#kinnposrche kink
lutawolf · 2 years
Kinn Being The Dom Of Kinnporsche Ep 11-12 Part Five
This is the Dom companion piece to the amazing @iffervescent whose submissive counter piece can be found here. Anything that I question might not be Dom, might just be a normal move with dominate traits, will not be added to this.
Episode 11 Kinn Dom starts with Kinn forgetting about Pete and remembering when he receives a text. I count this because we are seeing some Dom bleed through moments from Porsche just like we did with The Great Wilderness Adventure. It's a subject he is confident in so he gives his opinion. Kinn handles it much better than he has in the past, he listens to Porsche and considers his opinion. We are really starting to see the D/s layers.
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This isn't a Dom moment but I have to bring up the way Kinn handled his dad. He wanted Porsche to stop being a bodyguard but knew that his dad had wanted it. Knew there would be issues, so what does he do, gets big brother Khun. I don't know if you notice this but Daddy has a soft spot for the oldest. And Kinn exploited it with his big brother's full awareness. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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This was actually one of my favorite D/s moment. See a D/s relationship is nothing if not communication. Kinn is illustrating things that are important to him and Porsche is giving him acts of care. It's exactly things like this that create a tighter relationship.
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Then the next morning we have two lovely coconuts interrupting the couple. It's a situation that makes Porsche unsure and Kinn immediately reacts to let him know how it will be from now on. It's a command with reassurance. "We are a couple, stay where you are" but here have a kiss.
The next scene is at the bar where Kinn commands to know where Porsche is going. Though Porsche is sassy, once he sees that Kinn is serious. He quickly answers him. To which you see Kinn giving a quick nod. Doms need and want control. If we are in an uncomfortable situation, we'll often want more control then normal because it helps steady us. Though to be fair, some of this is also likely wanting to know how much time he has to talk birthday surprises. 🎂 Make sure to check out lovely iffy's description of this scene as she details moments that I did not.
Onto Episode 12
A D/s established relationship requires knowing your submissive. There is a lot of rituals, body language, and care/provide balances which have to be takeninto consideration. All this to say, Kinn was fully aware he was bugged and he booked it back to his submissive. Trust in a D/s relationship is paramount. Our whole fucking relationship is dependent on it, so when it's broken. We own it.
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There were several things that happened in this scene that show cased a Dominant dynamic beautifully. First, Kinn didn't try to divert the conversation and gaslight, he kept the communication going the entire time. He never hesitated to apologize and no matter how heated Porsche was, he kept his tone level. He also started caging Porsche almost immediately. He didn't push Porsche when Porsche said not to touch, but he did continue to push Porsche back till he was almost against the table. He kept reaching out to Porsche, letting Porsche know that even though he was angry he was there. Then he offered a solution and promise. At this point Porsche is cornered but rather than feeling claustrophobic, this gives comfort.
Then the point in which they confront Kinn's father. At this point he acts as a protective Dom. He makes sure to back up Porsche in every way. If he had not, he wouldn't be worthy of being called a Dom.
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Then we have Kinn and Porsche at Porsche's house. I'm seeing a lot of people mistaking the dynamic. There is absolutely nothing in their dynamic to show a role reversal. Cooking and putting food on the table, does not make or remove a Dom title. There is a lot more to the ritual of serving and providing food than this. It's body language, emotions, and intent. Again, D/s is about the power structure and what each individual relationship wants. Also keep in mind that though Porsche is submissive to Kinn, there is a different level due to them both being a Dom. What we are seeing is both of them comfortable, however, if Kinn were to give a command then Porsche would follow through just like at the bar. That is what makes a D/s relationship.
When Kinn's dad shows up. It's Kinn that says "okay lets go." It's Kinn that stays in front and Kinn that takes the photo. Then all the fucking emotional support he gave. Granted that's just good partnership in any kind of relationship whether Kink or vanilla but I'm still over here loving it.
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So in conclusion. While there weren't a ton of D/s moments. There were because a power dynamic isn't always a visible as one might expect. It's there but so is our relationship that we take pains to nurture.
Hope you enjoyed this as much and as iffy and I did writing it. 💜💜💜
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