shirebxrn · 4 years
There was a knock on the door.
“Wha- bloody late for visiting,” Bilbo muttered to himself, and marked his place in his book before setting it aside. “At this hour?”
The last time he’d had a knock on the door this late into the evening had been… well. Something inside the hobbit’s heart sparked back to life, perking right up indeed. Had he not told his dwarven companions to visit? Perhaps one of them had taken him up on his offer. Bit late for tea, but he’d forgive the tardiness easily enough.
He opened the door, and stared.
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And then shook his head, decided he was hallucinating, uttered a short, “Nope,” and summarily shut the door in Thorin Oakenshield’s face.
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awkwardcourage · 4 years
Bilbo had travelled great leagues before. He had travelled from the Shire, through goblin caves and cursed forests, to the peak of a great mountain castle and back to the Shire again, yet he had never felt as exhausted as he did now. He was weary, down to his bones, into his very soul it seeped. He was discovering that there was an important difference between embarking on an exiting expedition, with home behind you and adventure ahead and roaming without purpose, no home ahead or behind, a grey, unpredictable future ahead.
His kin would not have him. Bag End had already been flogged off to scheming relatives before he had even reached the Shire and they would not hear of his return. Evidently, it had been easier when they thought that he was dead. In rage and in sorrow, he left his only home, leaving to go to- where? To fall upon the charity of new friends? No, his Tookish stubbornness and Bagginses pride would not allow for it. He had always been so openly proud about his home and the thought of him returning to his old companions without one- he didn’t think he could handle the shame.
Bilbo knew, deep down inside, that he was being foolish and choosing hardship over a helping hand was the definition of stupidity. Yet, there he was, in a small time he didn’t know the name of, sat upon his rucksack, tearing into a bun that was still steaming from a bakers oven. His clothes were weathered and stained, his hair growing wild and the hair under his feet matted and filthy. It had been a few weeks now since he could concern himself with appearances, caring only for the emptiness in his belly. In spite of the fervour he was eating his breakfast with, even he looked up on hearing a commotion in the town. When he saw the cause, he felt the pits of his stomach dive and he wished that the ground would swallow him up.
Thorin Oakenshield, in all his regal splendour, adorned in dark finery, was standing in the streets. Of all the people, all of the people Bilbo did not want seeing him in this state, it was him. Thorin, who he had fought so fiercely to earn his respect and kinship, who had a heart of gold hidden behind his stormy demeanour and rumbling words. A true king, a fine person and loyal friend, who had been through real hardship, unlike Bilbo who had been living a very comfortable life until recently. Thorin had fought to reclaim his home; and what had he done? Slunk away without putting up so much as a fight. He didn’t want anybody to see him like this, least of all him, for he had never been so ashamed of himself.
Their eyes met, or at least he thought they did, but that thought was enough. His breakfast fell to the floor, forgotten, his stomach twisting and making his heart race. Without a moments hesitation, he sprung to his feet and in one swift motion, took off running, slinging his rucksack onto his shoulders.
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wanderingxfaerie · 4 years
Touch of Earth ||Closed||
Parisa enjoyed watching travelers. Since she didn’t have territory and moved around the forests of Middle Earth, the fae had seen many kinds of people. Mostly Hobbits and Humans; the latter of which she’d observed long enough to pick up quite a bit of Common. The occasional elf or party of elves was always given a wide breadth of space. While her abilities as a faerie could make her all but invisible in the woods, the elves could still hear her if she got too close. Parisa had even watched orcs from the safety of high branches. 
Dwarves though...well, Parisa hardly ever saw dwarves in the woods. And when she did see them, they were always in groups. So to see a dwarf travelling alone was almost too much for the curious faerie to bear. She’d been following the lone dwarf for nearly two days when it became clear that he was lost. As she often did for lost travelers, Parisa tried to leave tracks and hints for the dwarf that would lead him to the closest town. The fae wanted to help but she didn’t want to be seen.
It was all going well until a large branch she’d had fall from a tree landed a little too close to the dwarf’s pony. Poor creature was skittish already and the falling log spooked him into rearing. Parisa had watched in horror as the dwarf was thrown from the pony. 
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Now Parisa sat under an outcrop of rocks with an unconscious dwarf. The rain had started about a half hour after she’d found the nook. Convenient because she hadn’t had to go far to fill a small bowl with water. Parisa rinsed the rag she’d been using in the bowl and went back to dabbing blood from the cut on the dwarf’s temple.
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emznur · 5 years
Thorin Oakenshield - @kingoakenshieldoferebor​
           >> Years, years that she hasn’t seen her birth place. The place where horror occurred, killing most of the kingdom, including her parents. Years that Thinya, daughter of Thingar and Dima, noble jewelers of Erebor, spent imagining returning to the majestic halls of the mountain.  There she was. When they received the notification of Erebor being taken back by Thorin II Oakenshield, Thinya’s heart skipped a beat. He succeeded, he took back what belonged to him. Thanks to Thorin, the dwarves who survived the tragedy would be able to live again in Erebor. Without waiting any longer, Thinya followed the group of dwarves who walked in the direction of their new home.  As she entered the Great Hall, Thinya’s emerald eyes shone with amazement. It looked so big, she felt so small. And yet, Erebor was still standing, after a dragon invasion and a war.  As she walked down the Hall, Thinya adventured herself in a corridor, fascinated by the marbled walls. The dwarrow dam thought she was alone at that moment, and just felt the need to express her amazement: 
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                                             “How beautiful this place is...”
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@kingoakenshieldoferebor started following you
“Is-- there- ah... something on my face? You’re giving me a strange look...” Bilbo shifted his weight self-consciously. What had the attention on him? He wasn’t- exactly uncomfortable with it, but he would be lying if he said he was pleased with it. Then again, maybe he had just gotten in the Dwarf’s line of sight while he was considering something. It was hard to tell. 
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weheirsofdurin · 6 years
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. V - Which character do you relate to most?
R: In my rp verse it would have to be Glorfindel/Fili friendship and Mili/Fili. Fili can let go with Fin. He doesn’t worry about being judged or resented or even pitied because this elf has been through it all too. He’d felt everything Fili has and gone through situations that are so eerily similar they may as well be brother stuck side by side. Mili makes Fili grow. Even if I’m a lazy bum that doesn’t rp with Milo as much as I should.
U- Even picking the fandoms was harder than I thought.
Fandom: Transformers
Fandom: One Piece
Fandom: Marvel
Groot and Rocket.
V: From any fandom?! Ugh this is hard. I will stick to this Fandom. Pippin.
Pippin: "Where are we going?"
Merry: "Why did you look? Why do you always have to look!"
Pippin: "I don't know. I can't help it!"
Merry: "You never can."
Pippin: "I'm sorry, all right! I won't do it again."
I have little self control and I’m nosey as hell. I have to know I yearn to look and see for myself. Even if I’m told don’t I just ahve to. I have an innocence to me that is much like his and I learn from my mistakes. I’ll do something once then not again. 
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neko-mun-rp · 7 years
Bilbo and the Beast
The Lonely Mountain was once inhabited by many dwarves, tales of riches were rumored to be hidden away in the deep caverns of the mountain. But that was generations ago, now no one ventured near the mountain. Sometimes the hobbits, who lived just west of the mountain would see strangers try to find a way in. Those who did enter were never seen leaving.
A hobbit let curiosity get the best of him and thought going on an adventure into the mountain would be fun. Bilbo packed his backpack and borrowed a pony to ride to the bottom of the mountain, the rest of the way he climbed by himself. He spent all day exploring the face of the mountain, they hobbit found what might have been the front gate to enter the mountain but stones have long been collapsed in front of it. 
When nightfall came the hobbit was about to give up and go home, but then as the moon rose it’s light revealed a secret doorway. With a little push the door of stone swung open and Bilbo stepped inside the dark cavern. The hobbit was in awe of the structure but then suddenly the door closed behind him. Panic rushed through him as he felt over the stone and couldnt hand any seems to where the door was, it was like there never even was one.
There was no other way to go but deeper into the mountain. Bilbo took out a torch from his pack and lit it so he’d have some light while exploring the seemingly empty caves of Erebor.
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ibindkhxl-blog · 7 years
kingoakenshieldoferebor replied to your post: { so i made a new friend }[[MOR]
(( smol friend!! ))
{ smol cute lizard bby }
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archerofthestone · 7 years
|@kingoakenshieldoferebor | x
    The hand upon his shoulder caused Kili to tense-- flinch-- and then Thorin’s grip loosened from holding to comforting, and the brunette looked away. “It-- it was an accident, it’s-- fine. I just want to go lay down.” His voice was soft, almost meek- unlike how Kili usually was. He didn’t shrug the hand from his shoulder, though the thought crossed his mind- but truthfully he would have loved nothing more than to tell Thorin the truth... But the truth meant trouble and it was an accident, even if everything ached because of it. 
     “I’m really okay,” he insisted, meeting the king’s gaze with a stubborn set to his jaw. “I just need to sleep for a bit.” Not saying sleep would heal the bruising- most notable over one eye (okay maybe that one wasn’t an accident), though there were other blooming purple splotches beneath his clothing, hidden from gazing eyes though he favored his left side over his right. 
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florawhitfoot · 7 years
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea? ⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
meme - still accepting
☕ Flora, like many Hobbits, is religiously a tea drinker. The one time that she tried coffee she did not mind it - after she had added several spoonfuls of honey.
⌚ A notorious daydreamer, Flora is very rarely on time. She gets easily distracted and if it is to an event which she wishes to avoid she will find any and all excuses to be as late as possible.
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ora-stoneheart · 5 years
[ :: continued from here with @kingoakenshieldoferebor :: ]
Internally Ora balked, her mind racing at the sudden precarious situation she had stumbled into - but there was no pause and while her grin softened into a wry smile, she clasped his arm to return the greeting with a small bow of her head.
“Ora Stoneheart,” she replied before indicating to the other three Dwarves in turn who had completed their task of setting the corpses aflame - a warning to other Orcs in the area as well to keep the nearby streams clean for the homesteads not far from where they stood. “This is Brand, son of Bron; Vek, son of Ratek, and Cas, son of Cailan. But a few members of my company.”
The three bowed out of respect - Thorin’s name was known even in Ered Nimrais, and they would have been fools not to know it and Ora felt mildly foolish at not having recognized him if only for the oak branch he wielded as a shield. They had nearly crossed paths once when she had been but a child - when she had been Orana, Daughter of Orgrim, but her true name had all but been erased and stripped of all honour. Unjustly, but she attempted not to dwell on such things too much.
“We would be honoured to share your fire - and I do believe that Vek has some ale he thought he smuggled into our supplies without my notice.”
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auvillar · 6 years
Aesthetic tag
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your inspirations
I have small hands • I love the night sky• I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organised sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers• I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season • My radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm• I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days• I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music  • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Tagged by: @kili-of-erebor 
Taggining: @kingoakenshieldoferebor 
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awkwardcourage · 4 years
These past few days.
Have been.
But they are over and I can start to work through my drafts! Thank you @dxctxrii , @frontierbound , @batteredoptimist , @thoseofonen , @eritvita , @unsungxheroes , @thecrxmxnal , @kingoakenshieldoferebor , @frostweaved , @coyotesteeth, @omniishambles and @theiracademydaysareover for being so patient!! I am SO excited to write with all of you, I have been dying to get these threads because I am having so much fun and you’re all so cool!! I’ve managed one draft today, but I plan to get more done tomorrow!
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emznur · 5 years
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I found out that my blog reached 101 followers, and to me, this is very huge! For those who know me, I created Thinya in 2013, and in 2016 I moved her to a new URL: emznur. In 2017, I lost my muse and entered in a very bad period of my life that made me abandon this blog. And it’s only in December 2019 that I decided to come back, and I feel that this was the best decision I ever made. 
Thinya is part of me, her personality twins with mine. Her heart is as big as mine, she’s my baby, part of my life. As I grew, I became a much more relaxed person and I am definitely comfortable with my muse and people around. Therefore, here comes my appreciation to all the people that Thinya & I feel thankful to have around: 
Erebor (as Erebor is Thinya’s birth place, I will start with the followers who have been there for years for the both of us).
@moriathedwarf​: the reason why Thinya has always been hanging around. You’re my sister, and my wonderful Thorin with who I can share our OTP feels together. I miss you around, but I know that life keeps you busy and I’ll always be around when you need me <3
@warringpeace & @iarnvidiaa: my family, the reason why I came back with Thinya. I am beyond thankful to have you both in my life and to count you as my friends <3 You are wonderful! You are my elven family <3 
@limulekhozoh: you have also been one of the first Fili muses I interacted with and I always loved our threads and you as the beautiful mun. I will never be thankful enough for all the advice you give to me in order to improve my muse. And you can count on me whenever you need <3
@illunaris: of course Thinya wouldn’t be herself if I didn’t have you around <3 I am so happy that we never lost contact and that now we can enjoy new interactions together. You are a wonderful mun <3
@frcstbitc: even though you don’t have Draco anymore, I remember our threads and how lovely it was to interact with you. You’re an amazing person and I’m so happy to talk to you again (& thank you for this lovely anon <3).
Blue Mountains (those I started interacting with recently but already love them with all my heart).
@darachsciath: thank you for giving me the chance to write with you. I truly admire your writing and I’m looking forward to going further in our thread together. You’re a wonderful writer and I really appreciate our interactions!
@kingoakenshieldoferebor: Thinya and I thank you for being so sweet and writing with us! I really love our thread and will definitely love to interact more with you and your other muses also <3 
@scrdurin: we recently started our threads together with your two muses but I truly appreciate every single one of them. You’re a wonderful mun and writer, and I’m eager to see how our muses interact together!
Mirwood (those I admire by far & would love to interact with them but somehow feel shy!).
@secondscn - @elflinqs - @caninhisstecd - @amokriger- @vyrulent
Thank you all for giving me the chance to write with you all. Thank you all for giving Thinya the chance to be known. It’s thanks to you all that I am still around and that I enjoy every single minute on Tumblr with you <3
With love, Pearl
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heedthemountain replied to your post: kingoakenshieldoferebor: [ Okay so, from Aug....
Welcome baaaack!!
(( thanks!!
i’m kinda sore and stuff but it was a great time!  :D  ))
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just-a-kj-blog reblogged your photo:kingoakenshieldoferebor: (( who needs backgrounds...
(( thank you, friend!!  :D  ))
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