shylittleunicorn15 7 months
so how would kinger, jax, and caine kis
(when i first saw this i was like "idfk lol" but i gave it some debate and came up with this, enjoy!)
Jax is able to close their mouth so they might give Caine and Kinger kisses on certain places on their face with their lips(they'd probably kiss their eyes as an act of mischievousness)
i have a theory about Kinger having a mouth(its stolen from the horrible circus au's Kinger having a mouth)
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(if you cant read it says mouth here and he's got sharp teeth...)
Caine turns human when he wants to (with and without lips) so it's not a problem for him, but he will nip them as his way of kissing(not hard enough to hurt them, just enough for them to know he loves them :) )
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shylittleunicorn15 7 months
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Sorry not sorry 馃槉
I did trace Caine and Kinger, Jax was made using mirror effect
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Funny images during the process
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shylittleunicorn15 7 months
more kingbunnyleader headcanons
-when Jax gets sick, Kinger and Caine take turns caring for them unless Jax specifically asks for one of the two to take care of them.
-when Caine gets sick, Jax and Kinger have to force him to rest, mainly because he wont stop working on adventures for everyone.
-when Kinger gets sick, Caine will take care of him while Jax updates him on anything funny that's happened during adventures, Jax even gives Kinger the cool bugs they catch on the adventures.
-Jax will climb the highest place imaginable, then when Kinger or Caine passes by, Jax will fall onto them, Kinger catches him, while Caine doesn't catch him with his ai powers
-Jax likes to take anything of shininess from anyone in the circus, mostly Caine and Kinger
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shylittleunicorn15 7 months
you may have heard of funnybunnydoll
kingleader/royalteeth, what the shipname for Caine x Jax is
now get ready for.....
kinger x Jax x Caine
it's a crack ship i wanna try out for a bit, mainly because i saw art of the three together in a semi sexual way and thought "hm, this crack ship might actually work."
and hey if you wanted to add Queenie to the mix
sorry it's 11:04 pm... over here.....
i should be asleep....
but i do wanna make this crackship, once i figure out a way to draw kinger and Caine properly and not in human form
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shylittleunicorn15 7 months
my new crackship (Kingbunnyleader) headcanons(sorry not really sorry.)
it is 12:28 am now but i cannot sleep till i tell these.
*Bubble is like their pet, but he's also their cook.
*when Bubble isn't the one cooking for them, Kinger cooks, he's a decent cook.
*Jax prefers sweet stuff, Caine will take savory stuff, while Kinger will be the healthy one.
*Jax may act like they don't give a flying shit about these two, but they really do.
*Jax is Kinger and Caine's personal nurse, if Jax gets hurt, then Caine and Kinger are their nurses.
*Caine is the most protective of Jax and Kinger, while Jax is the most jealous, seriously Jax will tear the face off of any woman(or man) who tries coming between the three of them.
*Caine can make himself taller or shorter, Kinger likes him being shorter, while Jax likes him taller.(it's because Jax likes when Caine can put them in his shoulder or carry them bridal style.)
*Jax likes to have fun while Kinger and Caine are more about saftey, it pisses Jax off.
*Jax has to be forced to wear winter clothes by Caine and Kinger when it's cold, in order to go sledding, skiing or snowboarding.
*Jax doesn't like being bossed around too much, if it keeps happening, they go into their room and crawl under their bed, Kinger is usually the only one to get them out of there.
*Kinger loves pda, Caine is neutral to pda, Jax hates pda.
*Jax is floofy, Caine or Kinger will cuddle in their fur when stressed.
*Kinger's robe and Caine's suit jacket is not safe from Jax, they will steal them, sometimes they steal both.
*when enraged Jax will attack whoever provoked them(mainly Zooble) to prevent this, Caine(when tall) or Kinger pick them up, cuddle them close and walk away.
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