#king eldin finding his courage
kanerallels · 1 year
I'm rereading Valiant (again) and truly nothing will ever hit as hard as the entirety of chapter 39
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
As mentioned before, I spun a wheel with many options and what we landed on was:
Zelda: BOTW
Link liked Daruk.
He appreciated all the Champions -- yes, even Revali.
And Mipha had been his friend since, well, since about as far back as he could remember.
Aren't kids supposed to have memories outside of a career? Did Father have to present me to the king so young?
But there was something about Daruk that was different. He didn't look at Link with the childhood nostalgia of Mipha. He wasn't the King of Hyrule, always watching, always measuring, sifting him to see whether he was truly worth anything. And Daruk was not one of the Hylian soldiers. He didn't have the first clue about what rank Link's father held, and he had absolutely no opinions regarding how well Link was measuring up to Arn's legacy.
Daruk expected nothing of him save for courage in battle and a hearty appetite afterward.
Rock Roast isn't that bad, Impa is just being mean-
Why did Daruk care so much about whether or not Link was eating well, or had adequate protection from the deadly heat? Did he fuss over his subordinate Gorons like that?
In Hyrule, everyone had always left him to figure everything out on his own. First aid, starting a fire, shaving, communicating, even. It was like...like they thought he had come into this world already bearing the knowledge and experience of every Chosen Hero who had lived before him.
He was supposed to know these things! He was supposed to excel at everything!
...and Father wonders why we never talk...
But Daruk never demanded excellence. He didn't frown in disapproval if Link didn't balance just right, and he wouldn't make Link drill for hours if he performed a classic attack incorrectly, like the Knight Captains used to.
like they still would if I weren't so much stronger than them, now-
It was strange. Sometimes Link caught a glimpse of Daruk out of the corner of his eye; he saw the barrel chest and sideburns and sometimes almost mistook him for Arn.
But it's been a long, long, time since Father had the chance or inclination to ask me what I thought...
"You okay, little guy?" Daruk jostled him amiably. "You look like you got some pebbles not sittin' right in your gut."
"Just...thinking." Link responded, then blinked. Usually he answered with facial expressions or sounds. Did Daruk know Hyrule Sign?
Daruk's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Hoo! That Hylian accent is thick, boy! Those hands are dripping with fancy manners. You know any miners' jargon? It'll make talkin' to the brothers around here a lot easier."
The smile was out and about before Link had time to even process the question. Daruk understood! It had taken weeks for Mipha to learn how to talk to Link. He'd expected Eldin to be much like Lanayru.
"I only know Hyrule Sign, and some words in Zora," Link answered, "Will you teach me?"
"Is Death Mountain hot?" Daruk retorted, "Of course I will! Come on, little guy, let's see if we can find you a teacher!"
...maybe...maybe it's okay to not know everything. At least, it's okay with the Gorons.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 4 years
There is a whole other story beneath Twilight Princess’ main plot- [1/3]
And it explains why the children of Ordon were taken in the raid.
They were taken because King Bulblin was searching for Link.
[Part Two]
[Part Three]
Okay, but hear me out for a second here, I come with a theory that I think really makes sense and it can possibly answer a few question in the plot of the game.
Why were the children of Ordon taken? (You Are Here)
Why was Link, after his first transformation, still taken as well?
Why was he taken to Hyrule Castle of all places?
And more.
Now, before I begin, which are some of the games we tend to associate with Twilight princess chronologically? Ocarina of Time. Which is the other game that also serves as a sequel to Ocarina of Time? Wind Waker.
I bring these two games up because there is a notable difference between these three incarnations of Link that I want to bring up before I continue.
OoT: Link receives the Triforce of Courage due to Ganondorf’s attempt at making a wish, causing the Triforce to break into three.
WW: Link earns the Triforce of Courage after finding all eight broken pieces found scattered in the ocean.
TP: Link is born with the Triforce of Courage.
Remember this detail.
(Video for reference from NintenU on YouTube)
Why were the children of Ordon taken?
First of all, what do we know of their abduction?
(Timestamp for video: 11:00)
We know that they were taken right before the Light Spirit Ordona was to lose their light as we know from the same cutscene that Faron was already cloaked in darkness. We also know that only the children were taken and nobody older than Ilia.
When Link is concerned we can only make assumptions whether he was meant to be taken, too. As, while he is knocked out cold by a bulblin, we see King Bulblin enter the spring as well and then not notice that Link is even there. He just blows his horns and hauls ass after a portal opens up. So whether Link was actually meant to be taken, too, is something that we can’t quite answer from the scene presented to us.
(Timestamp for the lines: 44:33)
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When Link reunites with Colin, Beth, Malo, and Talo after light is returned to the Eldin Province, Colin and Malo tell Link that the bulblins had left them for dead somewhere far enough away from home for Renado to find them. The children aren’t injured either and Twilight Princess isn’t exactly above showing us injuries or even violence towards children.
We’ve seen Rusl covered in blood and bandages. We’ve seen him limp his way through Ordon when he hears Wolf Link in the distance and then later can be found sleeping deliriously on the sofa of his home.
And them being kids doesn’t spare them either as we see young Ralis (very likely) near death when we hurry him to Kakariko Village. His mother, the late-queen Rutela, states “I feel it. His presence grows fainter to me over time.” This most likely means that Ralis is losing his life.
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(video for reference from Psuedo Twili, timestamp: 2:04)
And if you remember the cutscene in which King Bulblin charged through Kakariko Village, Colin wasn’t exactly left unscathed as he was run over and knocked out cold for the entire duration of the fight between King Bulblin and Link and then later found resting in bed with Beth and Luda looking after him.
The bulblins aren’t above hurting children, yet, instead of harming them any further, they choose to simply abandon the children instead. If they were harmed any more than they already have been, the game would have shown us.
It is also interesting to note from the Queen Rutela cutscene, that the Zora’s were raided, too, but their child, Prince Ralis, was not taken. This is a striking contrast, compared to the raid on the human village of Ordon, where the children were taken. Though, admittedly, this is possibly because they were raided by the Shadow Beasts and not the bulblins.
So what do we know?
The children of Ordon were taken, nobody older than Ilia (or presumably, older than Link)
They were brought all the way to the Eldin province, which is far far away from home.
Abandoned, left for dead. This makes their abduction strange and out of place, without reason.
Not physically harmed, from what we can see.
With these facts summed up, we have to wonder why the bulblins would steal people from their homes if they are just going to abandon them in the middle of nowhere anyway. What is the point? Why go through all that trouble of kidnapping them? (Besides moving the plot forwards and giving Link reason to set out, of course) And why do I claim that the Triforce of Courage has something to do with this?
Let’s begin with why I would bring up the fact that TP Link was born with his piece of the Triforce.
(Timestamp: 1:42:20)
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Well, we’ve seen the cutscene with the Sages. We’ve seen that they attempted to execute Ganondorf themselves, believing themselves capable of bringing justice to the King of Thieves. But that it was a foolish attempt as Ganondorf, in what they call a divine prank, possesses the Triforce of Power and uses it to revive himself. Whether this was a conscious decision or not, we don’t know and for this theory it doesn’t really matter too much.
Now, the reason why this Ganondorf, which is canon to be OoT’s Ganondorf, has the Triforce is because OoT Link was sent back in time with his piece. We saw in the very last cutscene of OoT that the mark of the Triforce is on his hand, meaning that he traveled back with it still in his possession.
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With TP Link stated to be his descendant by blood more than once in-game, it is natural that the Triforce would be passed down through Time’s bloodline until it eventually reached Twilight. What happens with the Triforce after Twilight is a mystery.
(I’m not familiar with Four Swords Adventure’s story, so I don’t know if the Triforce really makes an appearance in that game)
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With Courage already gone, it caused Wisdom and Power to break apart and go to their respective holders as well. Wisdom, of course, to Zelda. Power to Ganondorf. (Link being sent back in time with Courage, may also explain why this particular piece is in literal pieces in WW. Or maybe it was explained why you had to find the individual pieces and I just don’t remember.)
We know that it is canon now that the Triforce tends to break apart under certain circumstances. I.e when evil touches the Triforce or when a piece is already missing, as was the case in TP, WW and presumably at the end of OoT. We also know that the former fact is a known fact, at least for those who know the Triforce and are familiar with its lore.
Knowing this, would it really be farfetched for Ganondorf, who already knew exactly where and how to find the Triforce in OoT, to look at the back of his hand, see one of the pieces of the Triforce there, and conclude that there are two others with the other pieces? I don’t think so, with how much Ganondorf already knew of the Triforce.
For one of the pieces, the most obvious choice would be someone of the Hyrulean royal family. Hyrule is where people know the entrance to the Sacred Realm to be at, tales say that is where the three Golden Goddesses made their exit after creating their world, leaving the Triforce at that exit that is now the Sacred Realm. It is even the reason why Ganondorf is so set on taking Hyrule, of all places, because it is The land of the Triforce.
But with Wisdom (presumably) already found, where would the third missing piece go?
Well, what are the chances Ganondorf knew OoT Link was in possession of one? That OoT Link, upon attempting to convince Hyrule’s King of Ganondorf’s treachery, was forced to show Courage as proof? If the King doesn’t even believe his own daughter, what are the chance he would ever believe Link without the Triforce?
Maybe this is how Ganondorf found out the third bearer was Link? A ten-year-old boy in possession of one of the three golden triangles isn’t exactly something that would stay under the radar of someone with a deep desire for said Triforce.
But before Ganondorf even realizes he has Power, he is captured (at a much later age than he is shown in OoT, btw), executed, and sent to the Twilight Realm when Power revives its holder.
Years pass, so many that the former Gerudo King is completely forgotten by everyone except for the five remaining Sages who banished him as a last resort.
In the meantime, Ganondorf, believing himself Hyrule’s rightful king because “the Triforce chose him”, figures out there are two others with Triforce pieces, remembers that this one boy was one of them. And then Zant comes along and Ganondorf sees a way to return.
Presumably, the first place Zant takes in Ganondorf’s name is Hyrule. It leads to Zelda surrendering instead of choosing to sacrifice the lives of her people in a battle with an enemy she clearly recognizes as powerful. Keeping Zelda hostage in her own castle, it is possible GanonZant find out she is in possession of Wisdom. The very reason she is still alive and kept well is most likely because of the Triforce. (but this is only a guess)
If Zelda can use hers to sense which magic Wolf Link has been cursed by after the Lakebed Temple, maybe Zantdorf can sense she has Wisdom?
And then their question remains; Where is Courage?
What if Ganondorf still remembers that young boy even know? Knows that it is possible for even a Hylian of low beginnings to have it as well? What if King Bulblin and his bulblins were approached by Zant, under Ganondorf’s instruction, and told to pillage each of Hyrule’s villages in search of the final one bearing the mark of the Triforce? Right before each of the Light Spirits had their light stolen?
King Bulblin, in their last confrontation, tells Link that they “follow the strongest side”. That this is “all they have ever known”. That makes them sound more like a mercenary type of group, people following those they consider “the strongest” unless the other side can prove himself more powerful, which Link does.
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What if this is the reason why Ordon’s children were taken for seemingly random reasons? Because King Bulblin was actually "hired” and told to search Hyrule for Courage? For Link? Maybe he was even specifically told to look for children? Much like how, in Wind Waker, young girls with pointy ears were hunted down and kidnapped by the Helmaroc King?
It is interesting to remember that this very similar plotline started Wind Waker’s main game. Link started his journey to save his younger sister, who was kidnapped in Ganondorf’s search for Zelda.
It would, in my opinion, explain why the kids were taken and then just randomly left for dead without really physically harming them, in spite of the game clearly not being above hurting children and showing injury. Or it would explain why that horse battle scene after Colin’s second abduction went the way it did.
But I’ll come to that particular part in Part Three.
[Continued on Part Two]
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vomiting-out-words · 6 years
Twilight Princess [Maybe to Be Continued?]
Session One - May 29th, 2018
Ordon Village, The Twilight, Faron Woods(Twilight), Forest Temple, Kakariko Village(Twilight), Death Mountain, Goron Mines, Lanayru Province (Twilight)
Information Trash -
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the thirteenth installment of the Zelda series. The game was originally going to be released on the GameCube in 2005 but ended up getting released the following year with the release of the Nintendo Wii in 2006; only the be released on the GameCube a month later. Ten years later; it was released in a high-definition version on the Nintendo Wii U, with the GameCube control style. Nearly nine million copies of the game were sold before Breath of the Wild had taken the title of best-selling title in a series in April 2018.
Session One - Session Two - Session Three - Session Four
Let’s Get Down to The Dirty -
Ever since the Christmas of 2010; when the Limited Edition Red Wii came out with Super Mario Bros., we also got it Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Since then; every year I seemed to spend a couple of days playing the game over again, and to see how long it takes for me to get through it. So, I am back at it again this year, and and I finally agree that I shall write a review for it because it seems like a good one to do the first review with. Not to mention it was the first Zelda game that I actually played from start to finish by myself.
So, I started the game up, since I was babysitting my younger sister who had injured herself over the weekend and couldn’t really go to school. It’s been awhile playing on the Wii because I’ve been playing like Stardew Valley and other things on the PS4 and computer so it was really weird to be swinging my arms around, but it was a good workout.
Twilight Princess takes place hundreds of years after Ocarina of Time; within an alternate timeline from The Wind Waker, which leads the game to be in the Child Timeline. But I am not even going to get into the Zelda timeline because that is a can of crap that I don’t want to even get into right now, but maybe later. You; the player, plays as the recurring protagonist; Link. A young Hylian male who is once again trying to save Hyrule from the threat of the mirror realm; the Twilight Realm. A very original idea, Nintendo, but it seems like you pretty much reused it for Link Between Worlds.
Like pretty much every other Zelda game; Link lives in a small village, with some very average life; and somehow knows how to wield a sword; among many other things; with or without and explanation on how he learned such things. Thank god it’s kind of assumed on how he learned it in this game. Ordon Village is as far south as you can get in Hyrule, and far enough away from Hyrule Castle that Link has never really been exposed to a whole lot of Hyrule. Not to mention he’s like the other able person to protect the village from dangers while working his day job as a rancher on a goat farm passed the mayor’s house. So, as the player; you get like 10-20 minutes into the game doing really boring shit; like herding goats, having to make children happy by spending your own money, then going off to save said children because apparently they don’t listen, but when do children ever do, before having to try and get your horse back from Link’s love interest; while during that scene of getting Epona back, that’s where all the shit goes wrong.  Literally; they pretty much put in a love interest for Link in every game, and the love interest is barely apart of the story and is never mentioned ever again. So, Nintendo is really trying for romance, but they are putting so much pointless crap that doesn’t need to be there. Which isn’t the shit that blows up in their face. 
So, Bulblins come brushing into Ordon Spring; knocking out both Ilia and Link, and somehow getting only four children of the village; Beth, Talo, Malo, and Colin. Though how Beth, Talo, and Malo got taken is literally unknown to the player considering it was only Link, Ilia, and Colin at the Ordon Spring with Epona. Anyways, Link gets dragged through a dark wall that splits the Ordon Province from the Faron Province; being brought into the Realm of Twilight, which should have made him into a spirit that literally has no idea what is going on, but surprise, surprise, the Triforce of Courage influences Link by transforming him into a “beast” wolf. Now, Ordon is perfectly fine thanks to the Ordon Province Light Spirit; Ordona. How that Light Spirit is stronger than all the others is beyond me even.
Skip to Link waking up chained up in a prison. He’s more surprised then freaked out about what has happened to him; which makes this boy pretty laid back, more so than most people, which is very odd because anyone in Link’s situation would be having a clear heart attack or something. A few moments pass and here comes an imp-like chick; Minda. Who literally taunts Link until finally setting him free, only to really make him her minion. With Midna’s instructions; he takes her to someone to explain to him what in the world is going on. While the player already knows where Link is, and who he is going to meet; until right before he gets to meet the person; Midna tells him that they’re at Hyrule Castle. Literally pulling something out of a Disney Guide, Link breaks into a tower and goes into a room at the top to meet no other than Zelda. While Nintendo spent so much time building up this very scene, it was very anticlimactic all around. Link and Midna ditch Hyrule Castle as soon as the cutscene is done and with Minda’s little ability, they are taken to Ordon Province, right at the Ordon Spring where Link finally gets to talk to Ordona; telling him what he needs to do now.
Midna instructs Link that they need a sword and shield first before they head off to the Faron Province; meaning Link heads back to Ordon Village; due to the fact that the player knows that there’s, in fact, a sword and shield there. While doing some sneaking around to get these things; Link finds out that the children have been kidnapped as well; along with Colin’s father; Rusl, being injured while going to look for the children. Pretty much getting the things, Link heads to the border of the Ordon Province and Faron Province and goes through the wall once again to be brought back to the Realm of Twilight, only to pretty much to almost get his head chopped off by Midna; who has no clue how to wield and sword and shield or at least the shield bit. Link should have died much earlier than this by now, but he’s the hero of course; and he can’t die because he’s got the Triforce of Courage, that he had no clue about until Zelda told him.
The player pretty much heads straight for the Faron Spring, where you see a cloud of glowing dust over the water before meeting the Light Spirit; Faron, who asks Link to go find the Tears of Light to restore the Spirit from this state. These Tears of Light are being held by- I am literally just going to call them fireflies, but just deadlier and huge assholes. Once that is finished, Link is brought back to Faron Spring and changed back into a human; but in the Green Tunic of the Hero; the typical Link uniform. Faron points you in the direction of where you need to find what you are looking for, which Link has no clue since Midna literally doesn’t give out that information just yet about what they are looking for.
Welcome to your first dungeon; the famous Forest Temple. Which is pretty much the actual tutorial of the game. Since before; that was all really grunt work, and nothing was really other than just running around doing tasks, which is the game has a lot of if you’re willing to spend like a day in enjoy area getting everything. Something that I never do when I play this every year. Pretty much, the entire task of this dungeon is to collect monkey’s, that the game makes you think are assholes; but Talo is just an animal racist. The dungeon holds two mini-boss’ and one main boss; all of which are super easy, seeing as this is the tutorial. The item that you get from this dungeon is from the first mini-boss which is the King of the Monkey’s, you see him when you first get to the temple, he smacks his ass at you. The Gale Boomerang is something that you do use pretty much throughout the entire game; and of course, plays a huge part of the dungeon. The second mini-boss is right before the boss key, and is a pushover compared to the battle before it; thanks to the Gale Boomerang. Finally, you go to the boss.
Diababa is some weird looking creature that is in poison water. The thing is just terrible. With the Gale Boomerang and help from the Monkey King, you beat the boss with the legendary three hits rule and that entire dungeon takes about fifteen minutes tops; maybe twenty if it’s your first time through it. You get your heart piece along with a Fused Shadows, a piece of it, considering it’s been broken up into four pieces, Midna has one of them on her head. You learn a little bit more of it; that with they hold an ancient power that could help them fight Zant; the King of Twilight that started this entire mess. But they are across Hyrule and they need to find them.
With Faron Woods done and dealt with, it is time to head to the Eldin, after Faron tells Link that he’ll find the people that he is looking for. So, with that, they head off and entire the Realm of Twilight once again. On their way, Link finds a broke wooden sword; his old wooden sword that he had given to Talo. Sniffing it gives Link the scent of the children leading them to Kakariko Village, where Link meets the Light Spirit; Eldin, who also needs Link to gather it’s lost Tears of Light. While on the hunt; Link comes across spirits and finds that it’s the children, but no Ilia. Who is not mentioned, literally, you seriously don’t hear anything about Ilia for a while, or does anyone make mention of her.
While the rest of the children are scared, the only person who really is calm is Colin; who tells the others that Link is coming to save them, he knows it. Link is obviously touched by this, because he’s right there listening, and it kind of motivates the player to continue of this task just because of the sake for Colin. Collect the light, and once back as Link, the children see him and come running, all so happy to see them. Renado; the shaman of the village, who has been taking care of the children with his daughter; Luda, fills Link in on what has been happening. The Gorons’ had a sudden change in behavior and that Death Mountain seems very different. Link attempts to head up to check it out, but gets knocked back down, when returning to the village, Link runs into Renado; who tells him that the mayor of Ordon Village; Bo, has challenged the Gorons’ before and won, earning their respect. But right before Link starts to head back to Ordon Village, Epona comes rushing down the road from the other way and Link is finally back together with his horse, making the trip back to Ordon much easier and quicker.
Link learns how to sumo fight, which is pretty cool to bring Japanese culture into the game, but it is a Japanese game, but that’s beside the point. Once after defeating the mayor during the second round, he deems you right to fight, while giving you a little gift of the Iron Boots, to keep Link on his feet. Return to Death Mountain and start the climb to the top. While there, the mountain is erupting like crazy, making it pretty hard to dodge falling rocks and keep from getting knocked down by Gorons’. Finally to the top, Link ends up getting challenged by Elder Gor Coron. Once through that fight, then you learn of what is going on. The Gorons’ have been keeping watch over the Fused Shadows piece for generations now, and with the mountain acting up, they went to investigate, which lead to the Goron Tribe Patriarch; Darbus to be cursed and go on a rampage, so they locked him up deep in the mines.
Now with access to the Goron Mines; the player heads down to the second dungeon of the entire game. Which is literally just fire and lava everywhere. How Gorons’ mine from this, is literally a mystery because there are millions of safety concerns that they don’t seem to be bothered about at all. With this boss key, you have to go and find the other Goron Elders that are all holding a piece of the key. Along the way, you use the Iron Boots, and obtain the Bow and Arrows with a mini-boss fight with this huge Goron that is protecting the item is of the previous hero. With both, the player spends the rest of the dungeon with those items collecting the key pieces from Gor Amoto, Gor Ebizo, and Gor Liggs. Finally with the key put back together you go down to fight Darbus, who has been transformed into the Twilit Igniter Fyrus. This boss has to be one of the easiest out of the entire game, considering it’s just making him fall and go whack his head. The Forest Temple boss was easy as well, just more time-consuming.
With that out of the way, pick up Bombs first before heading to the Lanayru Province. Trying to get to the spring is a bit of hassle considering the player has to jump off a bridge because there is a time limit before Link is burned alive thanks to asshole enemies. Jumping down towards Lake Hylia and realizing that there is practically no water, but thankfully landing into the water that is left is a god sent. Link kind of wanders around until finally figuring out how to get to the spring and start on collecting to Tears of Light for Lanayru. While this takes you to Castle Town because Link finds Ilia’s leg pouch and followed the scent back to a bar, where she is seen worrying over a Zora boy.
Quick backstory on this boy; he’s actually the Zora Prince, who was coming to the castle to tell Zelda about what has happened in Zora’s Domain since they were attacked by evil people as well. You meet this Prince’s mother after you help Eldin; telling you that her son is out there and if Link could please find him seeing as she was publicly killed in front of all the Zora’s.
Now, after that little moment, Link heads up to Zora’s Domain, where it is freezing for some reason. Going further up, and still not seeing at Zora’s, they reach the throne room where they look down to see that all the Zora’s are trapped in ice. Midna warps something from Death Mountain that had fallen on your way up there to deal with the Fused Shadows. Freeing the Zora’s just in time too, because they probably would have died. Noticing that there is a mark missing, before it magically pops up on the map back at the lake, getting back down there quickly thanks to the fast current of water after defrosting the Domain. Que boss music; literally to close off this segment of the game; you fight this huge, gross bug and finally finish collecting Tears of Light, that you never have to do again for the rest of the game.
Link learns about the Fused Shadows from Lanayru, stuff that Midna would never tell him due to mainly being ashamed of her past, of her tribe, but she doesn’t really mention it until much later in the game, but she does hint at it a little bit after each time finishing a dungeon.
With that done, Link has to head back to Kakariko Village to go sell his bombs to get water bombs or the player can figure out how to get more bomb bags, though personally you only really need two since, in the entire game, you really only need regular bombs and water bombs. Then return to Castle Town to reunite with Ilia… Who has no clue who you are and is very worried about the Zora boy; which brings Link to escort Telma; the bar owner, Ilia and the Zora Prince. This had to be one of the worst things to do besides collecting all the Tears of Light. I was more than glad that it was only once that I had to do this because you had to focus on some many things to do that it was overwhelming and you want to throw your controls at the tv. After that mess was dealt with, you get the Zora Armor as thanks.
With this, Link can finally head to the Lakebed Temple and get the final Fused Shadows.
But this was where I decided to end the first session considering was I just relaxed with just having those parts behind considering I knew that I was about to be in store for a lot more hurt when I picked the game back up again the next day, which doesn’t help with jerky controls, but then again, the batteries were dying in the Wii remote, so that was partly at fault.
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wildlingknight · 7 years
Wayward - Chapter One
Now I’ll be honest, I probably shouldn’t post this yet, because it isn’t finished and I don’t know when I’ll get around to finishing it. The first three chapters are done and I’m mid-way through the fourth so we’ll see.
Anyway, Twilight Princess, post-game, Link and Zelda, possible Zelink depending on how it goes.
The day had dawned cold and wet, grass and leaves growing heavy and bowing down to a winter soon to come. Her horses hooves thudded on the wooden bridge leading out of the eastern gate and her breath rose in front of her face, while the moisture in the air clung to her clothes and eyelashes. It was still early and though some merchants were up and going about their business along the streets of Castle Town, none paid her any attention as she rode, dressed in a deep indigo cloak over a pretty and simple lilac and white dress. None would recognise her as the sovereign of their country with her hood shadowing her face, her caramel blonde hair braided away down her back, besides the hair at her temples which she left to frame her pretty heart shaped face. None had paid her any heed as her horse trod towards the gate, not even the soldier standing watch as he leant against the stack of crates behind him and sharing a laugh with the doctor whose premises lay opposite his post.
She had passed without event and breathed a silent breath of relief. It was not that she, Princess Zelda, was doing anything wrong, it was that it was inadvisable to be riding alone so soon after the events of The Twilight War, as it had been named. She had received many offers of companionship when she had announced her plans to go riding on her rare day of rest, but she had declined them all, wanting to spend some time alone with her thoughts. Reinstating oneself upon the throne of Hyrule and engaging the long process of healing a battle scarred country was all consuming work and left little time for introspection. After quashing many arguments before they arose, she had donned her riding attire and strapped her rapier to her waist for protection should the need arise.
Now out in the open air of East Hyrule Field, she took a deep breath of the clean, misty air and let it out in one big puff in front of her face, shucking off the weight of her regal bearing and letting a childlike smile cross her face. She urged her mare to a gentle canter, cresting the swell of a small hill and staring out over the expanse of the field. Blankets of mist lay heavy over the shallow ponds and slithered over the grasses in between, looking both liquid and smoke as a strong breeze shifted through the hollows and knolls. Her horse, Nylah, tossed her head and danced on her feet, echoing her mistresses pent up energy and wishing to run it out and Zelda let her, letting out a shout as she almost flew over field, her hood flying back. Her cloaked billowed behind her as she allowed Nylah to run wherever she wanted, unrestricted in the deserted field.
When she began to tire, she carried them over to one of the shallow pools and drinking her fill,  Zelda dismounting and kneeling at the edge, removing her brown leather riding gloves and drinking the frigid water from her cupped hands. Zelda had known exactly where she needed to go in order to have the room to allow her mind to take flight. This was the largest area of the field and was close enough to the castle that should she be in danger, she didn’t have far to run for safety. But Eastern Hyrule Field held trepidation for her.
Kneeling on the damp ground, she turned to look out over the field behind her. The morning mist seemed to be thickening into fog, reducing her ability to see the lip of land before the abyss on the far side of the field near the Eldin bridge, the grass and the surface of the shallows rippling around them.  This place bore pain, fear, panic, loss, victory, relief, joy and a cacophony of other emotions that seemed to strip her of her senses in order to be felt more strongly. Closing her eyes against the din she took soothing breaths. The space between the events then and her presence now seemed to have amplified the shouts of fear, the grunts of exertion, the roars of pain and rage and anguish had all been absorbed into the space. Woven into the fabric of time like a thread into a cloak, to be remembered and replayed every time it was worn.  But it hadn’t just been her thread of fate, it had been the threads of many, all twisted and blended together. Midna, Link and the Thief King Ganondorf had all been entwined with her.
Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm. What would she be doing now? Would she have healed her kingdom they way Zelda was trying to heal hers? Zelda often wondered about the Twilight Princess. Often wished she had a way to contact her. It would have been a relief to have someone to share her burdens with, to share the successes and failures of rebuilding crumbling buildings and cementing infirm economies. To have someone who knew what it had felt like to have lost a country. To have endangered its people. To have failed in their duty to protect and raise.
But Midna was gone, and had severed all ties. To prevent a tragedy like this in the future ever exposing the strength of their kingdoms to really be cleverly disguised fragility, balancing on a sword edge. Zelda had understood. Never again could either Princess, current or future, be the downfall of not one but both kingdoms. Never again could they be The Princess Who Failed.
But Link hadn’t failed. Link, The Hero of Light. Link, the quiet, unassuming young man who had taken up arms and defeated an evil before he had even truly fully grown. Zelda remembered him clearly but knew little of him other than what she had seen and experienced herself. His fierce determination and kind smile. His strength and courage, and his steadfast nature. His joy and sorrow and some in between. Though mostly a mystery to the Princess, and she mostly a mystery to him, Zelda couldn’t help but feel that, through the experiences they had shared, they had understood one another. They had shared a desire to put right what was wrong. To heal the wounds and vanquish the cause of them.
Link had escorted Zelda back to the Castle after Midna had gone. He had been quiet and morose but his strength and courage had remained. His joy eclipsed by sorrow for the time being, but his drive and loyalty kept him moving. She had expressed her gratitude and admiration to him which he had accepted with downcast eyes and a nod of his head. Then he had gone, just like Midna. Back to his home, wherever that was, to heal the wounds on his body and heart, and try to live with the scars on his mind. Zelda had wanted to reward his efforts, had wanted to offer anything within her power to give to the man who delivered her kingdom, and by extension herself. But he had gone, and what with rebuilding her life and the lives of those who resided in Hyrule, Zelda hadn’t had the time nor manpower to find out where to. Link had faded from the eyes of the people, but not from her mind.
The cold was seeping into Zelda’s legs making her knees ache. Opening her eyes, Zelda took in the desaturated colours of her surroundings, the fog over the field now thick enough that she could no longer see the canyon, or the towering stone structure of Eldin bridge, the rocky cliffs that cradled this part of the land faint, darkly coloured areas. The fog wrapped her up and made her blind and disoriented, the land seeming to have shifted around her. With no way to see the sun, she had no notion of how much time had passed. Even Nylah seemed to have wandered off, swallowed by the murk. Calling for her horse, her voice bounced back at her, sounding somehow more panicked than it did when she spoke it, distorted by the refraction of sound in the condensed fog.
She turned to the sloshing sound nearby and relaxed as Nylah came into view, ears forward and alert. Stroking the mare’s velvety nose, she gathered the reins and hauled herself into the saddle. As much as she had wanted to spend the day out of the castle, with the weather rolling in and visibility so low, even she had to admit it was too hazardous. The field felt like it spread infinitely on around her and her disorientation grew as she turned Nylah in what she hoped was the right direction for the bridge and tunnel leading back the Castle Town’s east gate.
Listening to her steeds heavy footfalls and occasional snort, Zelda considered her options for preserving her personal time when she got back to the castle. She could hide herself in her study, but the idea of being seated at her desk and not leafing through and reading the papers in the ever growing stack on the corner seemed improbable and threatening to her break away. The change in sound as Nylah moved from dirt to wood barely registered as she gazed unfocused into the space between her mounts ears. She could hole herself up in the library, and place soldiers at the door to prevent disturbances. The library had tall windows where she could sit and watch to see if the storm predicted to move in really did come. Deciding this to be her best bet at maintaining her peace, she finally acknowledged that the high walls around her were not in fact the tunnel she should have passed through in order to get home. Looking back over her shoulder at the wooden posts of the bridge they had just crossed, she considered turning back, but her curiosity kept her going, she had never been this way before. Though perhaps exploring and sightseeing were best left for days when the sights were actually visible. Riding down a high walled path in deep fog that seemed only to be darkening was definitely not one of her brighter ideas, yet still she did not turn back.
Just as Zelda was starting to feel claustrophobic the space appeared to open out before her again, a frigid wind blowing through her and lifting her cloak indicating another wide expanse similar to the one she had left. If she had to guess, she would say she had just found a path connecting Upper Eldin to Lower Eldin, better known as Kakariko Gorge. Nylah slowed as Zelda squinted, trying to make out landmarks, or any marks at all in the wall of grey seeing only desaturated patches blended in, while they made their way cautiously forwards. Suddenly remembering that Kakariko Gorge received its name from the large crevasse running across the field, Zelda reined Nylah in. The last thing she needed was to walk them right over a cliff. Feeling the earth slope downwards as they moved she heard the difference in Nylah’s footsteps when she swerved from grass to dirt, and working out that they must have been following a dirt road of some sort and chose to try to remain on it, roads didn’t lead off cliffs so if she were to follow it they would remain safe. A sheet rain started to fall, and the rushes of wind threw the droplets into her face even as she lifted and held her hood in place.
Then the road ended. Dull thuds becoming muffled on the sodden grass. Zelda stopped and steered Nylah back and heard the shift in sound as they joined the road again. Turning to her left she urged Nylah a few paces, starting when the loud sound of hooves meeting wood echoed around them and bounced back louder. She pulled Nylah to a stop and turned to see if the bridge was wide enough to turn around on, deciding against any further exploration, and missed Nylah’s sensitive ears swiveling as she picked up on and tried to locate subtle sounds.
A throaty skwark sounded at the same time as Nylah released a panicked whinny and Zelda had a split second to hold on before she bolted. Glancing over her shoulder, Zelda’s heart skipped in fear as a Kargarok sailed towards her from the gloom, razor talons reaching for her. She pressed herself as close to Nylah’s neck as she could and felt the ruffle of air as the monstrous bird missed, circling away to no doubt try again. Nylah galloped forwards blindly and Zelda barely had a second to try and gain control of the fleeing horse before a loud warning screech forced her to duck again. The high winds and speed of Nylah’s flight had her cloak billowing and she was almost pulled backwards out of the saddle as it was snagged in the Kargarok’s talons, spared only because the fabric tore and was ripped free.  
The exit from the Gorge was almost directly ahead from the bridge and luckily Nylah had run straight for it, but due to the wall of fog pressing in on them on all sides, Zelda didn’t know they had reached the path until she was almost etched upon the wall lining it. Nylah, blinded by fear and fog, ran so close to the stone that Zelda could feel her skirts snagging on bushes climbing up its face, she yanked the reins to the right to try and steer away but immediately came up against the same on the other side. Trusting in her mount to stay somewhat central on the narrow path Zelda scanned the air over her shoulder, searching for her airbourne assailant, ears primed for the the telltale whistle and screeching. But none came, all that reached her ears was the thundering hooves and panting of her terrified horse. The narrow passage seemed to have deterred the Kargarok from following them.
Leaning upright again, Zelda tried to slow their pace, pulling back on the reins and uttering commands to stop but Nylah was too frightened to listen, the echoing of her horseshoes against the stone road and walls tricking her into believing they were being hounded by many horses bearing monsters wishing to do both she and her mistress harm, the sting of rain becoming the sting of their whips.
The sound suddenly fell away again as for the third time that day Zelda felt the walls open up into unseen space. The rain and wind hit them full force after being in a protected and enclosed place, Zelda’s hood flew off her head and the rain forced her to squint. She could feel the ground rising up as Nylah sped onward and she pulled on the reins feeling them swerving round to the right. A screech from directly in front of them had Nylah skidding and rearing and Zelda fell backwards, landing heavily on her side from where she had twisted to try and save herself injury.
Nylah brayed and kicked, stomping and showing the whites of her eyes as the Kargarok stuttered, wings beating furiously to prevent collision with the horses hooves. Zelda watched, terrified as her horse threw sense to the heavy wind and turned as she reared, almost coming down on top of Zelda and trampling her as she fled. Gasping for breath, Zelda struggled to her feet. The hair having escaped her braid whipping her face as she was buffeted and pushed, the ever darkening fog pressing in on her and causing her heart to leap into her throat. She didn’t know where she was, she had no horse, and danger clearly still lurked in the fields. Pushing in the direction Nylah had run, Zelda dragged herself through the gale, feeling more and more weighted down as the rain soaked her dress and cloak. A shifting dark mass loomed through the fog and Zelda prayed it was a forest or wood of some kind, enough to offer shelter until the worst had passed. She scrambled up the small bank and used the trunks of the trees she passed to hold her upright as she struggled through the roots and leaf litter, her skirts catching and tearing as they was still blown about her. The rain was lighter amongst the trees, beating against the canopy above and dripping down, the roar of the leaves and branches blowing in the wind was deafening. A crack from above brought the fear of falling branches and she hastened as much as she was able deeper into the woods.
Zelda stopped, leaning against a tree to catch her breath and calm her heart, regretting and berating herself for being so foolish. How could she have let this happen? Wasn’t she supposed to be intelligent? She felt her boot squelch with a sucking sound as she lifted her foot in order to move on, the rain making the ground muddy and ruining the bottom of her skirts. Just as she was moving on, an unfamiliar sound caught her attention from somewhere behind her, high gurgling calls and the sound of a group of bodies moving, she pushed her back against the tree and brought her dark cloak around her so as to hide the light colours of her dress to avoid attracting the attention of the unknown travellers. In weather like this, of course Zelda wouldn’t be the only sorry creature caught out in it and seeking shelter. These woods were probably brimming with hidden things waiting for her to tire and give up so they could move in. This realisation brought fear to her eyes and she moved on as cautiously and quietly as she could. She had to find somewhere safer to wait. Perhaps there was a road through the woods, she could wait in the cover of the treeline and see if anyone passed who could help her.
While the storm raged on and the leaves overhead hissed and roared, it masked the sound of several footsteps following her from a short distance as she fixated on trying to find a road. Just as she thought she could see the trees thinning, they made themselves known. Low gurgling and chirping alerted her to their proximity, turning in time to see pale green eyes almost glowing in the dark, several pairs above several wide gaping mouths, blue tongues lolling out of the sides over yellowing teeth made for eating meat and flesh. The Bokoblins had hemmed her in on all sides she realised as she turned while trying to simultaneously keep them all in sight. She eyed their crude weapons, clubs and blunted blades, trying not to imagine the pain of being hacked by them. Zelda knew Bokoblins on their own were not particularly intelligent, but as a pack they were dangerous. She drew her rapier, hoping the sight of her own polished blade would deter them, if anything it piqued their interest in her, foul beasts that preferred to play with their food, run it down until it could run no more, taunt it into fighting back out of self preservation before cutting it down.  
The tension building between them as they circled her finally snapped as a Bokoblin lunged at her, she stepped back and to the side, raising her blade and using it to defend against the incoming blow, slapping the wide knife away from her and whipping across its face with the point of her blade. She saw the opportunity to run open up behind where the Bokoblin had left a hole in the circle and she took it, grabbing a fistfull of her skirts and lifting them in an attempt to make her flight through the rugged undergrowth easier. She heard the hunting call sound behind her and didn’t look back, not risking tearing her eyes away from the ground in front of her lest she trip on a protruding root or fallen branch. The mud slowed her down and her dress was torn as it snagged and caught but she ran as fast as she was able, she was not made for this terrain and the knowledge and fear that her assailants were gave her the strength of a prey animal locked in the age old battle versus predator.
Zelda dodged trees and jumped over roots as she ran, never daring to slow, all the while hearing the shouts of her attackers. Looking ahead, she could see light through the trees, thanking the goddesses that she had finally found a road, and that running would be much easier there, she chanced a look back as she broke the treeline only to scream as the ground disappeared from under her feet. Trying to remain upright to land on her feet, she landed heavily on her left ankle, crashing to the ground and catching herself on her hands, her rapier dropped in favour of protecting herself. Pain blossomed in her ankle and she hissed, looking around herself frantically. She appeared to have fallen down a bank into a clearing, to her right she could just make out the opening to a road back through the woods she had just fled through, to her left a battered and shoddy hut stood. Her heart leapt in the hope of safety, but she was not given time to feel it for long as the Bokoblins began to slide down the high bank after her.
Turning herself onto her back, she tried to scramble backwards, away from the advancing monsters who were salivating at her helplessness. Turning her head as they began to circle her again, she caught sight of the Bokoblin she had cut, a slice going across his ugly, brutish face, his blood mingling with the rain, advancing slowly. She could not run, her rapier was out of reach and she was surrounded, her voice dying in her throat preventing her from even crying out for help. Fear made her heart pound in her ears and she closed her eyes, cowering away, raising her arm as the blunted blade was lifted above her head. The seconds seem to drag on forever as she waited for the blow to come, instead she jumped and cried out as a weight landed on her legs, jostling her damaged ankle. Looking down, she recoiled. The body of the Bokoblin lay across her legs, eyes rolled back into its head and an arrow shaft protruding from the back of its skull. She shoved it from her, scrambling back further into the centre of the clearing.
The enraged screeches of its fellows barely covered the sound of rapidly approaching hoof beats. The Bokoblins scattered as two more of their number fell, climbing back up the bank or else running for the trees on the other side of the clearing. The horse cantered close, turning and moving around her, dancing agitatedly on its hooves as its rider scanned the environment through the fog for further threats, bow still drawn and arrow nocked. Zelda squinted up at the rider, their head turned away from her and cloak hood shadowing their face. Was this rider her salvation, or yet another danger?
She glanced quickly over the horse, trying to determine whether the newcomer was a friend or foe, whether she should stay where she was, or if she should try to flee while their back was turned. A chestnut mare with flaxen mane and tail, thicker set than the spry Termina horses used for their speed by the common thief and highwayman. A work horse then, bred for farm labour, strong and sturdy. The mare tossed her head and Zelda caught sight of the markings decorating her forehead and face, gasping as she realised she recognised this horse. She had ridden this horse. Her gaze shot up to the rider again as he turned to climb down. His boots hit the ground on the other side of Epona and he strode around her head, steps faltering slightly when he cleared his horse and took in her pathetic appearance. Her hair was plastered to her face, she was soaked through and more mud showed on her clothes than actual fabric. Link’s eyes didn’t widen however, in fact his expression barely changed as he bent to offer her his hand.
“Are you hurt, Your Highness?”
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