#kira yukiumura
kitkatwinchester ยท 1 year
Okay, first of all, I don't buy ANY of this.
You can tell, because Dylan's acting is spot-on. SOMETHING'S off. His attitude about all of this is WAY too laid-back, and his sudden ability to remember what happened and make the connections is TOO convenient.
Like, the Nogitsune is doing a good job, and it picked a good host, because Stiles is crazy smart, and he was really close to figuring everything out, and in any normal situation, everyone would be quick to trust his brain and his ability to make the connections, which is why they're trusting him now (though points to Scott for the wariness he clearly does have, even if he is going along with the whole thing). But like I said, it's TOO convenient. Suddenly Stiles just happens to be back, and happens to have some semblance of what's wrong with him, and is able to produce all of this evidence all of a sudden? No. Absolutely not.
And as far as the attitude goes, yeah, too laid-back. Yes, Stiles is a problem-solver, and yes, he uses humor and wit to cope and move on from traumatic events, but he has been REELING these last few days, and you're telling me all of a sudden, he's worked through it and he's more or less fine and is able to put two-and-two together and solve this case? No. I don't buy it. And I really hope nobody else does either.
With that out of the way, I waited a hot second to start a post, so let's react in order of events shall we?
As a general overarching thing, can we just reiterate how LOST Scott is without Stiles? Like, dude is so monotone and so just, like, mopey and lacking motivation and clearly hurting and upset. Like, he's trying, because he obviously wants to save his best friend, and he wants to save the town, but you can just TELL that he's missing a piece of himself without Stiles with him. He's lost his usual optimism, he's so stoic and impassive, and he just generally does not look or seem like himself. He just seems so...numb. Kudos to Tyler Posey for his acting on that, because it's really heartbreaking to watch, but it also makes me love and appreciate the Sciles relationship even more than I already do. Poor Scott. Poor Stiles. Please fix this so that you two can be together again. :( :( <3 <3
That said, Scott taking Isaac's pain? My heart. That hurt him so much, but he was willing to do it in a heartbeat to try to help his foster brother (also Allison's "I tried to tell them he doesn't have any" and Melissa's "He's got us." I CANNOT!! This little family. <3). Also, I really appreciate how well Scott handles Allison and Isaac's relationship in this moment when they're all at their lowest. Like, instead of being angry or hurt, like he has been previously, he's kind of come to accept it, and in a way, I think he's kind of grateful that the two of them have each other. The little soft touch to wake Allison up, the surprise when she grabs his hand that quickly turns into understanding about how desperately she needs comfort when she's so worried about Isaac, how willing he is to be that platonic comfort she needs knowing and understanding that worry...it's REALLY good, and I really appreciate that about Scott and his character and growth.
Since this is the next obvious segue, I find the different ways everyone is looking for and reacting to Stiles' disappearance soooo fascinating, and also frightening in some ways. Like, Allison is angry and was quick to blame Stiles ("Did Stiles really do this?"), which means she clearly cares less about the distinction, but then Scott (OBVIOUSLY) was super quick to shut that down ("The thing inside of him did."), because as far as he's concerned, Stiles didn't do sh*t (because he DIDN'T)--his body is just being used to do it. You see a very similar dynamic with Chris and Derek. If Chris finds Stiles and it's the Nogitsune, he basically admits to the fact that he will kill it, no hesitation. Meanwhile, Derek is clearly much more protective of Stiles and is a lot less willing to kill Stiles to get to the Nogitsune--more on Scott's side in that regard. Add to that Ethan and Aiden attacking Stiles the second they saw him, literally only stopping when Scott Alpha roared at them (because ALPHA!), plus Kira's mom ready to kill the Nogitsune in the hospital last episode, and you've got an interesting amount of people who don't seem to care that Stiles is STILL IN THERE. I guarantee you that's gonna make for some interesting dynamics later, because I also guarantee you that no matter what, Scott WILL NOT kill Stiles. He'd rather die than do that...which makes me worried, in a lot of ways, because it means Scott is probably accidentally gonna let a LOT of bad things happen to avoid losing his best friend, but I kind of don't care, because I love that he would let the entire world burn before he'd let anything happen to Stiles. FRIENDSHIP GOALS! <3
Meanwhile, our other three parental figures only KIND of know what's going on (based on how she's reacting, I'm assuming Scott hasn't told Melissa about the Nogitsune, and he OBVIOUSLY hasn't told the Sheriff (because suuuure Derek, that's a SUPER easy conversation to have with STILES'S FATHER. For crying out loud...), and Rafael is only just now starting to be enveloped in this supernatural world. (of COURSE Katashi's dead, because we can't just have nice things or people in this universe anymore, apparently), so...I'm sure all of that's gonna come back to bite us somehow in the end.
But Scott and Stiles are gonna let the world burn for each other, so WORTH IT, because FRIENDSHIP GOALS!! XD <3
What am I missing?
HE BETTER F*CKING BE OKAY I SWEAR TO GOD!! (Actually I kind of already know he is because I know he's in later seasons and in the movie, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!)
You cannot give me those scenes where he obviously SO DEEPLY cares about his kids and then be like "anyways he's shot with an arrow now."
Like, sure, dude's a hard*ss, and he pushes them and yells at them all the time. But he also so clearly cares about them sooo much.
His worry for Stiles, and the happy little shock when he shows up at the trail, followed by that small little smile I just...
And then the card for Isaac! The way he tells all of them that they better write a heartfelt message about how much they love him (because they SHOULD, because how could you not love Isaac??), and how much he clearly means it (also as an aside, of COURSE Danny was the first one to jump up, I love him. <3).
I just...
As a happy little aside, the way the couples/love interests save each other I love it.
Ethan tackling Danny and not actually being able to fully explain, so just going with the "I missed you" and then that cute little make-out session I LOVE THEM!!
And then Scott grabbing Kira and swinging her around, and how she wasn't even fazed and just immediately got all excited about how fast she was, and Scott couldn't help the way he smiled a little at her endearingly even though he's, like, worried and upset and supposed to be saving lives because it was SO cute and adorable like I just...I LOVE SCIRA!! <3 <3
So anyways.
That was a long post.
My bad.
Cute Danny and Ethan gif because they're adorable and I want a happy gif. XD
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(Okay but the way Danny just immediately kissed back I CANNOT! <3)
Update: I'M TELLING YOU IT'S NOT F*CKING STILES!! THIS IS ALL JUST PART OF THE PLAN!! THE NOGITSUNE IS PUTTING ALL OF ITS CHESS PIECES ON THE BOARD AND TAKING YOURS OUT ONE BY ONE!! And it WILL get checkmate (don't mind me, I just recently read a book with a bunch of chess game metaphors in it), and you WILL LOSE! And I KNOW you all see that, so PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! PLEASE FIGURE IT OUT!! PLEASE!!
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blushykira ยท 10 years
In honor of Scira's episode on Moonday, I'm going to be accepting prompts and scira fics till 1 am eastern time! ๐Ÿ’˜ please send in your submissions and please be patient! I currently have 21 requests โ•
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babygirl-diaz ยท 11 years
I really love Kira and Scott.
They're so adorable!
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