#to the lil marshmallow that is always there for me 💜
lutawolf · 2 years
Kinn Being The Dom Of Kinnporsche Ep 11-12 Part Five
This is the Dom companion piece to the amazing @iffervescent whose submissive counter piece can be found here. Anything that I question might not be Dom, might just be a normal move with dominate traits, will not be added to this.
Episode 11 Kinn Dom starts with Kinn forgetting about Pete and remembering when he receives a text. I count this because we are seeing some Dom bleed through moments from Porsche just like we did with The Great Wilderness Adventure. It's a subject he is confident in so he gives his opinion. Kinn handles it much better than he has in the past, he listens to Porsche and considers his opinion. We are really starting to see the D/s layers.
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This isn't a Dom moment but I have to bring up the way Kinn handled his dad. He wanted Porsche to stop being a bodyguard but knew that his dad had wanted it. Knew there would be issues, so what does he do, gets big brother Khun. I don't know if you notice this but Daddy has a soft spot for the oldest. And Kinn exploited it with his big brother's full awareness. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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This was actually one of my favorite D/s moment. See a D/s relationship is nothing if not communication. Kinn is illustrating things that are important to him and Porsche is giving him acts of care. It's exactly things like this that create a tighter relationship.
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Then the next morning we have two lovely coconuts interrupting the couple. It's a situation that makes Porsche unsure and Kinn immediately reacts to let him know how it will be from now on. It's a command with reassurance. "We are a couple, stay where you are" but here have a kiss.
The next scene is at the bar where Kinn commands to know where Porsche is going. Though Porsche is sassy, once he sees that Kinn is serious. He quickly answers him. To which you see Kinn giving a quick nod. Doms need and want control. If we are in an uncomfortable situation, we'll often want more control then normal because it helps steady us. Though to be fair, some of this is also likely wanting to know how much time he has to talk birthday surprises. 🎂 Make sure to check out lovely iffy's description of this scene as she details moments that I did not.
Onto Episode 12
A D/s established relationship requires knowing your submissive. There is a lot of rituals, body language, and care/provide balances which have to be takeninto consideration. All this to say, Kinn was fully aware he was bugged and he booked it back to his submissive. Trust in a D/s relationship is paramount. Our whole fucking relationship is dependent on it, so when it's broken. We own it.
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There were several things that happened in this scene that show cased a Dominant dynamic beautifully. First, Kinn didn't try to divert the conversation and gaslight, he kept the communication going the entire time. He never hesitated to apologize and no matter how heated Porsche was, he kept his tone level. He also started caging Porsche almost immediately. He didn't push Porsche when Porsche said not to touch, but he did continue to push Porsche back till he was almost against the table. He kept reaching out to Porsche, letting Porsche know that even though he was angry he was there. Then he offered a solution and promise. At this point Porsche is cornered but rather than feeling claustrophobic, this gives comfort.
Then the point in which they confront Kinn's father. At this point he acts as a protective Dom. He makes sure to back up Porsche in every way. If he had not, he wouldn't be worthy of being called a Dom.
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Then we have Kinn and Porsche at Porsche's house. I'm seeing a lot of people mistaking the dynamic. There is absolutely nothing in their dynamic to show a role reversal. Cooking and putting food on the table, does not make or remove a Dom title. There is a lot more to the ritual of serving and providing food than this. It's body language, emotions, and intent. Again, D/s is about the power structure and what each individual relationship wants. Also keep in mind that though Porsche is submissive to Kinn, there is a different level due to them both being a Dom. What we are seeing is both of them comfortable, however, if Kinn were to give a command then Porsche would follow through just like at the bar. That is what makes a D/s relationship.
When Kinn's dad shows up. It's Kinn that says "okay lets go." It's Kinn that stays in front and Kinn that takes the photo. Then all the fucking emotional support he gave. Granted that's just good partnership in any kind of relationship whether Kink or vanilla but I'm still over here loving it.
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So in conclusion. While there weren't a ton of D/s moments. There were because a power dynamic isn't always a visible as one might expect. It's there but so is our relationship that we take pains to nurture.
Hope you enjoyed this as much and as iffy and I did writing it. 💜💜💜
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minisugakoobies · 3 years
Happy Accidents | KNJ
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: fluff, holiday, strangers to lovers, College!AU
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, a lil’ smooching, Namjoon wears that blue cardigan, Namjoon also wears a beanie, it's as fluffy as marshmallows in a mug of hot cocoa
Word Count: 2.2K
Disclaimers: None, other than obviously I don’t own BTS - they simply inspire me
Summary: Sometimes your clumsiness leads to a happy accident.
A/N: This is my third story for the Winter Wonderland Fic Event, run by the fabulous @hellojeongkook! Inspired by those insta pics of Namjoon all bundled up for the cold weather. And that blue cardigan he wore that one time. You know the one. Unbeta'd as usual. I'd love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Sequel: Safe With Me - part of Milestone Celebration
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
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Well, this is a colossal waste of time.
You don’t even know why you came tonight. Well, that’s not true, you know exactly why you’re here - Jung Hoseok. Your roommate begged you to come with him to this holiday party your university is throwing for students staying on campus over winter break.
Hobi twisted your arm, promising to do your laundry for the next month, knowing how much you hated schlepping down to the creepy basement every week. So you came. And now you’re alone by the refreshment table, sipping your hot cocoa, most decidedly not mixing it up with anyone.
(There isn’t any booze here. Insult to injury. You wish you’d pregamed, or at least thought to tuck a flask into your pocket.)
Hobi disappeared the minute you’d walked in, as soon as he spotted his crush Lisa, who you belatedly realized was the sole reason he wanted to come tonight. They’re currently spinning around the dance floor together, making the googliest of eyes at each other, and you want to gag at their cuteness.
Given how much Lisa clearly seems to like him, you aren’t sure why Hobi insisted on dragging you here. He obviously didn’t require a wingperson. Maybe this is his subtle way of suggesting you get out and have some of that ‘fun’ he’s always on about.
He’s annoyingly encouraging like that sometimes.
But instead, here you stand, too anxious to ask anyone to dance, seeking comfort in your favorite cold weather beverage. Glancing repeatedly at your watch until you start to worry you’re going to give yourself a repetitive stress injury. Hobi probably isn’t going to want to leave until the party ends, so you might as well find a seat somewhere and get comfortable.
With a sigh, you abandon your post by the mini cupcakes. As you turn, you nearly collide with someone, managing to stop just short. Unfortunately, your hot chocolate continues on its forward momentum, splashing all over the plain white t-shirt he wears underneath a light blue cardigan.
“Oh god!” you yell, setting your now empty cup on the table. Grabbing a stack of napkins, you begin blotting at the liquid, trying to slow its spread across his…
...rather broad chest.
You stop wiping, looking up… and up… into a ridiculously handsome face.
“It’s ok,” the tall man says, smiling kindly down at you. Two dragon-shaped eyes glimmer below a dark brow. As he grins, dimples pop in his cheeks, and you realize you still have your hands pressed against his pecs. You quickly lower them.
“I didn’t see you! I was just walking, and…” you trail off, taking a breath. “I’m so sorry for spilling hot chocolate on you.” Curse your ever-present clumsiness.
He tugs on his shirt, assessing the damage. Dark veins of liquid chocolate are still branching off, covering most of his chest and stomach at this point. It's definitely ruined. “It’s fine. It’s only my favorite shirt.”
Horrified, you stare at him. He glances at your face and laughs. “I’m kidding. It’s a plain tee. Sorry, dumb joke.”
“Oh! Right, sorry,” you apologize again, feeling silly.
“Accidents happen. Please don’t worry about it. I’m Namjoon, by the way. You are?”
You give him your name.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he repeats your name, the word becoming a rumbly melody in his deep voice.
You nod, lowering your eyes timidly, only to notice in dismay that you’ve also gotten some chocolate on his gorgeous sweater. “Augh, I’m so sorry! I think I ruined your cardigan, too.”
He examines the brown blotch. “Yep, you did.” He sighs, looking stern. “I’m afraid you owe me a new one.”
“Oh!” You bite your lip. “Of course, you’re right. I can replace it! I just need to know where you got this? And what size - “
“Whoa!” He holds up his hands and you stop babbling. “I’m kidding, again. I’m sorry. I’m really terrible with jokes, I guess.” He smiles reassuringly. “I’m sure it’ll come out in the wash.”
You just nod, afraid to say anything else and make a fool of yourself again.
“But if you want to make it up to me, you could dance with me.”
You stare at him so long that he laughs nervously, running his hand through his hair. “Only if you want to, of course. I really don’t expect -“
“Yes!” you blurt loudly, then flinch, wishing you could play it cool for once. “Yes. I’d like that.”
He offers his elbow and you grasp it lightly as he leads you onto the dance floor. As a slow holiday tune begins to play, he wraps one arm around your back and brings your hand up with the other. His hands are so large, making your own look tiny in comparison.
“I’m sorry again,” you say, now that the cocoa has dried into an unsightly stain.
Namjoon just shakes his head. “Really, don’t stress yourself about it. Truth be told, I’m glad you spilled your drink on me,” he confesses, making you peer up at him in confusion.
“Why, were you tired of that sweater?”
“No,” he chuckles, and you can’t help but smile at the warm sound. He dips his head shyly. “I was having trouble gathering the courage to ask you to dance. It’s just that… I never know how to talk to beautiful women.”
There are many things that you can’t understand in this world. This Adonis having any trouble finding a willing dance partner immediately leapfrogs to the top of the list.
But also… beautiful? His compliment goes straight to your head, and you breathe deeply before quipping, “Well, given your terrible jokes, I’m not surprised to hear that.”
His eyes widen before he catches your playful grin, and then he smirks. “Touché.”
“If it makes you feel better, I never know how to talk to cute guys, either,” you admit, glancing down.
“You seem to be doing fine right now.”
You laugh as he spins you around before pulling you back into his arms. “Oh, so you think I was talking about you?”
His face flushes as you giggle. You’re pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to banter with him like this. You were being honest when you said you had trouble talking to handsome men. (Other than Hobi, of course, but he’s practically your brother, so he doesn’t count.) Your awkwardness increases when you’re nervous, and you always end up saying something dumb or tripping over your own two feet.
He only asked for one dance, but you don’t part when the song ends. Or when the next one fades, either. The conversation keeps flowing, and Namjoon only releases you for the uptempo songs, automatically pulling you back into his arms when the music slows again.
The two of you chat about where you’re from and what you’re studying. You’re shocked to learn he’s an art history major just like you, because you’re sure you’ve never seen him in any of your classes and there is absolutely no way a man this gorgeous could possibly fly under your radar.
“So, what’s keeping you on campus over break? If you don’t mind me asking,” you add quickly, not wanting to seem like you’re prying.
“Needed to fill out some applications for summer internships, and knew if I went home, they’d end up forgotten. You?”
“Well, it’s just me and my dad at home,” you explain. “And he’s been out on a job site for several weeks. At least here, I’m not alone. My roommate also stayed.”
“Ah, that’s nice,” Namjoon hums as he deftly steers you away from a couple who are dancing to their own beat, arms flailing wildly. “But it’s weird, right? Not spending the holidays at home?”
“It’s different, for sure!”
“Different good or different bad?” He tilts his head as he looks at you.
“A mix, I’d say. It’s a little sad, missing out on some of my favorite traditions, but there have been some unexpected delights, too.” You can’t help but look up at him meaningfully, and are rewarded with an enchantingly bashful smile.
As Namjoon whirls you around the dance floor, you catch sight of Hobi, still swaying with Lisa. He covertly flashes a thumbs up in your direction, and you glance away quickly, hoping Namjoon didn’t see him.
Maybe you should lean into your good luck for once and ask Namjoon if he wants to go out sometime. Gazing up at him, you lick your lips anxiously, trying to work up the nerve, when your foot goes rogue and the heel of your boot stamps down directly on his toes. Hard.
“Ah!” he yelps, recoiling in pain.
“Sorry!” You draw back, hands held in front of you in apology.
“It’s ok!” he proclaims, but as he stumbles towards you, limping slightly, you manage to kick his other shin.
“Ow!” He hobbles, grabbing his leg, as you cringe.
Your klutziness strikes again. For some reason, you always lose control of your limbs when you get nervous, flailing around like a newborn calf learning how to walk.
Better bail before someone gets hurt. Or more hurt.
“Shit! I should probably go before I accidentally maim you or something. Th-thank you for the dance,” you stammer, turning away.
“Oh, no, it’s fine!” he protests, but you are already fleeing, heading for your coat. “Wait!”
You don’t look back, intent on saving what little face you have left. As you pass Hobi, he shoots you a concerned look, but you wave him off. Let him have his fun. Later, you can lament about how embarrassed you are. Right now, you just need to get out of there.
Bundled in your fluffy winter jacket, you step outside to find that it is snowing. You curse, wishing you’d checked the weather report earlier, because the cute boots Hobi convinced you to wear were not meant for walking in snow.
This means you need to move slowly and deliberately. The first few steps you take are easy, but as you reach the bottom of the steps, you slip, gasping as you pitch backwards -
-into a strong pair of arms.
Your world is tilted as you stare into those dark dragon eyes again. He’d caught you just before you’d hit the ground, so you’re practically laying on your back. It’s such a vulnerable position, finding yourself totally supported by him.
Setting you back upright, Namjoon grins. “Ok, you’re really boosting my confidence here, letting me sweep you off your feet.”
“That wasn’t you, that was the snow,” you respond without thinking, and he throws his head back as he guffaws, a loud laugh that resounds through the quiet night air. “Did you follow me out here?”
He nods, pulling his long gray trench around himself more tightly as the flecks of snow dot the dark material. A black beanie covers his thick hair, giving him a boyish appearance. “Yeah. I - I was going to ask for your number, but you ran off.”
“Oh?” You blink in surprise. “You sure? I’m afraid I’m always like this. Might be a health hazard dating me.”
He nods again, guiding you down the final steps with a hand on your lower back. Even through your coat, you can feel the heat of his palm where it presses against you. “Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, I'm not worried. I don’t break easily.”
You nearly comment that you believe him since he’s built like a sequoia, but at the tone of his voice you hold your quip.
“You’re not that clumsy, really,” he continues. “But maybe dancing isn’t your forte.”
It takes you a minute to realize he’s teasing. “I don’t think comedy is yours.”
You could listen to that boisterous laugh all night.
The weather is only getting worse, flakes coating everything in sight, so you decide to make your move before you both freeze. “Can I see your phone?”
You key in your number, then hand it back. He fires off a quick text. “There, now you have mine, too.”
Unknown: Can I walk you home?
Grinning, you nod. “That would be nice.”
Once again, he offers his arm, and you slide yours through.
“To be clear, I’m doing this because I don’t want you to injure yourself on the way home,” he informs you as you trudge down the snowy sidewalk towards your apartment.
“And here I was thinking you might want a goodnight kiss.” You shrug. “Good to know I don’t have to worry about that.”
“… I really gotta stop with the bad jokes.”
You laugh as you tug him down the pathway to your place.
“This is me,” you announce as you come to a stop. “If I can be honest with you?”
“Please.” His eyes shimmer merrily.
“I think you undersold yourself when it comes to talking to women. You did just fine with me.”
“Really?” He steps closer, forcing you to look up to meet his soft gaze. “Even with all the dumb attempts at humor?”
“Mmm, yeah, maybe fewer jokes would be all right,” you grin cheekily. “You could always try sweet talk instead.”
In the dim light of the streetlamp outside your building, snowflakes swirling between you melt from his warm smile as his lips drift towards yours. “Gotta save something for our first date.”
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© 2021-22-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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This one shot of yours is probably one of my all time faves. Its so underrated and ohmygod the way it plays with my emotions when you go back and forth between the past and the present :( I cry a lil (ok fine a lot) every time I read it, like yes give me fluff that turns me into a marshmallow then flip me over and let me burn from all the angst
I love your writing!
i’m honestly so soft from this ask sfgjkkd thank you so much for all your wonderful words 🥰
a little while back i reread all my stories, and this one made me tear up at a couple points. idec if that sounds arrogant and vain, my stories are my babies and they have a special place in my heart, but this one; mannnn i don’t even know what it is really but i think there’s a certain level of catharsis i reached when i first wrote it and recently when i reread it. there’re two intertwined lessons in it, one that i always wanna remember and then another one that i always live by
again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me; i’m really moved and so grateful 💜
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