archivedcoach · 2 years
@kingbiote  ›  🎤   ft.    cocaine  jesus  by  rainbow  kitten  surprise.
              it's  nearing  ten  o'clock  at  night,    and   beard's  only  a  few  beers  in.    the  alcohol  is  a  welcoming  warmth  in  his  stomach,   a  pleasant  buzz  present  throughout  his  system.   eddie  had  joined  him  about  ten  minutes  ago,   granting  him  company  on  an  otherwise  uneventful  night.   ted  had  a  scheduled  facetime  call  with  his  son,   so  beard  made  the  trek  to  their  usual  place  by  himself.   while  drinking  alone  had  been  nice,    it's  a   lot  less  sad  when  you  have  someone  beside  you.     so,    he's  just  grateful  eddie  had  come  when  beard  had  texted,   politely  requesting  his  presence.   leaning  forward,  half-empty  glass  in  hand,   beard  says,     ❝      thanks  for  showing  up.      ❞    a  pause,    giving  beard  the  time  to  sip  at  his  beer,   contemplating.    since  eddie  came  all  the  way  here,    beard  sure  return  the  favor.        ❝      you  know,   you  could  call  me when  you  need  it.   it's  good  to  have  people  like  that  who'll  be  there  when  you  need  them.       ❞
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brutlist · 2 years
❛ you’re following me ? ❜
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𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐠𝐡'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 . it's always the same brand of bewilderment , the same pick out of three probable responses : ' are you following me ? what are you doing in my house ? how did you get in my car ? ' " i'm following everybody . "
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crssfre · 2 years
*   ,      eddie brock      (   @kingbiote​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​   )      said  :      fuck that , tell me everything
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eyes flick up to the older man , brows furrowed and greatly judgmental : as if to ask him , why do you give a shit ? as if to beg him not to . " alright , alright fine . " a hand raises , please give me a minute , it says . you can feel a bruise forming on your cheek , it's accompanied by split skin and dried blood that ran down to the curve of your jaw ( what a horrific site , and you've already planned your absence from school , from gatherings , from everything - no one can see you like this ) . " i had him , and he was struggling but i was in control ... i was , but he was loud and then his friend or whatever came up from behind and grabbed me by my hair ... he hit me , but i got him and i handled it . "
( your story is unconvincing , the truth a tad bit messier , the truth a better explanation to the way your ribs begin to bruise too and each breathe is forced ) .
you now force your gaze down to uneasy hands , ones with dirt under the finger nails . everybody adores you , love and adoration not the same thing but nevertheless , and yet in this state you refuse to believe anyone could even look at you for a moment too long without some ill intentions . " like i said , it's fine , it's handled . the police have them now ( as if they'll do shit but whatever ) . it'll just take a minute to heal which ... which fucking sucks . but it's fine , i'm good . "
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spybiote · 1 year
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TAGGING: @ppctts @wnterslder @t0nystrk @outlawiism​ @rg4rz @blueantihero​ @spinxeret @biitchcakes @pistoiet @viperbit @razorfst @risingod @torxnn @clochanam @tvgrief @kingbiote @thunderbringer​ @hexsreality @breaksmen
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saetine · 2 years
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can they use chopsticks? yes! and fairly well.
what do they do when they can't sleep? she will usually drink tea and sit in the dark with just a candle lit. one reason she usually cannot sleep would be because she's anxious or over thinking or in a post traumatic episode. for her, drinking tea and just having the warming light of a candle is very calming for her.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store? i think she'll occasionally splurge on a bottle of wine if she's feeling impulsive, but she's very calculating and smart with money so i wouldn't say much of her purchases at all are impulsive.
in what order do they wash things in the shower? shampoo hair, wash body, condition hair but don't rinse it out, shave, rinse out conditioner.
what's their coffee order? plain hot black coffee. no sugar, no cream. occasionally she'll enjoy a chai, but in terms of tea she'd take an herbal tea with floral notes over anything, something with rose or lemon? she'd love that.
what sort of apps do they have on their smartphone? none. i mean like, texting, calls, the basics. but nothing special, she only uses her phone for conversations and nothing else. in her dc verse she launders money kinda, so she may have a banking app on her phone.
how do they act around children? satine loves children, she always wanted to be a mom but about midway through her career at the moulin, she kinda lost hope in being able to have or raise a child. she really loves children at all ages and is a very gentle and patient person when it comes to kids. she's very patient overall and it serves her well. ( one of the original scripts of m.oulin rouge had christian telling the story to satine's daughter that she has throughout the film and i think - )
what would they watch on tv when they're bored and nothing they like is on? nothing, she'll put on some music and read a book, particularly fiction. she prefers films to television any day, and prefers books to film.
tagged by: @silvreflames tagging: @gunbash , @pendlng , @batfall , @zhi8te , @kingbiote and anyone else!
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zilmdat · 2 years
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“ hey - what the fuck - “ the fuck in said question pays him no mind, a stranger attempting to what seemed to him, steal, his motorcyle from it’s place on the curb where he’d left it for an evening beer. 
“ you got two seconds before your ass meets steel. ” a brow is quirked upward, arms crossing his chest as he glares two holes into the back of the unknown assailant. 
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allmuddy-a · 2 years
@kingbiote: i don’t care what happens to me.
an unsurprising revelation, one practically plucked from her own thoughts. “ look. ah ain’t gonna waste both our times spoutin’ some “it’s all gonna get better one day” mumbo jumbo – ” nothing but useless sentiments that have been chewed up and spat in her face over & over again, sucked clean of any real meaning. “ but for what it’s worth, ah sure as hell care eddie.” 
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crssfre · 2 years
*   ,      eddie brock   ( @kingbiote​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​   )      said  :      you're just a kid
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" you know i'm almost 27 right? " it's spoken with a half of a smile, pulled up almost forcefully onto your lips. it's a different feeling, having someone call you young. you haven't heard that in years, not even as an actual child has someone given you such an honest statement. maybe it was because your father was gone, maybe it was because of the name you were born into: but this is the first time in a long time you've actually felt young. it makes you nauseous. " i wouldn't call that a kid. "
your features are soft, and you turn to the older man without a wavering gaze. it's times like these where you realize how much you're missing... how much you crave and want: it's grotesque on you, socialite who has everything materially anyone could dream of... but inside there's nothing but a hollow figment, craving to be filled.
" how old were you, when you... you know became what you were? " head cants, and your black hair falls over your shoulders. a part of you screams inside that this isn't healthy, it's not healthy to need so deeply, and while you don't know how to express it yet: you need this. you need it terribly.
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spybiote · 1 year
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if you were a deity, what would you be the god of?
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trickery and mischief
twisted and playful, you view humans as nothing more than mere toys or puppets. people provide you with offerings and keep their heads down so as to not upset you. you’re expressive and dramatic, though often lying and quite skilled at manipulation and illusion.
tagged by: @hexsreality
tagging: @wnterslder @pistoiet @ppctts @torxnn @carnivorousfatality @kingbiote @risingod @battletrio @breaksmen @viperbit @goldshadows @cosmicrayed @outlawiism @danversiism @spiderbirthed @spinxeret @t0nystrk @65spider @lalamoon @wirwolff @rg4rz @clochanam @blueantihero @thunderbringer
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crssfre · 2 years
*   ,      eddie brock      (   @kingbiote​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​   )      said  :      you have to kill at least three people to be called a serial killer
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you can't help the huff of a sigh that slips through your lips , a muffled laugh at the irony of the pedestal you have been placed on . what a stupid thing : to carry a mantle and be respected for the very thing people resent others for . the law is in your hands , an egotistical ability you gave to yourself ... and for what ? to spite a father who's already dead ? " well then , theoretically ... i guess that's what i am . " you're quick to shrug , uncomfortably adjusting your stance as for a moment you feel your suit suffocating you slowly - crossfire is your own disease spreading through your lungs , and spreading through touch to those around you . " and yourself ? " attention off you , your eyes moving away from the ground you were transfixed on back to the other ( mask covers your eyes , but they still pierce through ) . " do you fall under this very broad and fucked up category ? "
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crssfre · 1 year
swearing | fingernail chewing | slouching | slurring | drinking | smoking | drugs | impulse decisions | obsessive phone checking | bad time management | slang | poor grammar | overworking | slacking off | over sleeping | under sleeping | skin picking | poor eye contact | lying | rambling | skipping breakfast | junk food | self criticism | procrastinating | day dreaming | forgetful | envious | jealous | gossiper | drama queen | secret teller | skipping classwork | spitting | lip licking | lip chewing | drinking from the carton | yelling | too much internet | poor hygiene | impatient | hot headed | biased | complaining | scab picking | buzzfeed | cheek biting | teeth gnashing | shoplifting | scamming | speeding | hair pulling | large ego | eavesdropping | exaggerating | fidgeting | free loading | littering | one-upping | whining | borrowing without returning | unnecessary aggression | talking during movies | plagiarism | copying | glaring | spacing out | ignoring | over critical | messy | hateful | overly Prideful
tagged by : @jokethur :) tagging : @rhindons , @absensia , @ant1rs , @gri3ve , @heruglyphs for dick , @kaigome , @kingbiote , @batfall , idk anyone else who wants to do it !
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spybiote · 1 year
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𝙱𝙴𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙰 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚈𝚁: you  knew  what  your  death  would  mean  to  the  world,  and  sacrificed  yourself  to  make  a  statement. Your  name  became  a  rallying  cry  for  the  righteous,  and  through  the  influence  of  your  death,  you  changed  the  course  of  history  for  the  better.
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TAGGED BY: @pistoiet
TAGGING: @kingbiote @spinxeret @viperbit @madewebs @tvgrief @battletrio && YOU !!
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allmuddy-a · 2 years
@kingbiote: wait ,  wait ,  wait …
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his hesitance is almost endearing, a leather glove reaching forwards to flick him softly on the nose. “ ah ain’t a fan of waiting sugah.” she appears to be a mississippi summer, warm and enticing, yet to them – she is anything but. to them she is something dangerous. something monstrous. something that only exists to feed off of others. and maybe they’re right. “ now, don’t tell me you’re one of them boy scouts …” 
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