#kingmaker lionheart acolyte
lesbianboyfriend · 1 year
i want to be talking about arthurian legends sooooo bad though cause literally. the love. i was genuinely talking about this last weekend i am consistently so enamoured with the way that knights love each other in those legends but specifically the ease in which they come to initial affection... when you can meet someone and fight them and from that conflict find respect for that person and consider them like a brother to you... modern media just does not let people like and care for each other. i am a dear friendship at first sight believer
for realll like i’ve always been a strong believer that if you retell the bit about guinevere and lancelot and arthur. they all have to love each other the same amount and if it ends badly they all have to be destroyed by it. i feel like there are so many retelling that are just like. and guinevere and lancelot were in love and happy and arthur was sad and fucked up and it’s like no!!! that’s not how this works!!! and yes the friendship…i’m literally crying about gawaine and lancelot rn reading le morte d’arthur. but then also there was a city named sandwich which kind of took me out of it but it’s like. god they love each other so much!!!!!!! and it destroys them!!!!!!!!! the way the love triangle destroys the round table because they all love each other so much they can’t bear to turn against each other but they have to take sides….it’s the love that makes the hurt so extreme. as they fight for themselves they are fighting against themselves bc they are fighting their brothers….aughhhh
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lesbianboyfriend · 2 years
oh, you guys are a couple? so who’s the king and who’s the lionheart?
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lesbianboyfriend · 2 years
re: the last post like that’s literally what i’ve been saying all this time!!!! like the necro/cav relationship is just the king/lionheart dynamic codified and like it’s always a two way street!!!! the king must be just as devoted to their lionheart !!! it’s about subverting the implied power dynamic through the power of their devotion!!!! or whatever!!!!!
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lesbianboyfriend · 2 years
i looove the king/lionheart dynamic because at first glance it seems like there would definitely be a power imbalance, cause like, the lionheart serves the king (gender neutral), but like, when it actually comes down to it the king is just as beholden to the lionheart and the devotion is a two-way road like. it’s not just gideon sacrificing herself for harrow, it’s harrow’s diy lobotomy to save gideon. it’s not just merlin putting himself on the line for arthur, it’s arthur distracting him to drink the poison in his stead. it’s not just richard killing for alec, it’s alec exposing his noble heritage to protect richard. i could go on for days but like. it’s about the pure loyalty and undying devotion driven by their love for each other ❣️❣️
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