#kipling bag
glimmerkey · 2 months
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Kipling Sven Extra Small Monkey Keychain
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jpasionr · 2 months
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I kinda wanted cream or blaze but it’s kinda of funny that I had two different targets where I just found merch of silver lol
Bonus pic of my bag with the other bag clip figurines I have at the moment
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watmalik · 1 year
Good job for surviving 1 month of hiatus, and a happy one month to the new husbands 🥲
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albonium · 4 months
17 days worth of clothes for temperatures from 0 to 30°C 🤪
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clemati · 1 year
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Why. Are. The. Eyes. Like. That.
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suzyturnerbooks · 3 months
Bag Obsession: from handcrafted treasures to essential backpacks
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digitalgirls · 11 months
ordered a kipling tote bag after searching for so long
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metropolitant · 1 year
The Barbie® x Kipling Collection: Unleashing the Barbie Fever with Stylish Essentials
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View On WordPress
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twinsforfashion · 1 year
Kipling’s #SplashintoSummer
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El buen tiempo, los días más largos, los festivales de música y los antojos de helados hacen que nosotras ya estemos soñando con las vacaciones ¿Cómo sería nuestra maleta ideal? Muchos bikinis, nuestras sandalias favoritas, tejanos que combinen con todo y, lo más importante, una maleta como esta de Kipling con diferentes bolsillos, mucho espacio y unas ruedas resistentes para llevarnos a la próxima playa. ¡Estamos ready!
Good weather, longer days, music festivals and ice cream cravings mean that we are already dreaming of vacations. What would our ideal suitcase look like? Lots of bikinis, our favorite sandals, jeans that go with everything and, most importantly, a suitcase like this one from Kipling with different pockets, plenty of space and sturdy wheels to take us to the next beach. We are ready!
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Find Kipling’s Summer Collection HERE.
#Kipling #SplashintoSummer #DestinationSummer
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the-moral-of-the-rose · 6 months
A tribute to the cats of Montgomery's books.
Part 1. Anne Shirley (later: Blythe).
Rusty-the cat (the fighter):
"The animal was well past kitten-hood, lank, thin, disreputable looking. Pieces of both ears were lacking, one eye was temporarily out of repair, and one jowl ludicrously swollen. As for color, if a once black cat had been well and thoroughly singed the result would have resembled the hue of this waif’s thin, draggled, unsightly fur." (Anne of The Island).
"But, like Kipling’s cat, he “walked by himself.” His paw was against every cat, and every cat’s paw against him. One by one he vanquished the aristocratic felines of Spofford Avenue. As for human beings, he loved Anne and Anne alone. Nobody else even dared stroke him. An angry spit and something that sounded much like very improper language greeted any one who did.
“The airs that cat puts on are perfectly intolerable,” declared Stella." (Anne of The Island).
(He does get better looking though! He's said to become "plum and sleek" and his eyes heal!).
A fighter,
A survivor of an attempt of "chlorophorm murder".
Joseph-the-cat (a big fat softie that could fight if needed):
"Joseph, as the disgusted Stella said, looked like a walking rag-bag. It was impossible to say what his ground color was. His legs were white with black spots on them. His back was gray with a huge patch of yellow on one side and a black patch on the other. His tail was yellow with a gray tip. One ear was black and one yellow. A black patch over one eye gave him a fearfully rakish look. In reality he was meek and inoffensive, of a sociable disposition. In one respect, if in no other, Joseph was like a lily of the field. He toiled not neither did he spin or catch mice. Yet Solomon in all his glory slept not on softer cushions, or feasted more fully on fat things." (Anne of The Island).
"But Joseph rashly sat up and yawned. Rusty, burning to avenge his disgrace, swooped down upon him. Joseph, pacific by nature, could fight upon occasion and fight well. The result was a series of drawn battles. Every day Rusty and Joseph fought at sight. Anne took Rusty’s part and detested Joseph. Stella was in despair. But Aunt Jamesina only laughed." (Anne of The Island).
soft bean,
meek and gentle,
could fight if needed.
Sarah-the-cat (dignified queen):
"Sarah-cat gravely sat herself down before the fire and proceeded to wash her face. She was a large, sleek, gray-and-white cat, with an enormous dignity which was not at all impaired by any consciousness of her plebian origin. She had been given to Aunt Jamesina by her washerwoman.
“Her name was Sarah, so my husband always called puss the Sarah-cat,” explained Aunt Jamesina. “She is eight years old, and a remarkable mouser. Don’t worry, Stella. The Sarah-cat never fights and Joseph rarely.” (Anne of The Island).
"Rusty lowered his head, uttered a fearful shriek of hatred and defiance, and launched himself at the Sarah-cat.
The stately animal had stopped washing her face and was looking at him curiously. She met his onslaught with one contemptuous sweep of her capable paw. Rusty went rolling helplessly over on the rug; he picked himself up dazedly. What sort of a cat was this who had boxed his ears? He looked dubiously at the Sarah-cat. Would he or would he not? The Sarah-cat deliberately turned her back on him and resumed her toilet operations. Rusty decided that he would not. He never did. From that time on the Sarah-cat ruled the roost. Rusty never again interfered with her." (Anne of The Island).
A remarkable mouser,
Ruler of the Patty's Place.
Such a queen.
Shrimp (best-family-cat):
"He seems to have recovered nicely from it," said Anne, stroking the glossy black-and-white curves of a contented pussy with huge jowls, purring on a chair in the firelight. [...] As for the Shrimp, Gilbert had called him that a year ago when Nan had brought the miserable, scrawny kitten home from the village where some boys had been torturing it, and the name clung, though it was very inappropriate now." (Anne of Ingleside).
Loves people,
good with children,
likes sleeping curled up with a member of his human family,
a little ray of sunshine.
Pussywillow (a little lady of the night sky):
"The Shrimp basked in the glow and Nan's kitten, Pussywillow, which always suggested some dainty exquisite little lady in black and silver, climbed everybody's legs impartially. "Two cats, and mouse tracks everywhere in the pantry," was Susan's disapproving parenthesis." (Anne of Ingleside).
Black and silver like a night sky,
Jack Frost (a girl in hiding):
"Four years previously Rilla Blythe had had a treasured darling of a kitten, white as snow, with a saucy black tip to its tail, which she called Jack Frost. Susan disliked Jack Frost, though she could not or would not give any valid reason therefor.
"Take my word for it, Mrs. Dr. dear," she was wont to say ominously, "that cat will come to no good."
"But why do you think so?" Mrs. Blythe would ask.
"I do not think—I know," was all the answer Susan would vouchsafe.
With the rest of the Ingleside folk Jack Frost was a favourite; he was so very clean and well groomed, and never allowed a spot or stain to be seen on his beautiful white suit; he had endearing ways of purring and snuggling; he was scrupulously honest.
And then a domestic tragedy took place at Ingleside. Jack Frost had kittens!" (Rilla of Ingleside).
White and beautiful,
Clean and well-groomed,
Snuggler and purrer,
Mother of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
"Diabolical" cat according to Susan.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (a cat suffering from bipolar disorder):
"In his Dr. Jekyll mood the cat was a drowsy, affectionate, domestic, cushion-loving puss, who liked petting [...] When the Mr. Hyde mood came upon him—which it invariably did before rain, or wind—he was a wild thing with changed eyes. The transformation always came suddenly. He would spring fiercely from a reverie with a savage snarl and bite at any restraining or caressing hand. His fur seemed to grow darker and his eyes gleamed with a diabolical light. There was really an unearthly beauty about him." (Rilla of Ingleside).
Orange and handsome,
Either sweet, purring, soft and cute, either dangerous and scary,
Possesed (?),
Some kind of mental illness (?),
A kitten of Jack Snow,
Called Goldie in his kittenhood,
Renamed by Walter.
Part 2. Emily Starr.
Mike the First (the fluffiest softie) and Saucy Sal (a badass girl):
"Mike had such a cute way of sitting up on his haunches and catching the bits in his paws, and Saucy Sal had her trick of touching Emily’s ankle with an almost human touch when her turn was too long in coming. Emily loved them both, but Mike was her favourite. He was a handsome, dark-grey cat with huge owl-like eyes, and he was so soft and fat and fluffy. Sal was always thin; no amount of feeding put any flesh on her bones. Emily liked her, but never cared to cuddle or stroke her because of her thinness. Yet there was a sort of weird beauty about her that appealed to Emily. She was grey-and-white—very white and very sleek, with a long, pointed face, very long ears and very green eyes. She was a redoubtable fighter, and strange cats were vanquished in one round. The fearless little spitfire would even attack dogs and rout them utterly." (Emily of New Moon).
Mike: soft, cute, fluffy, darling, handsome, purring, fat, cuddly.
Saucy Sal: a badass, fighter, brave, daring, sleek, green-eyed, gorgeous.
Smoke (the Aristo-cat):
"Smoke was a big Maltese and an aristocrat from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. There was no doubt whatever that he belonged to the cat caste of Vere de Vere. He had emerald eyes and a coat of plush. The only white thing about him was an adorable dicky." (Emily of New Moon).
Member of cat caste of Vere de Vere,
Eyes like jewels,
Buttercup (a tiny cat-cherub):
"Buttercup was a chubby, yellow, delightful creature hardly out of kittenhood." (Emily of New Moon).
yellow ball of fluff,
small bean,
Mike the Second (a cute furry grey demon of the night):
"Emily’s furry kitten, Mike II, frisked and scampered about like a small, charming demon of the night; the fire glowed with beautiful redness and allure through the gloom; there were nice whispery sounds everywhere. [...] (Emily of New Moon).
A gift from Old Kelly,
Cute, furry,
Charming, plump,
Rescued by Emily,
A forever kitten,
Gone too soon.
Daffodil - Daff - Daffy (a life-long friend):
“The kitten was a delicate bit of striped greyness that reminded Emily of her dear lost Mikes. And it smelled so nice—of warmth and clean furriness, with whiffs of the clover hay where Saucy Sal had made her mother-nest." (Emily of New Moon).
"Daff," said Emily wearily, "you're the only thing in the world that stays put." (Emily's Quest).
"Don't you wish—or do you!—Daff, that you and I had been born sensible creatures, alive to the superior advantages of Quebec heaters!"(Emily's Quest).
Emily's friend and companion of her lonely years,
Snored loudly in his sleep during his later years,
Followed Emily everywhere,
My personal favourite.
Part 3. Pat Gardiner
Gentleman Tom (an immortal cat):
"Gentleman Tom sat beside Pat, on the one step from the landing into Judy's room, blinking at her with insolent green eyes, whose very expression would have sent Judy to the stake a few hundred years ago. A big, lanky cat who always looked as if he had a great many secret troubles; continually thin in spite of Judy's partial coddling; a black cat . . . "the blackest black cat I iver did be seeing." For a time he had been nameless. Judy held it wasn't lucky to name a baste that had just "come." Who knew what might be offended? So the black grimalkin was called Judy's Cat, with a capital, until one day Sid referred to it as "Gentleman Tom," and Gentleman Tom he was from that time forth, even Judy surrendering. Pat was fond of all cats, but her fondness for Gentleman Tom was tempered with awe." (Pat of Silver Bush).
Full of personality.
Bold-and-Bad (a mad-cat ball of energy):
'"Bold-and-Bad", the kitten of the summer, came flying across the yard to her. Pat picked him up and squeezed some purrs out of him. No matter what dreadful things happened at least there were still cats in the world."
"Even Bold-and-Bad, whom ordinarily nothing could subdue, crouched with an apologetic air under the stove."
"Sure and I will, Patsy darlint. Ye nadn't be fretting over Bold-and-Bad. He's living up to his name ivery minute of the day, slaping on the Poet's bed and getting rolled up in me shate of fly-paper. Sure and ye niver saw a madder cat." (Pat of Silver Bush).
Full of energy,
Living up to his name,
Always young.
Part 4. Valancy Stirling:
Banjo (a devilish philosopher):
"Banjo is a big, enchanting, grey devil-cat. Striped, of course. I don’t care a hang for any cat that hasn’t stripes. I never knew a cat who could swear as genteelly and effectively as Banjo. His only fault is that he snores horribly when he is asleep." (The Blue Castle).
Grey devil cat,
has his own chair,
rules his kingdom of Barney's hut,
a graceful swearer,
Good Luck (a wistful philosopher):
"Luck is a dainty little cat. Always looking wistfully at you, as if he wanted to tell you something. Maybe he will pull it off sometime. Once in a thousand years, you know, one cat is allowed to speak. My cats are philosophers—neither of them ever cries over spilt milk." (The Blue Castle).
Part 5. Jane Stuart
Two Peters (little cuties):
"The Snowbeams told Jane their cat had kittens and she could have one. Jane went down to choose. There were four and the poor lean old mother cat was so proud and happy. Jane picked a black one with a pansy face—a really pansy face, so dark and velvety, with round golden eyes. She named it Peter on the spot. Then the Jimmy Johns, not to be outdone, brought over a kitten also. But this kitten was already named Peter and the Ella twin wept frantically over the idea of anybody changing it. So dad suggested calling them First Peter and Second Peter—which Mrs Snowbeam thought was sacrilegious. Second Peter was a dainty thing in black and silver, with a soft white breast. Both Peters slept at the foot of Jane's bed and swarmed over dad the minute he sat down."
"First Peter was sitting on the doorstone when Jane came downstairs, with a big mouse in his mouth, very proud of his prowess as a hunter." (Jane of Lantern Hill).
Lil hunters.
Silver Penny (small but mighty):
"Ding-dong had brought her a kitten to replace Second Peter...a scrap about as big as its mother's paw but which was destined to be a magnificent cat in black with four white paws. Jane and dad tried out all kinds of names on it before they went to bed and finally agreed on Silver Penny because of the round white spot between its ears." (Jane of Lantern Hill).
Part 6. Marigold Lesley
Lucifer and Witch of Endor (a devilish married couple):
"Of course the cats were present at the festivity also. Lucifer and the Witch of Endor. Both of black velvet with great round eyes. Cloud of Spruce was noted for its breed of black cats with topaz-hued eyes. Its kittens were not scattered broadcast but given away with due discrimination. Lucifer was Old Grandmother's favourite. A remote, subtle cat. An inscrutable cat so full of mystery that it fairly oozed out of him. The Witch of Endor became her name but compared to Lucifer she was commonplace." (Magic for Marigold).
Almost human-like,
Part 7. Kilmeny of The Orchard.
Timothy-The-Cat (Sir Timothy - the real head of the family):
"They have no living children, but Old Bob has a black cat which is his especial pride and darling. The name of this animal is Timothy and as such he must always be called and referred to. Never, as you value Robert’s good opinion, let him hear you speaking of his pet as ‘the cat,’ or even as ‘Tim.’ You will never be forgiven and he will not consider you a fit person to have charge of the school."
"The other end of the bench was occupied by Timothy, sleek and complacent, with a snowy breast and white paws. After old Robert had taken a mouthful of anything he gave a piece to Timothy, who ate it daintily and purred resonant gratitude." (Kilmeny of The Orchard).
With Royal airs,
A family member,
A family pride and joy.
I love how every cat has its own little personality!
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infiniteimaginings · 3 months
Hii! I know ur requests are closed and stuff and I don’t even know if you’re still writing for this but could you do a Ravi ross x reader?? Maybe an enemies to lovers thing? 😭 I was also wondering if it could be set when bunk’d was taking place if that makes sense! If not that’s ok :) Have a nice day or night.(excuse my English not my first language lol)
Lost (Ravi Ross x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You get lost with one of the only people at camp you can't stand and somehow it's your fault? Who's leaving the other if a bear comes? Who's taking the last life jacket and leaving the other? Whose dislike of the other is just intense admiration that they don't know how to handle? Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: They talk about/to each other rudely, in depth about parental issues lol, but other than that none Word Count: 3.4k A/N: Me saying requests are (ever) closed just means I won't respond to them quickly or look at them closely. If it's open it means I can write for them and I know for a fact I'll be able to post it. Don't worry, you can still send stuff in, it's okay.
Camp Kikiwaka was a summer camp placed in the outskirts of Maine where a bunch of kids would either complain due the lack of cell service or would find comfort in one another through competitions. Most everyone at Camp Kikiwaka got along, that was mainly due to the counselors who pushed everyone together almost against their wills. That worked for almost everyone, almost.
You were extremely likable, people wanted you on their teams, in their campsites, at sleepovers, etc. You were a caring and sweet person who people got along with. This meant you were basically friends with everyone. That wasn’t true though, it wasn’t true because someone in the camp absolutely despised every single thing you did.
That person's name was Ravi Ross, someone who people enjoyed the company of. They thought he was intelligent, helpful, resourceful, and interesting as well as fun. He was also someone you decided to name ‘Try Hard Rich Boy’ because he tried way too hard for a camp where the main objective was to have fun. From the nickname alone, it’s clear the sentiment he shared for you was reciprocated.
Both of you understood the lack of bond the two of you had, and neither of you cared. Sure, you had the same friends, and you were friends with his siblings, but that didn’t matter. You tried to keep any sort of conversation short, and it lasted the majority of the time at camp.
You had to go to the Grizzly cabin one day to grab something from Xander for Zuri. The curly haired girl was currently busy on the docks and kindly bribed you to go instead, to which you agreed after much persuading. You took your time and knocked before letting yourself in due to a lack of response, Zuri said the item was in a bag with her name on it, it should’ve just been on one of the dressers. You knew Xander wouldn’t mind, so you shrugged and began your search.
As you looked you heard a bit of a heavy walk so you turned around and were met face to scales with Mrs. Kipling, one of your favorite campers of Camp Kikiwaka. You smiled gently and crouched down to her, gently using your finger to gently rub from her head to her mid-back. Mrs. Kipling let out a small hum of a hiss which you always took as enjoyment since she never did much other than scoot a bit closer to you. 
 You were so caught up with the seven foot long lizard that you didn’t notice one of the Grizzly cabin members walking in. 
The person scoffed and walked forward, “Can I help you?” They asked, the familiar accent filling your ears, causing your eye to lightly twitch in frustration.
You stood up and turned to look Ravi Ross in the eyes with a blank expression, “Nope.” You spoke simply, moving your head to the side and walking to the dresser on Xanders side, quickly snatching the bag and walking out the cabin, closing the door behind you.
Ravi rolled his eyes, not even looking back to where you walked away. He simply tilted his head down to Mrs. Kipling and frowned, “Traitor.” He spoke with a huff, walking towards the bathroom.
He never enjoyed the fact that his closest companion enjoyed your presence at all. He thought his best friend since his childhood would at least be on his side, but every day he is proven wrong.
Short exchanges, dirty looks, sighs of frustration, and that was it. That was your dynamic, which the two of you were fine with. Everyone else on the other hand, absolutely hated it.
All of your friends were sat in the middle of the cafeteria as you were helping a camper put up banners and Ravi was on the other side, clipboard in hand, giving other campers directions to follow.
Emma put her head down on the table, “I’m sick of this.” She groaned, lifting her head so her chin would sit on her forearms.
Xander nodded, rubbing circles into her back as he looked around the table. “There’s gotta be something we can do, right?” He asked, looking between the two sides of the cafeteria. “I mean, they’ve been so rude to each other since camp started.”
“I know!” Zuri interjected, “I’m tired of trying to get them to talk by sending them to do my chores.”
Everyone looked over at Zuri with confusion, Lou especially. “For once, I’m going to ignore that you just said that.” The brown haired girl said, turning to face Xander. “I don’t know how we would fix…” She paused, waving her hands in the two general directions, “that.”
Tiffany gently rocked herself, “I mean, if they were forced to be together, maybe that would help.” She suggested to which the table hummed in agreement.
“I know if Gladys told them to be partners on something, they wouldn't be able to argue it.” Jorge nodded to his own words, crossing his arms on the table, “That woman is scary.” He spoke lowly, staring down as if he was getting some sort of flashback to every horrifying thing their camp owner has ever done.
Xanders eyes brightened up and he stood up suddenly, “I have an idea.” He told everyone before rushing off, leaving the group at the table with no explanation.
Before the end of the day, Xander was walking into the cafeteria with the menacing woman herself. She looked…bored to say the least. 
“Campers!” She yelled out, causing the attention to be drawn to her immediately, which she genuinely enjoyed. She sighed before scratching at her leg that was shown under her cargo shorts, “We’re having a camp activity in a few days, something of the sorts of an ‘adventure quest’.” She told the campers surrounding her, air quotes around ‘adventure quest’. Gladys rolled her neck a bit before continuing, “I need two campers to go out to one of our set up camps about half an hour from here to gatherer the supplies from this list.” She explained, paper list in hand  
No one raised their hands so Xander coughed a bit, before whispering into Gladys’s ear.
The woman rolled her eyes and pointed to you, “You, and…” She trailed off, looking around before her sharp gaze set on Ravi, “you.” She spoke, pushing the list into Ravis chest before walking off, not letting either of you argue with the decision. “And you need to leave today! Supplies will be provided by your counselors!” She yelled out her final demand before her footsteps got quieter by the second.
The cafeteria was silent as they watched you and Ravi Ross glare at each other. Everyone was highly concerned whether either of you would return from this trip since neither of you are very team friendly with one another.
Not another word was passed between anyone as you and Ravi walked out, in silence, to your own cabins. Xander and Lou looked at each other, a bit of worry in their glance but they hoped it would work. You two were responsible enough to at least take care of one another if the time came, right?...Right?
Lou sent you on your way with a backpack full of camping gear just in case it took longer to get to the camping site. It was pretty late in the day so she wanted to be safe rather than sorry. She sent you off with ‘Be safe’, ‘Don’t kill each other’, ‘If you see the cases of sodas we hid there, bring back a few cans.”
When you finally walked out of your cabin, away from Lou’s smothering, you found Ravi getting the exact same treatment from Xander, an equally heavy bag on his back. The sight was honestly kind of funny, Xanders hands gripping Ravis shoulders as he gave him a stern ‘talking to’.
After the warnings ended, Ravi turned to go to your cabin, but noticed you were already ready, grin on your face. 
“What’s so funny?”
Your smile dropped, “Let’s just go.” You spoke, turning to the trail path, Ravi following with no complaints as he wanted to get this over with as quick as possible. The two of you passed by your friends and other campers waving you off and wishing you well, telling you both to be careful, which you both would try to.
Once you got to the path, you were met with a fork in the road almost immediately. Ravi suggested right, near the deeper portion of the forest where you’d be able to find more signs for where the campsite was. You suggested left where you guys were closer to the shore of the lake.
Both of you knew that either direction would lead to the camp site since it was just ahead, it wasn’t in the middle of the forest, but it wasn’t on the beach. 
After a bit of debating, you decided to choose Ravis way. His way was helpful as you saw the arrow signs directing you both to the site. You guys were making good time, the sun hadn’t set and you guys were almost there, you were almost hopeful.
Almost. And that almost was crushed the moment Ravi stopped walking.
You nearly ran into his back before stepping to the side, “Why’d you sto-” Your sentence was interrupted when you saw the large sign practically screaming at them ‘WAY BLOCKED, UNSAFE TRAIL’
Both of you groaned, and looked around for another way.
Ravi huffed, “If we go back without even getting to the camp in the first place, Gladys will have our heads.”
“You don’t think I know that?” You snarled, rolling your eyes. “Let’s just try to find a way around.” You spoke, stepping around to find a different trail that went the same direction, but was longer than the original one.
Walking, walking, and more walking with extremely heavy bags and short patience, wasn’t fun. 
“Why did we have to go this way specifically?” Ravi asked, knowing there were two other paths that could have potentially been better than this one.
“Because it’s easier.” you answered quickly, stepping forward, looking around more, using the lasting sunlight to get as far as you could.
“No, it’s no-”
You quickly turned around to face him, “Im sorry.” You spoke suddenly.
“You’re…sorry?” Ravi asked, clearly confused from his expression and tone of voice.
You nodded, “Yes, I’m sorry that you're such a control freak that you can't have anyone but yourself have their way.” You told him with a tilt of your head, a glare forming on your face.
Ravi gave you a sarcastic laugh before pushing past you, continuing to walk. “If you only have insults to spit out, just be quiet.” He told you without turning around.
You simply rolled your eyes before following him.
It was getting dark, dark enough to the point you guys couldn’t see where you were going and you felt like you were going in circles.
Ravi hit his forehead slightly, “You’re the reason that we’re lost, you don’t even know where this trail leads!” He suddenly groaned out, turning towards you, you thought. You couldn't tell, it was pitch black. 
“We’re in the woods, I think we have bigger problems than ‘who got us lost’.” You started, pulling your bag off your back to pull the tent. “Which is you by the way.”
“How is this my fault?” Ravi asked, doing the same as you, pulling out flashlights so neither of you would mess something up with the excuse of it being nightfall.
“You took over walking in the front, you lead us deeper into the woods.”
“And you didn’t want to speak up?”
You turned and faced him, puffing out your chest and holding up your finger, “If you have nothing but insults to say, just be quiet.” You repeated his words before rolling your eyes and turning back to putting up your tent. 
Ravi simply scoffed and went to get firewood, deciding not to talk to you because he felt as if his head was being constantly twisted past its limit when speaking to you.
Over time, he got the fire started, and pulled out some food to cook for you to choose from. You found a pretty good stone slab to set one of your prepared towels onto so you weren’t just placing food on the forest rocks. You also pulled a few snacks out of your bag, tossing a few to Ravi without a word. He turned to you with furrowed brows, confused by your sudden act but you were turned towards the fire, already beginning to fix up the food you guys had brought along.
You both sat in a tense but a more comfortable silence than either of you were used to.
Ravi broke the silence, looking up at you for a moment before looking back down to the snacks he just opened as he waited for you to be done with cooking. “I still think we could’ve taken another path.”
“And I’m still sure the path I chose is less deadly and still faster even though we’re camping out.” You answered, the light glistening in your eyes. 
There was no response to that, so you left it at that…until you heard rustling.
You looked back and noticed only one tent was set up, yours. Ravi seemed to be having trouble with his and you couldn’t even find it in you to laugh, because it really was late. 
“Do you need help?”
“It’s been half an hour-”
“I don’t need your help, okay?”
You blinked at him before taking the food off the fire so you wouldn’t burn it. You stood up, brushing yourself off, “You are so incredibly stubborn, to the point that it’s ridiculous.” You stated, walking to him and helping him put in the rods, ignoring his protests. “You hate asking for help, even when you really need it.” You continued on, snapping at him to move to the other side to which he reluctantly followed. “You think you need to do everything yourself, fix everything yourself, for what?” You asked him, finishing the seemingly simple set up of his tent.
Ravi shook his head, choosing to ignore you, sitting on the side of the campfire. 
“It’s as if you think no one sees how hard you’re working, trust me everyone sees it.” You grumbled, crossing your arms as you walked to the other side of the camp fire, “It’s infuriating how hard you try with something you really don’t need to put that much effort in.”
“What about you? Huh?” Ravi interrupted, tilting his head, stepping closer to you. “You just blank on people.”
“Blank on-?”
“When you believe you failed at something, it’s like you go dark in your head .” Ravi explained, expression hardened. “What’s up with that?” He asked, raising a brow. “You do so well in everything and when you don’t get the results you want, you shut down.” 
You blinked at him and looked him up and down, “Why do you watch me so hard to notice that I get into my head?”
“Why do you observe me to the point you notice how hard I work?”
There was silence from the two of you, just a stare from across a dancing fire. A stare of two campers who believed they were comfortable in each other's hate, that they didn’t notice how much they really knew each other more than anyone.
Ravi seemed to be the person who spoke up more, which was surprising, but at the same time it wasn’t. 
He looked away, tongue poking the inside of his cheek, “I don’t ask for help because my parents weren’t much help.” He spoke, sniffling ever so slightly as a distraction to his far off gaze.
“What do you mean?”
“Me and the majority of my siblings are adopted.” He told you, finally turning to look back at you, not expecting your eyes to already be on him. "Since my parents are famous, they have to be gone a lot, so we had nannies.” He began to explain, swallowing harshly, “Those nannies took care of us more than our parents did.”
You furrowed your brows, “So, them sending you to camp…?”
“It's like another nanny situation.” He answered, sighing a bit. “We had nannies as we grew up, and our last nanny was our longest nanny, she was great.” He told you with a small smile, “She was there for years, and honestly was the best person who deserved only great things.” He explained to you fondly to which you listened. “She left so our parents could stay for good, but clearly, that didn’t last that long.”
Your expression formed into something Ravi couldn’t explain, he couldn’t tell if you were sad for him, felt sympathy, but the feeling was comforting since he never really talked to his own siblings about this.
“What I’m trying to say is that there’s a freedom you have when you feel as if you’ve been abandoned.” He swallowed harshly as he tried to explain, “It just kind of sucked because I already felt as if I was abandoned as a child since there was a need for me to be adopted. Going through that twice isn't a good feeling.” Ravi told you, trying to laugh through it. “I don’t ask for help, because I didn’t really get help until our recent nanny, and now that she’s gone, I just don’t have that kind of easy connection to ask anymore.”
You hummed a bit, “I wasn’t necessarily saying you not asking for help is a terribly bad thing.” You told him slowly, tilting your head to the side as you looked away from him. “It’s admirable, you do things on your own, you’re intelligent, I know you’re capable of more than the average person.” You complimented him, to both of your surprise.
Ravi continued to listen, adjusting himself to be more comfortable.
“I was just saying that because it’s worrying.” You answered truthfully. “We keep our conversations short, I know, but I still see you working on millions of projects a day.” You explained, smoothing out your knitted brows, “I’m worried you’re going to drop and that’s when people are going to notice that you’re overworking yourself on things you shouldn’t be overworking yourself on.” You told him, puffing air out of your cheeks.
The boy across the fire nodded a bit at your words, “You weren’t telling me to stop trying so hard because you thought I was irritating, you were saying it because…”
“Camp is where you can relax for a minute, you don’t have to prove yourself in anything that much.” You completed his thought for him. “You are a try hard and it’s annoying, because it’s concerning.”  
“Well, since we’re sharing concerns, why do you shut down?” Ravi asked you, wondering if you’d answer or not.
You chuckled a bit before inhaling deeply, “If things don’t go perfectly for me, I feel as if it was better not trying at all.”
“Because everything I’ve ever done to this point was never good enough unless it was absolutely perfect.”
Ravi hummed a bit, nodding, “Was it because of family?”
You nodded with a bit of a scrunched nose, “It’s hard to let go of what your parents put onto you for your entire life, when they’re not around.” You answered honestly, waving at a few bugs around. “If I don’t get everything perfect, what use will I be to anyone?”
“You’re plenty of use.” Ravi interrupted your words, “You help everyone at camp, even the counselors, even Gladys.” He began to list off, scratching at his neck. “I notice that you get in your head, but now that you’re telling me this… you’re comparing yourself to a standard you’ll never reach.”
“Perfection is reachable, actually, if you try hard enough.”
“Not at camp kikiwaka where the boats are about to fall apart and the food barely looks edible.” He answered with a slightly straight face.
His blank tone and expression caused you to burst out into laughter and nod, “I guess you’re right.”
It was a sudden camp trip where suddenly the two of you felt like you could actually talk to each other. A night of camping where you both realize you had more in common than you actually thought.
A night where neither of you minded that you would be spending extra time with one another to get to the other campsite and back to kikiwaka.
You smiled at Ravi, the food now done as you exchanged stories about your friends and activities you’ve done over the summer. “You know, even though I’m sure we’re lost, I guess I’m glad it’s with you.”
Ravi chuckled and shook his head, rolling his eyes playfully, “Me too.”
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aloysiavirgata · 7 months
Details of how his school works aside, tomorrow is VirgataBoy’s last day of high school classes. He won’t graduate until June, but he finishes formal classes tomorrow.
He turns 18 the weekend after this, and his sister will be 20 in June. Legally, I’m just about done parenting. It’s a very strange feeling.
I was 43 in December and maybe I should be feeling my age, but I don’t. I love my 40’s and this sort of quiet peace I’ve found in not caring about whether other people find me pretty anymore or if my clothes are cool or in performative femininity or whether I’ve done my makeup the right way.
I’m feeling a little wistful for being a teenager in the 90’s, but not because I was young and easy under the apple boughs. My closest friends and I from those days, we are all still friends. I like and love myself much better now than I did then.
Truth? I was conventionally attractive on the East coast and took road trips with my friends to DC and Manhattan and the beach. I was VERY lucky for parents who gave me a car (a Taurus of course) and a cell phone in 1997. I was lucky that my jobs were at trendy places to have jobs. (I was an Abercrombie Girl, a barista in the nascent days of the independent coffeehouse boom.) There was no social media. There were mix tapes and the mall and the Delia’s catalogue and Hard Candy nail polish and posters carefully ripped out of Tiger Beat. Kipling bags and Peace Frogs and Absolut Vodka ads that Rachael (that BITCH) collected.
And also, also.
I was super into this geeky show, and there wasn’t streaming or social media so you watched or you recorded it on VHS. You were, if as EXCEPTIONALLY geeky as I was, on ATXF on the dial-up modem. You printed reams of fanfic on a dot matrix printer because your friends worked at Kinko’s. You were a little shy about it all because it was wildly popular but somehow also not quite cool.
You eyed up the FTF action figures at Suncoast. Even though your friends bought Chanel Vamp, you bought Chanel Brown Sugar because it seemed like a Scully sort of lip color.
You realized some things about yourself, with Scully. With Gillian. With the complicated feelings being at an all-girls school gave you.
You went to college and grad school and got married and had babies and they grew up too. You shop online now and the posters and Scotch tape gave way to framed art.
Kinko’s isn’t even a thing anymore, you married a coffee shop customer, the Ford Taurus has been discontinued, is Abercrombie even cool?
But. This one funny thing remains. Remains so unexpectedly and sometimes, on a Thursday evening in March, you might be 17 again.
“We are not preordained, we are not predestined, and even so, in this enormous world of men we found each other, a colossal global coincidence causing earthquakes in Turkey and Mexico. We shook it up, she and I. We shake it up.
And when the dust settles it's just her, and me, in the car, shifting lanes and she reaches down to turn the radio on, quietly, just enough to distract me, just enough to warm us up. Streetlights outside, and night. Cars and children.
Wood and nails.”
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What I l1ft3d 5/1/2023 - 5/31/2023
B@rn3s & N0bl3:
- 6 books (5/1/2023)
- PaperSource Mountain tote bag
- 5 books (5/6/2023)
- B&N canvas tote bag (teal)
- ShedRain Windjammer umbrella
- 6 books (5/11/2023)
- 3 books (5/16/2023)
- 8 books (5/18/2023)
- Out of Print Eric Carle Hungry Caterpillar tote bag
- 4 books (5/19/2023)
- Moomin tote bag
- Keep Calm and Read On bookmark
- 3 books (5/22/2023)
- Fjallraven backpack
- 8 books (5/26/2023)
- B&N canvas tote (gray)
- 4 books (5/30/2023)
- CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser
- Billie Whipped Shave Cream
- Kitsch The Satin Pillowcase (Ivory)
- CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser
- Cottonelle Flushable Wipes
D1ck'$ $p0rt1ng G00d$:
- Nike sportswear crewneck pullover sweatshirt (yellow)
- Nike Sportswear embroidered logo t-shirt (black)
- Nike Sportswear athletic shorts w/large elastic band (chartreuse)
- Nike Sportswear athletic shorts (blue)
- 2 Nike Sportswear embroidered logo t-shirt (guava, gray)
- Nike Sportswear athletic shorts (burnt orange)
- Nike Sportswear cotton shorts (gray)
- Hydroflask 24 oz. bottle w/sip lid (pastel aqua)
- Nike Sportswear crewneck pullover sweatshirt (black)
- Nike athletic shorts w/large elastic band (gray)
- 49 brand Giants pullover hoodie sweatshirt (dark gray)
- Nike Sportswear crewneck pullover sweatshirt (gray)
- Nike athletic shorts (mauve)
- Nike Sportswear graphic logo oversized t-shirt (olive)
- Adidas crewneck pullover sweatshirt w/elastic bottom hem detail (charcoal)
- Calia polo neck pullover sweatshirt (blue)
- Calia short sleeve t-shirt (gray)
- Calia sleeveless t-shirt (white) 71
- 2 pairs Calia athletic shorts (tomato bisque, goldenrod)
- Nike Sportswear crewneck graphic logo pullover sweatshirt (ivory + aqua)
- Nike DriFit athletic shorts (black)
- Calia polo neck pullover sweatshirt (olive)
- Stanley 40 oz The Flowstate Quencher H2.0 Tumbler (Tigerlily)
- 47 Giants long sleeve baseball shirt
- Calia polo neck pullover sweatshirt (florescent yellow)
- Calia straight leg crop sweatpants (gray)
- Stanley 30 oz Ice Flow Tumbler with Flip Straw (lime + forest green)
- Nike Sportswear crewneck sweatshirt (yellow)
- Nike bike shorts (black)
H0bby L0bby:
- 2 X-Acto knives (regular + small)
H0m3 G00ds:
- Yeti Rambler Colster Can Insulator
J.C. P3nn3y:
- Levi's Shaping Capri jeans
- Wrangler graphic logo t-shirt (light blue)
- Adidas Cloudfoam tennis shoes (rainbow)
- Levi's 501 Cut-Off Short (dark denim)
- Levi's crewneck embroidered logo pullover sweatshirt (pastel pink)
- ANA sleeveless sundress (olive + white tropical flowers)
- ANA button-down polo neck sundress (olive)
- ANA spaghetti strap dress (olive floral)
- ANA shift dress (black)
- Levi's denim button down shirt (med. blue)
- Levi's 501 cut off shorts
- 2 Levi's graphic t-shirts (black, white)
- Kipling mini crossbody bag (cherry red)
- Kipling backpack (med., gray)
- Kipling mini backpack (black w/raindrops)
- Calvin Klein Performance full zip hoodie (electric green)
- Kipling medium over the shoulder purse (gray)
- Kipling minimalist wallet (army green pattern)
- Levi's 501 shorts (med. length/med. blue denim)
- Calvin Klein Performance full-zip hoodie sweatshirt (stone gray)
- Kipling backpack (cherry red)
- 2 Guess wallets (black - large + small)
- Levi's 501 cut off shorts (black)
- And Now This ruched peasant blouse (black)
- Levi's Shaping Skinny Jeans
- Levi's denim overall dress
- Levi's cropped peasant blouse (blue + green plaid)
- Calvin Klein Performance full-zip sweatshirt (black)
- 2 Calvin Klein Performance cropped straight leg sweat pants (black, heather gray)
- 2 And Now This tank tops (white, cocoa)
Levi's button down denim shirt (light, distressed)
- Levi's spaghetti strap sundress (checkers)
- Ralph Lauren short pajama set (white w/floral)
- Calvin Klein Performance full-zip hoodie (ivory)
- Wacoal convertible bra (black)
- Calvin Klein Performance full zip hoodie (dark heather gray)
- Calvin Klein Performance full-zip hoodie (sky blue)
- Levi's graphic logo t-shirt (black)
- Levi's button-down short sleeve shirt (green + white stripes)
- Levi's High-Waisted Mom Jeans (med. denim)
- Calvin Klein Performance logo hoodie (heather gray)
- And Now This short sleeve bodysuit (pastel blue)
M@r1n@ M@rk3tpl@ce:
- Burt's Bees Aloe & Coconut Oil After Sun Soother
0ff1c3 D3p0t:
- Pilot Dr. Grip Frosted Ball Point Pen
- Pilot Dr. Grip Ball Point Pen Refills (2-ct)
- Badger Organic Cuticle Care
- Pacifica Silver Moon Parfum
- Hello Antiplaque + Whitening Toothpaste Tablets
- 3 Pacifica Parfums (Island Vanilla, Tuscan Blood Orange, Persian Rose)
- Zum Mist Aromatherapy Room + Body Spray (Frankincense & Myrrh)
- Olika refillable spray moisturizing hand sanitizer
- Olika hand sanitizer refill
- Pacifica perfume (French Lilac)
- Zum Mist Aromatherapy Room + Body Spray (Patchouli)
- Humble Natural Deodorant (Palo Santo & Frankincense)
- Sign language art Starbucks mug
- Yosemite Pin Drop Collection Starbucks Mug
- Vornado Whole Room Air Circulator (w/interchangeable base plate discs)
- Vornado Whole Room Air Circulator
- Owala Free Sip water bottle (24 oz - tangerine)
- Reusable silicone menstrual disc
- Fine'ry Sun-Phoria body mist
- Olive & June The Poppy mani tool
- Owala Free Sip water bottle (24 oz - plum)
- Fine'ry I'm A Musk Eau de Parfum
- Fine'ry Magnetic Candy body mist
- Differin Dark Spot Correcting Serum
- 2 Casaluna sateen standard pillowcases
- EOS tropical summer lip balm (set of 4)
- Being Frenshe Awaken & Uplift Citrus Amber Glow On Perfume Oil
- American Tourister hard side checkered carry-on rolling suitcase
- The Body Shop Moringa Body Butter (6.75 oz)
- Lanolips 101 Ointment Multipurpose Superbalm
- Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil
- Byoma Brightening Serum
- Briogeo B. Well Organic + Australian 100% Tea Tree Oil
- Dr. PawPaw Lip Scrub & Lip Balm Duo
- Essie On a Roll Apricot Cuticle Oil
- O.P.I. Nail Lacquer (Yank My Doodle)
- L'Occitane En Provence Ultra Rich Body Cream
- Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream
- Origins Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream (Original)
- Hero Force Shield Superfuel Serum Stick
- Lanolips Lip Water (Watermelon)
- Lanolips 101 Ointment Fruities Trio
- Drunk Elephant C-Tango Multivitamin Eye Cream
- Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence
- Briogeo Farewell Frizz Rosarco Milk Leave-In Conditioning Spray
- Briogeo Farewell Frizz Smoothing Conditioner
- Kenra Platinum Blow Dry Spray (6 fl. oz.)
- Bumble and Bumble BB Hairdresser's Invisible Oil
- Mario Badescu Skin Care Drying Lotion
- Soap & Glory Hand Food Intensive Hand Balm (Original Pink)
- 2 Prep Solutions Silicone Grease Keeper & Strainer
- Cottonelle Flushable Wipes (2-pk)
Total: 197 items
46 notes · View notes
loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
Out of curiosity what do you dislike about Ada Palmers books
so tbc i made my way thru vol 1 of terra ignota and the first bit of vol 2 before quitting, so im working with a limited sample. but such is the case with dismissal! so here goes:
the prose is... bad. its very likely i should just develop a higher tolerance on this, ik im effectively gatekeeping myself from some very conceptually solid fiction over a relatively superficial skill detached from the stuff that really deeply matters, but the style on a sentence-to-sentence level is just very underwhelming, which is a particular problem when in universe its supposed to be elevated and uplifting (like the speech at renunciation day). i dont mind purple prose but it like marries imo the worst aspects of purple and bland, its a chore to get thru it
the pacing feels sort of mechanical and arbitrary,. every fifty pages, on the dot, theres another twist pulled from the Twist Bag! im told this im proves but its a) not enough to make up for the other deficits and ii) a common thing said when it takes a certain amount of time for ppl to inure themselves to an in fact persistent defect in a long work
Your Kink Is Not My Kink (But Your Kink Is OK)
i do not care about these characters. its hard for me to go into more detail bc i have little grip on what makes characters "work" for me in general but i just. dont care what happens to any of them (besides best not-girl eureka weeksbooth 🤤)
the worldbuilding. by far the biggest letdown. ppl will tell you—repeatedly, at length—that this is the great strength of the series. do not listen to them! they are misguided. ada palmer is really good—gifted, even—at the first step of worldbuilding, much moreso than most writers! shes top notch at coming up with a broad element of the society that makes you think "whoa, i want to know how that works!" and then... you never do. the depths are never plumbed. the depths are never even adequately hinted at. nor are the depths even conspicuously hidden from view! she just... tells you that there are a bunch of totally complicated details, trust me guys, look here i came up with some technobabble and some percentages like i totally promise theres stuff going on behind here! but there just, so aggravatingly obviously isnt! the technobabble does not even give the illusion of depth, the way (imo) it does in almost nowhere, it gives the appearance of earnestly trying to project such an illusion. tears me out of the immersion every time. its probably worth mentioning that i know from firsthand reports that she is into larp stuff irl, which is notorious for attracting ppl with a high tolerance for would be un-suspensors of disbelief. which, again, may be a virtue on their part! but if so its one i lack, at least here
i was talking to birdblog who suggested much of it might be that the work is very capital-L Liberal, and i am very not. which i think is kind of true, but less in that this is a drawback it possesses and more that its a virtue it lacks. theres lots of fiction i enjoy that is transparently committed to big philosophical/moral/political claims im vehemently opposed to! off the top of my head: any shakespeare that involves kings, any bernard shaw that involves Society, log horizon (at least s01, havent seen past it), nausicaa of the valley of the wind (the manga, the movie is sort of opaque philosophically), a bunch of outright propaganda films from wwii (american, british, russian, japanese), several kipling short stories...
but like, i think that a visceral sympathy for the earnestly felt message of a work of art does help one excuse other flaws, and i suspect a lot of my fundamentally Liberalism-oriented friends are able to enjoy the series bc the author shares that same basic vision. which is certainly like, an interesting one! but on its own its not enough to compel me past the artistic demerits by being either spiritually akin to encourage me or sufficiently weird and novel to fascinate me
anyway, tell me why im wrong, terra ignotans! humani nihil a me alienum puto
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gunzlotzofgunz · 22 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Original British RML 2.5 inch Jointed Mountain Cannon- The Screw Gun
Antique mountain cannon,
The Screw Gun was a British development from the 1870’s. An artillery piece was fitted with a two-part barrel that "screwed" together for use. The idea was to make such a substantial weapon transportable by mule train in mountainous regions.
It took a minimum of four mules to carry just the gun and mount. Two mules each to take half of the rifled barrel, one mule to carry the mount and a forth mule to carry the pair of 36" spoke wheels. Additional pack animals were required to transport the ammunition, which consisted of bagged powder and separate studded projectiles with quill-fused primers. There has always been tremendous romance associated with these cannons of the Empire. The English storyteller and poet Rudyard Kipling even penned a lengthy poem dedicated to the Screw Gun.
3 notes · View notes
bluecoolr-main · 1 year
I lost the little kipling keychain on my new bag and I just wanna cry 😭😭😭
14 notes · View notes