
Your body feels like it’s on fire, your skin tingling from where his hands rest. You can feel his heart beating erratically against your chest, the rapid pace mirroring your own.
He runs his hand through your hair, tracing a slow path down your back, “God, you’re beautiful.” He admits, his voice low and hoarse.
The feeling of his hand in your hair, the sound of his voice, low and gravelly in your ear; sending a shiver through your body. You lay your head against his chest, listening to the steadying beat of his heart.
“I guess you’re not so bad yourself.” You shyly smile, your tone teasing.
He lets out a low chuckle, the sound vibrating throughout his chest. Tightening his grip on you, he pulls you even closer to him.
“And there’s the smartass I know.” Eddie jokes, his tone warm and affectionate.
He unlocks the door, holding it open for you while he gestures for you to go in with his head. A small smile tugs at your lip, your heart fluttering in your chest as you feel his breath against your skin.
Carefully, you step through the door. Your body still tingles from the feel of his touch. You glance back at him, “You’re lucky that I love you.”
He raises an eyebrow at your words, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he trails in behind you.
“Oh! You love me now, do you?” He teases, closing the door behind him and locking it with a soft click.
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christinarowie332 · 9 months
my boys .
chris and matt sturniolo x bestfriend
chris sturniolo x best friend original character
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warnings : drunk character , swearing , will be a part 2 .
one drink .
it was supposed to be anyway.
as i sit on the toilet of a random friend of a friends house it suddenly hits me how drunk i actually am . im still , but it feels like im rocking back and forth . am i rocking back and forth?
im not too bad with my drink , as in , i won’t throw up , and i don’t really get hangovers, however my stubbornness always gets the best of me when im drinking . like now , one glass of rose with a friend turns into me on my 7th shot at someone’s house party because i believed my own tolerance was higher then it actually was .
i close my eyes and swallow the acid that tries to surface, my face contorts at the taste and a feel a surge of anxiety fill my spine . is this the night i throw up ?
i open my phone and scroll through my snapchat , random people’s story’s , some from the same party i’m at now . i’m guessing anyway , my blurred vision makes it hard to see anything , especially as i open text messages to ask someone to pick me up , and the text on my keyboard seems to shift and dance around the screen . opening mine and chris’s messages with a slight smile , i start typing . i love that boy .
chrus are you homw?
who the fuck is chrus ?
yes i am home u ok?
can yoi comw pick me up plx i’m with gracee!
i hate grace
me tpo
love yoi tho
i love you too casey
are you at graces house ?
okay so where ??
just send me your location, i’ll get matt to come pick you up .
but i wann see you ??
i’ll obviously come with him
cant have u puking on his seats !!!!
how tf doe u being there stop me puuilking ??
i’ll catch it with my hands 🥰😍😍
your diss gusting
i’ll slurp it like soup 😜😘
cheis stop ur gonnna makie me throw up
love you
be there iab cdawg
i giggle slightly at the conversation. full confidence in my typing skills as i send him my location and get up from the toilet . too fast . i make my way out side and sit on the porch of the house , scrolling through tiktok as i wait for the boys to come get me . i love them so much .
the cold weather makes it hard for me to scroll properly, the temperature making my fingers work in slow motion as i watch every video on my for you page extremely intensely, trying my hardest to focus on that instead of the hangziety that currently is deciding to reside in my brain . after a few minutes, i hear bass of a car approach the house and lift my head up wobbly, seeing the familiar headlights and number plate .
i smile and attempt to get up , but as i said before . it’s cold as shit . my legs fail me and i only make it half the way up before i start back right where i started . ass on the ground.
chris’s croaky voice allows my eyes to snap away from the ground , meeting his raised eyebrows and his dumbfounded smile as he watches me gather my surroundings.
“christopher!” i say happily, getting up slight too fast and stumbling into his chest . his arms catch me around my waist and i look up to him sheepishly , seeing him allready looking at me with a shit eating grin .
“hello casey , come on let’s get you home” he says as he turns me to his side , supporting my weight against his hip and under his arm , making his way to the car .
as we reach the door he opens it and attempts to put me in the back seat . i don’t duck quite as quick and i end up bashing my head against the car doorframe.
“shit sorry!” he says before hissing through his teeth and continues to help me in the car , following my own path and sitting next to me in the back . i rub my head dramatically and slowly look to chris beside me , his smile not meeting his eyes as he looks at my hand and takes it away from my head , looking for bruising .
his one hand stays on mine as the other brushes my hair from my forehead, making sure i wasn’t hurt . my eyes stay on him . his lips curled in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed in worry . he meets my eyes and smiles . then they move down to his other hand that is still on mine in my lap . he tries to pull it away awkwardly but in drunken confidence i grab it . swinging my body around and laying on his side , putting my head on his shoulder . after a few minutes he relaxes , and i feel his curls touch my forehead as his head leans on top of mine . drawing out a sigh of relief from me .
“i feel like a fucking uber driver” matt says from the front , breaking the comfortable silence .
“you are our fucking uber driver” i reply , my eyes still closed against chris’s shoulder. i feel chris’s shoulders move as he laughs , making me smile and open my eyes .
“oh so i’m getting paid for this ?” he says looking at me through the mirror.
i stay silent
“i know your not asleep casey i can see your eyes”
i close my eyes .
idk i’ll post part 2 tomorrow i just cba to do the whole thing now lmao !!!
@querenciasturniolo @ermdontmindthisaccount @recklesssturniolo @udonotknowme @iheart2021chris @its-jennarose @oversturn @plasticferal @paper-crab @parkerssecrets @strniohoeee @daddyslilchickenfingers @flowerxbunnie @kvtie2 @kenzieiskoolaid @kvtie444 @lovingmattysposts @loveesiren @lustfulslxt @lunarsturniolo @littlebookworm803 @chrisenthusiast @carolsturns1 @bluesturniolo333 @biimpanicking @nickdevora @mattslolita @mattsbratt @mangosrar @starsessense @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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graveyardlifeguard · 5 months
Survivors Part 2
Summary: Occurs during the events of Season 4x13 and Season 4x14 of 9-1-1.
*This is my first attempt at writing after many, many years so please go easy on me*
Warnings: Shooting, Injury, Blood
Notes: This one's going to be a touch long so I don't have to break it so awkwardly, but the next part will be out really soon!
Strictly Angst with a teeny tiny bit of Fluff
Eddie Diaz x Paramedic! Reader
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Later that night at home, Chris and I stood by the door and watched as Eddie fiddled with the couch pillows. Carla was coming back tonight, and Eddie was only slightly excited about her return. He had been fussing over intricate details since we had gotten home from work.
“What do you think? That looks better right?” Eddie asks, still fussing over the same two pillows he has been playing with for the last 5 minutes.
“I think it looks exactly the same.” Chris laughs as we watch Eddie continue to fluff the pillows.
“I just want everything to be perfect. It’s been over a year” Eddie finally turns around to look at Christopher and me.
“It’s going to be awesome!” Chris says. He had missed Carla more than anything in the world. With Eddie obviously in the number 1 spot, there was no doubt in my mind that Carla was number 2 on his list of favorite people. She had always been a steady female presence in his life that I knew that he needed. Whether he knew it or not. My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the knocking at the door that Chris excitedly moves towards. Opening the door, Chris all but screams Carla’s name before she laughs and wraps him up in a giant hug. The smiles on Christopher and Eddie’s faces are bright enough to light all of California with. Letting Christopher have the first hug, Eddie and I move slowly towards Carla before joining in the hug. If Carla didn’t feel missed based off of the giant hug, I don’t know how else we could have shown her.
Sitting around the table just like old times, eating and laughing together brought back a lot of great memories. Christopher had just gotten done telling Carla one of his crazy stories from school. “I’m sure your teacher was thrilled.” Carla laughs in return at his story. Noticing that the plates are empty, Eddie leans forward to grab them up as I quickly jump up to grab them for him.
“No, no, no let me grab those” I say, hurriedly moving to gather up the plates.
Carla tries to offer her help with Chris jumping in to stop her, “You can’t go in the kitchen!” Chris exclaims.
Carla gives him a funny look while I try to cover out tracks, it’s a secret that Christopher is very adamant on.
“That’s right,” I start as Eddie smiles and nods is head in agreeance, “we have some business to take care of." Carla chuckles as Christopher and I head off towards the kitchen.
We dump the dirty plates into the sink before I grab both of the cakes we made out of the oven, where we left them to sit until the right moment.
“Can we yell surprise when we come out of the kitchen?” Chris asked.
I laughed and before responding, “Well of course, how else would we surprise her.”
Christoper had begged us to make Carla two cakes, one for each birthday we had missed with her while she was away. He had chosen the colors of the cake, pink and blue. He had explained to Eddie and me that we needed both colors to split between the two boys and two girls. Opening the kitchen door and stepping out, we both yelled surprise, catching Carla off guard. Christopher walked up to Carla and wished her a Happy Birthday; we all knew her birthday is in March, but it felt right to celebrate the ones we missed together. Plus, who didn’t love extra cake.
“Light the candles dad.” Chris says to Eddie with Eddie magically pulling out candles from thin air. Carla looks over the two cakes, quickly counting the number of candles that were scattered across both tops.
“Okay that is a disturbing number of candles.” She laughs as Chrisopher moves to stand next to me.
“Thank goodness there’s a firefighter and paramedic in the house.” I smile up at Christopher, loving the way he had absolutely lit up with Carla back around. I know he had missed her and had certainly taken it hard when she had to leave to be with her dad. He was sad but also understood that she needed to be with her dad just like he needed to be with his. Looking back towards the table, I couldn’t help but notice the way that Eddie was already smiling at me. He looked at me the way that every girl wanted to be looked at. The smile that he gave me made it hard for me to not smile back. He and Christoher were my entire world and there was nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep them with me.
The next shift was exactly like the last one, busy and filled with paperwork. I was at the station for maybe thirty minutes in total, all day. And somehow not once did I run calls with the 118. Which meant that I did not get to see or talk to any of them, excluding Hen who had called to get advice about a call they were on, until it was time to pack up and go home for the day. Luckily, my relief had shown up early, meaning that I was able to shower and change before I normally was able to. Walking out of the dorms, I find Eddie standing at the bay door, a contemplative look on his face.
I make my over to him before asking, “What’s got you thinking so hard my love?” He looks up, startled, as if I had completely snuck up on him. He gives me one of his dazzling smiles before shaking his head.
“Just a call we went on today, something seems off but I’m not sure what it is.” he replies.
That’s understandable. I feel like most of the calls we run nowadays are just off. I had honestly chalked most of it up to being my paranoia from the crazy Covid calls we received.
“Do you want to talk about it on the way home? Maybe I can help you work it out.” I ask him.
He smiles and shakes his had before saying, “We’ve both had a hell of a day, work is going to stay at work. It’s my time to have you all to myself.”
He bumps his shoulder into mine before grabbing my hand and leading us to the car. After the shift we had, it was nice to know that no one needed us. At least for the next 9 hours that was.
At home, I had opted to start the laundry while Eddie moved into the kitchen to start dinner. Carla and Christopher were in the living room reading together when we got home. After receiving a huge hug from Chris, I started into the bedroom to collect our laundry basket. Once laundry was started, and I was in much more comfortable clothes, I made my way into the living room. Only to find it empty with voices being heard in Christophers room. Inside, Christopher, Carla and Eddie seemed to be sorting through old toys of Chris.’
“Wow, someone’s feeling generous.” I comment after finding the trio, moving to sit down on the floor near Chris’ bed.
“I got to talk to a boy that Dad met at work, he’s sick and can’t go out much. I want to give him some of my old toys.” Christopher replies. He hands over an old police car and book that I know he hasn’t played with in a while. Looking up at Eddie, he notices the hint of confusion on my face. I know we hadn’t talked much, but I hadn’t heard of his new friend he seemed to have made today.
“Did you happen to see the structural collapse call were on around lunch time?” He questions. I shake my head ‘no’ as I lean over to help go though toys.
Eddie continues on after seeing my answer, “This boy’s mom semi-fell through her balcony and her son, who’s around Chris’ age, called it in. He has an auto-immune disorder and isn’t able to leave the house much. I ended up staying with her son while she went to the hospital.”
The story quickly catches my attention. My head shoots up and can I tell my face is giving away my thoughts. It so often does as Eddie continuously points out to me.
“Would this call happened to have occurred at The Regal Point Apartments?”
Eddie looks up at me and nods, “Yeah it was, I thought you didn’t see the call? Well anyways the mom was telling me that since she has to stay home and take her of her son, people have been generous enough to donate to them through online donation sites. Chris here had the great idea of donating some of his toys to the son.”
There it is again.
There’s that red flag, waving now at the forefront of my mind. This has to be Shiela and Charlie. I think it over before standing up and telling Chris how proud I am of his generosity. “I’ll be right back.” I state to the group before exiting the room. Eddie gives me a questioning look as I leave.
Making my way into the kitchen, I sit down at the kitchen table, open my laptop, and begin doing some research on Sheila and Charlie Leute on a local Fund Me page. Although I began my search locally, I quickly find multiple Fund Me pages scattered across the West coast. The most interesting detail is the fact that each account with their first name ends up coming back with a different last name. The red flag initially waving in my brain is now the size of a football field. I knew it. Jumping up from the kitchen table, I walk back towards where I know the trio still sat. Leaning up against the door frame, I look over to Eddie, knowing that this would hurt his feelings.
“Hey Eddie, can I talk to you for a second?” I ask, starting to walk back towards the kitchen.
Eddie glances up at me before he stands up and starts making his way towards me. He stops short of the doorway and turns back to Carla and Chris.
“Don’t let him give away the whole house while I’m gone!” Eddie continues behind me where we start back towards the kitchen. I can hear Carla laughing at Eddie’s comment, she knows that Christopher is just that generous to do so.
“What’s going on?” Eddie questions.
“I was thinking about what you said, how that family supports themselves through their Fund Me page, so I started looking around.” I sit back down at the laptop while Eddie chooses to lean up against the cabinets. It was hard to stay focused on the task at hand when he did things like that. Something about him leaning against things had an unnecessary affect on me.
“You went snooping?” I can feel the questioning look aimed towards the back at my head. I swivel in my seat so he can see the serious look on my face. Although the hint of a smile on my face certainly doesn’t help my case. I begin fiddling with my ring finger, where my actual engagement ring sits on full display. Being able to see it and feel it helps me relax, my body already knowing how important this situation is.
“The family and story just seemed really familiar to a call I had the other night. At the same address. I was hoping for it be a coincidence but that’s unfortunately not the case. Alicia and I went out there the other night for the son and something just didn’t seem right then. I thought I was just being overdramatic, so I let it go. But I think there is something wrong with this woman. I think she lied to us”
Eddie gives me yet another confused look before pulling out the chair beside me and sitting down. He throws his arm over my shoulder and slides the chair closer to me. I can tell that he understands how strongly I feel about this just by the look he is giving me.
“Well,” He starts “you know I trust your instincts so what do you have?”
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inbarfink · 2 years
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Okay, so when it comes to “What Remains of Edith Finch” I’m generally among those who subscribe to the reading that there is nothing supernatural about the ‘family curse’ - that it is nothing more than an unhealthy coping mechanism that became a self-fulfilling prophecy through a tradition of neglect and recklessness also maybe some slew of undiagnosed hereditary mental illnesses. But one aspect of this interpretation that I’m not really on-board with it is the idea that this makes the ending of the game, like, a totally unambiguously ‘bad’ tragic ending.
Well, either way it’s always a pretty sad ending, y’know. Everyone is dead. I mean in the sense that, like, if the ‘curse’ is nothing but the stories of the Finch family making them think they’re cursed - then Edith writing her little book and passing on these stories to her son is just perpetuating the Curse and probably dooming the poor boy. They would’ve both probably been better off if Edith did let those dangerous stories die with her. Right?
Well, that’s not really how I see it. I don’t really think this is a narrative is about how Edie and her outlook on death is, like, 100% totally wrong and dangerous and Dawn Finch was 100% totally in the right about trying to escape the family stories - as much as it is about Edie and Dawn both being flawed women and neither really handled their grief perfectly. Since Edie’s attitude kinda dominated the family and Edith herself kinda used to side with her great-grandma over her mother, the story focuses more on her realizing that, y’know, Dawn’s perspective might have a point. But just cause Dawn might’ve had a point doesn’t mean she was always right either. I think the point is more that Edith has to understand both her great-grandma’s and her mother’s side so she can strike a healthier balance between both of their attitudes.
Like, the thing is that the ‘Curse’ is mostly just generational trauma (and if there is a real supernatural Curse than it is still a metaphor for generational trauma), and the thing with trauma is that wallowing in it and letting it define you like Edie did is really not healthy - but neither is repressing it and trying to run away from it like Dawn tried to do. Edie might’ve been wrong about many things, but she was right about this:
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The ‘Curse’ won’t leave Dawn and Edith just cause they left the House, or just cause they stopped listening to Edie’s stories. Because the Curse and their Trauma are the same, so it will follow them in some form wherever they go. The big thing I keep thinking about is Edith’s comment after Sam’s story.
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This isn’t about Sam’s death being especially important for figuring out the ‘mystery’ of the Finch Curse, or it being an especially fascinating or beautiful story or whatever. It’s because it was an especially traumatic event for Dawn, that undoubtedly effected her for the rest of her life. But due to her fear of the effects of Edie’s Stories, she never really opened up about it with her daughter in any way. Seeing the pictures of Dawn and Sam’s last trip together, Edith feels she now has a greater understanding of what made her mother tick - and wishes she could’ve known about it when she was still alive.
And that does go farther down the family tree. Sam was the first Finch to show a real dislike to telling the Stories like Edie like. Although admittedly he wasn’t quite the rebel Dawn was:
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And pretty much everything about how he acted around his children, especially the real shitty stuff, was informed by the trauma of Calvin’s death. 
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And, like, obviously Edie’s idea of handling trauma did no favors to him, (She made him share a room with his dead twin for eleven years) but I think also his attempts to almost totally avoid and repress his Issues when he became an adult only made things worse and not better.
Now, you might be wondering how this relates to Edith and her son Christopher. Well, the first thing to remember is that Edith didn’t know for sure she was going to die when she started that journey. She wasn’t just planning on leaving that little book to her son in case she dies - she wanted to learn the stories too, and have a better understanding of the stories she knew already. Because these stories inform the trauma she grew around, and she wanted to understand it better before she became a mother. Dawn knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that wallows in and romanticizes trauma - and did her best to avoid repeating this mistake with Edith. Edith knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that repressed and runs away from trauma - and she doesn’t want to repeat it with her child as well.
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And as for writing it down for Christopher in case she’s not around to share the stories with him. Well, the first thing to note is that I think that even if Christopher never had Edith’s book - he was already bound by the ‘Curse’ from the start. Like, yeah, he doesn’t have the experience of growing up with a traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent - but growing up knowing his biomom died at childbirth can be a pretty traumatizing experience on it’s own. We don’t know much of his family situation outside of that, but the fact that there seem to be no one around to escort the Literal Child as he takes a ferry to go lay flowers at his birth mother’s grave doesn’t really bode well.
So I think, first things first, from that angle, Edith’s journal could be importantly therapeutic to him as well. You know, have some sort of connection to his mother and her side of the family that he’s otherwise can’t really have? Like, this book isn’t just some darn list of dead Finches. There’s a lot in here about Edith herself and her own thoughts and her life and family and that’s maybe connection Christopher would want with her? Something that might make him process his grief for her a bit better? Something to make him feel more connected with that side of his family?
Now, let’s also consider the fact the Finch Curse is at least somewhat public knowledge: the Odin Finch newsreel mentions it, Barbara’s death was very well-publicized at the time - and the ‘Tales of Terror’ comic calls it “another ghastly tale inspired by America's most unfortunate family” - implying that they expected their readership to be at least kinda familiar with the idea of the Finches being ‘cursed’. I think that’s pretty likely that, even without the journal, if Christopher dug even a little bit into who his birth mother was he would’ve found at least a mention of a rumor of a ‘Family Curse’ .
Or, hell, seeing how the Finches (and especially Edie) seem to have been local celebrities around Orcas Island - if Christopher lives anywhere near that area, really all it will take is him saying something like “hey, I’m Christopher Finch!” or “my mother’s name was Edith Finch” and then someone would say “oh yeah, like the famous Orcas Island Finches? That cursed family that keeps dying?” and seeing how he has no living relatives on his mother’s side - he would’ve probably believed it, or at least allowed the possibility to wriggle into his heart - and then… well, the Curse will just live on regardless of Edith. 
Note that Christopher is already wearing a cast before he even read the book (and is, again, a child taking a ferry to visit his mother’s grave all alone) - it seems like something of the ol’ Finch recklessness has already made it to him, whatever it’s in his genes somehow or just the rumors of the curse getting to him. But it is not entirely on Edith’s journal.
And like, one of the things I think made the Curse such a problematic mindset is the way it prevented the Finches from ever learning from their mistakes. You know, if every death is a result of a malevolent supernatural force haunting the family - then there’s no need for introspection of how what they could do better in the future. Challenging this mindset was probably one of the best things about Dawn’s mindset. But learning from past mistakes is equally impossible when you convince yourself it’s all the fault of a supernatural curse as it is when you straight-up have no context for what happened before. If nothing else, the stories in this journal can serve as a useful lesson about not clinging to the past, or not letting your grief define you, or how you shouldn’t try and make a perfect 360 degree spin on swingset or how you SHOULDN’T LEAVE A BABY ALONE IN A BATHTUB JESUS CHRIST
Because it’s not like this journal is just, like, a totally uncritical reiteration of Edie Finch’s stories for the next generation or something. I think the game makes it pretty clear that although Edith Sr. and Edith Jr. are meant to mirror each other on some level, their attitudes when it comes to the stories of the family are pretty different. 
Edie was characterized as someone who cared more for what makes for a good story over the truth, as someone prone to inventing or exaggerating tales, as someone who reveled in the romanticism of being Doomed, and memorialized the death of her loved ones more than their life. Like, one of the things that really crosses a line for me about the Edie Finch Method of Grief is just how much the circumstances of the death are prioritized over the life the person had before it. 
It’s not always so blatant cause the Finches tend to die in ways that poetically tie with their personality and hobbies (Molly loved animals and fantasy and she spent her last moments in a hallucination of transforming into various animals, Sam loved hunting and photography and he died taking a picture while hunting, Walter loved trains and ended up being run over by one) but… there’s certain areas where it’s actually kinda unclear if the connection is actually there or if Edie is kinda forcing it for the sake of a good story. 
Like, Barbara was a horror movie child star and her death reads like a cheesy horror story - but that’s because Edie chose a cheesy horror retelling to represent it. Maybe if we knew the real story of how she died, it wouldn’t be quite so on-the-nose. Did Gus actually love flying kites to the point it defines his entire personality or was that just something he did on the day he died? Either way, he’s defined by that one activity forever now. 
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And Gregory… like I’m sure he enjoyed bath-time, but the fact he’s memorialized almost exclusively with bath toys and soap is kinda fucked-up. I’m sure he had other toys he loved to play with outside the tub as well, but all of his memorials are focused entirely on the thing that killed him.
Edith’s attitude, as can be seen through the game, is different. Edith can appreciate the beauty of Edie’s stories but also cares quite a bit about truth and accuracy. The difference is most obvious when it comes to their books. Both Ediths wrote a story about coming back to their old childhood home and discovering the family secrets - only Edie’s story, “The History of the Finches”, seems to be complete fiction and based on what she would’ve wanted to be true, while Edith did actually go to her old childhood home and tried to record it as accurately as possible. And while she’s limited in telling the death stories that Edie kept records of, she also notes the points when they seem ridiculous or inaccurate to her. 
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She documents the tall-tale about how Sven was killed by a dragon, but also clarifies that he was killed while trying to construct a dragon-shaped sled. Rather than just perpetuating Edie’s joke for the sake of the fantasy. 
Plus, she doesn’t just focus on the Finches’ deaths, she does try and tell Christopher about their lives as well. It’s not always easy, since with the older generations Edith often doesn’t have much to go on outside of Edith’s memorialization, but she does try to get a General Vibe out of them from their room and other mementos they left behind (like Sam’s improvised darkroom in the wall-passegeways) rather than just the death story. And when it comes to the people Edith actually remembered well herself - Lewis, Dawn and Edie - she’s constantly telling little anecdotes and details of their life together. 
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In a way, I kinda divide “What Remains of Edith Finch” into three main parts. The first third of the game, with Edie’s kids, is the one that centers on the mystery of whatever the ‘curse’ is real or not - and is also a character study of Edie herself via the lense of the people that she lost. The second part is basically that but for Dawn, it’s about Edith learning to understand her mother’s character via the loss of Sam, Gregory, Gus, Sanjay and Milton. The Lewis segment is a transition between that third and the last third - which is about Edith Finch herself. Even if Edith can paint a full picture of both life and death for all of her dead relatives, she can at least give Christopher a good insight to his mother, grandmother and great-great grandmother. 
And notably, the two people Edith ‘has’ to memorialize herself without Edie’s postmorten involvement, Edie herself and Dawn, get a very different treatment from every other Finch. They don’t get a ‘proper’ Death Story documenting or describing their last moments. The closest thing is Edith’s flashback of the day they moved out of the House, which is more of a Death Flashback for the Finch Family as a concept than to Edie and Dawn as individuals. We do know that Dawn died of some sort of illness, but it’s delivered to us at the end of a longer passage about the life they had together. And we really don’t know anything but how Edie died at the end. 
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If Edith doesn’t know how Edie died, she’s shown no interest in trying to figure it out - if she does already know, she doesn’t think her spesific cause of death is important to write down for her son. The important thing is for him to learn what kind of person Edie was in life, and Edith has more than enough understanding of her great-grandma to memorialize her without defining her entirely through some sort of of romanticized tragic death. 
And, like the most important thing to remember is that Edith questions the concept of the Curse in her journal. Like, the game and the journal are one and the same. So, like all of these passages that are important for the ‘there’s no supernatural curse’ interpetation:
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Christopher is reading these lines as well. If we are capable of playing “What Remains of Edith Finch” and understanding the ‘Curse’ as being a self-fulfilling prophecy - then Christopher is also capable of reading his mother’s journal and coming to the same conclusion. I mean, it’s not a certain thing. There’s plenty of players who read the Curse as a real supernatural force and that’s also a valid interpetation of the game’s text. And there’s like, actual grown-ass adults who played this game and decided it’s actually about a serial-killer granny. So maybe it’s asking a bit too much from a little grieving eight-years-old to immediately understand this as a story of unhealthy trauma coping mechanisms through the generations. 
But my point isn’t that there is 100% no possibillity of Christopher dooming himself like every other Finch before him, or that Edith made the objectively correct decision in writing this journal and basically saved her son from the ‘Curse’. It’s just that he’s not doomed... it can still go either way. Christopher might have read this and started to believe in the Curse and perpatured the cycle onwards, or he might have come to the same conclusion Edith did - that believing in these stories made them real - and decided to try and do better than those who came before him. Or maybe he came to one conclusion but will later change his mind. As long as he’s alive, there’s is at least the possbility that things will turn out better. 
“What Remains of Edith Finch” ends with the shot of the two things that ‘remained’ of the two Edith Finches of the game. The House is What Remained of Edith ‘Edie’ Finch Sr. A glorious and sad monument of mourning, now forever frozen in time as a memorium for the tragedy of the Finch Family. And Christopher is What Remained of Edith Finch Jr. An actual living human being with his whole life ahead of him, who still has the potential to doom or save himself. 
Good luck.
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