#to my favorite coconut
fattributes · 3 months
If you don't see your favorite flavor, or it happens to be a combination, please tell me about it in the comments. 💜
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crystalchespin · 2 months
pvz art dump !! ! 🗣️🗣️
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some suggested plants by my mutuals =}
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and doodles under the cut
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a primal peashooter drinking soda and citron and the citronlings (they are not called that but it sounds funny
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I'm so sorry I'm pretty sure your bard au is supposed to be serious but oh my god I couldn't help but get strong Men In Tights and Monty Python and the Holy Grail vibes
Especially bc of Barnaby I would not put it past him to make a "your mom's a hamster" reference
no no it Is very silly. how can it not be when you've got the neighbors as the characters? silly central. ALSO YOU'RE SO RIGHT VERY STRONG MP&HG VIBES I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOVIE HERE'S SOME REFERENCES
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but it is also real. when it's silly its silly and when it's serious!
it's serious.
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naffeclipse · 6 months
Thank you so much for all the kind birthday wishes! I'll try and respond to them soon! You guys are so sweet and I love all of you <3
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sharkscales · 4 months
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ellaspore · 1 year
I think what's destroyed me this episode is the fact that from where Pisaeng turned the ball until now it has all been a dream. Their first time, the years spent together, they won't be the same, they won't be there, they won't exist anymore. That simple happiness is forever gone, unreachable and I think the crystal ball worked this time because Pisaeng would throw it all away just on the chance of Kawi being ok but what comes next? Is it really worth the cost? Will Pisaeng sacrifice it all because of his mistaken sense of guilt?
And what's even worse is this… If you asked Kawi? He would have chosen this all a hundred times and more
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thetrolltolls · 1 year
gang gets stranded in the woods is a hysterical episode for a lot of reasons but the whole premise of the episode being mac crashed the car because there was a squirrel in the road really makes it. i can think of 20 reasonable options for car trouble that could open the episode or even avoiding a deer in the road (which can happen in rural jersey) but. mac grabbed the wheel to avoid a squirrel.
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lutawolf · 1 year
Be My Favorite
I don't think the depth is being explored in Be My Favorite as I think it should be, or maybe it's me just overthinking it.
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For me, it seems pretty clear that Pisaeng has feelings for Kawee early on. What I adore most, is that it's truly capturing that confusion that most of us queer go through. That, I don't like him/her, I just want to be friends. That internalized moments of slowly understanding yourself.
Then, as they start to spend time together, he truly falls. It becomes more than a crush.
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Now Kawee... I see a lot of opinions that are so different from mine, to the point that I wonder if we are watching the same thing.
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Kawee is an emotionally detached introvert. What does that even mean, Luta? These introverts are trauma based introverts who experienced detachment at a very early age. Usually a combination of loss of a significant family member, bullying, and social isolation from peers due to money and ect.
This is very apparent in his childish maturity. He is smart, but he lacks the maturity to get things done, see the big picture, set long term goals, or understand repercussions. We notice a slow maturing with society exposure, because honestly, friendships and experiences are part of the bases for emotional growth. That whole, learn from your mistakes is really a thing.
I also think that it's due to this that he has the obsession of Pear. It's more like a goal and a comfort.
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But notice that while he is still going after his goal. His personality changes towards Pisaeng after his return to the future and then once again returning to the past. You have to imagine that some of those feeling of being best friends and maybe even more, lingered. So now we are seeing Kawee battling with his emotions.
Does everyone remember when we first meet Kawee in the classroom. Notice that Kawee is much more familiar and comfortable with females? Even though he hasn't fully bridged the gap of introvert, he is in communication with females and the one friend. I find this important because, in my opinion, Kawee treats Pear as a friend. While he treats Pisaeng the way a female typically treats a potential lover. The way he asks for money, the way he begs for the cute turtle.
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It's important to note that neither are showing homophobic tendencies. Kawee clearly has a gay bestie that he adores. They both just haven't found themselves yet, and that's okay. There is the misconception that if you hit college or later and don't realize you are queer that you have internalized homophobia, that's just not true. Take my daughter for instance, both her parents are bisexual, and we're extremely accepting, but it took her awhile to adjust to the fact that her dreams were going to be different from what she initially imagined.
I'm really concerned about the society we are living in, where we are determined to label certain emotions as negative. Like, jealousy, possessiveness, and confusion. We shouldn't because they are naturally occurring emotions. And they teach us about ourselves. They are important to our growth.
Anyway, I'm enjoying the show and I really do think that perhaps it deeper than what most are giving it credit for. Opinions @ellaspore and @bl-bam-beyond
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coconuts-mafia · 1 year
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Maybe for some, Kawi is coming off as undeserving of Pisaeng. It's important to realize, though, that Pisaeng is a white knight. He has a caretaker personality, and he wouldn't feel fulfilled by someone who doesn't need him the way Kawi does.
He first became attracted to Kawi when he saw that he was someone who needed care. I agree he should get something in return, but Kawi isn't exactly unfeeling or a bully.
I can't wait to see further growth in the next episode.
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fattributes · 3 months
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Opor Ayam
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simply-ask-games · 11 months
yo what chocolate do you like
I’m a milk chocolate person!! If we’re talking s’mores however I prefer cookies n’ cream :0
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octoooo · 11 months
Its 3am and I might be talking nonsense but like,,,
Pokémon heights make NO sense to me anymore.
So I’m scrolling through the Pokédex, seeing which ones give Hashira vibes, and I see Weavile.
Weavile to me always seems like a gremlin, a little 3’0 ankle biter y’know.
WHY IS WEAVILE 3’ 07 (1.1m)
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That’s not awful just a lot taller than I expected.
That’s not even the worst part
LURANTIS IS 2’ 11 (.9m)
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LURANTIS LOOKS LIKE A BEHEMOTH OF A POKÉMON (at least 5’8 in my mind for some reason) BUT ITS 2’11?? SHORTER THAN WEAVILE?
In Pokémon S&M we actually see a Lurantis next to Ash & his friends, and it’s exactly their height! Which means that the Pokédex lied OR Ash is a 2’11 10 year old kid.
Lurantis is actually taller than he is now that I’m looking closer,,
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To be fair I believe that was a Totem Lurantis which I guess could explain the larger size. But even then I dunno if can we trust the anime over the game data when it comes to heights (or general knowledge sometimes) ?
Also Nidoking (another behemoth intimidating pokemon in my mind) is 4’7 (1.4m)
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I’m just
Im 5’1
How am I taller than these pokemon ? (Weavile I expected to be taller than)
Anyway im going to ignore that Lurantis is tiny for selfish reasons. I need it to be taller than Weavile for something.
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solradguy · 1 year
I think going into the backyard and swinging my giant sword at something with all my might would fix me (allergies, sleep deprived, had to drive through two construction zones this morning)
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ellaspore · 1 year
So going off on this post by @biochemjess I wanted to expand further upon some thoughts. Take this with a grain for salt as this is my personal interpretation based on my life experience.
For me both options @biochemjess laid out in her post are true and there have been hints spread out in all the episodes. 
I have read Kawi as demi since episodes 3 / 4 . The whole being fixated on Pear for years, the being a virgin until he was 30 pointed out to me that he didn't view sex as that important (as he said in episode 10), he wasn't in love with the idea of Pear because she was attractive, he found her beautiful but in an innocent way. Now while all the above is true I think that the show has also been showing us that Kawi does feel a slowly growing attraction to Pisaeng that gets stronger as the episodes go on, an attraction that  grows along with his feelings.
I think camera work was used together with music effects since episode 3 to show when this was happening.
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Up until episode 8 we saw Kawi fight his feelings for Pisaeng and using alcohol to act both on those and his attraction because it made him braver and less prone to be anxious and overthink things.
Now he left alcohol as a coping mechanism behind and accepted his feelings for Pisaeng in episode 8 but he is still struggling with his growing attraction and what it means for him and their relationship. If we pay enough attention in episode 9 he shut down all the kissing attempts between him and Pisaeng and I do think it's due to him trying to process what and how he is feeling about all of this.
The issue was further exacerbated by his talk with Max during episode 10. I admit here that the whole talk could have been handled better and while I don't think it had this intention I could totally see how it could come across as ace erasure. However if we look at this conversation not as applying to a broader audience but being character-specific it makes it have much more sense. I don't think Max's purpose here was to provide answers but to ask questions and make Kawi reflect on what he wants. We know Kawi tends to run away from problems and try not to think about difficult things but Max's purpose in the story has always been to question him and to push him into action exactly like he did in episode 6 during the gay bar scene (which resulted in Kawi getting drunk and kissing Pisaeng).
I think it's also important to understand how Kawi's, Max's and Pisaeng's different attitudes to sexual desire colour how they think about it and how they behave. Max's attitude is that of someone who has fully accepted his sexual desires because he knows himself, who he is and what he wants. Pisaeng's attitude is that of someone who has repressed himself for his whole life and now he is just so eager to take this new step forward because that's something he is now allowed to do. Now coming back to Kawi, his attitude is that of someone whose sexual desires are unknown. He hasn't thought about them really, hasn't thought about where he stands. His answers during his conversation with Max seem to me not as a way to evade the issue. That's why I think Max says that "sex is important to know oneself". It wouldn't be true for anyone and it's totally valid to know you are ace without trying to have sex but I don't think again this totally applies to Kawi. Kawi's is a character that doesn't know himself. His feelings, his desires, the unknown scare him and he does need to try and be pushed to come to a conclusion.
And I think that's exactly what's happening in the latter half of episode 10. All interactions with Pisaeng happen exactly after Kawi's talk with Max and we see Kawi absolutely panicking and running away and evading the issue. I think it's important here to note that for the last episodes Kawi was the one to force conversation between him and Pisaeng in order to avoid misunderstandings, the fact he didn't want to talk about sex with Pisaeng tells me he was still trying to understand where he stood exactly.
The whole evening and the date was Kawi being all in his head about what he was feeling and being scared and ignorant of his desires. But I don't think he wasn't feeling it or wanting in his own way. It's only in the restaurant that Kawi comes to the realisation that he was projecting his panic onto Pisaeng and that he was hurting him.
By the end of the night we see that Kawi has reached his conclusion, has come to a decision and he wants to try and have sex with Pisaeng. I do think there was a whole talk before this that they will get back to next episode.
Now my whole key apart from the discussion with Max that cemented that Kawi is demi, afraid of his desires but feeling attraction for Pisaeng is another scene we have in episode 10. It may be me reading a little bit too much into it but there is this scene when they are eating breakfast that may seem unrelated but which striked me as significant
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Again this is personal interpretation based on my personal experience, but I feel like in this scene Kawi was struck dumb a little bit by what exactly Pisaeng's thumb wiping his mouth was making him feel. If you aren't used to sexual attraction is inconsequential moments like this that strike you the most, make you stop, the sudden spark.
So to sum it up, I think this episode cemented my belief of Kawi being demi and trying to come to terms and being afraid of what the growing attraction to Pisaeng is making him feel.
@lutawolf @biochemjess @coconuts-mafia
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geraskier · 5 months
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lutawolf · 1 year
Be My Favorite. I love their fights.
Their fights don't feel like one person trying to be a jerk. These are two people who care about each other and just now learning how to navigate communication to a loved one.
I love that we aren't seeing abusive fighting, nor are we seeing pretty fighting. This is real. Getting angry at your loved one is perfectly normal and healthy. When handled correctly, they can strengthen a bond. Which it what we are seeing in this show, and I'm loving it.
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pic from @biochemjess
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