#king snake vs rattlesnake
qserasera · 9 months
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antivenom ; a snowbaird fanmix mostly blues/ballad/folk; 'I said, 'Do you know where the wild roses grow / so sweet and scarlet and free?''
Song list below {01 When the Chips Are Down ('Songbird vs. rattlesnake') Intro - Hadestown | 02 The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Calamity Jane ' "The girl said, 'My name's Lucy / And I'm the best there's ever been' | 03 Where the Wild Roses Grow - Kylie Minogue, Nick Cave 'On the second day I brought her a flower’ | 04 Killing Time - Dillon 'when push comes to shove / killing time by making love' | 05 Mr Magpie - Electric Swing Circus 'girl you're gonna be / another victim of his charm' | 06 Lion Tamer - Ariana Savalas 'if he's the king, she's the princess / he worships her, but still she's oppressed' | 07 Megalomaniac - aeseas 'got my tongue / better watch your back' | 08 Curses - The Crane Wives 'Won't you stay with me, my darling / When my walls start burning down, down, down' | 09 Slow Motion Countdown - Lera Lynn 'I can see you, knife in hand / But the ropes have got you all bound down' | 10 Rule #7 Angel Tango - Fish in a Birdcage 'my nights are so much longer / you left my heart no choice' | 11 I've seen that Face Before (Libertango) - Otros Aires 'Like a hawk stealing for the prey / like the night waiting for the day'| 12 Sway (Tango Mix Version) - Sawa Kobayashi 'like the flowers flying in the breeze / land with me' | 13 The Count and His Lady Belle - Karmina 'maybe we could live happily there / life isn't fair' | 14 Bluebells - Patrick Wolf 'Lucy, remember / the smell of fall...I fell off the wagon/into your arms' | 15 Snake in the Grass - Sirs&Madams 'then all the while / you were hissing like a snake in the grass' | 16 The Angel of Death - The Devil Makes Three 'can you truthfully say with your dying breath / that you're ready to meet the angel of death?'}
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aike-pandas · 2 years
I lied
imagine RattleSnake Naga y/n. [fangs appear and y/n has small fangs vs the normal sized human ones
he met you when he Exiled Tommy and tried to attack Tommy, you appeared and coiled around Tommy like how snakes do around eggs and rattled and hissed. Your Poison filled fangs flicking out. He fell hard for the reasoning your dangerous. And also I feel like he was the kid to just grab poisonous snakes and kiss them as a joke :/
He was spying on L’ManBurg and tripped over your burrow, you crawled out thinking he was some livestock, the Same time some other Nagas appeared so you panicked and dragged him in to your burrow. Also kissed snakes with Dream
he was talking to XD when you where hunting, and ofc XD saw you and you just hissed as his “GrEatNeSS” scared away that poor pig. So in your book George doesn’t have the best rep;-;
told Dream and SapNap to stop kissing rattle snakes and King Cobras
he met your grand ancestor first, the titan boa Naga, and he searched the whole SMP for you and found your Burrow, you both panicked because “Cute small boy.” “Giant snake person.” Took in injured animals PROVE ME WRONG.
you thought he was a snack and coiled around him, like during the butcher army arc and you where visiting Techno, [more like he was visiting you in the warmest place possible that’s kinda close to his house] and you Captured Him and decided he was too pretty :/
More poisonous Snake kissers
you where by the neither portal in winter and he walked out, you where dead asleep and he noticed the rattle. Perhaps you where attacked and needed warmth to properly heal, he tapped your scales and I’m sure he’s hella warm, so your tail subconsciously coiled around him and trapped him as he healed your tail as you slept holding him like a teddy
Cold. Cold man. Ew. -your words exactly when you coiled around him to use as leverage to escape. After so you uncoiled and hissed and bit him, but he turned into diamond at the right time so you just hurt your teeth ;-;
you where very. Very lost. Since you prefer the Forest for better soil for Burrows and more prey, but you went to visit someone and now. Your being carried by big golden shark. But it’s okay he’s warm.
you went into the portal in the prison right as he was entering and you followed after because well, I’m sure the Prison is warm with all of the lava. So you lived on the mice and slept by the cells, until he brought in Dream and he spotted you hiding. He dragged you out causing him to be bitten, on his armor so he had to help you take care of your fangs so you can continue living in the wild.
you helped him build L’ManBurg, and watched him blow it up. . . GhostBur was great company, he was too cold though, he didn’t have your Bur’s warmth. . Until Dream promised to revive him if he got some venom. Which you agreed and now your taking care of the giant man corpse. He can be seen trapped in your tail as you have a hiss off with Quackity, stuck in your burrow as you go hunt. Or Asleep in a shared Cabin you built with a more man-made like burrow with heaters.
We both know I'm going to write little One-Shot of these ideas.
Meeting Naga Y/n!
*Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
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🧫 Needless to say, he caught a high interest on you.
🧫 You despised him, but this man didn't fall to show you attention every single day, when he went to visit you.
🧫 He didn't fall to give you little things, in exchange of a little proof of your poison.
🧫 After a long, long, time, you accepted.
🧫 After that, you had a good friend, that was completely honest with you despise being a manipulative prick with everyone else.
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🔥 This man... He was both terrified and amused by your presence.
🔥 And he specially loved the fact that you were strong.
🔥 He was thankful that you decided to not eat him in exchange for meat.
🔥 With your consent, he rubbed gentle over your scales, he loved the feeling.
🔥 Finds your poison very interesting and has questioned you how many things you can kill with it.
🔥 Now he smiles every time you great him, wrapping your tail around him as If you were gonna eat him.
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❄️ Despite you disliked him, he was intrigued by you.
❄️ It took a while, but you guys seemed to start liking eachother.
❄️ You guys spent a lot of time cuddling. After all, you guys like warm places.
❄️ George likes how you treat with poisoning XD, finds it entertaining.
❄️ Cuddle buddy✨
“Karl Jacobs”
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🌆 God he almost passed out.
🌆 Good thing you managed to caught him.
🌆 You liked him instantly.
🌆 He now tells you stories, specially tales of the past.
🌆 He loves your interesting in them.
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☄️ This man got scared the honk out of his life.
☄️ Was impressed by you, and was careful of not hurting you with his weapons.
☄️ Took a while for you to let him free. You wanted food.
☄️ But he promised to give you food so, you're good.
☄️ He found a new friend and so did you :D
☄️ Loves cuddles with you.
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🌺 He found you adorable once you waked up.
🌺 You got a bit ashamed to the fact that you slept hugging him like a Teddy, but he reassured you that he didn't mind.
🌺 Loves to travel with you, or just spend time in warm zones with you.
🌺 Just like you tangle your tail around him, he tangles his around yours so he doesn't loose you in the way.
🌺 He didn't showed you up to Skeppy, but that was because he didn't want to see his friend fight (again) with another person for the "Bad's Best Friend" title.
🌺 Overall you're two good friends.
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💮 Needless to say, you both disliked eachother for a long time.
💮 He helped you take your fangs. Under obligation, but he helped.
💮 He really, really, really, disliked the "cold" comment.
💮 Somehow you both managed to start liking eachother, no one knows how, but you guys do you.
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☀️ He saw you as both company and a pet. That's it.
☀️ Definitely had to fight with XD for his attention.
☀️ He had a big interest in you. And you were happy to answer his questions.
☀️ You both now had a good goofy friend.
“Awesamdude (Sam)”
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☘️ He really didn't know what to do with you.
☘️ He did take well care of you though, so there's that.
☘️ He actually didn't mind letting his mind focus on anything else than Dream.
☘️ You're both friends now.
“Wilbur Soot”
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🪐 So, you know those people that use their snake pets as a collar? Yeah, that's him.
🪐 It was truly hard to make you accept, but he succeeded in the end so... Yeah.
🪐 He loves how intimidating you get, specially when it comes to Quackity.
🪐 He feels safe with you, and gives you cuddles as a price for being a good Naga.
*Hallo! Hope you enjoyed!
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critterone · 3 years
San Antonio has an abundance of snakes, from rattlesnakes, coral snakes & copperheads, to harmless snakes like rat snakes or garters. When most people come in contact with a snake, they have a natural reaction to be afraid because we know that some snakes are venomous. In most cases, snakes will not damage your home or outside property, but they can still be unnerving. Many snakes either live or make their way in to residential neighborhoods because their diet consists of insects, birds, rodents and other pests that can be found in greater concentration in those areas. Often times, the presence of a snake in and around your home can be an indication of an underlying rodent or insect infestation.
Snake removal are important to the environment (even poisonous ones) because they keep rodent & insect populations in check. However that doesn’t mean you need to live with one in your backyard! If you find a snake on your San Antonio property, please don’t kill it – call Critter One Animal Control and we’ll safely and humanely remove that snake from your property.
Snakes come in all shapes and sizes. In Texas, coral snakes & all types of pit vipers, including copperheads, cottonmouth and several species of rattlesnakes are poisonous. Pit vipers are very fat with big heads and slits for pupils. Rattlesnakes are easy to identify because they have rattles on the end of their tail. Snakes that are smaller and skinny are typically non-venomous and harmless.
Coral snakes can be trickier to identify because they look very similar to the scarlet king snake, which is non-venomous. There is an old rhyme that can be used to identify a poisonous vs. non-poisonous snake: “red touch yellow, kills a fellow – red touch black, friend of Jack”. With coral snakes, the red bands and yellow bands always touch. The coral snake has a black nose too, so keep these identifiers in mind when you see a snake nearby.
If you are in need of snake removal, or other wildlife removal services in San Antonio, contact Critter One Animal Control today at (210) 201-0064 today.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
9x01: Details
Good morning! So today, I'm going over details.
***Once again, spoilers abound for TWD 9x01. I think most people have watched by now, but if you haven’t, don’t click the READ MORE. You’ve been warned!***
Of course we saw a lot of motorcycles at the beginning. We could call that part of the Bike Theory. 
We also naturally saw a lot of horses. I notice the ones between behind and Jesus were both dark and light. Of course, with lots of horses that the characters were writing all throughout.
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I want to say a word about the crucifixion walker on the X. First of all, it's on X. (X theory). As I said yesterday, it's one of three Daryl shoots in the head, and because premieres set up for the rest of the season, I think this points to us seeing a crucifixion this year. Maybe not a literal one, but maybe seeing the truth of what happened with Beth.
We also discussed in my group that there are major parallels between this walker and the one outside the moonshine shack that Daryl did target practice on. 
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We felt like this was a Beth moment because in Still, she got after him for being flippant about killing walkers. She thought it was more respectful to “just kill it,” than to use it in a way that might be disrespectful to the person the walker once was. We think that's why Daryl shot this walker. In truth, using a walker to keep the crows away from the crops is actually a good idea. But obviously Daryl had an emotional response to that and shot it.
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I mentioned this in my analysis of the trailer, but there's also a walker in the city, sitting next to the car, just like Rick and Daryl during their “you’re my brother” convo. Not sure why they put this in here, except perhaps to be a little ironic because Daryl and Rick are at odds right now.
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I couldn't help but notice a "flip" theme. When Jerry passes Daryl on the bridge, he says, "Clearing the rally point, dude. See you on the flip.” Later Rick and Michonne pass walkers in the city and then flip around and come back to kill them. The writers talked a lot about a literal “flip the script” kind of thing for this season, which we’re hoping means we’ll see Beth. But I feel like they were incorporating this into the episode as the theme.
 (The walker Michonne kills when she “flips” back around is the one that was sitting by the car, reminiscent of the “you’re my brother” convo. So maybe symbolic of them returning to stuff that happened in S4?)
When they ride into the city, there are some signs behind Daryl. Before I got a chance to look at them very closely, @wdway identified three different signs with Ps on them. 
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That mirrors the PPP card Tara found when Heath disappeared in 7x06. 
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Because we know the Whisperers are coming this season, I still think this probably points to them. Which would mean that Heath is with the Whisperers. Either way, this foreshadows something. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Inside the Capitol building, I was reminded a lot of the compound Rick and Daryl found Gracie in in S8. Mostly because there was so much white and wood interior. Because it was darker inside than out, it also had the Grady lighting going on. It also reminded me a bit of father Gabriel's church and the Big Spot, mostly because TF sneaked around and explored quietly with guns. It just gave me S4/S5 vibes.
Ways in which this episode parallels 4x01:
1.Them entering the Capitol felt a bit like the Big Spot.
2.When Ezekiel fell through the glass floor, it looked exactly like the walker who came through the roof of the Big Spot. (And combine that with Breaking Glass Theory).
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3.The “B” painted over a 30 mile-per-hour side. It felt like Beth and 30 Days Without an Accident.
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4.Similar but opposite. In 4x01, there was a herd of walkers overtop of the group (at the Big Spot). In this case, there was a herd of rockers underneath the group. In that case, a walker fell through the roof. In this case the human person fell through the floor. You can see the parallels, but it's also sort of opposite. Which adds to the flip the script theme.
5.What happened with Siddiq felt like an echo of what happened to Zach, just with spiders added. (Another opposite: Siddiq didn’t actually die but Zach did.)
6.We saw wooden barriers with spikes around the communities, just like the prison.
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7. In 4x01, Zach saves Bob. Here, Ken saves horse.
8. Villain mentioned but absent. In 4x01, it’s the Gov. Here, it’s Negan. Sort of backs up the theory about how they’ll replay the sequence from 4x08, but this time Negan will take the Gov’s place, Rick may take Hershel’s place, and Beth will take Rick’s place.
9. The Daryl/Carol scene. These have been mentioned by others previous when this scene was released as a sneak peek, but to recap: A) Daryl and Carol hanging out and talking casually. 2) She says “stop.” I think in 4x01 it was him that said it. Either way, the line was said. 3) She calls him Pookie. I don’t think we’ve heard that at all since 4x01.
When they find the seeds, the packet says Rattlesnake Snap Bean. 
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It’s a real thing. As far as I can tell, they’re kinda like green beats but longer and thinner with dark streaks that make them look like a rattle snake. (Source) Hence the name. But this is an example of them specifically using that brand. I mean, they could have shown tomato seeds or something, right?  And when was the only time you saw a rattlesnake? In Still.
Michonne looks at a “More Perfect Union” poster, but it’s specifically about the conflicts that led up to the formation of the country. This is obviously a foreshadow of conflicts coming this season, and it probably foreshadows Michonne's leadership.
During the scene where Ezekiel falls through the floor, there's lots of emphasis on people's shoes and boots. It's probably at least in part because they’re showing that the floor is rickety, but we saw a lot of boots in this scene. It jumped out at me.
I said yesterday that I was nervous about Ezekiel maybe dying. After reading spoilers for next week, I'm already less worried. It occurred to me that Zeke falling through the floor COULD foreshadow his death. But the he didn’t actually die here, and I didn’t see any specific death omens. Rather, it was just a close call. If this does foreshadow something, I would say it foreshadows him almost dying, but in the end he’ll survive to make out with Carol for another day. ;D At least, that’s the hope.
Ken said, “Shoeing these horses is a full-time job.” This reminded me of @frangipanilove’s theory about hoofed animals, especially horses, and shoes.
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I thought it was really funny when Carol refused the ring. She was being such a girl. At that point. "If you’re gonna propose, do it right! Not on back of a horse!” 😆😆😆
Rosita said something interesting when they discovered the broken bridge. She said, "two other herds merged into Sylvia, so now it's even bigger.” She also said that they took out the walkie repeater on the bridge went out.
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It's interesting to me that they're naming herds now. There obviously tracking them and trying to manipulate their pathways. Sylvia means “forest” or “spirit of the wood.”
A repeater for the walkers helps widen the area that can pick up the walkie talkie signal. And that’s been taken out. So their communications have been somewhat compromised. This definitely qualifies as part of the Communications Theme.
After Ken dies, we once again seen a 8:20 clock. Remember that last season, we saw one, particularly in Rick's Old Man Coda. I was originally just going to say that this is still in play, and while we were wrong about it pointing to episode 8x04, obviously this symbolism is still important.
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Then I sat and thought about it for a minute, trying to make connections. Remember, Rick's Old Man Coda was actually Carl's vision of the future. In that vision, he saw Negan being a part of the community and making nice with Rick and teen family. I do think they will eventually move toward realizing that vision. The clock could be to show that they will be moving toward Carl's vision as a way of honoring him this season.
But. Remember THIS POST in which M-Nonny discovered that the opposite time (10:10) represents famous people who were shot and killed. So doing 8:20 may represent someone who was shot and lived. And y’all know I think Carl’s death and Beth’s return will be related. And then there was the Phoenix behind Carl. So, I know this isn’t at all definitive, but it's a symbol I'm definitely keeping an eye on.
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I thought it was funny during Rick and Daryl’s convo that Daryl said, "We can't make enough corn fuel to run the cars or the trucks." Notice that there was no mention of not being able to run the RVs or his motorcycle. LOL. I get that smaller vehicles take a lot less gas, but it's just a convenient way for the writers to allow him to keep riding his motorcycle, even though there out of fuel. LOL.
The whole charter vs constitution thing was interesting. For the record, a charter is something issued by a sovereign (king or queen, which kind of reinforces the whole 4 Queens theory, btw) while a constitution is written by the people. So for right now, Michonne and Rick are just telling the people how it will be, rather than having them come together and agree on their own rules. Not exactly sure why this was included, but it’s interesting.
With Gregory's death, they might have been specifically doing an antiparallel to Randall in S2. Remember in my Opening Credits Analysis, I noted there was a noose in the barn, and it reminded me of F almost hanging Randall. It also obviously foreshadowed Gregory's death.
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I don't disagree with Maggie’s actions (let's face it, the dude really had to go). I do think they’re trying to show that Maggie is becoming a little too dark and brutal for it to be a good thing. So, in S2, TF almost hung Randall, but didn't. Here, Rick and Michonne didn't think Maggie would really hang Gregory, but she did. Maggie is taking a dark stance on things, not unlike Daryl, and it's not entirely healthy.
A few more small details and I’ll shut up for today:
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There were tents set up in the Capitol building, which reminded me of the ones on the sky bridge in 5x06.
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Oh, and this walker is wearing a sweater that looks just like the one Beth wore in the Bethyl hug scene in 4x01.
There were red umbrellas in the background when the spider walker grabbed Siddiq. Kinda like the red umbrella we saw in 7x16? It’s a Red Object which, once again, probably represent red easter eggs/resurrection.
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Right in front of that is a sheet that reminds us of Daryl and Beth putting the tarp over the Rick Bitch walker in 4x12. And it’s yellow! Just so many callbacks.
I haven’t mentioned Xs, but they’re all over: the crucified walker at the beginning. The boat Daryl and Cindy get is resting on wooden Xs. The glass floor has grids, so either boxes or Xs, depending on how you look at them. A vent under one of the Natural History tarp that’s full of Xs. If you just look for them in the episode, you’ll find them everywhere! (X Theory).
I think it's all the details I have for right now. Tomorrow I'll analyze the lyrics of Eldon’s song. Anybody see anything I missed?
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pascal1972 · 2 years
Swallowed Alive - King Snake vs Rattlesnake
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kayfabejake · 6 years
WWF Survivor Series 1996 PPV Review
It’s that time of year! Get out your Thanksgiving leftovers, cause it’s time for the second longest and most boring special match type of the year (in my opinion, don’t hate me). The big match on this card for me is Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Bret “The Hitman” Hart, a prequel to their legendary double turn match at WrestleMania 13. Let’s get watching and let’s get reviewing!
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Date: 11.17.1996 / Venue: Madison Square Garden - New York, NY / Attendance: 18647 / Tagline: Back To Attack
Survivor Series Elimination Match Henry Godwinn & Phineas Godwinn “The Godwinns” w/ Hillbilly Jim, Doug Furnas, and Phillip LaFon def. Leif Cassidy & Marty Jannetty “The New Rockers”, Owen Hart & The British Bulldog w/ Clarence Mason in (20:41)
The level of talent in this match is so wildly inconsistent it’s hilarious
“Phineas is gonna attempt a suplex! How stupid is that!” Good point JR
Henry Godwinn eliminates Jannetty with the “Slop Drop”, Owen Hart eliminates Henry with a spinning back kick, Bulldog then eliminates Phineas Godwinn. Good that we got the Godwinns out jesus christ
Furnas hits a vicious powerslam on Cassidy
Owen Hart with a very high dropkick
The heels are working over Doug Furnas in the corner
Bulldog hits the delayed vertical suplex on Furnas and then flips just to showboat
Vicious gutbuster onto Furnas, JR calls it a “Suzanne Somers” gutbuster lol
LaFon eliminates Cassidy
Owen Hart’s belly to belly suplexes are a thing of beauty
LaFon pins Bulldog, who retaliates with an illegal chop block
Hart comes in to work on LaFon’s legs by smashing them against the ringpost
Hart applies the sharpshooter but Furnas breaks it up
Hart catches the leg of LaFon and LAFON HITS A STEP UP REVERSE ENZIGURI
Furnas gets the hot tag, suplexes Hart and picks up the win for the faces!
My Rating [2.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [3.25*]
The Undertaker pins Mankind w/ Paul Bearer in (14:52)
Bearer goes into a shark cage lmao
Brawling in the ring, then on the outside
The Undertaker bites the mandible claw hand!
Catches the mandible claw and stands up into some chops!
Mankind takes a huuuuuge bump holy shit
Undertaker wins with a tombstone!
My Rating [3*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [2.25*]
Survivor Series Elimination Match “The Stalker” Barry Wyndham, “The Wildman” Marc Mero w/ Sable, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, & Rocky Maivia def. Goldust, Jerry “The King” Lawler, Crush, & Hunter Hurst Helmsley in (23:44)
This match is a real “shape of things to come” match, wow. The Rock’s first PPV match and HHH coming into the match with the Intercontinental Belt.
Lots of in and out heel work
The Rock fights King for a while and holy shit, Rock has already got the facial expressions and the super selling down pat
Trips and Rocky lock up
Suplex by HHH into an elbow drop by Goldust
Crush hits a backbreaker on The Rock
Sunny, on commentary, accuses Vince of wearing a toupee
Vince sweeps it under the rug verrrrry quickly 🤔
Heels work over Rocky for a while, hot tag to Roberts who cleans house
Lawler is eliminated by Roberts
Mero hits HHH with a standing headscissors, a back body drop, then after a quick break the Merosault takes out Trips
Mero and Jake The Snake are quickly eliminated, Mero sort of off screen
Rocky is alone, facing Crush & Goldust. The crowd already loves him
Crossbody onto both Crush and Goldust
Rocky pins Crush! Rock against Goldust!
My Rating [3*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [2*]
Bret “The Hitman” Hart pins Stone Cold Steve Austin in (28:36)
Holy fucking shit. The prequel to Austin v. Hart at WM13. I’m so excited to watch this, and even more excited to see Austin v. Hart II.
The Hitman versus The Rattlesnake. Let’s fucking go.
There’s this look on Austin’s face as he sizes up Bret, before the jabbering and the bantering. Begrudging respect gives way to anger and a burning desire to win.
Austin working over Hart’s arm in the middle of the ring, but his knowledge of holds and human body geometry allows him to escape and put Austin into a disadvantageous position
Hart driving knees into Austin’s back
Amazing drop toe hold by Austin as Hart bounces off the ropes, but then Hart turns it into an amazing hold on Stone Cold
Austin throws Bret into the ropes, and then works him over with falling elbows and stomps
Stone Cold is continually targeting Hart’s neck and lungs
Hart and Austin trading intense blows
Reversal irish whip into a clothesline into an inverted atomic drop by Hart
Hart thrown to the outside
Hart drives Austin through the barricade and they’re brawling in the crowd
Austin is planted face first into the steel guard rail
Stone Cold rolls all the way out of the ring when he gets put back in lol
Austin catapults Hart into the Spanish desk and they get into a messy brawl on that table
JR sagely observes: “It seems like it always happens to the Spanish guys!”
Austin drops an elbow onto Hart from the apron
Vertical suplex on Hart by Austin OVER THE ROPES, DAMN
A slugfest in the middle of the ring as Hart gives it his all, holy shit
Backbreaker on Austin
Hart goes up to the top rope, and Austin goes up to the top too AND HITS A TOP ROPE SUPLEX HOLY SHIT
Bret attempts to get a sneaky pin but fails
Stone Cold Stunner buys him a two count but no more!
Austin pummeling away at Hart but hart will not give in!!!
Submission applied by Austin, but Hart manages to crawl to the ropes for a break
But Hart kicks out, again. Incredible.
Just a mindblowing finish as Hart, in the middle of a sleeper hold from Austin, kicks off the second turnbuckle and backflips both himself and Austin into a pin. The Hitman wins. What a match, an absolute classic.
My Rating [4.5*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [4.5*]
Survivor Series Elimination Match Farooq, Razor Ramon II, Diesel II & Vader (DDQ) Yokozuna, Savio Vega, Flash Funk, & Jimmy Snuka in (09:48)
Hell yes, Cornette is on commentary. Even if this match sucks I’m going to enjoy it.
JR takes a shot at Hulk Hogan -- “I’ve never seen red and yellow look so good in the Garden” (re: Flash’s outfit)
“You couldn’t manage a Wendy’s!” shouts Cornette at JR. “I could if you lived in town,” retorts JR 😂
Diesel II hits a brutal clothesline on Flash Funk
Diesel II eliminates Savio Vega
Snuka eliminates Razor Ramon II and then a bunch of chairs are brought into the ring and an all out brawl breaks out, leading to...a double DQ. Ok, um...what?
My Rating [.5*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [1*]
WWF Heavyweight Title Match Sycho Sid pins Shawn Michaels [c] w/ Jose Lothario in (20:02)
I’m not really sure if I find Michaels hot or I just am really buying into the character and the screams of the audience.
Bret Hart gets the winner of this match for a title shpt, which, knowing about the Michaels/Hart timeline, implies that Sid’s going to win this. but we’ll see
things we know about Michaels coming into this match
he thinks he’s cute
he knows he’s sexy
he’s got the looks that drive the girls wild
he’s got the moves that really move ‘em
he sends chills up and down their spines
big punch from Sid to Michaels in the corner
awesome baseball slide between Sid’s legs into a dropkick from Michaels
chop block by Michaels on Sid and, surprisingly to me, he gets booed!
Michaels uses the ropes to get up high and drop down on Sid’s leg
Michaels in the corner, Sid “sprints” at him and comes in so goddamn slowly it’s hilarious
throughout the match Michaels is working on Sid’s left leg and knee, and continues to get heat from the crowd for doing so
Michaels clotheslined over the top
RIDICULOUS rotation on a back body drop by Sid
backbreaker by Sid gets a two count
huge punch to HBK who is out on his feet in the middle of the ring (in kayfabe)
Michaels kicks out back to back times
Sid catches the Sweet Chin Music and reverses it into a one armed chokeslam
Sid sets up the powerbomb, but Michaels reverses it into a small package pin attempt
Michaels kips up but gets immediately clotheslined by Sid
Sid grabs the camera and hits Jose with it, and the ref CLEARLY SEES IT AND DOES NOT DQ HIM IMMEDIATELY WHAT THE FUCK
Michaels goes out to attend to Lothario, but Sid throws him back into the ring
Michaels bumps the ref, which means...here we go
Sid smashes the camera onto his back
Sid hits the powerbomb. 1-2-3. Even with a slow count from Hebner, Sid gets it. I have to say, I don’t usually like Sycho Sid, but this was a decent match.
My Rating [2.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [3.75*]
Overall PPV Rating: B
A decent show with only one bad match. I do have to say there’s one too many Survivor Series matches on this show, and it ended in a DQ anyways--so what was the point? Sycho Sid vs. Shawn Michaels was decent and a believable way for Shawn to drop the belt, and Hart vs. Austin was a fucking KAH-LASSIC that gets me even more hyped for their incoming WM13 showdown.
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shinymakergoatee · 4 years
Khóc Thét Quái vật Rắn Hổ mang Đối Đầu CHồn , Đại Bàng , Sóc, Lửng mật...
Khóc Thét Quái vật Rắn Hổ mang Đối Đầu CHồn
Đại Bàng
Lửng mật Trốn Tìm Đỉnh Ngọn CÂy
khóc thét
rắn hổ mang
hổ mang chúa
chồn săn mồi
lửng mật săn mồi
mongoose vs snake
snake vs honey badger
black mamba
meekat vs cobra
king cobra
animal attack
animal hunt
braver cobra
10 mongoose vs cobra
Trốn Tìm Đỉnh Ngọn CÂy
spraying venom
0 notes
placetobenation · 5 years
We already knew that WrestleMania 36 in Tampa was going to be different. But, no one could’ve ever expected just how different it’s going to be.
With the coronavirus putting the World on hold, fighting against the clock and a pandemic to save lives each and every day, WrestleMania will be the first WWE PPV to be held without any fans in attendance. Much like their weekly shows, RAW, NXT and SmackDown, it’s scheduled to be held at the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.
Reportedly, the WWE is going to tape as much programming, including the WrestleMania event itself as soon as possible to prevent against further local, national and government restrictions. In addition, they too have to fight time in that eventually someone in connection to the organization will test positive for the virus which would then put a full shutdown in effect.
These are very scary and unprecedented times in which all precautions should be taken to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.
So, with the news of WrestleMania being taken out of Tampa, WWE said that new signee Rob Gronkowski will be the host of the now, two-night event on the WWE Network. The former Patriots tight end’s announcement about an event meant for Tampa ironically comes in the same week that his former QB, Tom Brady, heads to Tampa as the Bucs new QB. You just can’t make this stuff up. 
To get all of us ready for WrestleMania, the WWE and ESPN announced Friday that for the next three Sundays, ESPN will be broadcasting old WrestleManias.
Here’s the schedule: Sunday, March 22 – 7pm WrestleMania 30 (New Orleans, LA – The Undertaker Streak is broken) Sunday, March 29 – 7pm WrestleMania 32 (Arlington, TX – Roman Reigns vs. Triple H) Sunday, April 5 – 3pm WrestleMania 35 (East Rutherford, NJ – Rousey vs. Flair vs. Lynch)
For now, here’s this year’s WrestleMania card according the WWE website:
Saturday – April 4th
WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Brock Lesnar
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley
The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles
Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins
Sunday – April 5th
WWE Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns vs. Bill Goldberg
RAW Women’s Championship Match: Shayna Baszler vs. Becky Lynch
John Cena vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt
Also: Edge vs. Orton
Out in front of WrestleMania, the WWE has taken a bit of a turn as to how they’ve delivered programming this week. So, in turn, we will do the same. Instead of reviewing each show and what we liked about the matches and angles, we’ll do it as an overview.
See you soon, @DMcIntyreWWE!#Raw #RoyalRumble pic.twitter.com/WkTlr9eEsX
— WWE WrestleMania (@WrestleMania) March 17, 2020
Monday Night RAW was dominated by the replay of the Royal Rumble that has set up the WWE Championship match between champion Brock Lesnar and challenger Drew McIntyre . For those who didn’t see it on the WWE Network, either live or on replay, it was a good way to give insight into the Lesnar-McIntyre match-up in addition to it being just a good Rumble as well.
The only live match was Rey Mysterio, Jr. topping Andrade in a non-title United States Championship.
Elsewhere, Edge delivered an amazing promo to answer Randy Orton’s call. Not only did Edge say that his wife Beth Phoenix was about to announce his new retirement for him so he didn’t have to, but since Orton attacked Beth, Edge was challenging him to a Last Man Standing Match at WrestleMania. Well done, even without a crowd around him.
There was no contract signing for The Undertaker and AJ Styles. The Undertaker took out Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows with AJ Styles looking on from backstage after The OC tried to take UT out.
The Rattlesnake. #TheMan.#Raw @steveaustinBSR @BeckyLynchWWE pic.twitter.com/DAg6E7c69o
— WWE (@WWE) March 18, 2020
Finally, Stone Cold 3:16 Day ended with Becky Lynch joining Steve Austin in the ring to deliver a stunner to Byron Sexton, who was rating Austin’s performance at the RAW announce table. Predictable, but mostly flat without a crowd. I was impressed however by how many Stevie-wisers that The Man could down. Damn! As Ron Simmons would say!
"He's a snake. He's a liar. That's why I fixed their mistake."@JohnnyGargano did what he had to do. #WWENXT @NXTCiampa pic.twitter.com/9N4uY5gfyt
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) March 19, 2020
On NXT, I thought the WWE did an amazing job at putting some focus and backstory on the Tommaso Ciampa – Johnny Gargano feud. Complete with footage from back in their developmental days and matches gone by, it was a fantastic way to help the audience understand why it’s such an emotional conflict. Production-wise, there’s no one better at these kind of segments. Devoting a full hour to it shows why it’s the best story going in NXT.
An in-depth look at Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley followed in the show’s second hour. Now, you could say this approach didn’t help WWE/NXT as its audience was almost cut in half as compared to AEW, who did do live matches without a crowd. But, I think that has more to do with some fans just looking for the matches on AEW. In the long run, it’s an approach that I think NXT should do more of when they can mix them back in with matches. Giving fans a reason to buy in to people is never a bad think.
On a side note, AEW did have the debuts of former WWE veterans Matt Hardy and Brodie Lee, the former Luke Harper, who’s now the Exalted One in All Elite Wrestling.
Thoughts on @RobGronkowski's entrance? #Smackdown pic.twitter.com/6fCWXbBs8k
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) March 21, 2020
On SmackDown, it’s the debut of Rob Gronkowski. Gronk makes his first official WWE appearance and makes it’s a memorable one taking on King Corbin. A nice back-and-forth before setting up Corbin vs. Elias for WrestleMania. I can’t wait for the ultimate turn by Mojo Rawley on his good friend Gronk!
Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak continue to make their way up the ranks, beating Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura in a tag team match. Now, if Gulak can beat Nakamura next week on SmackDown, Bryan will get a shot at Sami Zayn’s Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.
Paige, by Skype from Los Angeles, gives Bayley the bad news that she’ll be defending her Smackdown Women’s Championship against Lacey Evans, Dana Brooke, Naomi, Tamina and Sasha Banks in a six-pack elimination match at WrestleMania. Are we about to get another Banks backstab in the works?
Bray Wyatt says John Cena beating him at WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans gave us The Fiend. So, what better way to prove that then to show us and that’s exactly what we got on FOX Friday night. Nice filler too! BTW: nice face time for Brodie Lee from AEW in that one!
Before their match with Heavy Machinery, The Miz and John Morrison delivered more comedic relief with a parody of The New Day and The Usos. Laugh out loud funny! What wasn’t so funny was the beating Otis from Heavy Machinery gave the tag team champs after being sent into a rage with a Dolph ZIggler/Mandy Rose Instagram post on the big screen. Miz & Morrison get a DQ win. Now, The New Day and The Usos will wrestle next Friday with the winner getting a title match at WrestleMania.
To end the night, yet another contract signing as Universal Champion Goldberg went face-to-face with Roman Reigns. Tough words, but pretty much the same ol’ same ol. Gotta be more creative in showcasing these things. Been there, done that!
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots and Red Sox fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND!
0 notes
briannahofan · 8 years
Sumatran cobras are thriving across Indonesia's ubiquitous oil palm and ... He has his own way to overcome the problem: kill a cobra whenever During the six-month period starting March 14, no monkey was killed, the state government has told the Union ministry, claiming that necessary Watch: Leopard leaps across treetops to grab a baby monkey Recently uploaded by Brenden Hughes, the clip showcases how adept these big cats are at hunting in the treetops. The unfortunate prey in this Cat fights snake while it is eaten alive by toad A cat got into a fight with a snake that was already half-eaten by a toad. In footage taken in Thailand, the cat, perhaps curious about this strange ... Watch an Eagle Battle a Cobra in Dramatic New Video The bird is most likely a brown snake eagle (Circaetus cinereus), trying to prey on a snouted cobra (Naja annulifera), says van Eeden Discovery Channel urged not to air footage of wildlife filmmaker ... New Jersey native Paul Rosolie fed himself to a 30ft green anaconda in the Amazon rainforest for a program that is due to air on December Cai ai Patrulei Calare, atacati de un caine agresiv Un echipaj din Patrula Călare a Municipiului București a fost atacat de un câine agresiv din rasa Rottweiler. Câinele -- care nu avea nici lesă Maru the cat calmly examines monkeys as they say hello then steal ... Maru the cat is charming audiences again with his relaxed demeanour, this time observing a couple of Japanese monkeys attempting to steal ... Indonesian singer performing with king cobra dies after being bitten ... A bite from a king cobra is, to say the least, very serious. ... is enough to kill 20 people, or even an elephant,” National Geographic wrote. Declare monkeys vermin for another year: Himachal Pradesh govt to ... During the six-month period starting March 14, no monkey was killed, the state government has told the Union ministry, claiming that necessar When Animals Attack: Ranking Bloodthirsty Movie Predators RollingStone.com-25 juin 2016 ... shark encircles her as the tide rises. Teen soap opera alumna vs. the ocean's most lethal predator – the eternal battle continues to rage. Image de l'histoire pour ANACONDA VS rottweiler de Daily Mail Discovery Channel urged not to air footage of wildlife filmmaker ... Daily Mail-10 nov. 2014 New Jersey native Paul Rosolie fed himself to a 30ft green anaconda in the Amazon rainforest for a program that is due to air on December. Image de l'histoire pour ANACONDA VS rottweiler de EnLaPelea Resultados UFN 98: Ricardo Lamas consigue emotiva victoria sobre ... EnLaPelea-5 nov. 2016 Ricardo Lamas sometió a Charles Oliveira en México para dedicarle la victoria a su madre que se encuentra luchando contra el Cancer. Pssst .... Wanna Buy a Monitor Lizard? TheDay.com-30 août 2013 ... nests, a veritable kennel of dogs ranging from Chihuahuas to Rottweilers, ... alligators, cobras, vipers, rattlesnakes, pythons and anacondas. Image de l'histoire pour ANACONDA VS rottweiler de YouTube Cai ai Patrulei Calare, atacati de un caine agresiv YouTube-31 oct. 2012 Un echipaj din Patrula Călare a Municipiului București a fost atacat de un câine agresiv din rasa Rottweiler. Câinele -- care nu avea nici lesă ... Let the Ikea monkey go home I can't fault a city that doesn't want to chance anacondas and tigers as pets although the famous painter Endre Szasz who lived in Toronto in ... It's eagle vs black mamba vs leopard in this intense safari free-for-all This eagle-snake-cat showdown left onlookers in awe, and after watching the clip, it's easy to see why. While cruising through South Africa's See an obnoxious cat bugging a snake who's being eaten by a toad CNET-12 mai 2016 Look, cat. It's a bad day for me, OK? Probably my worst day ever, worse than that time I accidentally shed my skin in class and that cute little .. ►Social media: ------------------------------------- ► wikipedia http://ift.tt/WJGOSh ► youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4d... ► google https://www.google.com ► facebook http://ift.tt/g8FRpY ► pinterest http://ift.tt/Uf0Cvf ► instagram http://ift.tt/1kwsCwF ► twitter https://twitter.com ► linkedin http://ift.tt/iMnaLP ► reddit https://www.reddit.com/ by Animal Planet
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turtlesecks · 12 years
Fucking Epic: King Snakes
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