former-mudscamps · 3 years
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((AyyYY so these two celebrated their 3-year anniversary on the first and like??? d a n g, it’s been a while. I’m trying to get a lil’ blog update drawn, but until then!! I tried my hand at that paper art stuff a while ago and never posted pics, so here, have some of that + the original sketch! 
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fernbodied · 4 years
there the trio stand in some stretch of wood, a neutral territory just by one of fern’s many soul trees. fern’s here to make sure this birthday party doesn’t go badly, but considering how bad he is at virtually everything, he doesn’t have a lot of confidence.
but that’s neither here nor there.
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his grassy eyes consider the ice king. “ isn’t this supposed to be a party meeting for our birthday? last i checked, i.k. isn’t a mertens. ” there’s just no hiding his annoyance, however light it is.
@finncomet and @kingfrozen​ got some party planning to do!
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pleasemymel0dy · 3 years
@kingfrozen​ gets a one liner!​
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“Hi mister Ice King! Can I go on an adventure through your kingdom? I wanna meet a yeti!” Asking before she went along with this idea was the polite thing to do. 
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divincsin · 4 years
Send 🎤and my muse will tell yours what they think of them!
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“An absolute fool, but quite entertaining to play with. I look forward to messing around with one of my favorite ‘toys’ again~”
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denofsnakcs · 5 years
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
Them as a person : “Pfffft...”
Level of attractiveness : “Gross.”
What annoys them most : “Yer probably gonna get more than ya deserve.”
What they like the most : “Ya make a great role model.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : “Fuse yer mouth shut so I wouldn’t have to hear ya.”
Overall opinion : “I obviously don’t like ya but I don’t care about ya enough to hate ya.”
Rating : 3/10
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herotting-archive · 5 years
kingfrozen replied to your post: all the smooches fer billy boi
“Bet you don’t even have a girlfriend.»
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“ I HAVE AT LEAST 15 GIRLFRIENDS !! ” He’s a liar.
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@kingfrozen  x
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Kirby knows better than to say that word.  “Ou..”
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wefallingstars · 6 years
@kingfrozen liked for a starter
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Well these little guys were definitely cute. Maybe they could be new friends? They were hard to communicate with, but Gal at least had some luck playing with them as soon as she came down to their level. They were so small, everything looked so imposing from their angle. But it was fun!
She eventually found her way in to what could be assumed as the kitchen, and with the help of these new friends, made her way up on to a stool, then the counter. They seemed particularly fixated on a small bowl of fruit, so she was more than happy to oblige her friends’ request and knock the offending object to the ground.
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former-mudscamps · 4 years
A boat at the docks? But there’s no w a y Willow’s come back already... Juniper heads on down to investigate, growing more confused and wary by the second. Who on earth are t h e s e folks?
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@finncomet​ @kingfrozen​
“Uhh...hey there, you boys lost or somethin’...?”
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human-out-of-water · 7 years
He’s waiting alone in a room, the same one his first group therapy session was in, when a stranger walks in. She shuts the door behind her and flips though some papers before addressing him.
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“Hello there, uh... Mr. Ice King...? My name is Zia Adkins. I uh, know I’m probably not what you were expecting.”
She takes a seat across from him, looking a little unsure what to say.
“The group rehabilitation really didn’t seem to be working for you, or uh, the other patients, so Princess Bubblegum thought that you might benefit from some one-on-one therapy. And uh, here I am to do that!”
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“So uh, before we get started, do you have any questions? I’d be happy to tell you a little about myself, if it helps to break the ice. Uh, no pun intended.”
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divincsin · 6 years
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Aelis smirked, looking the king up and down briefly.
“You seem tense,” she remarked, chuckling softly. “Ever considered taking a vacation or something? Men your age don’t do too well under stress, so I’ve heard.”
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denofsnakcs · 6 years
@kingfrozen liked this post for a starter
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“Damned if Aelis doesn’t ‘work fast’, eh buddy?  Don’t try denyin’ it by the way, ya still practically REEK of her energy.”
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-cUe a hEllA nerVouS ice mAn approaChing the QueEn- «....Hey!!»
“...Hello, Simon. It’s...”
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“It’s...good to see you again. I’ve missed you...”
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kingfrozen replied to your post “Bagels or toast?”
«What about beets»
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“Yeah, beets are good!”
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former-mudscamps · 3 years
@kingfrozen liked for a starter!
She’s just laying in bed, waiting for IK to finish getting ready and come join her, but boy h ow d y is there a lotta nervous energy coming off of her. He probably can tell that she’s got something on her mind and just isn’t sure how to say it...
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“S-so, uhm... I-I’ve been thinkin’...”
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